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"-critical" - 264 õppematerjali


Thomas P. Hughes (1992) The Dynamics of Technological Change: Salients, Critical Problems and Industrial Revolution

Thomas P. Hughes artikli The Dynamics of Technological Change: Salients, Critical Problems and Industrial Revolution kokkuvõte. Hughes’i artikkel võtab kokku ning näitlikustab uusi viise kuidas 19. sajandi lõpul ning 20. sajandi algul toimunud tehnoloogilisi arenguid ja leiutisi vaadelda. Salient on ootuspärased ennustused tulevikuks, tulevikus esiletõusvad asjad. Reverse salient - vasturääkiv kontseptsioon, viitab eesolevale osale, mis jääb maha. Tehnoloogilise süsteemi osad, mida saame pidada esiletõusvateks (salients), on selle süsteemi teistest komponentidest efektiivsemad, ökonoomsemad, või näitavad teiste komponentide mahajäämust mingil muul moel. Reverse salient tekib tehnoloogilise süsteemi ebaühtlasest arengust, näiteks kui arendati välja efektiivsed sisepõlemismootorid, ilmnes kütuse madala kvaliteedi probleem. Eestis võib tuua analoogse probleemi näite elektriautode jõudmisest Eestisse, kui olid küll elektriautod, kuid...

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia valitsemine
3 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia 5. seminari kodutöö

ERLE MAIDO 28.09.2015 Jarvis, D. S. L. (2007) Risk, Globalisation and the State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis, Global Society, 21(1), 23-46 Tekst toob välja, et moderniseerunud ühiskond on liikumas järgmisesse faasi, mida U. Beck nimetab ’refleksiivseks modernsuseks’ (ingl. k reflexive modernity)? Refleksiivne modernsus on kaasajastamise protsess, mis on välja arenenud tööstuslikust modernsusest, sellele on omane, et ei toimu enam nii suurt tööstuslikku arengut, kui see oli tööstusliku modernsuse ajal. Refleksiivse modernsuse ühiskonnas väärtustatakse inimeste produktiivsust ning seda, mis on juba ühiskonna poolt kasutuses. Sellele on omane riskiühiskond. Kuidas on selliste muutustega ühiskonnas seotud järg...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
29 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 4 / Stength of materials I HW 4

Homework nr 4 in STRENGTH of MATERIALS I (MHE0011) Variant Title A B Strength Analysis of a Beam 8 9 Student Student Code Delivery Date Teacher 18.12.2017 Priit Põdra Hot-rolled INP section, manufactured of steel S235 must be used for a beam. The beam will be loaded by the concentrated load F and line distributed load p. Beam dimensions obey the relationship: b = a/2. The value of concentrated load is F = 10 kN and the line distributed load is uniform with the intensity: p = F/b. The value of design factor is: [S] = 4. The bea...

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
84 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Superstore Sales [1] Row ID Order ID Order Date Order Priority Order Quantity 1 3 10/13/2010 Low 6 2 6 2/20/2012 Not Specified 2 3 32 7/15/2011 High 26 4 32 7/15/2011 High 24 5 32 7/15/2011 High 23 6 32 7/15/2011 High 15 7 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 30 8 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 14 9 36 11/2/2011 Critical 46 10 65 3/17/2011 Critical 32 11 66 1/19/2009 Low 41 12 69 6/3/2009 Not Specified ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

UNIVERSITY OF TARTU DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Using Blogs as a Platform in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Research paper Tartu 2010 ABSTRACT This work analyses the usefulness of blogging in teaching English as a foreign language. The definition of the term `blog' is provided along with the advantages and disadvantages of blogs' usage in practice. The analysis of language skills developed by students throughout the use of blogs for learning purposes is given in the paper with possible limitations that blogs have. Author of this paper also shares personal comments about the experience in the field. In this paper it is also described which research methods are planned to be employed for the conduction of research project. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Margaret Thatcher

Tallinn Järveotsa Gymnasium MARGARET THATCHER Maria Ignatenko Form 11.B Tallinn 2008 Margaret Thatcher (1925-...) General Data Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in London. She is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. Margaret is the first woman who has ever held these posts. Childhood and Education Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Her parents were Alfred Roberts and Beatrice Stephenson Roberts. Thatcher spent her childhood in the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire. The Roberts family ran a grocery business, bringing up their two daughters in a flat over the shop. Her father was active in local politics a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Thinking Strategically

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Learning Aid Critical Success Factors in the Strategy of Southwest Airlines Purpose: Use this Learning Aid to learn about the critical success factors in the strategy of Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines has been the most successful airline in the industry over the past three decades. It is the preeminent low-cost air carrier in the United States, providing air transportation service between more than 60 American airports. Founded in 1971, the mission of the company was simple – make it less expensive to fly than to drive between two points. At first glance, Southwest's approach did not seem like a recipe for success. They did not cater flights, did not offer seat assignments, used less central airports, and focused only on point-to-point travel. But Southwest's strategy was not to imitate the big airlines; it was to create a new market – short-haul air transport. The airline specificall...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Global overpopulation

GLOBAL OVERPOPULATION Definition A condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. Overpopulation Increased in the last 50 years Due to: medical advancements substantial increases in agricultural productivity. Problems Consuming problems Lack of resources Lack of hygenenew unknown diseases Global problems People are not devided equally Problematic areas China~1.3 billion India~1.2 billion Parts of Africa~1 billion Europe~881.4 million The United States of America~310.9 million The United Kingdom~58.5 million Solutions Limit the birth of descandance in critical areas Encourage people to live in places with smaller population Religious beliefs/governments should encourage people to use birth controls Critical areas should strickten the inflow of people Today There are about 6.8 billion people in the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Usaldusintervallide leidmine.

Iseseisev töö nr 2. Praktikum nr 2. χ²-, t- ja F- testi kasutamine hüpoteeside kontrollimisel. Usaldusintervallide leidmine. Karoliina Anier Geodeesia, I magister Eesmärk Praktikumiga nr 2 sarnaselt on iseseisva töö eesmärk tutvuda meetoditega, mille järgi saame otsustada, kas mõõtmisandmed ning valim on piisavalt tõesed. Selleks vaadeldakse usaldusintervalle. Järgnevalt püstitatakse usaldusintervalle, st määratakse mingi tõenäosusega kindlaks piirid ümber keskmise, dispersiooni, ja dispersioonide suhte, mille sees mingi tõenäosusega asub vastav tõeline väärtus. Sama on võimalik teha ka statistiliste hüpoteeside testimisega. Iseseisvas töös lahendatakse kolm ülesannet sarnaselt praktikum 2. Ülesanne 1 t- test. Üldkogumi keskmise hüpoteesi test t- test. Seda testi kasutatakse keskmiste võrdlemiseks (nt valimi ja üldkogumi keskmise), st vaadatakse, kas kaks võrreldavat keskmist on valitud usaldusnivool statistiliselt üksteise...

Matemaatika → Algebra I
6 allalaadimist

A- rühma lühikokkuvõte

A- Rühm A- Rühm on üks Eesti tuntumaid hip hopi bände. Bändi kooseisus on neli liiget: Kozy- laul Cool D- laul G- Enka, Geenja- laul DJ Critical- vinüül A- Rühma koosseisus on olnud ka Revo. A- Rühm kogunes aastal 1998 erinevate Eesti MC`de ühekordse projektina, kus algupäraselt osalesid Cool D, Kozy, G- Enka ja Revo. Peagi liitus ka bändiga DJ Critical. Nad tegid ühise loo ,,Esimene lumi", mida esitati esmakordselt messil ,,Teeviit 1998 Eesti Punase Risti palvel. Aastal 1998 anti välja esimene singli ,,Esimene lumi". Teiseks singline ilmus ,,Popmuusik", mis sai väga populaarseks rahva seas. Vahepeal, sitse aastat, ei ilmunud A- Rühmal ühtegi singlit. Lõpuks ilmus A- Rühmal peale pikk aega uus plaat ,,Leegion" 23, märtsil 2006. Plaat sisaldas 22 kahte lugu. Plaadil kuuleb ka lugusid, mis oleks pidanud ilmuma 2002. aastal uuel singlil, kuid teatud põ...

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist


Kas eri tõugu sigade pekipaksus X1 oli statistiliselt oluliselt erinev? F-test 0,095078 P väärtus on suurem 0,05 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Tõug Tõug1 3 Mean 13,26 12,39 Variance 7,28 8,99 Observations 250,00 250,00 Pooled Variance 8,13 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0,000 df 498,00 t Stat 3,40 P(T<=t) one-tail 0,000 t Critical one-tail 1,65 P(T<=t) two-tail 0,001 P<0,05 t Critical two-tail 1,96 eri tõugude (tõug1 ja tõug 3) sigade pekipaksused erineb oluliselt tõugude vahel. Mitu põrsast saadakse pesakonnas rohkem või vähem, kui lihassilma läbimõõt (X2) suureneb 1 mm võrra. Regression Statistic...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
39 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Teacher: Ekaterina Mokhovikova Student: Birgit Aljaste Life · Born on the · 26th of April 1564 in Stratford died on the 23rd of April 1616 · Poet and playwright(called playwright as a English's national poet) · Married at the age of 18 · 3 children with his wife(7 illegal children) Most famous works Comedy History Tragedy Poetry ·A Midsummer ·King John ·Antony and ·A Lover's Night's Dream Cleopatra Complaint ·Richard II and III ·Winter's Tale ·Hamlet ·Venus and ·Henry IV; V; VI Adonis ·All's Well That and VIII ·Julius Caesar Ends Well ·The Rape of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Artificial limbs Presentatsion

Artificial limbs Controlled by thoughts Content · What is it? · Origin · Critical Breakthrough · Why ? · How it works? · Future of bionic limbs What is it? · New generation coming from prosthesis · Unlike prosthesis, bionic limb is tied with brain and spinal cord through sensors Origin · Research started in 1960 - Scientists made sure that signals from living brain could be fed into a computer · Experiment in 1990s - Group of people in Duke University Center for Neuroengineering experimented with microwires, a hair-thin sensors · Work in past two decades - Once implanted, the sensors can detect signals from frontal and parietal Critical Breakthrough · 2011, two monkeys learned to control virtual hand with thoughts · This program allowed to train animals to feel virtual object... ...And paralyzed humans to regain full- body mobility Why? · To allow paralyzed and disordered people preform normal, even ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kriisipsühholoogiaalase artikli refereering

Kriisipsühholoogiaalase artikli refereering Sissejuhatus Järgnevalt refereerin Julie Q. Morrissoni 2007nda aasta artiklit ,,Social validity of the critical incident stress management model for school-based crisis intervention", milles tutvustatud ning arvustatud CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) mudeli rakendamist kriisiabiks koolis. Artikkel pälvis minu tähelepanu, kuna CISM-i lähenemisviis probleemile tundub mulle sümpaatne, huvitav ning perspektiivikas ja koolisüsteemi teemasse kaasamine on emotsionaalselt lähedane aines. 2 CISM mudel kooli kriisiabis CISM mudel töötati Jeffrey T. Michelli poolt esmalt välja päästeteeninstuse töötajate nõustamiseks. Nüüdseks on seda katsetatud erinevatel katserühmadel, nagu näiteks sobilikkus kriisiabiks koolis. (Morrisson: 765) Kriisiabi on koolides viimaste aastatega arenenud. Samas on selle sotsiaalsest paikapidavusest vähe te...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Hinnangud, hüpoteesid, regressioon

Hinnangud, hüpoteesid, regressioon Proovitükk nr. 6 Kolmas kodutöö õppeaines Metsandusliku andmetöötluse alused Lähteandmeteks on Teie proovitüki 1. rinde enamuspuuliigi keskmine diameeter (rühmitamata andmed). Kopeerige see tulp sellele samale töölehele. Punkthinnangud, vahemikhinnangud, valimi maht Eeldame, et teie proovitükil mõõdetud andmete põhjal tahame teha järeldusi samalaadse üldkogumi kohta Selleks arvuta järgmised statistikud oma proovitüki kohta 1) Leida 1. rinde enamuspuuliigi diameetri kohta (rühmitamata andmetest) järgmised suurused: keskväärtuse hinnang (aritmeetiline keskmine), 4.921 dispersioon, 7.352 standardhälve, 2.712 standardhälbe viga 0.183 ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus alused
19 allalaadimist

Statistika kontrolltöö

Ülesanne1 Mis tüüpi tunnus on lehmade arv. Leia tunnuse lehmade arv jaoks: 1) Leia statistikud ja kirjelda nende abil tunnuse jaotust. 2) Kas tunnus on normaaljaotusega? 3) Tee histogramm 4) Leia üldkogumi keskväärtuse 95% usaldusintervall Valimi põhjal Lehmade arv Lehmade arv on diskreetne tunnus. 667 Lehmade arv 722 1339 Mean 842,4194 Keskväärtust ja mediaani võib lugeda ligilähedaseks, mi 1636 Standard Error 40,80659 Järsakus on väike. 1048 Median 832,5 1886 Mode 1074 klassipiirid 748 Standard Deviation 321,3114 400 401 Sample Variance 103241 600 1113 Kurtosis 0,795697 ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
268 allalaadimist

Statistika ülesanded 10

Olgu uurija eesmärgiks hinnata teatava põllukultuuri saagikuse sõltuvust sellel põllul kasutatud väetamisskeemist ja katseaastatest. Selleks kasutati katseandmeid, mis saadi viiel aastal, kusjuures iga nelja erineva väetamisskeemi korral kolmelt erinevalt katsepõllult. Kas erinevate väetamisskeemide ja erinevate aastate lõikes on põllukultuuri saagikuses oluli Väetamisskeem Aasta B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A1 6,98 7,86 6,50 6,88 7,86 7,40 7,29 6,20 7,30 8,50 7,55 7,54 6,52 7,40 8,65 A2 6,12 5,88 6,82 5,96 8,21 7,00 6,25 7,65 6,60 8,42 7,18 6,72 7...

Matemaatika → Statistika
58 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

Philosophy Today The Great Divide Most contemporary philosophers follow one of two approaches ­ "Continental" philosophy ­ "Analytic" philosophy Continental philosophy is more influential on the European continent Analytic philosophy is predominant in the major research universities in the English-speaking world Analytic Philosophy Analytic philosophy developed from attempts in the early 20th century to make our concepts precise. The model of this procedure was science. Emphasis in contemporary analytic philosophy is on language and meaning, and meaning is understood as a relation between language and objective reality. Thus, understanding the structure of language is what reveals the structure of reality. Continental Philosophy At the same time that analytic philosophy was emerging, E. Husserl was developing his "phenomenological" approach...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Palm oil Kristiina Pällo LU1 EMÜ 2016 • Edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit • Oil palm trees are grown in tropical areas • Widely used in food industry due to its semi-solid state in room temperature and long shelf-life • It is in a lot of everyday products – makeup, shampoo, soap, biodiesel. Also in food – sweet treats (chocolate, biscuits etc), margarine, nut butters, crisps. The Two kinds of palm oil • Palm oil comes from palm fruit. It is rich in vitamin E and it has a red colour due to beta-caroten in it. High in saturated fats. Used mostly in food industry • Palm kernel oil comes from palm fruit seed. Also high in saturated fats. Used mostly in products such as shampoos, makeup, biofuel etc Ingridient list • Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Fat, Palm Kernel, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Fruit Oil, Palmate, Palmitate, Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Elaeis Guinee...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö nr 4 keemiainformaatika

Ülesanne 4 Aine ja teema otsing raamatukogu e- raamatutest ja teatmeteostest 4.1 Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" koobalti (cobalt) sulamis- ja keemispunktid a) Kirjutasin otsingusse cobalt -> Melting, Boiling, Triple, and Critical Points of the Elements tabeli ning sealt saind vajaminevad andmed. b) 1495 c) 2927 4.2 Otsi andmebaasist ebrary raamatuid teemal "Global environmental change in Europe". a) Otsinguks panin Global environmental change in Europe d) Climate Change: An Integrated Perspective. (2000). / W. J. Martens, J. Rotmans : Kluwer Academic Publishers. [Online] ebrary (22.03.2014) 4.3. Raamatu otsing andmebaasist b) 5.14 Ground Water c ) GROUNDWATER AND ARSENIC: CHEMICALBEHAVIOR AND TREATMEN autorid : David B. Vance ja James A. Jacobs 4.4. Otsing Science Directi teatmeteostest. c) 5

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
8 allalaadimist

Kingdom Of Belgium Ambassador speech

Belgium Ambassador Speech Most honourable Secretary-General, President of the General Assembly, fellow delegates and lovely guests. As a founding member of the United Nations, Belgium has always approached it as the effective tool for multilateralism in order to respond to the increasing number of challenges. It is a great privilege for us to serve our country and the international community along those lines. This we do with great dedication, conviction, honour and the help of our lovely colleagues. It is a great pleasure to take part in this conference and The Kingdom of Belgium really hopes that we all will find some solutions to critical issues, which we are facing today. Thank you. The ambassador yields the floor back to the PGA.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Surfing (esitluse tekst)

*Surfing is a surface water sport in which a person (the surfer) moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave (the surf). Surfing also takes place on rivers, riding a standing wave. *Two major subdivisions within stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding, reflecting differences in surfboard design -- particularly including surfboard length, and riding style. *It's important to observe the correct etiquette while out surfing, otherwise things will just descend in to total chaos. These are the most importand rules you have to follow. Probaly the most important word and rule in surfing. Respect for the land, the ocean and the people who grew up surfing here. You have to give respect and behave while visiting a spot, keep things friendly, earn some respect yourself *You will never know what may happen out there and its better if you have some friend with you.They can look over you and you over them. * Always know the water where...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Praising Children

In 1969 Nathaniel Branden said that high self-esteem is the main foundation for parenting and has dominated since. It is incredibly important for us all to have a feeling of self-worth and acceptance, but as- children are been praised too much. Are we given the skills to work at a goal instead of expecting to complete it easily because we are told we are "smart"? Are we set up for failure by being told how smart we are, when in all actuality maybe we are right where we should be: in the middle? I have a feeling that the way we praise and are been praised is going to change; not that teachers and parents are going to be overly critical of their children and students, but that the way they encourage their kids will be more equal to others. We should be inspired to work harder for knowledge not for grades. B.K 11c

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Matemaatika andmestiku analüüs

Eesti Maaülikool Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Geomaatika osakond Matemaatika andmestiku analüüs Aruanne õppeaines matemaatiline statistika Koostajad: Juhendaja: Eve Aruvee Tartu Sisukord Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................................... 3 Tunnuste esmaanalüüs.......................................................................................................4 Seoste analüüs................................................................................................................... 8 Mudeli koostamine.......................................................................................................... 13 Kokkuvõte.................................................................................

Matemaatika → Statistika
49 allalaadimist

Theatre vocabulary I, II

pure/sheer entertainment vs. mere entertainment Low-brow, middle-brow, highbrow Performing arts Visual arts THEATRE Types of theatres: · Civic theatres · Regional theatres Types of plays: · Tragedy · Comedy · Tragi-comedy · Farce · Drama · Historical drama/play · Thriller · Musical (comedy) Types of tickets: · Regular · Returns · Standing tickets · Complementary tickets · House seats · Production/performance · Audition · Repertory/repertoire · Part ­ role · lines · Rehearse · Rehearsal · dress rehearsal · Preview · First night · premiere · Matinee · Appear in a play · The main part/the leading part/the lead · Supporting part/supporting role · A bit part · A speaking part · A walking-on part · The understudy · A cameo role · To learn the part/to look the part; · a mega...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Hüpoteesid ül 8 ja 9

Kartuli Aasta Ettevõte saagikus 2003 236 50,0 2003 423 50,0 max 400 2003 220 60,0 min 50 2003 237 60,0 r 8,7302202834 2003 563 62,5 2003 591 62,5 2003 442 63,6 2003 608 64,0 2003 585 65,2 2003 440 75,0 intervall int. Ül. Piir sagedus 2003 355 80,0 kuni 80 80 11 2003 574 82,5 80-120 120 24 2003 322 85,0 120-160 160 38 2003 421 85,2 160-200 200 53 2003 820 ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
84 allalaadimist

When the wind blows

CClilcikckicioconn totoadaddppicitc uturere James Patterson · Born in 1947 march 22 · Was ranked sixty-six among the Top Celebrities of 2006 by Forbes magazine. · Horror novelist Stephen King has dismissed Patterson's bibliography as being made up of "dopey thrillers. When the Wind Blows Movie. United States. Scientific experiments. Called School. Characters Max Frannie Kit (Tom) Matthew Uncle Thomas Dr. Peyser Gillian Adam(Michael adopted by Gillian), Eve, Thomas, Wendy, Peter(twins), Ozymandias, Icarus Stricker Story Max Escapes Kit arrives to Colorado Frannie saw's Max Uncle thomas finds Mathhew Max gets help Uncle thomas finds max from, but she get's away with Kit and Frannie...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Preparing for exam. Focus areas Defining innovation ● “An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption.” (Rogers 1952) ● CIS survey: “Product innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market”. ● “Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990) ● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or si...

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist


Television Television is the most common way to spend free time. Although everyone watch TV, they still have different opinions about it. I think TV helps people to be closer to news or other important incidents. Especially now when there's a economic crisis everywhere and people wants to know what's happening around them. TV also helps you to relax easily. It is a lot of fun to watch TV and have a beer with your friends. TV also helps to take up a new topic to talk about. Some TV programmes are very educating and help students with their school work. My favorite TV programmes are political talkshows. They help me to be more critical to provocations. But watching TV all day long is not healthy. It can really affect your eyes. The most annoying thing about television is that the TV companies show more commercials than programmes. Also there is too much violence and sex...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


DURACELL Janno Reilik 11c elping people RECHARGE, RECONNECT,RECOVE Duracell, one of the most trusted sources of power Disaster strikes Critical devices Power Relief program - it provides dependable power for families during these times of crisis, helping people recharge, reconnect, and recover. Duracell helps AVON, CT ­ SNOWSTORM THE CATSKILLS, NY ­ HURRICANE JOPLIN, MO ­ TORNADOES video TUSCALOOSA, AL ­ TORNADOES NASHVILLE, TN - FLOODING HISTORY Story begins in the early 1920s with an inventive scientist named Samuel Ruben and Philip Rogers Mallory During World War II, for instance, Ruben devised the mercury cell, which packed more capacity in less space and was durable enough for the harsh climates of wartime theaters like North Africa and the South Pacific--places where ordinary zinc carbon batteries used in flashlights, mine detectors, and wal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Biomeetria test

Hüpoteeside koltrollimine 1. Oletus, väide 2. Sobiv hüpoteeside paar (millised tunnused on vaja võrrelda) 3. Olulise tõenäosus (p) 4. Järeldus (p>0,05 H0, p<0,05 H1) 5. Lõppvastus (sama, mis oli küsitud hüpoteesis) T-test sobivad valemid 1. T-test H0: keskmised võrdsed H1: keskmised erinevad 2. F-test ­ sõltumatud valemid H0: dispersioonid võrdsed H1: dispersioonid erinevad P>a H0, P<0,05 H1 Võrdsete disp mittevõrdsete disp t-test t-test 3. Olulisuse tõenäosus 4. Lõppvastus (p<0,05 H0) Vormistus nii nagu iseseisvates töös Ülesanne Eesmärk Tunnusetüüp 1.T-test (f-test) Keskmiste erinevus kahes Pidev arvtunnus- keskmised grupis tunnus, ...

