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"happiness" - 190 õppematerjali

happiness – I call it the joy of Being – is found in simple, seemingly unremarkable things.

Kasutaja: Happiness

Faile: 0


*I'm not going to apologize for it, cause the truth is I'd do it again. *I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. *WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON! *At times I wish I could change the past....but sometimes the past changes you. *If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun. *It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye. *Never ruin an apology with an excuse. *For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. *Play fair. Don't hit people. Say u're sorry when u hurt somebody. *...every seconds like a minute,every minutes like a day,when you're far away... *Hold, hold me for a while I know this won't last? forever So hold, hold me tonight Before the morning takes you away... *Don't force me to live, don't force me to die... just let me be happy. *Armastus on nagu lke, paar keppi ja ta leegitseb jlle. *Sigaret lhendab elu kaks tundi, pudel viina kolm. Tpev teeb elu kaheksa tundi lhemaks.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
23 allalaadimist

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice

When Bianca enters and tosses the handkerchief back to Cassio, his rage is set, having seen Cassio’s mistress handling Desdemona’s handkerchief. He convinces himself that he must kill Cassio and Desdemona that very night. He mentions poison, but Iago pushes him to strangle her in the bed in which she betrayed him. Lodovico enters with Desdemona with a letter recalling Othello back to Venice. The two discuss Cassio, upsetting Othello even further and when Desdemona expresses happiness at being recalled, Othello strikes here. Lodovico is surprised by the violence and the loss of control by Othello. Scene 2 Othello questions Emilia about Desdemona’s infidelities, to which Emilie denies the accusations. However, Othello only takes this as meaning his wife is more cunning than he thought. He then takes to calling Desdemona a “whore” and a “strumpet”, railing against her.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


01 - PHP - Sissejuhatus Antud moodul on järgmine samm veebitehnoloogia õppimisel pärast HTML5 ja CSS3 õppimist. Siin õpime kuidas puuta koduleht PHP ja MySQL abil dünaamiliseks. Antud kursuse puhul olen aluseks võtnud vanema php kursuse, mis pärineb aastast 2009 ning oli toetatud e- poolt. Et vanemast materjalist mingi jälg maha jääks, lisasin selle PDF dokumenti. Kui materjal on juba olemas, siis miks uuesti? Selle aja jooksul on tekkinud parem arusaam, kui hästi õpilased materjali omandavad ning milline võiks olla parem struktuur. Lisaks sellele tahan iga materjaliga anda kaasa kenasti esitluse ning luua videoõpetused. Kellele on kursus mõeldud? Kursuse loomisel olen eelkõige silmas pidanud oma õpilasi, kellele tuleb see kõik kenasti selgeks teha. Kuid loodan, et sellest on ka teistele kasu, kellega ma kokku otseselt ei puutu. Kursus on ülesehitatud selliselt, et üheskoos tehakse läb...

Informaatika → Informaatika
24 allalaadimist


11 Explain the difference between the words corps and corpse? How do you pronounce these words? 12 Translate the italicized expressions and bold words in the text. Make sure that your translation is appropriate! 13 Derivation is the process of forming a new word from an existing word, often by adding a prefix or suffix. For example, from the word HAPPY we can derive the following words: happen, happily, happiness, unhappy, unhappiness. Make derivations from the following words, using prefixes and suffixes and translate each word: Able Common Entertain Apply Discover Use Invade Success EXERCISES 1. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold: The ..............

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Kuna SHARE-Eesti küsimustiku puhastatud tulemuste hulka jäid lõpuks 6828 vastaja poolt antud andmed, muutub nende põhjal üldistuste tegemine koge eesti vanemaealsite kohta ebapraktiliseks. 25 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD Arrak, A. E. R. P. E., 2008. Eesti majandus: loimumine Euroopa ja globaalses kontekstis. Tartu: Avatar Holding. Bariletti, A. C. G., .. Health, Happiness and Adaption: an economic perspective. ..:.. Ehrenberg, R. S. R., 1993. Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers. Ilmarinen, J., 2006. Towards a longer workslife. Jyväskylä: Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy. Luuk, M., .. Eakate taandumine tooturult. [ ] Available at: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, .. Toojouvajaduse prognoos aastani 2019. [ ] Available at: https://www.mkm

Majandus → Majandus
6 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Goes to buy flowers-walks through the streets of London. Different people participate in the same experience-waiting for the queen to pass in a motor-car, airpane writing on the sky, beautiful flowers in the park. Different reactions. Somebody has to die for the others to feel the importance of living. Great courage to plunge into life or death. To 'assemble'-after calamities of life, after disintegration of war Septimus Smith. Clarissa's intended 'double'. Clarissa-light and happiness. Septimus-dark, shell shocked, war-smitten. Airplane writing for people in park-wonder. For septimus-horror. Reminds of the sound of explosion. Loss of friend Evans. Septimus' role in the book. To show what it is like to be unable to find stability in familiar circumstances. Sees no point in living in the Britain he had fought for. ,,And not yet i am now alive, but let me rest still." Clarissa and Septimus: Mrs Dalloway-her sense of personal identityt, her past, Peter and Sally, now-Mrs

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Marilyn Monroe

comedy starring Dean Martin and Kim Novak, and a musical version of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. [15] Before the shooting of Something's Got to Give resumed, Monroe was found dead in her Los Angeles home on the morning of August 5, 1962[36]. She remains one of the 20th century's legendary public figures and archetypal Hollywood movie stars. Marriages and relationships James Dougherty Monroe married James Dougherty on June 19, 1942. In The Secret Happiness of Marilyn Monroe and To Norma Jeane with Love, Jimmie, he claimed they were in love, but dreams of stardom lured her away. In 1953 he wrote a piece called "Marilyn Monroe Was My Wife" for Photoplay, in which he claimed that he left her. In the 2004 documentary Marilyn's Man, Dougherty made three new claims: he was her Svengali and invented the "Marilyn Monroe" persona, studio executives forced her to divorce him, and that he was her only true love. He remarried in 1947

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

CANADA REVISION QUESTIONS 2010 1. The main physiographic regions of Canada. Canada may be divided into seven physiographic regions: Arctic Lowlands, Cordilleran Region, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canadian Shield (Forest Lands), St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachian Region. Divisions are based on each area's relatively similar physical geography and landforms. Physiographic regionalization is defined here as the process by which regions with relatively homogeneous physical geography are determined 2. Who are the native people of Canada? Into which three groups can they be divided? Canada's constitution specifies three categories of aboriginal peoples: Indian (First Nations), Métis, Inuit. According to Canadian census 2011, 1.4 mln people of Aboriginal origin (4.3%): 852,000 First Nation...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

Man ruled by feelings and passions, not reason. Shift in ideals -> profound effect on cultural ethos preceding the French Revolution. The man of feeling: courage and good nature mingled, tender heart and benevolence was public. Sensibility was spontaneous characteristic, contrary to politeness. Found to be compatible. Sens.released 18th C man to release emotions like grief and pity, joy and love. This perception of natural and moral beauty held to be given by God in the soul, might give man happiness. Rousseau: priority to expression of natural feelings and emotions above any official code of morality. Children nurtured naturally, recolution in child-rearing in upper classes, children no more small adults. Childhood needed freedom. In sense it was not unifying but divisive, because men had differing emotions. The uniqueness of Engl society: its passion for the open air, field sports, racing, the love for animals, along with the relms of Nature one aspect of sensibility. 31

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist


Why not? Life is for living; I live mine for you. Love is for giving; I give mine to you. Hearts are for beating; mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning; mine are full of you. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you ... it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there. Sometimes I feel so afraid that everything I´m dreaming of, might never come true. But lately, my fears have been abated, because I know you´re dreaming with me. Sweet dreams! Dreams coming true...yup that's what it feels like to be with you!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

Kultuuriti võrdlev psühholoogia, konspekt

erinevalt; 3. autoritaarne kasvatusstiil ei hõlma endas „the role of training“ arusaama. Vanem on küll nõudlik, aga õpetab ka oma eeskujuga. Üldiselt on leitud, et: - Range ja kontrolliva kasvatusstiili tõhusus varieerub kultuuriti; - Autoritaarne (authoritarian) kasvatusstiil on seotud pigem kehvema psühholoogilise kohanemisvõimega (maladjustment); - Väga kontrollivate vanemate lapsed on vähem õnnelikud. Trade-off between happiness and achievment. Suhtlus vanematega. Lapse perspektiivi tunnistamine (independent agents) vs juhtimine vanemliku eeskuju abil (relational beings). Ma olen selline vs ma kuulun sinna ehk individualistlik/kollektivistlik. Nimisõna-eelistus (noun bias) ehk nimisõnade eelistus lastel, võrreldes teiste sõnaliikidega. Ei ole nii kultuuriülene kui arvati. SOPH.00.309 Cross-Cultural Psychology |4 - Nimisõna-eelistus kui keeleliste erisuste peegeldus

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
34 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused keskkonnaökonoomika 2014 2015

Kordamisküsimused keskkonnaökonoomikast 2014 1. Keskkonnaökonoomika definitsioon ja valdkond Keskkonnaökonoomika on ökonoomika, mis tegeleb looduskapitaliga. Keskkonnaökonoomika on majandusteaduse rakendusharu, mis käsitleb inimeste sotsiaalmajanduslikku tegevust mõjutavaid tegureid ja nende seoseid keskkonnaga. Keskkonnaökonoomika koht majandusteaduses: mikro-ja makroökonoomikas. Mõlemad sisaldavad keskkonnaökonoomika komponenti. - majandusteaduse rakendusharu, mis käsitleb inimeste sotsiaal-majanduslikku tegevust mõjutavaid tegureid ja nende seoseid keskkonnaga - majandusteaduse haru, mis käsitleb looduskeskkonna kaitse ja loodusressursside (nii taastuvate kui taastuvate) kasutamisega seotud majandusküsimusi -ökonoomika, mis tegeleb looduskapitaliga. Keskkonnaökonoomika tegeleb peamiselt loodusressursside ammutamise ja keskkonna saastamise majandusliku aspektiga. 2. Malthuse teooria Malthus sõnastas oma teoses printsiibi, mille k...

Loodus → Keskkonna ökonoomika
49 allalaadimist


I'll be your hope, I'll be your love - be everything that you need. I love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do.... I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning, a reason for living, a deeper meaning. - Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you ... it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there. - Sometimes I feel so afraid that everything I´m dreaming of, might never come true. But lately, my fears have been abated, because I know you´re dreaming with me. Sweet dreams! - Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
36 allalaadimist


Kordamisküsimused keskkonnaökonoomikast 2015 1. Keskkonnaökonoomika definitsioon ja valdkond Keskkonnaökonoomika on  majandusteaduse rakendusharu, mis käsitleb inimeste sotsiaal-majanduslikku tegevust mõjutavaid tegureid ja nende seoseid keskkonnaga  majandusteaduse haru, mis käsitleb looduskeskkonna kaitse ja loodusressursside (nii taastuvate kui taastuvate) kasutamisega seotud majandusküsimusi  ökonoomika, mis tegeleb looduskapitaliga. Keskkonnaökonoomika tegeleb peamiselt loodusressursside ammutamise ja keskkonna saastamise majandusliku aspektiga. 2. Malthuse teooria Malthus sõnastas oma teoses printsiibi, mille kohaselt inimeste arv kasvab geomeetrilises progressioonis (1, 2, 4, 8, 16), nende kasutada olevad ressursid aga aritmeetilises progressioonis (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Printsiip põhineb tõsiasjal, et rahvastiku kasvu osas võis mitmetes maades sel ajal tõepoolest täheldada geomeetrilist ...

Majandus → Keskkonnaökonoomika
100 allalaadimist


VARAUUSAEG (1517 ­ 1792) Euroopa tsiv allutas enda valdusse teisi mandreid. 16. saj oli suurriikide ajajärk. Põhja-Euroopas domineerisid Taani ja Rootsi. Ida-Euroopas hakkas domineeris Venemaa, kes hakkas murdma Lääne-Euroopasse ning käsitama end Bütsantsi õigusjärglasena. Venemaa hakkas koloniseerima ka ida-alasid. Venemaa suurimaks konkurendiks sai Poola-Leedu. Liivi sõjas likvideeriti Liivi ordu. Kagus kujunes suurriigiks Osmanite impeerium. Osmanid vallutasid Põhja- Aafrika ning vallutasid 1526 Ungari. 1529 rünnati Viini. Vahemere idaosas domineeris Türgi laevastik. Lääne-Euroopas olid tugevaimad absoluutliku monarhiaga Inglismaa ja Prantsusmaa ning esile tõusis ka Hispaania, mis sai üle pol killustatusest (Aragoni- Kastiilia personaalunioon). Hispaaniale kuulus ka Lõuna-Itaalia ja Sitsiilia ning võideldi aktiivselt türklaste vastu. Hispaania troonile tõusid Aust...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
113 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: Led Zeppelini IV stuudioalbum

The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom and walked the night alone Oh, dance in the dark night, sing to the morning light The Dark Lord rides in force tonight, and time will tell us all Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, race now to my bow Side by side we wait the might, of the darkest of them all I hear the forces asunder down in the valley below I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow The apples of the valley hold the seeds of happiness The ground is rich from tender care, which they do not forget, no, no Dance in the dark night, sing to the morning light The apples turn to brown and black, the tyrant's face is red Oh, war is the common cry, pick up your swords and fly The sky is filled with good and bad, mortals never know Oh well, the night is long, the beads of time pass slow Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath

Muusika → Muusika
30 allalaadimist

American Literature

better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) De Crevecoeur, Hector St. John (17351813): FrancoAmerican Writer. With the publication of his Letters from an American Farmer (1782), Hector St. John de Crevecoeur became one of the eighteenthcentury's most influential commentators on American life and manners. While not born in America, Crevecoeur traded his French citizenship for an American one in 1765, taking up residence in New York. He had traveled throughout New

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

Selliselt postisioonilt stigmaga hakkamasaamine on kõige tulemuslikum. · Normaalsuse piirid on laienenud (nt homoseksuaalsus, naine jne) Mõõtmisinstrumendid: · Mina ja eneseteadvuse erinevaid aspekte mõõtvad skaalad. Näited: ­ A Collective Self-Esteem Scale: Self-Evaluation of One's Social Identity ­ Self-evaluation scale ­ UCLA Loneliness Scale ­ Subjective Happiness Scale ­ Beck Depression Inventory ­ Miller Social Intimacy Scale Sotisaalne taju Inimene suhtub, hindab, näeb inimesi väga erinevalt. Taju sotsiaalsus · Erinevused sotsiaalse ja füüsilise objekti tajumisel. 1) Inimese puhul on taju vastastikune, mis tingib erineva käitumise ja vaatamise. 2) Oluline on intentsionaalsust - kui teist inimest vaadata, siis ma tean, et lisaks sellele, mida ma tajun, on olemas ka varjatud külg (nt iseloom, kavatsused)

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Ideede ajaloo kotspekst

Kordamisküsimused FLAJ.07.198 Euroopa ideede ajalugu Metodoloogilised küsimused 1. Tekstuaalne ja kontekstuaalne meetod ideedeajaloo uurimisel · Meetodid: Kanooniline e. tekstuaalne meetod Ajalooline e. kontekstuaalne meetod · Tekstuaalne meetod : Arthur Lovejoy. "The Great Chain of Being" 1936 Ideed on tsüklilised, pole progressi Universaalsed probleemid, ajatud ideed "Idee-ühikud" (unit-ideas), mis on ideoloogiate ehituskivid Suurte mõtlejate kanooniline rida Autorit pole vaja uurida: väidete tähendus on leitav tekstist endast · Kontekstuaalne meetod Cambridge'i koolkond (Quentin Skinner jt): Kaks olulist, omavahel seotud aspekti on välja jäänud: Autori intentsioon e. kavatsus. Mitte ainult mida väidab, vaid miks väidab Ajalooline kontekst ja keelelised konventsioonid · Kontekstuaalne meetod II Seetõttu vaja uurida: tekst...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
39 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

understand [the area] for what it was Á from a larger, more robust, and more informed perspective' (1999, pp. ixÁx). Murphy undertakes her journey with mixed expectations: on the one hand, she is eager to share the happiness of a dictatorship-free nation; on the other, she expects to find `much hardship, tension, dissention, suspicion' (1992, p. xiv). Hoffman adopts the hegemonic Western cliche´ of `the other Europe' as `less developed, less civilized, more turbulent and strife-ridden, [. .

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


reguleerida ja neist rõõmu tunda – pole eesmärgipärased ainult. • Teoreetilised ja metodoloogilised kitsaskohad – biases, arvatakse, et on mingi keskeakriis, saadakse tulemus, mida tahakse, küsitavaused metodoloogiliselt nõrgaks kohaks (longituudid näitavad, et keskeakriisi pole – keskkondlik artefakt) Galambos, N.L., Fang, S., Krahn, H.J., Johnson, M.D., Lachman. M.E. (2015). Up, not down: The age curve in happiness from early adulthood to midlife in two longitudinal studies. Developmental Psychology, 51 (11): 1665. Vanadus (alates 60-65 ish kuni 90, kus algab kiire taandareng)) • Biopsühhosotsiaalne mudel – bioloogiline, psühholoogiline ja sotsiaalne muutus • Vananemise teooriad  Geneetilise etteprogrammeerituse teooria – inimrakkude reprodutseerimisse on sisse ehitatud kell, kui aeg saab täis, siis rakud ei ole võimelised jagunema ja mõned rakud

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist


.. 5 I'm afraid I won't be able to make it on Friday ... 6 Why don't you come and visit us ... 7 I'm looking forward to hearing from you ... 8 I look forward to meeting you. 9 I am writing with regard to the advertisement ... 10 How about getting together next Friday instead? 11 Pop in for a chat some time soon ... 12 You've been very helpful ... 13 Well, I must leave now ... 14 By the way, I've got to tell you ... 15 I regret to inform you that ... 16 It is with great happiness that I congratulate you on your engagement ... 17 Please accept my sincere apology ... 18 Write back soon! 19 Keep in touch. 20 You are cordially invited to attend... TASK 3 Read the two models and find out which model: 1. uses an impersonal style 2. uses examples of the Passive voice 3. uses short forms 4. includes only facts 5. includes examples of colloquial English 6. uses a short, zappy style 7. omits pronouns 8. includes formal language MODEL 1 Dear Madam,

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Ajaloo põhiperioodid

Ajaloo põhiperioodid (16.10.07) Vara-Keskaeg pärast 6 sajandit Frangi riik tekkis 5 sajandi lõpul. Tema rajaja oli Chlodovech, Merovingide dünastiast. Frangid olid alguses pigem paganad kui kristlased. Kristluse vastuvõtmine toimus teistest germaani hõimudest erinevalt. Frangid olid ariaanlased ja seega rooma kirikust erinevad. Frangi riik lagunes, sest Frangi kuningatel oli kombeks jagada oma riik poegade vahel. Pärast 6saj kohalik võim eriti lõuna pool kippus jääma kiriku kätte. Selle arengu tulemuseks tekkis neli põhilist piirkonda. Nende valitsejad olid majordoomused. Majordoomus Pippin Haristal saavutas võimu terves riigis ja pani aluse majordoomuste Pippiniitide ja hilisemate Karolingide dünastiatele. Pärast teda valitsesid kolm suurt valitsejat: 1) Karl Martell ­ Tema ajal tungisid Prantsusmaale sisse araablased ja ta saavutas nende üle võidu. Võitluses araablaste vastu oli Karl Martell sunnitud ümber korr...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
254 allalaadimist


UUSAEG II Marten Seppel 1/4 Referaat 5-10 lk. Eesti keeles pole midagi väga soovitada. ,,Maailmaajaloo atlas" head skeemid ja kaardid. Sakslaste ajalooatlase tõlge. Enn Tarvel ,,Kas ajalugu saab kirjutada objektiivselt?" Tuna 2005 nr 3 (soovituslik) H. Kinder, W. Hilgermann. Maailma ajalugu esiajast tänapäevani. Maailma ajaloo käsiraamat. Tln, 2001 Lord Acton (1834-1902) ,,The Cambridge Modern History" Sajandid tulid käibele alles 16. sajandil kui orientiiviks olev pidepunkt. Pikk 19. saj (1789-1914) Eric J. Hobsbawn: 1) revolutsiooniajastu (1789-1848) 2) kapitaliajastu (1848-1875) 3) impeeriumiajastu (1875-1914) Hobsbawn marksistlik ajaloolane, üks kuulsamaid ajaloolasi. Elab siiamaani. Kirjutab natsionalismist, industraliseerimisest, pr revolutsioonist jne. Ta pole siiamaani öelnud lahti oma kommunistlikust minevikust. Tänapä...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
287 allalaadimist


forward in the Coda; the introductory theme appears in the major key, having forged its way through the developmental process. Here are hope and power. Though some stylistic resemblance with Glazunov and Tchaikovsky may be perceived, Lemba uttered emphatically his own word. The second movement introduces two themes; the first almost vocal and contemplative, the second passionate. The music seems to tell the story of the young Lemba: it is full of feeling and a search for happiness. Meditation and grief are juxtaposed, yet depression is not expressed. The third movement is a Scherzo, joyous, even mischievous, like a stylisation from a Viennese ‘classic’: the individuality of Lemba is less perceivable here. The music proceeds in pleasurable mood and cheerful play: Example 16. The fourth movement: Finale in sonata form. The sad and restless themes are almost similar. The process is quite short without enriching features in the recapitulation. 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Uusaeg I Mõiste Uusaeg areng 1. Mõisted keskaeg ja uusaeg hakkasid arenema hiliskeskaja renessanssringkondades (15 saj. II poolel) 2.Cristoph Keller: MaailmaAjalugu (1675-96) I Antiik (Vanaaeg) II Keskaeg III Uusaeg 3. Läänemaailma traditsiooniline tõlgendus: Uusaeg algab aasta 1500 paiku (1450-1550) - Renessanss - Konstantinoopoli langemine (1453) - Maadeavastusretked (1492,1498) - Reformatsioon (1517-...) - Itaalias 15.saj. II poolel - Põhjamaades 1520-1540 4. Nõukogude liidu marksistlik tõlgendus: Uusaja algus inglise nn kodanlik revolutsioon (1640-1689) 5. Tänapäeva tõlgendus: Uusajani viinud üldine areng algas juba südakeskajal ja ülemineku aeg kestis rohkem kui kakssada aastat kuni 17.saj. alguseni. ­ Varauusaeg 1450 -... Uusaeg ja uusim aeg ning lähiajalugu Uusim aeg algab Prantsuse revolutsioonist (1789): - Seisusliku ühiskonna lagunemine - Demokraatia (Ühisk. õigused , pol. õigus...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
113 allalaadimist


Before i met you i did not know what it was like, to just smile at someone for no reason Love is the air only two hearts can breathe And I cry, tears of hate, tears of pain, tears of lost love, tears for something I know I will never get back No boy is worth your tears and the one that is wont make you cry Never cry because it ENDED, be happy because it HAPPENED Letting go doesn`t mean giving up, it is accepting that some things just are not meant to be There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved People have conquered armies and countries but you conquered my heart Lets commit the perfect crime, I'll steal your heart and you'll steal mine What do you do when the only person who can make you laugh is the one making you cry? You make me laugh when i don't even want to smile Don't tell me you love me, unless you can prove it Girl: Since when have you been so interested in school? Boy: Since you said you wanted someone smart

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
29 allalaadimist


Kas me oleme üks asi, kui suhtleme iseendaga, võib meid olla mitu? Nt olen keemiatehase direktor ja ema samal ajal. Kes suudab mitut asja korraga teha, on küpsem isiksus. Mõõtmisinstrumendid Mina ja eneseteadvuse erinevaid aspekte mõõtvad skaalad. Näited: · A Collective Self-Esteem Scale: Self-Evaluation of One's Social Identity · Self-evaluation scale · UCLA Loneliness Scale · Subjective Happiness Scale · Beck Depression Inventory · Miller Social Intimacy Scale KOKKUVÕTE Eneseteadvus ja Mina kui selle peegeldus. Mina ja isiksus. Püüd positiivse enesehinnangu suunas Identiteet indiviidina ja rühmaliikmena Stigma, stigmatiseeritus, normaalsus ja hälbed W.James, L.Festinger, E.Goffman, H.Tajfel (1919-1982) 9

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist


y a quality of being arbitrary NOUN SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example ary place library ation process population cule small minuscule dom state of being wisdom er one who does teacher hood state of being manhood ist one who does geologist ly like, similar to manly ment state of being contentment ness state of being happiness ous full of enormous ry occupation dentistry ship state of being citizenship ADVERB SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example ly the way predictably ways the way sideways wise the way otherwise VERB SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example ade action or process persuade ate to make accentuate en to make broaden

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Why not? Life is for living; I live mine for you. Love is for giving; I give mine to you. Hearts are for beating; mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning; mine are full of you. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you ... it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there. Sometimes I feel so afraid that everything I´m dreaming of, might never come true. But lately, my fears have been abated, because I know you´re dreaming with me. Sweet dreams! Dreams coming true...yup that's what it feels like to be with you!

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
433 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

Welcome to our think it would be wonderful to live in 6 think / believe / predict programme, Max. the pollution-free environment of an 7 in MP Hello everyone, glad to be here. eco-town and I would love the idea 8 much But let me be clear on something ­ that everybody who lives there would we help in the search for happiness, 9 likely be like-minded people who share the but we don't make it happen. And same attitude to the environment as me. 3 1 to 4 as we give no guarantees and take no Speaker 2 The government is 2 likely 5 of responsibility for the outcome ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"See you later, Dark and Dangerous." His brows rose at my nickname for him. "Five o'clock. Don't make me wait." One of the cars in the left bank of elevators arrived. Megumi stepped out and Gideon stepped in, his gaze locked with mine until the doors closed. "Whew," she said. "You scored. I'm pea green with envy." I couldn't think of anything to say to that. It was all still too new and I was afraid to jinx it. In the back of my mind, I knew these feelings of happiness couldn't last. Everything was going too well. I rushed to my desk and got to work. "Eva." I looked up to see Mark standing in the threshold of his office. "Could I talk to you a minute?" "Of course." I grabbed my tablet, even though his grim face and tone warned me they might not be needed. When Mark shut the door behind me, my apprehension increased. "Is everything all right?" "Yes

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


3196. Iga inimene teab, et teised teda hinnates eksivad aga ta ei tea, et ka tema ise eksib teisi hinnates. 3197. Reality is wrong. Dreams are 4 real. 3198. Mommy says I'm special, no matter what other kids say 3199. Love is like a maths, it so complicated. 3200. Ainus asi, mis mulle Sinu juures ei meeldi, on see, et sa pole minu. 3201. Find a way to smile, & never let it go away. 3202. Can I have your picture so I could show santa what I want for christmas? 3203. When one door of happiness closes, another one opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has opened for us. 3204. Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I am not perfect & I do not live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean. 3205. What happens when he is your prince charming but you are not his cinderella? 3206. Ära ole lukk, mille kõik võtmed avavad ,vaid ole võti ,mis avab kõik lukud. 3207

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
115 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community, Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity, Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward. LORD POLONIUS [Aside] Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. Will you walk out of the air, my lord? HAMLET 64 Into my grave. LORD POLONIUS Indeed, that is out o' the air. Aside How pregnant sometimes his replies are! a happiness that often madness hits on, which reason and sanity could not so prosperously be delivered of. I will leave him, and suddenly contrive the means of meeting between him and my daughter.—My honourable lord, I will most humbly take my leave of you. HAMLET You cannot, sir, take from me any thing that I will more willingly part withal: except my life, except my life, except my life. LORD POLONIUS Fare you well, my lord. HAMLET These tedious old fools! Enter ROSENCRANTZ and GUILDENSTERN

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Life is for living; I live mine for you. Love is for giving; I give mine to you. Hearts are for beating; mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning; mine are full of you. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you ... it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there. Sometimes I feel so afraid that everything I´m dreaming of, might never come true. But lately, my fears have been abated, because I know you´re dreaming with me. Sweet dreams! Dreams coming true...yup that's what it feels like to be with you!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
135 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

In the description of the Hero's Journey they might have picked up some insight about their own lives, some useful metaphor or way of looking at things, some language or principle that defines their problem and suggests a way out of it. T h e y recognize their own problems in the ordeals of the mythic and literary heroes, and are reassured by the stories that give them abundant, time-tested strategies for survival, success, and happiness. Other people find validation of their own observations in the book. From time to time I meet people who know the Hero's Journey well although they may never have heard it called by that name. W h e n they read about it or hear it described, they experience the pleasurable shock of recognition as the patterns resonate with what they've seen in stories and in their own lives. I had the same reaction when I

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Õigusfilosoofia ajalugu

võimust ja valitsemisest. ,,life, liberty, and property" ja ,,consent of the governed" (alamate nõusolek) on pea sõna- sõnalt analoogilised kuulsatele lausetele USA ,,iseseisvusdeklaratsiooni tekstis, mille on kirja pannud Thomas Jefferson (1776): We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Jefferson ja Madison olid sügavalt mõjutatud Locke'ist. Sh Locke'i ideest, et teatud tingimustel on vastupanu valtisuse vastu mõistuspärane ja õigustatud. Loogiliselt sidususelt ja süsteemsuselt on tegelikult Hobbesi Leviatan tugevam teos. Locke'il on vaid traktaadid (nö `väikesed uurimused'). Viigid (hilisemad liberaaldemokraadid, NB ­ mitte leiboristid!) ja toorid (hilisemad konservatiivid):

Õigus → Õigus
633 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

6This is not to say that what we feel about an issue is always different from or always to be trusted more than what we think about it. However, the data are clear that our emotions and beliefs often do not point in the same direction. Therefore, in situations involving a commitment likely to have gen- erated supporting rationalizations, feelings may well provide the truer counsel. This would be espe- cially so when, as in the question of Sara's happiness, the issue at hand concerns an emotion (Wilson et aI., 1989). DEFENSE _ vantage, those other reasons would not have brought me there. They hadn't created the decision; the decision had created them. That settled, there was another decision to be faced. Since I was already there holding the hose, wouldn't it be better to use it than to suffer the inconvenience of going elsewhere to pay the same price

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Crazy Hitchhiker from There's Something About Mary ( The classic scene that inspired the title of this chapter. "It's Brie time, baby!" FROM GEEK TO FREAK How to Gain 34 Pounds in 28 Days Somewhere along the line, we seem to have confused comfort with happiness. --Dean Karnazes, ultramarathoner who, in 2006, ran 50 marathons in all 50 U.S. states in 50 consecutive days, finishing with a 3 hour and 30 second time at the New York City Marathon Often the less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it. --Mark Twain Onbiceps July 6, 65-year-old John's biceps measured 14½ in circumference. Six weeks later, his

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun