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"modified" - 106 õppematerjali

modified - atmosphere-packaged artyan-type cooked edited by G. Charalambous.

What life might be like a hundred years from now? - essee

What life might be like a hundred years from now? Life nowadays is changing very fast. We are having phones, full on different features, with last ten years, almost every family have their own computer and in some countries everyday food is changed with genetically modified food. But how our life can be changed after hundred years? In 2112, we are living in Earth. We are not using air, because after air pollution, it is dangerous for people to breathe it. We are definitely driving with aircrafts, because we ran out of fuel over 50 years ago. Because Earth is very polluted, there isn't any way to grow food. All food is made in factories from plastic and other chemical stocks, so they are not very healthy. Poor people live only about 20 years old, because

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is a set of metods, directed on artificial creating of new combinations of genes that are not meeting in the nature. Nowadays genetic engineering is using much more difficult methods and hundreds business concerns around the world are engaged in receiving and testing of genetically modified plants. However, there are different meanings concerning this theme. It is known, that the population of our globe is growing steadily and because of it has appeared a problem of shortage of the food. And genetic engineering is able to solve this problems, because there are used some technologies which modify organisms genes and give them new properties, such as resistnce to some diseases, cold weather or wreckers. Also was found out that it is possible to treat oncological

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Reverse crunch with ball Oblique crunch on ball Abdominal Pike Knee Pull Ball Pass Basic crunch on BOSU V-sit on the BOSU Abdominal "Bike" Long arm crunch Strength Training Exercises Back and core Back Extensions on the ball Modified plank Full plank Side Plank Hip Bridge on the ball Hip Extension on the ball Prone back extensions on the mat Seated Rows with exercise tubing Lat Pulldown with exercise tubing Additional Back Exercises Barbell or body bar bent-over rows Bent over fly

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
55 allalaadimist

W11 Homework Solutions

Read Chapter_6_Analog_Outputs.pdf and Chapter_8_EMI_ElectroMagnetic_Interference.pdf Question 1 Given the below open sensor detection: a. Derive equations for both outputs VO and Vsense as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF. b. What value will appear on each output if the thermistor fails (becomes an open circuit)? c. How can the above schem be modified to implement temperature reading with open sensor detection using only one ADC and one digital input pin of the microcontroller? Solution: a. Derive equations for both outputs as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF.  Rth  Writing the equation for V1 : V1  VSense   VR  th R  R1

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
9 allalaadimist

European yew - plant in Estonia

European yew Ursula 11. kl Description It is a small- to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing 10­20 metres. The bark is thin, brown, coming off in small flakes aligned with the stem. The leaves are lanceolate, flat, dark green and highly poisonous. The seed cones are highly modified, each cone containing a single seed long partly surrounded by a modified scale which develops into a soft, bright red berry-like structure called an aril. The arils are mature 6­9 months after pollination, and with the seed contained are eaten by thrushes, waxwings and other birds. The aril is not poisonous. The seeds themselves are extremely poisonous and bitter, but are opened and eaten by some bird species Toxicity The bark, stem, needles and seeds of the yew are poisonous, although birds can eat

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Sustainable forest management

Scope of sustainability · If we extinct some biological species, we can't recreate it. · If we substitute some spicies, what will be the consequenses. Author: Xvazquez Scope of sustainability · Renewable resources Source: Thegreatergreen (2011) Scope of history · Trees carry information from centuries. By: Jaymi Heimbuch Scope of developmement · GMO ­ genetically modified organism Author: John Gress A new perspective at sustainability · We have found law-like behaviours in ecosystems From: (2011) Conclusion · Test, before using · Is it historic tree or usual · Before cuting down, make sure what tree it is Thank you for listening! Kasutatud kirjandus · K. von Gadow, T. Pukkala, M. Tomé ­ Sustainable Forest Management · http://en.wikipedia

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Bakterid geenitehnoloogias esitlus

Bakterid geenitehnoloogias Mis on GMO? GMO (geneetiliselt muundatud organism) on elusolend, kelle pärilikkusainet (DNA'd) on muudetud geenitehnoloogilisi võtteid kasutades e. viisil, mida looduses ei esine. Kuidas toimub GM? Teadlased otsivad geeni, millest sõltub organismi omadus Geen eraldatakse ensüümide abil Viiakse söötmesse, kus bakterid paljunevad GM-bakter ...on geneetiliselt muundatud bakter. Milleks kasutatakse GM- baktereid? Teaduses Toiduainetööstuses Ravimitööstuses Materjalitööstuses Keemiatööstuses Biotervenduses (bioremediatsioon) GM-bakterite kasutuseelised Majanduses ­ ajakulu, odavus, protsessi kontrollitavus, ohutus. Bioremediatsioonis ­ aitab lagundada ohtlikke aineid. Ajalugu Esimene GMO oli GM-bakter E.coli (1973) 1974. sõlmisid teadlased kokkuleppe GM-bakterite kasutusriskid Võib: tekitada haigusi, mis ei allu ravile tekit...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
24 allalaadimist

Post Office scheduling model

17 18 Worker plan Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 19 Workers from previous month 20 Workers hired 21 Workers fired 22 Workers available after hiring and firing 23 24 Regular-time hours available The only changes are the new inputs in row 16 the modified formulas in row 34. The new optim 25 Overtime labor hours used total cost is $5,784 less than before, so the 26 company would be willing to pay up this amount

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

If I Were a Minister of Education

follow but our country tries to mislead them. Also I would do everything to change the time of school's first lessons. Although it has not changed lately and it is 8 o'clock like it has been for years, I think that it is a little too early. If one or two of my first lessons are cancelled I am much more alive in the lessons than I would be 8 o'clock. In conclusion I would say that schools have not changed much, but the attitude towards high schools should be modified. If I were a minister of education I would try to restore the reputation of high schools and maybe even offer more scholarships to give students even more motivation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


enamasti avastatakse need hoolika teadusliku uurimuse( ja planeeritud kulmineerumise) käigus. piirkonna geoloogia ja endine kliima võivad anda palju vihjeid tõenäolise kivististe asukoha kohta. samuti ka inimeste tegevusalade kohta. Uurijad kasutavad ka satelliitpilte, et saada maastikust korralik ülevaade. jagades piirkond võrdseteks ruutudeks, kõnnivad nad need ruudud ükshaaval läbi, skanneerides maapinda,lootuses leida mõni tehisese ( An object made or modified by humans) või tõendusmaterjal pinnaalustest kohtadest. kui tõotustlubav koht on leitud, võivad teadlased selle välja kaevata. väljakaevamis tehnika mida nad kasutavad, sõltub täielikult tõendist mida nad otsivad: uurija kes on huvitatud õietolmu andmete kogumisest kasutab rohkem teravamaid tööristu/tehnikat kui see kes on huvitatud puu tööriistadest. kuna väljakaevamine on hävitav protsess ja iga uurimusküsimus nõuab oma

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
24 allalaadimist


Hinnagrupid Rack rate - letihind ( ette vähemalt 6 kuud ja jääb hooaja jooksul kehtima ) kõrgeim võimalik hinda Group rate - rühmahind ( rühma algab 15 inimest ) pakutakse lepingupartneritele ja on sõltuvuses majutusmahtudest Group net rate - rühmahind, millest on komisjonitasu maha arvatud Corporative rate/corporate rate - lepinguline hind firma ja majutusettevõtte vahel; sõltub majutusmahtudest. Seasonal rate - hooaja hind, vahelduv hind. Võib olla : low season - madalhooaja hind, letihinnast madalam hind, peamiselt ärihotellides hooajavälised nädalalõpud; puhkepiirkondades hooajavälise aja hind high season - kõrghooaja hind, letihinnast kõrgem hind ürituste ja teiste väga kõrge nõudlusega perioodi ajaks ( tuleb anda koos letihinnaga periood ette ) weekend rate - erihind nädalalõpuks võib olla nii kõrgem kui madalam letihinnast Day rate- mitteööbivale külalisele kehtestatud hind...

Turism → Majutus
41 allalaadimist

GMO ehk Geneetiliselt muundatud organismid

Geneetiliselt muundatud organismid GMO-st üldiselt Geneetiliselt muundatud organismid (ingl. Genetically modified organismis) ehk GMO, on kunstlikul teel muudetud geenidega organismide (taimed, loomad jne.) üldnimi. Geenmuundatud organisme ehk transgeenseid organisme luuakse genoomiosa ülekandmisega ühelt organismilt teisele. Levinuimad taimed mida geneetiliselt muudetakse on mais, sojauba, puuvill ja lutsern. Selle juures võiks ka ära mainida, et maailmas kasvatab geneetiliselt muundatud saaki 8.5 miljonit farmerit kellest 90% on madalarengualadel. Sealhulgas on ka 6.4 miljonit farmerit

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
37 allalaadimist

Ämblikud ja maod

All spiders have: Second level Third level 1. eight legs Fourth level 2. a spinneret that spins Fifth level silk 3. fangs 4. jaws and teeth but cannot chew Facts about spiders Male spiders use modified appendages Click to edit Master text styles called to mate with females. Second level Males risk being eaten by their female Third level mates. Fourth level Spiders use silk to protect their eggs.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary FiberContents of 70 High Consumption Foods.

specials oils. In the issue, for example for baked products, the soluble dietary fiber (SDF) ranged from 0.56 to 1.62, and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) ranged from 0.85 to 8.64; for fruits, SDF ranged from 0.04 to 4.50, and IDF ranged from 0.03 to 11.81; for cooked vegetables, SDF ranged from 0.13 to 1.85 and IDF ranged from 1.06 to 4.21. In 1992 was published a content including a composition of frequently consumed foods, which were analyzed by a modified enzymatic-chemical method. In general, their values were lower than those for similar foods analyzed in this study by an enzymatic-gravimetric method. Conclusion Individual sugar profiles were characterized for selected foods. Most baked products contained fructose, glucose, maltose and no sucrose; Almost all fruits contained fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Legumes contained mostly sucrose and no detectable maltose; vegetables that are eaten cooked contained more sucrose than those eaten raw

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel and his engineers, as renowned bridge builders however, understood the importance of wind forces and knew that if they were going to build the tallest structure in the world they had to be certain it would withstand the wind. The shape of the tower was therefore determined by mathematical calculation involving wind resistance. Installations Since the beginning of the 20th century, the tower has been used for radio transmission. Until the 1950s, an occasionally modified set of antenna wires ran from the summit to anchors on the Avenue de Suffren and Champ de Mars Eiffel Tower at night Restaurants The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift Observation desk The uppermost observation deck, with a height of 275 metres, is the highest area of an architectural structure in the European Union open for the public Event

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia arstiteaduses

Geenitehnoloo gia arstiteaduses Kerdu-Katty Pärss 12.C Geenitehnoloogia mõiste Geneetika haru, kus kasutatakse organismide genoomi muutmiseks biotehnoloogia vahendeid. Seisneb DNA-lõikude eraldamises ning katseklaasis töötlemises. Töödeldud lõikude siirdamine kas sama või ka muu liigi esindaja kromosoomi, plasmiidi või viirusesse. Ajalugu Geenitehnoloogia valdkond tekkis alles 20. sajandi teises pooles. Alfred Hershey ja Martha Chase tõestasid, et DNA-l on oma roll pärilikkuses ning 1953. aastal kirjeldasid James Watson ja Francis Crick DNA molekuli kaksikheeliksi-kujulist struktuuri. 1974 lõi Rudolf Jaenisch maailma esimesed transgeensed hiired, sisestades võõrast DNA-d hiire embrüosse. 1975. aastal toimus Asilomari konverents. 1978. aastal tuldi välja inimese insuliiniga. Geeniteraapia Geeniteraapia seisneb enamasti normaalselt talitleva geeni siirdamises raske kahjustusega koe rakkudesse. Tänapäeval on see veel...

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
23 allalaadimist


Teadmiste kontroll Hinnagrupid 1. Millal kasutatakes Day rate? ( 2 ) Kui külastaja kasutab ainult päeval tuba st ei ööbi toas. Tuba on võimalik mitu korda müüa (päevas). 2. Mida tähendab ja millal kasutatakse mõistet Complimentary? ( 2 ) See tähendab tasuta majutust, eelkõige veaolukordade kompenseerimiseks. 3. Milline on majutusettevõttes kõrgeim võimalik hinnaklass ( 2 ), selgita ( 3 ) ? Letihind, rack rate, peab vähemalt 6 kuud ette teatama ja kehtib kogu hooaja vältel. 4. Mida tähendab Group rate ? ( 2 ) Grupihind, (grupp al 15 inimesest), ei pea igal grupil sama olema. Koostatakse näiteks lepingupartneritele ja on sõltub majutusmahtudega. 5. Mis on Group rate ja Group net rate erinevus ? ( 2 ) Group net rate on hind, millest on komisjonitasu maha arvatud, ehk siis hind, millega reisikorraldaja saab toad kätte. 6. Selgita mõisted: ( 4 ) European Plan hind sisaldab vaid majutust Modified American Plan hind sisaldab majutust,...

Turism → Majutus
26 allalaadimist


Michelangelo's father managed to persuade Ghirlandaio to pay the young artist, which was unheard of at the time. In fact, most apprentices paid their masters for the education. Impressed, Domenico recommended him to the ruler of the city, Lorenzo de' Medici, and Michelangelo left his workshop in 1489. From 1490 to 1492, Michelangelo attended Lorenzo's school and was influenced by many prominent people who modified and expanded his ideas on art. During his life, he made different sculptures and paintings. All of them are famous. Sculptures: Pieta, David ( in Estonian it's called Taavet ), Madonna of the steps, Battle of the Centaurs, Hercules, Madonna and child, Faun, Crucifix, Bacchus, Brutus.. Paintings: The Battle of Cascina, Doni Tondo, The Last Judgement, .... Architecture: St. Peter's Basilica in Rome Cordonata Capitolina in Rome Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome Palazzo Farnese in Rome PIETA

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

OS põhiteenused, Androidi struktuur, Androidi käsurea kasutamine

ÕPIVÄLJUND Teoreetiline töö Juhendaja: 2015 Õpiväljund 1 OS põhiteenused  Programmide salvestamine operatiivmällu. Programm laetakse mällu ning seejärel käivitatakse.  I/O operatsioonid – Programmid ei saa iseseisvalt suhelda välisseadmetega (füüsiliste esemetega ehk riistvaraga). I/O operatsioon aitab programmidel suhelda välisseadmetega.  Failisüsteemi manipuleerimine – Aitab luua faile, kustutada neid, lugeda ning kirjutada. Aitab kaasa kataloogioperatsioonidele.  Side – Vahetab andmeid erinevate protsesside vahel, nii sama arvutiga kui ka teiste arvutitega. Andmete vahetamine realiseeritakse teadete saatmisega või jagatud mäluga  Vigade avastamine – protsessori, mälu, I/O seadmete ja kasutajaprogrammide vigade avastamine ja neile r...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

History of the English language

æ (A similar thing in French, the digraph oe still in use, e.g. oeil ­ eye) Old English had /ü/ like other Germanic languages today (e.g. German). (The sound was lost during the Middle English period).Latin had no such sound. y (a form of i) was used to indicate the sound. How do we know? Cf Old English "fyrst" and Modern German "Fürst", Estonian "vürst" (an old Low German loan). In Old English texts we come across several · runic letters · modified Latin letters. Both used to denote sounds that Old English had and Latin did not. Thorn-letter (runic) and edh-letter (modified Latin d) for the // sound (close to t and d) used indiscriminately for both the voiceless and the voiced variant. Thorn, or orn (, ), is a letter in the Anglo-Saxon and Icelandic alphabets. It was also used in medieval Scandinavia, but was later replaced with the digraph th. The letter

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Adipoossus ja anesteesia

Brodsky JB, Lemmens HJ, Bro sternal notch. We propose a modification of this position that surgery: proper positioning achieves the same goals without application of the rolls under the ISEÄRASUSED KÄSITLUSES 1841a­2a. patient's shoulders (Fig. 2). This modified position is commonly used in our hospital. Our positioning technique achieves the same relative patient orientation without the burden of placing the extra pads under the shoulders. This positioning is effective and saves the Desflurane's Effe Electrophysiolog

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
8 allalaadimist


Töö esimeses viies osas antakse ülevaade sellest, mis on geneetiliselt muundatud organismid, kuidas neid luuakse, nende mõju keskkonnale ja inimesele ning millised seadused lubavad ja piiravad nende kasutamist. Viimase osas analüüsitakse andmeid, mis saadi küsitluse käigus, mida täitsid Tsirguliina Keskkooli 8., 9. klasside õpilased ja gümnasistid. 2 3 1. MIS ON GMO NING SELLE AJALUGU Tähekombinatsioon GMO (genetically modified organism) on lühend sõnadest geenmuundatud organism või geneetiliselt muundatud organism (Homutov 2011). Geneetiliselt muundatud organismid on organismid, kelle pärilikkuse ainele on kunstlikult lisatud teiste elusolendite geene või kelle geene on muudetud viisil, mida looduses ei esine (Geneetiliselt... 2012). Geneetiliselt muundatud taimedest ja loomadest valmistatud toiduained näevad välja ja maitsevad nagu tavalised toiduained. Seda, kas tegemist on geneetiliselt muundatud (GM)

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

EKodutöö-Tabelitöötlus. KT

Row Labels mees naine Grand Total autojuht € 1,214.33 ### This shape represents a slic diiler € 1,038.00 ### Slicers can be used in at lea dispetser € 1,016.00 € 1,016.00 Excel 2010. juhataja € 3,027.50 € 3,388.50 € 3,208.00 If the shape was modified in jurist € 2,516.50 € 2,516.50 earlier version of Excel, or i kompekteerija € 1,094.00 ### workbook was saved in Exc koristaja € 672.00 € 672.00 2003 or earlier, the slicer ca lukksepp € 1,219.00 ### be used. meister € 1,504.00 ###

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
33 allalaadimist

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn

the traditions of the Hanseatic League, formed and was itself exported throughout northern Europe. Criterion (iv): The town plan and the buildings within it constitute a remarkable reflection of the coexistence of the seat of feudal overlords and a Hanseatic trading centre within the shelter of a common system of walls and fortifications. Integrity The boundaries of the inscribed World Heritage property and its buffer zone were modified in 2008 in order to bring the boundaries of the inscribed property in conformity with the boundaries of the Tallinn Old Town Conservation Area, recognized as a national monument in Estonia. The historic centre of Tallinn World Heritage property (thus increased from 60 ha. to 113 ha.) now encompasses the upper town (Toompea), the lower town inside the medieval walls, as well as the 17th century historic fortifications surrounding the entire Old

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

History of philosophy

As a society grows this element will tend to take over and destroy other elements. When a new society arises it will contain the positive elements of previous societies. Virtue is knowledge Aret- suitability for its purpose A thing in motion is at an infinite number of points (Critobulus). A thing well-made for its purpose is beautiful (Socrates). 1. Negative step the destruction of an argument. 2. Find what is positive and see if it can be modified. Martin Luther King Junior on Racism: · Acquiescence (go along) - it allows a person, who does wrong, to continue in their wrongness (ignorance and in justice). Non violent. · Violence- it only leads to more violence in an ever expanding spiral. Resistance. · The answer is Nonviolent resistance Plato's Cratylus (modified for simplicity) Hermogenes · Any word can serve to name a thing

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist

Wuthering heights

long as she does not leave him alone. Shortly thereafter, Isabella flees to London and gives birth to Heathcliff's son, named Linton after her family. She keeps the boy with her there. Thirteen years pass, during which Nelly Dean serves as Catherine's daughter's nursemaid at Thrushcross Grange. Young Catherine is beautiful and headstrong like her mother, but her temperament is modified by her father's gentler influence. Young Catherine grows up at the Grange with no knowledge of Wuthering Heights; one day, however, wandering through the moors, she discovers the manor, meets Hareton, and plays together with him. Soon afterwards, Isabella dies, and Linton comes to live with Heathcliff. Heathcliff treats his sickly, whining son even more cruelly than he treated the boy's mother.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

London topic

The oldest is the London Bridge, which was originally made from wood. In 1209 it was replaced by a stone bridge. That followed with a granite bridge in 1831 and the present bridge in 1973. The most recent bridge is the Millennium Bridge. It is one of the world's first horizontal suspension bridges. Londoners nicknamed the bridge the Wobbly Bridge. The name came after some people felt an unexpected swaying motion on the first two days after the bridge opened. It was then closed and modified. Hyde Park is London's largest open space (630 acres). Hyde Park was the site of Prince Albert's Great Exhibition in 1851. It used to be a hunting ground for Henry VIII. It is famous for its Speakers' Corner. The park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations. Another place often visited by tourists is the London Eye also known as the Millennium Wheel. It is the tallest (135 metres) Ferris wheel in Europe. It was established in 1834. It has 32

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

ÜRO ja Rwanda genotsiid 1994. aastal

Näiteks Nigeeria tegi genotsiidi esimeste nädalate jooksul jõupingutusi vägede suurendamiseks ning Tšehhi Vabariik, Hispaania, Argentina ja Uus-Meremaa tegid hiljem ettepanekuid teise ja suurema väe saatmiseks Rwandasse. Tšehhi esindaja pani kogu olukorra ideaalselt sõnadesse, kui ta ütles, et „Rwanda ei ole tšehhidele prioriteet, kuid inimesena ei saa ma siin lihtsalt istuda ja 22 Leave none to tell the stroy – Genocide in Rwanda. International responsibility. Last modified 03.13.09. [] 23 Tiit Made. Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid. Lk 411 24 Genocide and crisis in Central Africa, lk. 141. 25 Rwanda 1994 – after the genocide. 26 BBC news. UN admits Rwanda genocide failure. 15.04.2010. 8 mitte midagi teha“.27 Rwanda kriisile ei reageeritud tõepoolest niimoodi nagu näiteks Balkanil toimuvale

Ajalugu → Õiguse kujunemine
15 allalaadimist

The Galapagos islands

Land iguanas are inland, lesser in number, and feed on cactus . There are 11 remaining races of the Galapagos Giant Tortoises. They eat grasse, cacti, and other vegetation. They can go for more than a year without drinking or eating. The most famous tortoise from Galapagos is the Lonesome George who was found in 1971 on the island of Pinta. He is the sole survivor of his race. There are four forms of sea turtles living in the Galapagos. Their front legs have modified into flippers for the water. They breathe air, but can stay submerged for a long time. Depending on their form, they feed on bottom algae, seagrasses, jellyfish, bottom sponges, crabs and mollusks. The Galapagos penguin lives farther north than any other penguin. Breeding on Isabela and Fernandina islands, the penguin is monogamous and is not as social as other penguins. They are only 40 cm tall. Sea lions and fur seals are fin-footed mammals with amazing abilities in water. They

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Tehis ja sünteeskiud uurimustöö

mustrite trükkimisel. Kanga vormihoidvuse parandamiseks kasutatakse viskoosi tihti koos sünteetiliste kiudega, millega väheneb ka sünteetiliste kiude elektriseeruvus. Villaga koos parandab viskoos villa vastupidavust, vähendades vanunemis ohtu, puuvillale annab aga parema läike ja erksama värvi. Viskoosi tüübid: Solution dyed ­ ketrusvärvitud Modified cross section ­ profileeritud ristlõikega Intermediate or high tenacity ­ tugevad ja ülitugevad kiud Optically Brightened ­ optiliselt valgendatud High absorbency ­ väga hügroskoopsed Hollow ­ õõnsad Microfibres Flame retardant ­ raskesti süttivad Visil Rayon ­ silikoniseeritud ­ sisustustekstiilide ja kaitseriietuse jaoks

Keemia → Keemia
41 allalaadimist


Sidney Gilchrist Thomas näitas, et puhastamata rauamaagi kasutamiseks tuleb sulatusahi vooderdada seest lubjaga. See kõrvaldas rauast fosforilisandid. Pärast selle meetodi leiutamist sai terasetootmine sisse õige hoo. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. ENE 1, Tallinn 1985, 703 lk. 2. ENE 2, Tallinn 1987, 703 lk. 3. Interneti leheküljed 4. Michael Holt, Leiutised, Koolibri, Tallinn, 1996, 57 lk. 5. Tehnikaleksikon, Tallinn 1981, 655 lk. 6. Bessemer process, En.Wikipedia, last modified 21:25, 18 Jan 2004 7. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.2001. 8. 7.Virtual Steal Works, Created by G. David Yaros [email protected] --Wednesday, 12 February 1997 - 6

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
9 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

GLOSSARY Bankruptcy ­ pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind ­ keskmine hind Break even point ­ tasuvuslävi A Budget ­ eelarve Account ­ aruanne Accounting equation ­ aruande C võrdsustamine Capital ­ kapital Accounting period ­ aruandeperiood Capital allowances ­ rahalised annetused Accounting policies ­ majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist


some birches in the lower latitudes. Willows do grow on some parts of the tundra but only as low carpets about 8 cm high. Most plants grow in a dense mat of roots that has developed over thousands of years. The soil is very low in nutrients and minerals, except where animal droppings fertilize the soil. Although there isn't a lot of biodiversity, only 48 species of land mammals are found on the tundra, there are a lot of each species. These consist of slightly modified shrews, hares, rodents, wolves, foxes, bears and deer. There are huge herds of reindeer in North America that feed on lichens and plants. There are also smaller herds of musk oxen. Wolves, wolverines, arctic foxes, and polar bears are the predators of the tundra. Smaller mammals are snowshoe rabbits and lemmings. There aren't many different species of insects in the tundra, but black flies, deer flies, mosquitoes and "no-see-ums" (tiny biting midges) can make

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Geneetiliselt muundatud rapsi mõju keskkonnale ja inimesele

poolest on tuvastatud silmade kipitamist, pisaratevoolu, nägemise ähmastumist, nahalööbeid ja sügelemist, astmahooge, hingamisraskusi, pearinglusi, nohu ja uimasust. 3 Mutageensel tasandil leiti laborikatsetes kahjustusi inimese vererakkudes ja sidekoes. Samuti on täheldatud mitmesugust toimet hormoonsüsteemile, põhjustades loodete surevuse suurenemise, nende sünnikaalu vähenemise, pealuude väärarengu. 1 Batalion, N. (2009) 50 harmful effects of genetically modified foods. [http://www.raw-] (vaadatud: 23.03.2011) 2 Metspalu, L., Glüfosaadid, toime inimesele ja loodusele. [ sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA& %2Fimages%2Fstories %2Fglfosaadid_luule_metspalu.doc&ei=d_mRTbn3FY_Jswbl9YHQBg&usg=AFQjCNH2UfIHgsZjQ1 Wf8DA5Np8a_qFaNw] (vaadatud: 16.03.2011) 3 Metspalu, L., Glüfosaadid, toime inimesele ja loodusele. [

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist


9 1280.9 1111.58 $F$7 1343.167 1703.597 1478.4014 Scenario Summary Current Values: esimene muutus teine muutus Created by User on Created by User on 18.11.2015 18.11.2015 Modified by User on Modified by User on 18.11.2015 18.11.2015 Changing Cells: $I$1 € 1.15 € 2.15 € 1.27 $I$2 € 6.40 € 7.40 € 7.04 Result Cells: $D$7 1009.9 1280.9 1111.58

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
6 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus funktsionaalse seotuse hindamiseks puhkeoleku fMRT-s

involves a motor component. · Creates two effects: ­ The tissue represented by the signal within a given voxel is not constant throughout the fMRI time series ­ The time interval between two successive RF excitation pulses may vary if the tissue move between the slice locations. · Commonly used method for aligning two MR images is affine transformation. ­ This is a method for mapping each voxel in a image to a slightly modified location in another image, there the amount of shift in voxel position may vary across the image. ­ The shift in voxel position can be described mathematically as: x'=Ax+b Spatial Normalization · Refers to transforming images so that the anatomy shown for all people is the same shape and size. · The goal is to have any selected voxel contain the MR signal from the same

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
6 allalaadimist


Savanna A savanna is a grassland ecosystem with scattered trees or shrubs. In savannas trees are small or widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. It is often believed that savannas are characterized by widely spaced, scattered trees, however in many savanna communities tree densities are higher and trees are more regularly spaced than in forest communities. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer consisting primarily of C4 grasses. Savannas are also characterised by seasonal water availability, with the majority of rainfall being confined to one season of the year. Savannas can be associated with several types of biomes. Savannas are frequently seen as a transitional zone, occurring between forest and desert or prairie. Although the term savanna is believed to have originally come from a Native American word describing "land which is without trees but with ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading

Others are implanting electrodes in monkeys' brains to see if directly stimulating visual areas might allow even people with no eye function to see. And recently, Sharron Kay Thornton, 60, from Smithdale, Miss., blinded by a skin condition, regained sight in one eye after doctors at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine extracted a tooth (her eyetooth, actually), shaved it down and used it as a base for a plastic lens replacing her cornea. It was the first time the procedure, modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis, was performed in this country. The surgeon, Dr. Victor L. Perez, said it could help people with severely scarred corneas from chemical or combat injuries. Other techniques focus on delaying blindness, including one involving a capsule implanted in the eye to release proteins that slow the decay of light-responding cells. And with BrainPort, a camera worn by a blind person captures images and transmits signals to electrodes slipped onto

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Comparative law

They are: · the courts of other European organisations, in particular the European Court of Human Rights and the EFTA Court (European Free Trade Association); · the courts created under the auspices of the United Nations; · the independent dispute settlement bodies of the United Nations. 5. GERMAN CIVIL CODE German Civil Code, German Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, the body of codified private law that went into effect in the German empire in 1900. Though it has been modified, it remains in effect. The code grew out of a desire for a truly national law that would override the often conflicting customs and codes of the various German territories. The code is divided into five parts. The first is general, covering concepts of personal rights and legal personality. The subjects of the other four parts are: obligations, including concepts of sale and contract; things, including immovable and movable property; domestic relations; and succession. FRENCH CIVIL CODE

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Linux ja Unix sõnaraamat

GNU GRUB (GRUB) – GNU GRUB (or just GRUB) is a boot loader package that supports multiple operating systems on a computer. GRUB is most often used on Unix-like systems, including GNU, Linux and Solaris. - Alglaaduri pakikene, mis toetab mitut operatsioonisüsteemi ühes arvutis. Enamasti Unixil põhinevate operatsioonisüsteemide alglaadur. GNU Linux – The GNU Linux project was created for the development of a Unix-like operating system that comes with source code that can be copied, modified, and redistributed. - Projekt, mis loodi Unix operatsioonisüsteemide jaoks, mille koodi saaks kopeerida ja muuta. GNU zip (Gzip) – Gzip (GNU zip) is a free and open source algorithm for file compression. - Kõigile kättesaadav tarkvara failide kokku pressimiseks. Gnutella – Gnutella is a file sharing protocol that defines the way distributed nodes communicate over a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. - Failide jagamis protokol, kus on kirjas, kuidas käib failide jagamine P2P võrguühendusel.

Infoteadus → Linux OS
3 allalaadimist

London - sillad, tornid, ajalugu

You can also visit the inside of the tower, where you can observe the original mechanism which used to raise the bridge. Tower of London The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror to protect and control the city of London. When it was first built it lay within the old Roman City Walls. In the 13th century it was enlarged beyond those walls. Including the moat, it now covers 18 acres. The White Tower is the only remaining Norman building. Since successive monarchs have modified it and added to it, most of the architectural styles popular over the centuries can be found within The Tower's walls. The Tower has been used as fortress, a palace, and a prison. It has housed the Royal Mint, the Public Records, and the Royal Observatory. And from the 13th century until 1834 it housed the Royal Menagerie. For centuries it was the arsenal for arms and armour. And, since it is one of the strongest fortresses in England, it has guarded and continues to guard the crown jewels

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

2.It was preceded by the definitive article ("se/so/æt" and all its declined forms), either of the demonstratives ("se/so/æt" and all its declined forms and "es/is/os" and all its declined forms), or any possessive personal pronoun except for the third person possessive pronouns ("his/hire/heora") - unless the adjective was one of the few adjectives that were always declined strong, like er - "second" 3.It was used in a nickname and came after the personal name it modified (for more info see: Old English/Titles and Nicknames In all other cases, the adjective was declined strong, including if it came after a linking verb: ·I eom grat - "I am great" · wihta wron ftta - "The creatures were fat"). CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF MIDDLE ENGLISH A comparison of English texts written in the tenth or eleventh centuries with those produced in the late twelth or early thirteenth reveals the following differences between Old and Middle English: · phonological

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

They have been cleared for farming and to build communities. These human activities have led to the decline and loss of these forests in many parts of the world. Temperate rainforest: Farming, mining, hunting, logging and urbanization are some of the human activities that have affected negatively this biome, resulting in biodiversity loss, pollution, deforestation and habitat loss and fragmentation. Temperate grassland: Grasslands in temperate latitudes have been modified by human activity to such a degree that little remains today in a natural state - and substantially less in some form of long-term protection. Only 5.5% of the world's temperate grasslands are currently protected within the global system of protected areas. Taiga: Removing most of the trees in a given area is usually done using large machines which disrupt the soil greatly, and the dramatic diminution of ground cover permits large-scale erosion and

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

completed their adaptations using the tool. An important outcome indicated that all teachers who participated in this pilot gained knowledge about linguistic features as a 7 result of the TPD training. Teachers were better able to articulate how to modify content to make it accessible to all students. In comparative analyses of the pre- and postadaptations, we found that teachers who used Text Adaptor modified features in texts that were closely associated with best practices in modifying materials for non-native English speakers, and modified the language and content of the text more comprehensively than teachers who did not have access to Text Adaptor. Positive outcomes suggesting teachers' increased knowledge and linguistic awareness around text adaptations when they used the tool has inspired additional research toward developing additional tool

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

The -ed of walked and the dis- of dislike are examples. Prefixes an element placed in the beginning of the word to adjust or to qualify its meaning. (Become, forget, within, dismiss) Suffixes an element placed in the end of the word to form a derivative. (maker, actor, artist, vixen) Infixes an element placed in the middle of the word. Almost no true infixes in English, except for colloquial speech and chemical terminology. (Shiznit) Combining forms A modified form of an independent word that occurs only in combination with words, affixes, or other combining forms to form compounds or derivatives, as electro- in electromagnet or geo- in geochemistry. Back-formation new words are formed by taking away affixes. (nt, connection, to connect). This process is based on analogy. Back-form is word building and it means coining verbs. (nt, butcher, to butch; sculptor, to sculpt, television, to televise). Rarely

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

Aboveground Belowground No detail drawings Lack of training Lack of training Poor trench Insufficient joints for conditions erection Inadequate access Incomplete insertion Water ingress in joints-see later Inadequate time for weld Failure to Meet Service Conditions Some Anticipated Events-Installation Spools forced to fit Physical damage Designed supports MEK damage to missing or modified internal surface Insufficient clearance Use of PVC-U glue in clamps & guides Other services Variations from design supported from ABS not engineered Incorrect slings Surfaces not cleaned Insufficient weld time Aged solvent cement Inadequate thrust blocks Some Anticipated Events-Testing Lack of planning & Records of test not procedure prepared

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

26. Sensory Evaluation of Meat Products 457 Geoffrey R. Nute 27. Detection of Chemical Hazards 469 Milagro Reig and Fidel Toldrá 28. Microbial Hazards in Foods: Food-Borne Infections and Intoxications 481 Daniel Y. C. Fung Contents vii 29. Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Meat Products by PCR 501 Marta Hernández, Alejandro Ferrando, and David Rodríguez-Lázaro 30. HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point 519 Maria João Fraqueza and António Salvador Barreto 31. Quality Assurance 547 Friedrich-Karl Lücke

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Jean Renoir

signaled the beginning of impressionist art. In 1869 Renoir and Monet worked together at La Grenouillère, a bathing spot on the river Seine. Both artists became interested in painting light and water. According to Phoebe Pool (1967), this was a key moment in the development of impressionism, for it "was there that Renoir and Monet made their discovery that shadows are not brown or black but are coloured by their surroundings, and that the 'local colour' of an object is modified by the light in which it is seen, by reflections from other objects and by contrast with juxtaposed [placed side by side] colours." The styles of Renoir and Monet were almost identical at this time, a sign of the dedication with which they pursued and shared their new discoveries. During the 1870s they continued to work together at times, although their styles generally developed in more personal directions. In 1874

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

reflex actions, automatisms without consciousness. ­ DURING FRENCH REVOLUTION) · Reflex arc- the reflex pathway that leads from stimulus to response Inferring the Synapse: · Simple reflex (Sherrington's study) ­ reflex considered in splendid neurological isolation, unaffected by activities elsewhere in the nervous system. (doesn't exist for even the lowliest spinal reflex is modified by higher centers in the spinal cord or the brain). An itch will initiate a scratch reflex but if you're the catchman in the trampeze act you'll inhibit it. To remove the effect of higher centers, Sherrington used the spinal animal, usually a dog, whose spinal cord had been completely severed in the neck region. This cut all the connections between the body and the brain, so that spinal reflexes could be studied pure. · Excitation- method simple

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Geneetika eksami konspekt

See on tüüpiline suguliselt sigivate eukarüüotsete organismide pärilikkusemehhanismile, kus meioos ja viljastumine kombineerivad vanemate genoomielemente geneetiliselt erinevatesse sigirakkudesse (gameetidesse või eostesse) ja sügootidesse. Eristatakse interkromosoomset rekombinatsiooni ja intrakromosoomset rekombinatsiooni. Prokarüootidel ja viirustel esineb mitmesuguseid osalise geneetilise rekombinatsiooni protsesse. Balancer Chromosomes are special, modified chromosomes used for genetically screening a population of organisms to select for heterozygotes. Balancer chromosomes can be used as a genetic tool used to prevent crossing over (genetic recombination) between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Balancers are most often used in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) genetics to allow populations of flies carrying heterozygous mutations to be maintained without constantly screening for the mutations but can also be used in mice

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
50 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun