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"preposition" - 42 õppematerjali


Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

Swimming = subject of the verb has been. Francisco's first love is swimming. Swimming = subject complement of the verb is. Francisco enjoys swimming more than spending time with his girlfriend Diana. Swimming = direct object of the verb enjoys. Francisco gives swimming all of his energy and time. Swimming = indirect object of the verb gives. When Francisco wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming. Swimming = object of the preposition to. indefinite article In English, the two indefinite articles are a and an. Like other articles, indefinite articles are invariable. You use one or the other, depending on the first letter of the word following the article, for pronunciation reasons. Use a when the next word starts with a consonant, or before words starting in u and eu when they sound like you. Use an when the next word starts with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or with a mute h.

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Time, location prepositions

Prepositions Time - Aeg Preposition Millal kasutatakse Näide ON Nädalapäevad On Monday IN Kuud/ Aastaajad In July/on Spring Osa päevast In the morning Aasta In 2006 Peale kindlat perioodi ajas In an hour AT At night At the weekend Kindel punkt ajas, kellaaeg At half past nine At 3 o'clock SINCE Mingist kindlast ajapunktist siiani Since 1980 FOR Mingist kindlast ajaperioodist siiani For 2 years AGO Kindlal ajal minevikus, mingi aeg...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


They were driving to work together. She's going to the dentist's office this morning. 2)TOWARD and TOWARDS are also helpful prepositions to express movement. These are simply variant spellings of the same word; use whichever sounds better to you. We're moving toward the light. This is a big step towards the project's completion. 3)With the words HOME, DOWNTOWN, UPTOWN, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, DOWNSTAIRS, 3 UPSTAIRS, we use no preposition. Grandma went upstairs Grandpa went home. They both went outside. 4)We use THROUGH to show movement from one side of an enclosed space to the other. For example: The train went through the tunnel. 5)We use ACROSS to show movement from one side of a surface or line to another. For example: She swam across the river. 6)More prepositions of movement: She ran to the door. through the tunnel. (from one side of an enclosed space to the other) across the road

Keeled → Inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

term denoting a part of, or a member of, the whole. Collocations Sequence of words or terms which co-occur ore often than words be expected by chance. There are 14 types of collocations. Types of collocations 1) adjective and noun ­ bright/harsh light 2) quantifier and noun - a beam/ray of light 3) verb and noun - cast light 4) noun and verb - light glows 5) noun and noun - a light source 6) preposition and noun - by the light of the moon 7) noun and preposition - the light from the window 8) adverb and verb - choose carefully 9) verb and verb - be free to choose 10) verb and preposition - choose between sth 11) verb and adjective - make/keep safe 12) adverb and adjective - perfectly/ not entirely safe 13) adjective and preposition - safe from attack 14) short phrases including the headword - the speed of light, pick and choose, safe and sound

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist


... . fourth government relations: head, odifies, complement. Fifth: binding relations i saw John, when he came in. 22) collocations Sequence of words or terms which co-occur ore often than words be expected by chance. There are 14 types of collcations. Types of collocations 1) adjective and noun bright/harsh 2) quantifier and noun a beam/ray of light 3) verb and noun cast light 4) noun and verb light glows 5) noun and noun a light source 6) preposition and noun by the light of the moon 7) noun and preposition the light from the window 8) adverb and verb choose carefully 9) verb and verb be free to choose 10) verb and preposition choose between sth 11) verb and adjective make/keep safe 12) adverb and adjective perfectly/ not entirely 13) adjective and preposition safe from attack 14) short phrases including the headword the speed of light, pick and choose, safe and sound

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist


the space within the + Prep. = Location space. within the space Destination Preposition ­ () with Verbs of Motion . . () + acc. = . + gen. = motion into Motion out the area + prep. = of the area Destination Location within a surface area. Preposition - with Verbs of Motion . + Gen.= Motion away from an object + Dat. = Motion toward or up to an object DESTINATION . Inside from inside On top off the top Open space from the open C Activities from the activity Up to from somebody

Keeled → Vene keel
63 allalaadimist


The presenter talked non-stop for two hours. I have been on holiday for a week now. Ken hasn’t seen his father for a long time. Two meals will be served during the flight. Make sure that you do not disturb other people during the film. I will give you a ring some time during the next week. 3 Prepositions of Time – during & while during while is a preposition and is followed by is a conjunction and is followed by a noun a noun + a verb • We met a lot of interesting people • We met a lot of interesting people while during our holiday. we were on holiday. • Robert suddenly began to feel ill • Robert suddenly began to feel ill while during the exam. he was doing the exam. Prepositions of Time – by & by the time

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

The man looked The man wrote The man looked The man looked The manager sat at through the the address on the at the mail in the at the clock on the his desk on his telescope in his package. post box. wall. chair. hands. Viljandi 2009 Viljandi County Gymnasium 2. Prepositions of movement Picture It Clip Art Preposition Example "He carried the rubbish to the to bin." "The train came through the through tunnel." across "He swam across the channel."

Keeled → Inglise keel
102 allalaadimist


- no preposition in the ocean at the beach in the morning/evening/afternoon in the desert in time in the mountains - last Saturday/week/month etc at a ski resort on Friday/Thursday etc in Telluride/Tallinn/London etc in the middle in southwest Colorado in the post office by the time (selleks ajaks, kui...) on Delancy Street at night on the corner in a minute (minuti pärast) in the street haven’t talked to them for over a on Ridgeback Mountain month in the woods/forest - next weekend/month/day a small house on a lake on the first day ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 Body is a holonym of arms, legs, head, face, ass 46. Collocations  The (habitual) occurrence of two or more words within a short space/next to each other in a text or speech with a frequency greater than chance. The way words combine in a language to produce natural sounding speech and writing.  Grammatical collocations consist of: o A dominant word – noun, adjective/participle, verb o A preposition or a grammatical construction  In the picture, admiration for, on the whole, on purpose etc  Lexical collocations don’t have a dominant word, instead they have structures such as: o verb + noun o adjective + noun o noun + verb o noun + noun o adverb + adjective o adverb + verb  Collocations are categorized: o Weak collocations – see a movie, take a bath, extremely complicated

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Gerunds and infinitives

The gerund form -ing The gerund form -ing is used: After some main verbs. (admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prefer, put off, recommend, resent, risk, suggest, understand) I do not recommend going to that restaurant. After an adjective, verb or noun followed by a preposition. She is really good at swimming. He apologised to arriving late. I quite like the thought of working in a travel agency. In some fixed expressions I can not bear listening to people who complain. I can not help feeling that he is cheating us. That book is not worth reading. The infinitive with to The infinitive with to is used: After some main verbs

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

(2008). English Idioms in Use. Ø Onions, C.T.(ed.)(1966). The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology. Classification of idioms Classification of idioms for better understanding and learning. I think idioms can be grouped in a variety of ways. According to "English Vocabulary in Use" there are 3 groups of idioms. Grammatical By meaning By verb or another key word verb + object verb + preposition His fingers are all phrase thumbs [clumsy] hold someone's Rise the eyebrows Do you mind my smoking? [object hand [to wonder] to] [to take care of] Some difficulties with translation of idioms For me, translation is art based on knowledge. Of course, an interpreter must have a good knowledge of

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory

Many More The most 5. Pronouns: Subjective personal pronouns: A subjective personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as the subject of the sentence. The subjective personal pronouns are "I," "you," "she," "he," "it," "we," "you," "they." You are surely the strangest child I have ever met. Objective personal pronouns: An objective personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as an object of a verb, compound verb, preposition, or infinitive phrase. The objective personal pronouns are: "me," "you," "her," "him," "it," "us," "you," and "them." Seamus stole the selkie's skin and forced her to live with him. Persons P. Adjectives P. Pronouns 1st person (singular) (I) MY MINE 2nd person (singular) (You) YOUR YOURS

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist


TO · prone TO · related TO · subject TO · TO sb/sth · sikution TO · rude TO · subject TO · similar TO · subscribe TO FOR · ready FOR · reason FOR · demand FOR · cure FOR · necessary FOR · famous FOR KERMO MAISTE · eager FOR With the words home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs, we use no preposition. WORD FORMATION (DERIVATION) -er/-or,-ian and ­ist used to discribe people and work what they do -er -or -ist -ian Dancer Actor Artist Beautician Murderer Director Economist Musician Manager Translator Psychologist liberian Farmer Operator Journalis

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhikooli eksam 2010 lugemise osa.

of/to/from puppets tiny enough to fit on just one finger, to puppets big enough for (49) an/a/ adult to fit inside. Shows based around (50) les s large/the largest/larger puppets are popular in theatres, while smaller puppets usually perform on their own miniature stages. Puppets of all kinds (51) had/have/has their own TV shows too. Puppet shows have elaborate scenery, lighting, and costumes. Often music plays (52) a/the/ large part too. Ta s k 2 (5.5 points) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. An example (0) has been done for you. The Beatles became interested (0) _____ Indian music and began to feature orchestral instruments on their albums. People can see Lambeth Palace (the London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury), the South Bank Centre arts complex and the London Eye (53) _____ the picture (54) _____ the River Thames. According (55) _____ tradition, tourists who toss coins to the fountain will one day return to visit the city. Always look (56) _____ truth no matter

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Inglise keele konspekt

Reporting (kaudne kõneviis) Verb + that (jutustavad) o Add, admit, agree, announce, believe, boast, claim, complain, deny, declare, explain Verb + sihitis+that (jutustavad) o Warned, reminded Verb + somebody to do something (käsud ja palved) o Advise, beg, order, promise Verb + to do something o Agree, offer, refuse, threaten Verb + ,,ing" form o Admit, deny, suggest Verb + if/whether (kas küsimused) o Inquire, ask Verb + preposition + ,,ing" form o Accuse of Active & passive (isikuline ja umbisikuline kõneviis) Active Passive It's a big company. It employs two hundred Two hundred peolpe are employed by the people. company. Present simple: Active: clean(s) Somebody cleans this room every day. Passive: is cleaned This room is cleaned every day. Past simple:

Keeled → Inglise keel
384 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

month el mes mais first of [a month] el primero de [month] pree-mair-oh day _____ year el año ahn-yoh decade la década deh-kah-dah century el siglo see-gloh millennium el milenio mee-leh-nee-oh The preposition en is used with months: en abril = in April. Also notice that primero is used for the first of the month, but the rest of the days are referred to using the regular cardinal numbers: el primero de junio but el dos de julio. Months of the year are also all masculine and not capitalized in writing. ¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date? Hoy es el primero de agosto. Today is August 1st. 9 11. Seasons

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist

Word order

questions: What are they doing? Why didn’t you lock the door? Where are you going? When will you finish this book? How should I operate this machine? Which film would you like to watch? Who did you meet on your way here? What do you think of modern art? How long does the lecture last? How far have you travelled? How much does the flight to the Moon cost? How long have you been studying French? In questions containing a preposition, put it at the end of the sentence: Where are you flying to? 8 Word Order in Subject Questions To form a subject question just replace the subject by Who? What? or Which? No other changes are needed: Who has burnt my stew? What is going on here? Who invented the telephone? What has happened to you? Who is that man over there? Which book is the most interesting one here? Who has done it before?

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

Mine will arrive (his, yours), reflexive (himself, yourselves), reciprocal tomorrow. (each other, one another), relative (who, which, that), interrogative (who, what, which), demonstrative (this, that, those), and indefinite (some, none). preposition eessõna, Class of word used to express relationships between at 2 o'clock, to the school prepositsioon two events, things or people in terms of time, space, on, at, under, before, during and other abstract relations. Prepositions can occur as single words (at, by) or in pairs (out of, next to).

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

s At least in certain dialects, the morphs I and me (and similarly we and us, he and him, etc.) are in non-contrastive distribution; in some dialects, indeed, the complementation is probably complete. We may suspect that if it were not for the Latinizing school tradition, the complementation would be complete for most speakers: I initially, except in isolation, me directly after a verb or a preposition and in isolation. Actual exceptions to this are either on the Latin pattern (It's I, or Who's there? -- I, instead of Me), or are overcorrections (between you and I) ... There is no longer any justification for speaking of case in English; for the distinction between subjective and objective `cases' (under whatever name) disappears as soon as I and me, etc., are shown to belong to the same morpheme. A form with added -'s is

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

· ,,price" and ,,choice" are pronounced the same · ,,i" and ,,schwa" have merged · Epenthesis (sound, which is not there really, is inserted to the word) · In the north [e] and [ä] have no distinction Grammar: · Unmarked plurality concerning measure and time · Three dimensional demonstrative system · Nominalisation - givin a word or phrase a noun-like status · Distinction between singular and plural ,,you" / ,,youse" · Hot news perfect tense is expressed by preposition ,,after" + -ing (gerund form) · Present tense instead of Pr.Perfect or Pr.Perf. Cont · ,,It- clefting" constructures (it's very ill that he looked) · Continuous forms with stative verbs (I'm seeing it very well) · Past simple is used instead of Past perfect (If he saw him, he wouldn't have done it) · Distinction between habitual and non-habitual actions or states (I do bit drunk vs. I am drunk) · Word ,,let" can be used in second person ( Let you stay here)

