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Psüühika põhifunktsioonide õpiküsimustik 5

Õpiküsimus Vastus Allikad 1. Kuidas representeeritakse ÕO11 liigutusi ajukoore motoorsete Eesmärgina (prefrontaalkoor) piirkondade hierarhias - prefrontaalses (prefrontal Üksikliigutuste jadana (premotoorne piirkond) cortex), premotoorses(premotor Liigutatava kehaosa/objekti trajektoorina ja cortex) ja motoorses (primary motor cortex) piirkonnas? lihasaktiivsuse mustrina (motoorne ajukoor ja korrigeerivad piirkonnad) 2. Milline on taju roll tegevuses? Taju kasutatakse liigutuste planeerimisel. Lisaks ÕO11 sellele ka liigutuse analüüsil ja korrigeerimisel. L11 ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
215 allalaadimist

Estonia traditional costumes

Estonia traditional costumes In Estonia traditional costume denotes mainly the festive peasant dress of the 19th century, which in its time referred besides social status also to national background, as the ruling class were mainly German at the time. The former peasant costume of regional variation has become today a national symbol and has turned due to its altered function into a national dress. Estonian country folk produced their clothing mainly from home-spun woollen or linen fabric: shirts and married women's head-wear was mostly made from linen, while various outer garments, gloves, stockings and socks, were made from wool. The majority of the clothes remained undyed for a long time: linen garments were bleached white, while woollen outer garments were mainly sheep-brown or black. The wool for making skirts was dyed with herbal dyes. The bedstraw root was particularly widely used to produce red colouring...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Haridusfilosoofia Dewey

Lugege Dewey'i raamatu peatükki 7. Esiteks püüdke aru saada, mis on Dewey põhiideed selles peatükis. Teiseks, mõelge kuidas ta esitleb ja mida arvab ajaloolistest autoritest. Kolmandaks, kuidas see seostub sellega, millest esimeses loengus rääkisime haridusest üldiselt. Seitsmendas peatükis Dewey arutleb kogemusliku hariduse üle. Kuidas valitud teema peab langema tavalise elukogemuse ulatusse ja siis peaks eelnev elukogemus aitama sel teemal areneda täiuslikumaks ja rohkem arenumaks. Dewey toob välja selle, et hariduses on tavaline see, et õpe algab selle õpetamisega, mida õppijad juba teavad, kuid raskem ülesanne on see teadmine ja kogemus juba edendada rohkem täiuslikumasse ja organiseeritumasse vormi. Õpetaja väljakutse seisneb nende kogemuste välja valimises millel oleks potentsiaali ja mis lubaksid presenteerida uusi probleeme mis julgustaksid õppijaid teistmoodi jälgima ja otsustama ning lõpuks laiendama uue ja edasise kogemuse ...

Pedagoogika → Haridus
4 allalaadimist


СОКРАЩЕНИЯ И СИМВОЛЫ В ЭКОНОМИКЕ LÜHENDID JA SÜMBOLID A Technological progress Технологический Tehniline progress прогресс AD Aggregate demand Совокупный спрос Kogunõudlus AE Aggregate expenses Совокупные затраты Kogukulutused AFC Average fix cost Средние постоянные Keskmine püsikulu затраты AP Average product Средний продукт Keskmine produkt, toodang APC Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine tarbimiskalduvus consume потреблению APS Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine säästmise save сбережению kalduvus AR Average revenue Средний доход ...

Keeled → Vene keel
7 allalaadimist

Transpordiökonoomika ülesanded 3 (lahendustega)

Ülesanded 3. harjutustunniks 1. Reisinõudlus liinil on antud valemiga Q (G) = 800 ­ 80G. Kohalik omavalitsus doteerib liini ning sellest tulenevalt on piletihind 1. On teada, et summaarne keskmise reisija kaalutud reisiaeg Kt = 1h ning sõitja ajaväärtus Vt = 5 /h. Omavalitsus otsustab doteerimise lõpetada, mispeale piletihind tõuseb 4-ni. Arvuta reisi üldistatud kulu G, sõidunõudlused enne ja pärast ning tarbija hinnalisa (TR) muutus. G1 = 1+5x1=6 G2=4+5x1=9 G=3 Q1 = 800-80x6=320 Q2 = 800-80x9=80 TR = 80x3+1/2x240x3 = 240+360=600 (kuna läks halvemaks, siis see number on tegelikult miinusega) 2. Reisinõudlus liinil kahe väikelinna vahel on antud valemiga Q (G) = 1000 ­ 30G. Praegu on liinil keskmine sõiduaeg 30 minutit, liikluse intervall 10 minutit ning piletihind 1.5 . Keskmise sõitja ajaväärtuseks on 3/h. Liini teenusepakkuja kaalub intervalli vähenda...

Logistika → Transpordiökonoomika
24 allalaadimist

Love and marriage

Love and marriage It is generally considered foolish to marry for love, although love may occur in marriage. Your parents and friends are better equipped than you are to look out for your best interests, being mature and experienced in the world. Let them negotiate and recommend and you're much more likely to be happy in marriage. Just because a marriage is arranged doesn't mean you've never met the other person. Most people arrange their children's marriages with the children of neighbors and friends. The lower on the social scale you are, the more likely you are to have a choice in the matter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Elukvaliteet ja eluga rahulolu: Eesti rahvusvahelises võrdluses

Elukvaliteet ja eluga rahulolu: Eesti rahvusvahelises võrdluses Käesolevas töös on võrreldud eestlaste elukvaliteeti ja eluga rahulolu Euroopa riikidega. Eesmärk on teada saada kas eestlaste elukvaliteet erineb teistest Euroopa maadest. Töö tulemusena on teada saadud, et eestlased on oma elukvaliteediga küllaltki rahul, kuid mitmed riigid on elukvaliteedilt kõrgemad kui Eesti. Tervelt 73% eestlastest on oma eluga rahul ja tunnevad end õnnelikuna. 2009 aastal, olid oma eluga kõige enam rahul põhjapoolsemate väikeriikide elanikud: Taani (98%), Soome (96%), Rootsi (96%) ja Norra elanikud (97%). Kõige vähem olid oma eluga rahul bulgaarlased, ungarlased ja lätlased. Võtmesõnad: elukvaliteet Eestis, elukvaliteet ja rahulolu, üldine elukvaliteet, elukvaliteet Euroopas, Eesti Inimarengu Aruanne 2008, lapse elukvaliteet, eakate elukvaliteet, elukvaliteedi mõõtmine, eestlaste ja eurooplaste tööhõive, keskmised palgad, Rootsi ...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
95 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Am I going to marry

Am I going to marry Marriage (or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. For me, marriage is a very important event it makes people care about each other more and understand each other better. I have thought about it to marry in distant future. But before is needed to finish the school. It is not enough, because be some time before that to live together. Must also find a good and rewarding job, because weddings arevery expensive at this time. But if two peoples want to get married then money is not an obstacle. True love can not compare with money and it does not have possible to buy with money.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

What is performance?

What is performance?  Any and all of the activities of human life can be studies “as” performance  Investigate what the object does, his interaction with other objects and beings, how it relates to other objects or beings  Performances exist only as actions, interactions and relationships  Restored behaviour or the “twice behaved behaviours”  Key process of performance  All behaviour consist of bits of previously behaved behaviour  Marked, framed, heightened  Something “is” a performance when historical and social context, convention, usage and tradition says it is  Make-believe performances maintain a clearly marked boundary between the world of the performance and everyday reality (children playing, actors on stage)  Make-belief performances intentionally blur or sabotage that boundary (everyday life, public figures) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Schizophrenia Kristel Raud PSPSB ­ 2 What is schizophrenia? Mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by impaired emotional responses Delusions including paranoia and auditory hallucinations, disorganized thinking reflected in speech, and a lack of emotional intelligence Symptoms Hallucinations (hearing voices) Delusions (bizarre or persecutory in nature) Disorganized thinking and speech Social withdrawal Sloppiness of dress and hygiene Loss of motivation and judgment Positive and negative symptoms POSITIVE NEGATIVE Poverty of speech (alogia) Delusions Lack of desire to form Disordered thoughts relationships (asociality) and speech Lack of motivation (avolition) Auditory and visual hallucinations Causes Combination of genetic and environmental factors Fami...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

Emotion regulation in relation.. 1 Emotion regulation in relation to physiological stress response. University Name Research Project Module Code: xx 2007-2008 Supervised by xxx Word count: 7261 Emotion regulation in relation.. 2 Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between psychological and the biological stress response. It is known that humans, interacting with each other or their environment, have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essen...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist


Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Kati Pall Address Järvamaa Roosna- Alliku vald Koordi Küla Telephone(s) 58504218 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 30.09.1992 Gender Female Desired employment / TÜ Paifarm Occupational field AS Paide Selver Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Estonian Social skills and competences Good computer skills, Word, Powerpoint and Exel Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences Computer skills and Good competences Artistic skills and c...

Ametid → Ametijuhend
7 allalaadimist

Marko Pomerants

Marko Pomerants Marko Pomerants was born in 24.09.1964,in Tamsalu,in West-Virumaa. Personal status: Married,two sons Estonian Military monumental- medal "10 years of recovered military " 2001 Border Guard badge "Sword and Lynx" 2002 Lifesaving service goldencros s 2002 Border Guard favourcros s II class 2000 Tamsalu Secondary School 1982 Tartu University, Geology 1989; open management degree 2002 Party:Isamaa and Res Publica Union 2002­ Room L 149 Jobs: Parliament 2007­ Parliament 2005­2007; Minister of Social Affairs of Estonia 2003-2005 West-Viru county governor 1995­2003 West-Viru county goverment elementchapter's leader Funniest speaking. Estonian Parliament's member Marko Pomerants (IRl) performs preposal that in case of republic's jubileeyear should estonians take down 900 000kg together. Creational Activity: articles in Estonian journalism, in newspaper "Postimees" Activitys: volleyball,nature and family. ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Dog Communication

Dog Communication Kristjan Olt Dog communication comes in a variety of forms, and is part of the foundation of dog social behaviour. Dogs use certain movements of their bodies and body parts and different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: ­ Excitement ­ Playfulness ­ Happiness ­ Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness. Dogs stamp their legs when exited. The position of head is a sign of curiosity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Netiquette Rasmus Leinasaar Audru School 7a Respect Other People Remember the world is a big place full of very different people. When you communicate with someone on the Internet,remember that other people's opinios may be different form yours. Try not to hurt their feelings. Respect other people's time When you send an email to someone, they need time to read it. So be sure that they don't have to spend too much time reading it. Keep your emails and online messages shot.Dont write in capital letters. It looks as if you're shouting and it is also difficul to read . Never send chain. Netiquette, a colloquial portmanteau of network etiquette or Internet etiquette, is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Overpopulation Tuuli Tomingas TK18 What is overpopulation? When some kind of area has too many people or... When human population is too big and social or natural structure can not fulfill the needs. The most problematic areas Africa Asia South-America Global problems Air pollution Garbage Destruction of rainforests Non-renewable resorces Community problems Bad food and water quality or at all their lack of. Air pollution causes respiratory diseases. Garbage problem. Waste management is not organized. Many poor people. A lot of Unemployed Outbreaks and bad availability of medical care. Poor quality of education or no access to it at all. Not enough space of living Solutions Actually there is no complete solution. Theoretically education would help. Developed countries have negative population growth but ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne intelligentsus-referaat

LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse ja majandusarvestuse õppetool KI SOTSIAALNE INTELLIGENTSUS Referaat Õppejõud: Mõdriku 2009 Sisukord Sisukord.........................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................................3 Daniel Goleman.............................................................................................................4 Särava suhtlemise eelised..............................................................................................6 Käehoidmise tähtsus......................................................................................................7 Ohtlikud suhted................................

Majandus → Majandus
66 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

HISTORY TEST 5 invasions to Britain until 1066 1) The Celts o Gaels in 600BC; Cymry(Britons) in 300BC o From present-day Austria, Switzerland o The Celtic language survives in the names of many places in England- Dover, Kent, Thames o The Celts are best known for their art- many bronze objects with elaborate designs; brooches; pins; mirrors; Celtic stone crosses o The Celts had 3 social orders: warriors, druids(priests) ordinary people 2) The Romans o (55 BC-Caesar) 43 AD- 410 AD- Claudius o From present-day Italy o Southern Britain became Britannia and was ruled by a roman governor o The Romans built over 20 towns: Colchester, Londinium, Winchester etc. They were good engineers and built roads and villas that had central heating, glass windows and mosaic floors ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Drugs and addiction

Addictions summary 2011 Table of contents 1. Addictions 3 Drug addiction 3 Behavioural addiction 3 2. Drug addictions 3 Smoking 3 Drinking alcohol 4 Doing drugs 4 3. Behavioral addictions 4 Playing video games 4 Use of the internet 5 Cutting 5 4. Interesting facts ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll 27 January 1832 ­ 14 January 1898 Charles L. Dodgson Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (27 January 1832 ­ 14 January 1898), better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the LookingGlass, as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life in many parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and New Zealand. Family Dod...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Katherine Mansfield

The Garden Party Katherine Mansfield Character Analysis: Laura The character that won my favor is Laura, the protagonist of the story, who comes across as a fragile and insecure young woman. All at once she starts to perceive her role in this complex world. Moreover, she begins to wonder over the values and delusions, which are of great importance in life. Throughout the story it stands to reason that she is trying to establish her true self, even though she is steadily influenced by her family, especially by her mother. On account of her constant questionings she finally evolves into an individual, who is capable of distinguishing essential truths of life from unimportant ones, however she still remains to be uncertain, which may indicate that her discoveries are not all-encompassing in nature and may fade away from the memory. From t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

John Maynard Keynes ja Paul Anthony Samuelson

John Maynard Keynes (5. juuni 1883 - 21. aprill 1946) John Maynard Keynes on silmapaistev inglise majandusteadlane, ajakirjanik, Inglismaa rahandusministeeriumi nõustaja. Teda peetakse ka tänapäevase makroökonoomika rajajaks. Elulugu Keynes sündis 1883 aastal puritaanlikus kodus. Keynesi koolitee läks läbi Etoni poistekooli King Kolledzisse. Keynes oli ülikooli üks silmapaistvamaid ja mitmekülgsemaid tudengeid. Ülikooliaega jäi kuulumine Apostlite ühingusse ja Bloombury gruppi, mille boheemlaslikud ja anti-puritaanlikud ideed mõjutasid kogu Briti kultuuri. Keynes ei tahtnud õppida Cambridges ei matemaatikat ega majandusteadust, ometi sundisid tema töölemineku kavatsused temalt matemaatika eksami tulemust. Peale eksami edukat sooritamist, hakkas Keynes ka majandusteaduse vastu huvi tundma. 1906 peale töötamist India Kontoris Londonis, tuli Keynes Kings Kolledzisse ...

Majandus → Majandus
31 allalaadimist

Huvitavaid fakte IT-ajaloost

Huvitavaid fakte it-ajaloost Fakte 1989. aastal sai Euroopa Tuumauuringute Keskus (CERN) Sveitsis netiühenduse. 1999. aastal loodi Napster, mis algatas failide jagamise. Napsteri põhimõte on aluseks tänapäevasele BitTorrentile. Praegu jagatakse torrentide abil u 1/3 failidest. 2000. aastal loodi Wikipedia, mis on praegu üks tähtsamaid info otsimise allikaid. Kuigi paljud koolid keelduvad Wikipedias asuvat infot aktsepteerimast, on see siiski üks suurimaid ja ligipääsetavamaid infoallikaid. Sajandivahetuse paiku sai alguse ka sõnumiedastussüsteemide populaarsuse kiire kasv. 1999 MSN Messenger (2006 nimetati ümber Windows Live Messengeriks) 2004 Facebook 2005 YouTube 2007. aasta septembris oli maailmas 135 166 473 toimivat veebisaiti. Kasutatud allikad Pil...

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist


CURRICULUM VITAE Nimi: Anton Ivanovits Denikin. Sünniaeg ja -koht: 04.12.1872 Poola, Wloclaweki linn, Szpetal Dolnyj' küla Vanemad ja nende isa ­ Ivan Efimovits Denikin (1807-85), patrioot, armees kindralmajor 1869 tegevusalad: aastani, hiljem insener, ema ­ Elzbieta Wrzesinska, õmbleja. Haridustee: Vlotslavski põhikool (1882-1889), Lovichi põhikool, Kiievi Sõjakool (Junker School) (1890-1892), General Staff Academia (1895-1899), Karjääriastmed: 1905 koloneliks Vene-Jaapani sõjas 1914 Vene tsaariarmee kindralleitnant 1917 määrati relvajõudude staabiülemaks, Läänerinde- ja Edelarinde ülemjuhatajaks; 1918 valgekaardi nn Vabatahtlike Armee ülemjuhataja; 1919 Lõuna-Venemaa relvajõudude ülemjuhataja. Ühiskondli...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
21 allalaadimist


Enlightenment Kristiina Rooma Henri Zirnask Alvar Käen Overall The Enlightenment is commonly dated to the middle of the eighteenth century. The European Enlightenment developed in part due to an energetic group of French thinkers who thrived in the middle of the eighteenth century. They were called : "The Philosophes" John Locke August 29, 1632 ­ October 28, 1704 . English philosopher. One of the most influential Enlightenment thinker. Believed that human nature allowed men to be selfish. Believed that all people were equal. Jean-Jacques Rousseau June 28, 1712 ­ July 2, 1778 . Philosopher, literary figure, and composer of the Enlightenment... Saw a fundamental divide between society and human nature . François-Marie Arouet 21 November 1694 ­ 30 May 1778 . Known as "Voltaire" French Enlightenment writer, essayist, deist and philosopher...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Estonia is a parliamentary republic

Estonia is a parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. The president power is fairly limited. His functions are mainly ceremonial. He represents the country abroad. The executive power is exerted by the government which runs the state. The head of the government is the prime minister. The legislative power belongs to the parliament which is the law-making body. The laws must be promulgated by the president. The government consists of ministers. The number of which is about of dozen. Every ministry is headed by a minister. The Estonian judiciary is completely independent, it is governed by the chief justice of the supreme court. The minister of interior is marko pomerants, -||- of finance is Jürgen Ligi, -||- of justice is Rein Lang, -||- of Social Affairs is Anno Pevkur, -||- of Culture is Laine jänes, -||- of Foreign Affairs is Urmas Paet.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

British Literature in the 20th-21st Century REVISION QUESTIONS 1. The Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th century. New developments in science and philosophy. The essence and influence of Freudian theory. Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th c- simultaneous rejection and invocation of the past. While modernists apotheosized the creative geniuses of the past, they also rejected old poetic forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things · Multiple truths, multiple perspectives · Nothing has inherent (kaasasündinud, sisemist) importance · Life lacks purpose Science: Albert Einstein-general theory of relativity had a huge impact on culture as well. Everything is relative. Philosophy:...

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist


AUTISM Erki Viidalepp Ron Türnpu 10b Definition Autism is a developmental disability that results from a disorder of the human central nervous system. Autism manifests itself at a very early age, "before the age of three years". Causes of Autism Genetical diseases Other reasons - Fragile X Syndrome - Birthtraumas - Phenylketonuria - Diseases - Tuberous Sclerosis - Unknown reasons - Down's Syndrome - Rett's Syndrome Frequency China: ~ 1.8 million cases Japan: 55.8 per 10,000 (1991) USA: ~ 500 000 cases United Kingdom: 1 case in 110 children Symptoms Difficulty interacting with other people · Poor use of body language · Not responding to verbal cues · Lack of or abnormal social play · Dysfunction ¾ of cases are mentally disabled Treatment Therapy is used to treat audists. Goals: Improving health, communication, well-being. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Martina Hingis

Martina Hingis Martina Hingis is on of the greatest tennis players in the history of woman's tennis. Martina was born in Kasica, Czechaslovakia on 30th September, in 1980. She started playing tennis at the age of three. Martina parents divorced, but in 1988 her mother remarried.She moved to Switzerland with mother and stepfather and she lived there ever since. In 1994 she became European champion for players under 18. Martina was the Wimpledon doubles title in 1996 at the age of 15.In 1996 she won all four Grand Slam doubles titles. Martina doesn't have a lot of time for a social life. She is determined and hardworking. She was very keen on all sports. When she does find time to relax, she likes horse riding,skiing or going to museum. Martina likes going to the art galleries, theatre and cinema. Martina is very friendly and she loves animal. When she reteres from tennis, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Internet marketing

Internet marketing Sean McPheat Eva Tasso Tartu 2013 About the author Successful online business man Founder of the Internet Marketing Academy Has performed in TV, radio and many publications Consultant Advantages of internet marketing Speed Accuracy Low cost Measurability Global reach Methods of internet marketing Websites and pages Blogs Social media sites Videos and video blogs Important in internet marketing Domain name Contact information Appearance Bad website design Good website design Facts of internet marketing 1/3 of world's population is using internet Internet has become number 1 marketing channel in UK and USA Articles with images get 94% more views than those without Summary Internet marketing is getting more attention than never before Very c...

Keeled → Business english
7 allalaadimist

British politics

BRITISH  POLITICS Helen Laine 12 A POLITICAL SYSTEM  Democracy  Constitutional monarchy  Head of the state – Elizabeth II  Actual power – Prime Minister  Executive power - Her Majesty’s Government  Legislative power – Parliament  House of Commons and House of Lords  Multi-party system MAIN PARTIES  Two largest - the Conservative Party and the Labour Party  Before labourers - The Liberal party  Third largest – the Liberal Democrats  Current: Conservative, Liberal Democrats ...  Some other parties in UK: Democratic Unionist Party Scottish National Party Palace of Westminster UK Independence Party Green Party of England and Wales Scottish Green Party Social Democratic and Labour Party Alliance Party of Northern Ireland MAIN POLITICIANS  Prime Minister: David Cameron (Conservative)  Nick Clegg (head of L...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Isiksus Anu Realo Tartu Ülikool, psühholoogia instituut 29. oktoober 2011, SOPH.00.056 Loengu teemad 1. Mis on isiksus? Mis on isiksuse seadumus? 2. Kellele kuulub isiksus? 3. Miks inimesed on erinevad? 4. Kas keskkond muudab isiksust? 5. Alternatiivsed isiksuse käsitlused 6. Kokkuvõte 1. Mis on isiksus? Mis on isiksus? • Teaduskeeles levinud definitsiooni kohaselt mõistetakse isiksuse all suhteliselt püsivat mõtlemise, tundmuste ja käitumiste kogumit, mis üht inimest teisest eristab. Nii on igal inimesel isiksus, mida kaasaegses psühholoogias määratletakse enamasti isiksuse omaduste või seadumuste kaudu. Mis on isiksuse seadumus? • Isiksuse seadumus on inimese suhteliselt püsiv kalduvus sarnastes olukordades kindlal viisil mõelda, tunda ja käituda. • Näiteks ekstravertne inimene käib sageli rahvarohk...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
6 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

Challenges of children`s “participation”: A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School Gerli Orumaa – 662974 9th of May 2014 Word Count: 8,800 `Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B.A. International Relations` Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: Citizenship, Children`s Rights and Participation: from the UN to the UK 6 Chapter 2: Citizenship Education in Wales………………………………………………14 Active Citizenship in Cadle Primary School: A Case Study 20 Conclusion 29 Bibliography 32 Appendices Appendix 1: The United Convention of the Rights of the Child Appendix 2: Interview with Jamie Richards, the Head Teacher of Cadle Primary School 2 Abstract: Children inhe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice Book report

Jane Austen "Pride & Prejudice" Pride and Prejudice, first published on 28 January 1813, has consistently been Jane Austen's most popular novel. Austen sold the copyright for Pride and Prejudice to Thomas Egerton. Egerton published the first edition of Pride and Prejudice in three hardcover volumes in January. The tone is light and a little humoristic. Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility. At first the book was called "First impressions" and this gives a better expression to the requests of the author, than the later heading. People meet, do not understand each other and communication does not offer joy either. So this is contrary to love at first sight. It is a tale of love and values in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. It is a story of five sisters and their lives. It is a story through the dangerous, exciting and loving feelings of the characters. The Bennets five ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
53 allalaadimist

Long-Term Nursing Clinic, haigla

Long-Term Nursing Clinic There are four departments in Long-Term Nursing Clinic: Departments of Geriatrics, I Long- Term Nursing Department , II Long-Term Nursing Department and Department of Patient without Medical Insurance. The head of Long-Term Nursing Clinic is Jüri Ennet, the head of Long-Term Nursing Centre is Raivo Kolle and the head nurse of Clinic is Silvia Petrova. Offering long-term nursing care in Estonia is becoming increasingly more important due to the aging of the population. More attention is being paid to how patients cope and this requires close cooperation and communication between the patient, their next of kin, hospitals and national social welfare. The structural change that occurred in the East Tallinn Central Hospital (ETCH) in 2006, according to which medical rehabilitation was separated from the current comprehensive clinic, was the biggest change for departments engaged ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Otsing andmebaasides

Praktiline töö nr 3 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolis. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Paremalt tulbast valin otsingukategooria find articles. Otsisõnadeks Information literacy AND university. Mõlema puhul ''all fields''. Sain 68 vastet. Wakimoto, Diana K. (2010) Information Literacy Instruction Assessment and Improvement through Evidence Based Practice: A Mixed Method Study. Based Library and Information Practi...

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
74 allalaadimist

The United States economy

The United States and its economy are known to be one of the thriving and strongest in the  world. It represents 16.6% of the world’s total GDP. The estimated worth of USA's GDP is  estimated to be around 17.5 trillion dollars and dollar being the third currency in the world  and the official currency of the US. They also manage a 5% growth every quarter. So how do they manage it? There are three main sectors that contribute to the USA's GDP.  First is services that is 80% of the total GDP. The output of services in 2014 was 13,8 billion  dollars witch was the nr.1 in front of European Union’s output witch was 13,4. The second  contributing sector is the industry sector which provides 19% of the country’s GDP. In this  area USA has fallen behind and has to accept the third position in the world’s total industry's  output. First in industry’s output last year was European Union who had 4,6 billion dollar  output, not far was China who ha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Ebavõrdus kui terviserisk ja heaolu mõjutaja

Tallinna Ülikool Ebavõrdsus kui terviserisk ja heaolu mõjutaja Referaat-essee Koostaja: Kristiine Värraval Tallinn 2014 Sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus Viimasel aastakümnel on ilmnenud, et enamikes ühiskondades, ka niinimetatud heaolühiskondades suurenevad erinevused tervisenäitajates erinevate sotsiaalsete gruppide vahel. Eksisteerib seaduspärasus, et tervisenäitajatele on iseloomulik sotsiaalne astmelisus – kõrgeima sissetulekuga inimeste tervisenäitajad on parimad, keskmise sissetulekuga inimestel on need vahepealsed ning madalaima sissetulekuga havimad tervisenäitajad. Suurema sidususe saavutamiseks on vajalik ühiskondliku kihistumise, ebavõrdsuse ja tõrjutuse vähendamine. Sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus väljendub teatud sotsiaalsete rühmade madalas staatuses ning väheses kogukondlikus kaasatuses. Inimestevahelist ebavõrdsust suur...

Meditsiin → Tervis ja heaolu
29 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms To start with, school uniforms have many good sides for students, however, uniforms also have bad sides which are particulary involved with financial problems. In the first place, school uniforms help to prevent violence in school territory, for example uniforms can prevent gangs from forming on campus and identify intruders in the school yard. Secondly, school uniforms increase a sense of belonging and school pride. It encourages discipline, lessens economic and social barriers between students. Besides that there is no need to spend money on trendy clothes. Thirdly, school uniforms make students a target for bullies from other schools. In addition to that, uniforms give students no freedom of expression. Last but not least, school uniforms are an unfair additional expense for parents and besides that a financial burden for poor families. To sum up, it can be sa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist


Gestures Gestures A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate conventionalized particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Examples Hands on knees: indicates readiness. Hands on hips: indicates impatience. Lock your hands behind your back: indicates self-control. Locked hands behind head: states confidence. Sitting with a leg over the arm of the chair: suggests indifference. Legs and feet pointed in a particular direction: the direction where more interest is felt. Crossed arms: indicates submissiveness. Facial expressions A facial expression results from one or more motions or positions of the muscles of the face. These movements convey the emotional state of the individual to observers. Facia...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Emily Dickinson

A door just opened Emily Dickinson A door just opened on a street-- I, lost, was passing by-- An instant's width of warmth disclosed And wealth, and company. The door as sudden shut, and I, I, lost, was passing by,-- Lost doubly, but by contrast most, Enlightening misery. Emily Dickinson Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 ­ May 15, 1886) was an American poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. Emily Dickinson, regarded as one of America's greatest poets, is also well known for her unusual life of self imposed social seclusion. Living a life of simplicity and seclusion, she yet wrote poetry of great power; questioning the nature of immortality and death, with at times an almost mantric quality. Her different lifestyle created an aura; often romanticised, and frequently a source of interest and specula...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Tallinn University of Tehnology

Tallinn University of Tehnology Andro Andronov Talinn university of technology ● founded 1918 ● public university ● only university of technology in estonia ● biggest international community in Estonia ● modern facilities and labs facilities ● Campus area: 53 ha faculties and colleges 8 faculties: 5 Colleges: ● Civil engineering ● Kuressaare ● Chemical and Materials Technology ● Tartu ● Social Sciences ● Tallinn ● Information Technology ● Virumaa ● Mechanical Engineering ● Estonian Maritime Academy ● Power Engineering ● Faculty of Science ● Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration what are the requirements to get in ● bachelor's and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
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odp Klõpsake laadi muutmiseks 26.10. 15 • is a global social networking site where users create profiles and can send each other questions, with the option of doing so anonymously. 26.10. 15 Importal information • Founder(s) : Mark Terebin • Headquarters : Dublin, Ireland • Website : • Area served : Worldwide • Users : 150 million (February 9, 2015) • Industry : Internet 26.10. 15 History • The site was founded in Latvia and launched on June 16, 2010 as a rival to Formspring. • The company has made a number of changes to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

9GAG Just for fun

9G AG IN TRO D U CTIO N W H AT IS 9G AG ? • Social media website • Users upload and share images and videos • Alternative to email • Why 9gag? • „Just for Fun“ mentality CO N TEN T • „Memes“ and „internet jokes“ – voted and commented on by users • Separated into general categories • Content in the form of image memes • Some memes are quite popular • Image has top and bottom caption • Memes in a comic strip W EBSITE CU LTU RE • „9gaggers“ • Mostly browsed at locations like school or the workspace • Platform „where people will go whenever they want to kill some time and have a laugh.“ STATISTICS • 80 million unique visitors • 2 billion page views in 30 days • Loads in 1.3 seconds, faster than 62 % of sites Country Percent of Visitors United States 11.2% India 10.4% Germany 6.4% France 4...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

1. Loeng Peamised heaolurežiimid Milleks mudel vajalik on: mudel kui ideaaltüüp: seletab konkreetset nähtust teooriast tulenedes. Mudel kui stat. võrreldavus. Mitte kõik rikkad riigid ei ole HR. nt diktatuur. HR-ist rääkides peame silmas mingit riiki, mis on tõsiselt käsile võtnud sotsiaalkindlustussüsteemid. Klassikaline arusaam HRst: Turg ja valitsus hoiavad üksteist tasakaalus. HR kui turutõrgete pehmendaja: Barr: “HR aitab kaasa majanduslikult efektiivsuse saavutamisele. HR teeb midagi sellist, mida turud ei tee või teevad seda ebaefektiivselt.” : de-commodification ehk lahtikaubastamine. Kaasaegne arusaam HR: Riik, turg ja kodumajapidamine on omavahel sektoriti seotud. Richard Titmuss 1960nd: 1. Residuaalne mudel-jääkrahastamise mudel: Indiviidi heaolu peavad tagama turg ja pere, kui need ebaõnnestuvad, siis sekkub riik. Riigi sekkumine on ajutine (hädaolukorras) 2. Industrial performance mudel- tööpanuse mudel:vajadused peavad s...

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist

Renate Saluste

Powerpoint Renate Saluste Alvar 8a Introduction Earlier life A musical career Personal life albums The official singles Some songs Earlier life Renate created his first melodies at a very early age. Although she has sung all her life,she started the age of 14. Received a good piano study at home-town,she began to load the covers of well-known songs. A musical career 2009th Renate met social site DJ,who saw his YouTube channel,where was a song video. Just the same video was interesting to the Radio Tre leader Siim Pohlak. Thats how she began co-operating with Tre Records. A personal life Renate successfully completed basicschool Albu. The first eight classes were girl graded with honors. Currently studying Renate in Tallinn 32 High School Class 12D humanitarian sid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Koalas The koala is an arboreal herbivore marsupial native to Australia. It is easily decide by its strong, tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60­85 cm and weighs 4­15 kg. Fur colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. At the beginning of the 20th century people hunted Koala because their fur. Today this animal is under the protection but they still are in danger. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than the other. Most of their food consists of eucalypt leaves but sometimes they eat other leaves too. There is about 600 species of eucalypt, koalas eat only 30. Because they get so little energy from their diet, koalas must limit their energy use and sleep 20 hours a day. They typically eat and sleep in the same tree. On very hot days a koala may climb down to the coolest part of the tree w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Leicester Square

Leicester Square Leicester Square is a square for pedestrians only. It is between Piccadilly and Covent Garden, just north of Trafalgar Square. Leicester Square is at the centre of London's entertainment and social scene. Leicester Square is the centre of entertainment with cinemas, restaurants, theatres and clubs all around and sometimes a funfair in the middle. Leicester Square is now home to some of London's largest cinemas and is the venue for many premiers. There is a lovely garden in Leicester Square, where people can relax after a hard day's work in the city. In the middle of the garden is a beautiful statue of William Shakespeare. In 1981 a lifesize statue of Charlie Chaplin was added. You can buy halfprice theatre tickets at the building with a sign 'tkts'. 'tkts' is London's most famous and popular theatre ticket shop. Based in the Clocktower Building in Le...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun