1. OBJECT-ORIENTED PARADIGM The Model •The model defines an abstract view to the problem. This implies that the model focuses only on problem related stuff and that you try to define properties of the problem. These properties include: 1 •the data which are affected and 2 •the operations which are identified by the problem. Object-oriented Paradigm •Everything is an object •A program is a bunch of objects telling each other what to do by sending messages •Each object has its own memory made up of other objects •Every object has a type •All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages Domain Model •A domain model does not represent the entire domain as it is in the real world. It includes only the concepts that are needed to support the application. Object •Is a partitioned area of memory where object code is stored •The area of memory is protected •This code can function relatively independently of other objects •Can be used b
A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABR Available Bit Rate ABRD
Games Programming with Java and Java 3D Andrew Davison Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University HatYai, Songkhla 90112 E-mail: [email protected] Draft: 14th January 2003, #2 Abstract This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using Java and Java 3D for games programming. It assumes the reader is familiar with Java, but presents short overviews of gaming, the low-level APIs OpenGL and DirectX, and Java 3D. No programming examples are included here, although links to online code are supplied. 1. Background to Gaming Giving a definition for `computer game' is problematic, due to the wide range of game types. For example, the ArcadePod site (http://www.arcadePod.com) divides its hundreds of Java games into more than ten categories: 3D games, multiplayer, action
Cat. No. W317-E1-11 SYSMAC CPM1A Programmable Controllers OPERATION MANUAL CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual Revised October 2007 iv Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual. The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or dam- age to property. ! DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage. ! WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious inju
1 nädal. Sissejuhatus: arvuti ja info, ajaloo algus ... 1940 Meanings: Bit - the smallest unit of storage ( 1 binary digit) Byte - collection of 8 bits / is a unit of storage, 8 binary digits long Kilobyte - A unit of storage capacity (1024 bytes ) Megabyte - 1,048,576 bytes Gigabyte - 1,073,741,824 bytes Terabyte - 1 trillion bytes Algorithm - is a step by step method of solving a problem Program - is the expression of an algorithm in a programming language. ALGORITM - kindel eeskirjade jada, mis määrab üheselt ülesande lahenduskäigu. PROGRAMM - programmeerimiskeeles kirja pandud algoritm Greek logicians ( Kreeka loogikud ): Parmenides (5 sajand e.m.a.) : kasutas pikki loogilisi põhjendusi. Zenon Eleast (5 sajand e.m.a.) - apooriad/paradoksid Sofistid - Sokrates (470-399 e.m.a) - Platon (428/427 - 348/347 e.m.a): Aristoteles : väidete struktuur kui iseseisev uurimisobjekt Aristoteles Süllogismide näited: 1. eeldus: iga koer on imetaja. 2. eeldus: mõned nel
1.The Conceptual Architecture identifies the high-level components of the system, and the relationships among them. Its purpose is to direct attention at an appropriate decomposition other system without delving into details. Moreover, it provides a useful vehicle for communicating the architecture to non-technical audiences, such as management, marketing, and users. Logical Architecture In Logical Architecture, the externally visible properties of the components are made precise and unambiguous through well-defined interfaces and component specifications, and key architectural mechanisms are detailed. The Logical Architecture provides a detailed "blueprint" from which component developers and component users can work in relative independence. Logical Architecture. Model System Behavior Execution Architecture An Execution Architecture is created for distributed or concurrent systems. The process view shows the mapping of components onto the processes of the physical system, with atte
Thesis “How is it possible to calculate IT security effectiveness?” Kristjan Kivimaa August 2022 1 Abstract In IT Security world, there is lack of available, reliable systems for measuring security levels/posture. They lack the range of quantitative measurements and easy and fast deployment, and potentially affects companies of all sizes. Readily available security standards provide qualitative security levels, but not quantitative results – that would be easily comparable. This deficiency makes it hard for companies to evaluate their security posture accurately. Absence of security metrics makes it complicated for customers to select the appropriate measures for particular security level needed. The research question for this research project is – “How is it possible to calculate IT security effectiveness?”. The aim of this research is to use this reference m
Tarkvaratehnika 1. Loeng Kvaliteetse tarkvara atribuudid: 1. Teostab ettenähtud funktsionaalsust 2. Hooldatav Tarkvara peab arenema, et vastata muutuvatele vajadustele. 3. Usaldusväärne Töökindlus ja turvalisus. 4. Vastuvõetav Kasutajad on aktsepteerinud selle. Tarkvara on neile arusaadav, kasutatav ja ühilduv teiste süsteemidega. Mis on tarkvaratehnika? Tarkvaratehnika on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara, mis rahuldab kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel. Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava lähenemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale. Tarkvaraarendus on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu, standardeid jne Mis on süsteem? Üksteisega üh
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