PREFACE Combined with all the specialty and advantages of the same models from both domestic and abroad, 1P52FMI is one of the newly engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by strong power, low fuel-consumption and low noise as well as popular and fashionable shape. An engine of 1P52FMI will be your best choice. To benefit customers, we carefully compile the PARTS CATALOGUE FOR 1P52FMI ENGINE. Users can easily grasp characteristics of 1P52FMI engine through the illustrations, names, quantities, etc. in the catalogue. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Lifan Industry Group Co., Ltd., any group or individual is forbidden to reprint or copy any item from it. The catalogue is subject to change without notice. For undated reference the latest edition of
1·1 Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing 1 Contents Air cleaner element renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Fuel filter renewal - fuel injection engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Alternator drivebelt check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Hinge and lock check and lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Automatic transmission fluid level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Idle speed and mixture adjustment . . . . .
ahtrilainete süsteem stern wave system different trim dünaamilise tõstejõuga laev dynamically supported ship erikaal specific weight Froude arv Froude number gravitatsiooniline takistus gravity-related resistance hõõrdetakistus frictional resistance hõõrdetegur coefficient of friction koosmõju interaction hürdodonaamiline rõhk hydrodynamical pressure hüdromehaanika fluid mechanics hürdrostaatiline rõhk hydrostatical pressure inertsjõud inertial force isepoleeruv värv self-polishing paint jäätakistus residual resistance jäätakistus ice resistance kaal weight käigulained shipborne waves käigulainete interferent wave systems ineraction kaikuvus propulsion karedus
TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleaning and inspection covers for the cooling water and
By length of strokes : short stroke engine , long-stroke engine Fiat 126 has engine on the back with rear wheel drive. Engine is 2 cylinder and it produces 652c.c Simca has engine on the front engine driving front wheels. Engine is four cylinder and it produces 1118 c,c Component check sequence : Electrical connections engine battery : elektriühendused motor /aku Pre-heating system Eelsoojenduse süsteem Engine mechanical condition Mootori mehaaniline olukord Air and fuel system õhu ja kütuse süsteem Fuel level in tank low kütuse tase on bensiinipaagis Condition of fuel/fuel filter / fuel pipes kütuse , filtrate ja torude korrasolek Air filter/intake system blockage : õhufiltri ja sisselaske süsteemi puhtus Access diagnostic trouble codes juurdepääs veakoodidele Glow plug control module süüteküünla korrasolek Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor jahutusvedeliku andur Injectors pihustid
Two-Stroke TUNER’S HANDBOOK By Gordon Jennings Illustrations by the author Copyright © 1973 by Gordon Jennings Compiled for reprint © 2007 by Ken i PREFACE Many years have passed since Gordon Jennings first published this manual. Its 2007 and although there have been huge technological changes the basics are still the basics. There is a huge interest in vintage snowmobiles and their “simple” two stroke power plants of yesteryear. There is a wealth of knowledge contained in this manual. Let’s journey back to 1973 and read the book that was the two stroke bible of that era. Decades have passed since I hung around with John and Jim. John and I worked for the same corporation and I found a 500 triple Kawasaki for him at a reasonable price. He converted it into a drag bike, modified the engine completely and added mikuni carbs and tuned pipes. John borrowed Jim’s cop
Vänt-kepsmehhanism koosneb järgmistest osadest: a) kolb (piston); b) kolvirõngas (piston-ring); c) kolvisõrm (wristpin); d) keps (connecting rod) ja selle laagrid; e) väntvõll (crankshaft) ja selle laagrid; f) hooratas. 1. Kolb Kolvi funktsioonid on a) kanda põlemisgaaside poolt tekitatud jõud üle kepsule, b) töötada koos kepsuga ja tagada silindris selle liikumisteekond, c) oma konstruktsiooni ja lisaelementidega tihendada mootori põlemiskambrit ja eristada see karterist, d) üle kanda soojust jahutussüsteemi, e) kahetaktilistel mootoritel juhtida seguvahetust. Kolb omab järgmisi osi: a) kolvipõhi (npisto head); b) kolvipea (piston crown or ring belt); c) kolvisoon (top/second-ring groove), mida iseloomustavad alljärgnevad parameetrid: * kolvisoone sügavus ja laius (groove depth/width); * kolvisoone põhi (ring groove bottom); * kolvisoone paksend (ring groove pad); * kolvisoone lauppind (ring groove side);
b) kolvirõngas (piston-ring); c) kolvisõrm (wristpin); d) keps (connecting rod) ja selle laagrid; e) väntvõll (crankshaft) ja selle laagrid; f) hooratas. Kolb Kolvi tüübid on 1) silinderkolb, 2) pöördkolb, 3) tervikkolb, 4) liitkolb. Kolvi funktsioonid on a) kanda põlemisgaaside poolt tekitatud jõud üle kepsule, b) töötada koos kepsuga ja tagada silindris selle liikumisteekond, c) oma konstruktsiooni ja lisaelementidega tihendada mootori põlemiskambrit ja eristada see karterist, d) üle kanda soojust jahutussüsteemi, e) kahetaktilistel mootoritel juhtida seguvahetust. Väntvõll Väntvõll muundab oma (vändakaelte) kepsukaelte/ vändaõlgade (rod extensions/throws) abil kepsude edasi-tagasi liikumise pöörlevaks liikumiseks ning realiseerib gaaside poolt tekitatud indikaatorrõhu väntvõlli pöördemomendiks. Väntvõll valmistatakse terasvalu sepisest (dropforged) või tugevast malmist.
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