Mercy kill as a way out Mercy killing has always been a controversial topic, some believe that practicing it should be punished because it could lead to bad consequences but others think a person should never be punished just for helping. Mercy killing should not be punished. People with terminal illness usually experience a lot suffering and when they have a choice whether to live in pain and be a burden to their family and hospital or die in peace, many usually prefer the second choice. Some prefer to die with dignity and if mercy killing would be punished they simply would have the freedom of choose. On the other hand mercy killing should be punished. If mercy killing becomes something usual younger people might start thinking life has a smaller value
Should Mercy-killing Be Punished? In spite of the fact that human life is very precious and every life should be saved when it is possible, there is also known mercy-killing, the act of killing someone who is suffering painlessly. It is argued, when mercy-killing should and when it should not be punished. On the one hand, mercy-killing should be punished when it is carried out by people who do not have a license for euthanasia. Not everyone is capable of deciding over someone's life. For example, even doctors do not always know if a patient is really dying. On the other hand, mercy-killing should not be punished when it has a permission of a court. This way all aspects would be taken under advisement by many people, considering the advisory opinion. In conclusion, mercy-killing should not be punished only if it is thought through by ) When we retell, we concentrate on the terms, not on the examples etc. NB! Märkmeid võib teha ja TÕLGI KINDLASTI ETTE ÄRA JUBA!!!!!!!!!!!! HOMEWORK - Academic writing Title Introduction Body conclusion Lõikude vahele 1 rida, taandrida ei jäeta! Argumendid millegi poolt, argumendid millegi vastu. Väldime I-vormi, vaid kasutame passive-vormi. Lõhikesi vorme ei kasutata! (don't) 150 sõna Teema "should mery-killing be punished?" HOMEWORK Terms to explain: Nation - a country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions, etc: Stranger someone whom you do not know Citizen - a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights and obligations because of being born there or because of being given them Penalty - a punishment for doing something that is against a law
Should mercy killing be punished? Mercy killing, also known as euthanasia, refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. This type of killing is legal in some countries, but should it be punished instead? Although, it is still a type of killing, it is for a good cause. There are people who suffer and want to rather die than to endure agonies, euthanasia is an answer for them. Thus, mercy killing is very humane and reasonable thing to do and does not deserve punishment. The negative aspect of euthanasia is that it is still a form of killing. One should not be in judge over others life, even when it is for a good cause. The fact that euthanasia could be misused is not less important. In conclusion, although mercy killing is a form of taking someone’s life, it should not be punishable when it is for greater good.
colonialized system, UN charter is a very old and stupid document, that's why there's still such a definition) Strong point of int. Conventions - it's easier to apply, no proof is needed, the rules exist in the text. However, int. Treaties and conventions are only legally binding for member states, some conventions are not applicable to everybody. Customs are compulsory for everybody, for all countries of the world. However, it's harder to apply these, because there should be a consensus that a custom is customary norm for it to be legally binding. To create a legally binding norm, two criteria: 1) should have general practice of the states (practice should be established, wide-spread and consistent; it should be a settled practice), 2) should be accepted as law, opinio juris is necessary (positive legal opinion). How such opinion should be expressed? Usually opinio juris is expressed by silent agreement. E.g. if we
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they think. Their choices are not their own and what they call their "mind" is a fabrication. 39. People won't be interested in your ideas unless you demonstrate your mastery of their ideas. 40. Science is like country music--those guys can't resist a clever turn of phrase. 41. Some of the worst warmongers are frustrated peacemakers. 42. Stuff that's "over your head" is only a problem if you don't look up. 43. Technology should be made idiot-proof but it should not thereby be made genius-proof. 44. The bullshit isn't all in one place. 45. The fact that there's demand for your stuff does not mean that it's true, beautiful, or ethical. 46. The heart must go out but it must not bleed. 47. The mind must be used to navigate through the complications of the mind. 48. The only animal in the forest that deserves to be hunted is the hunter. 49. The only real superpower is the power to pay attention. 50
So make up your mind. · Life's irony: As soon as you're finally satisfied with your life, a person stops by and screws everything up. · This world is complicated. People have a hard time finding each other & when they finally do, they're scared to take the risk. · Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. · LUST is when you love what you see. LOVE is when you lust for what's inside. · There are three kinds of bones everyone should have: a funny bone, a backbone and a WISHbone. · I didn't fall in love with you on the first sight; I fall in love with you over and over again on every sight. · Mostly, the person that you hurt the most is the person who loves you the most. · Life is a best friend when you get what you want, and life is a teacher when you don't. · There's always an eye to see each beauty, an ear to hear each truth and a heart to feel each love.
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