decisis. In stark contrast to the concept of stare decisis and precedent found in a common law system, decisions in a civil law system are to be made based on a corresponding statute, in theory. In a civil law system, the legislative or executive branch makes the laws and courts are simply required to follow the laws as they have been written. A judge, therefore, in a civil law system, has considerably less authority or autonomy than a judge in a system based on common law. 2.What is Comparative Family Law? At the most basic level, comparative family law is the comparison of legal systems for the regulation of intimate and family lives. Comparison can be functional, serving to inform the discussion about similar or different institutional arrangements to address analogous legal problems arising all over the world. Comparisons can also reveal the structural nature of law, leading to questions about the role of legal narratives about family law, the effects of those narratives on the
a. Eesti õiguse süsteemi diakrooniline käsitlus (seadusandluse ja kohtusüsteemi näitel) 4. Ius commune allikad: a. Õiguse allika mõiste. b. nende ajalooline kujunemine (sugukonnaõigus, lokaalõigus, kodifikatsioonid, loomuõiguskoolkond, ajalooline koolkond) c. kehtiva õiguse allikad d. ,,rahvusliku õiguskorra püramiid". KIRJANDUS: 1. Ainekavas näidatud soovituslikud materjalid. 2. Comparative Juridical Review. Vol 30, 1993. (Vt Smith, R. Artikkel) 3. David, R., Brierley, J.E.C. Major Legal Systems in the World Today. London 1985, pp 1-79; 81-154. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES; sobib ka 1968.a väljaanne). 4. Glendon, M.A. jt. Comparative Legal Traditions. 1994. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES, SOBIB KA 1985.a väljaanne), pp 1-41; 44- 191; pp 192-276. 5. Ilus, E. Rooma eraõiguse alused. Toim. H. Pisuke. Tln. 2000, lk 27-53. 6
and adverbs:......................................................................... 2 Adjectives ................................................................. 2 Adverbs .................................................................... 4 Types of comparisons ........................................................... 4 Degrees of Comparison Degrees of Comparison are used to compare things (living beings, actions, phenomena, etc). We use the comparative degree to compare two things: She’s shorter than me. John works harder than Jim. After a comparative we use than. We use the superlative degree to compare more than two things: Mary is shorter than Jane but Judy is the shortest of the three sisters. Ben is the shortest boy in his class. The superlative degree is usually used with the definite article the. Formation of comparatives and superlatives from adjectives and adverbs: Adjectives
TALLINN xxxx 1.1 RL-Circuit L1 100mH Uout=4V V1 232.5 Vrms R1 5kHz 54 -89° Figure .1: RL-circuit Figure 1.: Input and load voltage Figure 1.: Frequency response Figure 1.: Frequency response Comparative data table Calculated Experiment Quantity value al value Uamp,V 328 327,98 I, A 0,074 0,074 Uout,V 4 3,99 UL,V 232,5 231,9 -89 -89 , s -0,000049 -0,000050 A, dB -35,2 -35,3 Calculations f=5 kHz L= 100 mH R= 54 Uout= 4 V Conclusion
Omadussõna Omadussõna kasutatakse kahel moel: · nimisõna täiend a smart girl a pretty boy · verbi be öeldistäide The girl is smart. The boy is pretty. Omadussõnal ei ole inglise keeles mitmust. smart girls pretty boys Omadussõnal on kolm võrdlusastet: Algvõrre Keskvõrre Ülivõrre The positive degree The comparative degree The superlative degree small smaller the smallest funny funnier the funniest beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful reasonable more reasonable the most reasonable 1. Võrdlemine er ja est abil · Ühesilbilised omadussõnad small - smaller the smallest
argigrupid 92 Lisa E: S. Shirakawa kanji morfoloogili seletusi 97 Nihongo Shoho k¨asitletud m¨argid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Muid u¨ldkasutatavaid m¨arke vastavalt joonte arvule . . . . 161 T¨anap¨aeval v¨ahekasutatavaid m¨arke . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 4 Morphological Explanations of the Chinese Characters. A Comparative Study of Kanji Dictionaries. ma thesis 2000 Helsinki University Department of Asian and African Languages and Cultures Abstract The current paper is a comparative study on the morphological explanations of the Chinese characters as explained in eight character dictionaries and textbooks. C. S. Peirce sign systems theory is used for describing the morphological space of the Chinese characters. A
Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics Report on Exercises 1 on Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering Linear Circuits Student AAVB-41 Tallinn 2008 Exercise 1.1. RL circuit Quantity Calculated Experimental value value Umax, V 14,14 14,14 I, mA 983 983 UR, V 9,82 9,81 UL, V 1,85 1,85 -10,7 -10,6 -2,0 -1,7 -0,15 -0,15 Comparative data table Conclusion Calculated and experimental results...
Adjectives WB 3/7; 3/8; p29; 5/5; 5/6: 10/2 Omadussõna võrdlusastmed: 1. algvõrre positive 2. keskvõrre comparative 3. ülivõrre superlative ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ühesilbilised omadussõnad: long longer longest 2. Kahesilbilised omadussõnad: a) sõna lõpus -er; -ow; -y clever cleverer the cleverest narrow narrower the narrowest easy easier the easiest b) kahesilbilised omadussõnad: ei ole lõppe helpful more helpful the most helpful
L=1H R=7.9 f=79 Hz Ur=10V Fig. 1.1 Circuit diagram Calculations: =2f=2**79=496,4 rad/s XL=L=1*496,4 Z=SQRT(XL2+R2)=SQRT(496,42+7,92)=496,5 I=UR/R=10/7,9=1,3A U=I*Z=1,3*496,5=645,5V UMAX=SQRT(2)*U=912,9V =-arccos(R/Z)=-89° =-89°/(360*79)=-3,1*10-3 A=-20*log(Z/R)=-36 dB Comparative data table: Quantity Calculated value Experimental value I, A 1,3 1,308 ° -89 -89,118 , s -3,1*10-3 -3,2*10-3 A, dB -36 -36,254 ...
Participants osalejad Shrine pühamu Joint holding kaasvaldus Habitual harilik Hence seepärast Restoration taastamine Parcel maatükk Assessment uurimine Constitute moodustama Scarcely napilt Salient väljapaistev Agriculture põllumajandus Artificial kunstlik Reforesting taasmetsastamine Seedling võrse Coniferous okas- Timber puit Utilizing kasutades Subsidized riigitoetust saav Afforestation metsastamine Subsidy toetus Affiliated tütar- Prevailing ülekaalus Deteriorate halveneb Labour tööjõud Confront vastu seisma Monetary rahaline Accompanying kaasasolev Silviculture metsakasvatus Revenue tulu Incentive stiimul Entrust usaldama Steep järsk Labour-intensive tööjõumahukas Decline langus Virgin forest põlismets Secondary forest taastunud mets Overstate ülehindama Subsequently järgnevalt Tendency kalduvus Incremental kasvav Pulpwood pabripuit Stumpage puidu langetamise hind Rapidly kiiresti Resemble sarnanema Consistent järjepidev...
, Naughton, J., Walker, D. 1981. Design method and scientific method. Design Studies, 2-4, 195-01. Cross, N. 1993. Science and Design Methodology: a review. Research in Engineering Design, 5-2, 63-69. Eden, C., Huxham, C. 1996. Action research for management research. British Journal of Management, 7, 75-86. Flyvbjerg, B. 2004. Five misunderestandings about case-study research. Qualitative Research Practice. London: SAGE Publ, 420 433. Lijphart, A. 1971.Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method. American Political Science Review, 65, 682-693. Loogma, K. 1998. Tuleviku-uuringud: metodoloogiline vaatepunkt. Tallinn: Eesti Tuleviku-uuringute Instituut. Krathwohl, D.R. 2004a. ,,Experimental Methods and Experimental Design" in Methods of Educational and Social Science Research: an Integrated Approach. 2nd ed. Long Grove: Waveland Press, 498-552. Krathwohl, D.R. 2004b. ,,Meta-Analysis Synthesis of Findings" in Methods of
Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Filters Report on Exercise 5 in AAR3320 Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering Student: Student Code: Study Group: Instructor: Prof. Valery Vodovozov Tallinn 1. RC filter R Vnoise 1000Ω 15 Vrms 11kHz 0Deg RL V C1 11kΩ 7.23µF 11.23 Vrms IC=0V 11 Hz 0Deg Figure 1. Circuit diagram of the low-pass RC filter Calcul...
Read the rules Comparative(keskvõrre) We add err to one-syllable adjectives We change y to i and add er in two-syllable or longer adjectives We put more or less in front of two-syllable on longer adjectives For adjectives that end in one vowel + one consonant, we double final consonant and add er Superlative(ülivõrre) We add est to one-syllable adjectives We add est to two-syllable adjectives that end in y (-y changes to iest) We put most or least in front on two-syllable or longer adjectives We always put the in front on the superlative 1. Complete the table BASE FORM COPRATIVE SUPERLATIVE POPULAR MORE POPULAR THE MOST POPULAR worse better thin big ...
VERNER'S LAW Verner's law, stated by Karl Verner in 1875, describes a historical sound change in the Proto- Germanic language whereby voiceless fricatives *f, *, *s, *h, *h, when immediately following an unstressed syllable in the same word, underwent voicing and became respectively the fricatives[1] *b, *d, *z, *g, *g. Significance: Karl Verner published his discovery in the article "Eine Ausnahme der ersten Lautverschiebung" (an exception to the first sound shift) in Kuhn's Journal of Comparative Linguistic Research in 1876, but he had presented his theory already on 1 May, 1875 in a comprehensive personal letter to his friend and mentor, Vilhelm Thomsen. It was received with great enthusiasm by the young generation of comparative philologists, the so- called Junggrammatiker, because it was an important argument in favour of theNeogrammarian dogma that the sound laws were without exceptions ("die Ausnahmslosigkeit der Lautgesetze"). BREAKING IN OLD ENGLISH
Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool optomeetria õppetool OP 11 Karolin Karbus KAMEELEONI NÄGEMINE Referaat Nägemise arengus ja binokulaarses nägemises Tallinn 2013 Kameeleoni silmad on peaaegu üleni ühinenud poolkerajate üla- ja alalaugudega kaetud ning silmamunast näha on vaid pupill. See kaitsev koonusjas laug liigub koos silmaga. Joonis 1. Kameeleoni silmamuna ilma kaitsate laugudeta (A) ning kõrva asukoht. (B) Kõik teised liikuvate silmadega loomad vaatavad mõlema silmaga ühte suunda, kameeleonil liiguvad need aga teineteisest sõltumatult ja võivad pöörduda 180º ulatuses horisontaalasendis ja 90º võrra vertikaaltasandis. (Lenz 2002) Joonis 3. Kameeleoni silmade vaateväli. Eksperdid on öelnud, et kameeleonitel on nii hea nägemisteravus, et see liik ei vajaks kunagi näiteks lugemisprille. Nad suudavad oma silmi pöörata...
against these constraints. 1.6. It is a piece of Qualitative and Quantitative research. Data are words, texts, interviews, common method: interviews. Additionally there was used also statistical datas. 2. Foods and Meals During Working Hours 2.1. Aim was to explore conceptualizations of food and meals in relation to irregular working hours, different age groups and a variety in ethnic origin. 2.2. Reaserach design was Comparative. 2.3. Sampling based on participant observation and semi- structured interviews. 2.4. 2.5. The qualitative analysis of interview data showed that the main element in the participants conceptualization was the importance of safety and confidence in their choices, which was managed partly within the content of food and meals: judgement of healthiness, food safety, freshness and taste, and partly within the structure of meals: management of conditions
Lisad: Joonis 1 Joonis 2 Joonis 3 Kasutatud kirjandus: 1. Berger, K.P. International Arbitral Practice and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Winter, 1998). Lk129-150. (26.09.2011) 2. UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2004, UNIDROIT 2004. (25.09.2011) 3. Jansen, N., R.Zimmermann, R. Contract Formation and Mistake in European Contract Law: A Genetic Comparison of Transnational Model Rules. Oxford Journal of Legal
ameerika räpparitel, kuid senini piirduvad siiski valdavalt avameelsusega seksi ja vägivalla osas. Tüüpiline on ka see, et noorsookultuur võtab omaks mingi subkultuuri riietumis või käitumismallid seda kultuuri ennast tegelikult üldse tundmata. Nii on juhtunud ka räpiga selle, kui subkultuuri, piirid on hakanud ähmastuma ja ta on hakanud muutuma osaks popkultuurist nagu seda on blues, r&b või rock. Kasutatud kirjandus Michael Brake, Comparative youth culture, 1985 Douglas Kellner, BAUDILLARD: a critical reader,1994 Enn Veldi, "Rap mustanahaliste getode saaga", Favoriit, Juuni, 1995 Tõnis Kahu, "Gangstagenees", Vikerkaar, 45/1997 Vaata Ka: Räpisõnaraamat (inglise seletav)
Language • The Estonian language is finno ugric, it’s closest relatives are the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Vedic and Livonian languages. • There are many dialects, the main groups can be separated into North and South Estonian dialects. • Besides the typical spoken Estonian language the second most notewordy dialect is the Võru dialect. • Estonian is one of the languages with a larger number of noun cases than typical. • According to comparative grammar studies, Estonian is one of the most sophisticated languages among the world languages. Holidays and Celebrations • Jaanipäev(Jaans day) • Mardi ja kadripäev(Kadri and Mardi’s day) • Laulupidu ja tantsupidu(Song and dance festival) Music • The history of music in Estonia dates back as far as the 12th century. The older folksongs, referred runic songs, are in the poetic metre regivärss the tradition shared by all Baltic Finns. These were
Formuleering- Autor: Maarja Lõhmus, märksõna: raadioajakirjandus, kogu:Valga Keskraamatukogu. 9. Leian ühe väljaande Pravo, ilmus üks number, ilmumisdaatumid Nr. 1(1) (2009). Formuleering- Sõna: sotsiaal, teaviku laad: ajakiri, keel: vene keel, raamatukogu: Tartu raamatukogud. 10. TÜ Pärnu Kolledzi raamatukogust teemal lapsevanema ja lapse suhe on leitav kaks raamatut. Children's fears and coping strategies: a comparative perspective / Merle Taimalu ; [supervisors: Inger Kraav, Anja Riitta Lahikainen ; Department of General Education, Faculty of Education, University of Tartu Formuleering- Sõna: Lapaevanema ja lapse suhe, TÜ Pärnu Kolledz, keel: inglise keel, teaviku laad: raamat. Otsingut on võimalik laiendada märksõnade alusel: lapsevanema or lapse or suhe. 11. Leidsin 15 teavikut, tegemist on üliõpilaste lõputöödega.
___ ___ 10 How many marbles have Jack and Peter ___ altogether? 11 There is an Indian temple in the city. ___ 12 There is a large crowd outside the temple. ___ 13 My house is just a few miles from the ___ school. 14 They are driving a small car. ___ 15 Sue likes those yellow and red balloons. ___ ___ 64 Comparison of Adjectives When you compare two people or things, use the comparative form of the adjective. Lots of comparative adjectives end in -er. fast faster small smaller bright cheap cheaper clear clearer brighter loud louder new newer
is based on the central olema>olema dialect · D does not disappear in Is the most common laadivahetusega words : Pada- dialect and also most wide pajas>padas spread Western dialect The most important feature of the western dialect is the V changing into B : kõva kivi>kõba kibi It is usual that in the non-stressed end syllables I changes to E : nimi>nime, ei tohi>ei tohe In comparative the A-stem exists : kõvem>kõvam, parem>param A characteristic feature is the strong form of Inessive:jalas> jalgas, rannas>randas. insular dialect The absence the Õ-vocal, instead Ö is used, but in addition to Ö can also E, A, O and U be used instead of Õ Eg: sõber>söber, kõik>keik, sõnad>sanad, jõulu>jõulu, lõhki >luhki The vowels O, E and Ä will change if they are in front of H, to either U or I eg: kohad>kuhad, mehe>mihe, teha>tiha pähe>piha.
peale üles Saksa notariaadisüsteemi järgi, mis sobis Eesti õiguskorda eelkõige tulenevalt Saksa ja Eesti õiguskorra sarnasusest12. Kui väljenduda keskmisest kunstipärasemalt, siis võiks öelda, et nii mõnigi asi, mis jäi Eesti notariaadis tegemata 1939. aastal, tehti ära 1993. aastal. 5 Notarite Koda. (10.02.2015). 6 triinu käes olev raamat 7 milva lõputöö 8 juridica 559 9 P. Malavet. Counsel for the Situation: The Latin Notary, A Historical and Comparative Model. Florida, 1996. Arvutivõrgust:, 15.01.2012 10 Eesti Notariaadi X aastapäev. Tallinn: Notarite Koda 2003, lk 5 11 Sepp, lk 17 12 Vahtre, L. Eesti notariaadi ajalugu. Tallinn: Juura 2008, lk 185 3 Lisaks notariaadiseadusele reguleerib Notarite Koja tegevust põhikiri, milles sätestatakse nii
1. Kapital on: a. Hüvitis, mida saab kasutada teiste hüviste tootmisel b. Spetsiaalne ressurss, mis organiseerib teisi ressursse c. Pika elueaga hüvis d. Raha, mida on võimalik kasutada 2. Harri võib teha 2 kummi ja 4 tavapaadisõitu. Harri võib teha rohkem kummipaadisõite ilma, et teeks vähem paadisõite. Harri ... oma võimaliku tootmise piiril: a. Liigub piki b. Toodab väljaspool c. Toodab d. Toodab seespool 3. Majanduskasv tuleneb: a. Sellest, et inimesed soovivad suurendada oma oskusi, mille tulemusena tagatakse majanduse kasv b. Kapitali akkumulatsioonist ja tehnoloogilisest progressist c. Rohkemast toodete tootmisest võrreldakse sellega mida inimesed tahavad tarbida d. Kapitali akkumulatsioonist ja alternatiivkulude vältimisest 4. Vicki toodab momendil punktis a allpooltoodud joonisel. Kui Vicki liigub punktist a punkti b, tema modemi to... 1. Eetikakoodeksite roll ja võimalikud probleemid. Annab nõu kuidas k äituda Selleks, et panna raamidesse lubatud ja lubamatud asjad. Seega võib tegelikult öelda, et eetikakoodeksi võivad vastu võtta sisuliselt kõik inimesed, keda ühendab mingisugune tunnus ükskõik, kas see on elukutse, töökoht või hobi ning kes peavad vajalikuks seda tunnust ja sellest tulenevaid kohustusi ja käitumismalle oma tegevuses rõhutada heade tavade kirjapanemiseks ühtsustunde loomiseks põhiväärtuste sõnastamise abil grupi lojaalsuse suurendamiseks ja väärtuste ühtlustamiseks väära käitumise ennetamiseks ja ärahoidmiseks maine loomiseks või elukutse või grupi usaldusväärsuse tõstmiseks avalikkuse silmis avalikkuse surve ja suurenenud kontrolli tõttu; juhtimistasandite vähendamisest ja vastutuse delegeerimisest tulenenud käitumuslike raamide kehtestamise tõttu; Kõrgemate struktuuride poolt e...
ARVESTUSTEST 1.2 (Sissejuhatus majandusteooriasse) 1. Kapital on: a. Hüvitis, mida saab kasutada teiste hüviste tootmisel b. Raha, mida on võimalik kasutada c. Spetsiaalne ressurss, mis organiseerib teisi ressursse d. Pika elueaga hüvis 2. Ühes tunnis võib Andi valmistada 6 pitsat ja 12 pirukat Chris võib valmistada 6 pitsat ja 18 pirukat. ... eelis pitsade valmistamisel: a. Chrisil on absoluutne b. Chrisil on suhteline c. Andil on suhteline d. Andil on absoluutne 3. Suur Lobster müüb lobstereid ja kala, sama teeb ettevõte Sool. Kui Suure Lobsteri alternatiivkulud lobsterite pakkumisel ületab Soola alternatiivkulud, siis alljärgnev on õige v.a.: a. Suurel Lobsteril on suhteline eelis lobsterite pakkumisel b. Sool omab suhtelist eelist Lobsteri ees c. Mõlemad saavad kasu kui Lobster pakub kala ja Sool pakub lobstereid ...
Seetõttu leian, et ravimite manustamine unehäirete puhul on õigustatud, kui seda teha õigetes kogustes. Kasutatud uuringud: 1. Ozone M, Yagi T, Itoh H, Tamura Y, Inoue Y, Uchimura N, Sasaki M, Shimizu T, Terzano MG, Parrino L. Effects of zolpidem on cyclic alternating pattern, an objective marker of sleep instability, in Japanese patients with psychophysiological insomnia: a randomized crossover comparative study with placebo. PubMed. Mai 2008. 2. Krystal AD, Erman M, Zammit GK, Soubrane C, Roth T; ZOLONG Study Group. Long-term efficacy and safety of zolpidem extended-release 12.5 mg, administered 3 to 7 nights per week for 24 weeks, in patients with chronic primary insomnia: a 6- month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study. PubMed. Jaanuar 2008. 3. Boyle J, Trick L, Johnsen S, Roach J, Rubens R
· This is analogous to SNAREs called SNAPs (SNAP-25, SNAP-29, SNAP-47) which are referred to as the Qbc SNAREs, as they contain two SNARE domains (both Qb &Qc) in a single polypeptide chain and they fold upon each other during Fig. 7. qRT-PCR analyses of three SNARE genes. · Leaf tissues were used for both inoculated and mock inoculated plants of resistant and susceptible NILs at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 168 hpi. · Relative gene quantification was calculated by comparative Ct method. GAPDH expression level was used as internal reference gene and data from three biological replicates mean ± SD was plotted. · Venn diagrams allow for quick visualization of relationships by revealing intersections (overlaps) and disjunctions (non- overlaps) for large biological datasets, and are often used in whole-genome analysis across species. Genome wide orthologous comparisons displayed in separate and overlapping orthologous clusters in the Venn diagram, which
( 5. Leidke ingliskeelseid artikleid, mis käsitlevad teemat „lapsed ja interneti kasutamise ohud (riskid)“ ning mis on kirjutatud Andra Siibaki poolt 2015. aastal. Palju ja mida leiate? Kas leitud artiklid vastavad otsitud teemale? Hinnake päringule vastavust. Nimi: Õpperühm: Leidsin ühe vaste. Viitena on välja toodud Andra Siibaki „Children, risk and safety on the internet: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective“. With all of the words: risk children With at least one of the words: internet OR web Return articles authored by: Andra Siibak Return articles dated between: 2015-2015 6. Leidke eestikeelseid materjale, mille pealkirjas esineb märksõna „infosüsteem“. Palju ja mida leiate? Hinnake päringule vastavust. Leidsin neli päringule vastavat materjali. Leidsin piimafarmi, arhiivi ja tervishoiu infosüsteemide kohta infot
For example: He looks unwell. I am afraid. Postpositive adjectives – Adjectives that come immediately after a noun. For example: Something useful, everyone present, those responsible Modification and inflection – Adjectives can take modifying words before them such as very, less, extremely etc. Adjectives have three different forms which indicate the degree of the adjective. The three forms are positive, comparative, superlative. For example: heavy, heavier, heaviest. 6.2 The structure of the adjective phrase → Adjective phrase is a phrase whose head is an adjective. For example: Very happy.Tremenously long. But adjective phrase can also consist of premodifiers, postmodifiers and complements which can be adverbs, prepositional phrases, verb phrases and noun clauses. For example: Very happy indeed Very → premodifier Happy → Head (adjective) Indeed → Postmodifier Fond of dogs → Dogs (complement)
sekundaarvastutuse liik. Doktriin on praktiline lahendus laialt levinud rikkumistele, kuna selle sihtmärgiks on isikud, kes võimaldavad ebaseaduslikku käitumist ja seega juurib välja levitamismehhanismi, mis üldse võimaldab rikkumist. Usutakse, et sekundaarvastutuse doktriini peaks kasutama kui käepärast ja efektiivset vahendit autoriõiguste rikkumiste piiramiseks. Autorite kohaselt peaksid isikud, kes tagavad teistele isikutele võimsad vahendid, 9 S.H. Song. A Comparative Copyright Analysis of ISP Liability in China Versus the United States and Europe. - The Computer & Internet Lawyer, 2010, No 7, p 7 8 mida võib kasutada nii heaks kui halvaks, olema kohustatud tegema kindlaks, et neid vahendeid kasutatakse vastutustundlikult.10 Euroopa liidu direktiiv elektroonilise kaubanduse kohta 11 võtab üle ,,infoühiskonna teenuste" definitsiooni direktiivi 98/34/EC Artiklist 1
Legends of the Fall Jim Harrison Kasper Keps 11c About the author James "Jim" Harrison Born in December 11, 1937 in Grayling , Michigan. American author known for his poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, and writings about food Blind in one eye since childhood (left eye) . He was educated at Michigan State University where he received his B.A. (1960) and M.A. (1964) in comparative literature Married and has two daughters. Has written over 50 books. Main Characters COL. WILLIAM LUDLOW - Idealistic, formalistic, rational, stong willed, so principled that he left his job because of unethical behavor in the army, it's almost obsessive to him that Indians get treated properly; wrote a book to the government objecting to their policy. TRISTAN LUDLOW - Adventurer and smuggler who loves his freedom so much
Name of the place of worship and local leader, accuracy of membership data, and rate of change of membership Descriptions of dozens of religions and ethical systems The religious makeup of each country in the world References used in the above essay: The following information sources were used to prepare and update the above essay. The s are not necessarily still active today. 1. David B. Barrett, et al., "World Christian Encyclopedia : A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World," Oxford University Press, (2001). Read reviews or order this book 2. J.W. Wright, Editor, "The Universal Almanac, 1996", Andrews & McMeel, Kansas City. 3. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. See: 4. Data from the World Almanac and Book of Facts, 2004, Page 612.
lahutamatu osa õiguskorra alussubjektidest.20 Šariaadi kohaselt on eristatakse islami õiguse kolme õiguse subjekti: 16 M. Al Awabdeh. History and prospect of Islamic Criminal Law with respect to the Human Rights. 16.03.2005, lk 24. 17 CIA. An outline of crime and punishment in Islamic Law. 22.06.1990, lk 4. 18 Ib. 19 Г.Ф. Елаян, lk 155. 20 F. Malekian. Principles of Islamic International Criminal Law. A Comparative Search. Second Edition. Leiden: Brill 2011, lk 101. 8 moslemid – Islami riikide kodanikud, kes järgivad Islami usku. Nendele kehtib islami karistusõigus täies mahus; dhimma – mittemuhameedlane (kristlased, judaistid), kes resideerub Islami riigis, maksumaksija. Muhameedlaste kaitse alla kuuluv kodanik. Talle on seadusega tagatud isikuline ja varaline puutumatus
Arvestustest 1.2 Minu kodu ► TLM116MIMA ► Teema 1 ► Arvestustest 1.2 Alustatud Testi navigatsioon Olek Lõpetatud Aega kulus 1 2 3 4 5 6 Punktid 16,00/20,00 Hinne 8,00, maksimaalne: 10,00 (80%) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Küsimus 1 Kapital on: Valmis 19 20 Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Vali üks: Kuva korraga üks aken Märgista a. Pika eluega hüvis Lõpeta ...
liigselt koormamata, kuna siis on võimalik vanemaks saades võrkpalliga kuhugi jõuda. Minu arvates on see külg, mida Eesti noorte võrkpallis on võimalik ja peakski oluliselt arendama. 7 Kasutatud kirjandus K. Busko, R. Michalski, J. Mazur, J. Gajevski; Jumping abilities in elite female volleyball players: comparative analysis among age categories; 2012; Poola K. Kais; Võrkpalli õpik III tase; 2012; Eesti S. Markovic, D.M. Mirkov, O.M. Knezevic, S. Jaric; Jump training with different loads: effects on jumping performance and power output; 2013; Saksamaa T. Sattler, D. Sekulic, V.Hadzic, O.Uljevic, E.Dervisevic; Vertical jumping tests in volleyball: reliability, validity, and playing-position specifics; 2012; Horvaatia M. Voelzke, N. Stutzig, H-A. Thorhauer, U
Küsimus 1 Õige Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Võimaliku tootmise piir (Production possibility frontier)eraldab Vali üks: a. Toodete kombinatsiooni, mida inimesed väärtustavad ja neid mida ei väärtusta b. kaubad ja teenused, mida inimesed soovivad nendest, mida ei soovi c. Toodete ja teenuste kogused mida on võimalik toota nendest, mida ei ole võimalik toota d. Seda liiki tooted mis on kättesaadavad nendest mis on kättessamatud Küsimus 2 Õige Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Anna ja Maria toodavad T-särke ja lipse. Joonis näitab Anna VTP(PPF) ja Maria VTP. Anna ja Maria võivad saada kasu kaubavahetusest kui Anna toodab.............ja Maria toodab ................ Vali üks: a. ainult lipse; säke ja lipse b. lipse;särke c. särke;lipse d. särke ja lipse;ainult lipse Küsimus 3 Õige Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Kü...
ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Economics and Social Sciences BOOK REVIEW ("Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy", University of Tartu, Urmas Varblane) (Pages : 10 20) Prepared: Kadri Tamm, MF-I-5 Tartu 2007 I read book about direct investments in the Estonian economy. The book is issued by University of Tartu and the writers are also scientists from University of Tartu. "Foreign direct investments are relatively new phenomenon for Estonia because during the nearly five decades as part of the Soviet economic system, our economy received virtually none. Such economic isolation from the West lasted until the early 1990s. In consequence of the mid-...
, (1993) Of pigs in pokes and policy diffusion: another look at PFP. Public Administration Review, 53, 348–356. Mogultay, U. (2006) Making Performance Pay More Successful in Public Sector. Available at: Murphy, K., Cleveland, J., (1995) Understanding Performance Appraisal. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Raadschelders, J., Rutgers, M. (1996). The evolution of civil service systems. Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 67–99. Randma-Liiv, T. 2005. Performance management in transitional administration: introduction of pay-for-performance in the Estonian civil service. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 7, 1, pp. 95-115. Weibel, A., Rost, K., Osterloh, M. (2009) Pay for Performance in the Public Sector— Benefits and (Hidden) Costs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Advance Access. !
ülejääk Surplus Избыток tasakaaluhind Equilibrium price Равновесная цена tasakaalukogus Equilibrium quantity Равновесное количество Tasakaalu punkt Equilibrium Point Точка равновесия Võrdlev staatika Comparative Statics Сравнительная статика dünaamika Dynamics динамика hinnalagi Price ceiling Потолок цен miinimumhind Price floor Нижний предел цен Nõudluse ja pakkumise Coefficient of Price Elasticy for Supply and Коэфициент эластичности
would you have done so? · Wish/if only I wish/If only I hadn't hurt her. · Would rather (past) I'd rather you had not revealed our secret. · As if/as though He spoke about Maradona as if/as though he had been a personal friend. Had better/Would rather I. Had better (= it would be good to) is used to give strong or urgent advice. Had better cannot be used in the past or the comparative. · had better + bare infinitive immediate future You had better ask for help. II. Would rather (= would prefer to) expresses preference. When the subject of would rather is also the subject of the following verb, we use the following constructions: · would rather + present bare infinitive present/future I'd rather tell you now. · would rather + perfect bare infinitive past
3. Change the order of the words to make a correct sentence. ( 5 points ) 1) I wonder / can / you / me / help / if 2) a / my / to / written / I / mother / already / letter / long / have 3) the / watch / often / they / TV / in / evening 4) the / gave / my / for / this / umbrella / is / that / Sally / me / my / birthday 5) particular / nothing / have / at / tell / you / to / moment / the 4. Give the comparative and the superlative of the following adjectives: ( 5 points ) e.g. tall taller the tallest lucky difficult soft good interesting 5. Put these sentences into the Reported Speech. ( 5 points ) e.g. She said:"I will call you from London." She said that she would call me from London. 1) Eric said:"Jack has gone out." 2) Frank said:"The car is waiting at the front door." 3) Tommy asked:"Is there anybody at home?" 4) I asked my friend:"Why do you come so late?"
approach to groups having high debt in a particular entity/country for non-tax reasons but low interest expenses in other group entities; and additional targeted/specific rules as necessary to manage volatility of interest expenses, achieve additional tax policy objectives or lower other risks. The fixed ratio rule, as a minimum, should apply to all entities in multinational groups. In reaching its recommended best practice approach – the fixed ratio rule - the OECD has put great work into comparative analyses of different metrics, definitions, existing practices and risks. In the Final Report it explains thoroughly how it arrived at fixed ratio rule as the most promising but still relatively non-complex metrics. First, many countries already use the general interest or debt limitation rule for the purpose of limiting the tax deductibility of interest expenses, therefore there already was experience to learn from. In analyzing the different routes – interest
candidates from the elections, assures that only individual political parties can compete. The amendment also increased the membership demands up to 50,000 with at least 500 members in more than half of the 83 regions of the Federation and no fewer than 250 in other regions (Articles 5). This change certainly makes it much harder for minor parties to gain or hold the official status of political party. A further reform, which increased the established parties' comparative advantage over their opponents concerned the requirements that are obliged to fill in order to participate in Duma elections (Lemaître 2006: 287). For the 2007 election, the number of signatures required was set at 200,000. Parties also had the opportunity to pay a deposit of 60 million rubles. Although party, which already had deputies in the Duma , was relieved from these demands. Following amendments to the law were made in 2009, when the number of required
THE INTERNET AND E-COMMERCE 1. ISP it is a organization that provides internet access. The internet service provider. 2. e-tailing - the selling of goods and services on the Internet or through e- mail solicitation. 3. B2C.- business-to-consumer, selling to the public on the internet. 4. e-procurement - 5. B2G business-to-goverment, business applay for government contracts and pay taxes. 6. shopping cart Shopping cart is where you put product you have purchased from online shop. 7. last mile problem how to deliver products, purcased on internet to the customers 8. bricks-and-mortar shop Brick and mortar shops are physical shops where customers interact face-to-face. They are opposite to online shops. TELEMARKETING 1. telemarketing for of direct marketing, where telemarketers call to their customers 2. cost per inquiry, cost per order its how they measure the success of telemark...
escape the temptation of dreaming of a better world. In other words, the boundary between reality and illusion proves difficult to identify. After Henry and Catherine have spent months of isolation in Switzerland, Hemingway depicts their relationship as a mixture of reality and illusion. Boredom has begun to set in, and the couple effects small daily changes to reinvigorate their lives and their passion: Catherine gets a new haircut, while Henry grows a beard. Still, or perhaps because of, the comparative dullness of real life (not to mention the ongoing war), the couple turns to fantasies of a more perfect existence. They dream of life on a Swiss mountain, where they will make their own clothes and need nothing but each other, suggesting that fantasizing is an essential part of coping with the banal, sometimes damaging effects of reality. Symbols Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
The memorial statue to King Gustav II Adolf (1594-1632) stood next to the main building of the university from 1928, until 1950, when it was removed by the Soviet occupation forces. With Swedish assistance, it was repaired and re-mounted 42 years later, in 1992. The King of Sweden was present both at the original and the re-opening of the monument. Elisabeth Tebelius-Myren authored the restored work. Karl Ernst von Baer monument Karl Ernst von Baer was a naturalist, the founder of comparative embryology and geocryology, recognized worldwide as the discoverer of the ovum in mammals. He was a student of Tartu University, practiced in the sciences in Königsberg and St. Petersburg, and was an academician at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.Seven geographical objects worldwide have been named in his honour. A ritual for university students is washing the hair of the Baer statue head on the eve of St. Philip's Day. Kristjan Jaak Peterson monument
Report The study consists info about white and black runners differences. For that I found out differences and prons in genetics, diligence and living conditions. The information for my stdudy I got from internet, but also from autobiographic book about Carl Lewis. Subject choice became of that I have been watching athletics many years, especially running courses are my interest. Because black runners are always on the top in competitions, I chose the blacks and the whites comparative study. Researching proved that the blacks are dominating over the whites in running courses. Keywords : the blacks, running, the whites Author : Jarmo Jagomägi signature: SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS Eestlaste jaoks on sport olnud läbi ajaloo väga tähtis osa, tänu millele oleme võib-olla ka maailmas tuntud. Meil on olümpiavõitjad maadlusaladelt ja kergejõustikust. Tänu
01/01/1980 218 p. ; 23 cm. Language: English Turgenev:a study By: Freeborn, Richard. [London] Oxford University Press, 1960. 01/01/1960 201 p. 23 cm. Language: English V Kluchevskyi, Course of Russian History, part 3, Moscow, 1993, p. 420. Turgenev Letter to K.K. Sluchevsky, 26/14 April 1862. Sobr. Soch. 1958, 339-41 O. Vishnyakova Her most recently published paper is "Russian Nihilism: The Cultural Legacy of the Conflict Between Fathers and Sons", Comparative & Continental Philosophy Journal (Equinox Publishing, London), Vol. 3, Number 1 (2011). Turgenev (Pisma IV, 380) IN Turgenev's Fathers and Sons, Woodward, J. page 30. (Jahn, 197) Bialyi, G.A., V. Arkhipov protiv Turgeneva, Novyi mir, XXXIV:8 (1958), 225-9, Roman Turgeneva Ottsyi i deti, 2nd edn. (Moscow-Leningrad, 1968) Sukhikh, I.N Roman I.S Turgeneva, Ottsy i deti v russkoi kritike (Leningrad 1971), 108-19. Dunaev, M
PRODUCTS and BRANDS 1. product catalogue - a list of different products of one company 2. product mix - a range of similar in some way products considered together 2. product range - different particular and specific products of a company 3. product lifecycle - the stages of product lifetime and amount of people who use it at each stage 4. product positioning - is how we see a product or how a company would like us to see it in relation to other products 5. product placement - hidden commercial of a product. Customer can see a product in films, music videos and so on. 6. raw materials - basic materials from which products are made or manufactured 7. finished goods - are goods(products) that have completed manufacturing process and are ready to be sold and used by the end user 8. consumer goods - goods which are produced to satisfy consumer current needs and are bought for individual use 9. consumer durables - long time lasting products,...