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"atom" - 48 õppematerjali


MNT Prüfung Fragenpool

der Schleimhäute, Fieber nach langer Zeit: Krebserkrankungen, Mutationen 11. a) Wie funktioniert eine Atombombe? b) Nenne die Folgen eines Atombombenabwurfes. Hitze und Licht, Druckwelle, radioaktive Strahlung, elektromagnetischer Puls, Störungen in der Atmosphäre c) Was passierte in Hiroshima? 12. Wie sind Atome aufgebaut? Atomkern (Protonen, Neutronen), Hülle mit Schalen (Elektronen kreisen um den Kern) 13. Wie kam Rutherford zu dem Schluss, dass ein Atom im Innern fast leer ist? Beschreibe den Versuch. Streuversuch: Positive Teilchen treffen auf eine dünne Goldfolie. Die meisten Teilchen werden nicht abgelenkt. Nur sehr wenige werden reflektiert. So kam Rutherford zu dem Schluss, dass ein Atom keine kompakte Kugel sein kann. 14. Wieso sind Atome elektrisch neutral, obwohl ihre Bestandteile elektrische Ladungen haben? Die positive Ladung des Kerns und die negative Ladung der Hülle gleichen sich aus. 15. a) Was ist ein Ion

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

had been just recently discovered at the time 1895. It is energy released by the splitting (fission) or merging together (fusion) of the nuclei of atoms. The conversion of nuclear mass to energy is consistent with the mass-energy equivalence formula E = m.c², in which E = energy release, m = mass defect, and c = the speed of light in a vacuum. Nuclear chemistry can be used as a form of alchemy to turn lead into gold or change any atom to any other atom (albeit through many steps). Radionuclide (radioisotope) production often involves irradiation of another isotope (or more precisely a nuclide), with alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. Iron has the highest binding energy per nucleon of any atom. If an atom of lower average binding energy is changed into an atom of higher average binding energy, energy is given off. What is nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion is the process by which multiple like-

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

George Paget Thomson

George Paget Thomson on olnud American Academy of Arts and Sciences väliskomisjoni liige ning Lissaboni Akadeemia ja Austria Akadeemia korrespondentliige. George Paget Thomson on kirjutanud raamatu aerodünaamikale ja teistele teaduslikele töödele. Tema avaldatud tööde hulka kuuluvad ka populaarne raamat ,,Atom ja lähitulevikus", avaldati 1955. aastal ning ,,Inspiration of Science" avaldatud 1962. aastal. Tema teised teosed: Atom (1930, 6. ed. 1962), Laine mehaanika vabad elektronid (1930), Teooria ja praktika Electron Difraktsioon (1939), Inspiration of Science (1961), JJ Thomson ja Cavendish Laboratory oma päev (1965). George Paget Thomsoni tuntud auhinnad: Howard N. Potts medal (1932), Hughesi medali (Londoni Kuninglik Selts, 1939), Faraday medali (Elektriinseneride Instituut, 1960) ja juba mainitud Nobeli füüsikapreemia (1937).

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

New Zealand

European Migration Abel Tasman 1642 He never set foot on New Zealand 1840 treaty was signed Colony of Britain Whalers and missionaires Interesting facts 9 sheep to every 1 human Wellington is the southernmost capital city in the world Last major landmass to be populated A kiwi Famous people Ernest Rutherfordfather of nuclear physics for his orbital theory of the atom Sir Edmund Hillary Russell Crowe Thank You for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Accidental discovery - Radioactivity

Radioactivity { What is radioactivity? Atoms that have too few or too many neutrons than a stable atom can be radioactive. Muutke teksti laade Alpha particles may be completely stopped by a Teine tase sheet of paper Kolmas tase Beta particles by aluminum shielding Neljas tase

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Nuclear bomb

Nuclear weapon Heleanor Kala Henri Möll What is nuclear weapon? • tools of mass destruction • suddenly releases the energy • explosive devices • nuclear fallout • damage your blood, cells and organs • special isotopes of uranium or plutonium how it works? • atom • breaking that nucleus • combining two nuclei • large amounts of energy history • Scientist discovered how to create a chain reaction • in the 1930s • Robert Oppenheimer • Manhattan Project • development of the nuclear bomb Nuclear bomb effect • release four kinds of energy 1. Radiation (Cause Disease and will effect the next Generation) 2. Electromagnetic 3. Heat 4. Pressure Hiroshima

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The bombing of Hiroshima

The bombing of Hiroshima L Ä ÄNEMA A ÜHISGÜMNA ASIUM RASMUS SALUÄ ÄR 06.08.1945 · Hiroshima was the primary target of the US on august 6, 1945 · Enola Gay, Artiste and Necessary Evil Why did the americans attack Japan? The attack on Pearl Harbour Hawaii · 4 battleships sunk · 4 battleships damaged · 2 other ships sunk · 3 cruisers damaged · 3 destroyers damaged · 3 other ships damaged · 188 aircrafts destroyed · 159 aircrafts damaged · 2,335 killed · 1,143 wounded Aftermath · Total destruction of Hiroshima · 70 000 killed instantly · Another 70 000 dead by the end of 1945 Little Boy ­ The codename for the atomic bomb · Weight - 4,400 kg · Length - 3.0 m · Diameter - 71 cm · Blast yield - 15 kilotons Interesting facts · The Flame of Peace in Hiroshima · Tsutomu Yamaguchi · The clo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Puma ajalugu - arutlus

Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasium PUMA Elin Järve 10b 2011 Miks Sa valisid just selle firma? Valisin PUMA, kuna olen endalegi sealt soetanud päris mitmeidki asju ning kaup on minumeelest kvaliteetne! Firma nimi(kust on nimi pärit)? Kas nimi on aja jooksul muutunud? 1924 vennad Rudolf ja Adolf Dassler asustasid firma nimega ,,Vendade Dasslerite Jalatsitevabrik'' Firma registreetiti PUMA nime alla aastal 1948, 1. oktoober ning ainuomanikuks sai Rudolf Dassler Firma logo? Tunnuslause? Millal firma loodi? Kus on päritolumaa? Firma loodi ülesse 1924 PUMA nimetuse sai firma 1948 Päritolumaa on Saksamaa, Herzogenaurach Millistest firmadest on ta kas välja arenenud/eraldunud või millistega liitunud (või on olnud iseseisev)? Algselt oli firma kahe venna oma, mille eraldumisel tekkis P...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Piletid vastustega

on current.Used in lamps. Photodiodes:A window lets light pass through the packageto the junction. The incoming light produces free electrons and holes. The stronger the light, the greater the number of minority carriers and the larger the reverse current. Optocoupler: LED on the input side and photodiode on the output side. Light from the led hits the photodiode and this sets up a reverse current in the output circuit. 8) How many valence electrons a germanium atom has? 1 2 4 8 How is it called the n-type semiconductor? donor recipient acceptor dipol Ticket No3 ´ 1,2)Collector characteristic(output characteristics) and input characteristic of Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) 3)A junction transistor has three doped regions. The bottom is the emitter, middle is base and top is collector

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
159 allalaadimist

Kvantfüüsika mõisteid

kolmandal orbiidil. 29.Millised järgmistest väidetest on tõesed? 1913.aastal korraldatud Francki ja Hertzi katsed kinnitasid aatomite statsionaarsete olekute olemasolu. 30.N.Bohri aatomiteooria kirjeldas adekvaatselt vaid vesiniku aatomit. 31.Kovalentse sideme korral on mõned molekuli koosseisu kuuluvate aatomite elektronid on ühised kogu süsteemile. 32.Ioonne side erineb teistest keemilistest sidemetest selle poolest, et üks atom on *omandanud* teise aatomi elektroni ning muutunud seega negatiivseks iooniks. 33.Energiatsooniks tahkises nim. elektronide lubatud energiate vahemikku.

Füüsika → Füüsika
38 allalaadimist


-Apple'i veebipõhises muusikapoes iTunes on 20 miljonit muusikapala. Teenuse avanedes oli seal umbes miljon muusikapala. -iPhone'i müük on aastas kasvanud 125 protsenti. Maailma mobiiltelefonide turul hoiab iPhone enda käes 5 protsendist turuosa. -Neljast USAs müüdud tahvelarvutist kolm on iPadid. -Apple on kokku müünud üle 250 miljoni seadme, mis on varustatud ettevõtte iOS operatsioonisüsteemiga. Konkurentide võrdlus Apple A4 ja Intel Atom Intel Atom seeria põhineb Bonelli mikroarhitketuuril ja toodetud Inteli poolt. See on mõeldud kasutamiseks sülearvutites, netbook'ides ja teistes väikestes seadmetes. Nad on kasulikud, kuna nad tarvitavad võrdlemisi vähe voolu ja kuuluvad x86 ja x86- 64 mikroprotsessorite kategooriasse. Intel Atomitel on erinevad taktsagedused, milledest kõige kiirem on kuni 2,3 GHz. Keskmie taktsagedus on umbes 1,8 GHz. Selle ja A4 vahe võib tunduda suur, kuid

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
21 allalaadimist

Cernobyl Disaster

allowed to work five hours a day for one month before taking 15 days of rest. Ukrainian officials estimate the area will not be safe for human life again for another 20,000 years. • In 2011 Ukraine opened up the sealed zone around the Chernobyl reactor to tourists who wish to learn more about the tragedy that occurred in 1986. Conclusion • Chernobyl nuclear disaster must have been caused by human factors using of such a dangerous power as atom nuclear energy. • If there had been better if factors including serious violations of safety operations, dangerous design flaws, and imperfect control systems is what led to the virtually instantaneous catastrophic increase of thermal power which led to core meltdown. Quiz • The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April … • 1969 • 1986 • 1989 • An area originally extending … kilometres • 25 • 35 • 30

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Aatomi ehituse üldine arengulugu

..,±(l-1),±l ·iseloomustab liikumishulga momendi vektori võimalikku suunda Spinnkvantarv · tähis ms ·väärtuseks ms=±½ · "lubab" igale orbitaalile panna 2 elektroni Lihtsamad ja keerulisemad aatomid Kergemad näited H, He Vesiniku aatomi põhiolekus on aatomituuma ümber üks elektron 1s orbitaalil Keerulisemate molekulide koostises võib olla tuhandeid aatomeid Näited: HTTP://WWW.COLORADO.EDU/PHYSICS/2000/ -> table of contents -> quantum atom -> atomic spectra Molekulide ehitus Kui kaks või enam aatomit on ühinenud tihedalt seotud koosluseks, siis öeldakse, et need aatomid moodustavad molekuli Aatomeid koos hoidev keemiline side jaguneb kovalentseks ja ioonsidemeks Kovalentne side moodustub siis, kui molekuli koosseisu kuuluvate aatomite üks või mitu elektroni muutuvad kogu süsteemile ühiseks Ioonsideme puhul "omandab" üks aatom teise aatomi elektroni Kristallide ehitus

Füüsika → Füüsika
49 allalaadimist

Kuidas osta head sülearvutit

2 Protsessori seeria ja taktsagedus Hetkeseisuga on parima hinna ja kvaliteedisuhtega "Intel Core 2 Duo", mis on enda eelkäiatest tunduvalt kiirem ning väiksema energiatarbega. Enamjaolt on levinud arvamus, et mida suurema taktsagedusega, seda kiirem on sülearvuti. Päris nii lihtne see ka ei ole ­ täpselt 3. punktis. Hea sülearvuti taktsagedus algab 2.0 GHz-st. Ka protsessori vahemälu e. cache suurus on oluline(4 MB+). Protsessorid mida vältida: Intel Atom ­ väikearvutitel(Säästlik, kuid jääb suurtemate töödega hätta. Sobib ainult 13 aastastele msn-i suhtluseks) Intel Celeron ­ enamjaolt vanematel sülearvutitel 3 Sülearvuti muutmälu suurus ja töösagedus Muutmälu (DDR RAM) kasutatakse töötavate protsesside haldamiseks(msn,photoshop,Internet Explorer,Java). Seal hoitakse kõiki programme mida sa hetkel kasutad. Mida suurem on muutmälu(2 GB on piisav, 4GB veel parem), seda rohkem programme saad sa korraga kasutada

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

would be like without electricity. Yet like air and water, we tend to take electricity for granted. Everyday, we use electricity to do many jobs for us -- from lighting and heating/cooling our homes, to powering our televisions and computers. Electricity is a controllable and convenient form of energy used in the applications of heat, light and power. 7.1 The science of electricity In order to understand how electric charge moves from one atom to another, we need to know something about atoms. Everything in the universe is made of atoms--every star, every tree, every animal. The human body is made of atoms. Air and water are, too. Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. Atoms are so small that millions of them would fit on the head of a pin. Atoms are made of even smaller particles. The center of an atom is called the nucleus. It is made of particles called protons and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are very small, but

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Kordamine elektrivälja kohta

Nad võivad vaid pisut nihkuda asendist, milles nad olid elektrivälja puudumisel. Dielektrik on aine, milles elektrivälja mõjul toimub seotud laengukandjate nihkumine oma tasakaaluasendi suhtes. See on dielektrikute polarisatsioon. Dipool- dielektriku aatom, mis koosneb kahest ühesuurusest, kuid erimärgilisest laengust. Polarisatsioon: kujutame aatomit, mille mõõt 10(15)m--homogeensesse elektrivälja, kuna atom kooseneb + tuumast ja - elektronkattest--osakesed käituvad erinevalt--elektronkate liigub ühele poole, tuum teisele poole.tuum saab reageerida üksnes elektronide keskmisele tõmbejõule- tegemist nag 2 erineva laenguga q=n*e; -q=n*(-e) , mis paiknevad teineteisest kaugusel l, sellist võrdsete erinimeliste laengute süst-i nim elektriliseks kakspoolsuseks(elektriline dipool)--neutraalne aatom või molekul

Füüsika → Füüsika
137 allalaadimist


1. ARVUTI KOMPONENDID JA NENDE OMAVAHELINE ÜHENDAMINE 1.1. Emaplaat · Mis protsessorit sa kavatsed kasutada? Sellest sõltub ka emaplaadi valik, sest CPU ja emaplaat peaksid omavahel ka ühilduma. · Mälud - tee kindlaks, et su emaplaat toetab piisavalt mälu. · Valida tuleks ka selle järgi, et mis pesad emaplaadil on (DDR2 või DDR3 jne) ja ka seda, et neid oleks piisavalt 1.2. Protsessor Vali protsessor vastavalt sellele, mida sa arvutiga tegema hakkad. Kui arvuti läheb n.ö. kontoriarvutiks ja peamiselt tegeletakse sellega kirjutamisega siis kärab ka Intel'i Celeron'i seeria, aga kui sa kavatsed tegeleda ka mängimisega tuleks valida midagi võimsamat. Üldiselt tuleks lugeda arvustusi ja siis selle põhjal valida endale jõukohane protsessor. (PS! Tähele tuleb panna ka seda, et mis socket'isse protsessor läheb!) 1.3. Graafikaart Graafikakaarti ei t...

Informaatika → Arvutite riistvara alused
83 allalaadimist

Biokeemia eksami variandid

rühmi. Vesinikside on täiendav keemiline side, mille moodustab ühe molekuli negatiivse osalaenguga elektronegatiivse elemendi (F, O, N) aatom teise molekuli positiivse osalaenguga vesinikuaatomiga. Klassikalises mõttes on vesinikside suuremas osas elektrostaatiline vastasmõju teatud kovalentsuse osakaaluga. Vesinikside tekib prootoni doonori X-H ja prootoni aktseptori Y vahele: X-H···Y. The 2 conditions given for hydrogen bonding are: 1) A hydrogen atom must be covalently bonded to O, N or F atom. I can understand this part, as O, N and F are highly electronegative and will leave the H with a positive dipole (more or less a H+ ion). 2) The other condition is that the atom with a lone pair which the H is hydrogen-bonded to must be O, N or F. 3.Kirjeldage erinevusi taime- ja loomarakkude vahel. 4.Kirjutage Henderson-Hasselbach´i võrrand. Arvutage atsetaatiooni ja mittedissotsieerunud happe suhe äädikhappe lahuses (pH=5,24)

Keemia → Biokeemia
196 allalaadimist

The Beatles referaat

SISSEJUHATUS.......................................................................................3 1. KOOSSEIS.............................................................................................4 2. ANSAMBLI AJALUGU.......................................................................5 3. PILDID...................................................................................................8 4. KOKKUVÕTE......................................................................................9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS..................................................................10 SISSEJUHATUS The Beatles oli Liverpoolist Suurbritanniast pärit rokkansambel. Ansambel mängis muusikat ulatudes ballaadidest reggae’ni ning psühhedeelsest muusikast bluusini. 1960. aastatel aset leidnud sotsiaalset ja kultuurilist revolutsiooni mõjutas ansambel tugevalt. Tegutsemisaastate jooksul jõudis ansambli looming singlimüügi edetabeli esimes...

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

The Beatles

The Beatles Tallinn, 2006 The Beatles'i läbilöögiaasta oli 1963, mil nad väljastasid oma esikalbumi ,,Please Please Me" ning Suurbritannia ajakirjanduses ilmusid artiklid ansambli kontserdil kiljuvatest ja minestavatest teismelistest. 1964. aasta alguses levis ,,biitlimaania" (nagu seda ajakirjanduses nimetati) ka Põhja-Ameerikasse ning sealt peaaegu üle kogu maailma. Nagu valdav enamik tolle ajastu briti ansamblitest, alustas ka The Beatles Ameerika rock'n rolli ja R&B artistide loomingu jäljendamisega. Mõjutusi saadi nii valgetelt esinejatelt, nagu Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly ja Carl Perkins kui ka mustadelt artistidelt ­Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ray Charles ja Larry Williams. Oma tegevuse algusaastail jäljendas The Beatles oma loomingus eelnimetatud muusikuid, mõne aja pärast hakkas välja kujunema ansamblile omane eriline stiil ja kõla. Kõigest viie aasta...

Muusika → Muusika
40 allalaadimist

Wolfgang Ernst Pauli

Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium WOLFGANG ERNST PAULI referaat Ester Alasalu 12a Tallinn 2010 Sisukord 2 Sissejuhatus Teemaks on valitud kuulus teadlane Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, sest tema kohta ei ole väga palju teada. Töö on oluline, sest füüsika on kiirelt arenev ala ja seetõttu on tähtis pidada meeles neid teadlasi, kes on avastanud ja kirja pannud füüsika alustalad. Wolfgang Ernst Pauli on kindlasti üks neist ja on väärt teada tema kohta rohkem kui koolitunnis mainitakse. Töös keskendutakse teadlasele kui inimesele, on mainitud tema perekondlik taust ja isiklikud suhted, loomulikult on kirjutatud ka Pauli avastustest, mis ta füüsikalukku kirjutanud on. 3 Wolfgang Ernst Pauli elulugu Wolfang Ernst Pauli sündis 25.aprillil aastal 1900 Vi...

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

Distant piloting Ventilation Protective clothing Light technical measuring IONIZING AND NON- system IONIZING RADIATION Consists of 4 main variables: Ionizing radiation consists of highly-energetic particles or waves that can detach (ionize) at least one electron from an atom or molecule (beta- Measures Symbol Unit particles, neutrons, alpha-particles, X-rays, Luminous flux Φ lm (lumen) gamma-rays) Non-ionizing radiation is any type of Luminous I cd (candela) electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms or intenstity

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

History of philosophy

History of Philosophy James Thurlow, Ph.D. 01.02.2012 Books to read · Plato's Republic · G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy of History 1. Greek philosophy 2. Republic 3. Philosophy of History Ancient Greece - Ancient Greece vs. Persia (300-Herodotus) Salamis - Ancient Greece vs. Troy (Homer-screen writer)Iliad o Achilles- Hero of the heroes (main hero in Greece)- handsome, strong, brave, fast, anger(tema viga), young, bad temper o Agamemnon- son of King Atreus - Olympics - Sculptures- more lifelike, human figures come out of the stone - Greek liked physical beauty - Development of medicine - Greeks are pirates, they steal- high technology - Bad tempered people Men's progress towards freedom. (Hegel) Persia is under emperor Xerxes- slaves, fighting for Xe...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist

Loogilise programmeerimise 1.kontrolltöö konspekt

1. Sissejuhatus: 1.1. Mis on loogiline programmeerimine? l Programmeerimise paradigma l loogiline (LP) l funktsionaalne (FP) l jt Fookus: MIDA ARVUTADA l LP ja FP on deklaratiivsed programmeerimisstiilid; l LP põhineb loogika printsiipidel ja kasutab automaattõestamise protseduure (resolutsioon, unifitseerimine); l LP keel on Prolog, kuid LP ≠ Prolog; 1.1. Mis on loogiline programmeerimine? (2) l LP sobib tehisintellekti rakenduste programmeerimiseks: l loomuliku keele analüüs ( DCG grammatikareeglid) l ekspertsüsteemid (otsingu- ja järeldusreeglid) l kujundituvastus (tuvastusreeglid) l kitsendustega planeerimine (logistika, marsruudi otsimine) l rekursiivsete funktsioonide püsipunkti arvutus l jne l LP ei sobi: l Kiired numbrilised arvutused (n. maatriksarvutused, võrrandid) l OOP (kuigi on toetatud mõnes prologis) l kasu...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
127 allalaadimist

Digiloogika II konspekt

SLICEM ning need võivad teha nii loogikat kui mälu funktsioone. SLICEL ainult loogikat – seega on nende tootmine soodsam ja ainult loogika puhul efektiivsemad. 18. Mis on HDL? Lisa lühikirjeldus. HDL - Hardware Description Language. Riistvarakirjelduskeelse mudeli põhjal on võimalik hiljem süsteemi arvutis simuleerida või füüsilise elektroonikalülitusena teostada. 19. Nimeta vähemalt 7 HDL keelt VHDL, Verilog, ABEL, AHDL, Atom, JHDL, RHDL, HML 20. Mis on UDM? UDM - Universal Design Methodology 21. Sünkroonse disaini 5 reeglit: • Kõik andmed läbivad loogika (eriti viivitus element tüüpi flip-flops) ühe takti jooksul. • Viivitused on alati kontrollitud registrite poolt mitte kombinatoorloogika poolt. • Ükski signaal, mis on komb. loogika poolt genereeritud, ei saa otse tagasi minna samasse komb. loogikasse kui ta ei ole enne läbinud registrit.

Informaatika → Mikroprotsessortehnika
32 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

The last supernova in our own galaxy exploded in 1604, rivaling Jupiter's brightness in the night sky and deeply impressing Johannes Kepler, the pioneering astronomer. A nearby supernova--within a few light-years--would bathe the Earth in lethal radiation. Yet the legacy of supernovas is as close as our own bodies. The carbon in our cells, the oxygen in the air, the silicon in rocks and computer chips, the iron in our blood and our machines--just about every atom heavier than hydrogen and helium--was forged inside ancient stars and strewn across the universe when they exploded billions of years ago. Eager to understand our origins and, in some cases, simply wild about things that go bang, astronomers have been struggling for decades to understand why stars that shine peacefully for millions of years suddenly blow up. Lately they've had two big breaks. One is a revelation about potent blasts of high-energy gamma

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


gains or loses an electron or electrons, when dissolved in a solvent like water. A classic example is table salt, chemical formula NaCl, which dissociates into a positively charge sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions when dissolved in water. Water just so happens to be the most versatile solvent there is, a property it owes to the arrangement of its hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Without getting too into the details, every H2O molecule possesses a partial negative charge near its oxygen atom and partial positive charge near its hydrogen atoms. The polar nature of water's structure allows it to dissolve more substances than any liquid on Earth (which explains why it's known in chemistry circles as "the universal solvent"), including electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, and hydrogen phosphate. There are many other electrolytes, but these, in particular, are important for normal physiological function

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Avalikud suhted (spikker) suhtekorraldus , avalikud suhted , public relations , avalikkus , PR , meediamonitooring ,

Netvibes, Pageflakes) võimaldavad tellida ja kombineerida tegevusest teada anda.• Meedia ei ole mingil juhul kuulekas kanal kellegi sõnumi edastamiseks, vaid pigem erinevaid infovooge vastavalt infotarbija vajadustele.töötavad teatud infovahetusstandardite: RSS ehk Realy kommu eraldiseisev sihtgrupp, kellel tulenevalt erilisest positsioonist ühiskonnas on suurem mõju muude Simple Syndication (xml, rss, rdf), Atomfeed – Atom Syndication Format (atom) alusel, tõmmates kasutajani sihtgruppide arvamuste kujunemisel. elemente - artiklite pealkirju ja artikli algusest pärinevat tekstilõike, pilte ning linke artiklite tõelise asukohani, Ms võib jagada proaktiivseteks ja reaktiiveteks. Proaktiivsete meediasuhte puhul on tegemist sõnumi edastaja terviktekste. Sellist edasitoimetamise viisi nim. sündikatsiooniks.

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
18 allalaadimist

Arvutite koostetehnoloogia

PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTID JA ARVUTIVÕRGUD TEHNOLOOGILISED LAHENDUSED Pihu-, süle-, laua- ja serverarvutid ning nende ehituslikud ja rakenduslikud eripärad Referaat Juhendaja: 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Tänapäeva tehnoloogia on arenenud ja areneb ka edaspidi meeletu kiirusega. Märkamatult oleme me jõudnud ajastuni, kus täna ostetud tipptehnika on juba järgmisel päeval kiirema, võimsama ja/või nutikama seadme poolt üle trumbatud. Praegusel hetkel on tehnika viimase sõnaga raske, kui mitte öelda võimatu, kaasas käia ja lisaks sellele oleks see meeletult kallis. Kuid tehnoloogia areng ei piirdu pelgalt komponentide jõudluse arenguga vaid ajas muutub ka nende suurus. Kuna komponendid muutuvad väiksemateks ja kompaktsemateks, siis ühes sellega muutuvad väiksemaks ka seadme...

Informaatika → Informaatika
21 allalaadimist

Moodul 1 – Info- ja sidetehnoloogia (IST) mõisted

Moodul 1 ­ Info- ja sidetehnoloogia (IST) mõisted Riistvara olemus, arvuti jõudlust mõjutavad tegurid ja välisseadmed. Tarkvara olemus, näited üldlevinud rakendustarkvara ja operatsioonisüsteemide kohta. Andmetöötluses kasutatavad infovõrgud, Interneti-ühenduse erinevad võimalused. Info- ja sidetehnoloogia (IST) olemus, näited selle praktilistest rakendustest igapäevaelus. Arvutite kasutamisega seotud tervise-, ohutus- ja keskkonnaprobleemid. Arvutite kasutamisega seotud olulised turvaprobleemid. Arvutite kasutamisega seotud olulised juriidilised küsimused, mis puudutavad autoriõigust ja andmekaitset. 1.1 Riistvara 1.1.1 Mõisted Termini ,,riistvara" tähendus. Riistvara (hardware). Arvuti füüsilised komponendid ­ kuvar, protsessor, mälu, kettadraivid, modem, printer, klaviatuur, hiir, juhtmed, pistikud jms. Arvuti, raal, kompuuter ­ programmeeritav masin. Arvuti kaks peamist omadust on: arvuti reageerib kindlaksmääratud käskudel...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
47 allalaadimist

Newtoni eelne füüsika areng

as the co-inventor of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger-Marsden experiment which discovered the atomic nucleus. Geiger was born at Neustadt-an-der-Haardt, Germany. He was one of five children born to the Indologist Wilhelm Ludwig Geiger, who was professor at the University of Erlangen. Nagaoka Hantaro (August 15, 1865 ­ December 11, 1950) was a Japanese physicist and a pioneer of Japanese physics in the early Meiji period. In 1904 he developed an early, incorrect "planetary model" of the atom (the Saturnian model).[1] The model was based around an analogy to the explanation of the stability of the Saturn rings (the rings are stable because the planet they orbit is very, very massive). So, the model made two predictions: * a very massive nucleus (in analogy to a very massive planet) * electrons revolving around the nucleus, bound by electrostatic forces (in analogy to the rings revolving around Saturn, bound by gravitational forces).

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Ajavormide teooria

· The government has become more interested in arts education. · Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established. · My English has really improved since I moved to Australia. TOPIC 3 Accomplishments Examples: · Man has walked on the Moon. · Our son has learned how to read. · Doctors have cured many deadly diseases. · Scientists have split the atom. TOPIC 4 An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting Examples: · James has not finished his homework yet. · Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate. · Bill has still not arrived. · The rain hasn't stopped. TOPIC 5 Multiple Actions at Different Times Examples: · The army has attacked that city five times. · I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester. · We have had many major problems while working on this project.

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist


The toxicokinetics of formaldehyde after inhalation, oral, or dermal exposure has been reported in several species by many investigators. The toxicokinetics in all of the animals studied is similar across species lines. Formaldehyde is an essential metabolic intermediate in all cells. It is produced during the normal metabolism of serine, glycine, methionine, and choline and also by the demethylation of N-, S-, and O-methyl compounds. After oxidation of formaldehyde to formate, the carbon atom is further oxidized to carbon dioxide (CO2) or incorporated into purines, thymidine, and amino acids via tetrahydrofolatedependent one-carbon biosynthetic pathways. Exogenous formaldehyde appears to be readily absorbed from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but poorly absorbed following dermal application. Formaldehyde is metabolized to formate by the enzyme formaldehyde dehydrogenase; this appears to take place at the initial site of contact. Being

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika

- ainehulk, mool, mol - valgustugevus, kandela, cd SI põhiühikute definitsioon - Meeter - the metre is the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second. Kilogramm - the kilogram is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram. Sekund - the second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. Amper - the ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10-7 newton per metre of length. Kelvin - the kelvin is the fraction 1/273,16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.

Metroloogia → Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika
317 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

[2] [edit]5' Processing Main article: 5' cap [edit]Capping Capping of the pre-mRNA involves the addition of 7-methylguanosine (m7G) to the 5' end. To achieve this, the terminal 5' phosphate requires removal, which is done with the aid of aphosphatase enzyme. The enzyme guanosyl transferase then catalyses the reaction, which produces the diphosphate 5' end. The diphosphate 5' prime end then attacks the gamma phosphorus atom of a GTP molecule in order to add the guanine residue in a 5'5' triphosphate link. The enzyme (guanine- N7-)-methyltransferase ("cap MTase") transfers a methyl group from S-adenosyl methionine to the guanine ring.[3] This type of cap, with just the (m7G) in position is called a cap 0 structure. The ribose of the adjacent nucleotidemay also be methylated to give a cap 1. Methylation of nucleotides downstream of the RNA molecule produce cap 2, cap 3 structures and so on. In

Keemia → Keemia
4 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö: Soome

SOOME Uurimistöö koostaja: Kertu Kristmann 10 klass. Õpetaja: Ene Lüüs Soome üldiseloomustus Soome Vabariik paikneb Põhja-Euroopas. Soome on üks Põhjamaadest, naabriteks on Rootsi ja Venemaa. Riik piirneb idast Venemaaga (1313 km piiri), põhjast Norraga (727 km piiri) ja läänest Rootsiga (586 km piiri). Kuigi soomlased on entiliselt võrdlemisi ühtne, jaguneb rahvas Soome viieks regiooniks: Pealinnaregioon, Lõuna-Soome regioon, Lääne­Soome regioon, Soome-Järveregioon ja Lapimaa. Riigikeelteks on Soome ja rootsi keel. Ärisuhtluses saab enamikul juhtudel kasutada inglise keelt. Soome pindala on 338 030 km² (305 470 km² maad, 31 560 km² siseveekogusid). Maast umbes 70% on kaetud metsaga, 10% on siseveekogude all ja 8% on haritavat maad. Riigi pindala kasvab umbes 7 km² aastas maapinna kerkimise tõttu. Soome Vabar...

Geograafia → Geograafia
99 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

[2] [edit]5' Processing Main article: 5' cap [edit]Capping Capping of the pre-mRNA involves the addition of 7-methylguanosine (m7G) to the 5' end. To achieve this, the terminal 5' phosphate requires removal, which is done with the aid of aphosphatase enzyme. The enzyme guanosyl transferase then catalyses the reaction, which produces the diphosphate 5' end. The diphosphate 5' prime end then attacks the gamma phosphorus atom of a GTP molecule in order to add the guanine residue in a 5'5' triphosphate link. The enzyme (guanine- N7-)-methyltransferase ("cap MTase") transfers a methyl group from S-adenosyl methionine to the guanine ring.[3] This type of cap, with just the (m7G) in position is called a cap 0 structure. The ribose of the adjacent nucleotidemay also be methylated to give a cap 1. Methylation of nucleotides downstream of the RNA molecule produce cap 2, cap 3 structures and so on. In

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
102 allalaadimist

American Literature

schemes and formal meters. Free verse is apparent throughout Whitman's works, which he patterned after ancient poetic forms, incantations, and praises from The Bible (Psalms) and Homer. He attempts to mirror the patterns of spoken language. Whitman's values are reflected in his subject matter and style. In "Song of Myself #1," for example, Whitman writes: I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. (l.13) Whitman celebrates unity of all life and people. His belief in equality for all people is also depicted in these lines. The following line reflects Whitman's love of nature: My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air... (l.6) For Whitman to say he was formed from nature shows just how much he believed he was one with nature. The "I" has become identified with every element in the universe

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

1. STYLE The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron) 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, business correspondence, etc.). STYLISTICS Stylistics ­ is the study of s...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

It's a wonderful read. word themselves without getting the ocean is salty but lakes aren't, The language is efficient yet distracted. If they cannot make a or we'd like to know how much the colloquial so you won't be blinded choice for one of the items, tell them Earth weighs, and how it's possible with science. And to top it off, to eliminate the answers that are to know. Or how big an atom is. Bryson is unfailingly witty and clearly wrong, and then focus on the Well, the author of today's book entertaining, making you laugh options that are left, thinking about had the same queries and decided out loud at times. the collocations and structures in to find out once and for all. But H Oh, I love it when an author can the rest of the sentence

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Filosoofia SH

Filosoofia Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium Sander Gansen SH. klass 2011/12 Sisukord Filosoofia ,,sambad"..................................................................................................................4 Mis on filosoofia?...................................................................................................................... 5 Mileetose ehk Joonia koolkond.................................................................................................6 Eleaadid ehk elea koolkond.......................................................................................................7 Eelsokraatikute koolkond..........................................................................................................8 Sofistid...................................................................................................................

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
39 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

FGI 1081 Stilistika (Irina Ladusseva) Kab. 420 2 AP Ends with an exam; lasts only for 1 semester. At the exam you get 2 questions and an exercise (50 sentences: establish the device used, recognize it, and name it). Care about the pronunciation of the terms. Books: - I. Galperin "Stylistics" - I. Ladusseva "Rhythm and Text" - I. Ladusseva "Vocabulary and Style" - I. Ladusseva "Stylistic practice: Book I, Book II" - I. Ladusseva "A Guide to Punctuation" EXAMINATION TOPICS: 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

A New Earth

It is the elusive “life” that no scientist has ever found because the consciousness that is looking for it is it. Physicists have discovered that the apparent solidity of matter is an illusion created by our senses. this includes the physical body, which we perceive and think of as form, but 99.99% of which is actually empty space. This is how vast the space is between the atoms compared to their size,and there is as much space again within each atom. The physical body is no more than a misperception of who you are. In many ways, it is a microcosmic version of outer space. To give you an idea of how vast the space ins between celestial bodies, consider this: light traveling at a constant speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second takes just over one second to travel between the earth and the moon; light from the sun takes about eight minutes to reach the earth. Light from our nearest neighbor in space, a star

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


across all strata of the society. It would have created over $100 billion of wealth in the country that received this award. In this early 21st century, Africans don’t have the capacity to discover oil; we don’t have the capacity to transport the oil to the destination where it would be refined; we don’t have vessel to transport the oil back to us for consumption. At a time when Indians and the Pakistanis have both detonated the atom bomb, when China is providing the technology for quick acceleration of launching satellites into orbit, we Africans still don’t have the capacity even to refine the oil for ourselves. Kai! And we so happy there is oil in Ghana!) If you are talking of a state of Black economy, you have to talk about a people who are able to create products from its inception to market. You cannot talk of an economy where the people are mere consumers. Take a walk through the theatres of the marketplace

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


(C) known (D) warned 2. Bright feathers have been used for ornamentation since early times. (A) Long (B) Unique (C) Delicate (D) Brilliant 3. Telescopic images from outer space are often blurred by atmospheric conditions. (A) clouded (B) limited (C) enhanced (D) blocked 4. The narrow, green-grey leaves of the sweet alyssum are untoothed and usually bear many silvery hairs. (A) carry (B) yield (C) replace (D) hide 5. For many years, scientists were baffled by the small size of the atom. (A) amazed (B) limited (C) puzzled (D) fascinated LESSON 6 „ chiefly „ coarse „ commonplace „ comparatively „ complex „ conventional „ curious „ exceedingly „ exclusively „ immense „ indeed „ rigid „ routinely „ sufficiently „ visibly chiefly adv. most importantly or most commonly adj. chief Syn. mostly Houses are made chiefly of wood products. Corn is the chief crop of the Midwest. coarse adj

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


America, and soon a flood of material was being sent to Germany disguised as hundreds of periods in telegraph blanks, love letters, business communications, family missives, or sometimes as a strip of the tiny film hidden under a stamp. The very first discovered, and the most frightening, was one in which a spy was asked to discover "Where are being made tests with uranium?" at a time when the United States was fighting to keep secret its development of the atom bomb. The "Mexican microdot ring," which operated from a suburb of Mexico City, microphotographed trade and technical publications that were barred from international channels—a favorite was Iron Age, with statistics on American steel production—and sent them to cover addresses in Europe on a wholesale basis, with as many as twenty pats in a single letter. Technical drawings also went by microdot. Other microdots talked of

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


E=;@=8>=F5!=;!@5FB6D>#!!GC5FH 5456!79A!C5D6!BC=;?!79A!;C9A>E!D@B=4DB5!79A6!IA>>;C=BHE5B5@B96;!96!IAJJ56!J5B56;! 96!7!@D>>5E#!!,F!BC=;!@D;5?!C9<5456?!=B!=;!B6A5#!!0C5!9BC56! 869:5;;96;!D65!<69FKL !""#$%&%'()""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*' !"#$!%& '()'& "'& *"!!& +)",$& -.+& /-0,/"-.,0$,,& -1& -.+& /-0,/"-.,0$,,2& )03& "45 6+-7$&-.+&/-44.0"/)'"-08 & ! F person studies > atom person studies > person O person studies > universe ETERNAL SHUTTLE O person > studies > person R INFINITE REGRESS person studies > person studies > person P !"#$%&'()(''''' &*&%+,-'./$**-&',+0'"+

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

2,3-octanedione, and 1-octene3-ol, decrease a short period of time, the central iron (Fe2+) with aging; and negative compounds, such as reversibly binds oxygen, producing oxymyo- pentanal, nonanal, and butanoic acid, increase globin (MbO2), which is bright pink or red. with aging (Stetzer et al. 2008). Aging beef However, when exposed to O2 for an extended can result in changes in umami taste. period, the central iron atom can lose an elec- Glutamic acid content more than doubles tron (oxidized to Fe3+), producing metmyo- during the first 7 days of aging (Bauer 1983). globin (MetMb), which is grey-brown. The potential benefits of aging for selected Immediately post slaughter, the oxidized muscles for flavor development and tender- form can be reduced by endogenous reducing

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun