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Fame is a Fickle Food (0)

Fame is a Fickle Food #1
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Aeg2009-01-10 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 10 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
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Luuletuse analüüs. Tegu tegelikult USA autoriga - Emily Dickinsoni luuletus siis.

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American Literature

The making of a new nation. The Enlightenment in America. The emergence of the notion of the American Dream. The great Enlighteners: Crèvecoeur, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin. The American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in the United States in the midtolate 18th century (1715­1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the one hand and the European Enlightenment on the other. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century and the humanist period during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society, and religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony, it would be the American Enlightenment. Broadly

Inglise keel

Stilistika loeng

FGI 1081 Stilistika (Irina Ladusseva) Kab. 420 2 AP Ends with an exam; lasts only for 1 semester. At the exam you get 2 questions and an exercise (50 sentences: establish the device used, recognize it, and name it). Care about the pronunciation of the terms. Books: - I. Galperin "Stylistics" - I. Ladusseva "Rhythm and Text" - I. Ladusseva "Vocabulary and Style" - I. Ladusseva "Stylistic practice: Book I, Book II" - I. Ladusseva "A Guide to Punctuation" EXAMINATION TOPICS: 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies 2. Inherent connotations. Phonesthe

Stilistika (inglise)

Stilistika materjalid

STYLISTICS 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies The term ,,style" is polysemantic. Latin ,,stilus"--a writing instrument used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets. Soon, the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift said: ,, Style is proper words in proper places" Present day--half a dozen meanings: · the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas (Style of Byron) · the manner of expressing ideas characteristic of a literary movement or period (symbolism, romanticism) · the use of lg. typical of a literary genre (comedy, drama, novel) · the selective use of lg that depends on spheres of human activity. These are called functional styles or registers (fiction, newspaper) Stylistics is the study of style. However, for some r

Stilistika (inglise)

Exami kysimused-vastused

1. STYLE The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron) 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, business correspondence, etc.). STYLISTICS Stylistics ­ is the study of style. The very term "stylistics" came in more com

Stilistika (inglise)

Outstanding figures in British literature

Cædmon's Hymn is the oldest recorded Old English poem, and also one of the oldest surviving samples of Germanic alliterative verse The Hymn itself was composed between 658 and 680, recorded in the earlier part of the 8th century Middle English Geoffrey Chaucer 13431400 Known as the ,,Father of English literature", the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages An author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, diplomat Wrote The Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde Best known today for "The Canterbury Tales" Crucial figure in developing the legitimacy of the vernacular, Middle English, at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French Modern English William Shakespeare 26 April 1564­ 23 April 1616 The Elizabethan Era English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's most important dramatist ,,England's national poet"

British literature

English literature from the Baroque to the Romanticism

and visually representing them in lavish illusionistic scenic display. In this way, kingship was portrayed as divine along with its doctrines, as it was also carefully formed into an educational experience. (Coursebook, pp. 5-7) 2. The Caroline Masque The Caroline masque, above all, emphasized the interdependence of the arts and the Crown. The masques covered the years of Charles’s personal rule without summoning the Parliament. The court was staking a claim to everlasting fame through its patronage of the arts. Culture and political ideology became more and more entangled with each other. The arts were supposed to create an image for the nobility to follow and to present ideals to which one should adhere. This also meant that the king and the queen were supposed to be seen as personifications of these ideals. Charles I adopted the Roman imperial style when it came visually presenting his own reign

Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu

The Inchcape Rock

"And the Blue Sky My Fretted Dome Shall Be"- Nature vs Society In the Works of British Romanticists Research paper Liisi Pajula 11 b The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey The Inchcape Rock is a poem about Sir Ralph the Rover, an evil man, who wants to sink other ships, so he could use his own ship to blunder villages and towns. He removes a warning bell that warns sailors about a secret underwater rock. By doing this, he signs his own death sentence. At a dark night, he crashes his ship to the Rock, because there was no bell to warn him. In the first stanza of the poem Southey describes the surroundings. The tone of the poem is set, at the begging it is very serene and relaxed. The weather and sea are calm

Inglise kirjandus

English literature

1. Beowulf. The dating of Beowulf is still controversial. The poem is one of the earliest and greatest monuments of the Germanic literatures. The main stories of the poem (the fights of B.) are versions of common folk-tales, but the poet also introduces many incidental stories, some of which belong to the world of ancient Germanic legend. He writes his folk-tales and legends in a web of other events, mainly set in the Baltic Kingdoms. He shows a very rich and leisurely portrayal of this Baltic world, providing many customs like the close relationship between lord and man in the war-band and others. All this encouraged the supposition that the unknown author of the poem was himself a bard of the ancient type portrayed within the poem (a lord's scoop). However, many people propose that the author could be Christian poet, perhaps a monk, versed not only in old native traditions, but also in the culture and literature of the Latin Church, and whose purpose of writin

Inglise keel

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