Types of higer education- 1. University- 2. Professional higer education establishment/University of Applied sciences- 3.Vocational educational establishment- Studies- 1. Bachelor`s degree- 2. Master`s degree- 3. Doctoral/Doctorate degree- 4. Credit points, credits- 5. In-service training- 6. Full-time study- 7. Distance learning- 8. To study correspondence- 9. To train applied engineers- Staff- 1. Administration- 2. Staff- 3. Rector- 4. Vice rector- 5. Dean- 6. Head of department- 7. Professor- 8. Lecturer, instructor- 9. Researcher- 10. Personnel- Places in a University- 1. Campus- 2. Faculty- 3. Department- 4. Main building- 5. Lecture room- 6. Auditorium- 7. Assembly hall- 8. Study library- 9. Reading room- 10. Study department- 11. Personnel department- 12. Dean`s office, rector`s office- 13. Cafeteria- 14. Refectory, canteen- 15. Stud
School system in the USA Education in the United States is provided by government. Each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. Children start school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Primary or grade school starts from the first grade up to the sixth grade. Then students attend middle school also called junior high school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school American children start school at the age of five. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is obligatory for all American children enrolled in the American education system.
An Essay There are many different education systems in the world. Basics are pretty much the same, but ofcourse depending of the culture, the differences and interests of educating people, are big. Children go to school at age five in Great Britain, which is too early in my opinion. Most children in Estonia start school at age seven, only some of them at age six. I think starting with school and competition, rivalry, witch always associates with schooling, too young, shortens the childhood and may affect negatively self-esteem, success and coping in the future. Children´s job is to play, it develops child the best, so I think anyone shouldn't forbit humans inherent needs. Children don´t have to become too fast to an adult. The high school in Great Britain starts at age eleven, but in Estonia at about age fifteen. Biggest difference is that in Great Britain they prepare young people to get a job or continue studing, but in Estonia this is only
TALLINN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING INGLISE KEEL Essee Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Juhendaja: Koostanud: 2009 Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Question is, how different are our own and this big country they call United States of America's education. Or maybe there is no difference at all, and our systems about school and education are more similar than they appear at first sight. After reading all the materials and all sorts of notes about USA's education systems and their school household. All at once I realized, that they are not so different at all. Like for example USA's kids have to go to school exactly the same amount of time as our Estonian children. And basically learn same amount of same things. Like everywhere there are always differences. Education in the United States is mai
VOCABULARY EXERCISES UNIT 5 II Exercise Learning to operate a computer is not as difficult as many people think. Computers can be expensive to buy, but you can often get comprehensive packages containing all the equipment you need at a discount from big companies. Some companies will even install the system for you. Your system will also include various kinds of software such as word- processing and game programmes, all stored on disks. When you put the disk into the computer, the programme or information can be displayed on the screen. Many computer users go on the Internet. This is a system that links computers, making it possible to transmit information from one system to another in a different place via the telephone. This can cause problems, because addicts who use their computers all the time can overload the phone circuits meaning that other people cannot make ordinary phone calls. III Exercise 1. John wondered what the doctor would charge him for th
Compulsory education in Britain starts at the age of 3-5. Primary (infancy) School and move to a secondary school at 11 or 12. Primary (infant) Years 1-2 Age 5-7 Primary(junior) 3-6 5-7 secondary 7-9 11-14 Secondary 10-11 14-16 Sixth form Lower sixth form 1 year 16-18 Upper sixth form 1 year A-level advanced level. Higher level academic exams that are taken mostly by people around the ae of 18 who wish to go on to higher education. GCSE general certifcate of Secondary Education. The exams taken by 15 to 16 year olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Marks are iven for each subject separately. Grades are A-G. A, B and C are regarded as good Grandes. Private school Public school/independent school/state
Estonian and British Education System Estonian and British education system is not quite different. In Estonia, the education system is based on six levels which include the: kindergarten, primary school, basic school, secondary school and university or vocational school. In Britain, the education system is also based on six levels which include the: nursery school, infant school, junior school, secondary school, 6th form and university or college. What is similar for both systems is that the first level of education starts at age of three. While in Estonia this level is called Kindergarten, then in Britain it is called Nursery school. Kindergarten is for children´s from age three to six, but Nursery school is for children´s three to four. Differently from Estonian system, at age of five to seven, British children ´s go to Infant school. This is called year one, year two and year three and all these three years are called key one. In Estonia, children
In England and Wales most school were established by private benefactors and operated as educational carities. Compulsory education was introduced in 1888. Maintained schools follow National Curriculum. National Curriculum core subjects are English, matematics and science. Foundation subjects are design and technology, history, music, art. Children in Englan begin with primary education and it may be divided into Infant and Junior school. After primary school they move secondary school. Nearly 88 pre cent of secondary school pupils in England go to comperhensive schools. After five years of secondary education students take examination in a range of subjects at the level of GCSI (general certificate of secondary edcation) and that marked by independent examination board. Following two years of study, students may take A-level examinationa, which are required for university entrance in the UK. 6-7 % of the children in England go to independent schools, which are known as private
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