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"obscure" - 36 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Obscure

Faile: 0

Camera obscure ehk pimekamber

Camera obscure ehk pimekamber Töö käik: valmistasin camera obscura ehk pimekambri. Selleks võtsin sobivas mõõdus tühja karbi. Mul oli selleks vana lõhnaõlikarp. Võib ka kasutada tikutopsi, kaerahelbekarpi jne. Võtsin karbi lahti, värvisin sisemuse tumedaks. Kleepisin karbi kinni, eemaldasin karbil kaane ning katsin tekkinud avause küpsetuspaberiga. Sellele põhjale, mille kaant ma ei eemaldanud, tegin kruvikeerajaga väikese augu. Nähtus, mida nägin: kaameral oli ühel pool auk ning teisel pool küpsetuspaberiga kaetud põhi. Nüüd vaatlesin valgustatud eset, milleks oli laelamp. Selleks asetasin auguga poole lambi poole ning kaugust korrigeerides tekkis küpsetuspaberiga kaetud pinnale objekti tagurpidi kujutis. Camera obscura on fotoaparaadi eelkäija. Camera obscura aluseks on optiline nähtus, mis esineb pimedas ruumis, mille ühes seinas on avaus. Kui see ava on piisavalt väike, siis seda läbiv valgus ei...

Füüsika → Füüsika
8 allalaadimist


19th century France, Belgium reaction against Naturalism and Realism spirituality, imagnination, dreams represents a more gothic side of Romanticism static, priestly Artists Caspar David Friedrich Fernand Khnopff John Henry Fuseli Gustave Moreau Edvard Munch Jan Toorop Fernand Khnopff "The Caress" Symbolism in art mythology, dreams to reveal the soul evocative no mainstream symbols ­ very private, obscure, ambigious more like a philosophy influenced Art Nouveau and Les Nabis precursors of Surrealists "Symbolism plus Freud" Aftermath Aestheticism Expressionism, surrealism in painting Picasso's "Blue period" National style in Belgium ­ René Magritte In early motion pictures

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Fame is a Fickle Food

It flows nicely, although there is an abrupt change of pace in the last line, but that also carries a significance - to highlight the importance of the last sentence. She has also comprised the stanzas very logically ­ the main idea carries over very well. Dickinson has not used too complex metaphors or stylistic devices, which sometimes make a poem harder to read. I enjoyed the poem, especially because I agree with the main idea - one should not waste one's life running after something as obscure as fame. I also liked the way she brought the abstract notion of 'fame' to a very down-to-earth form. Using food as a metaphor for fame she very successfully brought the whole idea of the poem closer to the reader.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keele (uued) sõnad

13. Attest tunnistama 66. Malfunction talitushäire 14. Attrition ammendumine 67. Miserable haletsusväärne/vilets 15. Badge mark 68. Myriad tohutu hulk 16. Barely vaevu 69. Nauseating iiveldama ajav 17. Blockbuster kassahitt 70. Node sõlm 18. Bread-board trükiplaat 71. Obscure hämar, segane 19. By hook or by crook igal juhul 72. Ostensibly teadlikult 20. Cache vahemälu 73. Permeate läbi tungima 21. Cite tsiteerima, viitama 74. Perpetrate sooritama 22. Concord kooskõla 75. Pliable painduv 23. Conducting läbiviimine 76. Plod rassima 24. Conservation kaitse 77

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

29) Grouch ­ iriseja, õelutseja 30) Ruefully ­ kahetsevalt 31) To disembark ­ maabuma 32) Hookah ­ vesipiip 33) Corral ­ koppel 34) Odor ­ lõhn 35) Rifle ­ vintpüss 36) To sling/slung - rippu viskama 37) Bugle ­ jahisarv, signaalpasun 38) Hoof ­ kabi, sõrg 39) Freight ­ vedu, laadung 40) Treacherous ­ reetlik, ebausaldav, ohtlik 41) Boulder ­ kaljurahn 42) Orchard ­ viljapuuaed 43) Detour ­ ringsõit, ümbersõit 44) Nocturnal ­ öine 45) Sentinel ­ vahimees 46) Obscure ­ selgusetu 47) Chieftain ­ sugukonnapealik 48) Exultant ­ juubeldav 49) Vessel - nõu, anum, alus 50) Ravine ­ jäärak, kuristik, org 51) Seer ­ ennustaja, prohvet 52) Twig ­ oks 53) Dungeon ­ vangikoobas 54) Falcon ­ pistrik 55) Kerchief ­ pearätt 56) To flee ­ põgenema 57) Grove ­ salu 58) Echoing ­ kaikuv 59) Steed ­ratsu 60) To embrace ­ embama 61) Chariot ­ tõld, sõjavanker 62) Beetle - mardikas 63) Sacristy ­ käärkamber

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Muuuskaretsensioon Ory krahv

Muusikaretsensioon Ooper Reedel 9. aprillil käisin ma Metreopolitan Opera vahendusel kuulamas ja vaatamas Gioachino Rossisni ooperit Ory Krahv. Kontsert algas kell 20.00 ja kestis umbkaudu 3 tundi. Peaosas mängis Juan Diego Florenz, kaasa tegid ka teised tuntud ooperlauljad: Diana Damrau, Joyce DiDonato, Susanne Resmark, Stephane Degout ja Michele Pertusi. Dirigendiks oli Maurizio Benini ja lavastajaks Bartlett Sher. Juan Diego sündis Limas 13. jaanuaril 1973 aastal. 4. juunil 2007 sai ta oma riigi kõrgeima autasu Gran Cruz de la Orden del Sol del Perú . Juan päris oma isalt head vokaalsed võimed ja ka armastuse Ladina-Ameerika muusika vastu. Tema isa on laulja ja tema ema Maria toetas oma poega kogu tema õpingute aja. Juan Diego on temor ja tema jaoks on keged kõrgemad toonid, tavõtab välja ka kõrgema E, vastupidisel aga on tema mada...

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Dictionary all marketers are liars

Dictionar y (,,All Marketers Are Liars") A Abandon hülgama, loobuma Accidental juhuslik Adequate adekvaatne, piisav Advertisement reklaam, kuulutus Affect mõju Airwaves õhuvoolud Alas paraku All stripes vöödilised Antibiotic antibiootiline, antibiootikum Apparently ilmselt Appeal palve Artisan kunstkäsitööline Asset vara, väärtus Assumption eeldus Auction oksjon Audacious hulljulge, ebatavaline Authentic ehtne Authenticity ehtsus Average keskmine B Barber juuksur Bearing kurss Bending nõtk, painutamine Benefit kasu, tulu Benevolent lahke Beverage jook Blacksmiths sepad Bloodletting...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Queens of England

Stephen Gardiner (who had presided over the wedding of Mary and Philip), and Bishop Edmund Bonner. Personally, Mary suffered from depression, anxiety, and neuralgia. Her phantom pregnancies were very probably the result of severe stress, and perhaps the extension of a character that was pious, conventional, and introspective. Her reign, too, was a difficult one. War in Europe, failure to reform the English Church, famine, and epidemics obscure some of the more positive aspects of Marian government such as the reform of the currency, the navy, and customs. Mary died in London on November 17, 1558, and was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth. Elizabeth I Elizabeth I (1533-1603), Queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603), and the last ruler of the Tudor dynasty.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Linux serveri administreerimine

Linux serveri administreerimine Ühenduse loomine Käivitage virtuaalmasinates server ubuntu-server ja klient ubuntu-desktop. Avage kliendi aknas käsurida MATE Terminal, valides selle rakenduste menüüst või vajutades klahvikombinatsiooni Ctrl-Alt-T . Looge kliendi käsurealt ühendus serveriga. Kuna kasutajanimi serveris on samasugune nagu kliendis, siis ei pea me SSH-ühenduse loomisel kasutajanime täpsustama. student@desktop:~$ ssh server Sisestage parool. student@server’s password: student Ülesanne 1 Kuva kataloogi /boot sisu ls korraldusega nii, et oleks näha failide omanikud ja suurused oleksid väljendatud kilo-, mega- ja gigabaitides. Käsk ls (list) kuvab kataloogide sisu. Lipuga -l (long listing format) kuvatakse failid detailse tabelina. Lipuga -h (human-readable) väljendatakse failisuurusi koos SI-süsteemist tuttavate eesliidete lühenditega kilo- (K), mega- (M) ja gigabaitides (G). ...

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide ja...
9 allalaadimist

Fabio Capello

Described variously as "uncompromising", "disciplinarian" and "impatient", Capello has recently expressed his support for those such as Pope Benedict XVI and Silvio Berlusconi. He has praised the organisational "skills" of General Franco. In a sport derided for its navel-gazing insularity and fondness for talking in cliches, the would-be successor to Steve McClaren deliberately seeks his friends outside football, has an impressive modern art collection, travels to obscure locations and prefers to spend his evenings listening to classical music. When asked recently about his testy attitude towards the media circus that surrounds the game, he said: "People say I'm impatient when it comes to football and they're right. I can't stand the crap that gets talked by everyone: players, fans, the media, club officials. Why should I waste my time listening to people who are clearly less intelligent than me?"

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars- töölehed

Lk 1 1. Intention- kavatsus, tahtmine, tahe, eesmärk 2. Instead- selle asemel, see- eest 3. Forsake- loobuma, hülgama, maha jätma 4. Spin- heietama, keerlema, tiirlema, ketrama 5. Shift- muutma, nihutama, vahetama, ümberlülitus 6. Paradigm- musternäidids, aluspõhimõte, raamistik 7. Spread- levitama, laotama, laiali asetama 8. Irrelevant- ebaoluline, tähtsusetu, mitteasjakohane 9. Infomercial- reklaamuudis Lk 2 1. Chariot- sõjavanker, võidusõidukaarik 2. Superstitious- ebausklik 3. Overwhelm- üle kuhjama, üle koormama 4. Function- toimima, tegutsema, tegevus, ülesanne 5. Embrace- omama, embama, hõlmama Lk 3 1. Significant- oluline, tähtis, märkimisväärne 2. Glassblower- klaasipuhuja 3. Artisan- käsitööline 4. Pursue- järgima, jälitama, püüdlema, otsima 5. Fervently- innukalt, kirglikult 6. Beverage- jook 7. Convey- edasi andma, vedama, üle kandma 8. Venture- riskantne ettevõtmine, spekulatsioon, riskima 9. Profound- sügav, põhjalik 1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

’Anita and Me’ by Meera Syal

BOOK REPORT Title & author of the book: 'Anita and Me' by Meera Syal The setting of the book? The story resolves around Meena Syal, the daughter of the only Punjabi family in the Midlands' mining village of Tollington. The novel provides a vision of British childhood in the 1960s, a childhood caught between two cultures, each on the brink of enormous change. Meena is desperate to fit in with the other children in her neighbourhood while forever feeling like an outsider because she is "different". Eventhough the Punjabi family is well respected by the locals, there are still sutations when they have to deal with racism. Plot summary (NB! Use the present tenses) Anita and Me by Meera Syal is the story of a young Punjabi girl growing up in the fictional English village of Tollington in the Midlands in the 1960s. The book follows Meena during her pre-teen years as she is desperate to fit in ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

Audentese Erakool Frederick Douglas Author: Kristin Liiv Supervisor: Martin Sillaots Tallinn 2007 Frederick Douglas................................................................................................................3 Life as a slave...................................................................................................................3 Early education................................................................................................................ 3 Abolitionist activities.......................................................................................................4 Autobiography................................................................................................................. 5 Travels to Europe.............................................................................................................

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


to 60 AD from pottery found at the broch of Gurness. By the time of Pliny the Elder, who died in AD 79, Roman knowledge of the geography of Scotland had extended to the Hebudes (The Hebrides), Dumna (probably the Outer Hebrides), the Caledonian Forest and the Caledonii. Ptolemy, possibly drawing on earlier sources of information as well as more contemporary accounts from the Agricolan invasion, identified 18 tribes in Scotland in his Geography, but many of the names are obscure and the geography becomes less reliable in the north and west, suggesting early Roman knowledge of these area was confined to observations from the sea. Geography of Scotland ! The geography of Scotland is highly varied, from rural lowlands to barren uplands, and from large cities to uninhabited islands. Located in northwest Europe, Scotland comprises the northern one third of the island of Great Britain and over 790 surrounding islands and archipelagoes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

American literature built on American themes and language. Many of Twain's works have been suppressed at times for various reasons. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been repeatedly restricted in American high schools, not least for its frequent use of the word "nigger," which was a common term when the book was written. Unfortunately, a complete bibliography of his works is nearly impossible to compile because of the vast number of pieces written by Twain (often in obscure newspapers) and his use of several different pen names. Additionally, many believe that a large portion of his speeches and lectures have been lost or simply were not written down; thus, the collection of Twain's works is an ongoing process. Researchers have rediscovered published material by Twain as recently as 1995. Henry James Henry James (1843-1916), noted American-born English essayist, critic, and author of the

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

English lexicology 1. Size of English vocabulary  Vocabulary is a sum total of words used in a language by speakers or for dictionary-making. Active and passive vocabulary.  The Old English vocabulary was homogenous. There were about 50 000 – 60 000 words, 1/3 of which have survived. o About 450 loans from Latin o About 2000 from the Viking invasions.  The Middle-English vocabulary became a heterogeneous hybrid of Germanic and Romanic languages. 100 000 to 125 000 words. o About 10 000 loans from Norman French, 75% are still in use o Continuing Latin influence  Early Modern English. 200 000 – 250 000 words o English becomes a pluricentric language. o Polyglot. Cosmopolitan language  Modern English. 500 000 words o At present at least 1 billion lexical units 2....

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

SO2: Extensive and varying customer base support numerous customers SO3: Relations with foreign partners in WO2: Project-orientedness implies a Baltic states, Scandinavia and UK multitude of different code to support SO4: Reliable employee base WO3: Unattractive and obscure web SO5: Attractive inspiring office space in the representation and interface of products very heart of the city WO4: Too many areas of services SO6: WebMountain ­ the core for efficient WO5: Absence of real international business and easy building of information systems network

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

1_fl_i-v L1. SISSEJUHATUS Mõtlemine on käsiteldav kui igasugune aktiivne vaimne protsess. Tulemuslikku mõtlemist iseloomustab abstraheerimine, analüüs ja süntees. Mõtlemisvahendite põhjal võib seda jaotada · kaemuslik-motoorne, · kujundlik · sõnalis-loogiline (verbaal-loogiline). Sõnalis-loogiline mõtlemine tugineb mõistetele. Verbaalne mõtlemine avaldub inimese oskuses ... · opereerida mõistetega, neid võrrelda ja analüüsida; · püstitada hüpoteese, formuleerida kontseptsioone ja teooriaid; · seletada olemasolevaid teadmisi; · saada uusi teadmisi olemasolevate põhjal. Ratsionaalne mõtlemine on järjekindel ja reeglipärane (ehk loogiline) mõtlemine. See võib olla korrigeeritud kogemusega, mille allikaks peetakse tegelikkust. Eesmärgiks on sageli tegelikkusega kohanemine. Irratsionaalne mõt...

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

Valerie Preston-Dunlop

Valerie Preston ­Dunlop (10.-11. 04.2007 Tallinn) METACHOREOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (hõlmab kogu tantsukunsti uurimist tervikuna) ETHNOCHOREOLOGY (etnose, rahvaga seotud tantsuloome) ARCHCIOHOREOLOGY (koreograafilised nn.väljakaevamised, vanade tööde taastamine, n. ,,Kevadpühitsus", ,,Fauni pärastlõuna" taastamine säilinud kirjutiste või muude materjalide alusel jne., ka folkloorne materjal) Grammar and Synthax (art of forms, mental, emotional contact, ideas)- grammatika ja lauseõpetus, uurib tantsuvorme, vaimset ja emotsionaalset sidet loomingu ja selle autoritevahel, loojate ideid. CHOREUTICS (spacial forms, grammar on what they are based of) EUKENETICS (study of rythms, dynamics, frazing) Polyrythmic movements (rythmic in the legs, the other rythm in the arms) Body is not just a flesh ­ political, gender etc. Cathegories TRIADIE PERCEPTION ­ tekib - performer, choreographer, audience suhtest. In post-modern world CREATIVE PERFORMER PR...

Tants → Koreograafia
28 allalaadimist

Andmeturve konspekt / kokkuvõte

kellaajad ­ password -- paroolipoliitika pealesurumiseks · Iga moodul tagastab ühe järgmistest väärtustest: ­ success, failure, ignore · Mooduli atribuudid: üks järgmistest ­ required, requisite, optional, sufficient, binding PAM konfiguratsiooni näide auth required nullok_secure auth required account required session required session required session optional password required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 password required retry=3 minlen=6 difok=3 Windows NT turvamudel · Subjekte (kasutajaid ja gruppe) identifitseeritakse süsteemisiseselt turvaidentifikaatori (SID -- Security ID) järgi · SAM (Security Account Manager) -- peab kasutajate andmebaasi ja autendib kasutajaid · Sisse logimisel jäetakse kasutaja kohta meelde tema SID ning kõigi gruppide SID'id, kuhu see kasutaja kuulub

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
32 allalaadimist

American Literature

Perception, rather than analysis, is the basis for this kind of poetry, which uses few metaphors or other kinds of symbolic language. Anecdotes are another favored device. By transmitting a story, often one he has gotten from another individual, Whitman hopes to give his readers a sympathetic experience, which will allow them to incorporate the anecdote into their own history. The kind of language Whitman uses sometimes supports and sometimes seems to contradict his philosophy. He often uses obscure, foreign, or invented words. This, however, is not meant to be intellectually elitist but is instead meant to signify Whitman's status as a unique individual. Democracy does not necessarily mean sameness. The difficulty of some of his language also mirrors the necessary imperfection of connections between individuals: no matter how hard we try, we can never completely understand each other. Whitman largely avoids rhyme schemes and other traditional poetic devices

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

.. have been motivated by the company too and because we are interests other than attempts at all obviously really curious to find out 9C The secret agent page 77 his real name we often try and prise humour of questionable taste. it out of her but she always feigns 1 1 obscure 5 dingy 5 T The Sunday Times announced ignorance. I don't know if she's been 2 flimsy 6 rousing an exclusive that was sure to sworn to secrecy or whether she's been 3 impudent 7 nondescript increase its circulation: the kept in the dark like everyone else. 4 ostensible 8 grimy serialisation of Adolf Hitler's

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

immoral to fall into error, to wander from the truth, to be ignorant, to be led astray. In this pursuit, which is both natural and morally right, two errors are to be avoided: first, we must not treat the unknown as known and too readily accept it; and he who wishes to avoid this error (as all should do) will devote both time and attention to the weighing of evidence. The other error is that some people devote too much industry and too deep study to matters that are obscure and difficult and useless as well. If these errors are successfully avoided, all the labour and pains expended upon problems that are morally right and worth the solving will be fully rewarded. Such a worker in the field of astronomy, for example, was Gaius Sulpicius, of whom we have heard; in mathematics, Sextus Pompey, whom I have known personally; in dialectics, many; in civil law, still more. All these professions are occupied with the search after truth; but to be drawn by study away

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

collection, watermark is inversed, unusual stamp-looking into the truth. Oedipas husband is Mucho Mars-much more- wants to embrace the entire world under the influence of lsd. Postmodern scizoprhenic, his identity has melted into other peoples identitys. Dr. Hillarious-is unhappylly crazy. For mucho there is no boarder between the self and the other. Its all about effective communication, according to pynchon, the message should not be completely clear, but it cant be completely obscure. It has to be in the middle. The novel uses different types of discourse, songs, drama, burlesque, a lot of puns. Mucho Maos works in a radio station KCUF. There is no conclusive answer. At the end of the novel the lot nr 49 is cried out. 10.04.13 Experimental postmodernists: Barth, Donald Barthelme, William Gass, Joseph Heller Joseph Heller ,,Catch-22". The heroe is Jossarian-armenianamerican. He doesn't want to fight anymore in the war. He says that he's crazy in order to get out of fighting

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


certain religious texts. But the secrecy in many more cases resulted from the understandable desire of the Egyptians to have passersby read their epitaphs and so confer upon the departed the blessings written therein. In Egypt, with its concentration upon the afterlife, the number of these inscriptions soon • proliferated to such an extent that the attention and the goodwill of visitors flagged. To revive their interest, the scribes deliberately made the inscriptions a bit obscure. They introduced the cryptographic signs to catch the reader's eye, make him wonder, and tempt him into unriddling them — and so into reading the blessings. It was a sort of Madison Avenue technique in the Valley of the Kings. But the technique failed utterly. Instead of interesting the readers, it evidently destroyed even the slightest desire to read the epitaphs, for soon after the funerary cryptography was begun, it was abandoned. [Codebreakers 070.jpg]

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

A New Earth

And when identification with it ceases, the transmutation begins. The knowing prevents the old emotion from rising up in your head and taking over not only the internal dialogue, but also your actions as well as interactions with other people. This mean the pain-body cannot use you anymore and renew itself through you. The old emotion may then still live in you for a while and come up periodically. It may also still occasionally trick you into identifying with it again and thus obscure the knowing, but not for long. Not projecting the old emotion into situations means facing it directly within yourself. It may not be pleasant, but it won't kill you. Your Presence is more than capable of containing it. The emotion is not who you are. When you feel the pain-body, don't fall into the error of thinking there is something wrong with you. Making yourself into a problem – the ego loves that. The knowing needs to be followed by accepting. Anything else will obscure it again

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

(a) and (b); that the relevant procedure is widespread in the community and that individual members of the community rely on the other members to maintain that procedure as well. This seems exactly right. But now the trick will be to go from the analysis of unstructured-utterance meaning to ordinary sentence meaning, since ordinary English sentences are all structured. Grice brings in the notion of a "resultant" procedure. At this point Grice's article becomes dense and obscure, but I think the idea is this: Just as English sentences are made up of smaller meaningful parts--words and phrases--in virtue of which the whole sentences mean what they mean, an individual speaker will have in her/his repertoire a complex, abstract 96 Theories of meaning "resultant procedure" made up of the concrete procedures attaching to its respective composite parts. Thus, a sentence's meaning will not be directly

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus poliitilisse filosoofiasse

kuid uus liin tuletati vanast allikast. Lisanõudeks seati vaid kuninga kuulumine protestantlikku kirikusse. Kuninga kõrvaldamine troonilt Kuninga troonilt mahavõtmine pole rahva positiivne legaalne õigus, vaid on alati erakordne küsimus ning Burke'i arvates pole rahval sellist õigust tavaliste võimu kuritarvituste jaoks. Eristusjoon, millal peaks lõppema inimeste kuulekus kuningale ja algama vastupanu on tema sõnul ähmane ja mitte kergesti määratletav (faint, obscure and not easily definable): 1. Mitte ühe teo põhjal 2. Võimu peab olema pikalt kuritarvitatud 3. "Väljavaated tulevikuks peavad olema sama halvad kui mineviku kogemused" 4. Revolutsioon peab olema viimane vahend 5. Rahval pole õigust valitsust moodustada Ühiskonna järk-järguline muutmine on aga loomulik, nt Inglismaa vanimaks reformatsiooniks peab Burke Magna Hartat. Kodanike vabadused on aga ajalooliselt seotud päriliku monarhiaga ning nii

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
38 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Or you deny me right. Go but apart, Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will. And they shall hear and judge 'twixt you and me: If by direct or by collateral hand They find us touch'd, we will our kingdom give, Our crown, our life, and all that we can ours, To you in satisfaction; but if not, Be you content to lend your patience to us, And we shall jointly labour with your soul To give it due content. LAERTES Let this be so; His means of death, his obscure funeral— No trophy, sword, nor hatchment o'er his bones, No noble rite nor formal ostentation— Cry to be heard, as 'twere from heaven to earth, That I must call't in question. KING CLAUDIUS So you shall; And where the offence is let the great axe fall. I pray you, go with me. 151 Exeunt 152 SCENE VI. Another room in the castle. Enter HORATIO and a Servant HORATIO What are they that would speak with me?

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Õigusfilosoofia ajalugu

kuid uus liin tuletati vanast allikast. Lisanõudeks seati vaid kuninga kuulumine protestantlikku kirikusse. Kuninga kõrvaldamine troonilt Kuninga troonilt mahavõtmine pole rahva positiivne legaalne õigus, vaid on alati erakordne küsimus ning Burke'i arvates pole rahval sellist õigust tavaliste võimu kuritarvituste jaoks. Eristusjoon, millal peaks lõppema inimeste kuulekus kuningale ja algama vastupanu, on tema sõnul ähmane ja mitte kergesti määratletav (faint, obscure and not easily definable): 1. Mitte ühe teo põhjal 2. Võimu peab olema pikalt kuritarvitatud 3. "Väljavaated tulevikuks peavad olema sama halvad kui mineviku kogemused" 4. Revolutsioon peab olema viimane vahend 5. Rahval pole õigust valitsust moodustada Ühiskonna järk-järguline muutmine on aga loomulik, nt Inglismaa vanimaks reformatsiooniks peab Burke Magna Hartat. Kodanike vabadused on aga ajalooliselt seotud päriliku monarhiaga ning nii

Õigus → Õigus
633 allalaadimist


SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK: TEEMA 1!! 1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tšcnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: • sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; • mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; • teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma mõtteid väljendada; • loogika kui teadus (õpetus, filosoofia vms), mis uurib keeles väljenduva mõtlemise kõige...

Õigus → Õigus
39 allalaadimist


1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tscnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: · sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; · mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; · teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja loogika
27 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

heart. In others the Herald is an enemy, flinging a gauntlet of challenge in the hero's face or tempting the hero into danger. Initially heroes often have trouble distinguishing whether a Enemy or an Ally lies behind the Herald's mask. M a n y a hero has mistaken a well-meaning mentor's Call for that of an enemy, or misinterpreted the overtures o f a villain as a friendly invitation to an enjoyable adventure. In the thriller and film noir genres, writers may deliberately obscure the reality of the Call. Shadowy figures may make ambiguous offers, and heroes must use every skill to interpret them correctly. Often heroes are unaware there is anything wrong w i t h their O r d i n a r y W o r l d and don't see any need for change. T h e y m a y be in a state o f denial. T h e y have been just barely getting by, using an arsenal o f crutches, a d d i c t i o n s , and defense mechanisms. T h e job of the H e r a l d is to k i c k away these s u p p o r t s ,

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"TED Talk--Mary Roach: Ten Things You Didn't Know About Orgasm" ( Sexual physiology has been studied for centuries, behind the closed doors of laboratories, brothels, Alfred Kinsey's attic, and, more recently, MRI centers, pig farms, and sex-toy R&D labs. Mary Roach spent two years wheedling and conniving her way behind those doors to bring you the answers to the questions Dr. Ruth never asked. In this popular TED presentation, she delves into obscure scienti c research to make 10 surprising claims about sexual climax, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious. Violet Blue's Website ( Violet Blue is a sex-positive pundit and educator whose audiences range from medical doctors to the viewers of the Oprah Winfrey Show. She is also regarded as the foremost expert in the eld of sex and technology. If you want to improve your time between the sheets, her site offers dozens of articles as jumping off points.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


awareness. The primary but transformable thematic material interconnects all the movements. The music is full of poetry, impulsive and passionate. There is no division into different ballet scenes. The movements are named Prelude, Scherzo and Nocturne. The main thematic image of the Ballet-Symphony (Awakening – Prelude): Example 80. The two-facet functionality indicates that something obscure and unknown is waiting ahead: this reflects the searching and curious moods of the Girl. The whole movement clearly shows her changing thoughts in the morning; the themes are transparent, dancing and almost vocal. In the second movement the leading thematic image creates a cementing figure yet transforms into a restless and excited character. This is underlined by harmonic conflict (bitonality): Example 81. The first additional thematic image follows

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun