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"student" - 549 õppematerjali

student - centred. The students share their knowledge, they brainstorm together and present what they already know.

Kasutaja: student

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Exchange student

08.09.2010 Kiviõli Dear Ingrid, Thank for you letter, you told me that you want to be an exchange student. I would recommend our school to you because we have are lot of friendly students and teachers who are very helpful. Our school year starts on the 1. of September and ends in on the 3. of July. Compared with other European schools our summer holiday is the longest. The winter holiday is 2 weeks long and the spring and autumn holidays are 1 week long. Our average school day is quite long, it starts at 8 o´ clock and ends usually at 3 or 4 o´ clock. We have a break after

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


Name: EDUCATING THE STUDENT BODY Harold W. Kohl, III and Heather D. Cook. Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of preschoolers. Childhood mobility has an impact on physical development, the development of risk factors for several chronic diseases and the future quality of life. Based on today's knowledge, physical activity is essential for young people to achieve optimal growth and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

These maps show a specific subject (rhe me) o r very / limired number of subjects (such as population d en sity, climate or h istorical topics). They can be used to sho w distributions and relat ionsh ip s among m ap featu res. This page contains exam ples o f the ma ny ~ typesof maps to be found through out th e ... Student Atlas ofthe World. · Hist oric Route Map

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Being an exchange student essay

Being an exchange student An exchange student is a high school student who has made a desicion to study abroad for one year. In addition, to experience the lifestyle of another nation. Being an exchange student has its advantages and disadvantages. First advantage would be living in a foreign country, a new language is quaranteed to be learned. While communicating with other people, a person may find himself around new possible friends. Secondly, gaining the new experiences could change one´s life forever. Every country has its own culture and it is claimed that spending some time abroad makes a person able to see cultural differences from another perspective. It also broadens the horizons.

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Are student organizations beneficial for students?

Are student organizations beneficial for students? This essay will deal with the following aspects of the question „Are student organizations beneficial for students?“. It is noticeable that student organizations are quite popular subject right now. Topical issue is that there may be different opinion about how beneficial student organizations for students really are. Student organizations usefulness could be disputable, beacause there are always postive and negative side to everything. One the one hand it appears that some students might support and think that student organizations are really advantageous for them and others do not support that idea. For example many stundents might complain about that sudent organizations are full of politics and assuming that they do not consider it necessary and beneficial to join any of them. It

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Schools should provide computers for every student

Schools should provide computers for every student In recent times, captious opinion has appeared referring the use of computers by adolescents and children in education at the primary and high school levels. Internet has become an essential tool for many students. A lot of students like doing researches on their own computers at home, while doing homework or discovering something new for themselves. High school students are often asked to write different essays, letters of reviews on topics they have been studying at school

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Are student organizations beneficial for students?

Are student organizations beneficial for students? Student organizations are always been quite popular among students. There are lots of benefits participating in the organizations, but some drawbacks as well. It is clear that student organizations are beneficial for students. Firstly, it helps students to find out their interests, which helps them in the future, when they are choosing suitable profession. It is always better when you already have some imagination of the job. In addition, organizations give new skills and knowledge. Secondly, it connects people with same interests, which leads to a more active social life. It seems that right connections are even more important, when it comes to finding a job, than education

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Unit 2 TEST I love english 7

5. Amy finally gave me a chance to read her essay. 6. Unfortunately, my general knowledge is quite limited. 7. It`s possible to improve your memory skills. 8. Where you successful in the quiz? 2 1. had been 2. raised 3. puffed 4. said 5. did I punish / have I punished 6. sobbed 7. shout / shouted 8. tear / tore 9. don`t remember 10. did 3 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 4 1. What did the student have to do? 2. Why didn`t he buy the book? 3. Where did he try to find the book? 4. How did he solve the problem? 5. Was the student told off for reading the book? 6. Why was the book put in another place? Model answers 1. The student had to read a book. 2. The book was too expensice for him to buy. 3. He tried to find the book in the library. 4. He read the book in the shop. 5. No, he wasn`t. 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Exercises 5-6 page 18-19

Exercises 5. 1.Dr LooLoo is Theodora clown doctor.Dr Chequers is her friend and colleague. 2.The make funny faces, tell jokes, and do magic tricks.They also make ,,balloon animals" and tell funny stories about them. 3.In fact her father's a clown and she started with him when she was eight years old.She knew it was just the job for her and she became a clown doctor. 4.She's naturally a very cheerful person.She likes her job because she thinks it's a great way to cheer up sick, frightened children in hospital. 5.She's wearing a fancy coat, a yellow shirt, and tights with big stripes.Also, she have a red rubber nose and wear her hair in crazy plaits. 6.Being a clown in a hospital is very tiring both physically and emotionally.They have to learn no to show their feelings, otherwise they'd be useless. 7.Because they meet nurses and doctors and they tell to Dr LooLoo a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Nali: The World According to Student Bloopers

25/11/2012 22:54 The World According to Student Bloopers Richard Lederer St. Paul's School One of the fringe benefits of being an English or History teacher is receiving the occasional jewel of a student blooper in an essay. I have pasted together the following "history" of the world from certifiably genuine student bloopers collected by teachers throughout the United States, from eight grade through college level. Read carefully, and you will learn a lot. The inhabitants of Egypt were called mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere, so certain areas of the dessert are cul- tivated by irritation. The Egyptians built the Pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pramids are a

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Should schools permit computers for their students?

Many students and their parents are in the position that every school should permit computers for their students. Is this a good idea if every student at school has their own computer what they can use in lesson? In my opinion having computers in our English class is very good idea. There is a lot of reasons why. Firstly, our textbooks and worksbooks are compiled that method that there are some excercises which we will have to check from internet like all kind of searching tasks what expect us to use Internet. It also simplify teacher work, teacher does not have to waste her time preparing the lessons

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How well do you know London part 2 - student

How well do you know London? Form 10, February 2012 Welcome back to the tour of London! This is your second day (lesson) that you spend exploring the famous landmarks of the city. Again - follow the map so that you would not get lost and try to get streetwise in London. It is also wise to use Google Maps Street View simultaneously ­ it gives you the wonderful feeling of strolling the streets and landmarks. Take the following questions with you, find answers to them and put them down for yourself in this MSWord document. Don't forget to "take" photos - you are supposed to recognise the landmarks later on! At the end of the tour send the worksheet to yourself so that you could use it again. Good luck with exploring the city! DAY 2. The route: Westminster Abbey ­ The Houses of Parliament ­ London Eye ­ 10 Downing Street ­ St Paul's Cathedral ­ The Tower of London ­ Tower Bridge ­ Globe Theatre ­ Greenwich Ob...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist

A business student´s insight into life in Estonia

07.11.2012 A business student´s insight into life in Estonia Estonia is a very small country compared with other European countries. But we have lots of students and universities which are internationally appreciated. I am also new business student in university and i have my own opinion. How can i see the life in Estonia? Positive side is definetly the location. We are located near the Baltic sea, which means that around us there is one of the fastest growing market. Also we are near the biggest cities in Europe. It means that we have lots of tourists who want to visit our country. Positive side is that we have unique nature and old town. Also in Estonia there are lower prices than neighboring Scandinavian countries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student With a population of 1 313 271 people, Estonia is one of the least populous member states of the European Union. However, according to the IMF, it is a developed country with an advanced and high-income economy. Estonia follows market economy system which ensures the little government intervention and the determination of prices of goods and services in a free price system. Therefore, economic decisions are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's citizens and businesses

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student I have been studying economics for a few months now and I would not say that my point of view on life in Estonia has changed. There are some things I recently started to look on differently but I am not sure is it because of TUT or not. Through my entire life I have seen Estonia as a strong and fast growing country which is also a fact because Estonian economy was one of the fastest growing in the world until 2006 with growth rates even exceeding 10% annually

Majandus → Akadeemiline kirjutamine
6 allalaadimist

New matrix pre-intermediate student peatükk 3. Home and family

Home and family Ex. 3 p. 31 a. When she was 15. Emma's behavior got worse. b. It's very hard for them it they have suddely leave and live out in the world on their own. c. Caroline was a real friend. d. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life. e. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space. Ex. 4 1. Emma was unhappy. She was smoking and drinking. She kept missing school and getting terrible fights. She stayed out at night, wen clubs, often got into trouble with the police and even started taking drugs. 2. Caroline was fostered a lot of teenagers before. Caroline is kind and caring for Emma. She helped Emma to see that how important it was to go to school and live her life. 3. Emma decided to stay on at school, and worked hard for her exams. Emma was extremely lucky. Caroline want Emma to stay with them. Emma eas c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Lady's Slipper

Lady's slipper Common names: American Valerian, Moccasin Flower, Nerveroot, Whippoorwill's-shoe and Yellow Indian Shoe. Bionominal name- Cypripedium pubescens. The plant comes into flowering age only after 10-15 years. Height is 12-30 inches tall. Are found across much of North America, as well as in parts of Europe. This plant grows in the wild in forest lands and meadows, but owing to excessive harvesting, lady's slipper is seldom found growing in the wild. However, to a certain extent, this herb is also cultivated. This plant has only 2 leaves. The color of lady's slipper flowers varies from yellowish to purplish- brown and are borne at the top of an elongated stalk. One petal of the flower changes into a structure akin to a yellow sac, known as the `slipper'. The herb has a plump rootstock that gives rise to numerous curved stems covered with bristles. The stems bear alternate leaves and typical golde...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Being an exchange student – a useful experience or a waste of time?

Being an exchange student ­ a useful experience or a waste of time? I have always wanted to be an exchange student. I think that it would be a nice variety to the everyday life. In my opinion being an exchange student is a useful experience, but it also has some negative sides. Firstly there are some arguments that support being an exchange student. If a person has to manage in a totally new environment for a whole year, he or she gets a lot of experience for life away from parents. Exchange year also gives a great language practice. No matter which country an Estonian chooses, it would have a different mother language than we have. Secondly there are soma arguments that do not support being an exchange student. If a person has hard time managing with his or her new life, it could leave a negative view to entire trip. It

Keeled → Inglise keel
85 allalaadimist

Work or university

Work or University? After finishing secondary education students have to decide vhether to go to work or continue their education at a university. If a student decides to go to work after finishing secondary school, he does not have the best advantages for getting a good job. Today employers value high-quality vocational qualifications, so it might not be as good as choice as continuing your education. However, if a student chooses to continue his education, he has many possibilities, for example, university or vocational education. At a university he can choose what he wants to study and for how long, for instance, to get a bachelors degree he has to complete three years of study at a university. And after graduating from university he can, continue with post-garduate studies to complete a masters degree and then doctoral degree.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Dear Mrs

Dear Mrs. Smith, I hope that you don't mind me contacting you after such a long time. I also hope that you remember me as your student from high school. I am writing to ask your advice on my choice about continueing my studies. I have always wanted to be an artist, but my parents haven't approved my choice. I have a bachelor's degree in Mathematics. but the three years spent studying it, i have come to an understanding that this field of carreer is not for me. I wish to pursue my studies in the field of Fine Arts, but i don't want to upset my parents. I would very much appreciate your advice on this issue

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tehniline joonestamine - poltliited


Arhitektuur → Tehniline joonestamine
182 allalaadimist

For and against studying abroad

This experience will expanded your horizons and make you more independent. Obviously there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, and here is what I think they might be. I believe that there are many advantages that the time abroad will provide you. For instance you will make a lot of friends from all over the world. It is always nice to have a place to stay when you accidentally end up in Japan or Australia for a few days. Being an exchange student is also a fabulous chance for travelling. Getting to know a new country so well is definitely not possible during a holiday or a short visit. Besides living in a new culture for a long period of time will teach you more about the culture than reading any book about it. Studying abroad is also a great way to master another language. When you suddenly find yourself immersed in a world where everyone speaks another language, you may find yourself

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist


Dear Sir, I am writing in response to your advertisment . I would be grateful if you could consider my applications for the vacancy in your Accounts Department. I am eighteen-year-old high school student and am very interested in this position. When i leave school, I plan to study accounting and this would be a perfect opportunity for me to gain some experience. Although I have no formal work experience, I have often helped out in my cousin business, where I have been responsible for accounting. As far as my personality is concerned, I would describe myself as sensible and conscientious. I am sociable person and enjoy working with others as part of team. I also

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Film review “Scent of a Woman“ 1992 by Martin Brest

Film review "Scent of a Woman" 1992 by Martin Brest Scent of a Woman is the story of Frank Slade, a blind, retired army colonel who hires Charlie Simms, a poor college student on the verge of expulsion, to take care of him over Thanksgiving weekend. At the beginning of the weekend, Frank takes Charlie to New York, where he reveals to the student that he intends to visit his family, have a few terrific meals, sleep with a beautiful woman and, finally, commit suicide. Over the weekend, as they learn about life through their series of adventures, they start trusting eachother. Two absolute favourite scenes: The first is in the New York ballroom where the blind Lt. Colonel teaches a lady to dance the tango. It is so smooth and dramatic that even a couch potato is tempted to dance along. The second and most profound is the speech that

Filmikunst → Film
6 allalaadimist

Sample letter to host family

and shopping for food sometimes. Sometimes I have to take care of my sisters. About my intrests now. I learn guitar in X Music School. Guitar, and music in general, is my greatest passion. I find makeing and listening music relaxing. I also have solfedzo and music history lessons in Music School. I'm attending youth choir of my school. Choir singing is very popular in Estonia, because it's big part of our culture. I take part of student representive and drama group ,,X". I'm also participant in several youth projects, which include integrating national minorities and giving information about healthcare. About the sport, I used to take part of swimming trainings, but this year training times don't fit for me, so I'm going to swim and gym on my own twice a week. I'm also into skiing, but this sport can be done only in winter. We have really good skiing tracks in X, so I try to use them as much as I can. My summer-sport is camping

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Mikroprotsessortehnika eksam (vene keel)

1. ? 1. ? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. 100% Score: 0/10

Informaatika → Mikroprotsessortehnika
21 allalaadimist

Summary - IT in motorsport

Summary I made my presentation about infotechnology usage in motorsport. I chose this topic because I am an infotechnology student and also I have been rally driver since 2009. I believed this could be interesting topic for others to hear because you can’t really find much information about the technologies used in different motorsport disciplines from the Internet but you can learn about them usually when somebody tells you about those technologies. Because I’m a rally driver and I know most about rallying I focused on rally and in addition talked little bit about Formula One and also about simulators

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Teraste ja malmide mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus

Total score: 95,9/100 = 95,9% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Mis on eutektne mehaaniline segu? Student Response A. kahe erineva faasi p väljakristalliseerum B. kahe erineva faasi m erinevatel kristallise C. kahe erineva faasi p üheaegsel rekristall

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
146 allalaadimist

Praktikum nr.8 Plastide identifitseerimine ja kõvadus

View Attempt 1 of 3 Title: Praktikum nr.8 Plastide identifitseerimine ja kõvadus Started: Wednesday 16 March 2011 09:36 Submitted: Wednesday 16 March 2011 09:40 Time spent: 00:04:18 Total 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: score: 100 1. Kuidas jagunevad plastid päritolu järgi? Student Response 1. Looduslikud 2. Modifitseeritud looduslikud 3. Sünteetilised Score: 2,7/2,7 2. Milline väide on tõene? Student Response 1. Kõik polümeerid on plastid 2. Kõik plastid on polümeerid 3. Polümeerid on plastide alaliik Score: 2,7/2,7 3.

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
31 allalaadimist

Teraste ja malmide mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus

Praktikum nr 4. Teraste ja malmide Title: mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus Started: Wednesday 27 October 2010 09:51 Submitted: Wednesday 27 October 2010 10:23 Time spent: 00:31:34 86,8333/100 = 86,8333% Total score adjusted Total score: by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Mis on eutektne mehaaniline segu? Student Response A. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist üheaegsel väljakristalliseerumisel B. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist elementide erinevatel kristalliseerumistemperatuuridel C. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis tekib tardfaasist elementide üheaegsel rekristalliseerumisel

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
91 allalaadimist

Plastide identifitseerimine ja kõvadus

Your location: Assessments > View All Submissions > View Attempt View Attempt 3 of 3 Title: Praktikum nr.8 Plastide identifitseerimine ja kõvadus Started: Tuesday 9 November 2010 18:22 Submitted: Tuesday 9 November 2010 18:34 Time spent: 00:11:41 Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Kuidas jagunevad plastid päritolu järgi? Student Response 1. Looduslikud 2. Modifitseeritud looduslikud 3. Sünteetilised Score: 2,7/2,7 2. Milline väide on tõene? Student Response 1. Kõik polümeerid on plastid 2. Kõik plastid on polümeerid 3. Polümeerid on plastide alaliik Score: 2,7/2,7 3.

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
156 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr 5. Terased ja malmid

1. Mis on eutektne mehaaniline segu? Student Response Feedback A. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist elementide erinevatel kristalliseerumistemperatuuridel B. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib tardfaasist elementide erinevatel rekristalliseerumistel C. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis tekib tardfaasist elementide üheaegsel

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
253 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr 7. Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus

Total score: 95/100 = 95% 1. Millistest kriteeriumitest lähtudes võiks liigitada duralumiiniumit? Student Response Feedback A. Duralumiinium on termotöödeldav materjal B. Duralumiinium on survetöödeldav materjal C. Duralumiinium on valusulam D. Duralumiinium ei ole vanandatav sulam Score: 4/4 2. Milliste lisanditega alumiiniumisulamid on termotöödeldavad (tekib tardlahus)? Student Response Feedback A. Cu B. Si C. Fe D. Mg E. Ni F. Cr G. Mn Score: 4/4 3. Millisesse gruppi saab liigitada alumiiniumi tiheduse järgi? Student Response Feedback Student Response Feedback B. keskmetall C. raskemetall D. kerge sulam Score: 4/4 4. Millisesse gruppi saab liigitada alumiiniumi sulamistemperatuuri järgi?

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
254 allalaadimist

Praktikum nr 7. Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus

View Attempt 1 of 3 Title: Praktikum nr 7. Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus Started: Monday 14 March 2011 16:17 Submitted: Monday 14 March 2011 16:25 Time spent: 00:07:49 Total 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: score: 100 1. Millistest kriteeriumitest lähtudes võiks liigitada duralumiiniumit? Student Response A. Duralumiinium on termotöödeldav materjal B. Duralumiinium on survetöödeldav materjal C. Duralumiinium on valusulam D. Duralumiinium ei ole vanandatav sulam Score: 4/4 2. Milliste lisanditega alumiiniumisulamid on termotöödeldavad (tekib tardlahus)? Student Response A. Cu B. Si C. Fe

Füüsika → Füüsika
35 allalaadimist

Pääsuõigused ja kettaruumi haldamine

Pääsuõigused ja kettaruumi haldamine Ühenduse loomine student@desktop:~$ ssh server.lab ... Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes ... [email protected]'s password: student Ülesanne 1. Pääsuõigused Paigalda veebiserver apache2. Uuendame apt-get nimistut ja installeerime veebiserveri apache2. student@server:~$ sudo apt-get update student@server:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 Töö autor vastas toimingu käigus tekkinud küsimustele jaatavalt ( Y ). Loo kataloog /var/www/html/leiutised . /var/www/html/ on vaikimisi veebiserveri juurkataloog Ubuntul. Loome kataloogi /var/www/html/leiutised käsklusega mkdir (make directory). student@server:~$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/leiutised /var/www/html/leiutised peab kuuluma grupile leidurid . Määrame loodud kataloogi grupiks leidurid käsuga chown (change owner). Käsu nimele järgneb uus omaniku ja grupi ...

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide ja...
6 allalaadimist

Teraste ja malmide mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus

Total score: 90,8/100 = 90,8% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Mis on eutektne mehaaniline segu? Student Response A. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist üheaegsel väljakristalliseerumisel B. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist elementide erinevatel kristalliseerumistemperatuuridel C. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis tekib tardfaasist elementide üheaegsel rekristalliseerumisel D. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib tardfaasist elementide erinevatel

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
179 allalaadimist

Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus

Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Millistest kriteeriumitest lähtudes võiks liigitada duralumiiniu Student Response A. Duralumiinium on termotöödeldav materjal B. Duralumiinium on survetöödeldav materjal C. Duralumiinium on valusulam D. Duralumiinium ei ole vanandatav sulam Score: 4/4 2. Milliste lisanditega alumiiniumisulamid on termotöödeldavad Student Response A. Cu B. Si

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
145 allalaadimist


Your location: Home Page > Kontolltööd ja eksamid > Eksam A > Assessments > View All Submissions > View Attempt View Attempt 1 of 2 Title: Eksam A Started: Monday 21 January 2008 10:02 Submitted: Monday 21 January 2008 10:53 Time spent: 00:50:53 Total score: 75/100 = 75% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Inflatsioon väikese avatud majanduse korral (Skandinaavia mudel) on määratud: Student Response Value Correct Answer A. hinnatõusuga antud riigis 0% B. töötuse suurenemisega antud riigis 0% C. impordile kehtestatud tollimaksude suurusega 0% D. tööviljakuse kasvu erinevusega ekspordi ja kaitstud sektoris 100% 2. Disinflatsioon ja deflatsioon: Student Response Value Correct Answer A

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
465 allalaadimist

Sulamid praktikum 4

Teraste ja malmide mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus › Assessments › View All Submissions › View Attempt View Attempt 2 of 3 Title: Praktikum nr 4. Teraste ja malmide mikrostruktuur tasakaaluolekus Started: Monday 14 March 2011 06:15 Submitted: Monday 14 March 2011 06:33 Time spent: 00:17:48 Total 98/100 = 98% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 score: 1. Mis on eutektne mehaaniline segu? Student Response Value Correct Answer A. kahe erineva faasi peen mehaaniline segu, mis 100% tekib vedelfaasist üheaegsel väljakristalliseerumisel B. kahe erineva faasi mehaaniline segu, mis tekib vedelfaasist elementide erinevatel kristalliseerumistemperatuuridel

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr 9. Tehnokeraamika ja komposiitmaterjalide ehitus

Tulemus 76/100 1. Millised väited on õiged deformatsiooni kohta Student Response Feedback A. Elastse deformatsiooni korral detaili mõõtmed ei taastu peale jõu eemaldamist B. Välisjõudude toimel deformeerub detail esmalt plastselt ja seejärel voolavuspiiri ületamisel elastselt. C. Plastse deformatsiooni korral detaili mõõtmed taastuvad peale jõu eemaldamist D. Välisjõudude toimel deformeerub detail esmalt elastelt ja seejärel voolavuspiiri ületamisel plastselt. E

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
213 allalaadimist

Test 5 (4 varjanti)

Your location: Home Page > Tudengi vahendid > Testid > Test nr 5 Polümeermaterjalid > Assessments > View All Submissions > View Attempt View Attempt 1 of 1 Title: Test nr 5 Polümeermaterjalid Started: Tuesday 12 May 2009 17:49 Submitted: Tuesday 12 May 2009 17:56 Time spent: 00:06:48 Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Plastid on polümeeride baasil valmistatud tehismaterjalid, mille põhikomponendiks on Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1. molekulid 0% 2. polümeer 100% 3. monomeer 0% 4. aatomid0% Score: 10/10 2. Kuidas liigitatakse polümeere ahela väliskuju järgi? Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1. kahemõõtmeline, kolmemõõtmeline, viiemõõtmeline 0% 2. lühike, pikk 0% 3. lineaarne, hargnenud või ristsillatud ahelaga 100% Score: 10/10 3.

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
280 allalaadimist

Praktikum nr 7. Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus

View Attempt 1 of 3 Title: Praktikum nr 7. Duralumiiniumi termotöötlus Started: Saturday 9 October 2010 13:32 Submitted: Saturday 9 October 2010 13:52 Time spent: 00:20:02 Total score: 90/100 = 90% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Millistest kriteeriumitest lähtudes võiks liigitada duralumiiniumit? Student Response A. Duralumiinium on termotöödeldav materjal B. Duralumiinium on survetöödeldav materjal C. Duralumiinium on valusulam D. Duralumiinium ei ole vanandatav sulam Score: 4/4 2. Milliste lisanditega alumiiniumisulamid on termotöödeldavad (tekib tardlahus)? Student Response A. Cu B. Si C. Fe D

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
134 allalaadimist

Test 6 (5varjanti)

000000803f00000000000000000000803f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000220000000c000000ffffffff460000001c00000010000000454d462b02400 0000c000000000000000e00000014000000000000001000000014000000040000000301080005 0000000b0200000000050000000c0201000100030000001e000c00000040092900aa000000000 000000100010000000000040000002701ffff030000000000 Kas keraamika on kristalne või amorfne aine? Student ResponseValueCorrect AnswerFeedback A. kristalne100% B. sõltub survest0% C. amorfne0% D. sõltub temperatuurist0% Score: 10/10 2. 010009000003a501000000007801000000007801000026060f00e602574d464301000000000001

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
269 allalaadimist

Terase termotöötlus

1. Mis on termotöötluse eesmärk? Student Response A. metalli kuumutamine ja kiire jahutamine B. Metalli omaduste muutmine struktuuri muutmise teel C. Oksiidikihi eemaldamine terase tootmisel kasutades taandavaid gaase D. metalli kuumutamine üle faasipiiri ja aeglane jahutamine Score: 2/2 2. Mis võimaldab terast termiliselt töödelda? Student Response A. Terases/malmis toimuv polümorfne muutus (K12 ja K8) B. Terase kõrge sulamistemperatuur C. Terases kiirel jahtumisel tekkivad sisepinged D. Terase kuumutamisel tekkiv sulafaas Score: 2/2 3. Millised on termotöötluse põhimoodused? Student Response A. Lõõmutus B. Karastus C. Noolutus

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
209 allalaadimist

Materjalide mehaanilised omadused

Praktikum nr 1. Materjalide mehaanilised Title: omadused: tugevus, plastus ja löögisitkus Started: Sunday 19 September 2010 15:44 Submitted: Sunday 19 September 2010 16:38 Time spent: 00:54:14 88,6/100 = 88,6% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Total score: Maximum possible score: 100 1. Mis on deformatsioon? Student Response A. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toimel. Deformatsioon koosneb alati ainult elastsest osast. B. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toimel. Deformatsioon koosneb kahest osast, elastsest ja plastsest. Olenevalt materjalist võib plastne deformatsioon ennem olla. C

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
111 allalaadimist

Materjalide mehaanilised omadused: tugevus

1. Mis on deformatsioon? Student Response A. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toime B. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toime deformatsioon ennem olla. C. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toime D. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toime Score: 3/3 2. Mis on elastsus? Student Response A. Materjali võime oluliselt deformeeruda staatiliste jõudu B. Materjali võime purunemata taluda koormust. C. Materjali võime vastu panna kohalikule plastsele defor D. Materjali võime taluda dünaamilisi koormusi purunema E. Materjali võime oluliselt deformeeruda staatiliste jõudu Score: 3/3 3. Mis on plastsus? Student Response A

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
67 allalaadimist

Tehnokeraamika tehnoloogia ja omadused

Total 99,92/100 = 99,92% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 score: 1. Mis iseloomustab normaalelastsusmoodulit? Student Respo A. Elastsel deform B. Plastsel deform C. Tõmbe- ja surv D. Tõmbe- ja surv Score: 8/8 2.

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
122 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr 9. Tehnokeraamika ja komposiitmaterjalide ehitus

Title: Laboritöö nr 9. Tehnokeraamika ja komposiitmaterjalide ehitus Total score: 97/100 = 97% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Millised väited on õiged deformatsiooni kohta Student ResponseFeedback A. Deformatsioon on detaili mõõtude ja/või kuju muutus välisjõudude toimel B. Plastse deformatsiooni korral detaili mõõtmed taastuvad peale jõu eemaldamist C. Elastse deformatsiooni korral detaili mõõtmed ei taastu peale jõu

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
140 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr 2 Löökpaindeteim

1. Millist materjali omadust määratakse löökpainde teimiga? Student Response Feedback A. Materjali omadust taluda dünaamilisi koormusi B. Materjali omadust vastu pidada kulumisele C. Materjali omadust plastselt deformeeruda D. Materjali omadust taluda staatilist koormust Score: 7/7 2. Mis on omane haprale purunemisele? Student Response Feedback A. Prao tekkeks ja arenguks kulutatakse vähe energiat B. Materjali purunemine tühiste deformatsioonide korral staatilisel koormamisel. C. Materjali purunemine väikeste staatiliste pingete korral D. Prao tekkeks ja arenguks kulutatakse palju energiat Score: 7/7 3. Mis on külmhapruslävi TKHL? Student Response Feedback A. Temperatuur, millest madalamal

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
198 allalaadimist

Aine olekud

Deformatsioon koosneb kahest osast, elastsest ja plastsest. Plastne deformatsioon eelneb alati elastsele. C. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toimel. Deformatsioon koosneb alati ainult elastsest osast. D. Materjali kuju ja mõõtmete muutus välisjõudude toimel. Deformatsioon koosneb kahest osast, elastsest ja plastsest. Elastne deformatsioon eelneb alati plastsele. Score: 3/3 2. Mis on elastsus? Student Response A. Materjali võime vastu panna kohalikule plastsele deformatsioonile B. Materjali võime purunemata taluda koormust. C. Materjali võime taluda dünaamilisi koormusi purunemata D. Materjali võime oluliselt deformeeruda staatiliste jõudude toimel purunemata ja pärast jõudude eemaldamist kujumuutused säilitada E. Materjali võime oluliselt deformeeruda staatiliste jõudude toimel purunemata ja

Füüsika → Füüsika
21 allalaadimist

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