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
80 allalaadimist


Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õenduse õppetool Õ26kj(S) - 1 NEFROLOOGIA JA ÕENDUSABI ­ JUHTUMI UURING Iseseisev töö õppeaines Sisehaige õendus Tallinn 2018 SISUKOR NEFROLOOGILISE HAIGE JUHTUM...............................................................................2 Sa töötad iseseisva õenduse osakonnas. M.Z. tütar toob oma ema hooldusele/ravile 14 päevaks, kui ta ise on reisil. M.Z. on 89-aastane lesk, kes on neli aastat kannatanud düsuuria, suprapubikaalse valu, inkontinentsi ning aegajalt esinevate mentaalse segasuse perioodide all. Hetke elulised näitajad on järgmised: AVR 118/60, HR 88, RR 18, kehatemp 37.4° C................................................................................................................2 Urineerimise järgne kateteriseerimine näitab 100 ml jääkuriini olemasolu põies. Uriin on halvalõhnaline, sogane. Uriin saadetakse l...

Meditsiin → Õendus
41 allalaadimist

Market Leader Advanced (3) – Unit 12

Market Leader Advanced (3) – Unit 12 deployment- activities that make a software system available for use tolerances- fair attitude towards any kind of people stakeholders- a person or business that invested monet into smth weep- showing emotions with crying idle- lack of motion or energy shout foul- to shed tears because of grief or pain fine-tuning- to make small adjustments in for optimal performance scope- getting information required to start a project slack time- the amount of time that a group is ahead of schedule on a project Gantt chart- chart that illustrates a project schedule over-assign mindless- no ability to think critical path of a project- complete projects on a time by focusing on key tasks cloud the schedule ingredients- different parts needed to finish the job take a roll call- checking if people are present a bottleneck- when things come to a point and slows down because two masses cannot share the same space at ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Tabasalu ühisgümnaasium Robin Nurk Tennessee presentation Information : Wikipedia Google Tabasalu 2012 Geographical location and features. Tennessee is located in the Southeastern United States. Tennessee is bordered by Kentucky and Virginia to the north, North Carolina to the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, and Arkansas and Missouri to the west. Tennessee's capital and second largest city is Nashville, which has a population of 626,144 people. Memphis is the state's largest city, with a population of 670,902 people. The state of Tennessee is geographically and constitutionally divided into three Grand Divisions: East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, and West Tennessee. East tennessee West Tennessee Middle Tennessee ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 4: Web of Science; e-raamatud; teatmikud

1.1 Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma rühma teemal a) Kasutasin liitotsingut: biocatalytic AND stereochemical AND synthesis sain 25 tulemust b) Klikides GREAT CITATION REPORT: leidsin artiklite avaldamise arvu aastate lõikes, tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes ning vastava artikli tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes c) kõige enam tsiteeritud artikli pealkiri: Efficient enantioselective reduction of ketones with Daucus carota root kokku 77 tsitaati d) 2010. aastal tsiteeriti seda artiklit 11 korda 1.2. Kasutades otsivõimalust "Cited Reference Search" leia TTÜ professori Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Web Of Science. a) Milliseid andmebaasi poolt pakutud nimekujusid kasutasid: kasutasin Krunks M b) Artiklite arv: 84 c) Kõige suurema viitamiste arvuga artikli viitamiste arv ja kaasautorid: viidati 132 korda, kaasautorid puudusid 2.1. Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Ha...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
18 allalaadimist

London Eye Power Point esitlus

LONDON EYE The EDF Energy London Eye, also known as London Eye is a giant 135metre tall Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in the British capital. Facts about london eye It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. It is visited by over ~3.5 million people every year. The wheel carries 32 sealed and air conditioned ovoidal passenger capsules Each 10 tonne capsule holds 25 people. History The London Eye was formally opened by the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on 31 December 1999. It was opend to the public on 9. March 2000 after it's formal opening because of technical problems. On 5 June 2008 it was announced that 30 million people had ridden the London Eye since its opening. Critical reception Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize, wrote of the London Eye in a book about the project: "The Eye has done for London what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, which is to give it...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Visions of a Sustainable World

Visions of a sustainable world Creating a shared vision of a sustainable and desirable future is the most critical task facing humanity today. This vision must be of a world that we all want, a world that provides permanent prosperity within the Earth’s biophysical constraints in a fair. At the centre of the idea of sustainability is an ethical imperative to pass on a undiminished future to our children. To bring our world toward sustainability — or any other goal — we need to take different kinds of steps, which require different kinds of knowledge, talent, skill, and work. Future will be sustainable when citizens are concerned enough about the environment that they want to make a difference. It will happen when diverse groups from industry, environment, schools, service clubs, business, governments & the public come together and work towards a common vision of sustainability for our communities - bal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Tupac Amaru Shakur was born June 16, 1971 and die September 13, 1996, also known by his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper. In addition to his status as a top-selling recording artist, Shakur was a successful film actor and a prominent social activist. He is recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest-selling hip hop artist, with over seventy five million albums sold worldwide, including over fifty million in the United States.Most of Shakur's songs are about growing up amid violence and hardship in ghettos, racism, problems in society and conflicts with other rappers. Shakur's work is known for advocating political, economic, social and racial equality, as well as his raw descriptions of violence, drug and alcohol abuse and conflicts with the law. Shakur was initially a roadie and backup dancer for the alternative hip hop group Digital Underground.Shakur's debut album, 2Pacalypse Now, gained criti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

John Anthony Burgess Wilson

John Anthony Burgess Wilson(penn name Anthony Burgess) was a British novelist, critic and composer. He was also a librettist, poet, playwright, screenwriter, essayist, travel writer, broadcaster, translator, linguist and educationalist. He composed over 250 musical works, including a first symphony around age 18, wrote a number of liberetti, and translated, among other works. His most famous book is "A Clockwork orange" John Anthony Burgess Wilson was born in 25. Feb, 1917, in Manchester, England, to Catholic parents, his mother died of the flu when he was two years old, and he was brought up to his aunt and later his stepmother. He studied English at Xaverian College and Manchester University and, after graduation in 1940, served in the British Army Education Corps during World War II. He was an education officer in Malaya and Brunei from 1954 to 1959, adding to the eventual total of nine languages in which he was fluent. By the tim...

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Speech: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time

Talk: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time 4 min Television has become increasingly more popular through the years. Most Estonians have a TV or even several TV's at home. On one side, there are many people who think that television is just a waste of time and money. Some people spend hours in front of TV and it can be bad for your health. On the other side, It is thought that watching TV is a good way to relax. They like to be entertained after a long day and they believe that television can make you happier. I have to say that I understand both sides. I believe that television can have a negative effect on children because there is so much violence in movies and TV shows. Also watching TV can make you lazy. It's physically, mentally, and emotionally lazy. It requires no physical, mental, or emotional participation It's an addictive excuse that keeps people from leaving the house and communicating with real people. The commercials ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Integration of subjects

The Integration of subjects The present-day school system revolves around traditional education, in which students learn each subject individually. This structure means that pupils don’t have the capability or know-how to connect math, biology or even art into their daily life. Even though the tutors of this conventional education have faith in the arrangement of subjects it is still entirely about high test scores, grades and graduation.The essence of progressive, alternative education like the integration of subjects is learning and the accumulation of valuable knowledge & skill. First of all, the courses that should be combined need to be challenging to the students. It would be wise to assimilate math, physics and chemistry because these classes are very similar. For instance, in order to complete a physics equation you need to know math, the same applies to chemistry. If...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Edgar Allen poe

EDGAR ALLAN POE ,,All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream" A Dream within a Dream. · American poet, critic, short story writer · considered the father of the modern detective story · highly lauded as a poet · psychologically thrilling tales examining the depths of the human psyche · born on 19 January 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts · son of actors Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins (1787-1811) and David Poe (1784- 1810) · had a brother and a sister · after the death of his parents was taken in by Frances (d.1829) and John Allan (d.1834) · travelled with the Allans to England in 1815 and attended school in Chelsea · 1820 - back in Richmond · attended the University of Virginia and studied Latin and poetry · enjoyed swimming and acting · became estranged from his foster father after accumulating gambling debts · left school and enlisted in the United States Arm...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

The Catcher in the Rye - kokkuvõte

The Catcher in the Rye Despite being written in the beginning of the 1950s, for me “The Catcher in the Rye” is a novel that many youngsters to this day can relate to. The book tells the story of a troubled teenager Holden Caulfield, who sets off on a short trip to New York, after being expelled from yet another private school, to avoid facing his parents. His dark and at times depressive thoughts and emotions have been mixed with humour and brutal reality, making this book stirring to read. The novel is a fantastic example of the coming of age genre, thanks to its various themes of rebellion, emotional and mental growth and indifferent, “I couldn’t care less” attitude. The themes are apparent throughout the novel, giving the reader a clear view of what it’s like to be a teenager, who has no idea what to do with their life. The rebellious tone of the novel and its characters shines out right from the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Advertising has a bad influence on children

Kristin Loit Advertising has a bad influence on children Advertising is one way of marketing. The aim of advertising is to get people's attention that people would buy one particular company's products or services. Commercials and ads are not only directed to adults but also for children's. The good thing of advertising is that it helps us to become aware of the products in the market and the bad thing is the negative effect on childrens. To begin with, childrens are defenseless. They do not understand the ads or commercials, they do not know that it is only a business plan. Advertisements are made in such a way as to attract the attention of children. And that leads to there that children ask their parents to buy some certain products. Children are very useful customers for companies, they help businesses to increase their profits. Secondly, children a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

All about High Tech High tech is technology that is at the cutting edge--the most advanced technology currently available. There is no specific class of technology that is high tech--the definition shifts over time--so products hyped as high tech in the 1960s would now be considered, if not exactly low tech, then at least somewhat obsolete. This fuzzy definition has led to marketing departments describing nearly all new products as high tech. Economy Because the high-tech sector of the economy develops or uses the most advanced technology known, it is often seen as having the most potential for future growth. This perception has led to high investment in high-tech sectors of the economy. High-tech startup enterprises receive a large portion of venture capital. However, if, as has happened in the past, investment exceeds actual potential, then investors can lose all or most of their investment. High tech is often viewed as high risk, but...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

C ketta formaatimine(win XP)

Enne kõiki neid toiminguid veendu, et BIOSis oleks first boot device pandud CD- ROM. Selleks sisene BIOSi(Basic Input Output System), vajutades arvuti restardi alguses klaviatuuril Del- klahvi. Määrata first boot device- ks CD- ROM, second boot device- ks HDD-0. BIOSist väljumiseks vali Save to CMOS and Exit (klahv F10) ja oota kuni tuleb kiri - Press any key to boot from CD-ROM: - vajuta suvalist klaviatuuri nuppu ja lähebki lahti. 1. Toimub installeerimisprogrammi käivitamine ja vajalike failide laadimine. Lugege hoolikalt ekraanile ilmuvaid tekste ja valige endale vajalik toiming. 2. SCSI ja RAID draiverite installeerimiseks vajuta F6 1 2. Jätkamiseks vajuta ENTER=Continue 3. Windows- i litsensiga nõustumiseks ja jätkamiseks vajuta F8=I agree 4. Soovides teha format c: pead valima D=Delete Partition 5. Järgneb hoiatus partit...

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Turismi mõju majandusele ja keskkonnale

Turismi negatiivne mõju majandusele ja keskkonnale MAJANDUS 1. Riikide poliitiline ja majanduslik olukord mõjutavad oluliselt turismi. Riikides, kus on näiteks orkaanid, maavärinad, terroriak või haiguste levik, võib turistide arv olla väike. 2. Turismi abil loodud töökohad on tihti madala palgaga ja hooajalised. Turism võib ka kergitada toodete, teenuste ja kinnisvara hinda kohalike jaoks. 3. Suur osa turismitulust viiakse sihtriigist välja. Selle põhjuseid on mitu: välismaise päritoluga majutusasutused ja reisiagentuurid, reklaamikulud ja toorainete hankimine turistide jaoks. KESKKOND 1. Reostus - Vahemere kruiisid reostavad vee- ja rannikualasid ning merepõhja. Üks kruiisilaev tekitab aastas ligikaudu 50 tonni tahkeid jäätmeid. Praeguseks on ookeanides tekkinud ulpivast plastprügist saared. 2. Õhutransport on kõige saastavam transpordiliik. Lennuk pai...

Turism → Turismimajandus
6 allalaadimist

Protsessid majanduskeskkonnas eksam

Tiim A Praktikum 4 1) Juhtumite tõsiduse astmed: Juhtum(minor incident) - tarkvara viga; visuaalne viga veebilehel Oluline juhtum(major incident) - tavalisest palju aeglasem laadimiskiirus; veebilehel olev link ei tööta Eriolukord(critical incident) - cloud, mida kasutame, on kõigi töötajate jaoks maas; turvarikkumine Kriis, hädaolukord(crisis) -kliendi andmete kadumine; kliendile suunatud teenus on kõigi klientide jaoks maas 2) Ticketi juhtimishalduse tööriistas võiksid olla järgnevad väljad suvalises järjekorras: *kategooria (määrata, mis valdkonna probleemiga on tegu, nt tellimus, maksed, etc) *osakond (automatiseeritud, info tuleb välja töötatud süsteemist vastavalt kliendi poolt öeldud probleemi sisule/kategooriale) *kasutaja nimi (osaliselt automatiseeritud), (kui oled varem mingeid välju oma kasutaja nimega täitnud, siis täidab automaatselt ära,...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide...
9 allalaadimist


able to charge with experience of absent from choose between experienced in accompany at comment on expert on according to compare with failure in accuse of complain about faith in accustom to composed of famous for accustomed to concentrate on fed up with admiration for confidence in feel about advantage of congratulations on feel like affection for conscious of fond of afraid of consist of forget about agree with contrast with forgive for ahead of convinced of friendly with allowance for correspond to frightened of angry with correspond with generous with annoyed with crazy about gentle with anxious about critical of genuine in apart from cruelty to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Kurzreferat Kaisa Parm Ludwig van Beethoven Tartu 2009 Ludwig van Beethoven war ein deutscher Komponist. Er wurde in Bonn geboren am 16. Dezember 1770. Er war in die Familie geboren, wo es wenig Geld. Beethovens Vater war eine Violine-und Klavierlehrer. Ludwig gab sein erstes Konzert wann er war 7 Jahres alt. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter er studierte Philosophie, Literatur, Französisch, Italienisch und Latein an der Universität Bonn. Blieb er ein guter Freund und spätere Frau Leonore von Breuningi auf. Das Alter von 19 Jahren wurde er zum Leiter für den Hausgebrauch. Er hatte eine Menge Romantik, aber die Musik bleibt der bedeutendste. Unglücklich familiären Beziehungen wurden als die Schaffung ausgedrückt. Er trefft mit Mozart in Wien vor 1787 dann Schrieb er über 50 Bücher i...

Keeled → Saksa keel
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun