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"extra" - 375 õppematerjali

extra - Terrestrial Valesti määratletud ALF-id (Alien Life Forms - tulnukatest eluvormid). Ma ütlesin seda selle- pärast, et teised 5 tüüpi on ka ALF-id. Kõik 6 tüüpi tulnukat on ALF-id.

Kasutaja: extra

Faile: 0

Huvitav Eesti ettevõte

ettevõte tegutseb, esimest või teist positsiooni. Ettevõtte olulisemateks brändideks on A. Le Coq, Fizz, Aura ja Limonaad. A. Le Coq jätkab tootevaliku laiendamist ning tegeleb pideva tooteuuendusega. 2012. aastal tuleb turule Eesti esimene maheõlu Organic Beer. 2013. aastal tõime tagasi ajaloolise õlle A. Le Coq Imperial, millele oli 1912. aastal antud Venemaa Tsaariõukonna ametliku õlle tiitel. Imperial Ale, Gold ja Märzen on Vene Tsaari esindusõlle Imperial Extra Double Stout järeltulijad. 2016. aasta kevadel tõime turule purkidesse villitud Brewers Collectioni eriõlled IPA, BLOND ja KRIEK ning esmakordselt ka alkoholivaba õlle. Eesti vanima õlletootjana seisab A. Le Coq hea Eesti õllekultuuri säilimise ja edendamise eest. Õllekultuuri arendamiseks käivitasime 2011. aasta oktoobris projekti Beer Star, mille eesmärk on tõsta õllede serveerimiskvaliteeti Eesti pubides ja restoranides. Projekti käigus koolitame A. Le

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
4 allalaadimist

Match Record - FLOORBALL

entering the rink 221 222 Measuring stick 223 Inc.numbering 224 Play without stick 225 Non-removal of broken stick 226 Penalty at penalty shot 501 Violent Hit 502 Dangerous play 503 Hooking 504 Roughing 505 Repeated offences 101 Unsports.behaviour 301 M1, 302 M2, 303 M3, 401 Time Out, 402 Penalty shot. PP Power play, SH Short handed, ESH Equally short handed, DP Delayed penalty, PS Penalty shot, MPS Missed penalty shot, WG Without goalkeeper, EN Empty net, OG Own goal, ET Extra time Competition Per Time No Goal Assist Penalty Code -

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
3 allalaadimist

Teadus 19.sajandil

Teadus 19. sajandil Õpilane: Õpetaja: Teemad 1. Elekter 2. Positivism 3. Bioloogia 4. Põllukeemia 5. Evolutsiooniõpetus - Cuvier 5.1 Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck 5.2 Charles Darwin 11. Desinfitseerimine 6.1 Steriliseerimine 1. Elekter · 1782. ­ itaallane Alessandro Volta ehitab esimese patarei · 1820. ­ taanlane Hans Christian Orsted märkis, et elektrivool mõjutab kompassinõelaelekter sünnitab magnetismi. · Ostred'i seosest elektri ja magnetismi vahel järeldas inglise teadlane Michael Faraday , et kehtib ka vastupidine väide(magnet tekitab elektrit) ning leiutas 2. Positivism · 1830. ­ 1840. välja arenenud uus filosoofiline suund · Rajajaks prantsuse filosoof Auguste Comte · Eraldas teaduse arengus 3 astet: I aste ­ teoloogiline(usuline); maailma mõistmine ja seletamine ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Arvi Siig

Valga Kaugõppegümnaasium Arvi Siig Nimi 12 klass Valga 2011 Sisukord 1. Arvi Siia elulugu ja looming 3,4 2. Luulekogu 5 3. Tunnustus 6 4. Luulenäide 7,8 5. Kasutatud kirjandus 9 Arvi Siig (8. november 1938 Tallinn ­ 23. november 1999 Tallinn) oli eesti luuletaja. Arvi Siig õppis 1957­1963 TPedI-s(Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool) ja TRÜ-s(Tartu Riiklik Ülikool), töötas aastast 1961 ajakirja "Noorus" toimetuses. Arvi Siig oli NLKP liige aastal 1976­1989. Ta on olnud ENSV Ülemnõukogu saadik. 1970. aastate keskel käis Arvi Siig USA-s ja kirjutas sellest luuletsükli. Siia reaalidest rikas luule väljendab muuhulgas linnaromantikat. Kujunes 1950.­1960. aastatel rockerite, nüüdisajal punkide kultuspoeediks. Arvi Siig on 1950. ­ 1960. põlvkonna suurte nimede seast paljude arvates ...

Kirjandus → Eesti kirjandus
11 allalaadimist

Ladine keele juriidilise terminoloogia kontrolltöö

6. ius honorarium- magistraatide (kujundatud) õigus 7. res publica- riik, vabariik 8. leges duodecim tabularum- 12 tahvli seadused 9. res mancipi- manitsipeeritavad ehk piduliku võõrandamistehingu (mancipatio) teel üleantavad asjad 10. res nec mancipi- mittemantsipeeritavad ehk vormivaba üleandmise (traditio) teel võõrandatavad asjad 11. res mobiles- liikuvad e. vallasasjad 12. res immobiles- liikumatud e. kinnisasjad 13. res in commercio- käibeline asi 14. res extra commercium- käibeväline e. käibetu asi 15. ius in rem- asjaõigus 16. iura in re aliena- õigused võõrale asjale 17. praetor peregrinus- võõramaalaste preetor (lahendas võõramaalaste tüliküsimusi) 18. praetor urbanus- linnapreetor (lahendas Rooma kodanike tüliküsimusi) 19. in iure- kohtus, preetori ees; tsiviilprotsessi esimene staadium 20. in iudicio- kohtus, kohtuniku (​iudex​) ees; tsiviilprotsessi teine staadium 21

Keeled → Ladina juriidiline...
4 allalaadimist

Kohvi hinnad tartu suurimates kauplustes 2012 a.

Nr. Sort Maxima Selver market Rimi Konsum Prisma 1. Jakobs Krönung 5,39 6,89 5,39 5,39 6,79 5,29 2. Paulig Classic 4,59 5,13 4,59 4,59 5,15 4,78 3. Paulig Paula 3,72 4,29 3,77 4. Paulig President 4,72 5,25 4,39 4,72 5,3 3,99 5. Paulig Extra 2,79 2,49 6. Paulig Presidentti Gold label 7,59 6,25 6,95 5,69 7. Gevalia Original 5,09 5,69 5,17 5,79 4,99 8. Gevalia Bistro 5,15 5,89 5,15 5,79 4,99 9. Merrild 5,69 5,59 5,49 5,69 10. Merrild Blend No97 4,49 11

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
12 allalaadimist


History: · Indian society is predominantly agrarian. Diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products and honey. Also, drinks containing different types of spices. · During the Gupta empire influenced by diet buduism and jainism. Many religious people were vegetarians. Most of the people consumed the chickens, sheep and goat meat. · Muslims also put emphasis on the development of food. Indians brought to the diet of dried fruit and flat bread. India introduced the dietary habits of the Portuguese and Chinese. · Indian diet is mixed with a variety of cultures. Etiquette: · Traditionally, meals were eaten while seated either on the floor or on very low stools or cushions. · Food is most often eaten without cutlery, instead using the right hand. Among the middle class throughout India, spoons and forks are commonplace. · Hot fo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


authorities. Interiors: the importance of cosiness British idea of home is as much psychological as physical, so is their idea of domestic comfort. The important thing is to feel cosy ­ that is, to create an atmosphere which seem warm. To many, part of cosiness is the feeling of tradition. Privacy is an element of cosiness. Privacy must be preserved so houses normally have a "hall" onto which the front door opens. With its own door, through which people pass before getting to the hall­an extra line of defence! The back door is for family and close friends only. Owning and renting The desire to own the place where you live is almost universal in Britain. However, house prices are high. This dilemma is overcome by the mortgage system. More and more of the people who dont already own a house simply cant get their feet on even the lowest rung of the ladder. Owning was made easier by government policies which offered people various kinds of financial assistance to help them do so.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Book report

The fifth month she finds out that Gerry had been planning a trip with some friends to Lanzarote. He had already paid for all of it. She just had to enjoy it. In the sixth letter he tells her to go to the lighthouse. Near the lighthouse swim dolphins and Holly liked them very much. In the seventh letter he tells her to find a job that she really enjoys. Holly hated her previous jobs. The eight letter says that she should plant sunflowers, to brighten the dark October days. Also there was an extra letter for his friend John. It was a birthday wish. The ninth letter says that she should go to the ball that they attend every year. The last letter tells her not to be afraid of falling in love again. Every letter ended with the same sentence: "P.S. I love you..." Even if she didn't like all the plans he had for her, she followed through and did them all. During the experience she meets up with Daniel. Daniels girlfriend had been unfaithful and he was alone

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
43 allalaadimist

Referaat "Suur Järvistu"

Suur Järvistu Referaat aines „Üldine okeanograafia ja limnoloogia” NSO8021 Üliõpilane: Alina Lerner Juhendaja: professor Urmas Lips Tallinn, 2016 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Suure Järvistu üldiseloomustus................................................................................................. 4 1.1. Geograafiline asukoht ......................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Batümeetria .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Päritolu ...............................................................................................................

Geograafia → Maateadused
11 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

 SP and TP+ can occur concurrently(– SP needs a token on the place PacketsToSend and a token on NextSend, while TP+ needs a token on place A– no competition or interference to get tokens)  SP and TP− are concurrently enabled(– they also use disjoint input tokens, occur concurrently) 5.Guards  Besides input arcs, also transitions may carry guards. Guard is a boolean expression that must evaluate to true for binding. A guard puts an extra constraint on the enabling of bindings for a transition. 6.Interactive simulaton  An execution of a CPN model is described by means of an occurrence sequence which specifies the intermediate markings reached and the steps that occur  A reachable marking is a marking that is reachable via an occurrence sequence starting from the initial marking  A non-deterministic CPN model– existence of a reachable marking with more than one enabled

Informaatika → Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist


and about instead of sitting next to a telephone? Don't you think they're right to be suspicious of technology which is turning us all into screen-gazers and zombies? Well, it may not be owned, but it is controlled by a Board of Governors appointed by the Prime Minister. Don't you think there's a danger of self-censorship? Drivers who want more than their rations would have to pay a much higher rate for the extra. The profit could be used to develop environmentally clean vehicles and fast efficient railway networks. Don't you think you're being unfair to the private motorist and what about the car industry? Clearly, a coeducational environment promotes understanding between boys and girls. It's far more natural. Don't you think they distract one another when they become teenagers? The Liberal Democrats want more or less the same as New Labour, though

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


tungiks võimalikult kiiresti taimesse, on paljudel juhtudel vajalik kasutada kleepaineid. GrowHow tootevalikus on Kemiwett® Plus. Pesuained on tarvilikud, et olla kindel ühelt kultuurilt teisele minnes, et eelmine toimeaine ei jätnud pritsi paaki jääke. Tihti võib ka väge väike kogus paagi ülaserva kuivanud preparaati olla ohtlik järgmisele kultuurile. Näiteks Granstari jäägid rapsi pritsimisel. Pesuaine neutraliseerib võimalikud jäägid. GrowHow pakub puhastusainet All Clear Extra. Kasutatud allikad:

Keemia → Keemia
8 allalaadimist

Juuksurikosmeetikat maaletoovate firmade värvitooted

· 89 tooni põhipaletis Sügavad, rikkad toonid, ilus sära ja pehmus 100% hallide katmine Segatakse De Luxe vesinikuga 3, 6 või 9% proportsioonis 1:1 ja De Luxe 1,5% aktivaatoriga proportsioonis 1:2 · 9 tooni High Blond (spetsiaalne helendav sari) Võimaldab juukseid helendada 4 astme võrra, andes samaaegselt toonile nüansse. Segatakse De Luxe vesinikuga 3, 6 , 9 või 12% proportsioonis 1:2 Toimeaeg 50 minutit · 6 tooni Extra Red (ekstrapunased toonid) Annab eriti intensiivse värvitooni, 30% intensiivsema kui põhipaleti toonidega värvides Tänu väikesele molekulaarmassile saab erimolekul Red5 sügavalt juukse sisse tungida ja värv kestab kauem. Annab juustele siidjat sära Segatakse De Luxe vesinikuga 6 või 9% proportsioonis 1:1 Mõjuaeg 40 minutit · 9 tooni Corrector (korrektorid) Ammoniaaki sisaldav korrektor 0/00A kasutatakse helendamiseks ja

Ametid → Kutse
18 allalaadimist

About myself

at the school of fine arts in the town of Molodechno . it turned out to be the best school in our town. There I got a proper training in such subjects as English, Russian and Belarusian literature and world culture. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I liked everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them. But despite my efforts I was not good at Math. School for me was not only lessons and learning I had a lot of friends there. We organized extra class activities such as parties and other social activities. I actively participated in most of them. I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people's hornesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive. I am stubborn at times. But to my mind being persistent is not always a bad thing. It means my aim, I never leave things half done

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Juuksed teabevoldik

JUUKSED Juuste väljalangemine tähendab seda, et teisele väga lähedal ja see muudab juuk- hõbedaseks märksa varasemas eas kui Aasia juuksed surevad enne oma kasvutsükli sed läikivaks. Õige juuksehoolduse ees- rahvustel. Tumedapäised hallinevad kiire- lõppu ning langevad välja. Uued juukse- märk on säilitada võimalikult kaua juukse- mini kui blondid. karvad hakkavad kasvama, aga alles uue karva tervist ja ilu. Kui juuksenääpsus asuvad melanotsüüt- kasvutsükli algusest. See vahepealne aeg Juukse elutsükkel. rakud mingil põhjusel lakkavad pigment jätab ...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
9 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

Overall 7. Combined Ex3. 1. Time 2. Police 3. Parent 4. Work 5. Job 6. 8. Desired Pilots Ex3. 1. E 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C Ex4. 1. In demand 2. On demand 3. Demands on EFFORT 4. Demand for Ex1. 1. Making 2. Requires 3. Rewarded 4. Save DESCRIPTION 5. Gone into 6. Expending Ex1. 1. Give 2. Defied 3. Issued 4. Fitting 5. Write Ex2. 1. Determined 2. Extra 3. Feeble 4. Supreme 6. Contains 5. Concerted Ex2. 1. Detailed 2. Vivid 3. Apt 4. Brief 5. Ex3. 1. E 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. F 6. C Accurate 6. Vague Ex4. 1. Fund- raising 2. Relief 3. War 4. Prize 5. DETAIL Waste Ex1. Check 2. Send 3. Disclose 4. Uncover 5. EVENT Absorbing 6. Go into 7. Took 8. Finalise Ex1. 1. Mark 2. Took part in 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency F-K

FACTS Ex1. 1. Create 2. Tarnished 3. Improve 4. Change Ex1. 1. Retain 2. Gives 3. Stick to 4. Distorting 5. 5. Shed 6. Project Based on Ex2. 1. Stereotyped 2. New 3. Public 4. Staid and Ex2. 1. Useless 2. Interesting 3. Necessary 4. stuffy 5. Clean 6. Right Well- known 5. Hard 6. Disturbing Ex3. 1. Captured 2. Appear 3. Blot out 4. Ex3. 1. Of 2. In 3. For 4. Of 5. From 6. Despite Produces 5. Conjures up 6. Projected Ex4. 1. Get your facts right 2. Face the facts 3. IMPACT The facts of life 4. A statement of fact Ex1. 1. Have 2. Make 3. Minimise 4. Assess 5. FAILURE Felt 6. Lost Ex1. 1. Feel 2. Crticised 3. Ended in 4. Blame 5. Ex2. 1. Major 2. Detrimental 3. Lasting 4. Admit 6. Put... down to Immediate 5. N...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Hotellide, tubade ja teenuste liigitamine (konspekt)

Hotellide, tubade ja teenuste liigitus. Hotellide liigitus: Liigitamise alused: · Sihtrühm (customer segment) o Puhkuse (nt Pärnus, Saaremaal) o Äri (Swiss hotell, Radisson, Kospa [Saaremaal]) · Asukoht (Location) o Kesklinn o Eeslinn (Reeglina on ärihotellid seal) o Lennujaam (Ümberistujad '' Ülemiste'') o Kuurort (Tohutult lisateenustega) o Maa · Suurus (Size) EESTI EUROOPA USA Väike 10 ­ 49 - 100 - 500 Keskmine 50 ­ 150 101 ­ 300 501 ­ 1000 Suur 151 + 301 + 1001 ­ 2000 Mega 2001 + Tabel 1 Tubade arvu järgi · Teenindustase (level of service) o Luksus (Suur) Butiik (Väi...

Turism → Hotelliteenindus
26 allalaadimist

äri-inglisekeel sõnad

sul peaks olema minu päevaplaan - you ought to have my timetable kui mind ei ole kohal - If I'm out otsusta vastavalt minu tööplaanile - make decisions in according with my time table 17 pane kastad heasse korda - put all the files in good order tass lamget teed - a cup of strong tea ma olen väga tänulik - I'm very much obliged riiul vajalike asjadega - a shelf with all the necessary things kui mul juhtuvad külalised olema - If I happen to have guest sulle makstakse lisa - You'll be paid extra meil on siin suur segadus - we have quite a mess here mis puutub kaustadesse - concerning the files sa hoolitse selle eest - you'd take care of that peaks sul kohvi otsa saama - should you run out of coffee ma pean sind kauem kinni - I'll keep you longer ma oletan - I suppose 21 kontori varustus - office supplies kartoteegikapp - a filling cabinet klammerdaja - a stapling maschine hävitama heatahtlikkust - to destroy goodwill tulevane klient - a prospective customer

Keeled → Inglise keel
164 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

14 days; they needed 28. Considering that Chelsea Flower Show now takes at least 18 months to organize, the RHS was running a tight schedule if it was to be ready in time. At the end of April, a Press luncheon was arranged for Monday, 19 May (a tradition that continues to this day). With only a fortnight to go until the Show opened, the committee agreed that bath chairs should be allowed in, from 9am to 12 noon on the second day, for five shilling extra. Finally Chelsea successfully opened on Tuesday 20 May 1913, for three days. Curiously there is no Council report on how this Show actually went. The Gardner's Chronicle, which provided the best written records of the early Shows, was more forthcoming. The first Chelsea "had exceeded all expectations". The tent, it reported, were 300ft (100m) long and 275ft (80m) wide, taking up six spans and over 2 acres (0,8hectares). Of a total 73,000sq ft (6,780sq m), more than

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Konjak · Konjakipiiritust saadakse viinamarjaveini destilleerimisel, mida konjaki saamiseks lahjendatakse veega ja segatakse suhkrusiirupiga. · Konjakit laagerdatakse tammevaatides aastaid. · Konjaki nime kannavad vaid Prantsusmaal Cognac maakonnas valmistatud konjakid. · Koonjakid jagunevad: 1. V.S ­ Very Special (2,5-10. a. ) 2. V.S.O.P ­ Very Superior Old Pale (4-25. a.) 3. X.O ­ Extra Old (10-70 a.) Brändi Konjaki valmistusmeetodi järgi, kuid mujal kui Cognac maakonnas valmistatud jook. Armanjak Veinist valmistatud brändi, mida toodetakse Prantsusmaal Armagnac piirkonnas, mahedama maitsega kui konjak. Viski Viljast valmistatud, tammevaatides laagerdatud kange jook · Soti viski valmistatakse odrast · Kanada viski rukkist · USA viski maisist. Rumm · Suhkruroo mahlast saadav kange ( 60 %) alkohoolne jook, mida laagerdatakse

Toit → Joogiõpetus
30 allalaadimist

Jamaica Presentation

· Rum-Jamaicans use rum as a healing remedy for just about anything ­ a bout with the flu, asthma, headaches or other ailments, ward off evil or to spice up our classic Jamaican rum punch. · Rum is added as that extra ingredient that gives a kick in various recipes, · The most pedestrian use of rum is in cakes. · JAMAICAN CUISINE · JAMAICAN CUISINE INCLUDES VARIOUS DISHES FROM THE DIFFERENT CULTURES BROUGHT TO THE ISLAND WITH THE ARRIVAL OF PEOPLE FROM ELSEWHERE. · OTHER DISHES ARE NOVEL OR A FUSION OF TECHNIQUES AND TRADITIONS. IN ADDITION TO INGREDIENTS THAT ARE NATIVE TO JAMAICA, MANY

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Toidurasvad ja sinu tervis

mälu ja keskendumisvõime langevad. Letsitiini leidub munakollases, piimas ja sojatoodetes. Südamehaiguste riski seostatakse LDL- ja HDL-kolesterooli suhtega veres. Kui küllastunud rasvhapped tõstavad n-ö halva LDL-kolesterooli taset veres ja Ω-6 rasvhapped langetavad seda, siis HDL-kolesterooli ehk nn hea kolesterooli taseme tõusuga seostatakse Ω-3 rasvhappeid. Külmpressitud oliiviõli on roheka või kollaka värvusega. Parimad neist õlidest kannavad nimetust virgin või extra virgin. Külmpressimisel puhastatakse õli ainult filtreerimise teel, mistõttu ei hävine õlis sisalduvad kasulikud bioloogiliselt aktiivsed ained. Hüdrogeenimine ehk rasvade tahkestamine võimaldab saada vedelast taimeõlist hästi säiliva tahke rasva. Sellised rasvad võivad sisaldada kuni 40% transrasvhappeid, mis füsioloogilise toime poolest on lähedased küllastunud rasvhapetele. Hüdrogeenitud rasvad tõstavad vere

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
3 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

" Buffer's advancement materials state he has "achieved overall acknowledgment and affirmation as the source" of the expression. "'How about we Get Ready to Rumble'" is in excess of five words. It additionally brings out his sibling's voice, his quality and the "visual picture of a fine-looking person" articulating them. While a trademark for one class of thing probably won't make a difference to different classes of things, there are extra assurances emerging from copyrights. One is the issue of weakening, which can keep an organization from enrolling a specific trademark paying little heed to the distinction in class. It generally applies to marks that are so well known any utilization of them would influence the estimation of the check to the proprietor. A standout amongst other genuine models of an organization utilizing the weakening contention is Toys R' Us, which has suppressed

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Puisniitude loomastik

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Referaat Puisniitude Loomastik Kaspar Knuut 2010 2 Sissejuhatus Puisniiduks nimetatakse regulaarselt niidetava rohustusega hõredat puistut. Puisniidud kujunesid asulate ümbrusesse juba üle 4000 aasta tagasi seoses puidu tarbimisega ning hiljem karjakasvatuse levimisega. Eriti väärtuslikuks teeb puisniidud nende kõrge liigirikkus. Puisniidu liigirikkale taimestikule kaasneb tavaliselt ka muu elustik, näiteks putukate suur mitmekesisus. Eestikeelses põllumajanduslikus kirjanduses kõneletakse puisniitudest kui looduslikest rohumaadest. Taimeökoloogias nimetatakse taolisi kooslusi pool-looduslikeks ehk pärandkooslusteks. Termin "puisniit" on rohkem levinud teaduslikus ja aimekirjanduses, kohapealsed inimesed nimetavad taolisi alasid lihtsalt "niitudeks", "metsadeks", "metsaheinamaadeks", "heinaaedadeks" jne. (

Maateadus → Pärandkooslused
108 allalaadimist

Võrdlev õigussüsteemide ajalugu

Lateraani IV kirikukogu (1215). Koolkond jaotatakse omakorda vanemateks ja nooremateks dekretalistideks. Silmapaistvamateks esindajateks olid Sinibaldus Fliscus, hilisem paavst Innocentius IV, kardinal Henricus de Segusio (Hostiensis), Johannes Andreae. Kasvav õigusallikate ja ­kommentaaride mass tingis vajaduse uue kodifikatsiooni järele, mille koostamise paavst Gregorius IX (1227-1241) usaldas dominikaanlase Raimund de Penaforte hoolde. 4. Corpus Iuris Canonici 4.1. Liber extra Uus kogu sai nimeks Liber decretalium extra decretum Gratiani vagantium, ajaloos tuntud kui Liber extra. See pidi sisaldama kõiki 1187 - 1226 tekkinud dekretaalidekogusid, millele lisandusid Gregorius IX enda dekretaalid. Viimased reguleerisid sageli kodifitseerimise käigus ilmnenud kahtlasi kohti, kuid lõid ka uusi õigusnorme. Nimele vastavalt jagunes teos 5 ossa, mis reguleerisid vastavalt kohtukorraldust, protsessiõigust, kiriklike ametite korraldust, abieluõigust ja kriminaalõigust.

Õigus → Õigus
907 allalaadimist


,,Veristamise" meetod, kus osa punast mahla välja llastakse nõust ja ülejäänust saadakse eriti parkaineterikas punane vein. Suhkrusisalduse järgi liigtatakse vägakuivad, kuivad, poolkuivad, poolmagusad, magusad ja väga magusd.Suhkrusisaldus oleneb sellest, kas käärimine on lastud lõpuni toimuda või ei. Suhkrusisaldust saab tõsta külma poolt näpistatud, väärhallitusega kattunud, närtsitatud viinamarjade või rosinate kasutamisel. Üldreeglina EI LISATA suhkrut. Väga kuiv- extra sec, seco, extra dry ­ 0...0,5% suhkrut Kuiv ­ sec, seco, dry ­ 0,5...3% suhkrut Poolkuiv ­ demi sec, semi dry- 3...5% suhkrut Poolmagus ­ demi doux, dulce, semi sweet ­ 5...8% suhkrut Magus ­ doux, dulce, sweet ­ 8...20% suhkrut Väga magus ­ üle 20% suhkrut. Kahte viimast nim. Ka dessertveinideks Vanuse järgi liigitatakse noorema ja vanema aastakäigu veinideks. Põhitehnoloogia alusel ­naturaalsed, kangendatud, aromatiseeritud, vahuveinid, veinijoogid

Toit → Joogiõpetus
29 allalaadimist

Rooma Eraõiguse alused

Absoluutne õigussuhe, st teada on ainult Realtiivne õigussuhe- kehtib ainult nende õigustatud subjekt, kohustatud subjeks on poolte vahel, mitte teiste kindlaks määratud Asjaõigused on määratud(numerus Võimalik juurde luua, pole määratud clauses), pole võimalik juurde luua(aint seadusega) Avalikud, st äratuntavad Res 1. In nostro patrimonia=res humani iuris= res singulorum hominum=res private(meie eraomandis), kõik millega võib tehinguid teha 2. Extra nostrum patrimonium(väljaspool meie eraomandit) 2.1 res nullius divini iuris(mitte kellelegi kuuluvad jumalikud asjad) 2.1.1 res sanctae(pühad) 2.1.2 res religiosae-(religioossed) 2.1.3 res sacrae(sakraalsed) 2.2 res nullius humani iuris(mitte kellelegi kuuluvad inimlikud asjad) 2.2.1 res publicae- res universitatis(avalikud, kõigile kuuluvad) 2.2.2 res nullius singularis( üksikud mitte kellelegi kuuluvad asjad)- nt rooma õiguses metsloomad

Õigus → Õigus
282 allalaadimist

Elektrotehnika materjal 1/13

väljaspool ruume ja hooneid s.o. lageda taeva all asuvaid lahtisteks seadmeteks. Asukoha järgi jaotatakse elektriseadmeid paikseteks ja teisaldatavateks. Seadmeid, milles elektrienergia muundub mehaaniliseks, soojus- või mõneks muuks energialiigiks, nimetatakse elektritarbijaiks. Elektritarbijad on näiteks elektrimootorid, valgustid, elektrisoojendusriistad jne. Tarbija nimipinge ja võrgupinge, millesse ta lülitatakse, peavad olema võrdsed. Nimipinged. Väikepinge ­ extra lowvoltage (ELV) vahelduvpinge puhul 50 V, alalispinge puhul 120 V. Eristatakse kaitseväikepinget (SELV, PELV) ja talitlusväikepinget (FELV). Madalpinge ­ low voltage (LV), pingepiirkond, mille korral pinge võib olla väikepingest suurem, kuid ei ületa normaaltalitlusel vahelduvpinge puhul 1000 V ja alalispinge puhul 1500 V Kõrgepinge ­ gigh voltage (HV), pingepiirkond, mille korral pinge on normaaltalitlusel

Tehnika → Elektrotehnika
121 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

Even on the right side of the Quadrant, occasionally an S corporation is appropriate. 2. Remember that there are different advisors for the rich, the poor, and the middle class, just as there are different advisors for people who earn their money on the right side and on the left. Also consider seeking advice from people who are already where you want to go. 3. Never do business or investing for tax reasons. A tax break is an extra bonus for doing things the way the government wants. It should be a bonus, not the reason. 4. If you are a reader who is not a U.S. citizen, this advice remains the same. Our laws may be different, yet the principles of seeking competent advice remain the same. People on the right side operate very similarly throughout the world. Katre Semjonov Cashflow Quadrant Summary

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

all, with a bit of self-discipline and thought it can be achieved by anyone. How you use your diary is clearly a key element in effective time management. If properly used, your diary can keep you organised and focused on the key events well in advance. A key component of time management ­ and one often ignored ­ is the whole area of punctuality. How can you ensure you are never late? For example, you could automatically add extra time to all journeys. If you are early for a meeting you can always use the time to catch up on business reading, preparation for other meetings, pending file and so on. Here are the four elements of the Four Point Time Driver approach: 1. Six topp priorities are identified and completed daily. 2. Three-hour sessions for quality thinking are scheduled for every two weeks. 3. Your diary is checked every other day for activities six to eight weeks ahead. 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhikooli eksam 2010 lugemise osa.

D This restaurant is closed on Mondays and Sundays. 5. P HOTOG R A P H Y PROHI BITED B EYOND THI S POINT A Pictures can be taken behind the sign. B Pictures can be taken by a photographer. C Photographs can be taken before the sign. D Photographs cannot be taken by anybody. Task 2 (10 points) Read the text below. Ten words have been removed from the text. Decide which word best fits into each gap. Write a correct letter (A-L) into the appropriate gap. There is one extra word that you do not need. An example (0) has been done for you. The Notting Hill Carnival Dancing policemen, steel drums, street stalls, sound systems and Rastas. This can only mean one thing: The Notting Hill Carnival. The biggest street festival in Europe takes place every year on the August (0) __I__ as two million people gather in west London to eat, drink and dance to music. What was once started by a small group of dedicated Trinidadian steel drummers in the 1960s is now

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist


Kuid seal võib leida igaühe jaoks midagi, sest Malta külgetõmbejõuks on peale maailma vanimate ehitiste ka huvitav arhitektuur, vahelduv looduspilt ning soojad ja sõbralikud inimesed. 8 KASUTATUD MATERJALID 1. Malta. URL= 27.02.08. 2. Malta. URL= 27.02.08 3. Gerretz, A. Reisisiht: Malta. ­ Postimees Extra (laupäevalisa), 1996, 16.11, nr 27. 4. Arstiabi Euroopa Liidus. URL= 27.02.08 5. Malta. URL= 27.02.08 6. Soobi, K. Mõned põhjused, miks minna Maltale. URL= 27.02.08 9

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

European Union

Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Maltese and Cyprus 2007 ­ Romania and Bulgaria No member state has ever left the Union, although Greenland (an autonomous province of Denmark) withdrew in 1985. EU at present Almost in all the territory of the European Union can travel without passport and border checks For personal usage everyone may buy goods without limits and extra taxes from a country where it is cheaper. Common money euro enables buyer to compare the prices in member countries where that currency is in use. Travelling to member countries has become simpler because the discomfort and expenses related to changing the currency is forgotten Over two million young people has been studying or practice in some other EU countries via European Union. Union does not decide the content of schooling programs, but guarantee that

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


tubaka-, vanilje- jm nüansse. Suurtootjate hulka kuuluvad sellised tipptegijad nagu Pére Magloire, Boulard, Busnel. Kehtiva seaduse järgi võib kalvadosena kaubastada toodet, mis on destilleerimise järel minimaalselt kaks aastat tammevaadis laagerdunud. Eriealiste kalvadosepartiide segamisel peab markeering näitama neist noorima vanust: *** või Fine - miinimumiks 2 a Vieux või Réserve - miinimumiks 3 a VO, Vielle Réserve, VSOP või Grand Solage - 4,5 a Napoléon, XO, Extra, Hors d´Age või Age Inconnu - üle 6a Millesimes on aastakäigu kalvados - etiketil on näidatud selle tammevaati villimise aasta Produit Fermier või Production Fermiere - kalvados on valmistatud konkreetse tootja ühe viljapuuaia õuntest Tarbimine Kalvadost võib serveerida mitmel moel ning vastavalt sellele võtta kas söögi eel, kahe toidukorra vahel või söömaaja lõpetuseks: · aroomiklaasist puhtalt ja toatemperatuuril või jääl ja paksupõhjalisest old fashioned

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
10 allalaadimist


of years old have been found in the tundra permafrost. In this way the tundra traps the carbon dioxide and removes it from the atmosphere. Today global warming is melting the permafrost of the tundra and every year several feet of tundra are lost. As the tundra melts, the plant mass decomposes and returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The tundra is a very fragile and difficult environment to survive in during the winter, and plants and animals have a hard time coping with any extra disturbances. The smallest stresses can bring about their destruction. More people moving to the tundra to work in the mines and oil rigs have created towns and more roads. These obstacles have disrupted some animal's movements to traditional feeding and denning grounds. When they try to pass through a town they are often scared away or shot. With their feeding patterns disrupted, many polar bears have starved. The Alaskan oil pipeline was built across a caribou migration route

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist


Liikumiselundkond 91. Liikumiselundkonna struktuur Inimese keha ja selle osade liikumist võimaldab tugi-liikumiselundkonna, mis hõlmab luustikku ja listikku.Luustik on tugi-liikumselundkonna passivne, lihastik aktiivne osa. 92. Anatoomilise vaatluse orientiirid: teljed, tasapinnad: Frontaaltelg (sirutus, painutus) frontaaltasapind, sagitaaltelg(eemaldamine,lähenemine)sagitaaltasapind, vertikaaltelg (pöörlemine)horisontaaltasapind. 93.Luu kui elundi ehitus (toruluu näitel): epifüüs,epifüüsiplaat, metafüüs, diafüüs. On üks mõõde oluliselt suurem kui kaks ülejäänut. Toruluul eristatakse kahte jämenenud otsa ja silindrilist keskosa ­ keha. Luude jämenenud otsad koosnevad peente luupõrgakeste võrgustikust ­ käsnainest. Luu otsmise osa suurem liigesepinnapoolne osa on epifüüs, diafüüsiapoolne osa ­ metafüüs. 94. Nimeta luude liigid. Igale näide: Toruluud(pikad): õlavarre-, reieluu, sõrmelülid, Lühikesed (randme ja kannaluud), Lameluud (rinnak...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
95 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

Lace your fingers together and turn your palms facing out. Straighten your arms in front of you. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Relax. Repeat two to three times. 4 Stretching the Neck & Shoulders Holding tension in the neck can lead to headaches and upper back tension as well. Many of us drop the head forward when working on the computer, which can put extra stress on the neck muscles. This stretch feels great on the neck and shoulders. 7.Head turn: To stretch the muscles along the side and back of your neck and at the top of your back, start facing forward. Slowly turn your head and look to one side until your chin is parallel with your shoulder. Be sure to keep your shoulders straight ahead. Hold for five to 10 seconds. Return to your starting position and relax. Repeat twice on each side. 8. Shoulder Shrug:

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
20 allalaadimist

Getting physical

Some will also stand at the side and casually put one elbow on the side of the lectern, presenting a friendly, relaxed pose to the audience. When using this technique, here are some tips: · Be careful not to step out of range of the microphone. · You may want to arrange in advance to be equipped with either a handheld microphone, or a "lavalier" mike, which hangs around the neck or clips on to the lapel. The latter offers extra freedom to move out from behind the lectern and also frees up the arms and hands for more gestures. · Another type of microphone is a "remote" mike. There are two styles: A cordless battery operated microphone, and a miniature microphone that clips to the tie, blouse, or coat lapel with a wire leading to a portable power pack that clips to the waist. If you are still dubious about how the lectern represents a shield and obstruction between you and

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

TOPICS For the PRELIM Year 1 Put down 10-12 relevant terms and retell about: 1. Prescriptive and descriptive law Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave Break the law – do something illegal Penalty – punishment Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Law – the system of rules System of courts – all judicial institutions Enforce – to make people obey the law Authority – a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity /the moral or legal right or ability to control Prescribe – to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something Impose The word law can have several meanings, it can be divided into prescriptive and descriptive law. Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave, e. g. law of gravity Prescriptive law – prescribe how people...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Cold war

All the winning and neutral countries were members and all of them could be called on to provide troops to deal with aggression. b) The Security council was important because they met regulary and dealt with crises. The original members were Britain, the USA , the USSR, France and China, because they were the five victors in the II World War. The other six seats were given to states in rotation. The five victors also have extra power so they can cancel (veto) the UN's decisions ( any decision has to be passed by at least seven members and five of them have to be the so called'' Big Five''). I think it was allowed because those five were the major powers of the world on what the peace of the world depended . c) The specialized Agencies of the United Nations were the International Telecommunications Union ITU , which co-ordinates the telegraph and telephone links between countries and the

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Rasvad, lipiidid

3) biopolümeersetes ehk maatrikstoitudes esinevad lipiidid (juust, jäätis, liha, kondiitritooted jne) Söödavad rasvad ja õlid: 1) Loomsed rasvad (veiserasv, searasv, hanerasv) 2) Mereõlid 3) Taimse päritoluga õlid (viljalihaõlid, seemneõlid) Oliivõli Külmpressimine ->neitsiõli, sellele järgneb kuumpressimine 40C juures. Neitsiõlis on sensoorsete omaduste ja vabade rasvhapete vaheline seos: 1) Extra virgin ­ meeldiv aromaatne lõhn, vabade rasvhapete kogus mitte üle 1% (väljendatakse olehappele) 2) Fine virgin ­ lõhn on nõrgem, vabade rasvhapete kogus mitte üle 1,5% 3) Semi-fine virgin ­ külmpressitud õli, vähearomaatne, vabade rasvhapete kogus kuni 3% Seemneõlid 1) Õlid, milles on rikkalikult laur-ja müristhapet (kookos- palmiseemne- ja babassupalmiõlid)

Keemia → Toidukeemia
59 allalaadimist


10 / 3600.28 EEK Portvein Osborne 10 y.o. tawny 8 cl 4.50 / 70.41 EEK Osborne tawny port 8 cl 3.50 / 54.76 EEK Serri Osborne Sherry 8 cl 3.00 / 46.94 EEK Vermutid Martini Bianco 8 cl 3.00 / 46.94 EEK Martini Extra Dry 8 cl 3.00 / 46.94 EEK Martini Rosso 8 cl 3.00 / 46.94 EEK Bitter Campari Bitter 4 cl 3.00 / 46.94 EEK Karastusjoogid AURA Mahlavalik 25 cl 1.20 / 18.78 EEK A Le Coq Kali 50 cl 1.60 / 25.03 EEK

Toit → Joogiõpetus
9 allalaadimist

Esimene kontroll töö

Anatoomia konspekt 1. Koe mõiste: Koeks nimetatakse ühesuguse päritolu, ehituse ja talitlusega rakkude ning nende poolt produtseeritud rakuvaheaine kogumit. 2. Nimeta kudede põhirühmad, nende lühiiseloomustus: Epiteelkudedele on iseloomulik kiire regeneratsioonivõime, mistõttu ta etendab olulist osa haavade paranemisel, side- ehk tugikudedele on iseloomulik suhteliselt suur amorfsest põhiainest ja kiududest koosneva rakuvaheaine sisaldus, lihaskudedele on iseloomulik ehituslik element kontraktiilne müofibrillid, närvikudedele on iseloomulik et kude koosneb närvirakkudest ehk neuronitest ja neurogliiarakkudest. 3. Nimeta kudede liigid, nende esinemine inimorganismis: Katteepiteelkude (nahk), Näärmeepiteelkude(kehanäärmed on selle päritoluga), Sensoorne epiteelkude (haistmisepiteel nina limaskestal), Toite sidekoed (veri,lümf), retikulaarne sidekude(luuüdi), rasvkude( ...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
241 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

All the world's a puzzle All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimine ja organisatsiooni käitumine inglise keeles

work variables such as turnover, organisational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In Business Dictionary is written that organisational commitment is a strength of the feeling of responsibility that an employee has towards the mission of the organisation. Porter et al further describes organisational commitment as an attachment to the organisation, characterised by an intention to remain in it; an identification with the values and goals of the organisation; and a willingness to exert extra effort on its behalf. Another perspective on organisational commitment is the "exchanged-based definition" or "side- bet" theory. This theory holds that individuals are committed to the organisation as far as they hold their positions, irrespective of the stressful conditions they experience. However, should they be given alternative benefits, they will be willing to leave the organisation. Mowday, Porter and Steers support the "side-bet" theory by describing organisational commitment

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

Moscardo et al. suggests that the decision making starts with the information seeking either it comes from marketing or just from the travellers own initiative to look for information. In our example we had some sort of positive picture from the place first and consequently we started to look for extra information. No marketing was done in that specific moment but the overall image of the destination is the output of some sort of marketing in the past. The motives that Moscardo sets as the second step of making the decision were as said before, getting out of the routine, looking for adventures (experience),

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

South Africa ­ Apartheid and before South Africa was created by peoples from Africa, Asia, and Europe. created their own states , combined (sometimes through war, sometimes through negotiation) to form the current South African state. The important thing is not what states were called or how long they lasted, but how they were organised, maintained control, gained and lost legitimacy. South African state formed out of: Conquest Colonization Slavery Indentured labour Racially discriminatory laws ­ reserved jobs for whites; differential pay-scales etc Post 1910 state strong and centralized institutionalised racism: "power, wealth and privileges [distributed] unequally on a racial basis" (Giliomee, 1995, p190) Farming and mining (the basis of the economy) both required large work forces. Once slavery was abolished, need for to generate labour force. Taxation (poll tax) used to force blacks...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

(Hydrolastic, Hydragas), and Lincoln have sought to create simpler variants. This system uses a belt or camshaft driven pump from the engine to pressurise a special hydraulic fluid, which then powers the brakes, suspension and power steering. It can also power any number of features such as the clutch, turning headlamps and even power windows. The suspension system usually features driver-variable ride height, to provide extra clearance in rough terrain. The suspension setup is referred to as 'oléopneumatique' in early literature, pointing to oil and air as its main components. There have been many improvements to this system over the years, including variable ride firmness (Hydractive) and active control of body roll (Citroën Activa). The latest incarnation features a simplified single pump-accumulator sphere combination.

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun