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"development" - 937 õppematerjali



Esimene taasavatud ehitis World Trade Center kompleksis oli 7 World Trade Center, mis on samuti tuntud kui 250 Greenwich Street. Ehitus algas vaid mõned kuud peale 11. septembri rünnakuid, aastal 2002. 7WTC valmis 2006. mais. Kui varem oli hoone 47-korruseline, siis nüüd on see 52-korruseline ja 226 meetri kõrgune. Uuel ehitusel on rõhku pandud ka tugevama toestuse ehitamisele, keskkonnasäästlikkusele ja turvalisusele. 2001. aasta novembris pandi kokku Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC), mille eesmärk oli valida kavandid hoonetest, mis Lower Manhattan ala edaspidi WTC kompleksina kaunistavad. See organisatsioon korraldas võistluse leidmaks uue World Trade Centeri ja mälestisehitise disaini. Valiti projekt Memory Foundations, mis on disainitud Daniel Libeskindi poolt. Selle kavandi järgi ehitatakse 1 World Trade Center ehk Freedom Tower ja kolm teist büroohoonet. Uuel WTC kompleksil pole mitte kaks, vaid üks hiigeltorn, mis seekord

Haldus → Kinnisvara haldamine
18 allalaadimist

Tai turismimajandus

igasuguste troopiliste haiguste oht peaaegu olematu. Ravimid Kindlasti peab reisiapteek sisaldama ravimeid kõhuhädade vastu (Immodium, Mezym Forte, Cuplaton, Nospa, söetabletid), valuvaigistit pea-, hamba jm valude korral, palavikku alandavaid ravimeid, vahendeid päikesepõletuse (Panthenol, Aloe-vera zeleed) ja putukahammustuste vastu, plaastrit ja desinfitseerimisvahendeid. Allikas: Berger reisid Turismi negatiivne mõju keskkonnale Thailand Development Research Institute kirjutab, et kui turistid alles hakkasid Tais käima, olid nad võlutud smaragdrohelistel põldudel mängivaid lapsi kujutavatest stseenidest, päikesetõusul puudest ümbritsetud alleedel kõndivatest munkadest ja maalilistest vaadetest kohalikele küladele, kuid Tai kiire industrialiseerumine on selle pildi lõhkunud. Tehased, liiklus, saastunud kiirteed ja maaelu kiire vähenemine on teinud palju kahju paikadele, mis välismaalasi Tai juures juba aastakümneid tõmmanud on

Geograafia → Geograafia
14 allalaadimist


35 1 : 400 36 1 : 300 37 1 : 230 38 1 : 180 39 1 : 135 40 1 : 105 42 1 : 60 44 1 : 35 46 1 : 20 48 1 : 16 49 1 : 12 Tabel 1. Emade vanuse seos haigestumusega Downi sündroomi National Institute of Child's Health and Human Development. (2010) Facts About Down Syndrome. Viimati külastatud 23.veebruar 2010, Vaatamata sellele, sünnib ligi 70% nendest lastest emadele, kes on nooremad kui 35. Kuna sünnituste üldine keskmine tõuseb, kasvab ka nende naiste hulk, kes kannavad Down'i sündroomiga last. Näiteks USAs on Down'i sündroomi kandvate loodete hulk võrreldes 1980. ja 2002. aastat kasvanud 25%-lt 51%-le

Pedagoogika → Arengupsühholoogia
28 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüs - Esimese loengutöö konspekt

esimestes iteratsioonides hästi palju, hilisemates mitte eriti, vaata seda värvilist diagrammi mida ta loengus näitas koguaeg) 12. Sari lühemaid slaide Protsessi häälestamine ja arendusjuhtum. Kõik UP tegevused on mittekohustuslikud (va kood). Pm tegele väheste asjadega, aga kasule orienteeritud, sõltuvalt projekti tüübist ja arendusjuhtumist (konkreetne objekt või ülesanne). Development Case UP artifactide valik projekti jaoks kirjutatakse dokumenti Development Case - Sarnaneb UP põhiraamistiku tabeliga, veerud on iga iteratsiooni kohta, lahtritesse kirj artifaktide nimetused mida konkreetse iteratsiooni vastavas distsipliinis toodetakse. Iga iteratsiooni järel kirjutatakse tabel üle vastavalt sellele mis tegelikult tehti ja kui plaanid muutusid. 13. Agiilne UP Protsessid on kahes jaotuses, mis on omakorda kaheks. Rasked vs kerged protsessid ja ettekirjutavad vs kohanevad protsessid

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Comparative law

arising all over the world. Comparisons can also reveal the structural nature of law, leading to questions about the role of legal narratives about family law, the effects of those narratives on the state and the structure of society and more importantly law as a form of legal reasoning that travels across time and space to create new institutional forms and doctrinal arrangements. The field of Comparative Family Law is undergoing rapid development despite initial constraints. Scholars of comparative law often overlooked family law as an important and distinctive site for the contestation of norms and values, perhaps because they viewed family law as too political for the technical inquiry carried out by comparativists. Other scholars characterized the family as a unique place, the opposite of the market, where traditional rather than modern discourses are at play and

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja standardid

rakendatud ka erinevate hilisemate metoodikate väljatöötamisel. XP (Extreme Programming) üheks eesmärgiks on suurem paindlikkus muutuvate nõuete tingimustes. Testipõhisel arendusel (test driven development) luuakse testid enne realiseerimist kliendi kasutuslugude põhjal. Testide hulka kuuluvad ühiktestid (programmeerijalt, kohe enne realiseerimist) ja vastuvõtmise testid (Tellijalt, funktsionaalsed). Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. Scrum focuses on project management institutions where it is difficult to plan ahead. RUP 6. Tarkvara kvaliteet Töökindluse tõstmise üks võimalusi on kvaliteedihaldus. Väga lühidalt on kvaliteet toote vastavus nõuetele. Keerukate toodete puhul tuleb vastavuse hindamisel arvesse võtta ka toote loomise protsessi. Seega seob kvaliteet toote, nõuded tootele ja tootmise protsessi.

Informaatika → Tarkvara kvaliteet ja...
233 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

· All people are described on same set of dimensions (traits), but will differ by degree · Theories propose that person develops in conjunction with own individual experience · Usually measured by questionnaire; descriptive · `Why and how' of development are important · `Why and how' are not so important · Standard measures difficult or impossible to obtain Measuring Personality Personality · Self-report tests ­ Questionnaires (yes/no, true-false, agree-disagree) Nomothetic Idiographic ­ Adjectives ­ E.g

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemide tutvustus ja võrdlus

Laiemas mõistes: operatsioonisüsteem, mis töötab väga erineval riistvaral pihuarvutist suurarvutini. Kitsamas mõistes: operatsioonisüsteemi keskne osa ­ kernel ehk tuum. Tavakasutuses on juurdunud esimene tähendus. Süsteemina sarnaneb Unixile, kuid ei ole sellest tuletatud (ehitati nullist võimalikult sarnaseks). Põhiosas vaba tarkvara (esineb erinevate litsentsidega komponente). Aluse pani 1991 tollane Helsinki Ülikooli tudeng Linus Torvalds (praegu töötab Open Source Development Labs'is). Richard M. Stallmani GNU (sealt pärineb suur osa süsteemseid töövahendeid). Andrew S. Tanenbaumi Minix ­ otsene eeskuju ja motiveerija UNIX on populaarne mitmekasutaja ja multitegumtööga operatsioonisüsteem, mis töötati välja 70-ndate aastate alguses Bell Labs's ja millel on mitu versiooni. Üheks levinumaks on 1991. aastal Linus Torvaldsi poolt IBM-tüüpi arvutite jaoks loodud LINUX, mida levitatakse tasuta (priivarana).

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
109 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice Book Report

by Jane Austen Book Report Introduction: The book was written between 1796 and 1797 and it was first published on 28 January 1813. The setting takes place in England, mostly in places called Hertfordshire, Derbyshire and Kent. The genre of the book is the novel of manners: it shows the conflicts between two individuals and also the love growing between them. The main themes are love, and it shows very precisely the development of young people's character and morality. The main characters are Elizabeth Bennet- main female protagonist. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy- main male protagonist. Mr. Bennet - Elizabeth's father. Mrs. Bennet - wife of Mr.Bennet and mother of Elizabeth and her sisters. Mr. Bingley- Darcy's friend, who becomes fond of Jane Summary of the plot: In Georgian England, Mrs

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
61 allalaadimist

The British - Who Are They?

preserved until today. Important modern playwrights include Alan Ayckbourn, John Osborne, Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard, and Arnold Wesker. Music Many British music composers have made major contributions to world's music, and are known internationally. They also have many orchestras including BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia etc. The British were one of the two main nations in the development of rock and roll along with the Americans, and they have provided many bands. The best known of these bands are The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Iron Maiden, the Sex Pistols and many more. British music has been very influential abroad. Sports The British are fond of sports. The national sport of the UK is football, having originated in England, and the British have the oldest football clubs in the world. The first ever international soccer game

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking

Prof. Stephen Hawkings Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents' house was in north London, but during the second world war, Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St. Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At the age of eleven, Stephen went to St. Albans School and then on to University College, Oxford; his father's old college. Stephen wanted to study Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he pursued Physics instead. ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
11 allalaadimist

Henry Moore

Reclining line was even considered as his signature. Moore's works are usually suggestive of the female body, apart from a phase in the 1950s when he sculpted family groups. His forms are generally pierced or contain hollow spaces. Many translators liken the wavy form of his lying figures to the landscape and hills of his birthplace, Yorkshire. Moore made many preparatory sketches and drawings for each sculpture. Most of these sketchbooks have survived and provide insight into Moore's development. He placed great importance on drawing; even when he had arthritis, he still was able to draw. After the Second World War, Moore's bronzes took on their larger scale, which was particularly suited for public art commissions. As a matter of practicality, he largely abandoned direct carving, and took on several assistants to help produce maquettes. By the end of the 1940s, he produced sculptures increasingly by modelling, working out the shape in

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Which is more important-sport or science?

This is something that has had me in two minds for a very long time, why does humanity waste so much time and money on sport and the pursuit of sport when realistically it is just a sideshow, a morale booster for the masses? The sheer volume of money spent each year on sports are actually absolutely ridiculous. Sports have become a monster that is beyond our control. This happens as legitimate scientific research struggles to find funding or a struggle along with tiny handouts from patronising governments around the world. Space exploration is probably the prime example in that it is now, at this stage of human development, more important than ever before that we find ways to make space inhabitable. But instead NASA has become a bit of a joke to the public and space exploration the stuff of B- grade horror movies. The question we have to ask ourselves is this, do sports stars really deserve to be paid five times the salary of a scientis...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

3. HARJUTUSÜLESANNE 3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Nobeli preemia keemia alal anti 2001. aastal uurimistööle "Discovery and development of conductive polymers". Üks auhinna saajatest oli Alan G. MacDiarmid. Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 67 artiklit b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autori nime. Seejärel kuvati ekraanile igasuguseid variante, millest valisin nime Alan G. MacDiarmid. Seejärel klõpsasin ,,Publication years 1975- 1985. Sain 67 vastet. c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics"? 183 tööd d) kuidas leidsid need tööd

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
7 allalaadimist


Collaborative Lookahead Planning Interface + Partners Salford University, UK (active currently) Technion University, Israel (active currently) Reading University, UK i4DS, Switzerland Tekla Corp, oy + Current Status Defining the process Capturing the best practices in the area through case studies The last planner interface is ready Integration with BIM is ready Further work including the development of end user interfaces is under way + Potential Future Developments Integration with other information management systems for automatic update of resource status Project Dashboard A Touch (screen) based user interface Mobile interface for updating of daily activities and information retrieval Reports

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Snowboarding Kati Rannamees RK09 SNOWBOARDING Snowboarding is a sport that involves descending a slope that is covered with snow on a snowboard attached to a rider's feet using a special boot set on to mounted binding. The development of snowboarding was inspired by skateboarding, surfing and skiing. It was developed in the U.S.A Winter Olympic Sport in 1998. HISTORY Modern snowboarding began in 1965 when Sherman Poppen, an engineer in Muskegon, Michigan, invented a toy for his daughter by fastening two skis together and attaching a rope to one end so she would have some control as she stood on the board and glided downhill. GEAR

Turism → Turism
14 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

duration of daily working time must not exceed 8 working hours. Maximum working time, including overtime, must not exceed 48 hours per 7 working days. The Government sets the minimum wage periodically. The Lithuanian national minimum wage is 800 litas (3600 EEK) a month. Environmental law The environmental laws of the Republic of Lithuania preserve fundamental principles of modern environmental protection, preventive actions, source of harm, integration, the pollution taxes and sustainable development. There are several taxes on State Natural Resources and pollution. The Law on Pollution Tax establishes that tax objects include emissions, certain products specified by the law, and packages with contents specified by the law. General requirements for waste prevention record keeping, collection, storage, transportation, utilisation and disposal to prevent its negative effects on the environment and human health are established in The Law on Waste Management

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Valio AS

VALIO AS Merlin­Hans Hiiekivi VALIO EESTI TUTVUSTUS  Valio, establised in 1992, is in one of the biggest local dairy industries of  Estonia, and distributes mainly fresh dairy milk and cheese made in  south Estonia. Valio Eesti factories are located in Tartu county and  Laeva village in Võru county. Valio Eesti complements its product range  every year, producing a total of over 150 different dairy and cheese  products.  Valio Eesti dairy can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia,  Finland, Sweden, Italy and the United States. Valio Eesti market is  represented in the key dairy categories: milks, shells, yogurt, curds,  soured milk, desserts, cheeses, oils and greases. fresh dairy segments.  Valio Eesti products do not contain synthetic food colors, food additives  used in the products are steadily reduced in number and 80% of our  product portfolio is a preservative, and thi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The economics of fare trade

that the product was produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner Fair trade aims to: · Improve the living conditions of producers in developing nations · Attempts to achieve higher prices for producers · Greater availability of financing for producers · Longer-term and more sustainable buyer-seller relationships · The creation and/or maintainance of effective producer or worker organizations · Improved social goods and community development · Use of environmentally friendly production processes Requirements for certification: 1. Prices - produsers are guarateed a minimum price for the good, and a fare trade premium 2. Workers - safe working conditions, wages at least equal to the legal minimum, child labor is prohibited 3. Institutional structure - farmers must work as cooperatives, where decisions are made democratically 4. Environment ­ certain harmful chemicals are forbidden 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Gerd Kanter-inglise keeles

Gerd Kanter Date of birth: 6. May 1979 Lenght: 196 cm Personal record 73.38 (4. september Helsingborg, 2006) Trainer: Vésteinn Hafsteinsson (Island) Other: Estonian male athlete (2007, 2008, 2011) Gerd Kanter is an Estonian discus thrower. Gerd spent his childhood in Tallinn. After graduating the first class he went with parents from Tallinn to Vana-Vigala. He started to study in elementary school in Vana-Vigala. High school Gerd graduated already in Pärnu-Jaagupi. After graduating it he went to study to Higher School of Economics, Business Management and received his diploma in June 2001. Now he is completing Estonian Business School. Kanter residences are in Tallinn and in the field of Vigala Tiduvere village. His first coach was Ando Palginõmm. In the time of studies business management his coach was Helgi Parts. Their collaboration was short, because the coach's health was deteriorated. Then he practiced alone for about six months. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Presentation about Casey Brown´s Ted talk

She says that when you are valuing yourself you should ask key valuing questions: 1. What are my clients needs and how do I meet them? 2. What is my unique skill set that makes me better qualified to serve my clients? 3. What do I do that no one else does? 4. What problems do I solve for clients? 5. What value do I add? 6. slaid ­ communicating your value The other story was about communicating our value. She shared a story about a woman who runs a very successfull web development company, however she was introducing it to clients by saying ,,I have a little webdesign company". In this and many other small ways she was deminishing her company and herself in the eyes of the potential clients. In this way she was communicating that she didn't belive herself that she didn't had much to offer. The point that Casey Brown suggested to her and everybody else is to focus on the other party ­ on serving and adding value and not feeling like bragging

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


and eating disorders need to consider a number of different interventions such as health communication campaigns, entertainment education, media advocacy and media literacy training. Such interventions need to be evaluated with respect to the media's portrayal of the idealized and unattainable images of beauty that young people are exposed to and its impact on disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders. While the media may contribute to the development of weight concerns and body dissatisfaction in children and adolescents, we cannot disregard the fact that media can also be used as an important tool for health promotion and prevention strategies. In the end I hope my research allows people to better understand the subject of body image issues. I hope to make a connection between gender and negative body image in order to emphasize the idea that both genders deal with this problem. I hope to make the point that

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
4 allalaadimist

Powerpoint: Krumping

render the particular emotion into your head and to let your body move freely to the music in a representation of what you feel. The result will be fast, tragic, emotional, furious and amusing at the same time. From this action, the liberation of stress and frustration is the most important aspect. You can fell relieved and happy after this dance. Krumping brings many benefits for the mind and for the body at the same time. In the initial phases of Krumping style development, people believed it will turn into another way through which gangs are formed and start with various negative actions. However, this was exactly the opposite. All the young members that have joined a Krumping crew say that they have never felt more free and those who have had a troubled past are now more relieved and peaceful. Therefore, the effects of Krumping are highly beneficial on those who practice it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


world and forget all the worries. I feel too much confidence in myself. I believe that fashion has the ability to transform you into a new personality, a different person. Most of the styles are applied by teenagers. They always want something unique and a new style that differs him/her from others. Therefore, they create a new line of fashion trends to keep their own identity as a teenager. The following conclusions are: 1. Fashion plays a big role in young people’s development. 4 2.Fashion helps young people to express their personality. 3.Fashion shows social status of a person. 4. „ Clothes make the man“. Do you agree with this? 5. Style of famous people affects fashion of teenagers. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Korralik konspekt geograafia riigieksamiks

o. kirjaoskus, kooliskäimise võimalus ja vajadus. - keskmist eluiga, mis sõltub arstiabi kättesaadavusest ning julgeoleku ja tervishoiusüsteemi olukorrast riigis. Eestis 72,3 (esimene Andorra 84, viimane Svaasimaa (Lõuna-Aafrika)32 Life expectancy kui on üle 0,8 ­ kõrge indeks kui on 0,8 ­ 0,5 - keskmine indeks kui on alla o,5 - madal indeks Eestis 0,8 (surim Norras, väiksem Niger (Aafrika) Human Development Index ­ HDI 5 2) loomulik iive ­ sündide ja surmade vahe. Riikide võrdlemisel arvestatakse suhtarvuna 1000 elaniku kohta (promillides ) või 100 elaniku kohta (protsentides %). natural increase Sündimuskordaja ­ elussündide arv 1000 inimese kohta aastas (). Oleneb eelkõige majandus- ja sotsiaaloludest ning isiklikest eelistustest. Eestis 9,6 (2002) ja 10,2 (2007 parem olukord)

Geograafia → Geograafia
87 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

..............................7 2.1.2. Growth and cost trends................................................................................8 2.1.3. Theoretical potential.....................................................................................9 2.1.4. Benefits of wind energy................................................................................10 2.2. Solar Energy........................................................................................................11 2.2.1 Development, deployment and economics................................................12 2.3. Hydroenergy.......................................................................................................13 2.4. Geothermal Energy............................................................................................14 2.5. Biomass Energy....................................................................................................16 3. Conclusion..................................................

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

The PlayStation 3 (slated to appear at the end of 2004) may use a 3GHz processor, 512Mb RAM, a 120Gb hard disk, and render 2 billion polygons per second. The Xbox 2 (due at the end of 2006) may employ a Pentium 4, a clock speed of 1GHz, 1Gb RAM, a 160Gb hard disk, and render 2-3 billion polygons per second. 1.3. High and Low Profile Games Marner distinguishes between high profile and low profile games [Marner 2002]. A high profile game is endowed with massive development costs (perhaps US$5 million or more), a generous advertising budget, a large development staff, and a very visible presence for game retailers and magazines. To recoup the enormous upfront expenses, high profile games tend to utilise cutting-edge graphics (which require high hardware performance), and tie-ins with other media such as movies or books. A low profile game is aimed at a smaller market, and may be limited to a single platform, or user community

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Vahetustega töö mõjud tervisele.

1985; 56: 1110-14. 6 Sleep and Biological Rhytms 2007, cit Ursin H, Ursin R. Psychological indicators of mental workload. In: Moray N, ed. Mental Workload: Its Theory and measurement. Plenum Press: New York, 1979; 394-365. 7 Sleep and Biological Rhytms 2007, cit Myrtek M, Deutschmann- Janicke E, Strohmaier H et al. Physical, mental, emotional, and subjective workload components in train drivers. Ergonomics 1994; 37: 1195-203. 8 Sleep and Biological Rhytms 2007, cit Hart S, Staveland L. Development of the NASA-TLX (Task Load Indeks): results of empirical, theoretical research. In: Hancock P, Meshkati S, eds. Human Mental Workload. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1987; 138-183. 9 Sleep and Biological Rhytms 2007, cit Hart SG, Hauser JR. In-flight application of three pilot workload measurement techniques. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 1987; 58: 402-10. 10 Sleep and Biological Rhytms 2007, cit Liu Y, Wickens CD. Mental workload and cocnitive task automaticity: an

Psühholoogia → Tervisepsühholoogia
74 allalaadimist

Referaat "Loovus"

Viimasel ajal on hakanud see tasapisi muutuma. Suuremat tähelepanu pööratakse just lapse loovuse ja originaalsete ideede tunnustamisele ja arendamisele. Näiteks võiks tuua Waldorf-koolid, kus arendatakse lapse isikuomadusi, mis suurtes riigikoolides sageli unarusse jäävad. Loovuse arendamine lastel annab kindlasti positiivseid tulemusi ka täiskasvanuna hakkamasaamisel. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. Olivia N. Saracho, Young Children's Creativity And Pretend Play, Early Child Development And Care, 2002, lk 431­438 2. Mark A. Runco, Personal Creativity:Definition And Developmental Issues, New Directions For Child And Adolescent Development, 1996, Jossey-Bass Publishers, lk 3-26 3. Viive-Riina Ruus, Loova Inimese Poole, Ajakiri ,,Haridus", 1-2/2009, lk 6-9 4. Abraham H. Maslow, Isiksus Ja Motivatsioon, 2007, lk 295-309 5. Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, Optimaalse Kogemuse Psühholoogia, 2007, lk 79

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
81 allalaadimist

Küüsikloomade roll lülijalgsete evolutsiooni mõistmises

J., Tait, N. N., Budd, G. E., Akam, M. 2009. The involvement of engrailed and wingless during segmentation in the onychophoran Euperipatoides kanangrensis (Peripatopsidae: Onychophora) (Reid 1996). 219, 5. 249-264. [online] ( (07.03.2012) Eriksson, B. J., Tait, N. N., Budd, G. E., Jannsen, R., Akam, M. 2010. Head patterning and Hox gene expression in an onychophoran and its implications for the arthropod head problem. Development Genes and Evolution. 220, 3-4 117-122. [online] ( Hughes, C. L., Kaufman, T. C. 2002. Hox genes and the evolution of the arthropod body plan. 4, 6. 459-499. [online] ( 42d8-822f-d5386559d587%40sessionmgr14&vid=2&hid=3) (07.03.2012) Mayer, G., Harzsch, S. 2007. Immunolocalization of serotonin in Onychophora argues

Bioloogia → Loomad
4 allalaadimist


TRADERUN ANSWERS 1. Have the ENP and EaP been successful in terms of their original goals? Which has been the theoretical logic to cause it? Bring examples! The main idea of the ENP is to offer our neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values (democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development). The ENP goes beyond existing relationships to offer political association and deeper economic integration, increased mobility and more people-to- people contacts. The level of ambition of the relationship depends on the extent to which these values are shared. Some examples which steps ENP has made in the field of human rights and which are represented in the report of implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy about Eastern Partnership: The adherence to the sh...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist


võrdus ja heaolu tõlgendamise poolest. Tema moraalse arengu teooria järgi võib eristada 6 arengutaset, mis on grupeeritud 3 suuremasse rühma. Iga rühm esindab fundamentaalset muutust indiviidi moraalse perspektiivis. Selleks, et mõõta taset, millel inimene moraalselt opereerib, töötas Kohlberg välja intervjuu-protsessi. Selles esitatakse hüpoteetilisi situatsioone, milles esineb moraalne dilemma. Inimese vastuste põhjal on näha, millisel moraalse arengu etapil inimene asub. (Moral Development and Moral Education: An Overview) Kohlberg peabki inimsuhete põhiregulaatoriks moraalseid norme ning iseloomustab sotsiaalset arengut lapse arvamusega moraalist. (Kera, 2004, 82) Moraalsed dilemmad, mille üle Piaget ja Kohlberg lasid vaielda ei olnud esitatud eeldusel, et neile oleks olemas õige vastus. Pigem on nad kujundatud põhimõttel, et oleks võimalik saada kätte kvalitatiivselt erinevaid argumente. (Butterworth, Harris, 1994, 266.) 4 2. Jean Piaget ja Lawrence Kohlbergi

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
82 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

The observer himself should play an active role in perceiving the world and have a creative part in developing his image. He should have the power to change that image to fit changing needs. An environment which is ordered in precise and final detail may inhibit new patterns of activity. Although this may not seem to be a critical issue in our present urban chaos, yet it indicates that what we seek is not a final but an open-ended order, capable of continuous further development. Legibility (loetavus) Consider visual quality of the American city by studying the mental image of that city held by its citizens. Concentrate on "legibility" ­ the apparent clarity of the cityscape. Legibility is crucial in the city setting, will analyze in some detail, will try to show how the concept could be used today in rebuilding our cities. It is of special importance when considering urban environments scale of size, time, complexity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

April: foreign secretary James Callaghan makes statement to the Council on the new Labour government’s policy on the Community. Calls for major changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), "fairer methods of financing the Community budget" and solutions to monetary problems. December: the Community’s heads of state or government decide to hold meetings three times a year as the European Council, agree direct elections to the European Parliament, resolve to set up the European Regional Development Fund and establish economic and monetary union. 1975 Launch of ERDF - The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions 1978 European Council establishes the European Monetary System based on a European currency unit (the ECU) and the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). The Ecu has some characteristics of a real currency and is used in travellers’ cheques and bank deposits. ERM gives national currencies a

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Brasiilia Liitvabariik - riigitöö

puhtalt riigi rahalist rikkust, kuid arengutasemega ei ole ta nii otseselt seotud. Inimarengu indeks aga on parem näitaja, kuna ta hõlmab mitut ühiskondliku tervise näitajat, seal hulgas ka SKT näitajat. Sinna arvatakse kaasa ka näitajad hariduse ja tervise jaoks. IAI järgi saab jagada riike väga kõrge arenguga, kõrge arenguga, keskmise arenguga ja madala arenguga riikideks Tabel 3 Regioonide inimarenguindeksi muutused 1990-2015 Allikas: United Nations Human Development Reports (08.04.2018) Regioon IAI muutus Väga kõrge arengutasemega riigid (OECD) 0.791-0.892, muutus 0,48% Kõrge arengutasemega riigid 0.574-0.746, muutus 1,06% Keskmise arengutasemega riigid 0.465-0.631, muutus 1,23% Madala arengutasemega riigid

Geograafia → Maailma majandus- ja...
3 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

Ajmal, S., Farooq, M. Z., Sajid, N., & Awan, S. (2012). Role of Leadership in Change Management Process. Abasyn University Journal Of Social Sciences, 5, 111-124. Armenakis, A. A., & Fredenberger, W. B. (1997). Organizational change readiness practices of business turnaround change agents. Knowledge Process Management, 4,143–152. Bringselius, L. (2014). Employee Objections to Organizational Change: A Framework for Addressing Management Responses. Organization Development Journal, 32, 41-54. Eby, L. T., Adams, D. M., Russell, J. E. A., & Gaby, S. H. (2000). Perceptions of organizational readiness for change: factors related to employees’ reactions to the implementation of team-based selling. Human Relations, 53, 419 -442. Goris, J. R. (2007). Effects of satisfaction with communication on the relationship between individual-job congruence and job performance/satisfaction. The Journal of Management Development, 26, 737 -752. Griffin, M. A., Rafferty, A. E

Majandus → Juhtimine
19 allalaadimist


explains the motto of the enlightenment, "Dare to know", created by Kant.With this kind of terminology,enlighteners wanted to express human race exit from the mental blindness.Maiden enlightenment philosophers lived on the 17th century,its glory continued till the 19th century.The powerful Enlightenment ideas of the eighteenth century, concerning reason and natural law, spread widely throughout Europe and its colonies and gave hope to many people for future progress and reform. Sience development was the main reasons and it gave the push to enlightenment.It put hesitate in old belives and brought up intelligence.Mind and critical thinking importance pointed out french philosopher René Descarte.Therefore enlightenment was literatural and philosophical movement,which roots were in 17th century sience achievements.In 18th century this movement infected a lot the way rulers saw their duties concerning to the lower class,and the way base-born saw themselves and their rights in society.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Extreme Sports.

were also famous. The main rule was to climb as high as possible using as few hits as possible, with the time limited between 8 and 14 minutes.The magnificent 40m high tower in Courchevel was synonymous for difficulty ice climbing events in Europe from 1995 until 2000 when a huge piece of ice fell down just a few hours before the event started. Nowadays International Commission for Ice Climbing Competitions is responsible for the administration and development aspects of ice climbing sport. It has been organising the Ice Climbing World Cup competitions since 2004. Hang Gliding It's an air sport in which a pilot flies a light and un-motorized aircraft called a hang glider. With each generation of materials and with the improvements in aerodynamics, the performance of hang gliders has increased. With good weather, a pilot is able to soar for hours. The measure of performance is the glide

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Canada's three cities

and formed Halifax Regional Municipality, a single-tier regional government covering that whole area. Today the area of the former City of Halifax is now referred to as an unincorporated "provincial metropolitan area" by the provincial government's place name website[3] and the area is referred to as "Halifax, Nova Scotia" for civic addressing and as a placename.The area is now administered as two separate community planning areas by the regional government for development, Halifax Peninsula and Mainland Halifax. It forms a significant part of the Halifax urban area. Residents of the former city are referred to as "Haligonians Halifax Calgary is the largest city in the Province of Alberta, Canada. It is located in the south of the province, in an area of foothills and high plains, approximately 80 km (50 mi) east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. The city is located in the Grassland region of Alberta.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Briti muusika

people know of our other musicians not in the pop world. The origins of music in Britain lie in the songs sung and dance music played by ordinary people. Passed from village to village and handed down in the unwritten form from generation to generation. Different trends Over the last thirty or so years British pop music has led the world in its range and quality, starting several new trends. Britain, along with the US, was the main contributor in the development of rock and roll, and Britain has provided some of the most famous bands, including The Beatles and many others. Britain was at the forefront of punk music (see below) in the 1970s with bands such as the Sex Pistols and The Clash, and the subsequent rebirth of heavy metal with bands such as Motorhead and Iron Maiden. Music in Britain from 1920s to the Present Day 1920s - Young people listened to ragtime and jazz. 1930s - Swing became popular

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Business english

Thecurriculumvitae STEFANI KASK Personal DualEstonian-Russiannationality, born Tallinn, 27 april 1980. Careergoals Looking forchallenging, intellectuallystimulatingdevelopmentworkinmediajournalism. Wouldtomoveintoteammanagement. Skills IT Office 2010 and Windows XP, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint. Effectivemultitasker ­ good at prioritizingtasks and working on several at once. Experience 2000-now Press Office searchscientist. Nixon Inc, UK. Professional development July 2005FutureexecutivesdevelopmentcourseorganizedbyNixon. January 2003Two-weekcourseinouterculturaltraining at LancasterAssociates, UK. Qualifications 1999-2000Master'sdegreeinJournalism, New York, USA. 1996-1999Bachelor'sdegreein Media Studies, New York University, USA. Languages NativeRussianspeaker, fluent Estonian and English. Interests Asiancooking, designing, volleyball, swimming, kross-countryskiing Jobenquiry DearSir/Madam, I amwritingtoenquire a job at yourcompany

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
21 allalaadimist

Referaat - kõrbestumine

piiratud ressursid relvastumisele. Hetkel arvatakse 1,08 miljardit inimest läbi ajavat vähemaga kui 1 dollar päevas. Neist 798 miljonit kannatab kroonilise alatoitumise all ­saadav päevane kalorite vähesus ei luba neil elada aktiivset ja tervislikku elu. Kuigi vaesus on 1990ndatel vähenenud (eriti Ida-Aasias), on probleem mõnedes piirkondades (näiteks Aafrikas) hoopis süvenenud. ÜRO arengueesmärkide (ingl. Millennium Development Goals) kohaselt soovitakse aastaks 2015 vähendada alla 1 dollariga-ga päevas elavate inimeste, aga ka nälga kannatavate inimeste hulka poole võrra, kuid kahjuks on ette näha, et võetud eesmärki ei suudeta täita. Kasutatud kirjandus või allikad:

Geograafia → Geograafia
29 allalaadimist

„Agroecological Economics“ by Paul Wojtkow

Estonian University of Life Sciences Annotation Bibliography of ,,Agroecological Economics" by Paul Wojtkowski Author: Janno Ott Tutor: Tiia Krass Tartu 2011 Introduction I'm writing my book review about Agroecological Economics. Which is written by Paul Wojtkowski, who is very famous as leading proponent and analyst. This book presents a wide range of new and diverse techniques for sustainable agriculture for the purpose of enhancing economic interest. Since agriculture is growing really convivially, the emphasis is on changing from conventional agriculture to more efficient systems and practise. This book is very educational because it explains how is the best way to analyze the experimental results from intercropping and multiple cropping trials....

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


HTTPS://GOWORKABIT.EE võimalik kiirelt tööd teha. QMINDER Nutitelefoni ja tahvli rakendus digitaalselt järjekorras ootamiseks. Füüsiline kohal olek pole vajalik, järjekorras ootaja saab vabalt ringi liikuda. HTTP://WWW.QMINDERAPP.COM/ • 2011 TARTU GARAGE48 VÕITJA JA NOKIA DEVELOPMENT PRIZE'I VÕITJA. • PEAKORTER ASUB LONDONIS.

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
5 allalaadimist

Viitamise näiteid

Sama autori sama (Napier, 1993a, 1993b) Napier, A. (1993a). Fatal storm. Sydney: Allen & aasta Unwin. Napier, A. (1993b). Survival at sea. publikatsioonid Sydney: Allen & Unwin Kastenbaum, R. (Toim.). (1993). Encyclopedia of Toimetaja (Kastenbaum, 1993, lk 25) adult development. Phoenix: Oryx Press. Kollektiivautor (American Allergy American Allergy Association. (1998). Allergies in (asutus või Association, 1998) Children.New York: Random. assotsiatsioon) Väljaande erineva (Renton, 2004) Renton, N. (2004). Compendium of good writing trükid (3rd ed.).Milton: John Wiley & Sons. Aimre, I. (2005)

Õigus → Õigus
3 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

EU’s Erasmus program provides students and trainees the financial and organizational support for a spell aboard or work placement. The program works in partnership with European universities, companies and institutions, it offers to millions Europeans the chance to study, train, work or volunteer abroad. Young people may work as volunteers either within or outside EU, in a wide range of areas such as social care, the environment, culture, youth, sports and development cooperation. The booklet contains illustration about how well off are Europeans. The countries of the EU are very different and the standard of living is different. Economic power of a country helps to measure gross domestic product (GDP) and parity of purchasing power. This is the only way to make countries comparable. The graphic shows that the GDP per head is the highest in Luxembourg and the lowest in Bulgaria. The GDP per head in Estonia is quite low, lower than th EU average

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Haridusfilosoofia Dewey

experiences of the world in which we live. It means that scientific method provides a working pattern of the way in which and the conditions under which experiences are used to lead ever onward and outward. . . . Consequently, whatever the level of experience, we have no choice but either to operate in accord with the pattern it provides or else to neglect the place of intelligence in the development and control of a living and moving experience. (p. 88) Dewey (1938) points out that an experience that does not tend to the knowledge of facts, the acquisition of new ideas, and to the orderly arrangement of them, is an experience that is not educative. He affirms the idea that the principle of organization is not foreign to experience, but rather they go together. Otherwise, experience would become so scattered, it would seem chaotic (p. 82).

Pedagoogika → Haridus
4 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter I have always known that I want to engage oneself with science. I am interested in how different things react with each other, their influence on human and realised that I can find all these in food science and nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and Food Science course. I desire to help people cope with eating diseases and find out more about healthy eating, explore the foundations of human nutritio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Areng ja õppimine refereering

Rämpstoidu ning kõrge suhkrusisaldusega toitude tarbimine langetab õpilaste keskendumisvõimet pikaks ajaks. Peale sele on leitud, et kui õpilased tarbivad nälja peletamiseks vahetunnis kõrge suhkrusisaldusega toite, näiteks šokolaadi, maiustusi või saiakesi, selle asemel, et süüa näiteks puuvilju või tervislikku lõunat, läheb neil kõht kiiresti uuesti tühjaks ning see mõjutab samuti keskendumisvõimet. Ajakirjas Child: Care, Health and Development avaldatud uuringus analüüsiti 12000 viienda klassi õpilase rämpstoidu tarbimust ning matemaatika testide tulemusi. Uuringu tulemusena leiti, et lastel, kes tarbisid uuringunädalal rämpstoitu 4-6 korda, olid testide tulemused märgatavalt madalamad, kui lastel, kes rämpstoitu ei tarbinud. Lisaks õpitulemustele mõjutab toitumine ka tuju – antioksüdantide ning kasulike rasvade rikas dieet, mis koosneb paljudest puu- ning juurviljadest, kalast ning pähklitest, omab positiivset

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
10 allalaadimist

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge General · Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England, over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London. Design · In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. · Subway Committee was formed in 1876, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted. · Jones' engineer, Sir John Wolfe Barry, devised the idea of a bascule bridge 800 feet (244 m) in length with two towers

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun