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"-social" - 1024 õppematerjali


George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier (slaidid)

The Road to WiganGeorge PierOrwell Compiled by Priit J oasoo 12D 2009 Author George Orwell =Eric Arthur Blair Born on J une 25, 1903 in India Brought to England at the age of one Indian Imperial Police in Burma 1922-1928 1936 fought in Spanish Civil War II World War wrote a political commentary Died of tuberculosis on J anuary 21, 1950 Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Road to Wigan Pier Setting Location: Indrustrial towns of North England - Lancashire and Yorkshire Time: Before the World War II (1936) Main Character · George Orwell - an English author and journalist, who describes the living conditions of poor miners in northern England. He also talks about socialism and his life. The Plot Book is in two parts I part ­ indrustrial towns & unemploiment He lives in Brookers lodging-house Mi...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people

Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people. We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love. We also often see pictures of them in private situations. Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people? Nowadays a lot of newspapers and magazines contain stories, different facts and pictures with famous people. Some people think that only magazines should feature private life of famous people, but others think on the contary. This essay will show both sides. On the one hand, it is appropriate for a newspapers to write some information about famous people. People , who are intrested in famous people’s lifes want to know about their achievements, goals or other important things, than read about how they spend their holidays in the resort or with whom they go to the football match. Newspapers should offer more serious infor...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Europass CV

Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Kairi Teder Lume 1, Röa village, 72806 Paide (Estonia) +37256617850 [email protected] Skype Kairi Teder Sex Naine | Date of birth 04 March 1995 | Nationality Estonian JOB APPLIED FOR WORK EXPERIENCE 16 June 2013­22 August 2013 Cook Tõru Hotel, Paide (Estonia) accommodation cooking customer service trade reception harvesting Chatting with people on the phone. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01 Septembe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia ja selle seos rahva tervisega.

Sotsioloogia ja selle seos rahva tervisega ... Taimi Nilson MA sotsioloogia [email protected] KIRJANDUS: Hess B.B., Markson E.W., Stein P.J. Sotsioloogia. Külim, Tallinn 2000 Aimre I. Sotsioloogia. Sisekaitseakadeemia, Tallinn 2001 Sotsioloogiliste uurimuste publikatsioonid, näit: Titma M. (toim). Sõjajärgse põlvkonna ...; Kutsar D. (toim). Elutingimused Eestis ... ; Trumm A., Roots A. jt Leinsalu, M., Kunst, A., Kasmel, A., Habicht, J. Social ingualities in health in Estonia: main report. Tallinn: Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia. (2002). Köhler K; "Välditav suremus Eestis ja selle seosed sotsiaalmajanduslike näitajatega" TEES: Sotsioloogia uurib inimeste ja inimrühmade käitumise otsest-objektiivset seotust ühiskonna strukturaalse arenguga Sotsioloogiline vaatekoht Uurib inimeste käitumist grupis Grupikonstruktsioone Enesepeegeldust Kollektiivne tegelikkus Sotsiaalsed strukt...

Meditsiin → Rahvatervis
7 allalaadimist


Music Therapy Kati, form 10 Music therapy is soothing and relaxing. It is a process in which a trained music therapist uses music and all of its facets-physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual-to help clients to improve or maintain their health. Music therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping professions. Music therapists may work with individuals who have behavioral-emotional disorders. There are two approaches to music therapy for children: The therapy session can be one-on-one or in a group setting. When a therapist meets with a child for the first time, it is good for the therapist and the child to come up with goals for him or her to meet during the duration together. Music therapy can help children with communication problems, attention, motivation, and behavioral problems. The setup of the room where...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
7 allalaadimist


Addictions Business English Marion Soomre 10.b What is addiction? The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical depence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video games, crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography, etc. Drug addiction Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. Video game addiction Video game addiction, or more broadly video game overuse, is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported in which users ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Kultuuri mõistest ja määratlusest

1. loeng Sissejuhatus: kultuuri mõistest ja määratlustest Sissejuhatus kultuuriteooriatesse Sügissemester 2009/ 2010 Mis on ,,kultuur"? Mida mõeldakse, kui öeldakse ,,kultuur"? Kui me räägime kultuuri igapäevasest mõistest e sellest milline on laiemalt (mitte ainult teaduse vaatepunktist), siis võib siin eristada 2 üldlevinud arusaama. Esiteks, enamasti inimesed ei mõtle sellele, mis see kultuur on, milles nad elavad, või õigemini, mida nad igapäevaselt elavad. Kultuur on igapäevaselt justkui nähtamatu v vaikiv dimensioon meie elus. Teiseks, paljude inimeste ettekujus kultuurist, kipub küllalt sageli olema staatiline. S.t arvatakse, et kultuur (olgu selleks siis nt mõni rahvuskultuur -itaalia, saksa, vene, hiina vm) on teatud n-ö olem, mida mingi inimrühm omab ja mis säilib muutumatuna kui selle rühma mõni liige mööda maailma ringi liigub. Kindlasti olete kuulnud sellist mõistet nagu ,,...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilood
102 allalaadimist

HIV ja Aidsi ennetus Eestis

Tallinn 2015 Hi-viirus ja AIDS HI-viirus ning AIDS on ülemaailmne pandeemia, mis mõjutab üksikisikuid, perekondi ja terveid kogukondi kogu maailmas ja sellel on sügavad sotsiaalsed ja majanduslikud tagajärjed. HI-viiruse ja AIDSI likvideerimine on üks suurimaid väljakutseid inimühiskonnale ning nõuab koostööd erinevate teadusharude, omavalitsuste, tööturu institutsioonide, kindlasti meedia, avalikkuse, sotsiaaltöö ja tervishoiu kutsealade vahel. Ränne, turism, kolimine teise riiki, kui potensiaalne oht levitada viirust. HI-viirusega nakatumine toimub läbi riskikäitumise. Ülekanne ei piirdu ühe konkreetse rassi / rahvuse, soo, suhtete või kogukonna liikmeks kuuluvuse järgi. Praeguseks on teada HIV-nakkuse levikuteed vere, sperma ja tupevedeliku ja rinnapiima kaudu. Iga päev sureb 8000 inimest AIDS-iga seotud haigusesse, mis on osaliselt tingitud ebapiisavast juurdepääsust ravimitele ning teadm...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
14 allalaadimist

A doll house

Professor Kavanaugh 1 December 2011 Word Count: 968 Essay Topic #7: Ibsen's A Doll House A doll house is a visually appealing home for an equally perfect doll to live in. In Ibsen's "A Doll House" the values of society were related only to the visual appearance of one's home and family. Social acceptance dictated Torvald and Nora's lives, including their relationship. Torvald can be assumed as not only the owner of this "doll house" but of Nora, his "doll", as well. Their marriage had the constant pressures of the image of perfection, and it is this tension that corrupts their relationship. It also forces Nora to realize the self-centered nature of her husband. Nora ultimately changes her resemblance of Torvald's "doll" and becomes an independent and confrontational woman, creating a great contrast with the title of this play. The standards on social ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalõiguse mõiste kokkuvõte.

Sotsiaalõiguse mõiste kokkuvõte. Sotsiaalõigust tuleb mõista paljutähendusliku ja evolutsioonilise kontseptina: sellel on erinevates rahvuslikes õiguskordades erinev sisu ja sellel sisul on tendents areneda vastavalt muutuvale sotsiaalsele ja majanduslikule keskkonnale. Eesti õigusteooria on sotsiaalõigust kui õiguslikku distsipliini süsteemselt käsitlenud minimaalselt. Sotsiaalõigus on avatud piiridega ning keeruliste välimiste ja sisemiste seostega distsipliin, mille piiritlemise materiaalsel dimensioonil on kaks aspekti – välimine ja sisemine. Seetõttu peetakse sotsiaalõigust oma normiallikatelt teiste õigusharudega võrreldes kõige diferentseeritumaks ja komplekssemaks. Arvestades sotsiaalõiguse kui õigusharu kiiret arengut ning sellest tingitud sagedasi seadusemuudatusi, on sotsiaalõiguse piiride teemal teaduslikud süsteemkäsitlused äärmiselt harvad. Siseriiklikel eeldustel põhineva sotsiaalõiguse mõiste kõrval on vää...

Õigus → Õigus
6 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

what are `territorial politics' ­ The multi-level politics of federal, regionalised, devolved states Distribution of power between central and regional government ­ Party competition across levels of government ­ `Regions' as spheres for autonomous action South Africa Mexico Germany · 9 provinces · 31 states plus federal district · Developed democracy · `Cooperative' federalism · Predominant role for federal 16 Laender ­ German influence, ANC government · Cooperative federalism pref...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist


THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON BAD BODY IMAGE IN CHILDREN Kristiina Tammik What is body image? Body image is the perception of one's own body, based chiefly in comparison to socially constructed standards or ideals The way you perceive yourself How you feel IN your body What you believe about your appearance What is the issue? Negative body image is important to recognize because often, whether the person has control over the issue or not, it leads to harmful results. Poor body image comes from the idea that there is only one type of "perfect body". It is a big problem in today's society and is causing major issues in many lives. Facts 42% of 1st-3rd grades want to be thinner At age 13, 53% of the girls are `'unhappy with their body" Grows to 78% to when they are 17 Numbers thrive to 80% in their women hood. Studies show that the more reality television a youn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Money in our everyday life Money plays a quite important role in our everyday life First of all, nowadays mostly everything circles around money and how much people can afford things. Secondly, every adult has to work so they could get the paycheck at the end of the month they need to pay the bills, buy food and to pay for any other expences. On the other hand, money is not the only thing in the world and money does not give you everything. You can't buy a family and friends. In conclusion, even if people work every day in order to pay for their expences, money is not the only thing in the world that makes people happy and satisfied with their life Advertising on TV Advertising on TV is a very popular way that companies use to advertise their products. First of all, advertisements on TV are called commercials and to get air time on Tv is very expencive and not every company can offord it. Secondly, TV commercials mingt be the easyest wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

British History KT küsimused ja vastused

1. How many public holidays or Red-Letter Days are there in Britain? Name them. 8 public holidays in Britain: two at Christmas, one for the New Year(which was only introduced in the late 1970s) two at Easter and three Bank Holidays. 2. What is the same and what is different about the way Christmas is celebrated in England and Estonia? In England, there's common to sing Carol's and for children, Christmas means pantomimes ­ plays based on fairy tales which combine comedy, dance and song. A traditional Christmas dinner includes roast turkey with roast potatoes, a range of vegetables, cranberry sauce etc., followed by Christmas pudding and Christmas cake. The pulling of crackers(and the wearing of paper hats) before the meal is quite popular. Afterwards many watch the Queen's traditional Christmas address on TV at 3 pm. Christmas actually contains of 3 days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
15 allalaadimist


SOTSIAALTURUNDUS JA SOTSIAALSE SEOSEGA TURUNDUS Tiina Hiob, Helen Noormets 2012 ÄP Turunduse käsiraamat (sept)  Sotsiaalturunduse mõistest  Sotsiaalseosega turunduse mõistest  Sotsiaalturunduse põhimõtted ja teoreetilised alused  4 P mudel sotsiaalturunduses  Efektiivsuse mõõtmine  Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalseosega turunduse eetikast  Kaasus „Kumm on seks“. Tänane ühiskond – siin kontekstis vahet tegemata heaolu- ja arenguühiskondade vahel – on jõudnud otsekui uude paradigmasse, kus ühiskonna liikmetelt eeldatakse suuremat osalust elukesksete otsuste tegemisel ja neil on ka tänapäevase meedia toel selleks oluliselt suurem võimalus. Kujunemas on kodanikuühendused, moodustuvad organisatsioonid ning rahvaühendused, vähenemas on poliitiliste valitsuste poolt levitatud sõna mõjujõud ning kasvanud rahva arvamuse osa otsuste tegemisel. On kasvanud informeeritus ja teadlikkus nii lok...

Majandus → Turundus
51 allalaadimist

Millennials and Technology

Let's face it ­ you're a robot! Technology to millennials is different from what any other generation has seen it as. We don't like to list microwaves, radiators or anything like that as a part of it. The world of technology has grown so fat these couple of year that we don't consider a regrigirator to be more than a basic need. Even radios and televisions are starting to fall into that category of regular appliances every household has to have. Generation Y has a whole new list of technology which nowadays includes a phone, a computer, gaming consoles, a televison, and basically anything you can control without ever having to get up or even leave our rooms. When's the last time someone asked you about something neither of you knew about and you didn't take your phone out to 'google' it? Now think about how many times you've tried to figure out the answer yourself. Sure, both ways may have plenty of attempts but which has succeeded th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Arbore Tribe

Arbore Tr ibe Nadya Karakevich Valentina Appolonova Name The Arbore culture is ancient but not static. Arbore is said to be the name of the first ancestor of the Arbore Girl tribe. Arbore "ar" means land and "bore" also means bull. Therefor Arbore means "land of Bulls." They actually call themselves "Hoor", in reference to their dependence on the inundated flats. Habitat, location The Arbore or Erbore are Cushitic agro-pastoral people dwelling in southwestern Omo Valley Ethiopia. The Arbore territory is a savanna grassland around 500 m elevation. The Weito River (local name Lima) flows from north to south and runs into the Lake Chew Bahir (Chelbz), on the border between Ethiopia and Kenya. The people live along the lower part of the river. Population Their population is estimated to be around 7000. The Arbore consists of a northern division ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Depression What is depression? • Serious medical illness • Varity of symptoms • Risk factors • Treatments • 1/3 of the times Symptoms • Psychological • Physical • Social Interesting facts • 15 million people • Suicides • Postpartum depression • Support from family • Abraham Lincoln • “Sunny People” • Colds Thank you for your attention

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
2 allalaadimist


Depression What is depression? · Serious medical illness · Varity of symptoms · Risk factors · Treatments · 1/3 of the times Symptoms · Psychological · Physical · Social Interesting facts · 15 million people · Suicides · Postpartum depression · Support from family · Abraham Lincoln · "Sunny People" · Colds Thank you for your attention

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

Estuary English 1. The geographical dimension: Is `Estuary' English estuary? Estuary English is a dialect of English widely spoken in South East England, especially along the River Thames and its estuary. Phonetician John C. Wells defines Estuary English as "Standard English spoken with the accent of the southeast of England".[1] The name comes from the area around the Thames, particularly London, Kent, north Surrey and south Essex. The variety first came to public prominence in an article by DavidRosewarne in the Times Educational Supplement in October 1984. [2] Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace RP (Received Pronunciation) in the south-east. Studies have indicated that Estuary English is not a single coherent form of English; rather, the reality behind the construct consists of some (but not a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

Units 12-18 1. system of pandects ­ pandektiline süsteem 2. general provisions ­ üldosa 3. law of property ­ asjaõigus 4. family law ­ perekonnaõigus 5. law of sucession ­ pärimisõigus 6. law of obligations ­ võlaõigus 7. General Part of the Civil Code Act ­ TsÜS 8. Law of Property Act ­ AÕS 9. Family Law Act ­ perekonnaseadus 10. Law of Succession Act ­ PäRS 11. Law of Obligations Act ­ VÕS 12. persons and transactions ­ isikud ja tehingud 13. natural persons 14. legal persons 15. passive legal capacity ­ õigusvõime 16. active legal capacity ­ (an ability to independently asume civil rights and incur civil obligations) ­ teovõime 17. live birth ­ elussünd 18. bequeath property ­ pärandama 19. mental state ­ vaimne seisund 20. restricted active legal capacity ­ piiratud teovõime 21. mental illness ­ vaimehaigus 22. mental disability ­ nõdrameelsus 23. mental disorder ­ psüühiline häire (sickness ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö nr2: „Drivers of Convergence in Eleven Eastern European Countries“

Iseseisev töö nr.2 1l. Kasuta artiklit ,,Drivers of Convergence in Eleven Eastern European Countries" ( ja arutle selle üle, millised on Eesti tööjõuturu probleemid võrreldes EL 15-ga (Artikkel on ka Moodles). Meil on palju inimesi. Meie tootlikus on madal. Samas hetkel on meil probleem selles, et meie hairdus ei vasta nõudmistele, ehk meil pole piisavalt vajalikke 2. Miks töötus on nii majanduslik kui ka sotsiaalne probleem nii kogu Euroopa Liidu kui ka iga üksiku liikmesriigi jaoks? Esiteks kui on palju töötuid, siis turg ei elavne. Kuna paljudel on väike sissetulek, siis nad ei tarbi. Samas peab riik neid ülal pidama, kui samal ajal saaks selle rahaga mida targemat teha. Riikidevaheliselt võib liikuda inimesi, inimesed lähevad siinna, kus on kõrgemad tööturahad ning seal enam tööd edasi ei tee. Samuit kui on töötuid, siis ei liigu näiteks spetsialistid üh...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
2 allalaadimist

Infotehnoloogiast ja suhtlusvõrgud

Are IT and communication technology bringing about more positive or negative changes? Dear audience, i want to tell you about the positive and negative sides of it and communication technology. Informational technology is most commonly used to talk about computers and computer networks but it also includes other information sorces such as television and telephones. Electronic computers began to appear in the early 1940's. The origins of the internet are from the 1960's. Over a third of the human's population have used the services of the internet. But what about the other two thirds? Is is better for them to have not been able to use this huge network, or is it a bad thing? The first biggest concerns are the communication sites because they are used too often and they tend to change the view how we understand the term ,,personal relationships". The most popular social network-Facebook-was launched in 2004 and it has beco...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kuidas vähendada sotsiaalset looderdamist?

Kuidas vähendada sotsiaalset looderdamist? Sotsiaalse looderdamise vähendamiseks on mitmeid erinevaid võimalusi. Väga hea moodus on tagada töö kindel struktuur, mis võimaldab juhendajal/õpetajal kontrollida üksikliikmete individuaalset panust. See toimib vaid juhul, kui vastavad grupiliikmed on sellest ka ise teadlikud. On mõistlik koostada aruandlussüsteem, kus meeskonnaliikmed saavad hinnata rahulolu iga liikme isikliku panusega. Samuti saab sinna üles märkida ka erinevad probleemid ning väljakutsed seoses ühise grupitööga (Jones, K. 2013) Selleks, et iga liikme panus oleks selgelt tarvilik ning kohustuslik edukaks töö valmimiseks, oleks parem moodustada väiksemad grupid (4-5 liiget) (Jones, K. 2013).Viimane tagab omakorda rühma suurema kohesiivsuse, st meeskonnaliikmete omavahelise meeldivuse ja pühendumise, mis on tõestanud vähendama sotsiaalset looderdamist. Samuti tuleks anda rühmadele suurem vali...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
4 allalaadimist

English download B2 workbook lk 16 harjutus 1 vastused-Listening

English download B2 workbook lk 16 harjutus 1 vastused (Listening) 1. Is being examined by modern scientists 2. Success in relationships 3. Generally speaking, it covers four different areas 4. People need to understand their own feelings 5. By communicating in different ways 6. May have been important to the survival of the species 7. Learn to develop their social intelligence

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
0 allalaadimist


INVESTBULGARIA AGENCY WHO ARE WE InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) is a Government institution providing information, contacts and project management support to potential investors. IBA services: Macroeconomic data on Bulgaria Data on operational costs Regional information Personalized administrative servicing Legal advice Liaison with central and local governments Liaison with branch chambers and NGOs GENERAL INFORMATION Official name: Republic of Bulgaria Area: 110 994 sq.m. Population: 7.4 million Capital: Sofia Time zone: EET (UTC+2) Official language: Bulgarian Currency: Lev (BGN) Fixed exchange rate: 1 = BGN 1.95583 Type of government: Parliamentary Member of: EU, NAT...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tuhkur(inglise keeles)

Ferret Compilator: MariaEva Maasik Introduction Domesticated mammal Sexually dimorphic prederators Males substantially larger Typically brown,black,white or mixed fur Avarage length 20 inches Weigh 1.54 pounds Lifespan 710 years Hunting rabbits, pets Behavior Crepuscular (1418, dawn and dusk) Social groups Marking territory Scared> emanate a smell Weasel war dance (not agressive,clucking noise) Upset> hissing noise Diet Obligate carnivores Small prey Uses of ferrets Pets Experimental animal model

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Eesti ajalugu

HISTORY OF ESTONIA Estonians are one of the longest-settled European peoples, whose forebears, known as the "comb pottery" people, lived on the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea over 5,000 years ago. Like other early agricultural societies, Estonians were organized into economically self-sufficient, male-dominated clans with few differences in wealth or social power. By the early Middle Ages most Estonians were small landholders, with farmsteads primarily organized by village. With the collapse of the Russian empire in World War I, Russia's provisional government granted national autonomy to Estonia. A popularly elected assembly (Maapaev) was formed but was quickly forced underground by opposing extremist political forces. The Committee of Elders of the underground Maapaev announced the Republic of Estonia on February 24, 1918, 1 day before German troops invaded. After the withdrawal of Ger...

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
10 allalaadimist

Mõjustamise teoreetilised eeldused

Loeng 1. Mõjustamise teoreetilised eeldused I Käitumise vormimine Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990) käitumise modifitseerimine 1.1 Sarrustamine/kinnitamine (reinforcement) · positiivne sarrustamine/kinnitamine (soovitava lisamine) · negatiivne sarrustamine/kinnitamine (mittesoovitava eemaldamine) · karistus (soovitava eemaldamine) 1.2 Primaarne ja sekundaarne sarrustamine/kinnitamine Eesmärk: omandada seos käitumise ja sellele järgneva tulemuse vahel · primaarne kinnitaja ­ näiteks toit, vesi, hapnik, seksuaalne aktiivsus bioloogiliselt neutraalne/ mitteneutraalne · sekundaarne kinnitaja ­ omandatud Iga neutraalne stiimul, mida assotseeritakse primaarse kinnitajaga, muutub sekundaarseks kinnitajaks Inimese käitumist kontrollitakse sekundaarsete kinnitajateg...

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
62 allalaadimist


Viitamine. Psühholoogia Instituut. Ajakirja artikkel Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Pealkiri. Ajakirja nimetus, köide, lk. · Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45, 10- 36. Viide tekstis. Kui artiklil on rohkem kui 3 autorit, siis esimesel viitamisel tuleb märkida kõik autorid, järgnevate viidete puhul märgitakse ainult esimene autor ja lisatakse "et al.". Ülaltoodud näite puhul esimene viitamine: Klimoski, Palmer, Johnson ja Smith (1993) leidsid, et ... Järgmised viited samale tööle: Klimoski ja tema kolleegid (1993) leidsid, et ... Publitseerimisel olev artikkel · Zuckerman, M., & Kieffer, S. C. (in press). Race differences in face-ism: Does facial prominence imply dominance? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Artikkel populaarteaduslikus a...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist

Pidgins, creoles and Standard English (English in South-East Asia and the Pacific)

Pidgins, creoles and standard language Pidgin language  A simplified language  Mainly employed in trade  NOT the native language of any community  may be built from words, sounds, or body language from multiple other languages and cultures  No particular rules Chinese Pidgin English  a pidgin lexically based on English and influenced by Chinese  developed in 17th century in China  Began to decline during the 19th century, when standard English began to be taught in schools Chinese Pidgin English Some characteristics:  Based on a vocabulary of 700 English words  Grammar and syntax are simple and positional (grammatical categories are indicated by the position of words in a sentence)  Lack of plural personal pronouns Chinese Pidgin English Example sentences:  Hab gat rening kum daun (Have got raining come down) “There is rain coming down”  Tumoro mai no kan kum (Tomorrow my ...

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
2 allalaadimist

The economics of fare trade

THE ECONOMICS OF FARE TRADE RALUCA DRAHUSANU DANIELE GIOVANNUCCI NATHAN NUNN Summarised by: Tartu 2015 Outline What is fare trade? What fare trade aims to do. Requirements for certification Does fare trade work? What is fair trade? · Social movement whose stated goal is to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability · Label informs consumers that the product was produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner Fair trade aims to: · Improve the living conditions of producers in developing nations · Attempts to achieve higher prices for producers · Greater availability of financing for producers · Longer-term and more sustainable buyer-seller relationships · The creation and/or maintainance of effective producer or worker organizations · Improved social goods and c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sotsiaaltöö kui tulevikueriala

Sotsiaaltöö kui tulevikueriala Nagu iga teinegi amet, on ka sotsiaaltööl mõningad puudused ja eelised. Sotsiaaltöötajaid on vaja, et avastada uusi lähenemisi ja arendada praktikat uuele rahvastikule. Kõigil sotsiaalaladega tegelevad inimesed peaksid kaasa aitama sotsiaaltöö professiooni edendamisele ja parandamisele. Sotsiaalala töötajatlele võimaldatakse aina tõhusamaid töövahendeid ja koolitusi, kuid mina leian, et sotsiaaltöös oleks vaja veelgi rohkem näha tulevikus ühiskondliku töö, sotsiaalpoliitika, uurimustöö kasutamist. Ühiskondlik sotsiaaltöö Praeguse sotsiaaltöö fookuses on liialt üksikute riskirühmade juhtumikorraldus, kuid vähem on rahval koostööd ühiskonnaga. Nagu ütlesid Hollandi sotsiaaltööteadlased oma kogumiku (,,Mõtisklusi sotsiaaltööst") esitluses, et on vaja rohkem kogukondlikku sotsiaaltööd, mis põhineb suhete omavahelistel ühendustel. Kogukondlik sotsiaaltöö tähendab ühiskonna arendamise metoodikat, kas...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
61 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Palm oil Kristiina Pällo LU1 EMÜ 2016 • Edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit • Oil palm trees are grown in tropical areas • Widely used in food industry due to its semi-solid state in room temperature and long shelf-life • It is in a lot of everyday products – makeup, shampoo, soap, biodiesel. Also in food – sweet treats (chocolate, biscuits etc), margarine, nut butters, crisps. The Two kinds of palm oil • Palm oil comes from palm fruit. It is rich in vitamin E and it has a red colour due to beta-caroten in it. High in saturated fats. Used mostly in food industry • Palm kernel oil comes from palm fruit seed. Also high in saturated fats. Used mostly in products such as shampoos, makeup, biofuel etc Ingridient list • Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Fat, Palm Kernel, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Fruit Oil, Palmate, Palmitate, Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Elaeis Guinee...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Pet therapy

Pet therapy.  A kind of treatment designed to stimulate people who are withdrawn or uncommunicative has recently been given a new name: pet therapy. It has given difficult children, lonely old people and even anti-social prisoners a completely new outlook on life  Even though pet therapy is only now being widely used, it is not a new idea. In the eighteenth century an English doctor, William Tuke, filled the grounds of a hospital for mentally disturbed people with chickens, rabbits and goats. At a time when people were usually punished for strange behavior rather than helped, this was a radical new approach to treating the mentally disturbed. Tuke's idea was that patients could learn self-control by caring for creatures weaker than themselves.  This is an idea which has persisted. In New York, horses, cows, cats and dogs were recruited to heal soldiers w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

School Bullying worksheet

School Bullying Worksheet Respond to the questions below in detail. 1. What are the 4 levels of negative consequences of bullying specified by the text? General school climate, right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear, lifelong consequences. 2. What is the foremost source of formal bullying research? Scandinavian countries, Great Britain, and Japan. 3. Direct bullying behaviours include (5) teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, stealing. 4. Indirect bullying is such as spreading rumours and enforcing social isolation. 5. Boys and girls differ in their bullying behaviours in that Boys typically engage in direct bullying methods. but girls are more apt to utilize more subtle indirect strategies. 6. In general terms, bullying can be defined as direct and indirect. 7. The amou...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

World peace essee

·World peace An essay Every leader within the world aims to seek out an enduring answer to the issues that beset our planethowever to date, peace on earth has continuing to be associate elusive dream. There ar several movements, conferences, brotherhoods and fraternities everywhere the planet that promotes the thought of world peace. Philosophers, theologians, politicians, and different nice thinkers from the past up to this have offered numerousformulas and concepts for achieving peace however nobody has nevertheless came up with a solid answer to the question. Why is world peace thus troublesome to achieve? maybe the solution lies inside our self. What have we have a tendency to done to create the planet a higher place to measure in? however have we have a tendency totreated our brothers and our neighbors? If we glance at the philosophies and t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

James watt

James Watt Maarja Ambos DIana Bõstrova Hannes Teiss 11.a Pictures Biography · 19 January, 1736 in Greenock · Parents · Education in home · Watt travelled to London · Workshop · It was established in 1758 Social life · In 1764 cousin Margaret Miller · 1772 · In 1777 Ann MacGregor · 1832 · Brother John · Professor John Robison · 19 August 1819 in Heathfield · James Watt Cairn · The stones used... Watt's steam engine · ... · Use of steam ... · The partnership · Later improvements Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOLI HAAPSALU KOLLED Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid konspekt Saskia Püümann 2016 Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid konspekt 2016 Haapsalu Kolledz Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid:...............................................................................................................5 Erinevad probleemid:.......................................................................................... 5 Eesti institutsioonide poolt kasutatavad definitsioonid:......................................6 SOTSIAALSED VAJADUSED (needs) (I)..................................................................6 SOTSIAALPROBLEEM........................................................................................... 7 DEFINITSIOONID:................................................................................................. 8 Norm, normaalsus ja väärtused.....................

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
76 allalaadimist

Spanish California

Spanish California The fifteenth century saw the completion of the reconquest of Spain and the emergence of Ferdinand and Isabella as the rulers of an expansionist empire eager to spread Christianity to distant lands and increase the wealth and power of Spain in the process.. Immediately after Christopher Columbus's discovery of the Americas in 1492, Spain began a series of expeditions into North, Central and South America. In 1519 Hernan Cortes began a campaign to conquer Tenochtitlan. It took several years but eventually he prevailed. The Aztec capital was razed to the ground and replaced by Mexico City. Mexico City quickly became the political/military center for most of Spain's possessions in North and Central America - what they were to call New Spain. The conquistadores brought great wealth to the throne but they also posed potential political risks as they grew stronger. The Spanish monarchy sought to neutr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Manners in Estonia

Manners in Estonia Kevin Pillau Hierarchy in Estonian Society Estonia is a hierarchical society. Age, experience and position earn respect. Older people are generally viewed as wiser and as a result revered and honoured. Elders are introduced first and in general are treated much like royalty. Those in senior positions bear the responsibility to make decisions in the interest of the group. Due to seniority titles are very important when addressing people. It is expected that you will use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. Cultural Traditions Estonian culture as an identity is very strong. Oral traditions especially have played a key role in preserving traditions, stories and customs during Soviet administration. Singing is a very Estonian activity and the Estonians are known to have sung their way to freedom during the "Singing Revolution" of 1989-91. Manners Estonians on the whole a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The art of dance

The art of dance Kristiina Moosel, N-14 There’s 7,3 billion humans on the planet Earth right now. [1] All of us know how to dance. Some of us just might not know it. But why are people dancing? With the latest decades more and more people have started dancing. They all have their own reasons and ways how and why they’re doing it. Some of us do it to entertain others and themselves, some are doing it as an art form. There’s people, who are communicaiting by dancing and those who work out or even meditate by doing it. In my case, I’m doing it because of all the above. [2] What is „A Dance“? Dance is the art of movement of the body, usually rhythmically and to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures. "A dance" is any one prescribed sequence of such movements, or the music to which it is performed, or an event at which it tak...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tervishoiu sotsiaaltöö terminaalselt haigetega

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Sotsiaaltöö korralduse osakond AÜSR2 TERVISHOIU SOTSIAALTÖÖ TERMINAALSELT HAIGETE INIMESTEGA Referaat Juhendaja: Pärnu 2016 SISSEJUHATUS Tänapäeval tuleb tervishoius järjest rohkem kokku puutuda inimestega, kes on teadlikud neile määratud elupäevade arvust. Mõned neist on terminaalselt haiged, kes kannatavad pikaajalise surmaga lõppeva haiguse käes ja kannatavad pikalt nii oma haiguse kui ka teadmisega, et nende elu on lõppemas. Mõned aga saavad diagnoosi oma elu viimasel hetkel ega pea kaua kannatama. Siiski on mõlemal juhul kliendil ja tema perel vaja nõustamist ja inimest, kes aitaks leida vastused nende küsimustele ja pakuks erinevaid võimalusi lisatoe saamiseks. Surma ootav inimene on tavaliselt hirmul või lausa šokiseisundis. Nende mõttelaad muutub ja sageli te...

Meditsiin → Tervishoid
20 allalaadimist

Eelkoolipedagoogika mõisted

Eelkoolipedagoogika mõisted Valiku valdkonda kuuluvatest mõistetest koostas eelkoolipedagoogika õppejõud MA Jane Rätsep Algharidus (primary education)- üldhariduse esimene aste, lugemis-, kirjutamis- ja arvutamisoskus ning algteadmised inimesest,loodusest ja ühiskonnast. Tänapäeval arenenud riikides enam ei eristata, kuna kohustuslik on põhiharidus. Alusharidus (early childhood education)- teadmiste, oskuste, vilumuste ja käitumisnormide kogum, mis loob eeldused edukaks edasijõudmiseks igapäevaelus ja koolis. Areng (development)- kvalitatiivsete ja kvantitatiivsete muutuste protsess inimese organismis, psüühikas, intellektuaalses ja hingelises sfääris, mis on toimunud väliste, sisemiste, juhtivate ja mittejuhitavate faktorite mõjul. Areng on eluaegne protsess, mis algab eostumisest ja jätkub kuni surmani. Areng on muutumine ning arengulised muutused on märgatavad vaid teatud aja möödudes. Inimese arengut iseloomustab peale füüsilise...

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
21 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse, vaheeksami konspekt

Mida tähendab sotsiloogia? ­ teadus inimühiskonnast, sotsiaalsetest suhetest ja sotsiaalsest käitumisest. Millest kahest sõnast koosneb antud mõiste ja mida nad tähendavad? - (socius, ld ­ kaaslane; societas, ld ­ühiskond; socium, ld ­ kollektiiv; logos, kr ­ sõna, õpetus) Kes on sotsioloogia mõiste autor ning millist mõistet ta kasutas enne seda? Auguste Comte, sotsiaalne füüsika Mida tahendab sotsiaalne kujutlus? - mõista ajaloolises kontekstis inimeste eluvõimalusi, nende tähendust ja mõju inimeste käitumisele. Sotsioloogiline kujutlusvõime aitab mõista, missugune on suhe eraelu ja avaliku elu sfääride vahel. Millest koosneb sotsioloogilise vaatekoha olemus? ­ väärtuste vaba, empiiriline Mida tähendab sotsiaalne fakt? Kes on selle mõiste autor? ­ Emille Durkheim ­ seletatav nähtus ühiskonnas. Mida ütleb Elton Mayo sotsiaalse tegelikkuse uurimise iseärasusest? - Kas üldse on võimalik sotsiaalse tegelikkuse kohta midagi teada? Ka sell...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
79 allalaadimist

Fiskaalpoliitika ehk eelarvepoliitika

EESTI FISKAALPOLIITIKA MÕNINGATEST ASPEKTIDEST Kaie Kerem Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Kuna Eesti on väike avatud majandus, siis sõltub Eesti majandus väga tugevasti majanduskonjunktuuri muutustest välisturgudel. Seoses Eestis rakendatud valuutakomiteel põhineva rahasüsteemiga pole Eestis võimalik teostada aktiivset rahapoliitikat. Seetõttu on fiskaalpoliitikal täita Eesti majanduses oluline roll. Antud artiklis analüüsitakse valitsussektori tulusid ja kulutusi ning nendega seonduvaid probleeme. Samuti vaadeldakse valitsussektori kulutuste ja tulude struktuuri ning fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse mõningaid aspekte. Fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse tõstmine on eriti oluline tingimustes, kus Eesti on endale seadnud eesmärgiks ühineda Euroopa Liiduga. Valitsussektori tulud Fiskaalpoliitika järjekindlus on siirderiikide stabiilsuse ühe...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
120 allalaadimist

Turundusvõimalused Facebookis

SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.........................................................................................................................2 1. SOTSIAALMEEDIA OLEMUS JA RAKENDAMINE TURUNDUSKANALINA.............3 1.1. Sotsiaalmeedia olemus..............................................................................................................3 1.2. Sotsiaalmeedia rakendamine turunduskanalina.....................................................................4 1.3. Sotsiaalmeediavõrgustik Facebook..........................................................................................6 2. FACEBOOK TURUNDUSKANALINA................................................................................8 2.1. Facebooki fännilehed................................................................................................................8 2.2. Facebooki postitused...........................................................

Majandus → Turundus
13 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine Mis on sotsiaalne probleem? Sotsiaalne probleem on ühiskondlikult põhjustatud tingimused, mis haavavad või ohustavad mingit rahvastiku osa Sotsiaalne probleem on situatsioon, mida enamus vaatlejatest peab ebasoovitavaks ja sekkumist vajavaks. Sotsiaalne probleem ei seostu või ei piirdu indiviidiga ­ tuleb teha vahet isikliku (isikust lähtuva) ja sotsiaalse (ühiskonna struktuurist lähtuva) probleemi vahel. Iga sotsiaalse probleemi puhul tuleb mängu isiklik (isikust lähtuv) e. individuaalne aspekt ja sotsiaalne (ühiskonna struktuurist lähtuv) e. struktuurne aspekt. Definitsioon: sotsiaalne probleem ~ sotsiaalprobleem ­ elukvaliteedi halvenemisest tekkiv toimetulematus või võõrdumus, mis haarab suure osa ühiskonnast või kogu ühiskonna sotsiaalpoliitika ­ avaliku võimu prioriteedid ja sihipärane tegevus sotsiaalsete probleemide la...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
46 allalaadimist

George Sand

Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin, later Baroness Dudevant (1 July 1804 ­ 8 June 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and feminist. Early life Sand's father was a distant relative of Louis XVI. Her mother was a commoner. Sand was born in Paris but raised by her grandmother at her estate, Nohant, in the French region of Berry. She later used the setting in many of her novels. In 1822, at age 19, she married Baron Casimir Dudevant. She and Dudevant had two children: Maurice and Solange. In early 1831 she left her prosaic husband. 4 years later she was legally separated from Dudevant and, taking the children with her, converted to a Jewish faith. Contemporary views Sand's reputation came into question when she began sporting men's clothing in public. In addition to being comfortable, Sand's male dress enabled her to circulate more freely in Paris than most of her female contemporaries could. It gave her increase...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


TAXATION To tax- maksu võtma kelleltki (riigimaksu) Taxation- maksustamine, maksundus Primary fonction of taxation- To collect money to government expenditures. Direct tax- are collected by the government from the income of individuals and businesses. Indirect tax- are levied on the production or sale of goods and services. They are included in the price paid by the final purchase. Business profits are generally taxed twice- After the company pays tax on its profits, the shareholders pay income tax on any dividends recieved from these profits. Progressive tax- people with higher incomes pay a higher rate of tax than people with lower incomes. Proportional- tax that is imposed at a fixed rate. Regressive tax- (direct taxes are usually) ­ people with a lower income pay a proportionally greater part of their income than people with a higher income. Indirect taxes are slightly regressive- peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun