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"public" - 1456 õppematerjali


Estonian Public holidays

day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday in the Catholic Church), commemorating Maundy and the Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Easter is followed by a fifty-day period called Eastertide or the Easter Season, ending with Pentecost Sunday. Victory Day June 23 Võidupüha or Victory Day is a public holiday in Estonia, which has been celebrated on 23 June every year since 1934. The date recalls the victory in the 1919 Battle of Võnnu (near Csis, Latvia) of the Estonian military forces and their allies over German forces (Baltische Landeswehr) who sought to re-assert Baltic-German control over the region. The battle was part of the 1918-1920 Estonian War of Independence, where the main adversary of the newly independent Estonia was Communist Russia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

State and public education

State or public education In Estonia the most of children attend state schools. However, in the last ten years the number of private schools has increased. What are the main differences between private and state secondary schools? Firstly, private schools are not free and parents ought to pay for their children is learning in a public school. But state schools are free and parents do not have to pay for education. Secondly, private schools are more strict than state schools. Another vital aspect is that public schools have a more strict evaluation system and there is a lot of homework. However when we compare state and public schools then it is seen that the results of examinations for students of private schools are higher than in state schools.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of International Relations CLOSING KALARAND FOR PUBLIC. Essay in Expository Writing Supervisor: Tallinn 2015 Kalarand is a part of Kalamaja district in Tallinn, it is a unique beach in the city centre, only few hundred meters from the Old Town. While being close to the city centre, it still has a

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

at enhancing the innovative capacity of firms, particularly their ability to identify and absorb technologies, are most valuable in this context. The measurement and assessment of national innovation systems has centred on four types of knowledge or information flows: 1) interactions among enterprises, primarily joint research activities and other technical collaborations; 2) interactions among enterprises, universities and public research institutes, including joint research, co-patenting, co-- publications and more informal linkages; 3) diffusion of knowledge and technology to enterprises, including industry adoption rates for new technologies and diffusion through machinery and equipment; and 4) personnel mobility, focusing on the movement of technical personnel within and between the public and private sectors. Attempts to link these flows to firm performance show that high levels of technical

Varia → Public Administration
5 allalaadimist

Even public figures have a right to privacy

Even public figures have a right to privacy The issue of whether or not the public figures deserve more privacy than they are given today is a complicated one. Some people claim that the public officials are constantly disturbed by the media and the privacy for them should be enforced more. But there are individuals who believe that the public figures do not deserve more privacy because they have signed up for their life to be well known. Those for increased privacy for public figures, supporters of more privacy: + Privacy is a right that shouldn't be taken away from anyone no matter how famous they are + They are not obligated to share any details of their private life + The journalists publish news and pictures, which have a negative impact on the public official's reputation (exaggerations, misrepresentation of facts) Those against increased privacy for public figures, opponents of more privacy - Public figures should expect people to be interested in

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Educational problems of public school, Report

Report The aim of this report is to compare Estonian and British students opinion on educational system. We wrote down our opinion on the 6th of september 2012 in our english class. We had 12 students who gave an opinion about the Estonian educational system. Corporal punishment is illegal in British and Estonian schools. 62% of British childrens think that it would be needful but only 31% Estonian childrens have the same opinion. Actually it could be not banned, because if they used controlled corporal punishment it is not likely to be harmful. I would argue that there were actually fewer discipline problems back in the old days when corporal punishment was more common. Most school in England require children to wear school uniform. Estonian children no longer wear uniforms but few decades ago they wore uniforms. 74% British students and 39% Estonian students believes that school uniforms ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Triinu Kask 2010 Baby What is a Baby ? A little human, smaller than You. Well designed Fully functional Why do You need a Baby? For expansion of Your family Provides someone to live for Provides another mouth to feed For entertainment What does it do? Eats Sleeps Produces sounds : cooing, gurgling and other adorable sounds May cause similar behavior in nearby adults Cries when hungry, sleepy or just because How to take care of it? Hand wash With warm water and mild soap After pat dry with soft cloth and talc Internal mechanisms are self-cleaning Needs diapers Colours k to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Genders Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Smoking should be banned in public places

Smoking should be banned in public places I think that everybody have his own opinion for smoking. The probleem is that we do not always realise when it disturbing others. First of all, I agree with the statement that smoking should be banned in public places. I think this will disturb every one who is not smoker, when someone smoking next to you when you enjoy your lunch. In my opinion, this is good idea for building smoking rooms, then we do not discriminate smokers who have tobacco addicts. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of banning smoking in public places. Many people like smoke cigar, when they are drinking whisky, so they can not continue the tradition. Although some bars deny smoking inside and

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Süüria ­ chemical weapons doctrine is one of the strongest doctrine ever, respected by almost everyone, that's why people are so shocked about the events there. It's a grave violation of PIL. If there's enough evidence that chemical weapons were used, then war is basically a legal method, but not fully, because it isn't one of the reasons that allows war as a method to resolve conflict. Differences: Public International Law Private International Law = conflict of laws Subjects States, intergovernmental Regulates relations between organisations and some specific private persons and legal stuff (Red Cross; nations persons (person vs person,

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Essee - Smoking Should Be Banned in All Public Places

Smoking Should Be Banned in All Public Places Many people nowadays think that it is normal to see people smoking on the streets. But isn't this a bad way to picture our everyday life? It is certainly tue that treating people with smoking-related illnesses costs millions of dollars a year. Many people who have gone down the road of smoking don't have enough money to pay for their treatment. Another point in favour of banning smoking in all public places is the fact that passive smoking is very harmful. A lot of people ­ and not only adults but children too ­ who don't smoke may not even have an idea that being close to a smoking person can be very dangerous. One argument against is that the police has better things to do than to enforce a smoking ban. Smoking is something that all people won't just quit and the trouble for the police for punishing all of them is just too big in quantity. Also

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


themselves and information was coming only one-directionally from the controlled press. The media was used to deceive the population and people were made to believe what was politically needed. It seems the times have changed, people are free of propaganda and modern communication methods could easily see through such scams. The population thinks that with such a high number and variety of different international media publications it would be impossible to deceive the public. The truth is media manipulation and propaganda is still all around us. Global news and magazines still dominate what kind of news see on television and latest fashion determines which clothes to wear. The large variety of international media publications does not necessarily mean more opinions as many of them belong the same monopolistic companies, which only distribute their content on different platforms and for different audiences across countries

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Haldustraditsioonid Läänes

Haldustraditsioonid Lääne- Euroopas Seminaritöö 1 õppeaines Avalik haldus RIV6019 Erle Neeme 10.02.2017 Analüüsitav artikkel: Rugge, F. (2003) Administrative Traditions in Western Europe. - In Peters, G.P., Pierre, J. (eds) Handbook of Public Administration. Sage. Etatismi võidukäik. Etatism on poliitline mõttesuund, mille kohaselt riik omaette väärtus ja ülim eesmärk, mille nimel peavad kodanikud allutama oma taotlused ja heaolu. 19. sajandi lõpust sai alguse etatismi võidumarss, mille kulminatsiooniks oli fašismi ja kommunismi ideoloogia loomine ja praktiseerimine. Võttes arvesse 19.sajandil maailmaajaloos aset leidnud sündmusi, tundub selline asjade kulg loogiline. Aastast 1776, mil võeti vasti

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Poliitika kujundamine merenduses eksam

Poliitika kujundamine merenduses Public policy – halduspoliitika, aga ka avalik poliitika Kolm sarnast terminit: Politics – poliitika (Public) Policy – (haldus-, avalik) poliitika Polity – poliitiline kogukond Poliitika: kollektiivne otsustetegemise protsess (Heywood: tegevus, mille kaudu rahvas loob, säilitab ja muudab oma elu juhtivaid reegleid) HP: kui selle protsessi tulemus e. reeglite loomine, vastuvõtmine, rakendamine ja hindamine

Politoloogia → poliitika kujundamine...
13 allalaadimist

Avalikud suhted (spikker) suhtekorraldus , avalikud suhted , public relations , avalikkus , PR , meediamonitooring ,

Valitsussuhted- o nimel otseselt seotud seadusandlike kogude ja reguleerivate asutustega. Ka Lobby. 4-astme mudel Gruning: (mis praegu toimub; mida me peaksime ütlema ja tegema ja miks; millal me teeme Probleemide juhtimine- avalikku muret tekitavate prob identif ja suunamine. mida teeme ja ..) Tegevusharu suhted- seot teiste sama tegevuse firmade ja organis. IPRA- 1955- International Public Relations Association Arendus/raha kogum- vajadus näidata ja julgustada avalikkust toetama, peam annetustega. PRSA- 1944- The Public Relations Society of America Multikultuursed suhted- erinev kultuuriline taust in ja gruppidel. PRJ- 1944- Public Relations Journal Eriüritused- mõeldud huvi tekitam in, tootele v organis suunatud sündmuse abil

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
18 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management Wolfgang Drechsler (University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) © Copyright: Wolfgang Drechsler 2005 Within the public sphere, the most important reform movement of the last quarter of a century has been the New Public Management (NPM). It is of particular interest in the post-autistic economics (pae) context because NPM largely rests on the same ideology and epistemology as standard textbook economics (STE) is based (for my take on this, see Drechsler 2000), and it has had, and still has, similar results. Already more on the defensive within public administration (PA) than STE is within economics, NPM also shows that such major paradigm shifts in theory and policy may actually happen

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist


Housing Aleksander Andrejev AT112 The Contents Houses, not flats Private property and public property The importance of ,,home" Individuality and conformity Interiors: the importance of cosiness Owning and renting Homelessness The future Houses, not flats Detached house not only ensures privacy, it is also a status symbol. Even a modest detached house, surrounded by garden, gives the rerequired suggestion of rural life. Most people would be happy to live in a cottage, and if this is a thatched cottage so much the better. Most people try to avoid living in blocks of flats.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Efficient initiatives to help protect the environment

Efficient initiatives to help protect the environment Just like our bodies, the environment functions best when it's in balance. Unfortunately, we're not quite there. Many of us believe that we lead lives that respect nature but our consumption habits give us away. Many little habits that seem to be sustainable are in fact polluting. Along with pollution, issues like depletion of resources, the rise of consumerism, and the "throw away" culture have led to serious issues. That being said, the fight's not over yet. Fortunately, more people than ever are both aware of and active in the protection of the environment. To protect the environment, waste management and recycling are crucial. When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural resources. If used materials are not recycled, new products are made by extracting fresh, raw material from the Earth, through mining and forestry. R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Operatsioonisüsteem •Opsüsteem on nagu valitsus, kes iseenesest midagi kasulikku ei tee, vaid ainult pakub keskkonna, milles teised programmid saavad töötada. Lühendid •Operating System •Operatsioonisüsteem •opsüsteem •OS OS peab: • Pakkuma keskkonna kus kasutaja saab jooksutada erinevaid programme • Tegema arvuti kasutamise mugavaks • Kasutama arvuti riistvara võimalikult effektiivselt • Tagama riistvara toimimise. • Lahendama veaolukordi. OS'i peamine eesmärk •On muuta arvuti kasutamine mugavaks, võimaldades käivitada kasutajarakendusi ja aidates lahendada veaolukordi. OS mõiste (1) •on arvuti süsteemitarkvara, mis käivitatakse arvutis alglaadimisprogrammi poolt ning mis juhib arvutisüsteemi tööd ja teenindab rakendusprogramme. OS mõiste (2) •programm või programmide kogumik, mille ülesandeks on olla vahendajaks arvuti ning seda kasutava inimese vahel ning tagada arvuti töö. OP süsteemi ülesanded • Protses...

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Arvutitarkvara liigid

Arvutitarkvara liigid Sõltuvalt kasutuslitsentside tüübist ja kasutatavast litsentsilepingute sõlmimise tehnikast võib arvutitarkvara jaotada järgmiselt: • ärivara (commercialware); • jaosvara (shareware); • proovivara (trialware); • vabavara (freeware); • vaba tarkvara (free software); • avalik tarkvara (public domain software). Ärivara (commercialware) Ärivara on peamine arvutitarkvara liik, mida levitatakse tavaliselt infotehnoloogiafirmade, arvutisalongide ja arvutikaupluste kaudu. Enamik suurte tarkvara tootjate tarkvarapakettidest on just nimelt ärivara. Ärivara kasutamine on lubatud alles pärast litsentsitasu maksmist. Vaatamata sellele, et tootjate lõikes võivad litsentsilepingu tingimused erineda, jäävad üldpõhimõtted samaks ja on üldjuhul järgmised: • ärivara on kaitstud autoriõigusega; • arvutiprogrammi õiguspärasel kasutajal on õigus teha programmist arhiivikoopia, mida ta võib kasut...

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

Faculty of Social Sciences
 Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance ! ! ! ! Elise Tõllimäe Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector Essay ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Supervisor: professor Dr. Caspar F. van den Berg

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Java programmeerimise konspekt

Kui meetod ei tegele sisendi/väljundiga ning ei muuda keskkonna seisu kaudselt (näiteks muutes parameetrite kaudu kättesaadavaid objekte), siis nim. seda kõrvalefektideta meetodiks. Meetodi signatuuriks on meetodi nimi, parameetrite tüübid ja tagastusväärtuse tüüp. Näide: Klassimeetodid: main, syt Formaalsed parameetrid: main-meetodi korral param, syt korral a ja b Faktilised parameetrid: syt korral m ja n Tagastusväärtus: a public class Euclid { public static void main (String[] param) { int m=15; int n=6; if (param.length > 1) { m=Integer.parseInt (param [0]); n=Integer.parseInt (param [1]); } System.out.println ("SYT (" + m + ", " + n + ") = " + syt (m, n)); } // main public static int syt (int a, int b) { while (b != 0) { int j22k = a % b; a = b; b = j22k; } return a; } // syt } // Euclid Massiiv

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
285 allalaadimist

Ehitusmaterjalid labor 6.

1. Töö eesmärk Tehiskivi tiheduse, veeimavuse, survetugevuse ja paindetugevuse määramine. 2. Katsetatud ehitusmaterjalid Silikaattelliskivid nimimõõtmetega 88x120x250 mm. Sillikaattelliskivi koosneb 92-95 % kvartsliivast ja 5-8% kustutamata lubjast. 3. Kasutatud töövahendid Joonlaud katsekehade mõõtmiseks, kaal täpsusega 0,1g katsekehade kaalumiseks, hüdrauliline press surve- ja paindetugevuse määramiseks, immutamiseks vajalikud nõud, kuivatuskapp. 4. Katsemeetodikad 4.1 Tiheduse määramine Katsetuseks võetakse 6 105-110o C juures püsiva massini kuivatatud proovikeha. Proovikeha mass määratakse veaga mitte üle 5 g ja mõõtme veaga alla 1 mm. Iga proovikeha mõõde arvutatakse kui aritmeetiline keskmine kolmest mõõtmistulemusest ­ kaks mõõda paralleelservi ja kolmas nende keskelt. Tihedus arvutatakse valemiga 1. Valem 1: 0 ­ proovikeha tihedus [kg/m3] m ­ kuivatatud proovikeha mass [kg] V ­ proovikeha maht [m3] 4.2 Veeimavuse määramine K...

Ehitus → Ehitusmaterjalid
158 allalaadimist

Attraction of blogs

Attraction of blogs People have always loved to share their thoughts. It is very common that people write those thoughts down, usually into their secret diaries. Nowadays individuals write public blogs, which using has grown quite popular. In my opinion, blogs have become more fashionable than keeping private diaries, because they are public. Everyone has access and a chance to read your own personal views. We live in a modern world, where information is crucial and selling, therefore keeping a blog on the Internet is a big attraction for readers. Furthermore, there are all kinds of journals on the web, for example food sites, where people can find many recipes for different meals. Also, fashion blogs, which can give inspiration if wondering what to wear for some kind of an occasion.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

St. James Park

St. James Park History St James’s Park is the oldest Royal Park in London. On James I's accession to the throne in 1603, he ordered that the park be drained and landscaped, and kept exotic animals in the park, includingcamels, crocodiles, and an elephant, as well as aviaries of exotic birds along the south. Charles II opened the park to the public, as well as using the area to entertain guests. On his desire had the park redesigned in a more formal style, probably by the French landscaper André Mollet. At the end of the 17th century and early 18th century were the cows in the park and could to buy fresh milk in "Lactarian". Location: The park is located in central London. This is 23 hectare large. St. James's Park is surrounded by Buckingham Palace to the west, The Mall and St. James's Palace to the North, Horse

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Äriõiguse II KT

varasemale kokkuleppele. Tehingu lõpuleviimise memorandumis:  deklareeritakseeeltingimustenõuetekohasttäitmist;  fikseeritaksetehingu hind lõplikult;  fikseeritaksetehingulõpuleviimisekuupäev (ostuhinnatasuminejaaktsiateüleandmine);  vajaduselmuudetakseteatudpõhilepingupunktevõikehtestatakseerandeid. IPO – aktsiatepakkumineavalikkusele (Initial Public Offering). Ülekursstekibjuhul, kuiaktsiaväljalaske hind on kõrgemkuisellenimiäärtus. Nt: nimiväärtus 10, väljalaske hind 12 = ülekurss 2). Sissemakset aktsiakapitali tagastada ei saa (kui pole tegemist aktsiaseltsi-poolse omaaktsiate tagasiostuga), seda keelab ÄS § 274 Sissemakse tagastamise ja intressi arvestamise keeld  Aktsionärile ei või tagastada tema poolt tehtud sissemakset ega maksta sissemakselt intressi.

Õigus → Äriõigus
15 allalaadimist

Objektorienteeritud programmeerimise loengutekst

1 Loeng. Sissejuhatus Võtmesõnad: abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const* continue default double do else enum extends final finally float for goto* if implements import instanceof int interface long native new package private protected public return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try void volatile while NB! Tunduvad võtmesõnadena, aga on literaalid: false null true Algtüübid: Täisarvud · byte(8-bitiline), short(16-bitiline ), int(32-bitiline), long(64-bitiline) Ujukomaarvud · float(32-bitiline), double(64-bitiline) Tõeväärtused · boolean(true, false) Sümbolid · char(16-bitiline Unicode-sümbol, 'u0000'(0) kuni 'uffff'(65535)) Nimi: · on tõstutundlik

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
81 allalaadimist

Eksami spikker

static int bar1(int n,int m) { int x; if (n <= 0) x = m; else x = (n+m)*bar1(n-1,m); return x;} static int bar2(int n, int m) { int x=0; if (n <= 0) x = m; else for (int i = 0; i < n + m; i++) { x = x + bar2(n-1,m);} return x;} ______________________________________ public class Male { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new MaleFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(400, 400);frame.setVisible(true); } } class MaleFrame extends JFrame { MaleFrame frame; JPanel toppanel; JPanel buttonpanel; DrawPanel drawpanel;int nupp = 0; MaleFrame() { toppanel = new Jpanel(); buttonpanel = new JPanel(); drawpanel = new DrawPanel(); JButton button = new JButton("Vajuta!"); buttonpanel.add(button); toppanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

Informaatika → Programeerimise...
183 allalaadimist

The Queen/Kuninganna essee filmist

interesting. The Queen was about Queen Elizabeth II reaction to the death of Princess Diana. Film was based on actual events and included a lot of tragedy, emotions and sadness. Just as Tony Blair was moving into 10 Downing Street, Princess Diana died in a Paris car wreck. England went into traumatized mourning deeper than anyone could have predicted. On the contrary, the royal family -- Diana's estranged former inlaws -- offered no public reaction at all. As resentment toward the royal cold shoulder built into a monarchical crisis of public opinion, young Mr. Blair intervened with the Queen until finally the House of Windsor made a public demonstration of something like humanity. The film showed me the life of the royal family. There aren't very much positive things about this film, because it showed the downside of the family. I only liked Tony Blair and Prince Charles.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


System.exit(1);} char[] arr1 = s1.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(arr1); char[] arr2 = s2.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(arr2); for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) { System.out.println("FALSE"); System.exit(1);} 3. Replace symbol on a certain position in string public static String replaceCharAt(String s, int pos, char c) { return s.substring(0, pos) + c + s.substring(pos + 1);} 4. Calculate the number of words that start with “a” int count = 0; if (s.startsWith("a")) { count++;} for(int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { if(s.charAt(i)=='a' && s.charAt(i-1)==' '){ count++;}}

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
35 allalaadimist

Battlearene 3. kodutöö

"<getHP()<<"HP"<<" "<getLvl()<<"lvl"<getName(); } else{ return "None"; } } #ifndef ARENA_H #define ARENA_H #include "Character.h" #include #include #include #include #include "stdio.h" #include using namespace std; class Arena { public: Arena(); void enter(Character *character); void fighting();//kahevõitlus int charactersIn(); string getWinnerName(); void printDescription(); protected: vector characters; private: }; #endif // ARENA_H #include "Character.h" vector Character::namesV; void Character::attack(Character *opponent){ if(hitpoints>0 && opponent->hitpoints>0 && in_arena==1 && opponent!=this){ int damage = weapons->damage();

Informaatika → Keel c ja objektorienteeritud...
29 allalaadimist

Andmebaasipõhiste veebirakenduste arendamine Microsoft Visual Studio ja SQL Server’i baasil

kirjutatud programm võib vähemalt esmapilgul mõnevõrra erinev välja näha sõltuvalt sellest, kas programm käivitatakse veebist, tegutsetakse nuppudega ja tekstiväljadega aknas, väljundiks on mobiiltelefon või piirdub kogu tegevus tekstiaknaga. Esimesel korral võib tunduda, et oleks nagu täiesti eri keeltes ja eri moodi kirjutamine. Ühes kohas on alati koodi juures salapärane button1_click, teises public static void Main ning kolmandas veel midagi muud. Aga sellest ei tasu ennast väga häirida lasta. Ehkki .NETi ja C# juures on püütud eri kohtades käivituvate rakenduste loomist sarnasemaks muuta, tuleb siiski kirjutamisel arvestada käivitumiskoha võimalustega. Siin materjalis keskendume C# keele ülesehitusega seotud teemadele, mis on ühised kõigi käivitumiskohtade puhul. Ning kasutajaliidesena pruugime programmeerimisõpikute traditsioonilist lihtsat ning väheste

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
42 allalaadimist

OS põhiteenused, Androidi struktuur, Androidi käsurea kasutamine

omanikud saavad samad õigused. Sellise "pärimise" õiguse printsiipi nimetatakse mõistega "copyleft". Litsentsi tüübid GPL 2 ühilduv litsents GNU ehk Üldine Avalik Litsents  Artistic License 2.0  Berkeley Database License  Boost Software License  BSD license (modified version)  BDL / BSD Documentation License  CeCILL  Cryptix General License  EUPL - European Union Public License  GPL / GNU General Public License  Intel Open Source License  ISC license [3] GPL 2 mitteühilduv litsents  Academic Free License (AFL)  Affero General Public License  Apache License  Apple Public Source License (APSL)  BSD license (original version)  Common Public License  Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL)  Eclipse Public License (EPL)  GPLv3 / GNU General Public License  IBM Public License

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

C# materjal

kirjutatud programm võib vähemalt esmapilgul mõnevõrra erinev välja näha sõltuvalt sellest, kas programm käivitatakse veebist, tegutsetakse nuppudega ja tekstiväljadega aknas, väljundiks on mobiiltelefon või piirdub kogu tegevus tekstiaknaga. Esimesel korral võib tunduda, et oleks nagu täiesti eri keeltes ja eri moodi kirjutamine. Ühes kohas on alati koodi juures salapärane button1_click, teises public static void Main ning kolmandas veel midagi muud. Aga sellest ei tasu ennast väga häirida lasta. Ehkki .NETi ja C# juures on püütud eri kohtades käivituvate rakenduste loomist sarnasemaks muuta, tuleb siiski kirjutamisel arvestada käivitumiskoha võimalustega. Siin materjalis keskendume C# keele ülesehitusega seotud teemadele, mis on ühised kõigi käivitumiskohtade puhul. Ning kasutajaliidesena

Informaatika → Programmeerimine - c sharp
124 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide arendamine 2 lühikonspekt

Net Web Forms: WebForm1 obj = new WebForm1(); obj.Button_Click(); ASP.Net WebForms . , ASP.Net HTML o View HTML o (CS) ( .Net) : 1: o 2: (, ) (DAL), o 3: (View) ASP.Net Web Forms, HTML, MVC, «string», , HTML ToString() «NameSpace.ClassName» namespace WebApplication1.Controllers { public class Customer { public string CustomerName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } } public class TestController : Controller { public Customer GetCustomer() { Customer c = new Customer(); c.CustomerName = "Customer 1"; c.Address = "Address1"; return c; } } } public [NonAction] , ( Shared) ViewResult, (View) , :

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide arendamine II
6 allalaadimist

Report: The Free Rider Problem

Form B Tartu 2009 Content Content 2 The Political Problem 3 The Example 4 Solution and Problems 5 The Main Economical Problem 6-8 Free riding Problem on Public Transport 9 References 10 2 The Political Problem A common example of a free rider problem is defense spending: no one person can be excluded from being defended by a state's military forces, and thoes free riders may refuse or avoid paying for being defended, even though they are still as well guarded as those who contribute to the state's efforts

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Jenkins Blue Ocean

Kasutajaliidese testid @Test public void googleTitleTest() { // Testib pealkirja, lehe laadimisel } @Test public void googleSearchEmptyDoodle() { // Testib pealkirja // Otsides tühjalt vajutades nuppu "I Feel Lucky" } @Test public void googleSearchJacketURL() { // Testib url // Kirjutab inputi Jacket, siis vaatab, // kas otsides url sisaldab seda queryt. } @Test public void googleNavigateSecondPage() { // Testib kas läheb teisele lehele, kontrollides url // Otsib Jacket // xPathi abil nuppu vajutades navigeerib teisele lehele } @Test public void googleMyAccount() { // Testib, kas võimalik minna preferences lehele // Otsib Jacket // Avab drop down akna, peale vajutades // xPathi abil vajutab lingile // Kontrollib, kas url on õige }

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist


Williams. In the 1920s, as modern journalism was just taking form, writer Walter Lippmann and American philosopher John Dewey debated over the role of journalism in a democracy. Their differing philosophies still characterize a debate about the role of journalism in society and the nation- state. The journalist became the middleman. When elites spoke, journalists listened and recorded the information, distilled it, and passed it on to the public for their consumption. The public is not smart enough to understand complicated, political issues. Furthermore, the public was too consumed with their daily lives to care about complex public policy. Therefore the public needed someone to interpret the decisions or concerns of the elite to make the information plain and simple. Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel propose several guidelines for journalists in their book "The Elements of Journalism". Because journalism's first loyalty is to the citizenry, journalists are

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

küsimused ja vastused(printimiseks lihtsalt)

Questions and answers London Eye 1. When was London Eye first opened to the public?- It was first opened to the public on 9March 2000. 2. In example, what was it called before?- In example, it was called The Merlin Entertainments London Eye/ The British Airways London Eye. 3. Does it attracts people to visit or not? Why?- Yes it does, because it’s an entertaining and easy way to have a great view of London. Big Ben 1. How big anniversary it had on 31 May 2009?- It had 150th anniversary. 2. How many steps are there inside?- There are 334 steps inside. 3. After who was the bell inside called

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Essee Eesti ja Usa haridussüsteedide võrdlus

sight. After reading all the materials and all sorts of notes about USA's education systems and their school household. All at once I realized, that they are not so different at all. Like for example USA's kids have to go to school exactly the same amount of time as our Estonian children. And basically learn same amount of same things. Like everywhere there are always differences. Education in the United States is mainly provided by the public sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local. Child education is compulsory. A sub-type of compulsory education is public education. Public education is universal at the primary and secondary levels (known inside the United States as the elementary and high school levels). At these levels, school curricula, funding, teaching, and other policies are set through locally elected school boards with jurisdiction over school districts

Keeled → Inglise keel
87 allalaadimist

Söögiseened ja nende söödavusomadused

* Söögiseened ja nende söödavusomadused * Seened soodustavad seedimist ja annavad toidule maitset ning on väga väärtuslikud mineraalainete ja vitamiinide allikad * Seene osa mida korjatakse ja süüakse nimetatakse viljakehaks * Seened mille viljakeha võimalik näha, nim suurseenteks * Umbes 90% seeneviljakehast vesi * 10% kuivained, peamiselt rakuseinte kiudained, toitained, vitamiinid, mineraalid. * Osades seentes toiduks kõlbmatud ained * Põhjamaades sadakond väga häid söögiseni %C3%B6%C3%B6giseened.php *Söögiseened * Austerservik * Prgandriisikas * Harilik murumuna * Timpnarmik * Kukeseen * Mürkel * Veinipunane pilvik * Männiriisikas * Kollane pilvik * Puravik * Ere pilvik * Põdramokk ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

The topic Im going to speak about is marriage

they should love each other, without love in my opion there is no sense to marry. A wedding is something that happend with every person in our world. People need to understand this and take it as seriously as possible. I understand that there are many religions and cultures, but the points should be the same. In conclusion want to say, that everyone makes his choice. Anyway i welcome the choice of each person and with this impossible to argue. Some people say that everyone should use public transport instead of cars. Do you agree? The topic im going to speak about public transport. There is an opinion that some people say that everyone should use public transport instead of cars. I don’t agree with that argument, because riding on public transport is not always comfortable and convenient. Firstly I would like to say that you have to adjust the time and you cant go where you need at any time. For example to call a taxi you have to wait when in will arrive.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a wide speared conception. I can understand it in many different ways. For example in my state, Estonia, the freedom is a very important for every human. At least to me it is seemed to be like that. But at school is a little bit sad story with freedom of speech. Some teachers are not used that student expresses her own strong opinion. When another way some teachers are just waitening it. As well as people can not speak along with state public topics and express their opinion. Therefore freedom of speech is debateable. Already from the old times Estonians have been fighting for their own freedom, because they do not like to allow to another country or state, foreign public and foreign language. Estonian public have been fighting with German, Russian and a lot of other states. Estonians has strongly tried to keep alive their own nationality, independent that Estonia is a very small state in

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The History of Flag Day

The History Of Flag Day The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'. On June 14, 1889, George Balch, a kindergarten teacher in New York City, planned appropriate ceremonies for the children of his school, and his idea of observing Flag Day was later adopted by the State Board of Education of New York. On June 14, 1891, the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia held a Flag Day celebration, and on June 14 of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Teine kodutöö aines Mikroökonoomika II

2 When the price of apple juice rises by 3%, the quantity demanded drops by 8%. Then, demand of for apple juice is elastici? Explain if yes or not and show with the calculation. Demand for juice is elastic. Proof (calculated by midpoint formula): (0,92-1)/((0,92+1)/2) E = -0,833/0,296 = -2,81; |E|= 2,81 = (1,03-1)/((1,03+1)/2) Price elasticity of demand is bigger than 1, therefore demand is elastic. EXERCISE N. 3 If my income increases by 12%, then quantity of public transportation demanded drops by 6%. I can say that income elasticity of my demand for public transportation is negative and that public transportation is a normal good? In that case, public transportation is an inferior good (if change in income is positive, then change in demanded quantity of good is negative), because income rises by 12% nad demand drops by 6%, therefore m is positive and q is negative. For normal good if income increases then quantity demanded increases too.

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
15 allalaadimist

Street Art

exhibitions and so on. Think for yourself, because street art began with the graffiti, and now we can see on the streets of our city just a work of art. I think graffiti, by the way, is also a great and invaluable work. Trends are changing. Now, young artists are moving from an endless unthinking tagging to a more conceptual and rich sense, abstract and volumetric work. Street art has become popular among the general public, because it is more accessible to him both in content and in location: for art, now you do not need to go to a museum or gallery, and the meaning of the work is often clear at a glance. In our environment there are not enough professional critics and theorists who could competently evaluate and describe the work of street artists. This is very bad, because the viewer needs a certain benchmark, according to which he could assess the quality of the works presented. 1. THEORETICAL PART

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ekspertsüsteem erialase spetsialiseerumise valimiseks

laadida. Ning selle ikoonil topeltklõps teha. Programm kuvab tervitusteksti ning edasisised juhised. Programmi töö lõppemisel sulgub konsooliaken ise. 5.3 Realiseeritud osade tekstid 5.3.1 Launcher - rakenduse käivitamise eest hoolitsev klass using System; using HPExpertSystem; namespace IT_spetsialiseerumise_valija { ///

/// Rakendust käivitav klass, võimaldab ligipääsu peavormi meetoditele ka teistest klassidest /// public class Launcher { /// /// Rakenduse alguspunkt /// [STAThread] static void Main() { //Kirjutan ekraanile avasõnad Console.WriteLine("Tere tulemast!"); Console.WriteLine("Käesolev on intelligentnse süsteem, tegemaks kindlaks teie IT-alast suundumust."); Console

Informaatika → Ekspertsüsteemid
22 allalaadimist


programm võib vähemalt esmapilgul mõnevõrra erinev välja näha sõltuvalt sellest, kas programm käivitatakse veebist, tegutsetakse nuppudega ja tekstiväljadega aknas, väljundiks on mobiiltelefon või piirdub kogu tegevus tekstiaknaga. Esimesel korral võib tunduda, et oleks nagu täiesti eri keeltes ja eri moodi kirjutamine. Ühes kohas on alati koodi juures salapärane button1_click, teises public static void Main ning kolmandas veel midagi muud. Aga sellest ei tasu ennast väga häirida lasta. Ehkki .NETi ja C# juures on püütud eri kohtades käivituvate rakenduste loomist sarnasemaks muuta, tuleb siiski kirjutamisel arvestada käivitumiskoha võimalustega. Siin materjalis keskendume C# keele ülesehitusega seotud teemadele, mis on ühised kõigi käivitumiskohtade puhul. Ning kasutajaliidesena pruugime programmeerimisõpikute traditsioonilist lihtsat ning

Informaatika → Informaatika
33 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

esimese PHP programmiga. Lisalugemist Localhost (www) - inglise keeles Scribd Install Apache 2.2.11 on Windows (www) - inglise keeles 1.3 Esimene programm Hello world! Leidke oma arvutis EasyPHP kaust ja selles omakorda kaust www - see on meie Apache veebiserveri juurkataloog ehk DocumentRoot. Looge selles kaustas fail nimega hello_world.php. Avage see fail oma teksti redaktoris ja kirjutage sinna järgmised koodi read: hello_world.php PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> Demo 1.3.1 - Hello world! Näide 1.3.1 Salvestage fail ja käivitage brauser ning aadressiks kirjutage: http://localhost/hello_world.php, tulemusena peab ekraanile ilmuma järgmine väljund:

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
56 allalaadimist

Keskmise suurusega omavalitsuse finantsiline jätkusuutlikkus

ühinejate profiilist ­ kas ühinevad kaks maaomavalitsust või linn ja vald. 7 Viks, A. (2012). Eestis aastatel 1996­2009 ühinenud kohalike omavalitsuste finantsmõjude analüüs. ­ (14.02.2013). 8 9 Sørensen, R. J. (2006) Local Government Consolidations: The Impact Of Political transaction costs, Public Choice, Vol.127, 75­95 10 Steiner, R. (2003) Inter-municipal cooperation and municipal mergers in Switzerland, Public Management Review, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 551­571 11 Christoffersen, H., Larsen, K. B. (2007) Economies of Scale in Danish Municipalities: Expenditure Effects versus Quality Effects. ­ Local Government Studies, vol 33, no 1, pp 77­95. 12

Haldus → Halduskorraldus
2 allalaadimist

Rahvatervise mõisted

Valitsuse selgesõnaline otsus või protseduur, mis määratleb tegevuse prioriteedid ja parameetrid vastusena rahvastiku tervisevajadustele, kättesaadavatele ressurssidele ja poliitilistele survetele. TERVISEPOLIITIKA (health policy) Institutsioonisisene (eriti valitsuse) selgesõnaline otsus või protseduur, mis määratleb tegevuse prioriteedid ja parameetrid vastusena tervisevajadustele, kättesaadavatele ressurssidele ja poliitilistele survetele. TERVISTTOETAV RIIKLIK POLIITIKA (healthy public policy) Valitsuse, omavalitsuste ja kogu avaliku sektori poliitiliste otsuste kaudu rahvastiku tervise arengule soodsate tingimuste loomine (näiteks sotsiaalse ebavõrdsuse vähendamine, majandusliku, sotsiaalse ja füüsilise keskkonna mõjude muutmine tervisttoetavamaks, indiviidide, gruppide ja kogukondade kaasamine otsustetegemisse ning koostöö arendamine erinevate sektorite vahel jpm). TERVISHOID (health care)

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun