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"appraisal" - 37 õppematerjali


Majandussotsioloogia 5. seminari kodutöö

ERLE MAIDO 28.09.2015 Jarvis, D. S. L. (2007) Risk, Globalisation and the State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis, Global Society, 21(1), 23-46 Tekst toob välja, et moderniseerunud ühiskond on liikumas järgmisesse faasi, mida U. Beck nimetab ’refleksiivseks modernsuseks’ (ingl. k reflexive modernity)? Refleksiivne modernsus on kaasajastamise protsess, mis on välja arenenud tööstuslikust modernsusest, sellele on omane, et ei toimu enam nii suurt tööstuslikku arengut, kui see oli tööstusliku modernsuse ajal

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
29 allalaadimist

Arco Vara esitlus ( PRESENTATION )

ARCO VARA About Arco Vara Arco Vara AS is the leading real estate group of the Baltic States Operating today in 17 places in Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria. The company employs approx. 170 professionals The activities of Arco Vara group can broadly be divided into two pillars: 1. Services Division (brokerage, appraisal, maintenance) 2. Development History 1992 - AS Arco Vara was founded by Arti Arakas. Soon Richard Tomingas and Hillar-Peeter Luitsalu joined. 1997 - Arco Vara began expansion to other Baltic States. The first step is the establishment of Arco Real Estate in Riga. 2000 - Arco Maadehalduse OÜ, a forestland and land management and brokerage company, was founded. 2001 - Arco Kapitalijuhtimise Ltd. was founded 2006 - Expansion and opening of offices in Bulgaria and Romania

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist


SÕNARAAMAT A accomodate kohandama adapt kohandama affordable detached house taskukohane eramaja affordable low rise apartments (no lift) ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid amenity standards hüve standardid amount of sunlight päikesevalguse kogus ancillary abistav appraisal hinnangu andmine approaches to residential elamurajooni paigutusele lähenemise moodused B balcony veranda basement parking under buildings keldris asuv parkimiskoht biodiversity bioloogiline mitmekesisus bland housing ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
116 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

work circle. Most often, 360-degree feedback will include direct feedback from an employee's subordinates, peers, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation. - cite_note-1 It can also include, in some cases, feedback from external sources, such as customers and suppliers or other interested stakeholders. It may be contrasted with "upward feedback," where managers are given feedback only by their direct reports, or a "traditional performance appraisal," where the employees are most often reviewed only by their managers. The results from a 360-degree evaluation are often used by the person receiving the feedback to plan and map specific paths in their development. Results are also used by some organizations in making administrative decisions related to pay and promotions. When this is the case, the 360 assessment is for evaluation purposes, and is sometimes called a "360-degree review

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Freud Sigmund

5 6 1 CONSIDERATIONS Ken Dodd (1960): · For knowledge we often rely on the interpretation of Freud by "The trouble with Freud is that others he never had to play the old · Our appraisal of Freud is Glasgow Empire on a retrospective Saturday night after Rangers · How much of his work was and Celtic had both lost". original? E.g. Diderot · Theory shaped by experiences: · Relationship with his mother · Medically trained

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1046 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia kordamisküsimused 2015

Seminaritekstid: Eesti Inimarengu Aruanne 2014-2015, ptk. 2.6 Tammaru, T. ja Eamets R. Nüüdisaegne väljaränne: ulatus, põhjused ja mõjud Eesti arengule Kazjulja, M. ja Saar. E. (2014) Haridustaseme mõju edule tööturul. Muutuv majandus ja tööturg. Toim. Eamets, R. Eesti Statistikaamet 3 Jarvis, D. S. L. (2007) Risk, Globalisation and the State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis, Global Society, 21(1), 23-46 – vt. ka lisamaterjali ’U. Beck – Riskiühiskond’ 4

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

our staff, customers? A description of the activities of the organization in terms of branches, degree of vertical integration and geographical boundaries of markets to be covered. Horisontal integration ( ) Vision ­ where are we going? What do we want to achieve in the distant future? Strategy ­ how we get there? How do we want to achieve our vision, given our current mission`? Steps: 1. Situation appraisal 2. Choice of the best strategy 3. Operationalisation 4. Organisation, budgets and control Internal analysis: strengths and weaknesses External analysis: opportunities and threats, the environment (CCC analysis: consumer, channel, competition). Lecture 3: Finance and accounting Turnover (sales) in numbers = total number of units sold Turnover in money = sales level, average sales price per unit x total number of units sold.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Alushariduses kasutatavad mõisted

ALUSHARIDUSES KASUTATAVAD MÕISTED Alusharidus on teadmiste, oskuste vilumuste ja käitumisnormide kogum, mis loob eeldused edukaks edasijõudmiseks igapäevaelus ja koolis (KLS § 2). Alusharidus on süstematiseeritud teadmiste, oskuste, arusaamade, hoiakute, tõekspidamiste ja suundumuste süsteem, tänu millele inimene omandab võime käituda, orienteeruda, otsustada, omandada, korrigeerida oma käitumist (Ü. Vooglaid. 1996. Alushariduse õppekava projekt). Areng kajastab sisulisi muutusi lapse organismis ja selle omadustes, funktsioonides või käitumises. Kirjanduse põhjal koostas J. Treier Enesehindamine (self-assessment, self-evaluation) - protsess, milles õppeasutuse personal jälgib süstemaatiliselt ja regulaarselt õppeasutuse tegevusi ja tulemusi. Enesehindamise objektideks võivad olla kogu õppeasutus, selle personal või mõni selle rühm/liige. Enesehindamise põhieesmärk on soodustada nii indiviidi kui kollektiivi tasandiltoimuvat õppimist, a...

Pedagoogika → Haridusteaduskond
74 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

Though very few would actually welcome adversity, advice is to see it for what it is and make the most of it: learn how to face it, learn how to cope with it, keep your feet on the ground, and when it has passed look back to see what you could have learned from it. In recent years, it seems that perception ­ how one is perceived by others ­ has become critically important to success for managers. You need to understand how others see you. As a start, you might ask during assessment or appraisal meetings to have the papers put aside for a moment and get an honest, off-the-record assessment of how you are perceived generally. Managing your time It is critical, therefore, that you devise a strategy for dealing with time. The first step is to commit to a specific plan for how you allot your time. This can cover a host of areas ­ short term or long term, personal or business. Although the above may seem obvious, it is still

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

väärtused Fungible assets ­ asendatavad varad Interim dividend ­ üleminekuboonus Internal rate of return ­ seesmine protsent G Inventory ­ inventarinimistik, kauba loend Gearing ­ võlgnevustase Investment appraisal ­ investeeringu Giltedged securities ­ kindlad hindamine väärtpaberid Goal congruence konkurentsi eesmärk K Going concern ­ praegune mure Key factor ­ kommentaari esindaja Gross ­ bruto Gross profit ­ kogukasum, kogutootlikkus L Gross margin ­ kattekasum Labor hour rate ­ tööaja hind

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

active in different cognitive tasks. To what extent do cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion? Nowhere are mind-body interactions more obvious that in the emotions, where thinking and feeling are intimately connected. According to Schachter's two-factor theory, the intensity of physiological arousal tells us how strongly we are feeling something, but situational cues give us the information we need to label the arousal and tell ourselves what we are feeling. This indicates that appraisal and arousal affect one another. Lazarus and others made an experiment where they manipulated appraisal to influence arousal. They monitored college students' physiological responses to an anthropology film, where during aboriginal rites boys' penises were cut. They created four conditions of appraisal by different soundtracks ­ trauma, denial, intellectualization and silent. To measure arousal they monitored the changes in electrical skin conductance caused by sweating

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist


Epidemioloogia mõiste ja peamised uurimisteemad. Epidemioloogia on teadusharu, mis uurib mingil piiritletud rühmal esinevate haiguste (ja teiste tervisega seotud nähtuste) esinemist ning neid nähtusi esilekutsunud mõjureid. Epidemioloogid hindavad näiteks haiguste esinemise sagedust ja levikut ning riskitegureid. Nakkushaigused, väärtoitumishaigused, pahaloomulised kasvajad, vereringe elundite haigused, minevikus lühikese kuluga haigused, nüüd kroonilised haigused, kutseoht, ravimite kõrvaltoimed, haiguse esinemise seos tervishoiuteenuste vajaduse, nõudluse ja pakkumisega Haiguste esinemisnäitajad ja nende tõlgendamine (absoluutarvud ja rahvastiku suurusega seotud suhtarvud; haigestumus ja levimus; elulemisaeg; levimusmäär; kumulatiivhaigestumusmäär; haigestumuskordaja). Alguses peab haiguse esinemisnäitajaid käsitlema lahus andmetest rahvastiku suuruse kohta, ent hiljem tuleb haigusjuhtude arv seostada inimeste arvug...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
88 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

accommodation, then one's philosophy of nature and science will be does what it is supposed to do or merely provides a reasonable but largely fictional indistinguishable from purely speculative metaphysics. /.../ account of some event in the history of science. For example, although it is possible to 2. Functional and Formal. Second, one may proceed from a functional or a describe the process of theory appraisal as subjecting theories to severe tests in the formal point of view. In the former case, one would raise questions such as, How do interests of destroying bad theories as soon as possible, it is questionable whether most scientific laws function? or What role do laws play in the scientific enterprise? In the scientists are conscious of such interests. An explication of the concept of theory latter case on might ask, What is the logical structure of scientific laws and theories

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Protsessijuhtimise KT

supply-chain management) Kulud - tegevuspõhine juhtimine (ABM - activity-based management) ja tegevuspõhine kuluarvestus (ABC - activity-based costing) - kvaliteedikulude (PAF - prevention, appraisal & failure costs) - protsessikulude (process costing) mudel Kvaliteet - terviklik kvaliteedijuhtimine (TQM - total quality management) Protsesside kaardistamise olemus ja eeldused ning kaardistuse (projekti!) etapid ja osategevused. Olemus ja eeldused On kogu organisatsiooni töö (tegevuste, toimingute) kirjeldamine, milles

Muu → Kvaliteedi ja...
87 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne majandusalane sõnastik

14. Advise-nõu andma 15. Affordable low rise apartments (no lift) - ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid 16. Affordable- taskukohane 17. Ailing- valus 18. Ailment- häda, vaevus 19. Albeit- kuigi, ehkki, kuid siiski 20. Altered- muudetud, ümber tehtud 21. Amenity standards - hüve standardid 22. Amount of sunlight - päikesevalguse kogus 23. Analyze- analüüsima 24. Ancillary ­ abistav 25. Annually- igal aastal 26. Anxiety ­ mure, ärevus 27. Apparel- rõivad, kehakate 28. Appraisal ­ hinnangu andmine 29. Approach- pöörduma, lähenema 30. Approaches to residential - elamurajooni paigutusele lähenemise moodused 31. Appropriately- sobivalt 32. Assertive- enesekindlalt väitev 33. Asset- vara 34. Attach- kinnitama 35. Auction- okjon B 36. Badly- halvasti 37. Bagel ­ kringel, kukkel 38. Balcony ­ veranda 39. Banish- pagendama, maapakku saatma 40. Bankrupt- pankrot 41. Basement parking under buildings - keldris asuv parkimiskoht 42. Batch- partii 43

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

. 6 1.2 The effect of emotion regulation strategies in response to psychological stress. Humans, whether interacting with each other or their environment have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. Emotion is a response to a situation that one considers to be relevant to his or her goals (Gross & Thomson, 2007). Gross and Thomson (2007) have presented a modal model of emotion, that illustrates the process; situation attention appraisal response. Situation can be either external or an internal mental presentation that is attended to on the basis of an individual appraisal that leads to emotional response. This emotional response can influence the situation and can change behaviour. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essential for metabolic support when preparing the body for action. Since emotion can influence important processes

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

We are waaaay ahead of the competition. Using adverbs extremely really entirely very completely quite totally Repeating words Communication is vital. Without communication, nothing is achieved. With little communication, little is achieved. Stressing auxiliaries We can't and won't be able to accept the offer. Finance is the key. Targets have been reached over the last year. Adding do, does or did To implement an appraisal system, we do need management support. The economy does need investment. We did work hard and the results show that. THE MAIN POINTS TO REMEMBER Voice & pronunciation Making it interesting Project your voice Go faster to excite aim for the back Go slower to show importance Emphasise importance Pause often and look round audience

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

If he is the deep side of the cliff, he will not crawl across the apparent cliff.This suggests that the perception of depth is not learned through experience, but is built into our system at the very start. Complex social behaviour in humans: human social interactions are more subtle and flexible than those of animals. For much of human social life is based on the individual's rational appraisal of how another person will respond to his own actions: ,, If I do this...he will think this...then I will have to do this.." and so on. Peacockss courtship ritual happens to fail then he has no alternate strategy; all he can do is display his tail feathers again and again. · Under some circumstances people tend to behave differently in crowds than they do when alone. ( For example panic- when someone shouts FIRE!

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

success. ! ! ! ! References Hays, S. (2010). Pros and cons of pay for performance. Workforce. Vol 78. No. 2, pp 68-73. Ingraham, P., (1993) Of pigs in pokes and policy diffusion: another look at PFP. Public Administration Review, 53, 348–356. Mogultay, U. (2006) Making Performance Pay More Successful in Public Sector. Available at: Murphy, K., Cleveland, J., (1995) Understanding Performance Appraisal. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Raadschelders, J., Rutgers, M. (1996). The evolution of civil service systems. Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 67–99. Randma-Liiv, T. 2005. Performance management in transitional administration: introduction of pay-for-performance in the Estonian civil service. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 7, 1, pp. 95-115. Weibel, A., Rost, K., Osterloh, M. (2009) Pay for Performance in the Public Sector—

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethnographic interviews with lifestyle travellers in India and Thailand offer an emic account of the practices, ideologies and social identity that characterise lifestyle travel as a distinctive subtype within backpacking. Departing from the drifter construct, which (re)constitutes this identity as socially deviant, the concept of lifestyle allows for a contemporary appraisal of these individuals’ patterns of meaningful consumption and wider insights into how ongoing mobility can lead to different ways of understanding identities and relating to place. Keywords: lifestyle consumption; backpacker; mobility; drifter; identity INTRODUCTION Within the social world of backpacking, there exist a small proportion of tourists who travel as a lifestyle for years on end. Reminiscent of Cohen’s (1972) seminal ‘drifter tourists’,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

Improve development expense Return on Investment 5%, 15%, 25% Increase amount of time employees spend in the office RoI Increase the number of employees simultaneously in the office Increase efficiency of every employee Increase perceived value Customer appraisal of the Not less than 7, 8, 8 Raise satisfaction with user experience products and services based Marketing initiatives to present the product most credibly and seductively on questionnaires and actual sales (10 point scale)

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia kordamisküsimused

sotsiaalsus SEMINARID: alltoodud tekstidestlähtuvalt tuleb eksamitöös 2-3 arutlevat lühiküsimust (piisab seminariks ettevalmistatud vastustest, oluline on mõista teksti autori põhiväiteid ja nende üle lühidalt arutleda) Seminaritekstid: Eesti Inimarengu Aruanne 2014 -2015, ptk. 2.6 Tammaru, T. ja Eamets R. Nüüdisaegne väljaränne: ulatus, põhjused ja mõjud Eesti arengule Jarvis, D. S. L. (2007) Risk, Globalisation and he State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis, Global Society, 21(1), 23-464 Brumley, K. M. (2014) The Gendered Ideal Worker Narrative: Professional Women's and Men's Work Experiences in the New Economy at a Mexican Company, Gender & Society, 12(28): 799-823

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
3 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

Starteegiline juhtimine, eksamiks valmistumine Strateegilise üldjuhtimise tsükkel: kavandamine, korraldamine, kontroll Strateegiline plaanimine - on organisatsiooni sise- ja väliskeskkonna analüüsiprotsess, määramaks põhilised eesmärgid, mis aitavad äriühingul täita oma missiooni ja liikuda oma visiooni suunas. Starteegilise juhtimise tsükkel: visioon/mission, väärtused; teadmised, oskused; tegevused, tulemused-tagasiside. Strateegia on eesmärgistatud kavand, mis sobitab omavahel organisatsiooni ressursid, struktuuri ja kultuuri (tugevused, nõrkused) väliskeskkonna muutustega (võimalused, ohud). Strateegiline juhtimine on otsuste ja tegevuste kogum, mis kindlustab pikas perspektiivis äriühingu jätkusuutliku tulemuslikkuse. • Organisatsiooni seire, formuleerimise, elluviimise, hindamise ja kontrolli protsess. Strateegilist juhtimist iseloomustab: • Interdistsiplinaarsus  Organisatsioon kui tervik • Fookus väliskeskkonnale  Majan...

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Isiksusepsühholoogia kordamisküsimused

Isiksusepsühho kordamisküsimused I LOENG Gordon Allporti (1937) isiksusedefinitsioon. Mille poolest see erineb individuaalsetest erinevustest lähtuvast definitsioonist? Karakter ja temperament; nende erinevad tähendused isiksusepsühholoogias ja lähedastes valdkondades. Mida tähendab metateooria? Kas metateooria on empiiriliselt kontrollitav? (Jah ja ei: see ei ole ümber lükatav ühe uuringuga, kuid peaks olema faktidega kooskõlas.) Reduktsionism. Miks reduktsionism ei ole teaduse vaenlane? Isomorfsuse küsimus: kas isiksusejoonte ja bioloogiliste süsteemide vahel on üksühene vastavus? Mitte-äärmusliku reduktsionismi näited: Hans Jürgen Eysencki metateooria; Marvin Zuckermani kilpkonna-skeem (ja selle edasiarendus, kus bioloogilisele mõjuteele on lisandunud keskkondlik). Viie-faktori teooria kui hübriidteooria. Eristus baastendentside ja iseloomulike kohanemuste vahel. Sotsiaal-kognitiivsed teooriad. Nende kujunemise eripära (kognitiivse ...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
71 allalaadimist

Kohtupsühholoogia konspekt

Hinnangu langetamiseks süstematiseeritult kogutud andmete alusel ning hinnangute omavahelise võrreldavuse võimaldamiseks on arendatud mitmeid struktureeritud hindamismeetodeid, mis summeerivad spetsialistide kliinilist praktikat. Iga üksiku vägivallajuhtumi analüüs peaks: - kirjeldama juhtumit, - hindama riske ja riski juhtimise võimalusi. Enim kasutatud ja uuritud hinnanguskaalad: VRAG - Violence Risk Appraisal Guide. Quinsey jt. 1998. - meessoost patsientide hindamiseks tugevdatud järelvalvega psühhiaatrilise ravi osakonnas. HCR-20. Historical, Clinical and Risk Management Variables. Webster, C.D. jt. 1997. Karistusasutuse populatsiooni hindamiseks. SARA- Spousal Risk Assesment - hindab peresisese vägivalla riski. SVR-20 - Sexual Violence Risk. Seksuaalsed kõrvalekalded ennustavad hästi seksuaalset vägivalda, mitte aga üldist või peresisest vägivalda. Rusikareeglid:

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
140 allalaadimist


Hinnangu langetamiseks süstematiseeritult kogutud andmete alusel ning hinnangute omavahelise võrreldavuse võimaldamiseks on arendatud mitmeid struktureeritud hindamismeetodeid, mis summeerivad spetsialistide kliinilist praktikat. Iga üksiku vägivallajuhtumi analüüs peaks: - kirjeldama juhtumit, - hindama riske ja riski juhtimise võimalusi. Enim kasutatud ja uuritud hinnanguskaalad: VRAG - Violence Risk Appraisal Guide. Quinsey jt. 1998. - meessoost patsientide hindamiseks tugevdatud järelvalvega psühhiaatrilise ravi osakonnas. HCR-20. Historical, Clinical and Risk Management Variables. Webster, C.D. jt. 1997. Karistusasutuse populatsiooni hindamiseks. SARA- Spousal Risk Assesment - hindab peresisese vägivalla riski. SVR-20 - Sexual Violence Risk. Seksuaalsed kõrvalekalded ennustavad hästi seksuaalset vägivalda, mitte aga üldist või peresisest vägivalda. Rusikareeglid:

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
175 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia eksami kordamisküsimused

tõenäosus saada kõrgemat palka just Eestis ja Itaalias. Eesti ja Itaalia sarnasus on tähelepanuväärne, sest tegemist on riikidega, mille institutsionaalne raamistik on erinev. Samas võib nende riikide sarnasus olla tingitud mitmesugustest asjaoludest, Eestis ilmselt eelkõige sellest, et haridustaseme mõju osa rahvastikurühmade palgavõimalustele on suhteliselt väike. Jarvis, D. S. L. (2007) Risk, Globalisation and the State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis, Global Society, 21(1), 23-46 – vt. ka lisamaterjali ’U. Beck – Riskiühiskond’ 1. Tekst toob välja, et moderniseerunud ühiskond on liikumas järgmisesse faasi, mida U. Beck nimetab ’refleksiivseks modernsuseks’ (ingl. k reflexive modernity)? Refleksiivne modernsus on kaasajastamise protsess, mis on välja arenenud tööstuslikust modernsusest, sellele

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
29 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

perceived () by the community as a separate linguistic unity that serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader. Information and evaluation co-exist in the modern English newspapers. Information in the English newspapers is conveyed through the medium of brief news items, press reports, articles purely informational in character, and advertisements and announcements. The newspaper also seeks to influence public opinion on political and other matters. Elements of appraisal () may be observed in the very selection and the way of presentation of news, in the use of specific vocabulary, such as "allege" (), "claim" (, ), and syntactic constructions indicating a lack of assurance on the part of the reporter to avoid responsibility (e.g. Mr. X was said to have opposed ....). The headlines of news items also carry some amount of appraisal. Editorials () are characterized by a subjective handling of facts, political or otherwise.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

purpose of informing and instructing the reader. Information and evaluation co-exist in the modern English newspapers. Information in the English newspapers is conveyed through the medium of brief news items, press reports, articles purely informational in character, and advertisements and announcements. The newspaper also seeks to influence public opinion on political and other matters. Elements of appraisal () may be observed in the very selection and the way of presentation of news, in the use of specific vocabulary, such as "allege" (), "claim" (, ), FGI 1081 Stylistics (I. Ladusseva) 30 and syntactic constructions indicating a lack of assurance on the part of the reporter to avoid responsibility (e.g. Mr. X was said to have opposed ....).

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

and that most mitigates risk. • The Staged Representation – The staged representation is based on organizational maturity—the combined capabilities of a set of related processes. – Organizational improvement is measured in maturity levels. – This representation has a recommended order for approaching process improvement, beginning with basic management practices and progressing along a proven path. 32. Capability Profile • In a continuous appraisal, each processarea is rated at its own capability level. • An organization will most likely have different process areas rated at different capability levels. • The results can be reported as a capability profile. 41. Crystal Clear Crystal Clear is a member of the Crystal family of methodologies as described by Alistair Cockburn and is considered an example of an agile or lightweight methodology.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Konspekt Personalijuhtimine 2013

Personalijuhtimine 2013 Konkurentsivõime eeldab innovatsiooni, ettevõtlikkust, kooperatsioonivõimet, paindlikkust, transparentsust. Võitlus turuosa eest muutub võitluseks ajude eest. Bill Gates: "Kõige tähtsam asi, mida ma teen, on heade inimeste töölevõtmine" I ORGANISATSIOONI ARENDAV FUNKTSIOON II PERSONALITÖÖ FUNKTSIOON III SIDUV FUNKTSIOON Kaasaegsed trendid Inimressurss loob organisatsiooni peamise konkurentsieelise keskendudes intellektuaalsele ja sotsiaalsele kapitalile, see tähendab: Inimeste võimete avastamisele ja rakendamisele; Karjääri kavandamisele; Suhtevõrgustike ja sotsiaalse keskkonna mõjude juhtimisele; Organisatsioonilise keskkonna kujundamisele. Inimkapitali juhtimine...

Haldus → Personalijuhtimine
116 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSE PSÜHHOLOOGIA METATEOORIAD 07.09 Gordon Allport- isiksuse psüh isa OMADUS- Temperament- bioloogiline osa isiksusest METATEOORIA- viis isiksuse mõistmiseks. Postulaatide kogum. Kontrollitav ja peab sobima teadaolevate faktidega, selle raames saab sõnastada spetsiifilisemaid teooriaid. Bioloogiline lähenemine (reduktsionism)- Eysenck, Zuckerman. Ütleb et individuaalsed tulevad bioloogilistest erinevustest ja nt sotsiaalsest õppimisest. Ekstravertsus on tegelikult dopamiin. Teaduse eesmärk taandada keerulist lihtsamale. Isomorfsuse küsimus- kas isiksusejoonte= bioloogilised süsteemid? DNA-> neuroloogia->biokeemia->füsioloogia­>tingimine->sots käitumine->omadused Hübriidteooria Kognitiiv- käitumuslik teooria (Mischel, Markus) Kahe protsessi teooria- kontrollitud ja automaatsete protsesside eristamine. 2 otsustussüsteemi- kiire ja aeglane Elukäiguteooria- eakohased sostiialsed ootu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia – ja metodoloogia

2. Falsification A theory can thus be validated by the identification of supporting evidence or by surviving attempts to falsify the theory with experimental observations which do not fit with the theory’s predictions. The suggestion of a principle of falsification in science was developed by Karl Popper. Kuhn then refers back to anomalies in the experimental data which are sufficient to generate a challenge to the dominant paradigm. This allows the beginning of an appraisal of the paradigm itself but it is only when the conflicting paradigm is developed that the necessary debate can begin. Kuhn then gives some of the characteristics of the subsequent debate which results in the resolution of revolutions. This is an elegant chapter with Kuhn drawing together the threads from previous chapters into a narrative with powerful explanatory properties. Milles avaldub normaalteadusliku uurimistöö ja paradigmade testimise erinevus? 181

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
38 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Ettevõttemajanduse instituut Kerli Matvere EUROOPA LIIDU RIIKIDE KINNISVARATURU TSÜKLITE JA SELLEGA SEOTUD MAKROTEGURITE NING LAENUTURU TEGURITE AEGRIDADE MUSTRID AASTATEL 2005-2013 Magistritöö sotsiaalteaduse magistri kraadi taotlemiseks majandusteaduses Juhendajad: Kaia Kask, Uku Varblane Tartu 2014 0 Soovitan suunata kaitsmisele ....................................................................... (juhendaja allkiri) Kaitsmisele lubatud „ „ ................... 2014. a. ...........................õppetooli juhataja .................................................................

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist


integration”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 109-123. Chen, S., Yang, C., Shiau, J., (2006). The application of balanced scorecard in the performance evaluation of higher education. The TQM Magazine, Vol 8 (2), pp 190 – 205. Ferreira, A., Otley, D. (2009), “The design and use of performance management systems: An extended framework for analysis”, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 20, pp. 263-282. Fletcher, C. (2001) „Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda“, The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 74, pp. 473-487. Garengo, P., Biazzo, S., Bititci, U. S. (2005), “Performance measurement systems in SMEs: A rewiew for a research agenda”, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 25-47. Greiling, D. (2006) “Performance measurement: a remedy for increasing the efficiency of public services?”, International Journal of Productivity and

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
195 allalaadimist


LESSON 20 „ accentuate „ disguise „ finance „ initiate „ innovative „ narrate „ nevertheless „ occasionally „ omit „ outlandish „ overcome „ partially „ pass „ portray „ submit accentuate v. to highlight; to give more importance to adj. accentuated Syn. emphasize n. accentuation The colorful dress accentuated the joy of the occasion. The supervisor accentuated her preference for hard-working employees during the performance appraisal. disguise v. to hide the usual appearance of something adj. disguised Syn. conceal n. disguise It is hard to disguise the fact that business is slow. Everyone saw through his disguise. finance v. to provide money adv. financially Syn. fund adj. financial v. financed n. finance n. finances The art exhibition was financed by a private foundation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Live A Great Life ➤ 247 cent at any level of accomplishment. We have to keep raising the bar on ourselves. One of the marks of superior people is that they can manage themselves. If they work for a company, they might do this by imag- ining their boss sitting next to them, observing them and filling out their annual performance appraisal every minute of every day. Or, by seeing themselves as role models, they might set far higher stan- dards for themselves than anyone else could set for them. Only the top 2 percent of people in our society can supervise and manage themselves. They can conduct themselves throughout the day as though everyone is watching, even though no one is watching. ■ THE REAL PAYOFF

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

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