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"function" - 421 õppematerjali

function – – to make - “silence” – break in the narrative, the end of a clause, sent-e & (complete – strengthen controversial nature of things.


SKRIPTIKEELED. Põhimõtted. Plussid/miinused. Erinevad skriptikeeled: Javascript on Netscape Communications Corporation'i poolt loodud kliendi-poolne (Client- Side) interpreteeritav objektorienteeritud programmeerimiskeel, mida kasutatakse koos HTMLiga veebilehtede koostamisel. Veebilehe laadimisel kuvab brauser selle vastavalt HTML-dokumendi tekstile ja täidab ka selles paikneva Javascripti programmi. Põhimõt e on HTML vormide valideerimiseks · interaktiivsuse tõstmiseks · dünaamilisuse tõstmiseks Javascript on lihtne ja tasuta Shellscript , JavaScript, VBA Skriptikeelte plussid ­ Kiire loomistsükkel ­ Lihtne õppida ­ Platvormist sõltumatu ­ Kompaktne ning suhteliselt kiire · Skriptikeelte miinused ­ Piiratud funktsionaalsus (sisseehitatud vahendid) ­ Kood avalikult nähtav ­ Vähe töövahendeid (esialgu) JAVASCRIPT. Ajalugu. JavaScript loodi firma Netscape poolt 1995 aastal · Esmalt sai se...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
45 allalaadimist

VBA laused

muutujatega, sh. pöördumine Üleminekud funktsiooni(de) poole) Lõpulause Protseduuri alguslause ja lõpulause Sub-protseduur Funktsioon Sub nimi1 ( [parameetrite kirjeldus (nimi as tüüp)] ) Function nimi2 ( [parameetrite kirjeldus] ) [As tüüp] ... ... Nimi2 = ... End Sub End Function Kirjelduslaused Const k_nimi [as ] = - konstantide deklareerimine

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
16 allalaadimist


People who wanted to exchange something found that it was sometimes difficult to find someone who had exactly what they wanted and who at the same time wanted exactly what they had to exchange. In order to make exchanges easier, the circle of exchanges widened from two parties to three or more. A had what B wanted; B had what C wanted; C had what A wanted. In this way, indirect exchanges began to develop. Eventually, the most marketable or saleable of these goods acquired the function of money, a medium of exchange. Many goods have served as money. Money is an important social institution. A complex society simply could not function without some kind of common medium of exchange. Money also allows people to specialize in what they do best and thus increase their efficiency in ways that benefit both themselves and others. People no longer have to produce everything that they need in the way of food, clothes, and housing. They can concentrate on what

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


Mine is the big one. 2) Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it. Reciprocal pronouns We use reciprocal pronouns when each of two or more subjects is acting in the same way towards the other. There are only two reciprocal pronouns, and they are both two words: each other one another Examples: 1) John and Mary love each other. 2) The gangsters were fighting one another. Pronoun Case Pronouns (and nouns) in English display "case" according to their function in the sentence. Their function can be: subjective (they act as the subject) objective (they act as the object) possessive (they show possession of something else) Thanks for listening !

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

coinages (e.g. "the train choo-chood to the station"). ALLITERATION - alliteration is the repetition of single sounds or groups of sounds (usually word-initial sounds, esp. consonants). Alliteration goes back to Anglo-Saxon poetry that knew no rhyme and did not yet rely on metre. The complete alliteration of Anglo-Saxon poetry is sometimes used for humorous purposes. Alliteration may have its share in producing an ironic effect. Alliteration may convey various shades of meaning. Another function of alliteration lies in connecting words by similarity of sound. The function of alliteration depends on the particular context; its rhythmical value goes hand in hand with the connotations it evokes. The expressive value of separate sounds - it has been noted that the sounds [l, m, n] suggest slowness and peacefulness (M. Boulton): b and p - suggest quickness, movement, triviality, scorn; m, n, ng - provide various effects of humming, singing, music, occasionally sinister; l - suggests

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Eksamieelduse töö

0487 7.9253 .0628 .0018 F level or tolerance or VIN insufficient for further computation. Summary Table Action Vars Wilks' Step Entered Removed In Lambda Sig. Label 1 T76 1 .64533 .0014 Meie orgis edutatakse haid tootajaid 2 T73 2 .60007 .0046 Saan ise planeerida oma tood Classification Function Coefficients (Fisher's Linear Discriminant Functions) FIRMA = 1 2 3 T73 2.010843 1.397240 1.471168 T76 1.164367 .7263430 2.074298 (constant) -5.026450 -2.865955 -6.383697 Canonical Discriminant Functions Pct of Cum Canonical After Wilks'

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
156 allalaadimist


magazines books house of commons-> rich bankers and rich people *kasvatati Kensingtoni süsteemi järgi *abiellus Albertiga *valitses 63 aastat ja 7 kuud *tal oli 9 last 42 lapselast. they brought rabbits to australia. What was the function of the Sunday school? need for reforms in education-resulted in new syllabules

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

I'm-sorry-for-you is worse than twenty I-told-you-sos) · Abstract nouns when used in the plural become expressive (Life is full of the injustices, the incruelties and the meanesses) Pronouns: · Speaker or writer: the use of "one" or "you" when the speaker means himself reveals him as a reserved person. "You" and "one" instead of "I" creates a close contact with a reader or listener. In colloquial speech, same function is performed by "a man, a chap, a fellow" (A man knows how much to pay) · The speaker or writer may use "he" or "she" meaning himself. Then the person views himself from the distance and, thus, focuses more attention on himself. · The archaic "thou" and its form "thy", "thee" may be nowadays. In poetry, they create elevated overtones; in prose, they may convey geographical or historical background. (Hemingway-Spaniard-foreign nationality)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

VBA (sisse lahendatud algus)

leht Moodul 2..* 0..* Objektimoodul Üldmoodul 1..* 1 1 Lehemoodul 1 Vihikumoodu l Moodul 0..* Protseduur Sub Function Objektid ja klassid. Klassimudelid Exceli rakendus kujutab endast omavahel seotud objektide kogumit. Objektid kuuluvad klassidesse. Klassil kindel nimi. Kasutatakse viitamiseks klassi objektidele Workbook - töövihik Sheets - töövihiku kõik lehed (kollektsioon), Worksheet - tööleht, Range - lahtriplokk, Shapes - lehel olevad kõik kujundid (kollektsioon), Shape - kujund ... Objektidele viitamise näiteid Sheets("plats"), Range("sees"), Shapes("pall") Sheets("rada")

Informaatika → Informaatika
109 allalaadimist


nimi, v_punkt.turniir, SUM(v_punkt.punkt) FROM v_mangija, v_punkt WHERE GROUP BY turniir, nimi; --5.Leida (teha päring) turniiri "Kolme klubi kohtumine"(turniiri ID = 41) edetabeli saamiseks (suurema punktiarvuga mängija eespool) SELECT nimi, punkte FROM v_edetabel WHERE turniir='41' ORDER BY punkte; -- --ylesanne 6 -- --1. Luua f-n klubiliikmete arvu leidmiseks klubi id põhjal f_klubi suurus(...) CREATE FUNCTION f_klubisuurus(a_id INTEGER) RETURNS Integer BEGIN DECLARE l_arv INTEGER; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_arv FROM Isik WHERE Klubi = a_id; RETURN l_arv; END --2.Luua f-n ees-ja perenime kokku liitmiseks eesti ametlikul viisil ("perenimi, eesnimi") f_nimi(...), parameetriks id. CREATE FUNCTION f_nimi (a_eesnimi VARCHAR(50), a_perenimi VARCHAR(50)) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN a_perenimi || ', ' || a_eesnimi; END --3.Luua f-n ühe mängija partiide koguarv f_mangijakoormus(...)

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
116 allalaadimist

Joy Division presentation

Ian Curtis Bernard Sumner Post-punk The genre retains its roots in the punk movement but is more introverted, complex and experimental. Other post-punk bands: The Cure, U2 (early) Albums Unknown Pleasures (1979) Closer (1980) Love Will Tear Us Apart resentment bedroom ways emotions again respect rides lives sleep Get a taste can't function Films JoyDivision (2008) Control (2007) Sources Used Thanks for listening! Questions?

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Gemini Guidance Computer

The Gemini Guidance Computer XXX The Gemini Guidance computer - Citations Retrieved 24 Novmber 2015 Retrieved 24 November 2015 The Gemini Guidance computer - Vocabulary The Gemini Guidance computer - Structure History Objective Functions The Gemini Guidance computer - History End of the Mercury program 1. Man in space New era of testing 2 men in space more instrumentation Introduced in 1965 The Gemini Guidance computer - Objective To maneuver the spacecraft in space Calculate the distances between the rendezvous points Practicing rendezvous with Agena. The Gemini Guidance computer - Functions Prelaunch Ascent backup Insertion Catch-up Rendezvous Re-entry The Gemini Guidance computer - Conclusion 1. History 2. Objective 3. Function

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
1 allalaadimist

The cost of production

inputs to be used. Production is an activity where resources are altered or changed and there is an increase in the ability of these resources to satisfy wants. · Before goods can be distributed or sold, they must be produced. · Within the market model, production and costs of production are reflected in the supply function Production, more specifically, · the technology used in the production of a good (or service) · the prices of the inputs determine the cost of production. Production processes increase the ability of inputs (or resources) to satisfy wants by: · a change in physical characteristics · a change in location · a change in time · a change in ownership At its most simplistic level, the economy is a social process that allocates relatively scarce

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

British Parliament

Autumn; but since 2012, it has been brought forward to May. This is the only regular time when the members of both Houses come together. During the ceremony, the Sovereign reads out the government's intended programme. The "Queen 's Speech" is a summary of the programme "his" or "her" government intends to implement in the next twelve months; but the speech is prepared and written by the Prime Minister's office, not by the Queen. The second major function of the sovereign is to sign new laws passed by Parliament. A bill does not become law, or an Act of Parliament, until it has " received royal assent ", meaning that it has been been signed by the Sovereign. The last major function of the sovereign - in the parliamentary context - is his or her weekly meeting with the Prime Minister. By tradition, the latter informs the Sovereign, who is head of state, about important affairs of state and government business, and asks the sovereign for his

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

REKURSIOON - Recursion

b := Fakt(a) Fakt := n * b Neil algoritmidel on môte, kui loeme Fakt'i esinemist omistuse vasakul poolel täitmise lôpetamiseks (ei pruugi tähendada algoritmi täielikku lôppu) ja paremal poolel (algo- ritmis alla kriipsutatud) rekursiivse täitmise uuestialustamiseks. Rekursiivne alamprogramm on rekursiivse algoritmi esitus konkreetses keeles, meil Turbo Pascalis. Faktoriaalfunktsiooni vôime kirja panna väga lihtsana: FUNCTION Fakt(N: Byte): Longint; BEGIN IF N = 0 THEN BEGIN Fakt := 1; Exit; END; Fakt := N * Fakt(N - 1); END; {Fakt} Järgneva analüüsi huvides on siiski otstarbekas kirjutada see funktsioon vähem kompaktsena. Näide. Esitame n! arvutamise rekursiivse funktsiooni sellisena, kus vahetulemid N - 1 ja Fakt(N - 1) omistatakse abimuutujatele A ja B: FUNCTION Fakt(N: Byte): Longint; VAR A: Byte; B: Longint; BEGIN

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
32 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about the mobile phone which I bought from your store and about your customer service. I bought the phone on 15th September. I was told that the phone has guarantee for 6 months. It worked properly for three weeks. Then it suddenly stopped working, the screen went black and the buttons didn’t function. I immedately phoned your helpline and was told that this was completely my fault and i have to pay extra money for the repair. I think that it is unreasonable that I have to pay for the phone repair because guarantee is 6 months. I also think that in the future you should talk to your employees about their attitude. I would like to get my phone repaired for free. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, xy

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool füsioteraapia õppekava Triin Teder Maia-Liisa Voolaid Mari-Liis Luukas Töömälu Referaat Tartu 2010 Sisukord Sissejuhatus 1. TÖÖMÄLU MÕISTE 2. UURIMUSED 2. 1. "The cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children with low working memory" 2. 1. 1. Eesmärgid 2. 1. 2. Meetodid 2. 1. 3. Tulemused 2. 1. 4. Uurimuse kokkuvõte 2. 2. "Executive function in children with high and low attentional skills: Correspondences between behavioural and cognitive profiles" 2. 2. 1. Eesmärgid 2. 2. 2. Meetodid 2. 2. 3. Tulemused 2. 3. "Developing reading comprehension: combining visual and verbal cognitive processes" 2. 3. 1. Mentaalne mudel 2. 3. 2. Strateegiad Lõppsõna Kasutatud materjalid 2 Sissejuhatus

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
40 allalaadimist

Press release

for purchase in all Apple stores. So forget your old mobile phone and prepare yourself for the biggest advancements that your new iPhone has to offer. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus comes with new innovative technologies: such as ultrafast wireless, longer battery life you have ever had, advanced cameras with 8MP, bigger screen and plenty of more. The benefiits of the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5 s include a simpler, faster and more user- friendly menu, combining all the important function. Both models are coming in three colour: gold, silver and white and their designed to really impress. The key words for design are bigger display and thinnest phone ever. Something you have been looking forward to in ages.

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Lineaarne sõltuvus

Lineaarne sõltuvus. Mõnikord aetakse omavahel segi võrdeline seos ja lineaarne seos ehk lineaarne sõltuvus. Lineaarne seos on üldisem seos kui võrdelisus. (Niisugust funktsiooni nimetatakse mõnikord ka lineaarse asemel "afiinseks" funktsiooniks (inglise keeles affine function), sest mõned matemaatikud jätavad "lineaarsuse" mõiste funktsioonidele kujul f (x) = ax.) Kahe muutuja vahelise lineaarse seose puhul kehtib muutujate x ja y vahel seos y = ax + b, kus a ja b on konstandid, a on lineaarliikme kordaja, Selle funktsiooni graafikuks on sirgjoon tõusuga a ja tema väärtus b on vabaliige, kohal x=0 on b. Järgnevatel joonistel on toodud kaks näidet. ax on lineaarliige, x, y on muutujad, x on sõltumatu muutuja, y on sõltuv (xst). Või seos x = cy + d, kus c ja d on konstandid. Kui muutuja...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
29 allalaadimist


reaction time. The main object of this game was to find out your reflexes on the road to reaveal how 'old' you are between 18 and 90 years old. While the basic principles generalize to estimating other reaction times, the exact numbers do not. Each type of reaction time has its own pecularities that must be examined. For example, reaction time for a shooter who is tracking a target might be 0.4 second, but even this would be a function of trigger pull weight. The data revealed that range of factors seem to affect player's concentration. For example, the average reaction time of drivers is 10 percent faster than that of non- drivers, and those that slept for eight hours the night before the survey reported the fastest reaction times of 525 ms - up to 20 percent faster than those who got less shut-eye. Keywords: movement time, urgency, results, visibility, reflexes, emergency stop, drivers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What are the most needed professions in Estonia in the 21st Century

Most needed professions in Estonia in the 21st Century All people in our society have a role. All adults should have jobs. That means they need to choose a professions. In my opinion one the most needed professions is a doctor. When people get sick, they need doctors to check them, put diagnose and treat them. In my opinion there are few specialists in Estonia because lot of them go to foreign country, mostly because of the low salary in Estonia. Another job needed is teachers. If you want to study a specialty or aquire a high school you need teachers who will guide and teach. The third most needed profession is builders. The cities grow and new building`s are being razed and in turn, the economy is growing. Some old houses are being restored like they used to be in the past. I think that all three professions are needed in Estonia and that employees in this field do not leave Estonia when raise salary and they are reco...

Keeled → Ingliskeel
1 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 2

4. THD - (total harmonic distortion) Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. 5. SFDR - (spurious free dynamic range) Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. 6. Channels - related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. 7. Linearity - relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend nonlinearity. 8. Operating temperature - measurement, which in optimal state for ADC-s, lets them function correctly. 9. Power dissipation - refers to the amount power dissipated when the ADC is operating. Question 2 An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 1.2V? What is the voltage range corresponding to 1 LSB? 1,2𝑉 0,0195𝑉

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
10 allalaadimist

Toidlustussuunas 21. sajandil

Serveerimine jaguneb kolmeks. Automaadid ja masinateenindus. Teiseks iseteenindus liinilt või letist. Teenindamine lauda millega kaasneb söögitarvate serveerimine ja kaasa serveerimine. Müügivormide hulk pole kasvanud, kuid kasvanud on nende vormide leviala. Seitse levinud müügivormi on letimüük, anknamüük (põhiline bensiinijaamades öösiti ning ka muudes öömüügikohtades), catering, food - corts, take - away, function, home - delivery (vähem kasutatav müügivorm) Rakvere Eragümnaasium Mari-Liis Vilgelm .

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
11 allalaadimist

Praktikumide aruanne Automaatjuhtimissüsteemide jätkukursus

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Infotehnoloogia teaduskond Automaatikainstituut Automaatjuhtimise ja süsteemianalüüsi õppetool Daniel Tuulik 111618 IASM Praktikumide aruanne Aines ISS0022 Automaatjuhtimissüsteemide jätkukursus Juhendaja: Eduard Petlenkov Dotsent Tallinn 2012 Praktikum 1_1: Etalonmudeliga adaptiivsüsteemid...............................................2 Praktikum 1_2: Identifitseerimisega adaptiivsüsteemid ........................................2 Praktikum 2: Palli juhtimine rennil........................................................................3 Praktikum 3: Närvivõrkude õpetamine..................................................................3 Praktikum 4: Mittelineaarsete süsteemide juhtimine tehisnärvivõrkudega ...........4...

Masinaehitus → Automaatjuhtimisüsteemide...
61 allalaadimist

What Makes a Successful Manager?

What Makes a Successful Manager? A manager is a person who is responsible for everything that happens in the company. He gives out orders to subordinates so that everything would function fluently and makes sure that those are fulfilled. A successful manager often is not a successful business owner because those are two totally different positions and demand for different qualities and personality traits. What makes a successful manager? Firstly, in my opinion the manager should be an excellent communicator and more important I find being a good motivator as employees normally quite often have ups and downs or loss of

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

Phrase fraas A word or group of words which form grammatical units such as noun phrase, verb phrase or adjective phrase. Phrases are the constituents of clauses. adjective phrase adjektiivifraas, A phrase with an adjective functioning as the head. An AdjP: Are you willing to volunteer? omadussõnafraas adjective phrase can have an attributive function (used Attributive funct.: It has a smooth before a noun), or a predicative function (used after a texture. verb). Predicative funct.: The film was very strange.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kontroller FC34

ST 10 Structured Text 11 SFC mälumuutujad Muutuja nimi andmetüüp kirjeldus KORD BOOL lipp, mis annab märku, et silinder on korra väljas käinud INITT BOOL lipp mis annab märku, et süsteem on initsialiseeritud SEADE INT loenduri seadeväärtus HVVV INT loenduri hetkeväärtus [1234] 12 SFC Sequential Function Chart 13 FBD mälumuutujad Muutuja nimi andmetüüp kirjeldus SVV time väljas seismise taimeri seadeväärtus HVV int väljas seismise taimeri hetkeväärtus QTV bool väljas seismise taimeri väjund STS bool sees seismise taimeri käivitamine SVS time sees seismise taimeri seadeväärtus QTS bool sees seismise taimeri väljund

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
11 allalaadimist

Importance of Packaging in Logistics Essay

The reason why it is so important is that many companies design packages that are too wide or too high for efficient use. Furthermore, packaging must prevent goods from arriving in a damaged condition, because damaged good are likely to lower future sales. Adequate protection also means protecting products from contamination resulting from contact with other goods, water damage, temperature changes, pilferage, and shocks in handling and transport. A very important packaging function is to provide information about the product the package contains and handling information as well. Also, a major packaging concern is the ease of handling in the warehouse and during transportation. There are two types of packaging: consumer (interior) and industrial (exterior) packaging. Many different exterior packaging materials are available to the logistics manager. In recent years, companies have tended to use softer packaging materials

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
1 allalaadimist


The primary function of taxation is to raise revenue to finance government expenditure. Different countries have different tax systems. Income taxes in most countries are progressive. Estonia has had so far a flat tax rate which is quite unique in the world. The problem with progressive taxes is that the marginal rate- the tax people pay on any additional income - is always high, which is generally a disincentive to both working and investing. The higher the tax rates, more people are tempted to cheat. Some employers give highly paid employees lots of perquisites such as company cars, free health insurance, and subsidized lunches. Taxation Act in Estonia was passed in 2002. Taxes are divided into direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are income taxes, gambling tax, land tax, social tax and heavy goods vehicle tax. The income tax rate in Estonia is 21% and social tax rate is 33%. In 2000 a corporate tax reform took place in Estonia. T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tower of London

In the 12th century, King Richard the Lionheart enclosed the White Tower with a curtain wall and had a moat dug around it. The fortification was completed in 1280 by Edward I, who built the outer curtain wall. The Tower today is principally a tourist attraction. Besides the buildings themselves, the British Crown Jewels and a remnant of the wall of the Roman fortress are on display. Primary Functions The tower's primary function was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison for high status and royal prisoners. It has also served as a place of execution and torture, an armoury, a treasury, a zoo, the Royal Mint, a public records office, an observatory, and since 1303, the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

VBA shapes

Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne Kirjutage programm, mis asetab lumememme pea ja keha jalgade peale nii, et lumememm oleks originaali sarnane. Keha katab jalgade osa umbes 1/7 võrra, pea nihkub keha peale samuti 1/7. Valmis lumememme pea ja keha koordinaadid peab programm kirjutama tabeli lahtritesse. Kasutage omadusi Left, Top, Width ja Height ning meetodit zOrder Programm ei tohi sõltuda lumememme keha asukohast. klass Range Keha Pea Vasak serv 256,12496948 231,3749542 Ülemine serv 206,67849731 176,5284271 m oleks originaali sarnane. klass Range klass shape pane kokku Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne 1. Kirjutage programm, mis teeb kindlaks, kas nool on kasti sees, ja väljastab vastava teate. Kujundite koordinaadid väljastab programm tabeli lahtritesse. 2. Kirjutage fu...

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist


purpoce Ø the applied materials Ø form Ø frequency rate of use in a place of packing distinguish v Production - technological operation carries a manufacturer. v Trading - holding seller. This trading service can be free or paid. types of packaging q Tin packing : metall banks, containers, tanks, wood q Rigiflex packaging: cardboard, combined q Soft packing: bag, twine, pack paper, rope It is sometimes convenient to categorize packages by layer or function: Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product v and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contents. Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging, perhaps v used to group primary packages together. Tertiary packaging is used for warehouse storage and transport v shipping. Marking and labelling of goods The following information might have to be marked on the

Logistika → Laonduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

order, structural ambiguity, the meaning relations between words in a sentence, the similarity of meaning of sentences with different structures, the speaker's creative ability to produce and understand any of an infinite set of possible sentences. Notes: Proto-Germanic » Northwest Germanic » West Germanic » North Sea Germanic » Anglo ­ Frisian » English 2. How to classify words into different word classes? (definition ­ is that enough?, morphology, distribution and function tests); Grammatical categories for nominals, verbs, adjectives. "A set of words like dog, child, cat, man, bird where the individual words are mutually substitutable is known as a word class..." Definitions a) A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. b) A verb expresses an action, process or state. c) An adjective is a describing word which modifies a noun. "Although such definitions will identify many members of a word class, linguists generally

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

who recognize their interdependence in the market; products may be homogeneous or differentiated. Monopolistic Competition · Large number of sellers · relative ease of exit / entry · products are differentiated ­ actual differentiation ­ perceived differentiation Only difference from pure comp. is that the demand faced by the firm is not perfectly elastic; MR will lie below the Demand function (AR) Relaxing the characteristic of outputs from homogeneous to "differentiated products" was the basic change from the purely competitive market model. Thedifferentiation of output results in the demand faced by each seller being less than perfectly elastic. · Since there are "many sellers," many substitutes for each seller's output is implied. This suggests that the demand faced by a firm in a monopolistically competitive market is likely more elastic than in a monopoly.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist


KONTROLLTÖÖ SKRIPTIKEELED. Põhimõtted. Plussid/miinused. Erinevad skriptikeeled. - Javascript on Netscape Communications Corporation'i poolt loodud kliendi-poolne (Client-Side) interpreteeritav objektorienteeritud programmeerimiskeel, mida kasutatakse koos HTMLiga veebilehtede koostamisel. Veebilehe laadimisel kuvab brauser selle vastavalt HTML-dokumendi tekstile ja täidab ka selles paikneva Javascripti programmi · Skriptikeele plussid 1.kiire loomistsükkel 2.lihtne õppida 3.platvormist sõltumatu 4.kompaktne ning suhteliselt kiire · Skriptikeele miinused 1.Piiratud funktsionaalsus 2.kood avalikult nähtav 3. Vähe töövahendeid Skriptikeeli on palju , kuid enimlevinud on : · JavaScript o laialtlevinud (Netscape, internet Explorer) o Loodud Java keele eeskujul Netscape firma poolt · VBScript o vähem levinud ( peamiselt ...

Informaatika → Javascript
62 allalaadimist

Summerhilli kool

Kool tänapäeval Haridus Kokkuvõte Alexander Sutherland Neill 1883-1973 12 õde-venda Seisis laste vabaduse eest Summerhilli asutaja Kooli ajalugu Asutati 1921 Dresdenis 1927 Leiston, Suffolk Asutati, et praktiseerida oma teooriaid ja uskumusi Summerhill. Peamine mõte 1921 Internaatkool Vabakasvatus Lapsed on olemuselt head. Tunnid vabatahtlikud Tunniplaan õpetajatele "the function of a child is to live his own life -- not the life that his anxious parents think he should live, not a life according to the purpose of an educator who thinks he knows best."- A.S. Neill Summerhill tänapäeval Zoë Neill Readhead Lapsed vanuses 5-18 Kohvik Koosolekud Haridus Summerhillis Vanus, huvid Eksamid ei ole kohustuslikud

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Müeliini ehitus, funktioon, häired, haigused

Müeliin Teemad Mis on müeliin? Ehitus Funktsioon Häired Haigused Humaanmeditsiin Veterinaarmeditsiin Diagnoos ja ravi Kasutatud kirjandus Mis on müeliin? Tugevalt venitatud ja modifitseeritud lipiidse ja valgulise koostisega plasmamembraan, mis ümbritseb närvi aksonit Müeliinsed membraanid pärinevad: Perifeerses närvisüsteemis Schwanni rakkudest Kesknärvisüsteemis oligodendrogliia rakkudest Ehitus Mitmekihiline Ranvier' sõlm Ioonide sissevool Schmidti lõhed Tsütoplasma kih- tide vahel Sage perifeerses, harva KNS-is Funktsioon Tagab kiire ja efektiivse impulsi ülekande Elektriline isolaator Hoiab ära depolarisatsiooni neuronis Hoiab elektriimpulsi närvikimbus ...

Muu → Füsioloogia
3 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

ass, ape ­ are rude and negative). Negative colouring is made stronger by constant epithets and emphatic constructions (e.g. "You impudent pup (puppy)." ­ you + adj. + noun: "You filthy swine", "You lazy dog"). Transposition may occur within different parts of speech. Adjectives when used as nouns become colloquial (e.g. "Listen, my sweat (noun)", "come on, lovely (noun)"). When abstract nouns begin to function as personal (stand for people) ­ they become emotional (dealing with metonymy) (e.g. "The old oddity." ­ an old odd person; "The little eccentricity." ­ an eccentric child; "He is a disgrace to his family." ­ he is a disgraceful son). Possessive case ­ the suffix apostrophe "`s" may be added to a phrase or sentence and the result is humor or colloquial touch (e.g. "She is the boy I used to go with`s mother." "He is the niece I told you about`s husband.")

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

"Wild animals in danger". Ettekanne inglis keeles.

needs and helps the rest. As a result, forests are been cutting down. And what has taken the place of these green, natural places? Houses, farms, cities, streets, roads and factories. Because of this (and pollution, too) several species are dying all over the world. In addition , if one animal, bird or insect disappears, all the others suffer too. And all living beings belong to the circle of life. And when one link is missing, the circle of life can´t function normally. A further problem is hunting. Man has always been a hunter. He still is. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food - they kill for profit. And that´s wrong ! There are, however some solutions. We should make more laws, that protect the animals in danger. Open more national parks, building fewer new roads, planting more new forests and cutting pollution. These are things, that everyone can help with, if they wanted to.

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

London Eye Power Point esitlus

problems. On 5 June 2008 it was announced that 30 million people had ridden the London Eye since its opening. Critical reception Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize, wrote of the London Eye in a book about the project: "The Eye has done for London what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, which is to give it a symbol and to let people climb above the city and look back down on it." "The Eye... exists in a category of its own. It's function is to lift people up from the ground, take them round a giant loop in the sky, then put them back down where they started." Public transport access The nearest London Underground station is Waterloo, although Westminster is also within easy walking distance. London River Services operated by Thames Clipper and City Cruises stop at the nearby Waterloo Millennium Pier. London eye in different colors Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Finland judicial system

Finland judicial system Roadmap Finnish judicial system General courts Administrative courts Special courts Lay judges in Finland The Finnish judicial system consist of: ● Courts ● Prosecution service ● Enforcement authorities ● Prison and probation service ● Bar Association General courts 1.District Courts 2.Courts of Appeal 3.Supreme Court District court ( Finnish: käräjäoikeus) 27 district courts Criminal cases, civil cases and petitionary matters Chief Judge and District Judges Courts of Appeal 5 courts Chief Justice and Senior Justices Appointed by the president The Supreme Court Helsinki President and 18 justices Function is to rule on important points of law Gives advice to President and Ministry of Justice Administrative courts Regional Administrative Court 8 courts The judicial oversight of administrative acts is the task of the administrative courts. Cases like land use, buildi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Nõudlus ja pakkumine

4.02.2014 MIKRO- JA MAKROÖKONOOMIKA EPJ0100 Nõudlus ja pakkumine ÜLDISED PÕHIMÕTTED Turumajanduse puhul määrab turg, mida, kuidas ja kellele toota. Turuks nimetatakse majanduse toimimise korraldust, mis võimaldab inimestel teha omavahel vabatahtlikke vahetus- tehinguid. 1 4.02.2014 ÜLDISED PÕHIMÕTTED Turu struktuur ­ turu ülesehitus; spetsiifiline iga konkreetse turu jaoks. Laias laastus saab eristada: täieliku konkurentsi turud; mittetäieliku konkurentsi turud. Tarbijad ja tootjad väljendavad oma soove läbi hinna- mehhanismi: Hind langeb Nõudlus < Pakkumine Tasakaaluhind Nõudlus = Pakkumine Hind tõuseb Nõudlus > Pakkumine...

Majandus → Mikro ja makroökonoomika
44 allalaadimist

Hotell telegraaf

Fifth level The Building The Revaler Handels Bank built our magnificent buliding at Vene Street 9 in 1878. Designed by the architect Peter Schreiberg from St. Petersburg, it was originally a four storey house, the two topmost floors added later. When the Republik of Estonia was established in 1918, the building was used as the post and telegraph center. The building retained this function in Soviet period.I In 2005, the wing of our building which had been destroyed in World War II was rebuilt. Location Click to edit Master text styles Vene Street known as the Second level historic area of culture is Third level one of the most favoured Fourth level spots in the Old Town.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Are men better directors than women ?

It is common that top executives in big companies are mostly men. But does that necessarily mean that women are not suitable for such responsible, effort and leadership demanding jobs? I do not think so. First of all, I would like to say that this tradition is coming not only from history, but from evolution. In nature, masculine representatives of most species are stronger, more agile and aggressive than feminine representatives, because their biological function is to be the main breadwinners and defenders of their families, while females' main functions are to distribute that bread within the family, raise, feed and look after the progeny. Of course there are exceptions like lions (lionesses do hunting which ensures food for their families), seahorses (males bear the eggs) and some others, but in general law of nature is such. So it is not surprising that this law applies for the human beings, but we are truly exceptional species

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
17 allalaadimist

Clauses of purpose

Clauses of Purpose To, in order to/so as to, so that/ in order that, in case, for, with a view To- infinitive (I called mu brother to tell him the good news.) In order to + infinitive et (midagi teha) (I went to the bank in order to apply for a loan.) so as to + infinitive et (She attended a catering course so as to become a chef.) So that + can/ will (present/ future references) (Tommy has moved to the countryside so that he can have more relaxed life.) So that + could/ would (past references) (Sophia bought a sailing boat so that she could sail around the world.) In case + present tense (present/ future references) (Bring an umbrella in case there is a storm in the afternoon.) NEVER USED WITH WILL/WOULD In case + past tense (past references) (We booked a table for six in case Peter brought his wife with him.) NEVER USED WITH ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Luuk IDU0010 ainetöö ERP tootmine

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INFORMAATIKAINSTITUUT ERP süsteemis Microsoft Dynamics NAV martsipani kujukese tootmise, ostu- ja müügiprotsessi realiseerimine Ainetöö õppeaines “ Andmeaidad, ERP- ja CRM-süsteemid” (IDU0010) Inge Luuk, 144618CTF, [email protected] Esitatud: 17.01.2015 Juhendaja: Eduard Sevtsenko Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Tootmisprotsessi üldkirjeldus ...................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Toote kirjeldus .....................

Informaatika → Andmeaidad, ERP ja...
17 allalaadimist

Tabuleerimine kodutoo

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Infotehnoloogia teaduskond Programeerimine I Kodutöö Funktsioonide tabuleerimine 4. variant Üliõpilane: *********** Matrikli number: ****** ****** Hindaja: ****** Tallinn 2011 Sisukord 1. Tiitlileht 2. Sisukord 3. Selgitus 4. Graafik 5. Algotim 6. Programm Selgitus On antnud funktsioon f(x)=. Esimeskes kasutaja sisestab x argumendi algväärtus (a) , mis võib olla iga. Edasi ta sisestab x argumendi lõppväärtus (b), mis peab olema rohkem kui väärtus a (a0), kui see tingims ei ole tehtud, siis ...

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
119 allalaadimist


Also makes many factory work people smarter and clever, so they can invent new things , what can use and what can factory make to others to use. Thats good because then everything innovate and change much simple and extensivly useable. Thats good that people are invent factory , because that change whole world to better place. And when you don`t count every bad things what factory makes , find you so many good and nessesary things what you can do with factory works . Because , live didn't function , when we didn't have any factorys . Because , present-day people need comfort and fortress , that everything is allright and good.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Stonehenge powerpoint

· no wheels and no metals · their tools - stones, bones and wood · built in several stages · 200 years later 80 blocks of bluestone were transported from Prescelly Mountains (Wales) by rafts · it was around 2200 BC that it took on its unique appearance The sequence of building at Stonehenge reconstruction drawings c.3100BC c.2300BC c.2500BC c.1500BC The Function of Stonehenge · nobody knows exactly what it was · a tribal gathering place or religious centre, kind of a temple ­ worship gods · burial ground, perhaps for royalty · observatory - connected with astronomical observations, the Sun and the Moon · the direction of sunrise on the longest day of the year · 21st June -the summer solstice

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

English studies British history

educated class of the Celts. ( lawyers, doctors, teachers, storytellers, and other professional of that culture.) When did the Romans invade Britain? Romans invade Britain in 55 B.C Julius Ceasar lived 13 July 100 BC ­ 15 March 44 BC Why did Julius Ceasar call the land Albion ? Because there are white cliffs. Why and who built the Hadrian Wall? it was built on the orders of the Emperor Hadrian. The primary function of Hadrian's Wall was to keep out the Picts. When did the Saxons settle in Britain? The Saxons settle in Britain from the early 5th century AD When did the Vikings first raid Britain? The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 (last invaded in 1066) . they come from the three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Who were the Normans? The Normans were the people who gave their name to Normandy, a region

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun