Home assignment 1 : Margus Martsepp 121843IAPM Propositional logic and simple predicate assignments Advanced Course of Applied Logics ( ITV0081 ) Task 1: Code Task 1: Results Task 2: Code Task 2: Result Task 3: Code Task 3: Result Task 3: Proof - distribution of intersection over union. Task 3: Extra proof - distribution of union over intersection. Task 4: Code Task 4: Result Task 5: Code
Propositional logic and simple predicate assignments Home assignment 2 : Margus Martsepp Advanced Course of Applied Logics ( ITV0081 ) Overview Setting up · zChaff · glucose · BerkMin Collecting problemset · trivial problem · benchmark Using problemset zChaff Installing compiler $ sudo apt-get install build-essential zchaff {download, unarhive, make executable} $ wget $ unzip $ cd zchaff /zchaff$ make glucose (Re)installing zlib $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall zlibc zlib1g zlib1g-dev glucose {download, unarhive, make executable} $ wget $ tar -xvzf glucose2.1.tgz $ cd glucose_2.1 /glucose_2.1$ sh Note: glucose contains SatElite Preprocessing BerkMin installing shared libs $ sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-4.5-dbg berkmin {download, unarhive, set as executable} $ wget ...
1. Koostada sildskeem temperatuuri T mõõtmiseks piirkonnas 0..100 ºC kasutades takistustermomeetrit (R0 = 100 (0ºC), temp. Teguriga +0,4 %/ºC) ja mV-meetrit. Valida silla takistused tingimustel: silla väljundpinge U temp. 0ºC on 0 mV ja temp. 100 ºC on 100 mV, silla toitepinge E = 3,3 V. Arvutada ja esitada graafikud: silla väljundsignaal U(T) ja mõõteviga T(T) antud mõõtepiirkonnas. Antud: piirkond 0..100 ºC E = 3,3 V R0 = 100 (0ºC) R1 Rt = +0,4 %/ºC U(0º) = 0 mV U U(100º) = 100 mV E = 3,3V t Rt = R0(1+T) R3 R4 0,4 Rt200 = 1001 + 100 = 140 ...
How to convince yourself its raining? A good reason to doubt - 49 other peaople have the same opinion. Falsifiable → possible; not falsified World disappeared in 2012 and got recreated 3 secs later → unfalsifiable - cannot prove it’s true/wrong, cannot provide any tests to prove it. Or - one or another but not both → exclusive - one or another (both) → inclusive (Invited those who are managers or specialists - both) Arguments valid or not - logic is a science where to decide it Different arguments lead to different methods. 1 - Recognizing arguments What is an argument? An argument is a group of statements, so that one or more of them (called the premises) is said to provide support for one of the others (called the conclusion). When the course starts, you should listen But the course has started Therefore, you should listen. What is a Statement? Statements are declared sentence.
Loogilise avaldise minimeerimiskäik: Minimeerimisel kasutasin järgnevaid loogikaseaduseid: Olekutabeli saamiseks sisestasin lihtsustatud avaldise Multisimi Logic Converterisse: Joonis 1: Logic Converter Sisendid Väljund a b c d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 0
Field Programmable Gate Array – selline integraallülitus, milles saab sünteesida loogikalülitusi. Time- to-market on kiire 7. Mis on ASIC ja mis on tema erinevus FPGAst? ASIC on teatud disainile toodetud kivi, mida programmeerida enam ei saa. Tunduvalt odavam, kui FPGA osta, kui toota ASIC-eid suures koguses. FPGA-d saab programmeerida uuesti, see on arendustööriist, et ASICuid lõpuks tootma hakkata. 8. Mis on CPLD ja mis on tema erinevus FPGAst? Complex programmable logic device – PAL-i ja FPGA omadustega kivi. FPGAs rohkem loogikaplokke. CPLD-s on inv,and,or aga FPGAs on LUT-id. 9. Mis on JTAG? Joint Test Action Group – jadaliides programmeerimiseks 10. Mida tähendavad lühendid PROM, EPROM ja EEPROM? Kõik on mälu tüübid . PROM – programmeeritav püsimälu, kasutaja poolt muudetav põletades teatud rajad läbi kivisiseselt ja see on ühekordne protsess. EPROM – mälu, mille progremiseks kasutatakse
( abc bcd )( 0 ac db ) abd (0 0) acd abcd (0 0) abd cd ( a ab) abd cd b ad b b( cd ad ) b( c d a d ) b( c d a ) abcd Kasutatavad seadused: ab+ac=a(b+c) a+ a =1 a* a =0 a*0=0 a*1=a a*a=a a+0=a Loogikakonverter Loogikakonverter koostab sisestatud võrrandi alusel olekutabeli. Selle tabeli alusel saab see võrrandit ka lihtsustada ja sellest skeemi koostada. Joonis 1: Logic Converter Skeem Minimeeritud võrrandi alusel koostatud skeem. Lisaks on testimiseks ka sõnageneraator ja loogikaanalüsaator. Joonis 2: Minimiseeritud loogikavõrrandi skeem Testimine Sõnageneraatoriga saab testida loogikavõrrandit. Joonis 3: Word Generator Joonis 4: Logic Analyzer Järeldus Olekutabelist (Tabel 1) on näha, millal on väljund 1. Olekutabel
Näide: Ya funktsiooni minimeerimine Ya= 21 + 20 + 31 + 321 + 30 + 320 Yb funktsiooni minimeerimine Yb= 31 + 30 + 320 + 310 Yc funktsiooni minimeerimine Yc= 31 + 30 + 21 + 10 + 321 Yd funktsiooni minimeerimine Yd= 210 + 320 + 210 + 310 Ye funktsiooni minimeerimine Ye= 320 + 310 + 31 + 10 Yf funktsiooni minimeerimine Yf= 321 + 32 + 10 + 20 + 31 Yg funktsiooni minimeerimine Yg= 31 + 21 + 320 + 210 + 321 Logic converter Ya funktsioon Ya= 320 + 31 + 321 + 20 + 310 Yb funktsioon Yb=32 + 310 + 320 + 20 + 310 Yc funktsioon Yc= 31 + 30 + 32 + 32 + 10 Yd funktsioon Yd= 320 + 210 + 310 +210 + 210 Ye funktsioon Ye= 20 + 32 + 10 + 30 Yf funktsioon Yf= 321 + 32 + 10 + 20 + 31 Yg funktsioon Yg= 310 + 32 + 31 + 30 Kokkuvõte Töö eesmärgiks oli saada tööle ühekohaline kümnendarvdisplei, mis kuvaks numbreid 0-9 ja tähti A-F
082040 Tallinn 2009 Ülesanne: abcd abcd ( abc abcd )( acd cb)c d ab d a bc (cd cbd ) acd (b b) (aabccd abbcc aabc cdd abbccd )c d ab d abccd (1 b) acd (abcd 0 0 0)c d ab d abcd acd aabcd d ab d abcd acd 0 ab d abcd ab d acd (1 b) ab d acd Kasutatavad seadused: a *a a a *a 0 a a 1 a 1 1 Käesolevat loogikavõrrandit on võimalik minimeerida Logic Converteriga. Loogikakonverter, mis näitab, milliste sisendite korral on väljund 1. See aitab minimeerida loogikavõrrandit ja koostada loogika skeem ja olekutabel (joonis 1). See minimeerib vajaliku loogikavõrrandi. Loogikavõrrandit kirjeldava skeemi (joonis 2) saamiseks vajutatakse klahvil. Joonis 1: Logic Converter Loogikavõrrandi minimeeritud skeem on joonisel 2, mis kirjeldab antud minimeeritud võrrandit graafiliselt.
D+A'BC'D+ABC'D+AB'CD d=A'B'C'D'+A'BC'D'+ABC'D'+AB'CD'+A'BCD'+A'B'C'D+AB'C'D+ABC'D+A'B'CD +AB'CD+A'BCD e=A'B'C'D'+A'BC'D'+A'BCD'+A'B'C'D+A'BC'D+ABC'D+A'B'CD+AB'CD+A'BCD+ ABCD f=A'B'C'D'+A'B'CD'+AB'CD'+A'BCD'+A'B'C'D+AB'C'D+A'BC'D+ABC'D+A'B'CD +A'BCD+ABCD g=A'BC'D'+ABC'D'+A'B'CD'+AB'CD'A'BCD'+A'B'C'D+AB'C'D+A'BC'D+ABC'D+ AB'CD+A'BCD+ABCD Kui lõpuks kõik valemid olemas, oleks lihtsam need lihtsustada Electronics Workbenchis ja sellise aparaadiga nagu on seda Logic Converter. Selles Logic Converteris kõigepealt teeme tähed numbriteks 1 ja 0 ja seejärel alles lihtsustame nad tagasi numbriteks, kuna lihtsustamine käib numbritest tähtedeks. Lihtsustatud valemid saime: a=A'C'+A'D+B'C'D+ACD'+BD'+BC b=ABD'+A'C'+B'C'+AB'D c=B'C'+AB'+AC'+C'D+CD' d=A'C'D'+A'BC+B'D+AB'C+ABC' e=A'C'+A'B+BD+CD f=A'B'+A'C+B'CD'+C'D+BD g=A'B'CD'+AD+BC'+C'D+AD Nüüd kui kõik selline töö tehtud, tuleb hakata tegeme dekoodrit ennast Electronic Workbenchis.
== 5. Calculate the following without converting the number base. Show calculations. a) 3A916 + 24D16 == 5. 5F616 == 6. Variable X contains the number of bytes to be read from an external device. Using a binary shift, write one line of pseudocode to calculate the number of bits to be read and store the result in Y. == 6. Y = X shl 3 // shifts left by 3 bits, filling the emply bits on the right with zeros (3 bits) == 7. You have two Boolean variables A and B. Write down a logic expression using only the operators AND, OR and NOT that will evaluate to true if A and B are equal and to false otherwise. == 7. (A and B) or ((not A) and (not B)) == 8. You have two strings stored in variables S1 and S2. Both strings are stored in ASCII format and contain 8 bits per character and 20 characters per string. Write pseudocode that will compare the strings without case sensitivity and return a Boolean result in variable Y indicating whether the strings match or not. == 8
Plot III · after the war, everyone finally get to go home, except Ender and Valentine · they go to the first bugger colony · Ender finds out truth about Stilson and Bonzo · he finds a hive-queen coccoon and learns about the buggers · Ender is forgiven by them and begins to look a new world for the coccoon Quatations · "I have to win this now, and for all time, or I'll fight it every day and it will get worse and worse." Ender logic during fighting. Due to this logic he kills Stilson and Bonzo in self-defense found about their deaths after the war he was devastated because of what happened My Opinion · I like this novel very much: shows that it does not matter how old you are to make a difference about not giving up and reaching goals isn't all nice and perfect, has a graver side as well · the graver side is too dominating
b 2 b 1 Logic converter Yafunktsioon ´ b b ´ b b´ b´ ´ b´ b´ b´ Ya= b 3 2 0+ b 3 1 + b 3 2 1 + b 2 0 + b 3 1 0 Yb funktsioon ´ b´ ´ b´ b´ ´ b b ´ b´ b´
Apple Karl Oskar Haak, Kaspar Kolk 10B Sissejuhatus Riistvara, tarkvara, tarbeelektroonika Macintoshi arvutid, iPod, iPhone, iPad Mac OS X, iTunes, iLife, iOS iWork, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, Logic Studio Andmed 425 poodi (juuni 2014) Peakorter - Apple’i linnak, Cupertion, California, U.S. 98,000 töötajat (2014) Müügitulu - US$ 182.795 billion (2014) Kogu vara - US$ 231.839 billion (2014) Ajalugu 1. aprill 1976 Steve jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne Apple I (1976 juuli) 3. jaanuaril 1977 - aktsiaselts 9. jaanuar 2007 - nimemuutus SWOT – Tugevused ja nõrkused Hind
Result in hexadecimal = 006B16 = 6B16 b) 101101012 16-bit equivalent is 0000 0000 1011 01012 Result in hexadecimal = 00B516 = B516 3. Extend the following signed two’s complement 8-bit binary numbers to their 16-bit equivalents and convert the result to hexadecimal. a) 011010112 16-bit equivalent is 0000 0000 0110 10112 Result in hexadecimal = 006B16 b) 101101012 16-bit equivalent is 1111 1111 1011 01012 Result in hexadecimal = FFB516 Logic and arithmetic 4. Using two’s complement arithmetic, calculate the following (choose a suitable number of bits for the representation): a) 121 – 185 = -64 121 in 16-bit binary is 0000 0000 0111 1001 -185 in 16-bit binary is 1111 1111 1011 1001 -64 in 16-bit binary is 1111 1111 1100 0000 00000000 01111001 + 11111111 10111001 --------------------------- 11111111 11000000 b) -70 – 88 = -158 11111111 10111010 - 00000000 01011000
1977. Apple tooted Tuntumad riistvara tooted on: Macintosh (MacBook, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Pro ja Mac mini) arvutid, iPod, iPhone ja iPad. Apple'i tuntuimad tarkvaratooted on: Mac OS X operatsioonisüsteem, iTunes meedialehitseja, iLife multimeedia loomis tarkvara, iWork ajaplaneerimis tarkvara, Aperture - professionaalne fotostuudio, Final Cut Studio - heli ja filmitöötlus süsteem ja Logic Studio - helitöötlus Macintosh Macintosh või Mac on Apple Inc poolt projekteeritud, arendatud ja turustatud personaalarvuti. iPod iPod on kaasaskantav meediamängija. iPhone iPhone on interneti ja multimeedia toega nutitelefon. Kaubamärgid läbi aegade Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level
Signaalitöötlus hakkab liikuma FPGA-de suunas Süsteemid võivad olla projekteeritud kui FPGA ja DSP kooslus või puhtalt FPGA-de baasil, mis sisaldavad signaalitöötlusplokke Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 10 instituut. 5 SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse FPGA-de areng on alguse saanud 1970-ndate aastate lõpust Eelkäiateks on PLA (Programmable Logic Array CPLD, XILINX lasi FPGA välja alates 1985. Koosneb lihtloogika elementidest (AND, OR), nende vahele koostatakse ühendused Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 11 instituut. SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse PLA Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 12 instituut. 6 SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse
o Esitleti 2003. Aastal Iseloomustus o kuueliitrine W12 mootor, 6 liitrit o kütusekulu 26,5 l /100 km o maksimaalne kiirus 326 km/h o mootorile on lisatud kaks turbokompressorit o jõuallika võimsuseks 552 hj (412 kw) o keretüpp 2+2 kupee o pikkus 4804 mm o laius 1918 mm o kõrgus 1390 mm o tühimass 2385 kg o disainer Dirk van Braeckel o hind umbes 150 000 eurot Plussid o 8-käiguline käigukast o suur valik erinevate naha värvi ja puidu salongi jaoks o BOSE helisüsteem ja multimeedia Logic Pioneer o pidurisüsteem on varustatud Brake Assist tehnoloogiaga o süsiniku keraamilised pidurikettad Üsna suur ja mugav auto. Soobib hästi suure perede jaoks. Kõrge hind, aga see auto vastab klientide nõudmistele. Kõik on mugavalt ja uute tehnoloogiate järgi varustatud. Soobib nendele, kellele meeldib adrenaliin, sest kiirus ülatub 326 km/h ja auto üsna kiiresti kihutab.
riistvara, tarkvara ning muud tarbeelektroonikat. Ettevõtte tuntuimad riistvaralised tooted on Macintoshi arvutid, iPod, iPhone ja iPad. Apple'i tarkvaratooted on muu hulgas operatsioonisüsteem Mac OS X, meediapleieri iTunes, rakenduskomplekt iLife ETTEVÕTTEST lisaks kontoritarkvara komplekt iWork, professionaalne fototöötluse ja haldamist tarkvara Aperture, professionaalne heli- ja videotöötluskomplekt Final Cut Studio ja muusika produtseerimise tarkvara Logic Ettevõte on asutatud 1. aprillil 1976 USA California osariigis Cupertinos. 3. jaanuaril 1977 muudeti ta aktsiaseltsiks. APPLE`I NIMI Esimesed 30 tegutsemisaastat kandis ettevõte nime Apple Computer Inc. 9. jaanuaril 2007 eemaldati sõna "Computer" ('arvuti'), et peegeldada personaalarvutite turul tegutseva ettevõtte liikumist ka tarbeelektroonika turule. APPLE`I TÖÖTAJAD 25. septembri 2010 seisuga oli Apple'il 46 600 täiskohaga töötajat ja
Education: Some people say that students should study only those subjects they are interested in Im going to discuss if students should study only those subjects they are interested in or not. Nowadays students are quite lazy and do not want to study or go to school. They think it is boring and parents work really hard to make them study. Also, a lot of students think that the majority of the subjects they are learning are pointless. But actually none of those are pointless and every thing has a reason. In addition to that, if students could choose the subjects themselves, then some classes would be really empty. For example, a lot of students do not like maths or reading. Math develops logic and then we could imagine how many people would be without logical thinking. And reading books enriches vocabulary, so if people do not read books at all, their vocabulary would be quite small. On the ot...
..........................................................6 p-channel MOS........................................................................................................................6 Complementary MOS (CMOS)...............................................................................................6 bipolaarsed tehnoloogiad (Bipolar IC Technologies) .................................................................6 diood loogika (Diod Logic - DL).............................................................................................6 diood transistor loogika ( Diod Transistor Logic - DTL)........................................................6 transistor transistor loogika (Transistor Transistor Logic - TTL)........................................... 6 emittersidestuses loogika (Emitter-Coupled Logic - ECL)..................................................... 6
........................................................... 6 o p-channel MOS ......................................................................................................................... 6 o Complementary MOS (CMOS) ................................................................................................. 6 bipolaarsed tehnoloogiad (Bipolar IC Technologies) ................................................................... 6 o diood loogika (Diod Logic - DL) .............................................................................................. 6 o diood transistor loogika ( Diod Transistor Logic - DTL).......................................................... 6 o transistor transistor loogika (Transistor Transistor Logic - TTL) ............................................. 6 o emittersidestuses loogika (Emitter-Coupled Logic - ECL) ....................................................... 6
extent to which actions and behaviours of states result from an interplay between the international "structure" of power and the "process" of state-to-state interaction were raised by Wendt in 1992, in his path-breaking article "Anarchy is what States make of it: The Social construction of power politics." Does the absence of centralized political authority force states to play competitive power politics? Can international conditions overcome this logic and under what conditions? What in anarchy is given and immutable and what is amenable to change? The general neorealist and neoliberal answer to these questions is that "anarchies are necessarily `self-help' systems" in which states have to struggle for their security and survival due to the absence of a security-providing central order as well as a lack of collective security guarantees; a condition which gives rise to the "inherently competitive dynamic of security dilemma and collective
Pikk juurutamise ja prototüübi valmistamise aeg; Tülikas muudatuste tegemine. Disainid võivad olla: Full custom design toote jaoks tehakse algusest lõpuni oma mikroskeem (CAD, Silicon Compailer) Semicustom Design kasutatakse vamis toorikuid ja disainitakse ainult osa, mis realiseerib vajalikku toodet (gate arrays, standart cells) o Programmeeritav loogika ja riistvara programmeerimise tehnoloogiad PLD-programmable Logic Devices. Mikroskeemi valmistamise ja programse realisatsiooni vahel on olemas veel üks spetsiaalse riistvara realiseerimise võimalus programmeeritav loogika. Siin programmeeritav loogika tähendab tegelikult mitte protsessoris täidetava programmi kirjutamist, aga riistvara tooriku konfigureerimist vastavalt oma rakendusele. Programmeerimise all tuleb siin mõista konfigureerimist. Konfigureerimiseks/programmeerimiseks kasutatakse põhiliselt kolme tehnoloogiat:
1.Loogikaelemendid: AND - loendavad tagurpidi, sõltuvalt on täiendkoodi liitmine. Dünaamiline muutmälu- on NING, OR - VÕI, NAND - info ülekandmise viisist jaot. nad otsekood(0100) > staatilise mäluga võrreldes NING-EI, NOR - VÕI-EI, NOT - jada- ja rööpülekandega pöördkood(1011) > lihtsama ehitusega (ühe biti inversioon, XOR - välistav või. loendureiks. Kahendloendur - täiendkood(1100) (eelmisele 1 salvestamiseks läheb vaja umbes Täielik süsteem on selline, mille kahepositsiooniliste trigeritega. liita). Kiire ülekanne - kaks korda vähem elemente), superpositsiooni abil saab Lihtsaim loendustriger jadarööpülekanne. pesikud suurema toim...
· The Old and the New Testament · Vices and virtues · Body and soul · Natural dichotomies · The sun and the moon · Seasons · Genders · Young and old age · These issues represented in medieval debate poetry · Debates had a firm position in the educational system · Students were trained in the art of disputation · Debating taught them how to use logic to reach a conclusion · The object of disputations: to get one's opponent into a position which no argument could get him out of · On a higher level, one could use tricks · If a contestant used one of his opponent's arguments, he would lose the debate · Debating popular in law schools · Students had to be prepared for how to argue for a living · Students should remain calm and composed to win the debate with pure logic
Mathematical Logic". Oma teise teksti avaldas ta aastal 1947, pealkirjaks ,,What is Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis?". 1949. aastal avaldas ta oma kolmanda teksti, mille pealkirjaks sai ,,A Remark on the Relationship between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy". Gödeli filosoofilised tekstid ei piirdunud vaid kolmega, lisaks neile kolmele avaldas ta veel palju teisi ning isegi andis loengu 1941. aastal Yale'i Ülikoolis, teemal ,,In What Sense is Intuitionistic Logic Constructive?". Gödeli täielikkuse teoreem ja mittetäielikkuse teoreemid. Gödeli teoreem on formaalse aritmeetika mittetäielikkuses. Gödel väitis, et igas formaalses aritmeetikas leidub tõene lause, mis ei ole antud formaalses aritmeetikas tõestatav. Täielikkuse teoreem; : ,,1930. aastal tõestas Gödel, et loogika baaskeel, Fregest lähtuv ja Russelli, Whiteheadi, Hilberti, Tarski, Gentzeni
AIO All-In-One AIP Application Infrastruture Provider AIR Architecture Implementation Review AIS Automated Identification System [NCIC] + Automated Information Systems AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (drive) [Sony] AIX Advanced Interactive Executive [IBM] AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ALAT Advanced Load Address Table ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits + Automatic Level Control ALE Address Latch Enable + Application Linking and Embedding ALGOL Algorithmic Oriented Language (see IAL) ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases of Information ALICE Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity ALINK Active Link [HTML] ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web [Internet] ALM Asset Liability Management ALN Asynchronous Learning Network ALOS Alternate Lighting Of Surfaces
VIDEO GAMES Video games, nowadays, are a new form of entertainment that has replaced traditional games. As everything in life, it has advantages, if they are used with coherence, but also disadvantages. On the one hand, you can have a good time alone. Besides, there are many logical games where it is possible to learn. Apart from being entertaining, they test your logic and skills. Video games can also improve your reflex actions and develop your imagination. On the other hand, video games can cause addiction and make you lose communication with your family and friends. People sometimes spend too much time in front of the screen, so they are not in the street with their friends. Furthermore, some video games are very aggressive and can influence our behaviour negatively. I believe that if video games are used properly and in the correct measure, they can be
distributed intelligence microprocessor control system, containing a number of subsystems, each having designated control responsibilities. A door operator microprocessor subsystem initiates stored open and close cycles responsive to external commands. A selector microprocessor subsystem determines target floor and distance values, produces slowdown interrupt signals when the car nears a target floor, and produces levelling signals for stopping the car at a landing. A car logic controller includes a microprocessor for issuing run commands to a relay-based power controller, issuing door open and door closed commands to the door operator microprocessor, issuing run signals to the selector microprocessor, and controlling elevator slowdown. A serial communications link is provided among the various microprocessors in the system. Riided Tänu tehnoloogia arengule on leitud võimalusi, kuidas kasutada mikroprotsessoreid riietuses.
soap soapy ice icy storm stormy emotion emotional logic logical agriculture agricultural popularity popular tenacity tenacious volatility volatile care careful
2. MIKROSKEEMIDE VALMISTAMISE TEHNOLOOGIAD. * DTL (Drod Transistor Logic) - 3 osa: 1). kombinaator, mis realiseerib loogikafunktsiooni. 2). Taastaja, mis taastab õiged nivood. 3) puhver väljundi hargnemisteguri tõstmiseks. 1) on dioodidest, 2) ja 3) on transistorid. Dioodidel on takistus,seetõttu tekib väljundisse igal juhul mingi pinge (U=IR), seetõttu teda ei tarvitata. Liiga vana versioon lihtsalt. * TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic)- sama, mis DTL, aga 1). osa on samuti transistoritega. (Bipolaarne tehnoloogia). Suur edusamm- dioodide asemel transistorid. Tarbib vähem voolu ja kiirem. * STTL (Schollky TTL e. Low TTL)- kasutatakse Soti dioodi. Pannakse transistori ette diood, et transistor ei küllastuks, kuna küllastunud transistori sulgemine võtab kauem aega. Järelikult on TTL- st kiirem. * ECL- (Emitter Coupled Logic)- bipolaartransistoridel põhinev, kiiretoimeline. Väga kiire. * MOS (Metal Oxyde Silicon)- unipolaarne tehnoloogia ...] (13. aprill 2010) Apple'i tooted Tuntumad riistvara tooted on: Macintosh (MacBook, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Pro ja Mac mini) arvutid, iPod, iPhone ja iPad. Apple toodab ka servereid Xserve. Apple'i tuntuimad tarkvaratooted on: Mac OS X operatsioonisüsteem, iTunes meedialehitseja, iLife multimeedia loomis tarkvara, iWork ajaplaneerimis tarkvara, Aperture - professionaalne fotostuudio, Final Cut Studio - heli ja filmitöötlus süsteem ja Logic Studio - helitöötlus programm. 2010. a. jaanuari seisuga on ettevõttel 284 jaemüügikauplust (Apple Store) kümnes riigis ja internetikauplus, kus müüakse tarkvara ja riistvara. Fortune Magazine seadis Apple 2008. aastal kõige imetlusväärseimaks ettevõtteks USAs, 2009. ja 2010. aastal kõige imetlusväärseimaks ettevõtteks maailmas. Fortune ajakirja "World's Most Admired Companies" (Maailma imetlusväärsemad firmad) nimekirja esinumbriks oli kolmandat aastat järjest Apple. 2006
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (27 January 1832 14 January 1898), better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the LookingGlass, as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life in many parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and New Zealand. Family Dodgson's family was predominantly northern English, with Irish connections. Conservative and High Church Anglican, most of Dodgson's ancestors were army
” I felt that adding this material to that book would cause the book to lose focus. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought that a book aimed at interfacing the real world to micro- processors could prove valuable. This book is the result. I hope it proves useful. ix Introduction Modern electronic systems are increasingly digital: digital microprocessors, digital logic, digital interfaces. Digital logic is easier to design and understand, and it is much more flexible than the equivalent analog circuitry would be. As an example, imagine trying to implement any kind of sophisticated micro- processor with analog parts. Digital electronics lets the PC on your desk execute different programs at different times, perform complex calculations, and communicate via the World Wide Web. While the electronic world is nearly all digital, the real world is not. The
lahkusid Fairchild Semiconductorsst).1969 UNIX op.sys(Belli labor - ritchie,Thompson);4004 mikropr loomise algus (intel Hoff);XEROX laserkiire domonstr(starkweather),avab PARCi;AMD(Sanders);C keele areng kuni 1973. 1970 4004 I 4bit mikroprotsessor valmis(Intel Faggin)1971a kommerts. 1971 - Arpanet arvuti-arvutis ühendus(interneti eelkäija). 1972 - Nolan loob Atari,mis teeb Pongi(I-si video mange) ja colossal cave;HP progev kalkulaator magnetribaga;first logic programming language Prolog(Colmerauer);first object-oriented language Smalltalk(Xerox Parc). 1973 - Ethernet (arvutid traatidega yhenduses)(Metcalfe). 1974 - ALTO personaalarvuti(Xeroxilt) suur mõju microsoftile ja macintoshile. 1975 Micro-Soft(Gates ja Allen), IBM 5100 (I "läpakas"). 1976 - Apple I Computer(Jobs, Wozniak);16bit mikroprose;SQL (kommerts) Honeywell Information systems(idee Coddilt IBMis 70-72a). 1977 Commodore PET, Apple II, VisiCalc(1979); Loodi ametlikult microsoft.
I have never really had a real experience in aviation. Luckily, I had a chance to be a work shadow to a professional air traffic controller to see how it all works. This experience seemed long, however it was interesting and really opened my eyes. At first I thought that controlling air traffic can not be that hard, that it is just like another computer game! Well, during those two hours, while I sat next to my work shadow, I learned how much logic, brainwork and thinking it really requires. I also had an image in my head of how the job would probably be boring due to just sitting alone in a big room filled with computers. However, I was mislead and realized that it is just the opposite. Who would have thought that you would have so many coworkers working with you at the same time. And every one of them with a different mission. Though it is a very nerveracking job, these people are still full of joy and happiness in this big control
videofailide esitamise programm, mis võimaldab teil ka erinevaid rakendusi osta läbi interneti kiirelt ja riskivabalt), iLife'i (see on umbes sama põhimõttega programm nagu iTunes), iWork'i (see on programm, mille abil saab luua erinevaid tekste võimalikult kasutajasõbralikult), Aperture'i (see on programm, mis lubab teil töödelda professionaalselt erinevaid fotosid), Final Cut Studio't (see on professionaalne heli- ja videotööstuses kasutatav tarkvara) ja Logic Studio't (see on heli töötlemise programm). 2010. aasta jaanuari kuu seisuga on Apple'l 284 töötavat poodi kümnes riigis, ja online pood kust on võimalik osta erinevaid programme.2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis oli Apple kümnendal kohal maailma firmade edetabelis suuruse järgi. Apple asutati Cupertinos, Californias esimesel aprillil 1976 ja ühines aktsiaturuga kolmandal jaanuaril 1977. Firma asutajateks on Steven Paul Jobs (lühidalt Steve Jobs) ja Stephen Gary Wozniak (lühidalt Woz)
John Stuart Mill 20. mai 1806 - 8. mai 1873 Elulugu John Stuart Mill sündis 1806. aastal Pentonvilles Londonis, James Milli vanema pojana. Juba kolme aastaselt hakkas tema isa James Mill (David Ricardo sõber ja suunaja) pojale kreeka keelt õpetama. Kaheksaselt oli Mill juba lugenud Platonit, Diogenest ja Xenophoni kreeka keeles. Kaheteistkümne aastaselt Aristotelese ja Aristophanes lugemise, aritmeetika ja geomeetria harrastamise vahepeal õpetas Mill oma õdedele-vendadele ladina keelt. Kuni 1822 aastani oli Mill vaid väga haritud, üksildane ja kinnine nooruk, kuni ta avastas Jeremy Benthami ja utilitarismi. 1818 kohtus ta esmakordselt oma isa sõprade David Ricardo, Joseph Hume ja Jeremy Benthamiga. Järgmisel aastal, olles läbinud poliitökonoomia täiel mahul, reisis ta Prantusmaale, kus kohtus ka Jean- Baptiste Sayga. 1823 asus tööle Ida-India kompaniisse ja avaldas kolm kirja Wickliffe nime all, pärast seda jätkas regulaarselt av...
They've had the problems and found the solutions. I'm not sure that it works like that. You see today's young live in a different age. If the songs are any good, then surely they'll survive. I'm not so sure about that. Why not? (Because traditions are now under attack from mass production and mass marketing.) Well, I'm not sure whether you can really separate language from culture 6.5 Disagreeing in part ( appeal to logic ) But surely, the canal system is much too slow for industry today. Not necessarily By the time you've loaded the goods onto a truck, you might as well do the whole journey by road. That doesn't necessarily follow. A lot of trade is with Europe and before the Channel Tunnel there was a good container industry. ... the advertiser may pay, but the costs are passed onto the consumer. That isn't strictly true
programs. This source code is written in a programming language. The code may be a modification of an existing source or something completely new. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behaviour (customization). The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Regulate Definition: To control or supervise somethin by means of laws or rulers. Currency Definition: A system of mony, or the bills and coins themselves, used in a particular country. Interest rate Def: The cost og borrowing money over a period of time or the pice that lenders
- An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves government spending exceeding tax revenue. - A contractionary fiscal policy occurs when government spending is lower than tax revenue. There are two types of fiscal policy: discretionary and non-discretionary (automatic). The discretionary policy is the government (federal) changing spending (G), changing taxes (on households) T, or some combination of the two. The logic of the change is to influence the performance of the economy. Non-discretionary policy is really the overall framework and design of the government spending and taxing authority. As an example, having a progressive tax system, once set up, works automatically in the economy. Recession A recession could happen if C, I, G, or X fell. The short term effect was falling RGDP and raising unemployment. The ratchet effect kept the price level from falling
material can be recalled, we can infer that there are two distinct types of memory – one for short-team and one for long-term storage. The Modules of Memory. Declarative memory is memory for factual information: names, faces, dates, and the like. Procedural memory (sometimes referred to as “nondeclative memory”) refers to memory for skills and habits such as riding a bike. Semantic memory is memory for general knowledge and facts about the world, as well as memory for the rules of logic for deducing other facts. Episodic memory is memory for the biographical details of our individual lives. Explicit memory refers to international or conscious recollection of information. Implicit memory refers to memories of which people are not consciously aware, but which can affect subsequent performance and behavior. Levels of Processing. The levels-of-processing theory emphasizes the degree to which new material is mentally analyzed
KOOL KODUTÖÖ #1: KVALITEEDIKRITEERIUMID, TEEMA VALIK JA TEOORIA ROLL UURIMISTÖÖS Kodutöö Tallinn 2009 SISUKORD 1. Uurimistöö kvaliteedikriteeriumid Lähteülesanne: Palun selgita, millistest üldistest kvaliteedikriteeriumitest peab uurimustöö läbiviimisel ja raporti koostamisel lähtuma! Saunders, Lewis ja Thornhill'i (2007, 149-150) järgi koosneb uurimistöö usaldusväärsus järgnevatest aspektidest. Esmalt tuleb uurimistöö läbi viia õigel ajahetkel, et vastajatel oleks sobiv aeg ja keskkond küsitlustele objektiivselt vastamiseks. Sarnaselt on oluline küsitlevate meeleolu antud teema suhtes. Uurija peab eelloetletud ajalisi ja sisulisi nüansse arvestama juba uurimise lähteülesande planeerimise käigus. Olles jõudnud andmete kogumiseni, on Saunders, Lewis ja Thronhill'i (2007, 150-152) järgi oluline allikate re...
visuaalsed elemendid. Selleks et neid elemente kuvada, oli vaja videokaarti. Esimene IBM PC videokaart toodeti koos esimese IBM PC-ga, see toodeti IBM poolt aastal 1981. MDA (monokroomne ekraani adapter) suutis töötada ainult tekstiga, toetades resulutsiooni 25x80. Sellel oli 4KB videomälu ja ainult üks värv. 1987 aastal välja tulnud VGA sai väga populaarseks ja pani aluse tänapäeval tuntud videokaartide tootjatele nagu ATI, Cirrus logic ja S3. Need firmad hakkasid VGAd arendama, tõstsid resulutsiooni ja värvide mahtu, mida videokaart sai kuvada. Peale VGAd tuli SVGA(super VGA) standard, mis jõudis videomälu mahuga 2 megabaidini ja resulutsioon 1024x768, olles seejuures võimalik kuvama 256 värvi. Videokaartide evolutsioon tegi suure pöörde paremuse poole aastal 1995, kui väljastati esimesed 2D/3D videokaardid. Tootjateks tol ajal olid: Matrox, Creative, S3 ja ATI.
Since the 1940s probably, and the 1950s certainly, it physics, metaphysics, and the philosophy of physics. /.../ has been possible for students to specialize in the philosophy of science within Recent work in the foundations of mathematics has tended to cluster about four traditional philosophy departments. Moreover, philosophers of science tend to read distinct views. So-called "logicists" claim that mathematics is derivable from logic, the work of other philosophers and to write for them as well. However, some provided that set theory is regarded as a branch of logic. "Platonists" take the ancient philosophers of science would prefer to work with scientists rather than with view that mathematics is finally grounded in some special realm of objects which is philosophers. They try to identify and solve problems in science that they, and apprehended directly by the mind
Mis on mikrokontroller? Mikrokontroller on ühte mikrokiipi mahutatud miniarvuti, mille abil saab sooritada loogikatehteid, arvutusi, juhtida seadmeid, töödelda andmeid. Mikrokontroller koosneb järgnevatest osadest: Protsessor - ALU (Aritmetic Logic Unit) - aritmeetika loogikaplokk - Käsudekooder - Aadressimälu Mälu - Programmimälu - Andmemälu (RAM) - EEPROM mälu Sisend/väljundplokk Lisaseadmed Mis on register? Milleks kasutatakse Microchip PIC mikrokontrollerite registreid PORTx ja TRISx ? Register on andmebaas .Mikrokontrolleri sisendeid ja väljundeid saab seadistada TRIS ja PORT registritega.TRIS registri iga bitt on seotud vastava järjekorra numbriga viiguga. Samamoodi on
« » « » 16.11.2009 : Valeria Sükiläinen : IAPB 18 : 093743 : . Aleksander Sudnitsõn 2009 , : 17-1 X2, X4 00 01 11 10 X1, X3 00 --(0) 0 1 1 10 --(0) 0 0 0 X1 11 --(0) 1 1 0 X3 01 0 1 --(1) 1 X4 X2 1: . · ...