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

as. For example: Tom is almost as tall as John. 3) Comparison to a lower degree using words such as less or least. For example: You’re less lazy than I am. 7. Adverbs and adverb phrases Adverbs are words that usually modify verbs or verb phrases. They tell us something about the action in a sentence. Adverbs are words such as slowly, soon, late, lastly etc. Adverb(ial) phrases are phrases that consist of two or more words that act as adverbs. They are often formed with a preposition and a noun. For example: In silence, at the corner, under the sea. 7.1 Morphological structure of adverbs  Simple adverbs. Soon, here, now, well  Derived adverbs are adverbs that derive from adjectives usually by suffix –ly. For example: easily, carefully. Less common suffixes that refer to an adverbs are  –wise (clockwise)  -ward(s) (onwards)  -like (warlike)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


answers with the text. 1. Where is Britain situated? 2. What kind of climate does Britain have? 3. Why does it have such a climate? 4. Is it uniform throughout the island? 5. Which part has better agricultural conditions? 6. Which part of Britain has been the most populated? 7. What factor has shaped Britain's history and the character of the British people? 8. Has Britain always been an island? 9. Why is Britain (England) often called Albion? 4. Put a preposition in each gap. Underline the prepositions in your notebooks. Britain is separated _____ the mainland ____ Europe ____ the English Channel. Britain’s climate is influenced ____ the Gulf Stream, which flows _____ the British Isles and brings warm water _____ the Gulf ____ Mexico. There are differences ___ climate ____ Britain. The south is ___ average 50C warmer _____ the north. ____ the whole, agricultural conditions ____ the south and east are better _____ ___ the north.

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

For a period of time use for.) `trucks have break down' trucks have broken down (The past participle must be used in this construction.) `he hasn't replied any of our letters' he hasn't replied to any of our letters (The preposition to is required after the verb replied in this construction.) Spelling The writer made spelling mistakes in the following words: maintenance; complaints; personally Sentence Construction The secretary recognized that a phrase introduced by an expression like With reference to or Further to is not a complete sentence, and must be continued by another idea: Further to your request for two additional staff,

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist


ÄRIPLAANI STRUKTUUR 1. Kokkuvõte Kuigi kokkuvõte on äriplaani esimene osa, on soovitav selle kirjutada viimasena. Kokkuvõtte koostamisele tasub palju tähelepanu pöörata, sest see on äriplaani kõige rohkem loetud osa. Äriplaani kokkuvõttest peab saama kiire ülevaate, mida ja milliste vahenditega plaanitakse saavutada. Kokkuvõte ei tohiks olla pikem kui 1 lehekülg. Veelkord - kokkuvõttes tuleb esile tuua ainult olulisim! 2. Ettevõtte üldandmed · Ettevõtte nimi · Ettevõtte juriidiline vorm · Aadress · Telefonid · Faks · E-mail · Juhatuse liikmed · Põhikapital, st aktsiakapital/osakapital · Omanikud, nende osa kapitalist · Kontaktisik, tema telefon 3. Äriidee on mõte hakata tegelema mingi teenuse pakkumise või toote tootmisega ning teenida sellega kasumit. Äriidee võimalikud komponenendid mida antud äriplaani osas kirjeldada on: · ...

Majandus → Äriplaan
111 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

content and the organisation of ideas, without yet giving a grade or correcting details of grammar and spelling. Reviewing When writing a final draft, students should be encouraged to check the details of grammar and spelling. (The teacher can use codes to help students correct their own writing and learn from their mistakes). Error code Meaning Sp Wrong spelling WO Wrong word order VF Wrong form of verb WF Wrong form of word Pr Wrong preposition WW Wrong word C Wrong collocation A Article error / Missing word // Start new paragraph here ? Meaning or handwriting unclear !! You should know what's wrong here Planning a writing lesson © BBC | British Council 2005 BBC | British Council Think. Planning a writing lesson ­ Page 1 Genre analysis form Look at the 3 letters. Use the categories given below to analyse them and find the key characteristics

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

flag essays for errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics; identify an essay's discourse structure; and, recognize undesirable stylistic features. As the population of English language learners (ELL) grows, researchers are working on enhancements to the grammatical error detection component to accommodate the kinds of mistakes more common in the ELL population. This kind of feedback includes determiner and preposition errors, and collocation errors (e.g., "strong computer" instead of "powerful computer").Criterion offers a pre-writing (planning) utility. This emphasis on planning was a logical outgrowth of the process-writing approach that Criterion embodies. Both earlier literature (Elbow, 1973) and more recent research have suggested that making plans can help students produce better quality writing, just as revising drafts can. In light of this research, it is advisable to incorporate formal

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

As magic wand or bridal ring. Adjective Most verbs mean action, something done, Verb To read and write, to jump and run. How things are done the adverbs tell, As quickly, slowly, badly, well. ition Adverb Prepos The preposition shows relation, As in the street or at the station. Conjunctions join, in many ways, Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase. The interjection cries out, "Heed! Interjection Conjunction An exclamation point must follow me!" 2 The Capital Letter

Keeled → Inglise keel
190 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

_________________________ 9 What are you thinking to at the moment? _________________________ 10 We arrived to the station feeling very tired. _________________________ Marks: /10 Words, words, words 4 Choose the correct preposition in these sentences. 1 I am not interested in/at classical music. _________________________ 2 The children were very excited in/about going to Paris for the first time. _________________________ 3 Are you keen on/in reggae? _________________________ 4 Mum was tired of/with hearing everyone's complaints

Keeled → Inglise keel
61 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

I have almost started smoking. Tom has never gone out with a girl. 3. pärast verbi be ning modaalverbe. I am often too modest. They must always remember the rules. Pane tähele! Already võib seista ka lause lõpus, sometimes ja soon lause lõpus ja ka alguses. I have seen this film already. Sometimes I like eating with fingures. I like drinking milk sometimes. Soon we will go home. They will understand me soon. Preposition Eessõna Reegel Eessõnad on abiks nimisõna sidumisel teiste sõnadega. Üldreegel: Eessõna järel on alati nimisõna, mitte kunagi ei ole see verb. Nimisõna alla kuuluvad: · nimisõna (dog, money, love) nimi (Bangkok, Mary) asesõna (you, him, us) nimisõnade grupp (my first job) gerundium (swimming) Kohamääruse eessõnad WHERE

Keeled → Inglise keel
935 allalaadimist

Saksa keele materjal algajatele

Ich – Mina / -e Wir – Meie /-en Du – Sina / -st Ihr – Teie /-t Er/Es/Sie (MS/KS/NS)(M/N/F) – Tema /-t sie, Sie – Nemad /-en Sein – Olema Haben – Omama (Keda?/Mida?) Ich – Bin Wir – Sind Ich – Habe Wir - Haben Du – Bist Ihr – Seid Du – Hast Ihr - Habt Er – Ist Sie – Sind Er – Hat Sie – Haben Ich – Mein Du – Dein Er/Es – Sein Käänatakse nagu ebamäärast artiklit Sie/Sie – Ihr Wir – Unser Ihr – Euer === Eur + lõpp PERSONAL PRONOMEN – ISIKULISED ASESÕNAD ====== Mina Sina Tema( Tema( Tema( Meie Teie Nema ==== M) F) N) d NOMINA Ich Du Er Sie Es Wir Ihr Sie TIV ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
38 allalaadimist

Äriplaani juhend

EESTI TÖÖTUKASSA ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMISE JUHEND Tallinn 2009 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ............................................................................................................................ 3 1. KOKKUVÕTE ........................................................................................................................... 4 2. ETTEVÕTTE ÜLDANDMED .................................................................................................. 4 3. ÄRIIDEE .................................................................................................................................... 4 4. VISIOON, MISSIOON JA EESMÄRGID ................................................................................. 4 4.1 Visioon ..................................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Missioon ...........................

Majandus → Äriplaan
409 allalaadimist

Keeleteaduse alused

DET artikkel determiner ingl a, the A adjektiiv e adjective ilus, kaval omadussõna ADV adverb e määrsõna adverb nüüd, kiiresti V verb e tegusõna verb ütelda, teha P, PREP prepositsioon e preposition ilma, ingl in, at eessõna P, PSP postpositsioon e postposition taga, ääres tagasõna C konjunktsioon e conjunction ja, et sidesõna Sõnaliigid (part of speech) -> fraasid (P, phrase) Nimisõna ehk substantiiv ­ substantiivifraas ehk noomenifraas = NP Omadussõna ehk adjektiiv ­ AP - adjektiivifraas

Keeled → Keeleteadus
38 allalaadimist

Keeleteadus konspekt 2018 sügis

Q kvantor e määrasõna quantifier keegi, igaüks DET artikkel determiner ingl a, the A adjektiiv e omadussõna adjective ilus, kaval ADV adverb e määrsõna adverb nüüd, kiiresti V verb e tegusõna verb ütelda, teha P, PREP prepositsioon e eessõna preposition ilma, ingl in, at P, PSP postpositsioon e tagasõna postposition taga, ääres C konjunktsioon e sidesõna conjunction ja, et Sõnaliigid (part of speech) > fraasid (P, phrase) Nimisõna ehk substantiiv ­ substantiivifraas ehk noomenifraas = NP Omadussõna ehk adjektiiv AP Tegusõna ehk verb (sh infinitiivid ja partitsiibid) VP Määrsõna ehk adverb AdvP Arvsõna ehk numeraal QP Asesõna ehk pronoomen PronP Määrasõna ehk kvantor QP

Keeled → Keeleteadus
39 allalaadimist


indicate which paragraph it could go to. b) Which paragraph could make use of the expressions Furthermore ... or As well as ...? 4 Highlight the two occasions where the writer uses flattery to attract the store manager's sympathy and put a tick next to them. 5 Make the following corrections: Which change should be made to ........without any doubts........? Which verb normally collocates with .............(someone) a refund.....? What preposition comes after .....compensate....(something) ? Useful Language for Letters of Complaint Opening Remarks: (Mild) I am writing to complain about/ regarding/on account of/because of/on the subject of .../I am writing to draw your attention to .../I am writing to you in connection with ... etc. (Strong) I was appalled at/I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with/I feel I must protest/complain about, etc. Closing Remarks: (Mild) I hope/assume you will replace/I trust the situation will

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

A P P e n d i1x 5 Dannycarriedhisspeechoff perfectly Jasonis goingto carryon the business afterhisfatherretires 2 0 ^ Underlinethe correct then exPlainthe preposition, 6 7 Theauthorhasa new novelcomingout nextweek p h r a s e isn b o l d . 8 L i zh a sc o m eu p w r t ha n e x c e l l e nsto l u t i o nt o o u r p r o b l e m 9 Doctorswill carryout moreteststo find out what the problemis

Keeled → Inglise keel
238 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

A P P e n d i1x 5 Dannycarriedhisspeechoff perfectly Jasonis goingto carryon the business afterhisfatherretires 2 0 ^ Underlinethe correct then exPlainthe preposition, 6 7 Theauthorhasa new novelcomingout nextweek p h r a s e isn b o l d . 8 L i zh a sc o m eu p w r t ha n e x c e l l e nsto l u t i o nt o o u r p r o b l e m 9 Doctorswill carryout moreteststo find out what the problemis

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

A P P e n d i1x 5 Dannycarriedhisspeechoff perfectly Jasonis goingto carryon the business afterhisfatherretires 2 0 ^ Underlinethe correct then exPlainthe preposition, 6 7 Theauthorhasa new novelcomingout nextweek p h r a s e isn b o l d . 8 L i zh a sc o m eu p w r t ha n e x c e l l e nsto l u t i o nt o o u r p r o b l e m 9 Doctorswill carryout moreteststo find out what the problemis

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

A P P e n d i1x 5 Dannycarriedhisspeechoff perfectly Jasonis goingto carryon the business afterhisfatherretires 2 0 ^ Underlinethe correct then exPlainthe preposition, 6 7 Theauthorhasa new novelcomingout nextweek p h r a s e isn b o l d . 8 L i zh a sc o m eu p w r t ha n e x c e l l e nsto l u t i o nt o o u r p r o b l e m 9 Doctorswill carryout moreteststo find out what the problemis

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


of the symbols. After the pronunciation, you will find a part of speech label. Here are the traditional speech labels found in most dictionaries. WORD LABELS abbr. abbreviation n. Noun adj. adjective pl. plurial adv. adverb prep. preposition ant. .. antonym pron. pronoun arch. archaic sing. singular conj. conjunction syn. synonym interj. interjection tr. transitive intr. intransitive v. Verb mod. modifier Following the pronunciation entry for the word maximum, an n

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK: TEEMA 1!! 1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tšcnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: • sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; • mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; • teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma mõtteid väljendada; • loogika kui teadus (õpetus, filosoofia vms), mis uurib keeles väljenduva mõtlemise kõige...

Õigus → Õigus
39 allalaadimist


1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tscnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: · sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; · mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; · teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja loogika
28 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun