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Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused

Nimi:ANNERIIN TRUU Õpperühm:IK 12 Praktiline töö nr. 6: Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused Järgnevatele küsimustele vastates kasutage Google’t. Lisaks tulemusele pange kirja, millist otsinguviisi kasutasite ja millise päringu sõnastasite. 1. Leidke .edu domeeniga veebilehtedelt materjale, mis räägivad tsensuurist Nõukogude Liidus. Kui palju ja mida leiate? Kasutasin - Google Advanced Search-i this exact word or phrase: tsensuur nõukogude liidus language:estonia site or domain: .edu leidsin 10 aga kaks neist oli mingil määral väga kahtlase sisuga saidid. Igatahes leidsin resümeid, artikleid ja teavikuid mis räägivad Nõukogude Liidust ja tsensuurist(ajalool põhinevad) 2. Leidke korteriühistu Rannaääre aastaaruandeid, mis on eestikeelsed ja PDF formaadis. Kui palju ja mida leiate? Leidsin 5  2010.majandusaasta aruanne.pdf - Korteriühistu Rannaääre

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
34 allalaadimist

Estonian political parties

Estonian Political parties The Estonian Reform party is a liberal party that was founded in 2004. It represents liberal ideas such as free market, equality and international relationships.The Reform party is the most economically liberal party in Estonia and it is led by Andrus Ansip. The Union of Pro patria and Res Publica was founded in 2006, when two conservative parties merged. The party's political ideology is conservatism and Christian Democrasy. It has about 8000 members. This Party won 19 seats in the Parliament in previous elections. The Social Democratic Party was founded in 1990. It represents ideas such as social democracy and economic liberalism. It was the most successful party in the 2004 European Parliamentary elections. In 2007, the party joined the coalition goverment led by the Reform Party. The Estonian Centre Party is a centrist, social liberal party, which claims the formation of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Novel of Manners

Novel of Manners Triin Kont Nove of Manners The Novel of Manners is a realistic novel 1. It comes from England which developed in the nineteenth century That focuses on the customs, values, and 2. Jane Austen was the mindset of a particular class or group of people who are situated in a specific producer of this form and historical context. also the most sucsessful writer in this form Although the novel of manners has always defied easy definition, literary historians seem to have arrived at a 3. Its subject is the set of consensus on at least three elements: social conventions of a particular class in a particular time and place The novel of manners is do...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Online vs. traditional classes

Online vs. traditional classes Nowadays, there are numerous ways to acquire a good education. In addition to traditional classes, there are online classes, which have grown exponentially in terms of popularity over the past few years. Although these computer-based courses are thought to be more convenient and inexpensive, there are still countless proponents to the traditional way of learning, who stand by social interaction and discipline. So which is more advantageous – an online class or a traditional class? To start off, online classes are more flexible than traditional classes. This is especially useful for people with families or a tight schedule, who only have certain periods of time available. Even though classes on the Internet often have a confirmed timeline, they still offer those lacking of spare time the opportunity to modify the time spent on the course they have chosen. In spite of online...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

Legitimacy! AND UNITED NATIONS CRISIS In this article, we examine the current debate regarding the legitimacy crisis facing the UNSC. We consider its most usual manifestation, namely that the Council faces a crisis of legitimacy because of its inability to constrain the unilaterally inclined hegemonic United States. But we also examine the converse argument that it is the whole UN collective security mechanism (rather than just the Council) that is in crisis. According to this, it is the failure to recognize the unique dangers immanent within the contemporary security environment and the inability of the UN security system to tackle these which is the cause of the current crisis of legitimacy. International society, this position continues, must acknowledge these, and vest in the hegemon the powers it requires in order to meet its global responsibilities. Acknowledging the implications of both of these positions, we argue that th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Victorian age

Revision questions for the test on Victorian literature 1. How would you in general terms characterise the period of Queen Victoria's reign? What were the major changes in technology, education, government, social areas, etc and how did they change the mindset of the British people? 2. Why is the Victorian period often compared to the Elizabethan period? In terms of size how would you describe the British Empire? Why was such an enormity needed at all? 3. Why did the Victorian's develop a doubt in religious matters? What were the new discoveries that triggered the questioning in religious faith? Who were David Livingston and Charles Darwin? What were their ideas like? 4. Describe the main social issues of Victorian Britain? How were they depicted in literature? (workhouses, slums, child labour, disease, etc) 5. What ideas and reforms were behind the 'woman question'? Descr...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

1. Society- people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture. The cultural bond may be ethnic or racial or geographical, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs, values, and activities. 2. Culture- beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society. 3. A unitary state- a state governed as one single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions (subnational units) exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government. 4. A federal state-- a political entity characterized by a union of partially self- governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. 5. A multinational state- A multinational state is a sovereign state which is viewed as comprising two or more nations. Such a state contrasts with a nation-state...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Briti ja Ameerika kirjandus

The Renaissance * From the end of 15 century to the beginning of 17th century * The Renaissance is a cultural movement thata started in Italy and spread through Europe * The Renaissance in England covers the period of apporoximately 150 years (1492- 1623 ) * As Queen Elisabeth l was the ruler at that time, it is also called Elisabeth Age * It was the time of the spread of printing ( books) and the exploration of the New World * The Reformation and the establishment of national churches * Humanism. Value on individual human worth and dignity * Art. Reallistic portrayals of human beings * Science * It was also the time that brought federal domains under one man power and established absolute monarchy that only strengthened the influence of national cultures and languages. * The bourgeoisie- as a new class became as influencial as the... * The term ´´renaissance´´ comes from an Italian word and it means in English ´´rebirth´´ * First marke...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Reproduction - sotsioloogia

UNIT 4 What is Reproduction? · Viewing reproduction through a Sociological lens poses complex probLems: 1. Nature vs Culture 2. Agency vs Structure 3. Private vs Public How does Reproduction become political? · Structures constrain, Agency resists · Danger of romanticising opposition for `oppositional positions' cannot develop independent of dominant social positions. Racialised Mothers' from Slavery to Immigration "Welfare Mother" is suffused with ideologies of `race', class and gender. It implicates and blames the poor for their poverty. "Welfare Mother" or "Welfare Queen" becomes the public face of `failed mothering' by poor women. Dominant worldview that blames individuals for their failings, particularly if these are financial However, where there is structure there is agency and resistance Ginsburg: Colen: II Contested reproduction · The idea of the body as a machine firmly established the male body as the prototype of this ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Estonian history between 1710-1850 and 1850-1918 Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2 1710­1850.............................................................................................................................. 3 Population and social structure........................................................................................ 4 Serfdom and the intensifying manorial economy ............................................................. 4 Influences of Pietism and the Moravian Brethren............................................................. 5 Enlightenment and enlightened absolutism...................................................................... 6 1850­1918.......................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

British humor

BRITISH HUMOR Marie Viiol Marju Pall Ineken Nuut Ada Leif 12.a Tartu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium BRITISH HUMOR United Kingdom and it's former colonies Sarcasm and self-deprecation Deadpan delivery Insensitive to other cultures No subject is taboo Lack of subtlety, crass THEMES INNUENDO ­ SATIRE ­ imply to sth or ridiculing human someone vice or weakness Sexual humor Most commonly Shakespeare polititians ,,Young men will Irony, sarcasm, do't if they come parody to't/By Cock, they ,,I'm not young are to blame" enough to know everything." THEMES ABSURD ­ surreal Unreasonable Monty Python Compared ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Crime & Punishment

Crime & Punishment The fight between good and evil is as old as the humankind itself. Even in society there are always black sheep and these people are called 'criminals'. Although we are part of the EU and tend to be as humane as possible, we have to deal with the problem of growing numbers of people admitted to penitentiaries. One in all we have to dwelve into the mind of a criminal and find out what makes a felon tick. What forces an individual to commit crimes against others? Are we too humane and lenient? When looking for the reasons why people commit crimes I can only say what I believe to be sure of, and it is that individuals go against laws because they choose so, as criminal behaviour is a matter of choice. Today, there are many excuses cloaked as reasons for criminal behaviour. The misguided nature of these assertions has a serious impact upon crime control strategies. The classical approach h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Essee, Homelessness

Homelessness Every night thousands of people are on the streets. This type of behavior is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that has failed them. The homeless are in need. As fellow humans we are obligated to help those in need. They are not only in need of money, but they are also in need of our attention and our support. In the past fifty years the United States has invested more money in helping the homeless people than any other country in the world. The result is that we have more poor people now and more people dependent on the government than we did fifty years ago. The welfare program in our society has failed. The illegitimacy rate of welfare when it first was introduced was one fourth of what it is today. It has driven...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

For and Against Advanced Technology

For and Against Advanced Technology Today, the Internet captures in its strong network billions of people around the world and if before the Internet was in every tenth family. Now, nine out of ten families have access to the World Wide Web. As unseemly as it is filled society World Wide Web, the Internet has both supporters and opponents. Opponents of the Internet are mostly parents of children, who believe that their children are spending a large amount of their time at the computer. Virtual reality, leads to a strong computer addiction and a loss of reality, principles, purposes and moral values. It can become a complete substitute for Real life. Computer games promote children's thinking and their creative component. But, in practice Firstly today' s youth prefers arcade and sports games that do not contribute to their creative development, and o...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne kõne

Kelly Ilp 10. D Good morning to everybody! My name is Kelly. The topic of my presentation is technology, the Internet and the influence on the society. I have divided my talk into three parts. Firstly, I want to talk about the good sides of computers and web. Secondly, I am going to talk about the drawbacks of the modern life technology and in the last part of my presentation I want to point out the main problems and give a solution or two on how to avoid the dark sides of the Internet. Well, let's start the first part which is the bright side of computers and web. Nowadays, the Internet is probably most famous for the ability to spread information, fact or fiction. Anyone can search the globe, visit local newspapers in foreign countries and mail service made possible connections among distant people. The Internet will have positive consequences i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne õiglus, ebaõiglus ja ebavõrdsus tervises

Sotsiaalne õiglus, ebaõiglus ja ebavõrdsus tervises Anu Kasmel Sissejuhatus Viimasel aastakümnel on ilmnenud, et enamikes ühiskondades, ka nn. heaoluühiskondades suurenevad erinevused tervisenäitajates erinevate sotsiaalsete gruppide vahel. Enamikes Lääne-Euroopa ja Põhja-Ameerika riikides on keskmine eeldatav eluiga XX sajandi teisest poolest alates pidevalt tõusnud. Kui aga jälgida keskmist eeldatavat eluiga erinevates sotsiaalsetes gruppides, siis ilmneb, et mõnedes gruppides esineb püsiv langustendents (Marmot and McDowall, 1986; Borrell et al., 1997). Uuringu "Sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus tervises" (Kunst et al., 2002) andmetel on kõrgharidusega meeste keskmine eeldatav eluiga 13,5 aastat pikem kui põhiharidusega meestel, naistel on vastav näitaja 8,6 aastat. Eksisteerib seaduspärasus, et tervisenäitajatele on iseloomulik sotsiaalne astmelisus ­ kõrgeima sissetulekuga inimeste te...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
31 allalaadimist

France school

The French education system is split into three stages: primary school (école), secondary school (collège) and high school (lycée). Primary and secondary education is free, neutral, secular and compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. However, there are some private schools that are not subject to these obligations and particularities of the French education system. Nursery school classes accept toddlers at 2 or 3 years of age, starting in September. The children develop their basic faculties, improve their speaking skills and are introduced to the world of reading and writing, numbers and other key areas of learning. From age 6 to 11, the children attend elementary school which is mixed and freein the case of public (state) schools. The 'collège' accepts all pupils after elementary school without the need to pass an entrance exam. The teaching is structured by subject: French, mathematics, history-geography, 'civics' or civil education...

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist



Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3

Praktiline töö nr 3 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist (, 4.6. küsimusele andmebaasist Emerald (, 7.9. küsimusele andmebaasist EbscoHost (, 10.15. küsimusele RRi andmebaasist ISE ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolis. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Võtan Find Article otsingu. Kirjutan esimesse kasti information literacy ning teiselahtrisse university, alumisele kasti...

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
84 allalaadimist


NO SMARTPHONE DAY Marleen Paist, Kirsika Vildersen, Kristin Kannimäe 2016 TERM  Worldwide.  Not using smartphone for a day.  Rising awardness of ilnesses caused by phones.  Communication (talking eye to eye). HISTORY  Was first held in 2013.  It started from small city named Kiviõli. REASONS  Health is wealth  Communication without cellphone  Phone addiction DATE  Official national „No Smartphone Day“ is on the 9th of October.  Everyone can make their own „No Smartphone Day“ everyday. CONTRIBUTION  Keep your phone in your pocket and turn off social notifications from Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.  Do not access any apps or social media platforms.  Do not get your phone out and put it on the table when meeting friends, or hold it in your hand when speaking to people.  Turn your phone off when at home with your family.  Treat your phone ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questione...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpedagoogika - essee

Tartu Ülikool Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond Haridusteaduste instituut Põhikooli mitme aine õpetaja õppekava Kristi Pikk Sotsiaalpedagoogika vajalikkuse kujunemine ühiskonnas/kogukonnas/koolis. essee Juhendaja: Helen Toming Tartu 2017 Suured ühiskondlikud muutused, suutmatus ennast väljendada ühiskonnale sobivate normide kohaselt ning näha oma tegude tagajärgi süvendavad sotsiaalprobleeme – nii normatiivsuse tasandil kui materiaalseltki ning meie tänapäevases kiirelt arenevas ühiskonnas mängivad aina enam rolli inimeste sotsiaalsed oskused. Sotsiaalsete oskuste õpetamine saab alguse juba väga varakult kodus ning jätkub väga pikka aega veel koolis. Nii nagu koduski, et lapse areng oleks st...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
114 allalaadimist

Why did Russian civil war breake out in 1918

Why did Russian civil war breake out in 1918? The Russian Civil War was to tear Russia apart for three years, between 1918 and 1921. The civil war occurred because after November 1917, many groups had formed that opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks. These groups included monarchists, militarists, and, for a short time, foreign nations. Collectively, they were known as the Whites while the Bolsheviks were known as the Reds. But why did it really breake out? There were three reasons why Civil War broke out in Russia in 1918.The first reason was that there was bound to be a challenge to the Bolsheviks, who had seized power by a surprise coup. After 1918, their political opponents tried to reverse it. The Bolsheviks had many enemies. One group who wanted to destroy the Bolsheviks were the Social Revolutionaries. At first, they had supported the November Revolution. Elections had been held in November 1917 for a new government, ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist


JOB DESCRIPTION Position: Career Information Specialist Eesti Töötukassa is looking for a career information specialist to it's team. Eesti Töötukassa works with unemployed people and organisations looking for employees. Reports to: Career Information Specialist will report to leading consultant. Employee will work and consult with other consultants and specialists. Position summary: · Conducts workshops and workclubs, · mediates career information and job searching, · supervises and advises job hunting ( individual and / or group, · informs the unemployment about fund services for jobseekers. Skills required : · Desire to help people find work, · a university degree (preferably in social sciences), · at least one year of experience in the field of counseling, · Estonian and Russian language skills and advanced levels of proficiency in English communication (professional vocabulary p...

Sotsioloogia → Karjäärijuhtimine
2 allalaadimist


a convict ­ someone who is in prison because sharp teeth that lives in the sea they are guilty of a crime False pretences/prtents/ - lie to convict - to decide officially in a court of about who you are, what you are doing, or law that someone is guilty of a crime what you intend to do, in order to get whereupon - immediately after which something Career ­ a job that you work at roar with laughter ­ to express an emotion for some time Inflate ­ to fill sth with air or with laughter gas Fascinating /fæ ­ joke ­ sth that you say or do that is intended enthralling Fertile /f.tal/ - having many to make people laugh good ideas to joke ­ to say things that are intended to Identity ­ in the fact who you are make people laugh ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


ARE FACEBOOK USERS MORE OR LESS LONELY? Nowadays, teenagers have become addicted to numerous social networks and cannot live a day without getting online. This, of course, influences the formation of their individuality. Every one of Facebook users develops certain feelings while using the website. The two most related qualities are self-esteem and loneliness. I think Facebook is not a real problem for problem , its just for fun or to make new friends or to keep in touch with your friends/relatives who live far away from you. I agree that in some cases people get addicted to facebook , I was once too. I used to stay all day in facebook . but now I don’t , I hardly ever use it . when I didn’t have with who to talk , I felt lonely . I only stayed in my room waiting for someone to text me .Now I just to enjoy life with my friends near me , not imaginary friends, who sometimes can be lying for different things . so using social networ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tööefektiivsuse suurenemine grupivälise liikmega: sotsiaalsete kategooriate mitmekesisuse mõju motivatsiooni tõusule

„Tööefektiivsuse suurenemine grupivälise liikmega: sotsiaalsete kategooriate mitmekesisuse mõju motivatsiooni tõusule“ Robert B. Lount, Jr. Katherine W. Phillips Mõisted  Motivatsioon – inimese sisesed või välised jõud, mis kutsuvad esile entusiasmi ja püsivuse teatud toimingute jätkamiseks  Köhleri efekt – olles grupis koos indiviididega, kelle tulemused on kõrgemad, pingutavad madalama tulemusega isikud rohkem  Sotsiaalse identiteedi teooria – kategoriseerimine meie vs nemad. Luuakse olukord, kus alati proovitakse end/enda gruppi näha/näidata positiivsemas valguses  Sotsiaalne kaasaaitamine – sooritus paraneb pelgalt teiste osalejate olemasolul  Sotsiaalse võrdluse teooria – inimeste vajadus oma võimeid ja arvamusi teistega võrrelda Mõisted  Sotsiaalne kompenseerimine – grupi keskmise sooritustulemuse paranemine, kus indiviidid suurendavad oma panust ü...

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
2 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

An overview of integrated care in the NHS What is integrated care? Research report Sara Shaw, Rebecca Rosen and Benedict Rumbold June 2011 Nuffield Trust work on integrated care This report is part of the Nuffield Trust's extensive programme of work on integrated care, which is examining the potential of new forms of care that are intended to benefit patients and taxpayers. Other related projects include: ·Integration in action: four international case studies. A study of four international organisations that have attempted to improve integration between health and care services. Interviews, documentary analysis and literature review are used to identify the main stimuli for integration and the issues that help or hinder progress; drawing out lessons for the NHS. ·Towards integrated care in Trafford. A project that looks at the process of change and lessons learned to date in Trafford, where NHS organisations have been worki...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Computer addiciton

Computer addiciton Computer addiction is a mental illness which causes the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not include a diagnosis for such a disease. The term computer addiction originated long before the Internet. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders. Effects: Excessive computer use may result in, or occur with: Lack of social interaction. Using the computer for pleasure, gratification, or relief from stress. Feeling irritable and out of control or depressed when not using it. Spendin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


The primary function of taxation is to raise revenue to finance government expenditure. Different countries have different tax systems. Income taxes in most countries are progressive. Estonia has had so far a flat tax rate which is quite unique in the world. The problem with progressive taxes is that the marginal rate- the tax people pay on any additional income - is always high, which is generally a disincentive to both working and investing. The higher the tax rates, more people are tempted to cheat. Some employers give highly paid employees lots of perquisites such as company cars, free health insurance, and subsidized lunches. Taxation Act in Estonia was passed in 2002. Taxes are divided into direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are income taxes, gambling tax, land tax, social tax and heavy goods vehicle tax. The income tax rate in Estonia is 21% and social tax rate is 33%. In 2000 a corporate tax reform took place in Estonia. T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Stress in the life of young people today

Stress in the life of young people today Stress is a common problem in everyones life. However, it affects the young more than the adults. Young people are more easily influenced by it and often, can not cope with the pressure. The main reason why people are so stressed and overwhelmed all the time is the fast paced life we are all forced to lead. School, work and personal life often do not leave any time to take a breath and reload your batteries. Often, there is not an option to either study or work, because the youth want their independence and therefore have to earn their own money while still studying. Moreover, nowadays people are socially connected to each other everywhere they go. Social media, phones, the Internet help the youth to communicate with eachother whenever they want to, but it also takes a bit of a persons privacy away. There is a constant pressure to be accessible to all, to make it seem l...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Patricia Benner

Patricia Benner Õenduse teoreetik, õppejõud ja autor. Aleksandra Deljanskaja Richard Karajev Kirill Krizevski Anna Ellisaar Deniss Bulina Alex Kalde Ave Kikas ELULUGU JA ÕPINGUD Patricia Benner on sündinud 10. mai 1955 Hampton'is, Virginia's Perekond kolis Californiasse, kus käidi kekkoolis ja kolledzis Kolledzis õppimise ajal tekkis huvi õenduse vastu Patricia Benner abiellus aastal 1973 Richard Benneriga PatriciaBenner otsustas õendust minna õppima ajal, kui ta töötas haigla vastuvõtus. 1964. aastal õppis õendust Pasadena College-s 1964. aastal omandas bakalureusekraad...

Meditsiin → Õendus
31 allalaadimist

Distance learning is a challenge

Marge Veskemaa Distance learning is a challenge To begin with, distance learning is very difficult. However, there are some positive things. I can plan my school work mostly. Some teachers gives a time when you need to be ready. This would mean that we can´t just lay down and relax all day. I think they give enough time and student should get ready with their work. When there is no time I can do my work in the morning, in afternoon or in the evening. With that I learn planning and I am more independent. I think one thing you need to have and that is motivation. For example, you sit every day at home and do nothing, motivation is very easy to go away and you do not want to do school work also. As a result, you school work suffers. I think teachers try to keep our motivation and give us a little work as possible. Distance learnin...

Kirjandus → 12. klass
2 allalaadimist

Political parties in the US

Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is the Democratic party, which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson's party. The other is the Republican party, which was formed by people in the states of the North and West, such as Abraham Lincoln, who wanted the government to prevent the expansion of slavery into new states then being admitted to the union. Most Americans today consider the Democratic party the more liberal party. Democrats believe the federal government and the state governments should be active in providing social and economic programs for those who need them, such as the poor, the unemployed or students who need money to go to college. Republicans are not necessarily opposed to such programs. They believe, however, that many social programs are too costly to the taxpayers and that when taxes are raised to pay for such programs, everyone is hurt. They often accuse the Democrats of making the government too e...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
6 allalaadimist

Second Generation Poets

Questions · What was Percy Bysshe Shelley? · What were his most famous work? · What was George gordon Byron? · What were his most famous work? · What was John keats? · What was the main theme of his work? Second Generation Poets · The poets of the second generation: George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and john Keats. · They lived through the dissillusionment of the post-revolutionary period. · The Britain they knew was highly fearful of the possibility of revolution. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) · He was a Poet, a Dramatist, a Essayist and a Novelist · Shelley was born at Field Place in Broadbridge Heath. · The most revolutinary of the Romantic poets. · He was an individualist and idealist · His ideas were anarichic · Many of his poems address social and political issues · He is best remembered for "Ode to the West Wind" and "To a Skylark." ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Nothing can be done to prevent crime

Nothing can be done to prevent crime We will always have to face grief and pain as a result of countless varieties of crimes.Unfortunately, we are prone to make bad choices and reap undesirable outcomes. What in future can make more problem, what was. The difference is that most of us have some self-control, but in time of need human beings can change drastically their personality. That is why we can not prevent all crimes every time or build a perfect society: because we are still plain humans. But we can improve on an environment by providing a higher level of education and security. In doing so, there will be a decrease in the attempts of crimes, since a higher level of social development was properly provided. Our world is well known by having a high level of poverty and all sorts of crimes. This is a consequence of bad governments that hav not provided the least welfare throughout the centuries. So...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What are the advatanges and disadvantages of using Facebook?

What are the advatanges and disadvantages of using Facebook? Facebook is one of the largest social networks, where you can meet new people and chat with everyone, even with strangers. But like every other social network, Facebook have its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, Facebook is free. It provides free service to users and this is a main advantage. Now days Facebook starts some paid services, but if you don't need it, you don't have to use and pay for it. Secondly, Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. You can connect and find anyone you want, your relatives, old friends etc. Also Facebook have billions users, so you even can make new friends from different places. You can connect with people by using Facebook chat. Furthermore, Facebook provides a very high security about users account. Facebook try to keep privacy setting very simple so users can secure their account easily. You can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Words on unit 4D

Words & expressions 1) A generous nationhelde rahvas 2) A polar bearjääkaru 3) A social disastersotsiaalne katastroof 4) Connected through charityühendatud läbi heategevuse 5) Continuing economic problemsjätkuvad majanduslikud probleemid 6) Daytoday workigapäevane töö 7) Economists rely on sthmajandusteadlased tuginevad millegi 8) Endangered speciesohustatud liigid 9) Extreme weather eventsekstreemsed ilmastikunäitajad 10) Halfway around the worldpooleldi ümber maailma 11) In conclusionkokkuvõttes 12) In the fight for resourcesvõitluses resursside pärast 13) It's doubled to more than a billionsee on kahekordistunud rohkem kui miljardile 14) Life on our planetelu meie planeedil 15) Limited to onepiiratud ühele 16) Nevertheless,...kuid siiski, sellegipoolest 17) On the EarthMaal 18) People ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What is levels of formality

What is levels of formality? Search on the Internet leads to such subjects as "Levels of Formality in Language", "Formality levels of communication" , "Levels of formality in writing". Proceeding from it, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that levels of formality are almost everywhere. For a start it is worth understanding formality levels in Spoken language. Because the spoken language is used much more often. The first level of Spoken language is informal. Its use for routine messages delivered face-to-face with friends. Informal language is relaxed language with slang, contractions and humor. The second level is Semiformal. Its use for important messages to strangers(for example, Phone call). It is language with some contractions and personal pronouns. And the last one is Formal. Its use for serious messages and in other formal contexts. It is correct, serious language using complete sentences without slang. In a written languag...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace. Liis Kivirand Backround Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization. Dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. Cooperation with 18 autonomous partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies. WLP works to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies. Primary objective is to increase the number of women taking on leadership and decision-making roles at family, community, and national levels, and to improve the effectiveness of feminist social movements in Muslim-majority societies and globally by strengthening the capacity of our partner organizations. Since its founding WLP has established a partnership model that allows for a geometric increase i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life In the nowadays world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Almost every activity that we do in our daily life is somehow connected with technology usage. It plays a major role not only in our lives, but also helped in development of various industries, changed education, entertainment. We can not measure this process and it`s impact on society, but one thing we can say for sure – technology has become part of pupils lives. There are so many advantages connected with technology and how it affected our everyday life. To start with, development of mobile technology, computers and internet made life easier. We can find information in sites like Google in a couple of minutes instead of looking for required information in books for hours. In the older times, writing a letter, sending and bringing to a required person took minimum a month; now this proce...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Tupac Amaru Shakur was born June 16, 1971 and die September 13, 1996, also known by his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper. In addition to his status as a top-selling recording artist, Shakur was a successful film actor and a prominent social activist. He is recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest-selling hip hop artist, with over seventy five million albums sold worldwide, including over fifty million in the United States.Most of Shakur's songs are about growing up amid violence and hardship in ghettos, racism, problems in society and conflicts with other rappers. Shakur's work is known for advocating political, economic, social and racial equality, as well as his raw descriptions of violence, drug and alcohol abuse and conflicts with the law. Shakur was initially a roadie and backup dancer for the alternative hip hop group Digital Underground.Shakur's debut album, 2Pacalypse Now, gained criti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The strange hoby of graving

THE STRANGE HOBBY OF GRAVING Adrian Chen nimi EMÜ 2018 Introduction Research question: Is graving a real hobby and should it be socially acceptable? Tombstone tourism What is graving? Who are gravers? Why people do it? Find a Grave Social acceptance Tombstone tourism Tombstone tourists Photography, art, history of (famous) deaths Plan vacations around the cemeteries Tours to famous cemeteries Enthusiast can visit cemeteries on websites Rich cultural resource. What is graving? hobby of searching out specific graves hobby of photographing quantities of grave stones Who is graver? They spend time visiting cemetery, photographing headstones, entering data. 1. Tombstone tourist 2. Genealogical gravers 3. Preservationist gravers 4. Those who like to hang out in cemeteries Why people do it? They find cemeteries beautiful Great interest in history Interest in famous graves It is a ...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

EL eksam European Institutions Council of the European Union – Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu (ministrid) - Legislative ja budgetary - Peab läbirääkimisi õigusaktide üle ja võtab need vastu (väga oluline otsustaja) otsustajaks vaja majorityt - Koordineerib liikmesriikide poliitikaid (majandus, haridus, kultuur, tööhõive jne) - Arendab EL ühist välis- ja julgeolekupoliitikat - Sõlmib rahvusvahelisi lepinguid (annab komisjonile volitused pidada EL nimel läbirääkimisi) - Võtab vastu eelarve (koos parlamendiga) - Liikmeteks valitsuse ministrid igast ELi liikmesriigist vastavalt arutamisele kuuluvale poliitikavaldkonnale st esindab riike; permanent representaties (COREPER) - Eesistuja!!! - Asutati 1958 ECSC raames Council of Europe – Euroopa Nõukogu - Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon; 47 riiki Euroopast ja Aasiast - Tegevusvaldkonnad: inimõi...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

Lecture 1: The mountebank pharmacy. Price: 60% of average turnover on last 2 years + 10% of profits per year during next 2 years (võib olla kasumit ei tule, kuna on vaja investeerida). Quack bank present buiseness plan by 8 november, presentation 9 november long term loan (10 years), at 4,8% interest rate. Conclusion ­ I need this sum of money from bank. Business plann: 1. management summary 2. organisational profile 3. internal analysis 4. external analysis 5. strategy 6. financial prognosis Group feedback 7/11. Leadership and management A good manager is competent in all different management styles, and knows when to apply which style. 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Free reign (vabad käed, dellegeerimine) 4. Patriarchal (he knows best what is good for his children, "family" structur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Sotsiaalpsühholoogia terminis isikutaju käsitletakse erinevaid vaimseid protsesse mida inimesed kasutavad, et moodustada muljeid teistest inimestest. See ei hõlma ainult seda, kuidas me moodustame neid muljeid, vaid ka seda kuidas me teeme erinevaid järeldusi teiste inimeste muljetest. Võttes arvesse seda, kui tihti inimesed iga päev teevad selliseid otsuseid, näiteks kui te kohtute uue töökaaslasega hakkate te kohe kujundama selle inimese kohta esmamuljet. Lisaks kui te külastate toidupoodi peale tööd ning kassiir vaatab teid ja teeb teie kohta kohe mingid isklikud järeldused, mis sellest, et ta ei tea teist eriti midagi. Isikutaju võimaldab meil anda kiireid hinnanguid ja võtta vastu kiireid otsuseid, kuid see võib viia ka kallutatud või stereotüüpsetele arusaamadele teiste inimeste kohta. Isikutaju mõjutab meie igapäevast suhtlust teiste inimestega. Ilmselgelt on isikutaju väga subjektiivne ning seda võivad mõjutada mitmed muutujad...

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemis psühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Vocabulary: Internet; Finding a Job; Food; Anatomy

Vocabulary list 1. internet service provider ­ company that provides internet for a fee 2. globalization - or extending to other or all parts of the world 3. flash drive ­ a portable miniature solid state drive that connects to a computer via a USB port 4. abbreviations ­ a shortened form of a word 5. nonverbal communication ­ communication without talking 6. social networking ­ service that connects people who for example share interests, backgrounds or real-life connections 7. addiction - state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming 8. plagiarism ­ presenting someone else's work as your own 9. distractor ­ a person or thing that distracts the attention 10. cyberbullying ­ the act of harassing someone online 11. kindergarten/nursery/preschool (2-7) 12. primary/elementary school (7-13) 13. basic/secondary sch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun