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"vice" - 147 õppematerjali

vice - president of Fox, was not convinced of Monroe's potential, but because of Hyde's persistence, she gained supporting parts in the Marx Brothers film Love Happy (1949), and in Fox's All About Eve and MGM's The Asphalt Jungle (both 1950). Even though the roles were small, moviegoers as well as critics took notice.

Estonain Air

History Partners Activities Structure Strategy History On December 1, 1991 Estonian Air was created. In 1996, the Estonian state decided to privatise the airline and 66% of the shares were put on sale. In 2003, Maersk Air sold its 49% share to SAS Group. Partners v Scandinavias Airlaines v Aeroflot, Russian Airlaines v Belavia, Belarusian Airlaines v AeroSvit, Ukrainian Airlaines v Spanair, Spanish Airlaines v KLM, Royal Dutch Airlaines v Brussels Airlaines v Rossiya, Russian Airlaines Activities Ø Estonian Air'sprincipal field of activity is provided scheduled flights to both business and holiday travellers Ø Estonian Air's fields of activity include training of flight attendants, freight transport and the on-board sale of merchandise. Structure to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles econd level Second level Third level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid eksamiartikkel

The Politics of the New Welfare State, Bruno Palier Eksamiküsimus: iseloomusta 4 faasi, millest ta räägib tekstis! Turning Vice Into Vice – pahede ümberjaotamine (aga ei õnnestunud). Kontinetaal-Euroopa: Bismarcki mudel on sattunud suure surve alla. Majanduslikud allakäigud riikidel (töötus kasvas, raha ei olnud). Bismarcki mudel on mees leivateenija mudel, heaoluriik ei ole disainitud selleks, et aidata naist. Kindlustab pere (naise) läbi töötava mehe. Tänapäeval ei ole väga päevakorrane enam (pered ei ole enam stabiilsed, palju üksikemasid jne).

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
9 allalaadimist

Rockstar games

Nad hakkasid tegema GTA III mis toimus NY ja oli esimest korda 3D vaates aga nad põõrdusid appi criteion gamesi kes tootis nfsmw. Nad ei tohtinud NYC ühtki pärisnime kasutada siis sai GTA Seeriate NYC nimeks Liberty City politsei autode värvus muuteti ära et ei oleks nagu päriselu NYC ja nende nimeks sai LCPD ehk siis Liberty City Police Department. Aasta 2002 ostis Rockstar Games Rockstar Northi ära. Aasta 2002 tuli Gta 3 arvutile. Järgmine mäng oli Gta Vice City mis toimus Miamis ehk Vice Citys. Aasta 2002 tuli ka Vice City välja ja esimest korda oli võimalik sõita mootorratastega helikopteritega ja lennukitega ja oli võimalik klubides käija osta maju firmasid lasta rehve katki ja klaase katki. Järgmine oli Gta San Andreas ja oli kolmes linnas Los Santos ehk siis LA San Fierro ehk San Francsico. Tegevus toimus üheksakümnendatel ja sai esimest korda ujuda

Informaatika → Arvuti
1 allalaadimist

Eesti maadeuurijad

EESTIMAALT MAADEUURIJAD F. G. Von Bellingshausen- Eestist pärit baltisakslane. Antarktika avastamisega seotud. Laevakapten ja meresõitja. Vene tsaari teenistuses. J. F. Parrot- arst, tartu ülikooli rektor, Käis Püreneedes, Kaukasusel. Esimene Eurooplane Ararati mäel (Noa laev!). 5165 m. K. E. von Baer- loodusteadlane, lõpetanud Tartu ülikooli. Baeri seadus (Kui jõgi voolab L-P, siis kulutab paremat kallast ja vice versa). Uuris Arktika saart Novaja Zemja, Lapimaad ja Peipsi-Pihkva järve. J. von Krusenstern- 1803 juhatas Vene esimest ümbermaailmareisi. Baltisakslane. F. von. Wrangel- 1817-1819 ümbermaailmareis. Avastas Wrangli saare Põhja-Jäämeres. Otto von Kozebue- purjetas Vaiksel ookeanil, avastas 400 saart, läbis Loodeväila. Eduard von Toll- Avastas P-Jäämeres Uus-Siberi saarestiku. Jäi kadunuks P-Jäämere ekspeditsioonis.

Geograafia → Geograafia
72 allalaadimist

Jessi and the Bad Baby sitter

Jessi and the Bad Baby- sitter Jessi and the Bad Baby- sitter This book is from The Baby—Sitters Club`s triology Author: Ann M. Martin Summery  The book tells about Jessi who is in Baby-Sitters Club. They sit children and they have both say own business. When one girl left from the club, they had too much work. They chose to take one member as well as, but then they began to doubt, is this right decision because she’s late to jobs, and she just doesn’t seem to care.  Main Characters  Jessi- Main Charakter  Kristy- President  Claudia- Vice- President  Mary Anne- Secretary  Stacey- Treasurer  Mallory- Junior Officer  Wendy- the ,,Bad Baby-sitter” Likes  Simply written  Funny  Easy to follow and read  Intresting Thanks for watching 

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

1 kontroltöö vastused

Logistika 1. "Logos"­see on arukas mõistus.Kreekakeelse sõna 'Logisticos'­arvetamis oskus ja mõtlemine .Rooma riigis tähendas L.toodete jaotust.Parast saksa filosoof nimetas L.matemaatilist loogikat.Hiljem kohtas L.sõjanduses(varuste paigutamine­õigel ajal õigesse kohta ja majutamine)Nüüdisaegse L.alguseks loetakse 1950­ndaid.Ameerikas ja jaapanis võeti L. kasutusele peale Teist maailmasõda,kust see levis Skandinaavia maadesse ja teistesse Europa riikidesse.Praegu L.on arukalt korraldatud prot.elus globaliserivas maailmas. 2. L.areng võib jaotada 4 staadiumisse: 1. 50­60 aastatel keskenduti tootmisele ja pöörati tähelepanu transpordile ja laomajandusele 2. 70.aastatel keskenduti jaotusele,E.pööras tähelepanu veondusele ja laondusele ning nende kulusid,firma majandamises kasvas kulude juhtimise tähtsus. 3.80.aastatel keskenduti firma maj...

Logistika → Logistika
139 allalaadimist

Prison Break sisututvustus

ABOUT Type: Action/Crime/Drama Origin country: USA; UK Broadcasting times: Wednesday 10pm on TV3 Story: Lincoln Burrows is on death row for the murder of the vice president's brother. He knows he is innocent, but only his brother Michael Scofield believes him. FBI has a fake tape of him, how he's killing the vice president, but it's made by the Company. Characters and actors s M ic h a e l S cofield iller a Wentw orth M s L in c o ln Burrows ce ll a Dominic Pur a s F e rn a n d o Sucre sco agwell Amaury Nola o re `T -Ba g' B K ne pp e r as Theod Ro bert s B ra dle y `B rad' Bellick sa

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Nõude osalisel rahuldamisel või nõude rahuldamisest täielikul keeldumisel antakse nõude esitajale argumenteeritud, vajadusel dokumentaalselt tõestatud vastus. Koos vastusega tagastatakse pretensioonimaterjal, välja arvatud pretensiooniavaldus. Juhul, kui on alust arvata, et vastus nõude esitajat ei rahulda, võidakse vajadusel välja pakkuda vaidluse lahendamise kord ja koht hagistaadiumis (kohus, arbitraaz). 7. Mida tähendavad mõisted "Inherent vice" ja "Latent defect"? Inherent Vice ­ lasti sisemised omadused, mis võivad põhjustada lasti riknemist. Nt kakaoubade veol on nõutav lasti säilimise tagamiseks hoolikas ventileerimine, kuid samaaegselt põhjustab niiskuse eemaldamine lasti kaalu vähenemist. Latent defect ­ varjatud defekt. Defekt, mida ei olnud vedajal ega tema agendil võimalik avastada kauba vastuvõtul-üleandmisel, olenemata poolte vajalikust hoolikusest. Kakao-oad võivad, vaatamata kvaliteedisertifikaadi olemasolule olla

Logistika → Meretranspordi ökonoomika
24 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne esitlus Indiast

Republic of India Bharat Ganrajya Alex Tähemaa MOTTO AND ANTHEM Motto- "Satyameva Jayate" "Truth Alone Triumphs" Anthem- "Jana Gana Mana" "Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People" FLAG AND EMBLEM Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase FREEDOM AND GOVERMENT Independence from the United Kingdom- 15th of August, 1947 President- Pranab Mukherjee Vice President- Mohammad Hamid Ansari Prime Minister- Manmohan Singh POPULATION 1,210,193,422 (2011 census) Density 375/km2 AREA Total-3,287,590 km2 Water- 9.6 % LANGUAGES Official languages- Hindi and English None national language Over 100 languages are spoken in Indi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


TSITAATSÕNAD JA TSITAATVÄLJENDID Tsitaatsõnad on omakeelses tekstis kasutatud võõrkeelsed sõnad ja väljendid. Hiljuti keelde laenatud sõnu kirjutatakse nende algkeele kujul, kuna eestikeelset vastet neil veel ei ole (sageli ka ei tule, sest sõnakasutus vaibub enne, kui see tekkida jõuab), näteks action, hot stuff, cool. Sellised sõnad ja väljendid sobivad küll kõnekeelde ja kollasesse ajakirjandusse, kuid vähegi ametlikumas keelepruugis tuleks neid vältida. Peale värskete laensõnade kuuluvad tsitaatsõnade hulka ka võõrkeelsed fraasid ja väljendid, mis on kogu maailmas tuntud nende originaalkujul, näteks de iure `õiguslikult` (ladina k). Tsitaatsõnad kirjutatakse alati nende algupärasel kujul ja hääldatakse nagu päritolukeeles. Mõni nesit ei satese lauses samas kohas, kus vastav sõna või väljend eesti keeles asuks. Trükitekstis kirjutatakse tsitaatsõnad kaldkirjas, käsitsi kirjutatud tekstis tõmmatakse alla l...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
15 allalaadimist

Bruce Willis - Kuulsa inimese kirjeldus

Walter Bruce Willis on sündinud endise Lääne-Saksa sõjaväebaasis 19. märtsil 1955. aastal. Isa David oli keevitaja ja vabrikutööline, kes viis pere tagasi New Jersey'sse peale vallandamist sõjaväeteenistusest 1977. aastal. New Jersey's elas Bruce aktiivset lapsepõlve. Ta leidis juba siis, et tal on lihtsam end väljendada laval publiku ees. Seetõttu oli ta ka keskkoolis näiteringi liige ja ka õpilasomavalitsuse president. Kolledszh'isse Bruce ei läinud, vaid asus isa jälgedesse transportima töölisi Du Pont'i tehasesse. Sellest tööst ütles ta lahti peale kollegi surma ning asus tööle baaridesse. Samuti oli ta mõnda aega R&B grupi Loose Goose liige. Peale lühikest turvamehe ametis olemist pöördus ta oma algse kire, näitlemise juurde. Ta osales draamas Montclair State Kolledzhis, kus ta mängis klassi etenduses "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". Seejärel lahkus Willis koolist ning suundus New York'i. Willis hakkas taas baarmaniks, kuid sedapuhku poole...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
15 allalaadimist

Types of higer education

1. University- 2. Professional higer education establishment/University of Applied sciences- 3.Vocational educational establishment- Studies- 1. Bachelor`s degree- 2. Master`s degree- 3. Doctoral/Doctorate degree- 4. Credit points, credits- 5. In-service training- 6. Full-time study- 7. Distance learning- 8. To study correspondence- 9. To train applied engineers- Staff- 1. Administration- 2. Staff- 3. Rector- 4. Vice rector- 5. Dean- 6. Head of department- 7. Professor- 8. Lecturer, instructor- 9. Researcher- 10. Personnel- Places in a University- 1. Campus- 2. Faculty- 3. Department- 4. Main building- 5. Lecture room- 6. Auditorium- 7. Assembly hall- 8. Study library- 9. Reading room- 10. Study department- 11. Personnel department- 12. Dean`s office, rector`s office- 13. Cafeteria- 14. Refectory, canteen- 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Horatio Nelson slide show

Horatio Nelson Kadi Lilienthal 9b. klass Horatio Nelson His life Born: 29 September 1758 Place of birth: Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England Died: 21 October 1805 Place of death: Cape Trafalgar, Spain Allegiance: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Service/branch: Royal Navy Years of service: 1771­1805 Rank: Vice Admiral of the White His famous saying "England expects that every man will do his duty. " With these words Nelson successfully inspired his squadron before the Battle of Trafalgar, in 1805, during which he died Battles Battle of Cape St Vincet Battle of the Nile Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Battle of Copenhagen Battle of Trafalgar Victory in the Battle of Trafalgar Victory Victorywas an ancient Earth sailing vessel

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

United States of America

Kaspar Oll United States of America The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 312 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area and the third largest by both land area and population. The president of USA is Barack Obama and the vice president is Joe Biden. The U.S. economy is the world's largest national economy. America was first discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus. Probably the most important thing in U.S history is the Declaration of Independence in the year 1776. U.S territory was occupied first by the Native Americans since prehistoric times and later also by European colonists. Yellowstone National Park established by the U.S. Congress and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Esitlus krediidipanga struktuurist ja väärtustest

Viljandi, Võru, Jõhvi, Rakvere, Kuressaare, Maardu, Paldiski. Rein Otsason founded Krediidipank in 1992 Capital was the 6 000 000 rubl. 25 workers Profit 2.5 000 000 Council: Pavel Gorbatsevich Chairman of the Council Alexei Sytnikov Member of the Council Nikita Monakhov Member of the Council Jazeps Paplavskis Member of the Council Ain Soidla Member of the Council Andrus Kluge ­ Chairman of the board Valmar Moritz ­ Vice chairman of the board Ruslan Dontsov ­Head of Retail Banking Uku Tammaru ­ Head of Corporate Banking Marju Arras ­ Director of Settlements Marina Laaneväli ­ Chief accountant Janek Uiboupin ­ Head of Risk Managment Vision: Krediidipank aims at being attractive ­ i.e. a noteworthy bank. This means that we are governed by the triple A principle ­ i.e. to be ATTRACTIVE to customers, ATTRACTIVE to employees, and ATTRACTIVE to investors.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


and from Japan to eastern Australia. Among scientists and aquarists, clownfish are also known as anemone fish because they can't survive without a host anemone, whose stinging tentacles protect them and their developing eggs from intruders. It's still a mystery exactly how a clownfish avoids being stung by the anemone. Of the roughly thousand species of anemones, only ten host clownfish. What's good for the clownfish is good for the anemone, and vice versa. Clownfish spend their entire lives with their host anemone, rarely straying more than a few yards from it. They lay their eggs about twice a month on the nearest hard surface concealed by the fleshy base of the anemone, and they aggressively protect the developing embryos. If the young fish doesn't find an anemone and acclimatize to its new life within a day or two, it will die. The female is the largest in this "family," followed by the male and the adolescents

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Famous people from Ireland

Famous People from Ireland 2011 Oscar Wilde One of the most famous Irish person in history Writer and poet Born 16th Oct. 1854 Died 3oth Nov. 1900 Notable works: "The importance of being Earnest"; "The picture of Dorian gray" Jonathan Swift An Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet, cleric Notable works: "Gulliver's Travels"; "A modest proposal" Born 30th Nov. 1667 Died 19th Oct. 1745 Colin James Farrell Irish actor Appeared in: "In Bruges"; "Miami Vice"; "Tigerland"; "Odine" Born 31st May 1976 Won the golden globe award for "In Bruges" Saint Patrick The patron saint of Ireland Lived 4th to 5th century S.t Patrick's day celebrated in honor of him brought Christianity to Ireland Sold to slavery at the age of 16 Birth name was Maewyn Paul David Hewson Singer and musician (stage name "Bono") Main vocalist in the rockb...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest The story is based on a book called "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde. The play is directed by Peter Joucla and produced by Grantly Marshall. It is played by the American Drama Group Europe. This is a theatre group that travels around the world, so people can see many different plays and performances in English. The play tells the story of two men. One of them, Jack, lives in the country but loves to go to London once in a while. Jack's friend Algernon lives in London but, vice versa, likes to get away from the urbanism. Both of them fall in love with a woman, but the two men make a mistake, they lie about their name. Both say their name is Earnest and as it turns out, that is the name a man should have to marry those women. Of course the lie comes out and that is when the real drama starts. I really liked the play. It is witty and not so predict...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


the pages of magazines or newspapers or sit through a television program to see the wide coverage that advertisements receive in terms of space and time. Companies fork out large amounts of money just to advertise their products or services. What, the, are the benefits of advertisements ? Advertisements offer a wide variety of options to both potential buyers and sellers. Through advertisements, employers can recruit workers. People who wish to put up their properties for sale can find buyers or vice versa. Although there are grouses about advertisements, the numerous benefits of advertisements remain undisputed. Advertisements are the lifeblood of many television and radio stations. Many companies build a reputation for their products through advertisements. Sometimes companies sponsor major sporting events and help in the development of sports in the country. Advertisements inform the public about the wide array of products that are available in the market an dhow much they cost

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Asking opinion

Do you think we should maintain our traditions or make way for change? Do you think the Government should act to curb the power of media barons....? Do you think everybody should be trained to use computers? Do you think that public sector workers such as teachers, doctors, nurses and fire fighters should be allowed to strike? Do you think that the young have anything to learn from the elderly and vice versa? Would you consider sending your child to a grammar school? Would you ever consider taking out private health insurance? 1.2 OR Questions Are you for or against self-sufficiency? Would you prefer your child to be educated privately or by the state? Would you rather go to a mixed or single-sex school? Which should be the official world language - English or Esperanto? 1.3 WH Questions What do you think of fox hunting?

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Klaus Badelt

1) 2)Klaus Badelt on helilooja, kes on sündinud 1968 aastal Saksamaal Frankfurtis. Ta alustas muusikalist karjääri komposeerides muusikat paljudele edukatele filmidele ja reklaamidele oma kodumaal, kuid peagi leidis Badelt oma tähesäre. ,,Ma hakkasin tööle koos Saksamaa produtsendiga, kelle nimi on Ralf Zang. Ta andis mulle võimaluse ajal, mil ma polnud veel mitte midagi teinud. Ta andis mulle tööd insenerina, seega ma produtseerisin plaate ja artiste... Me tegime tuhandeid reklaame. Ja siis ma hakkasin edasi töötama televisiooniga ja mõndade filmidega," räägib Klaus Badelt intervjuus. Aastal 1998 kutsus Oscareid võitnud helilooja Hans Zimmer ta tööle Media Ventures stuudiosse. Sellest ajast peale on Badelt tegelenud mitme oma enda televisiooni projektiga. Tema esimene suur saavutus, mis pälvis ka palju tähelepanu, oli 2002.aastal muusika filmile ,,The Time Machine". 3)Nüüdseks on Klaus Badelt kirjutanud muusikat enam kui 25 suurele Ho...

Muusika → Muusika
8 allalaadimist

Favorite family member

easily talk to her and I can trust her with my secrets. I know when I talk to her about some kind of problems she is always there for me and atleast tries to help me out even when there is nothing to help with. From time to time we fight but have you ever heard of sisters who don't have their differences but we resolve them quite fast that sometimes we even forget why we were fighting at the first place. I like the fact that she doesn't get angry when i borrow something of hers and the same goes vice versa. To be quite frank I adore my sister and sometimes even admire the things she is willing to do for me because sometimes I can really act nasty against her but as I said before we resolve our differences fast and the hate part just fades away. The fact that my sister is willing to take blame for something I've done and tries to protect me is the most heart touching and I know even when we are fighting that deep down we still love and care for each other.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Letter of application

up with the rapid development in this field. Other than my studies, I have been earnestly seeking for opportunities to gain understanding of my potential and the world around me. One of these experiences that I treasured was a study tour to Taiwan I made last year, in which I had to compete with 120 candidates to become one of the 40 participants in the tour. We visited the Legislative Council of Taiwan and met the vice president of the Council to understand the issues of their society. We also visited government departments and met the famous economist, Woo Jia Ching. From this tour, I have gained much insight about the Taiwan society. By comparing Taiwan and Hong Kong, I have also come to know more about the place I live in. After you have the opportunity to review my resume, I hope to have a chance to meet you to discuss further how I might contribute to Thomson Consulting. I look forward to hearing from you

Keeled → Inglise keel
124 allalaadimist

Film review

Film review The Shawshank Redemption was filmed by Frank Darabont in 1994. A film based on a story by Stephen King. Film was not a best-seller, but but managed to earn recognition both critics and audiences. Budget was $ 25 million and fees movie was $ 60 million. The picture tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a former vice president of the bank, went to prison Shawshank, from which no one has yet managed to escape. For the murder of his wife and her lover, Dyufreyna sentenced to life imprisonment, as all witnesses and evidence against him, but he pleaded not guilty. Almost all the events of the film take place in Shawshank - the place where people who have committed certain crimes, serving sentences of imprisonment. Here person gets one, and leaves totally different. For many prisoners, the prison is already they

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Horatio Nelson

1. About Horatio Nelson 2. The Victory 3. Emma and Horatia 4. Battles 5. Used material Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square Born: 29 September 1758 Birthplace: Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England Died: 21 October 1805 (killed in battle) Best Known As: The hero of the Battle of Trafalgar Lord Nelson's full title, at the time of his death, was Vice Admiral of the White The Right Honourable Horatio, Viscount Nelson, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Horatio Nelson HMS Victory is a 100 gun ship of the line of the Royal Navy, built in the 1760s and currently a museum in dry dock in Portsmouth. She is the oldest ship still in commission. Nelsons most famous ship, his flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805. The Victory Nelsons Flagship The two people he hold most dear in the world ­

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

After Kennedy's militare service as commander of the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 during World War II in the South Pacific, his aspirations turned political. With the encouragement and grooming of his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat, and served in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated then Vice President and Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election, one of the closest in American history. He was the second-youngest President (after Theodore Roosevelt), the first President born in the 20th century, and the youngest elected to the office, at the age of 43.Kennedy is the first and only Catholic and the first Irish American president, and is the only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize.Events during his administration include the Bay of

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

British humor

Marju Pall Ineken Nuut Ada Leif 12.a Tartu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium BRITISH HUMOR United Kingdom and it's former colonies Sarcasm and self-deprecation Deadpan delivery Insensitive to other cultures No subject is taboo Lack of subtlety, crass THEMES INNUENDO ­ SATIRE ­ imply to sth or ridiculing human someone vice or weakness Sexual humor Most commonly Shakespeare polititians ,,Young men will Irony, sarcasm, do't if they come parody to't/By Cock, they ,,I'm not young are to blame" enough to know everything." THEMES ABSURD ­ surreal Unreasonable Monty Python Compared to The Beatles influence on music 3 of 6 ­voted among 50 greatest

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Werbungi tekst

Werbung Unsere Werbungsziel: Unsere Produkt gut zu werben. Zu richtige Zielgruppe. Wir haben grosse Konkurrenz und deswegen muss die Werbung (super) gut sein. Wenn die Entwicklungsphase durch ist, dann muss unser Unternehmen Werbung machen. Beim Werbung von Super-Smart Watch (weiter: SSU) ist verantwortlich Georg Lepik. Man kann sagen, dass Werbung ein wichtigsten Aspekt für neue Produkt ist. Unternehmen ,,NoNo Sport" (weiter: NO'S) hat eine grossartige Werbungplan entsteht. Wir machen Werbung: 1) im TV, 2) im Radiosendungen und auch 3) im Internet. Mit der Hilfe von diese drei können wir populäre Giveaways machen. Wichtig für Kunden ist direkte Kontakt und deswegen sind in Kaufhäuser Werbestände. Nach diese unsere direkte Werbungen können wir noch eine Variant benutzen: Sponsoren. Wir machen Werbung für sie und vice versa. Wir haben für Werbung 1,3 Miljonen und genauer sind die Gelddate...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
1 allalaadimist

Eclipse first chapter- kokkuvõte

" ­Bella Swan "Go away." ­Charlie Swan "I want to be a monster, too." ­Bella Swan "Well, I'll live in Antarctica." ­Bella Swan "Penguins, lovely." Edward Cullen "It's a story about ghastly people who ruin each other's lives." ­Edward Cullen "You have some serious issues with the classics..." ­Bella Swan "Is that what they think?" ­Edward Cullen "You compare one small tree to an entire forest." ­Edward Cullen Important Information learned: Jacob misses Bella, and vice versa, but they struggle with the divide between them. Edward fears for Bella's safety around the werewolves. Charlie doesn't like Edward. Bella and Edward were accepted to Alaska University. Bella is paroled off of her grounding from the motorcycles, with the condition she not neglect her other friends, especially Jacob. Charlie can't cook. Bella still longs to be a vampire. It's possible that a vampire is the Seattle serial killer.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

150 New Word

150 New Word 48. Contone Pidevtoon 49. Conversion Teisendus 50. Courseware Õppevara 1. Abstract Abstraktne 51. Crash Kokku Jooksma 2. Abundant Rikkalik 52. Customizable Kohandatav 3. Accordance Vastavalt 53. Cybercrime Küberkuritegevus 4. Acid Rain Happevihm 54. Data Andmed 5. Acquaintance tuttav 55. Declarative Deklaratiivne 6. Acronym Akronüüm 56. Decode Dekrüpteerima 7. Actuator Ajur ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Gender equality in higher positions of companies

less credit for their jobs, even if they do their work really well. Every person is unique and has their own set of skills. Companies have to value people's experience, qualification and education more than their gender, race, sexual orientation or other personal aspects. Those have nothing to do with the ability of someone doing the job or how this individual will bring profit to the company. So, no company should hire or even make a job interview with a woman just because she is a woman. Vice versa, if a woman is turned down by a company just because she is a woman, is already a serious discrimination. Some parts of the he society have taken an opinion that women have to maintain their family and children. Our society itself has a negative viewpoint towards working woman who want to make career instead of a family. They believe that only men are able to handle the financial decisions and have higher leadership skills, making them part of higher positions in the companies.

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

This is reflected in their association in a zombie network, controlled from a single center Use of infected machines to send spam through them, or launch attacks Require special consideration such classes of programs as Trojan-Dropper, and Trojan- Downloader. The ultimate goals they are absolutely identical - installation on the computer of another malware, which can be both a worm and a "trojan". Differs only by the principle of their actions. Dropper" may contain already known malware, or vice versa - to install a new version. As "droppers" can not install one, but several malicious programs that differ fundamentally from the behavior and even written by different people. Both of these classes of malicious programs used to install on computers not just Trojans and various advertising (advware) or pornographic (pornware) programs. According to the results of anti-virus services in 2008 recorded 23,680,646 attacks on the Russian Internet users, which were successfully repulsed

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Theodore Roosevelt

legislature. After a few years of living in the Badlands, Roosevelt returned to New York City, where he gained fame for fighting police corruption. He was effectively running the US Department of the Navy when the Spanish American War broke out; he resigned and led a small regiment in Cuba known as the Rough Riders, earning himself a nomination for the Medal of Honor. After the war, he returned to New York and was elected Governor; two years later he was nominated for and elected Vice President of the United States. In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated, and Roosevelt became president at the age of 42, taking office at the youngest age of any U.S. President in history. As an outdoorsman and naturalist, he promoted the conservation movement. On the world stage, Roosevelt's policies were characterized by his slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick". Roosevelt was the force behind the completion of the

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Kirjakeel, kõnekeel, tsitaatsõnad.

Hääldusalus, veaohtlikud hääikuühendid, võõrsõnade ja ­nimede hääldamine. Hääldusalus on iga keele eriomane viis häälikuid hääldada. Hääldusalust iseloomustatakse tavaliselt nelja tunnuse abil: keele asend, häälduskoht, hääldusintensiivsus ja huulte asend. Eesti keeles on keele asend hääldamisel suhteliselt madal, häälduskoha poolest on eesti keel suhteliselt eespoolne, hääldusintensiivsuse poolest keskmine. Aktsent ­ võõrkeele kõnelemisel avalduv emakeele hääldusaluse mõju. g,b,d,s häälduvad eesti keeles helitult. Vaid heliliste häälikute vahel on nad poolhelilised. Häälikut f tuleb hääldada vaid sõnades, mille kirjapildis ta esineb. Sõnades süüa, lüüa, müüa, tuleb häälikujärjendit üü hääldada üi. Sõnaalguline jä-on sõnades jätkama, jätkuma, jänn JA jändama. Rõhk, välde, palatalisatsioon. Rõhk on suurenenud hääldusintensiivsus, mis avaldub sõna teatud silpide hääldamisel. ­ Rõhu põhiülessanne on muuta kõne rütmiliseks. Eesti keeles ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
98 allalaadimist

Eesti valijaskonna enese ja erakondade vasak- ja parempoolne määratlemine 2015. aastal

“Eesti valijaskonna enese ja erakondade vasak- ja parempoolne määratlemine 2015. aastal” REFLEKSIOON Käesoleva artikli teema, enese ning erakondade vasak- ja parempoolne määratlemine, on eriti aktuaalne valimisperioodil, kuid kindlasti on poliitiline teadlikkus ning enese määratlemine tähtsad aastaringselt. Antud artiklit lugema hakates polnud teema mulle täielikult võõras ning olin vasak- ja parempoolsuse idee ning rolliga poliitikas juba põgusalt kokku puutunud. Parem pool esindab vabaturumajandust, vasak aga sotsialistlikke väärtusi ning majanduslikku võrdsust. Tänapäeval mängib minu meelest aga olulisemat rolli hoopis väärtuspõhine konflikt, mille kohaselt vastanduvad parempoolne traditsioonidel põhinev konservatiivsus ja vasakpoolne indiviidikeskne liberaalsus. Vaatamata asjaolule, et baasteadmised antud teema kohta eksisteerisid, oli uut infor...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
1 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

a functioning market economy and the ability to cope with the pressure of competition and market forces within the EU; ability to meet the obligations of membership, including the support for the goals. Country's administrative system must be capable of applying EU laws and put them to use. According to Vahur Kraft, the leader of Estonian Nordea Bank, the euro creates many new opportunities for the country's economy and the society as a whole. Bo Kragh, the vice president of the Bank of Estonia, has a bit different point of view. He has said in his article that the euro takes away our financial independence. Kragh says the Bank of Estonia won't be an independent institution anymore and it will be a branch office of European Central Bank from now on. That won't change much for average persons though, but the state loses the opportunity to manage monetary policy independently.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life

bring to obesity, and it, in turn, can lead to serious health problems and even to death. Technology has the negative effects on sleep habits. People do online activities that keep them up too late; information stream, that passes through people`s brains, can make it difficult to turn off our brains and go to sleep. Technology has both positive and negative sides. It is in our hands, how to use it. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and vice versa, using it for negatiive things give negative effect. The developments should be in a positive way and they should not have any negative impact on present or future generations, because future is not technology – it is people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Character sketch - Shel, Orlando by Virginia Woolf

That Shel was a complicated person, made him acceptable as Orlando's husband. After awhile, the wind changed and it was time for Shel to return to his ship and sail away. However, before that they quickly let the servant wed them. Shel proved his love and went off, and Orlando got a ring that she had wanted. Although Shel was far away, they communicated between each other quite often. Orlando sent him telegraphs about her doings and vice versa. In the end of the book, it is nicely described how Orlando felt when she saw her husband's ship sailing towards her. ,,Oh rash, oh ridiculous man, always sailing, so uselessly, round Cape Horn in the teeth of a gale! But the brig was through the arch and out on the other side; it was safe at last!" Orlando could not wait any longer to see Shel, they were both full of anticipation. Shelmerdine had become a fine sea captain, who was hale, fresh-coloured and alert

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Object-oriented programming.

Object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as information hiding, data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance. It was not commonly used in mainstream software application development until the early 1990s. Many modern programming languages now support OOP. Class Defines the abstract characteristics of a thing (object), including the thing's characteristics (its attributes, fields or properties) and the thing's behaviors (the things it can do, or methods, operations or features). One might say that a class is a blueprint or factory that describes the nature of something. For example, the class Dog would consist of traits shared by all dogs, such as breed and fur color (characteristics), and the abilit...

Informaatika → Informaatika
19 allalaadimist

Short and long term effects of alcohol

Short and long term effects of alcohol Good morning. My name is NIMI. I'm going to talk about short and long term effects of alcohol consumption. Firstly I'll tell you about short term effects and then move on to long term effects. My presentation will take about 5 minutes. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them afterwards. Firstly I would focus on the short term effects of alcohol consumption. The amount and circumstances of alcohol consumption play a large part in determining the extent of intoxication; for instance, consuming alcohol after a heavy meal causes alcohol to absorb more slowly. Hydration also plays a role as for determining the extent of hangovers. Initially, alcohol produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness, but as a result of further consumption blurred vision and coordination problems generally occure. As far as cell membranes are concerned they are highly permeable to alcohol, once alcohol is ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

Pessimism vs. Optimism Different approaches to the ‘population-resources’ debate Malthus Task: View figure 13.57 (page 378 of Waugh). Draw the graph and discuss. Malthus believed that there was a finite optimum population in relation to food supply and that an increase beyond that point would lead to a decline in living standards and to war, famine and disease.  An increase in the population above the optimum limit would therefore lead to war, famine and disease. A PESSIMISTIC approach  Thomas Malthus (1798) proposed his work during the early stages of the industrial revolution when inadequate food and clothing were common features in England.  His argument was that population increases (geometrically) or at an exponential rate if unchecked i.e. 1-2-4-8- 16-32 etc  Food supply at best increases at an arithmetic rate i.e.1-2-3-4-5-6 etc ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Introduction The United States of America is a very big country. Its territory is about 9.4 million square kilometres and its population is more than 260 million people, 12% of them are the Afro-Americans. It is the world's third-largest country by size and by population. The population density is about 27 people per square kilometre. Most of the people live in towns. There are 50 states in America. The biggest of the state is Texas, next by size are California, Alaska and Montana. Six states - Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut ,Rhode Island and Massachusetts are called New England. They are all small states in the U.S. that lie in the north-east. The first colony of immigrants settled down in Virginia, in the eastern part of the U.S.A. The biggest cities are New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc. The official language of the USA is English; Spanish is also...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

Chemical & chemical products 2.85 24 (excl. 2423) Machinery & equipment 2.20 29 · Furthermore, OECD's product-based classification supports the technology intensity approach. It can be concluded, that companies in a high-technology industry do not necessary produce high-technology products and vice versa. This creates a problem of aggregation. Best Location Most high-tech companies want to locate in cities that have highly ranked universities, institutes, or research centers with expertise in their industries. Universities can assist companies through research partnerships, sharing laboratory space and equipment, providing below-market-cost incubator space, and facilitating tech transfer and commercialization.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

USA topic

United States of America Table of Contents 1. Facts 2. Geography 3. Nature 4. History 5. Population 6. Government 7. Industry, economy 8. America's pop culture Facts Official Name: United States of America Capital City: Washington, D.C. Largest city: New York City Official languages: None at federal level National language: English Government: Federal constitutional republic President: Barack Obama ( Barack Hussein Obama II) Vice President: Joe Biden (Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr) Population: 2009 estimate 306,108,000 people Area: Total 9,826,630 km2 (by CIA World Factbook) Currency: United States dollar ($) Motto: In God We Trust Anthem: "The Star-Spangled Banner" Flag Names: The Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, The Starry Banner Seal: Great Seal of the United States Flag ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Teksti lõik lehelt tava kirjas ja ilma boldita. Teksti lõik koos sünonüümidega on BOLDIS. TÕLGE- märgitud lilla värviga. Company profile- company description- ettevõtte kirjeldus. 3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE- 3M Ameerika täht Euroopas 3M is the epitome of all that is best in corporate America. To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe.- 3M is the quintessence of all that is best in America enterprise. To stay on top the company must export its advantage to Europe- 3M on tuum kõigest mis on parim Ameerika ettevõttes. Et püsida tipus peab firma eksportima oma väärtusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. ­ Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are drawn u...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Irish Christmas

Christmas in Ireland lasts from Christmas Eve to the feast of the Epiphany on January 6, which is referred to as Little Christmas. Ireland's Christmas is more religious than a time of fun. Lighted candles are placed in windows on Christmas Eve, as a guide that Joseph and Mary might be looking for shelter. The candles are usually red in color, and decorated with sprigs of holly. Irish women bake a seed cake for each person in the house. They also make three puddings, one for each day of the Epiphany such as Christmas, New Year's Day and the Twelfth Night. After the Christmas evening meal, bread and milk are left out and the door unlatched as a symbol of hospitality. St Stephen's Day, the day after Christmas, is almost as important, with football matches and meetings going on. For children, the Wren Boys Procession is their big event. Boys go from door to door with a fake wren on a stick, singing, with violins, accordions, harmonicas and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

"Integraallülitused", seletav kokkuvõte.

oleku informatsiooni salvestada. Samuti nimetatakse seda bistabiilseks multivibraatoriks. Üks flip flop suudab salvestada ühte biti jagu andmeid (kas ,,1" või ,,0") (viide 3). Flip flop'il on kaks väljundit, mida joonisel märgitakse Q tähega. Ühel väljundil on Q tähe kohal aga kriips, mis tähendab, et väljundid on oma vahel alati erinevad (ingl. k. complementary) (viide 2). Näiteks: Klemm 1 ja 2 on väljundid ja kui klemm 1 on ,,kõrge", siis klemm 2 on alati ,,madal" ning vice versa. Ühel D-tüüpi flip flopil on neli sisendit: Data, Clock, Set ja Reset. Clock ehk kella sisendi juures on märgitud kolmnurk (vt Joonis 3). See tähendab, et sisend on äärele reageeriv (ingl. k. edge triggered) ehk see reageerib ainult kiiretele pinge muutustele. CMOS 4013 puhul on tegemist tõusvale äärele reageeriv (ingl. k. rising-edge triggered) flip flop'iga, sest see reageerib ainult järsule muutusele ,,madalast" olekust ,,kõrgesse" (vt Joonis 4). Ülejäänud

Elektroonika → Elektroonika alused
19 allalaadimist

Misusing and Abusing the IoT ( Ingliskeelne referaat andmeturve ITX0040 jaoks)

medical devices, such as pacemakers, which maintain an adequate heart rate of a patient or insulin pumps, which administer doses of insulin to the patient in treating diabetes, could be possibly abused by a third party in order to kill or seriously compromise the health of the individual using those devices. According to researchers Billy Rios and Terry McCorkle in 2013, there are roughly 300 such medical devices which are exploitable [9]. In 2007, the doctors of Dick Cheney, the vice president of USA at that time, ordered the defribillator manufacturers to disable the wireless feature in the vice presidents defribillator, in fears that somebody could hack it [10]. This suggests that in the future, aswell is in the present, the cyberattacks not only will be virtual threats, but will directly turn into a physical threat to the human life. Reasons behind security related shortages This raises the question of how come the internet of things is left quite

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
6 allalaadimist

Indigenous people in australia

· In some tribes, the father asks a "message stick" for the sex of the baby. If the stick is long, it is a boy and if it is short, it is a girl. · A baby does not get its name until it is one year old. Before the naming the Aborigines say the baby is not a real person. · Some Aboriginal people will avoid eye contact with you. This is especially so if the person is male and you are female and vice versa · Each time the word Aboriginal is written, it is to have a capital letter. This also refers to Aborigine. Used materials: christianity

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Why do we need morality?

The goal of morality is to create virtuous and happy people, who will develop a flourishing community. It is important that humankind uses its deepest potential for the greater good. The moral values do not depend on the religion, culture or individualities. They are the absolute universal principles that apply everywhere. But of course it depends on the context and some rules can exclude others. For example when one lies to save an innocent life. Most of the time the good is still good and vice versa. When children are thought moral values from the beginning, they re used to live by them and think of them as basics. Even if one day they break the moral code, they will feel guilty and know that it was wrong. The main difference between religion and morality is that morality is more reasonal while religion relies on beliefs. Morality is a big part of religion. Belief guides people towards morality, as religious people think that God sees and judges all our actions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun