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"critique" - 32 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: critique

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IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MEDIA ECONOMY AND TECHNOLOGY, HOW VALID IS THE CRITIQUE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF MEDIA DECEIVING AND PACIFYING THE POPULATION? Essay Tallinn 2013 The rapid development of computer technologies and internet has been one of the main factors affecting our everyday life over the last decades. They have made our life more efficient, comfortable and also changed the way we communicate and consume media.

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Korrelatsiooni meetodid; Uurimismeetodid, mida ei kasutata traditsioonilistes uurimismudelites

Metaanalüüsi puhul kogub uurija ühe teema kohta andmeid, ja esitab nende uurimuste tulemustest statistilise kokkuvõtte. Metodoloogiline meetod Sellist meetodit kasutatakse selleks, et arendada instrumentide usaldusväärsust selleks, et mõõta konstruktsioone, mida kasutatakse teadusuuringute muutujatena. See protsess on pikk ja keeruline. Kasutatud kirjandus: Burns, N. & Grove, S.K. (2001; 2005). The Practice of Nursing Research. Conduct, Critique & Utilization. Selecting A Research Design: 248-280 2

Muu → Metoodika
2 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs ​ 1. Hang around- ringi jõlkuma 2. Hang on- ootama 3. Hang on to- hoidma 4. Hang out- välja panema 5. Hang out with- Kellegagi koos aega veetma 6. Hang over- painama 7. Hang up- telefoni kõnet lõpetama 8. Commit a crime- kuritegu sooritama 9. Crime prevention- kuriteo ennetamine 10. Crime rate- kuritegude sagedus/määr 11. Crime scene- kuriteopaik 12. Juvenile/youth crime- noorsoo kuriteod 13. Petty crime- väärtegu 14. Serious crime- tõsine kuritegu 15. Street crime- tänaval juhtunud kuritegu 16. Turn to crime- kurjale teele minema 17. Violent crime- vägivaldne kuritegu 18. Au pair- lapsehoidja 19. Bon appetit- head isu 20. Bon voyage- head reisi 21. Critique- kriitik 22. Cuisine- köök 23. En suite- magamistuba koos privaatvannitoaga 24. Faux pas- piinlik apsakas 25. Fiance- kihlatu 26. Blizzard- lumetorm 27. Breeze- tuul 28. Downpour- paduvihm 29. Drizzle- tib...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ülevaade valgustusajastust

1 ÜLEVAADE VALGUSTUSAJASTUST 17.-18. sajandit tähistatakse vaimses mõttes valgustusena. I.Kant annab meile valgustuse klassikalise definitsiooni 1783 a.: "Aufkärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbst versuldeten Unmündigkeit.Unmündigkeit ist das Unvergögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen." - "Valgustus on inimese väljumine tema omasüülisest alaealisusest." "Alaealisus on võimetus kasutada oma aru kellegi teise juhatuseta. Ise ollakse selles alaealisuses süüdi, kui põhjuseks pole aru puudumine, vaid puuduvad otsusekindlus ja mehisus, kasutamaks oma aru kellegi teise juhatuseta." ­ "On nii mugav olla alaealine. Oleks mul aru asemel raamat, südametunnistuse asemel hingekarjane, minu enda asemel kirjutaks mulle eluviise ette arst jne, siis poleks mul tarvis end üldse vaevata." 1...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

1. The independent movement for the European federation - Should unite all supporters, should not be a political party - Should be supernational - Should seek direct influence on public opinion, exercise pressure on national governments 2. Constituent Assembly vs intergovernmental method: not governments but citizens - Represent the public opinion - Represent the parties and prinviple democratic trends - Free of the vested interests 3. Spinellis critique of the ECSC - European institutions will be deprived of the capacity to overcome special interests - The chaos and inefficiency as the result of lack of common governance - Functional institutions established by the unanimous decisions are weak in time of crisis - The democratic deficite Critique of the federalist approach - Creation of a state like institutional order at the European level results in significantgovernance capacity

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist


 Kas erinevate postkolonialistlikke tekstide vahel on enam siduvaid või eristavaid jooni? (Erinevate maade põlisrahvastik, valged kolonisaatorid, diaspora-gruppide kirjandus) Postkolonialismi teoreetikuid: Homi Bhabha, Nation and Narration 1990 (toim), Location of Culture (1994) Ashcroft, Bill, Griffith, G., Tiffin, H., The Empire Writes Back: Theory And Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures 1989 Gayatri Spivak, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” 1988, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Towards a History of the Vanishing Present (1999). Postkolonialistlikke kirjanikke: Hanif Kureishi, Hanif Äärelinna Buddha (The Buddha of Suburbia) Arundhati Roy, Arundhati Väikeste asjade jumal (The God of Small Things) Ben Okri, Näljutatud tee (The Famished Road) Micahel Ondaatje, Inglise patsient (The English Patient, 1993,In the Skin of A Lion 1989) Salman Rushdie, Saatanlikud värsid (The Satanic Verses), Mauri Viimane ohe (The Moor’s Last Sigh, 1995, e. k

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
5 allalaadimist

The Life of Dante, the Inferno of Dante

felt danger and the humiliation of exile, and who was no stranger to the cruelty and treachery possible in people. Dante felt he was a victim of a grave injustice. He also suffered serious self-doubts, natural for a man in exile. His works reflect his experiences and attempts to answer some of life's difficult questions. In 1968, Allen Tate, a conservative thinker and a convert to Catholicism, wrote "The Unilateral Imagination; or, I too Dislike it", in his Essays of Four Decades. This critique was established from a lecture given by Tate in 1955 based on his works. An example of Dante's ability to tell so much in one single word was expressed by Tate when he cited the word "ombre" which translates "shades," to remind us of the continuity of the Christian Hell and Virgil's pagan Hades. "Shades" are referred to as three-dimensional bodies, able to feel pain as if they were alive in solid ice and immobile, yet to have the intensity of fire. If Dante had tried to touch

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

our aim is to examine classificatory schemes that might be used to organize or analytic and most of the latter have been synthetic in their approaches. Where the systematize one's thoughts about the philosophy of science. analysts have been interested in investigating science as a splendid truth-finding /.../ enterprise, the synthesists have been interested in giving a critique of science as one Seven sets of approaches will be discussed here. cultural artifact among many others, with peculiar advantages and disadvantages for other cultural artifacts and for human development. Were the analysts have sought to 1. Activities vs. Results

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

who had a carefully shaped taste of arts and sense in beauty. Vishnyakova (2011) puts it, "The "fathers" were reading the German idealists, admired French romanticism, unconditionally worshiped beauty, and strongly believed in a hierarchy of moral values that were not human conventions." Indeed, this characterisation is mainly brought forward by typical Turgenev's literary tools; he presents his `fathers' with a radically different generation of `nihilists' and from this contrast, the main critique and description of the very generation of Turgenev himself arises. Freeborn (1960:99) comments that radicalism/nihilism (Turgenev used radicalism) aimed to "to present as objectively as possible the ideological and class antagonisms existing between the fathers and the sons in that crucial year on 1859 when the two wings of the intelligentsia were in open disagreement". 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Valuravi ja valuõendus

Valuravi ja valuõendus TTK Jelena Shefer 2013 Valu mõiste ja klassifikatsioon Valu on organismi koekahjustustega kaasnev ebameeldiv aisting või kogemus, mis tegelikult on organismi kaitsereaktsioon ähvardava koekahjustuse vastu. Rahvusvaheline Valuuuringu Ühing on määratlenud valu järgnevalt: "valu on ebameeldiv sensoorne ja emotsionaalne kogemus, mis on seotud tegeliku või potentsiaalse koekahjustusega". Kliiniliselt on eristatavad kolm peamist valu liiki: äge, krooniline ja onkoloogiline valu. Äge valu tuleneb kehavigastusest, sõltumata sellest, kas on tegu traumaatilise, kirurgilise või nakkusliku ärritiga. Valusööst on enamasti hästi piiritletud ja järsk, seotud autonoomse närvisüsteemi aktiivsuse füsioloogiliste tunnustega nagu tahhükardia, tahhüpnoe ja kehatemperatuuri tõus. Äge valu on leeve...

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
30 allalaadimist


années 1970-19905, (4) à ce que l'on appelle actuellement « la/les didactique(s) du plurilinguisme »6, et (5) à la perspective actionnelle. 3 Cf. en particulier la Plateforme de ressources et de références pour l'éducation plurilingue et interculturelle du Conseil de l'Europe, et les documents les plus récents qui s'y trouvent. En ligne (dernière consultation 18 janvier 2013) : Pour une critique de cette expression et plus généralement du comportement fort cavalier des « experts » de la Division des politiques linguistiques vis-à-vis des chercheurs, cf. mon « Blog-Notes » en date du 21 juin 2012. En ligne :ébat-sur-les-orientations-de-la- division-des-politiques-linguistiques-du-conseil-de-l-europe/. 4 J'ajouterai dans ma conclusion le domaine éducationnel ; concrètement, pour ce qui nous intéresse ici, il

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
2 allalaadimist

Eliidi teooriad eliidita ühiskonna võimalikkusest

Küsides „Kes on süüdi eliidi liigses mõjuvõimus ja klasside taastootmises?“, oleks õigem vastata, et süsteem ja selle erinevad osad: nii eliit kui ka mass. Eliit on süüdi, et annab aeg-ajalt järele kiusatustele ja isiklikele huvidele ning mass on süüdi oma rumaluses, enesekeskuses ja huvipuuduses. 5 Kasutatud kirjandus Bourdieu, P. (1984/1979) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. T.J Press (Padstow) Ltd. Padstow, Cornwall Davis, K. & Moore, W.E (1945) Some Principles of Stratification. Ehin, P., Ainsaar, M., Talving, L. ja Reiljan, A. Eesti elanike suhtumine demokraatiasse Euroopa Sotsiaaluuringu andmete põhjal. Uuringu aruanne. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2014. Hartmann, Michael (ed.) (2007) Sociology of elites. London: Routledge Khan, S.R. (2012) Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
3 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

1925, by that time major names had established themselves. She summarized what they were doing. He started by explaining what the situation was and went on to explain how it should be. Criticism of Realist literary method. Denial of conventions (tava), traditional structure, plot and presentation of character. 3. Joseph Conrad and Literary Impressionism. New ways of presenting character and experience. Conrad's literary output. Lord Jim. Nostromo. Heart of Darkness and a critique of colonialism. Kurtz as Nietzsche's Superman. The darkness of human heart. Civilization and barbarism: which is which? Joseph Conrad and Literary Impressionism. Effect of light. Moments, very conscious of precious moments. Conrad: writer must do something like that on paper. Only by giving the impression can painter, writer can make people forget about their daily lives. New ways of presenting character and experience. Character is described as seen by other people

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

Several validity studies have suggested that AES engines tap the same construct as that being evaluated by human raters. Page, Keith, & LaVoie (1995) examined the construct validity of AES, Keith (2003) summarized several discriminant and true score validity studies of the technology, and Attali & Burstein (2006) demonstrated the relationship between AES and instructional activities associated with writing. AES is not without its detractors. Ericcson & Haswell (2006) performed a comprehensive critique of the technology from the perspective of those who teach postsecondary writing. Objections to the technology ranged from a concern about the ethics of using computers rather than humans to teach writing to the lack of synchronicity between how human graders approach the rating task and the process by which AES evaluates a writing sample to failed implementations of AES in university placement 5 testing programs

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

and effectiveness (SIGMA 1998: 8-14). Most certainly, they are closer to responsible PA reform than the catchwords of NPM. Regarding the specter of the ancien régime of traditional bureaucracy, part of almost every era's and country's folklore as it seems, it is important to realize that in general, "publicness / public sphere ­ politics ­ administration ... will remain, in spite of all modernization, a culturally-founded tension. Thus, the critique of bureaucracy will remain permanent as well." (Laux 1993: 345) Yet, the alternative to bad PA ­ what "bureaucracy" is in common parlance ­ is not the abolition of PA, but good PA, one that works for state, society, and economy alike. "The direct correlation between the capabilities of government and countries' development ... is based on vast historical evidence. The most powerful nations' strength and ability to create and distribute wealth cannot be explained without

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Üliõpilastööde koostamine ja vormistamine

563) arendades teooriat induktiivselt (Carr 1994: 716). Andmete kogumine, töötlemine ja analüüsimine on üksteisega tihedalt seotud (Burns jt 2001), mistõttu püütakse samaaegselt toime tulla andmete kogumisega, süstematiseerimisega ning tõlgendamisega (Burns jt 1993: 563). Kvalitatiivse uurimuse korral uuritakse nähtusi läbi inimese kogemuse, mis on subjektiivne (Ellis jt 1995: 351). Kirjanduse loetelus: Burns, N., Grove, S. K. (1993). The Practise of Nursing Research. Conduct. Critique and Utilization. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. Burns, N., Grove, S. K. (2001). The Practise of Nursing Research. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. Carr, L. T. (1994). The strengths and weakness of quantitative and qualitative reseach: what 34 method for nursing? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20(4), 716-721. Ellis, J. R., Hartley, C. L. (1995). Managing and Coordinating Nursing Care. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
232 allalaadimist


Kultuuriantropoloogia 2011 sügissemester Kohustuslik kirjandus: 1) Vikerkaar 4-5/ 2007, lk 64-77, 132-165 2) Marcus, G. ja Fischer, M. 1996 Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. II ptk, lk 17-44 3) Honko, L. & Pentikäinen, J. Kultuuriantropoloogia, lk 90-103 Antropoloogia ­ teadus inimesest, uurib nii eelajaloolist kui modernset inimest ja tema eluviise. Anthropos - inimene. Antropoloogia on inimest kui liiki ja selle arengut ning inimese kultuurikäitumist ja kultuure uurivate loodus,- humanitaar-, ühiskonnateaduste üldnimetus.

Antropoloogia → Kultuurantropoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Sugarclub

VIIDATUD ALLIKAD 1. Heli Tooman 2003. Teenindusühiskond, teeninduskultuur ja klienditeenindusõppe kontseptuaalsed lähtekohad. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool sotsiaalteaduste dissertatsioonid. TPÜ Kirjastus. 2. Katre Valgma. 2006. Klientide rahulolu ja teeninduse kvaliteedi mõõtmine jaekaubanduse ettevõttes. TÜ Majandusteaduskond, Juhtimise ja turunduse instituut. (Magistritöö). 3. Maive Suuroja. 2003. Service quality ­ main conceptualizations and critique. TÜ Majandusteaduskond, Tartu University Press. 4. Tarbija 24 [ 302121.php] 10.05.2012 5. Postimees [] 10.05.2012. 6. Karjääriteenuste kvaliteedikäsiraamat, 10.02.2011, SA Innove karjääriteenuste arenduskeskus. 7. Sugarclub [] 10.05.2012 Lisa 1. SERVQUAL ankeedid SERVQUAL küsimustik. Karmen Kukk, 05

Majandus → Ettevõtluskeskkond
75 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia ja metodoloogia

Teadusfilosoofia ja metodoloogia Eksam: 4 küsimust, 2 pikemat (1-2 lk) Objektiivne teadmine.. kuid ka teaduses on palju seisukohti ümber hinnatud. Esitused sõltuvad vaatenurkadest, eesmärkidest, uurimisülesandest jne. Akadeemilise teaduse 3 dimensiooni: filosoofiline, psühholoogiline, sotsioloogiline Teadlast raamitsevad traditsioonid ja institutsioonid. Normatiivne vs deskriptiiven – filosoofia peaks olema loomu poolest normatiivne (alati ei vaja empiirilisi fakte) Epistemoloogia – so teadmiste ja tunnetamise teooria, Episteme – kindel, kaheldamatu. Uurib, missugune on teadmine (uskumus, teadmine, juhuse tõttu on uskumus tõene). Episteme järgi peab aga lati olema tõene, alusega. Uurib üldisi seoseid tõendite ja üldväidete vhael. Teadus võimaldab meil põhjendada uskumusi ja seletada ümbritsevat maailma. Seletamine seaduste ja tingimuste kaudu (Hempel). Teadusfilosoofia kui metafüüsika – küsib, mis on...

Geograafia → Teadusfilosoofia ja...
32 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

" Against such depressing expectations, Paul is relieved by his death: "his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come." The war becomes not merely a traumatic experience or a hardship to be endured but something that actually transforms the essence of human existence into irrevocable, endless suffering. The war destroys Paul long before it kills him. Kantorek Though he is not central to the novel's plot, Kantorek is an important figure as a focus of Remarque's bitter critique of the ideals of patriotism and nationalism that drove nations into the catastrophe of World War I. Kantorek, the teacher who filled his students' heads with passionate rhetoric about duty and glory, serves as a punching bag as Remarque argues against those ideals. Though a modern context is essential to the indictment of Kantorek's patriotism and nationalism, Kantorek's physical description groups him with premodern evil characters

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

Kultuurantropoloogia konspekt

 Tegelik klassidevaheline liikumine suhteliselt väike  Sarnase elustiiliga, ent mitte koherentsed grupid  Enamasti puudub "klassiteadlikkus“ Pierre Bourdieu: kapitali sotsiaalsed vormid  Majanduslik kapital (raha jm materiaalne vara)  Sotsiaalne kapital (sotsiaalne kuuluvus, suhted, vastastikune tunnustus jne)  Kultuuriline kapital (teadmised, oskused, haridus, elustiilitüüp)  Sümboliline kapital (au, prestiiž) Bourdieu La distinction. Critique sociale du judgement. (1979) "Klassimaitse" analüüs (kvanitatiivne)  Sotsiaalne klass ja sotsialisatioon määravad klassipõhiste grupeeringute esteetilised eelistused (riietumisstiili, muusikamaitse jne).  Need eelistused juhivad inimesed suure tõenäosusega kihti, kuhu kuulus ka nende lähteperekond.  Selline kultuuriline kapital on tähtis mehhanism, millega olemasolevat klassissüsteemi sotsiaalset hierarhiat kultuuriliselt taastoodetakse ehk reprodutseeritakse.

Antropoloogia → Kultuurantropoloogia
26 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Russell's Theory of Descriptions 12 Objections to Russell's theory 19 Summary 29 Questions 30 Further reading 30 3 Proper names: the Description Theory 31 Overview 31 Frege and the puzzles 31 Opening objections 36 Searle's Cluster Theory 38 Kripke's critique 39 Summary 43 Questions 43 Further reading 44 vi Contents 4 Proper names: Direct Reference and the Causal­Historical Theory 45 Overview 45 Possible worlds 46 Rigidity and proper names 47 Direct Reference 49

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus kirjandusteadusesse

jne? Kas erinevate postkolonialistlikke tekstide vahel on enam siduvaid või eristavaid jooni? (Erinevate maade põlisrahvastik, valged kolonisaatorid, diaspora-gruppide kirjandus) Postkolonialismi teoreetikuid: Homi Bhabha, Nation and Narration 1990 (toim), Location of Culture (1994) Ashcroft, Bill, Griffith, G., Tiffin, H., The Empire Writes Back: Theory And Practice in Post- Colonial Literatures 1989 Gayatri Spivak, "Can the Subaltern Speak?" 1988, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Towards a History of the Vanishing Present (1999). Postkolonialistlikke kirjanikke: Hanif Kureishi, Hanif Äärelinna Buddha (The Buddha of Suburbia) Arundhati Roy, Arundhati Väikeste asjade jumal (The God of Small Things) Ben Okri, Näljutatud tee (The Famished Road) Micahel Ondaatje, Inglise patsient (The English Patient, 1993,In the Skin of A Lion 1989) Salman Rushdie, Saatanlikud värsid (The Satanic Verses), Mauri Viimane ohe (The Moor's Last Sigh, 1995, e. k

Teatrikunst → Kirjandus- ja teatriteaduse...
232 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus kirjandusteadusesse kordamisküsimused eksamiks - Tartu ülikool

tegelastesse jne?  Kas erinevate postkolonialistlikke tekstide vahel on enam siduvaid või eristavaid jooni? (Erinevate maade põlisrahvastik, valged kolonisaatorid, diaspora-gruppide kirjandus) Postkolonialismi teoreetikuid: Homi Bhabha, Nation and Narration 1990 (toim), Location of Culture (1994) Ashcroft, Bill, Griffith, G., Tiffin, H., The Empire Writes Back: Theory And Practice in Post- Colonial Literatures 1989 Gayatri Spivak, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” 1988, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Towards a History of the Vanishing Present (1999). Postkolonialistlikke kirjanikke: Hanif Kureishi, Hanif Äärelinna Buddha (The Buddha of Suburbia) Arundhati Roy, Arundhati Väikeste asjade jumal (The God of Small Things) Ben Okri, Näljutatud tee (The Famished Road) Micahel Ondaatje, Inglise patsient (The English Patient, 1993,In the Skin of A Lion 1989) Salman Rushdie, Saatanlikud värsid (The Satanic Verses), Mauri Viimane ohe (The Moor’s Last Sigh, 1995, e. k

Keeled → Keeleteadus
45 allalaadimist

Russian philology

served in the military, before rising to various roles in Catherine II's government, including secretary to the Empress and Minister of Justice. Unlike those who took after the grand style of Mikhail Lomonosov and Alexander Sumarokov, Derzhavin was concerned with the minute details of his subjects. Denis Fonvizin, an author primarily of comedy, approached the subject of the Russian nobility with an angle of critique. Fonvizin felt the nobility should be held to the standards they were under the reign of Peter the Great, during which the quality of devotion to the state was rewarded. His works criticized the current system for rewarding the nobility without holding them responsible for the duties they once performed. Using satire and comedy, Fonvizin supported a system of nobility in which the elite were rewarded based upon personal merit

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Filosoofia SH

Filosoofia Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium Sander Gansen SH. klass 2011/12 Sisukord Filosoofia ,,sambad"..................................................................................................................4 Mis on filosoofia?...................................................................................................................... 5 Mileetose ehk Joonia koolkond.................................................................................................6 Eleaadid ehk elea koolkond.......................................................................................................7 Eelsokraatikute koolkond..........................................................................................................8 Sofistid...................................................................................................................

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
39 allalaadimist

Keskaja filosoofia

· Albert Suur · 354 - 430 Albertus Magnus · Üldiselt · u. 1206 -1280 · Augustinuse mõttetöös leiab tõusev kristlik kultuur · Üldist oma esimese kõrgfilosoofilise väljenduse. · Entsüklopeedilise harituse tõttu on teda nimetatud · Ta on "kristliku filosoofia" rajaja. ka "doctor universal'iseks". · Elu ja töö · Tema puhul on tegemist ühe suurejoonelisema · "Sa oled meid enese suunas loonud, ja rahutu on katsega ühendada üksikteadmisi ja kreeka meie süda, kuni see rahu leiab Sinus." filosoofiat. Confessiones. · Üldist · Augustinus kirjeldab oma "Pihtimustes" ( 13 · Albert kommenteerib ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
59 allalaadimist

American Literature

have been brought up on the ideal grasshopper, the heroic grasshopper, the impassioned grasshopper, the selfdevoted, adventureful, good old romantic cardboard grasshopper, must die out before the simple, honest, and natural grasshopper can have a fair field." Howells believed the future of American writing was not in poetry but in novels, a form which he saw shifting from "romance" to a serious form. Mark Twain and his critique of American civilisation through the eyes of children. Mark Twain shared a common understanding of U.S. identity and world mission. The national narrative originated in nineteenthcentury history texts, which fuse ProtestantChristian and Enlightenment values. According to the textbooks, the Puritans came to the New World to establish religious freedom, and American civil liberties are a uniquely Protestant idea. The doctrine of Free Trade became part of the narrative, semantically

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


sobitatakse valitsevate standardite sisse) · Naiste rollid ja staatused ühiskonnas · Femiinne vaatenurk sotsiaalsele elule · Naiste õigused? 34 4. KAASAEGSED SOTSIOLOOGID 4.1.1. Pierre Bourdieu · Prantsuse sotsioloog, atropoloog, filosoof ning anti-globaliseerumisliikumise juhte · 1930-2001 · Tähtsaim teos: Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (1984). Rahvusvaheline Sotsioloogia Assotsiatsioon on pidanud seda üheks 10-st tähtsamaks tööks 20.sajandil sotsioloogias. · Võtmesõnad Bourdieu's sotsioloogilises mõttes olid sotsiaalne väli, kapital ja habitus. · Lõik Bourdieu' tuntuimast teosest · "Taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier. Social subjects, classified by

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
232 allalaadimist


Sagedasti on nõnda, et kes oskab huvi, rõõmu ja õnne leida sellest piskust, mis tal on kodus, see oskab ka suuremat huvi, õnne ja rõõmu leida ka väljast, kaugemalt. Õnn ja rõõm on igal pool, kui aga oleks inimesi, kes oskaksid ta avada. Ka seda peaks õige kasvatus õpetama. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Allik, J. 2009. Psühholoogia keerukusest. Tartu. Aristoteles. 1996. Nikomachose eetika. Tartu. Barrow, R. 1978. Radical education. A critique of freeschooling and Deschooling. London. Bellow, S. 1993. Vargus. ­ Loomingu Raamatukogu, 3/4. Bennett, N. 1976. Teaching Styles and Pupil Progress. London. Bereiter, C. 1973. Must We Educate? New York. Berlak, A., Berlak, H. 1981. Dilemma of Schooling. Teaching and Social Change. London and New York. Bitinas, B. 1984. Struktura protsessa vospitanija. Kaunas. Blenkin, G., Kelly, A. 1981. The Primary Curriculum. London. Campbell, R. 1996. Meie laps. Tallinn. Carroll, L., Tober, J. 2008

Pedagoogika → Sotsiaalpedagoogika teooria ja...
68 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Spotting Bad Science 102: So You Have a Pill ... The Slow-Carb Diet--194 People The Slow-Carb Diet--194 People Sex Machine II: Details and Dangers The Meatless Machine I: Reasons to Try a Plant-Based Diet for Two Weeks The Meatless Machine II: A 28-Day Experiment BONUS MATERIAL Spot Reduction Revisited: Removing Stubborn Thigh Fat Becoming Brad Pitt: Uses and Abuses of DNA The China Study: A Well-Intentioned Critique Heavy Metal: Your Personal Toxin Map The Top 10 Reasons Why BMI Is Bogus Hyperclocking and Related Mischief: How to Increase Strength 10% in One Workout Creativity on Demand: The Promises and Dangers of Smart Drugs An Alternative to Dieting: The Bodyfat Set Point and Tricking the Hypothalamus ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PHOTO AND ILLUSTRATION CREDITS INDEX TIM'S DISCLAIMER Please don't be stupid and kill yourself. It would make us both quite unhappy

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

petals. In the 1 9 5 0 s experiments were done with 3D, "smell-o-vision," and "Percepto," an effect in theatres specially rigged for W i l l i a m Castle's unique effort, The Tingler. Seats were wired with buzzers that made them vibrate at supposedly shocking m o ­ ments on screen, where a creature was depicted attaching itself to people's spines. T H E BODY A S A GUIDE T O C R I T I Q U I N G It's not easy to critique your own writing work or that of others. It can be hard to articulate what's wrong, how the story made you feel, what was lacking. Sometimes the best way to measure a story's effect and diagnose its problems is to ask " H o w did it make me feel — in the organs of my body? D i d I feel anything physical at all, or was I just having mental processes that didn't much involve anything but the brain? Did it make my blood run cold? D i d it make my toes curl with horror or delight?

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
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