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"intelligence" - 227 õppematerjali

intelligence — direction-finding and traffic analysis.

Business Intelligence Governance

reeglistikku, mille järgi ärivajadusi ja võimalusi prioritiseeritakse ning uusi projekte ellu kutsutakse. Viimastel aastatel on populaarne ärianalüüsisüsteemide (Business Intelligence) rajamine. Kuna need süsteemid on reeglian kallid ja keerulised, on kallis ja keeruline ka ärianalüüsi projektide haldamine. Autor pakub välja üldise raamistiku ärianalüüsi projektide haldamiseks, nimetades selle "Business Intelligence Governance" protsessiks. Pakutud lahendus BI haldamiseks nimetatakse ettevõtte protsessi, mille eesmärgiks on hoolitseda ettevõtte ärianalüüsi huvide efektiivse täitmise eest. Ärianalüüsi projektide algatamist saab laias laastus vaadelda kolmes keerukusastmes: 1) Ressursside/vajaduste prioritseerimine. Lihtme ja traditsiooniline viis projekte algatada ­ teadaolevad vajadused prioritiseeritakse ja kõige olulisemad realiseeritakse eelarve piires.

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide...
28 allalaadimist

Learn From Mistakes, Improve Your Intelligence

Learn From Mistakes, Improve Your Intelligence We are humans. In society it's perfectly acceptable that in one way or another we've failed and will fiddle up again. Everyone does, but we, the people must let go of the past and seek for a better future, to learn, to differ the wrong form the right. Now why do we bollocks up in the first place? The answer lies in you, yourself have to find out why did you fail and what can be learned from it. Frequent failing can cause sadness, depression and lack of motivation but it's not the way to go if you want to succeed in life and become a better you. It's better to understand your mistakes and learn from them to expand your knowledge rather to get everything right and stay on elementary level of problem solving. To fail or not to fail, that is the question. To everyone who state they've never felt failure, first of all, remember when you missed the bus or burnt a meal, tripped over som...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders.

Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders. C. SPIRONELLI, C. SEGRÈ, L, STEGAGNO ja L. ANGRILLI Spironelli, C., Segré, D., Stegagno, L., Angrilli, A. (2014). Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders. Psychological Medicine, 44 (01), 111-116. Antud uurimuse eesmärgiks oli uurida kriminaalse taustaga naiste intelligentsuse ning psühhiaatriliste käitumismustrite vahelist seost. Taustinfona oli nii palju teada, et siiani ei ole ühtset arusaama IQ ja psühhiaatriliste käitumismustrite olulise seose suhtes ning peamiselt on seda uuritud meessoost kurjategijate hulgas (ning uuringutes käsitletakse enamasti crystallized

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Future of Work or How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Us in 20 years

The Future of Work Automation anxiety has been spreading lately. What's clear is that there will be significant change. What's less clear is what that change will look like. The threat of technological unemployment is real. A picture that we see on our television screens, in everyday commentary is one where an army of robots descend on the workplace with one goal in mind: to displace humans from their work. Yes, machines displace humans from particular tasks, but they don't just substitute for humans. They also complement them in other tasks. Sometimes they complement humans directly. So a taxi driver can use a satnav system to navigate on unfamiliar roads. It also complements humans indirectly and it does this in two ways. Think the economy as a pie. Technological progress makes the pie bigger. As productivity increases, incomes rise and demand grows. People displaced from the tasks in the old pie could find tasks to do in the ne...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

· Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human Human · General Personality Intelligence ­ Schacter, D. et al. (2012). Psychology. ­ Chapters 13 (personality) and 9 (intelligence). ­ READ these Chapters! Psychology · Personality extra reading

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

PP esitlus FBI

· United States Congress Constituting instrument · United States Code Title 28 Part II Chapter 33 General nature · Federal law enforcement · Civilian agency 4 Edgar Hoover Building 5 The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is unique in having a dual responsibility : · to prevent harm to national security as a member of the United States Intelligence Community · to enforce federal laws as part of the Department of Justice. The Bureau reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. 6 The Core Values Rigorous obedience to the Constitution of the United States; Respect for the dignity of all those we protect Compassion; Fairness; Uncompromising personal integrity and institutional integrity;

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

meetodid: introspektsioon, kultuuri uurimine, testimine, eksperiment. Stern, W. (1912) Die psychologischen Methoden der Intelligenzprüfung. Bericht über den V. Kongreß für experimentelle Psychologie in Berlin. Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, S. 1-109. Intelligentsus: 1. üldine võimekus; 2. teadvustatud probleemi lahendamine; 3. üldine kohanemisvõime uutele probleemidele ning elutingimustele. Intelligentsuse kvotsient (IQ) = MA/CA Intelligenzquotient = intelligence quotient probleem: erineva vanusega laste võrdlemine Psühhomeetrilised intelligentsuse mudelid Charles Edward Spearman (1863-1945) korrelatsioon, faktoranalüüs Spearman, C. (1904 ) "General intelligence" objectively determined and measured. American Journal of Psychology, 15, 201-293. Universal Unity of Intellective Function "Whenever branches of intellectual activity are all dissimilar, then their correlations with one another

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

meetodid: introspektsioon, kultuuri uurimine, testimine, eksperiment. Stern, W. (1912) Die psychologischen Methoden der Intelligenzprüfung. Bericht über den V. Kongreß für experimentelle Psychologie in Berlin. Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, S. 1-109. Intelligentsus: 1. üldine võimekus; 2. teadvustatud probleemi lahendamine; 3. üldine kohanemisvõime uutele probleemidele ning elutingimustele. Intelligentsuse kvotsient (IQ) = MA/CA Intelligenzquotient = intelligence quotient probleem: erineva vanusega laste võrdlemine Psühhomeetrilised intelligentsuse mudelid Charles Edward Spearman (1863-1945) korrelatsioon, faktoranalüüs Spearman, C. (1904 ) "General intelligence" objectively determined and measured. American Journal of Psychology, 15, 201-293. Universal Unity of Intellective Function "Whenever branches of intellectual activity are all dissimilar, then their correlations with one another

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
17 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

· Psühhomeetrilised testid MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) CPI (California Psychological Inventory) TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) I-E scale (Internal-External Control Scale) ASQ (Attributional Style Questionnaire) NEO-PI 16PF 2. Vaimsete võimete testid Stanford-Binet ja Wechsler'i testid A. Lewis M. Terman (1877-1956) 1905 Clark'i Ülikoolis Ph.D 1910 Stanford'i Ülikoolis Terman, L. (1916). The Measurement of Intelligence. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2300 inimest: 1700 kesklassi last, 200 vaimse alaarenguga ja 400 täiskasvanut Ülesannete valik: Keskmine IQ=100 Iga vanuse jaoks 6 ülesannet: Kokku: 90 testi; 3-10,12,14, kaks Täiskasvanute astet. 1939. 129 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1960. 142 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1972. restandardiseerimine 1985. neljas versioon 1. Suur standardiseerimise grupp 2. IQ kasutamine 3. Hoolikalt koostatud skoorimisjuhend. Alates 1921 aastast nn. geeniuste uuring - 5 köidet

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
12 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

· Psühhomeetrilised testid MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) CPI (California Psychological Inventory) TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) I-E scale (Internal-External Control Scale) ASQ (Attributional Style Questionnaire) NEO-PI 16PF 2. Vaimsete võimete testid Stanford-Binet ja Wechsler'i testid A. Lewis M. Terman (1877-1956) 1905 Clark'i Ülikoolis Ph.D 1910 Stanford'i Ülikoolis Terman, L. (1916). The Measurement of Intelligence. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2300 inimest: 1700 kesklassi last, 200 vaimse alaarenguga ja 400 täiskasvanut Ülesannete valik: Keskmine IQ=100 Iga vanuse jaoks 6 ülesannet: Kokku: 90 testi; 3-10,12,14, kaks Täiskasvanute astet. 1939. 129 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1960. 142 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1972. restandardiseerimine 1985. neljas versioon 1. Suur standardiseerimise grupp 2. IQ kasutamine 3. Hoolikalt koostatud skoorimisjuhend. Alates 1921 aastast nn. geeniuste uuring - 5 köidet

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
6 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

economy; per capita income is now among the highest in Western Europe. A member of the European Union since 1995, Finland was the only Nordic state to join the euro system at its initiation in January 1999. In the 21st century, the key features of Finland's modern welfare state are a high standard of education, equality promotion, and national social security system currently challenged by an aging population and the fluctuations of an exportdriven economy (Central Intelligence Agency, 2012, ISSN 15538133). 2.1.2 Geography Location: Northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland, between Sweden and Russia Area: total: 338,145 km2 land: 303,815 km2 and water: 34,330 km2 Coastline: 1250 km Climate: cold temperate; potentially subarctic but comparatively mild because of moderating inf luence of the North Atlantic Current, Baltic Sea, and more than 60,000 lakes

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist


.......................................5 Intelligentsus Intelligentsus on üldine vaimne võimekus, mis hõlmab loogiliste järelduste tegemise võime, planeerimisvõime, ülesannete lahendamise võime, abstraktse mõtlemise võime, mõistetest ja keelest arusaamise võime ja õppimisvõime. Intelligentsuse struktuuri mudelid 1) Üldandekuse ehk ühe faktori mudelid. mudeli põhiseisukoht on see, et eksisteerib üldine vaimne võimekus (general intelligence e. g-faktor), mis avaldub kõikides vaimsetes võimetes, s.o taiplikkus, võime arutleda, lahendada probleeme ja mõelda abstraktselt. Sellele lisanduvad vaimsed erivõimed on spetsiifilised faktorid (s- faktorid), mis kõik on suuremal või vähemal määral seotud üldise võimekusega. 2) Esmaste ehk primaarsetevõimete mudelid. Nende mudelite järgi eksisteerib piiratud hulk suhteliselt sõltumatuid vaimseid võimeid ehk faktoreid. Samasse klassi kuulub ka

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
43 allalaadimist

Isiksuse vaimsed võimed 12.klass

Isiksuse vaimsed võimed 12.kl 1.IQ mõiste, olemus IQ ehk Ratsionaalne intelligentsus - inimese võime konstruktiivselt mõtelda, arutleda ja probleeme lahendada. Intelligentsuskvoot (arukuskvoot) ehk IQ (inglise keeles intelligence quotient) on intelligentsustesti tulemus. Termini võttis kasutusele William Stern. Intelligentsuskvoot näitab intelligentsuse suhtelist, mitte aga absoluutset taset. Intelligentsuskvoot (IQ) on vaimse võimekuse testidega mõõdetud intelligentsuse taseme numbriline väljendus. 2. Liikuv ja kristalliseerunud intelligentsus (näited) Muutliku intelligentsuse all mõistetakse võimet käsitleda uusi probleeme ja ootamatusi. Cattelli arvates on muutlik

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

The First Years of the School: Reval Gymnasium

the lowest grade. The head of school was a rector. For the first 15 years the rector was Heinrich Vulpius whose Gymnasium Laws (show the picture) were used for more than a century. The set of laws influenced the life of the students a lot. They designated how the students were supposed to act in the school and in their free time. (show the pic) For example the laws said that the students were supposed to concentrate on studying and improving their intelligence and that students with lower intelligence should just study harder although people with no cognitive skills were advised to do something else than study. Students were also not allowed to sleep anywhere else than their home and to swim in cold water. For breaking the rules students could be punished with flogging, sitting on the floor, reading religious texts or a fine.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

way Japan could avoid U.S. interference in the Pacific. Timeline · 1940 July: U.S. imposes trade sanctions, followed by an embargo, aimed at curbing Japan's military aggression in Asia. · 1941 January: Adm. Yamamoto begins communicating with other Japanese officers about a possible attack on Pearl Harbor. January: Washington is warned about Japans plans about Pearl Harbor, no one in Washington believes the information. April: U.S. intelligence officers continue to monitor Japanese secret messages. In a program codenamed Magic, U.S. intelligence uses a machine to decode Japan's diplomatic dispatches. May: Japanese Adm. Nomura informs his superiors that he has learned Americans were reading his message traffic. No one in Tokyo believes the code could have been broken. The code is not changed. July: Throughout the summer, Adm. Yamamoto trains his forces and finalizes

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Norra riigi rahvastik

01.2016) (SEB kodulehekülg) 3 2. RIIGI RAHVASTIK 2.1. Riigi rahvaarv Norra riigis elab 5 207 689 elanikku (juuli 2015 seisuga). Maailma mastaabis on Norra riigi pindala ja rahvaarv väike. Rahvaarvult maailmas on Norra 121. kohal. Rahvaarvult enam- vähem samapalju inimesi elab järgnevates riikides: Türkmenistan 5 231 422 elanikku, Slovakkia 5 445 027 elanikku, Soome 5 476 922 elanikku ja Gruusia 4 931 226 elanikku. (Central Intelligence Agency Website) 2.2. Riigi rahvaarvu kasv Norra riigi rahvaarv on tõusnud aina enam (vt joonis 4). Prognoosi järgi tulevikus rahvaarv Norras kasvab veelgi, kuid kasvamine aeglustub pisut (vt joonis 5). 1950. aastast kuni 2015. aastani on rahvaarv iga viie aasta tagant kasvanud keskmiselt 152 420 elaniku võrra. Norra rahvaarvu kasv 1950-2025 5682068

Geograafia → Demograafia
13 allalaadimist

Book review „The Sirius Crossing“, by John Creed

Book review ,,The Sirius Crossing", by John Creed The Sirius Crossing is a tense, gripping and intelligent thriller from one of the Ireland's finest writers. John Creed is a pseudonym of Eoin McNamee. John Creed's first novel to feature Intelligence Officer Jack Valentine and a fast-moving tale that largely takes place in Ireland and a remote Scottish island involving the IRA and American Special forces. Jack Valentine is a British spy working for MRU a shady government intelligence organisation. He is sent into Northern Ireland to recover a file that vanished over twenty years ago by an aborted US operation. In so doing he runs into his former girlfriend, Deidre and her brother (and close friend) Liam Mellows. Mellows is an IRA enforcer on the run from both the Provisional as well as the RUC following a rumour that he's become an informer. Valentine recovers the file and soon discovers that its contents are very sensitive and linked to some shady US Government types

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The australian terrier

Acceptable colors are blue and tan, red or sandy.The Australian Terrier has medium sized triangular ears which are very flexible. The ruff around the neck complements its appearance. It is a great companion dog. Temperament The Australian Terrier is spirited, alert, courageous, and self-confident, with the natural aggressiveness of a ratter and hedge hunter; as a companion, friendly and affectionate.[1] Aussies are very intelligent. They rank 34th in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, being of above average working/obedience intelligence. They are happiest when with their families, and therefore they should not be left outside for long periods of time. They are natural watchdogs and will sound the alarm if a strange animal or person approaches. As with other terriers, they can be dog-aggressive and somewhat bossy, and care must be taken when living in a multi-pet household. In general, adult male terriers do not get along well with other adult male dogs Health

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Stephen Hawking

sciences at Oxford Why he is a unique person In early 1963 he spent two weeks having tests in hospital and motor neurone disease was diagnosed It's where the muscles and bones became less efficient as he aged, it stopped his jaw bones from working He speaks through a computer what is on his wheelchair His IQ is 160 His IQ score ranks up with Bill Gates and Benjamin Franklin! Quotes Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Life would be tragic if it weren't funny. It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers. My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. Key events in his life 1977 he was appointed professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge. 1982 he was awarded a CBE by the Queen.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Essay on Iron Man

Stark was also highly intelligent. That's what actually helped him in most situations rather than mindlessly beating the opponent. Tony Stark had graduated with advanced degrees in physics and engineering at the age of 17 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. When imprisoned and forced to create a weapon of mass destuction in the movie Iron Man, Stark was able to build an armor suit and a reactor to escape. His extensive knowledge about quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence helped him to produce a new element his father had discovered which saved his life in Iron Man 2, replacing venomous palladium in his chest. Iron Man's main strength was Tony Stark's intelligence. A plausible character needs to have weaknesses alongside his strengths. Tony Stark was an extreme example of the celebrity stereotype ­ narcissistic, flashy, arrogant and rude. His dual life as a superhero caused him numerous personal problems. For example, he repeatedly suffered from alcoholism

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kõrbestumine Sahelis

htm · Pilt [5] ,,Sahel Map-Africa" · Pilt [6] ,,Photo 02486" - · Pilt [7] ,, Sahel rainfall from 1900 to 2007 averaged over June, July, August, September, and October JJASO" - · Pilt [8] ,, MARCO ANTONIO CRUZ (MEXICO)" · Pilt [9] ,,U.S. Intelligence Says Water Shortages Threaten Stability" · Pilt [10] ,, Wielka susza sprowadzila glód do Rogu Afryki" · Pildid [11] ja [12] ,,In pictures: The Sahel drought" · Pilt [13] ,,International charities criticise efforts to build resilience in the Sahel"

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

English download B2 workbook lk 16 harjutus 1 vastused-Listening

English download B2 workbook lk 16 harjutus 1 vastused (Listening) 1. Is being examined by modern scientists 2. Success in relationships 3. Generally speaking, it covers four different areas 4. People need to understand their own feelings 5. By communicating in different ways 6. May have been important to the survival of the species 7. Learn to develop their social intelligence

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
0 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

1980s The Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) was one of a series of crises during an era of upheaval in the Middle East. In mid-September 1980 Iraq attacked Iran, in the mistaken belief that Iranian political disarray would guarantee a quick victory. The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq. In 1984 the U.S restored full diplomatic relations with Iraq. At same time U.S. began sharing intelligence and selling weapons to Iran. In 1986 the USA increased the aid to Iraq. In early 1988, Iraq's relations with the United States were generally friendly. In the end of 1988 the Center for Strategic and International Studies began a 2 year study predicting the outcome of a war between U.S and Iraq, at the same time Saddam Hussein announced $40 billion plan to peacefully rebuild Iraq. By October 1989, when all international banks had cut off loans to Iraq, the president of the U.S. George H. W

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist


Schizophrenia Kristel Raud PSPSB ­ 2 What is schizophrenia? Mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by impaired emotional responses Delusions including paranoia and auditory hallucinations, disorganized thinking reflected in speech, and a lack of emotional intelligence Symptoms Hallucinations (hearing voices) Delusions (bizarre or persecutory in nature) Disorganized thinking and speech Social withdrawal Sloppiness of dress and hygiene Loss of motivation and judgment Positive and negative symptoms POSITIVE NEGATIVE Poverty of speech (alogia) Delusions Lack of desire to form Disordered thoughts relationships (asociality)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Emotsionaalne intelligentsus

Selles rõhutab ta, et akadeemilise võimekuse (IQ) kõrval etendavad inimese toimetulekus suurt osa emotsioonidega seotud võimekused. Tähtsad on isiksuseomadused: algatusvõime, empaatia, kohanemine ja veenvus. Goleman, emotsionaalse intelligentsuse mõiste propageerijana, pakub asutuste ja firmade juhtidele nõuandeid, kuidas läbi parema suhtlemise töö tulemusi parandada. Teosed: The Meditative Mind (1989) Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ (1995; eesti keeles: Emotsionaalne intelligentsus: Miks võib EQ olla tõhusam kui IQ, 2000, tõlkinud Inga Koppel, Mari-Ann Mändoja, Viivi Verrev ja Piret Viilu) Vital Lies, Simple Truth (1996) Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998; eesti keeles Töö emotsionaalse intelligentsusega: Emotsionaalse intelligentsuse kasutamine,2001, tõlkinud Aivo Roos) Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence (2002;

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
73 allalaadimist

Progress Test 1 11 klass (kõik vastused )

1. Ülesanne 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 2. Ülesanne 1. AT 2. TOO 3. ENOUGH 4. FROM 5. BOTH 6. PIECE 7. HOLD 8. BY 9. ASK 10. HURRY 3. Ülesanne 1. ... THERE WAS ANYONE ELSE ... 2. ... WAS TOO SMALL FOR HIM ... 3. ... NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH TO GO ... 4. ... NOWHERE WE COULD PUT ... 5. ... A FEW PEOPLE HE KNEW ... 4. Ülesanne 1. INTELLIGENCE 2. TRANSLATION 3. APPEARANCE 4. FOUNDATION 5. ASSISTANT 5. Ülesanne 1. THE 2. OF 3. THERE 4. IT 5. BEING 6. ÜLESANNE 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A

Keeled → Inglise keel
75 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonikäitumise 1. arvestustöö

AT1 MÕISTED 1. Organisatsioonikäitumine (organizational behavior) - uurib inimkäitumist organisatsiooni kontekstis, keskendudes üksikisikut ja rühma puudutavatele protsessidele ja tegevustele. Sel põhjusel hõlmab OK ka organisatsiooni ja juhtimisprotsesside uurimist organisatsiooni pidevalt muutuvas kontekstis ja huvitub eelkõige inimeste mõjust nendele. 2. Organisatsioon (organization) - on kahe või enama inimese kogum, mis toimib sihipäraselt ühise sõnastatud eesmärgi nimel. 3. Indiviid (individual) - on isend, üksikolend. 4. Isiksus (personality) - moodustavad üksikisikule ainuomased tunnusjooned, mis on teistele kas nähtavad või peidetud ning mis määravad üksikisiku käitumise sarnasused või erinevused võrreldes organisatsiooni käitumisega. 5. Taju (perception) - on see, kuidas me näeme ja tõlgendame sündmusi ja olukordi meie ümber. Taju võib vaadelda kognitiivse ja sotsiaalse informatsiooni protsessina, mislä...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsiooniline käitumine
48 allalaadimist

My Hero- Homer Simpson

My Hero My Hero:Homer Simpson Short description: He is an overweight, lazy, and ignorant. Below average intelligence, but he can be caring parent and husband too. Also he is strongly devoted to his wife and children. Appearance: overweight balding man, Yellow skin. Clothing: white shirt and blue pants. Hobbies: sitting on the sofa mindlessly , watching TV , snacking food,drink Duff, eat donuts.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Readers wanting to know more about a specific point should consult the text and notes of the original. If any reader wishes to offer any corrections or to tell me of his own experiences in this field, I would be very grateful if he would send them to me. —D.K. Windsor Gate Great Neck, New York Preface CODEBREAKING is the most important form of secret intelligence in the world today. It produces much more and much more trustworthy information than spies, and this intelligence exerts great influence upon the policies of governments. Yet it has never had a chronicler. It badly needs one. It has been estimated that cryptanalysis saved a year of war in the Pacific, yet the histories give it but passing mention. Churchill's great history of World War II has been cleaned of every

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

King John

King John King John He was born in 1167 John died in October 1216 His brother was King Richard I King John nick-name was John Lackland. He had intelligence, administrative ability and he was good at planning military campaigns. The Magna Carta I, King John, accept that I have to govern according to the law. So I agree: 1. Not to imprison nobles without trial 2. That trials must be in courts; not held in secret by me 3. To have fair taxation for the nobles 4. To let freemen travel wherever they like 5. Not to interfere in Church matters... Rule

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Intelligentsus ja IQ

seega ei funktsioneeri efektiivselt. Intelligentsus ei oma kindlat definitsiooni ja selle tähendus muutub sõltuvalt rahvusest, kultuurist ja ajast. Oma edukuse hindamisel peab keskenduma soovile muutuda ja produktiivsem olla, mitte lähtuma IQ skooridest. IQ põhineb subjektiivsel testija aistingul, mis on ajaga laiemaks muutunud ja rohkem valdkondi haarama hakanud, kuid veel ei ole adekvaatne intelligentsuse hindamisel. Allikad: 1. ,,Intelligence and intelligence testing", Richard B. Fletcher, John Hattie, 2011 2. ,,The Cambridge handbook of intelligence", Robert J. Sternberg, Scott Barry Kaufman, 2011

Psühholoogia → Psühhiaatria
13 allalaadimist


......9 4 Intelligentsuskvoot...........................................................................................10 5 Enamlevinud testid..........................................................................................11 6 Kokkuvõte........................................................................................................12 7 Kasutatud allikad..............................................................................................13 SISSEJUHATUS “Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is intelligence with an erection.” ― Victor Hugo Valisin just selle teema, kuna olen ise väga huvitatud sellest ning sooviks teemast kordades rohkem teada saada kui hetkeseisuga aimatiga oskan. Olen alati mõelnud mis on inimese piirid ning mis takistab kuskilt edasi minemist ning miks. Mis teeb intelligentse inimese intelligentseks? INTELLIGENTSUSE DEFINITSIOONID Intelligentsus on üldine vaimne võimekus, mis hõlmab loogiliste järelduste tegemise

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Iseloomusta väga kõrge IQ-ga inimest

Iseloomusta vägakõrge IQ-ga inimest. Millised võiksid olla selle inimese nõrgadküljed? Kõrge IQ-ga inimesed on tavaliselt eraklikud. Vähemalt nii on neid kujutatud filmides ja raamatutes. Just üksi on nad selle pärast et neid kõrge IQ-ga inimesi on vähe. Oleneb just sellest kui kõrge see IQ on. Lisaks on nad üldjuhul üksi selle pärast kuna nendel ei ole keskmise IQ-ga inimestega midagi rääkida.Lisaks on nad enamasti rikkad kuna nende IQ aitab nendel teenida raha lihtsamalt kui enamik inimestel. The thing you have to remember is that intelligence is like a piece of wood. By itself, it does very little. But when you work it, when you exercise it, when you grow it and care for it, it can do some really amazing things for you, tõlkes: inteligentsus on kui tükk puitu, üksi teeb see vähe, kuid kui sa sellega töötad ja seda töötled, seda kasvatad ja selle eest hoolt kannad saad sa sellega korda saata imelisi asju (anonüümne kommenteerija Greg...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1 allalaadimist

Õpilaste vaimsete võimete mõõtmine (vaimsete võimete testid), selle eesmärgid ja võimalused

2009,lk 7). Eestis on enim kasutusel Raveni progressiivsed maatriksid, mis on mitteverbaalne ehk pildiline test, mille abil mõõdetakse eelkõige järelduste tegemiste oskust ja analüüsivõimet. Nimelt palutakse testitaval leida esitatud näidiskujundite reas loogiline järgnevus või seaduspärasus ning selle alusel valida sobivaim vastusevariant (Allik jt., 2002, lk 206). Ka kasutatakse lastele 6 mõeldud Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), mis koosneb 11 alaskaalast, mis sisaldavad omakorda erisuguse raskusastmega, järjest keerukamaks muutuvaid ülesandeid. Testi eesmärgiks on määratleda ülesannete keerukuse tase, mida inimene ei ole suuteline enam eksimatult lahendama (ibid., lk 206). Olenemata testitulemusest pakub lohutust teadmine, et ehkki mina ei ole geenius, ei ole seda ka suur enamus inimkonnast (Valk, s.a.2). Selle väite illustreerimiseks toon tabelina inimkonna

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
13 allalaadimist

Maaväline elu

Maaväline elu Anne Borkmann, 12b Kõik me oleme näinud filmides tulnukaid, lendavaid taldrikuid, mõistetamatuid inimrööve ja katseid, lugenud raamatutest viljaringidest, UFOdega lähikokkupuudetest ja palju muud ulmelist. Kas kõik see tuleneb inimeste lennukast fantaasiast või on neil reaalne tõepõhi ka all? Varem mütoloogias ja religioonis ei tehtud selgelt jumalatel ja tulnukatel vahet. Selletõttu ei saa me rääkida varajastest uskumustest maavälise elu kohta. Ufo-fenomen jõudis avaliku huvi keskmesse alles 20.sajandil. Praeguseks on välistatud elu leidmine Kuult, Marsilt ja Veenuselt ning on mindud üle kaugemal avakosmosesse. 1960.aastatel hakati tegema tõsiseltvõetavamaid otsimiskatseid. Alguses kasutati uurimuste tähistamiseks lühendit CETI (Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence), kuid hiljem nimetati see ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
21 allalaadimist


fictional and historical alike. (5) III. The psychology of serial killers "But she or he was a kind, sympathetic person!" is a common cry after ruling that someone is guilty of serial murder, because serial killers are normal people. There are lots of other problems with trying to profile serial killers - for example, Finnish serial killers tend to be alcoholics. German serial killers tend to have lower-than-average intelligence. That being said, here are some commonalities: Serial killers tend to be people of average intelligence from troubled homes. They have been subject to psychiatric evaluation, but only 20% received psychiatric treatment. Many of them are employed in stable jobs. One thing that is not consistent is motive. The most common motives are theft, revenge, and sex, but the range within those motives is vast. CONCLUSION Serial killing is surprisingly common, and unsurprisingly disturbing

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Brasiilia metsapoliitika ja -seadus

ja põllumajandussaadusi. Sisse veetakse toornaftat, ravimeid, mineraalväetisi. (Central Intelligence Agency 2013) Loodus Brasiilia jaguneb põhiliselt kaheks erinevaks piirkonnaks: kesk – ning lõunaosaks, mis hõlmab Brasiilia mägismaa ning põhjaosaks, kus laiub Amazonase madalik ning kuhu ulatuvad ka Guajaana haruahelikud. Brasiilia kõrgeim tipp on Guajaana mägismaal Brasiilia ja Venezuela piiril asuv 3014 m kõrgune Neblina mägi. (Central Intelligence Agency 2013) Loode-ja põhjaosas valitseb ekvatoriaalne kliima (keskmine temperatuur 22-28C,sademeid 1500-3000mm aastas). Troopilise passaatkliimaga keskosas on kõige niiskemad mägede ookeanipoolsed nõlvad (100-1200mm aastas), eriti kuiv on Brasiilia mägismaa kirdeosa. Lõunas valitseb mõõduka temperatuuriga lähistroopiline kliima. Enamik jõgesid kuulub Amazonase jõgikonda, mägesid läbides on nad kärestiku-ja joarohked. Amazonase madalikku

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Kirjand " Eksamid on kohustuslikud " (" Exams are a must ")

Exams are a must. Are they necessary? Recently, exams are made quite often and also to early, even in primary schools. People think they are the best way to test intelligence. But is it so? I think no, they aren't best way to test intelligent. Because the majority of students are very nervous during exams and they can't focus and making mistakes. There also will not be enough time. Does anyone in real life situation prohibit you to check your spelling grammar from dictionary or look online help for the problems. Some people are smarter, while others do not. Also I hate thinking like all people need to be good at any skill

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


INTELLIGENTSUS JA SOOLISED ERINEVUSED - meestel paremad tulemused visuaal-ruumilses mõtlemises - naistel paremad tulemused verbaalses võimekuses *Machin ja Pekkarinen (2008): tüdrukud on osavamad lugemises, poisid matemaatikas INTELLIGENTSUS JA ERINEVAD GRUPID - etnilised grupid ja intelligentsus *negriidid < europiidid < mongoliidid *Arthur Jensen – 1969. aastal ilmunud essee IQ UURINGUD EESTIS - Juhan Tork tõlkis ja kohandas Eesti oludele Ameerikas loodud testi National Intelligence Tests (rahvuslikud intelligentsustestid) - „Eesti laste intelligents“ - 1940 IQ JA KRIMINAALSUS - H. Goddard (1866-1957) – üks esimesi IQ ja kriminaalsuse seose uurijaid - 1914. aasta artikkel, millest selgub, et keskmiselt 50% noortevanglate kasvandikest USA- s olid nõrgamõistuslikud

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Ohustatud liigid - NB! inglise keeles

wild and about 270 living in captivity. They have become endangered due to the destruction of their habitat and the variety of bamboo that is decreasing. They are also illegally hunted for their fur. To protect them, there have been many special wildlife parks set up. Elephants live in Central Africa and are the largest land animals alive today. They eat grass, twigs and some fruit. In many Asian countries elephants are symbols of wisdom and are famed for their memory and high intelligence. Once numbering in the millions, the African elephant population has dwindled to between 470,000 and 690,000 individuals because of people hunting them for their tusks. The elephant is now a protected species worldwide, also the hunting and trading of ivory has been banned to protect them. The Rhinoceros, often colloquially abbreviated rhino, lives in Africa. They eat grass and plants. Rhinoceros also have acute hearing and sense of smell, but poor eyesight

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Why do I need to speak English in English class?

more I use English the more I will command the language. I must express strong regret that I have not been using English in English classes very often and because of that I have many cacoepies and I am not very good at speaking English and that is why I should speak English during the English classes much more. Using English frequently gives me better understanding of the language, I will become more fluent in it and my general intelligence improves remarkably. Human beings are unique species because of their ability to learn, but in order to use this ability's full capacity, I must study every day. As to languages, constant improving is even more important because this is how the know-how of the language develops. It is the second important reason why I should use English more frequently in English classes. We like to think that English is so much part of our lives, since we hear it every day in

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Education or Upbringing

Which I consider to be more important: education or upbringing? I can not even define which is more important to say, education or upbringing. For me are both very important. About education: Education is provided by the school, and whose existence will be checked. Education is a prerequisite for personal development, purpose and resources. Education is a purposeful process. Education is a prerequisite for communication, rather than treatment. Educational effects will turn out truthfully, in a problematic choice of situation. Education makes or tries to make the human body from the''normal''bodies, people who see things, think and behave as they should, as is the right fit. General education option will live in society normalises all relatively the same way. About upbringing: The primary prerequisites for the upbringing is love, caring, spirituality, continuity, integrity, justice, forgiveness, trust, dignity. Upbringing is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Smart dust ehk arupuru

Fifth level Süsteemid kübemetest (motes) Moodustavad võrgu Ei vaja toimimiseks lisa infrastruktuuri Vähene konfigureerimine Lihtsalt asendatavad Suhteliselt odavad Spontaanvõrgud (ad-hoc) Iga võrguseade on ruuter Võimaldab laiendada võrgu leviala ilma üksikute seadmete leviala suurendamiseta Avatud võrguarhitektuur Seadmete omavaheline toimimine, konfiguratsioon pole eelnevalt määratud Swarm intelligence Iseorganiseeruv multi-agent süsteem intelligentse käitumisega Agendid on toimivad lihtsa algoritmi järgi Intelligentsus avaldub agentide vahelisest koosmõjust Puudub ,,suur plaan" Arupuru tsiviilrakendused Jälgimine o keskkond / elupaik o tööstus o hooned (targad majad) Katastroofist taastumine Julgeolek Vara / inimeste kontroll Defendec 2010 ü

Informaatika → Intelligentsed süsteemid
3 allalaadimist

Essay - The best things in life are free

truly be happy if you don't have any money at all? On one hand, things like food, clothes and having a decent home to live in are quite essential to living a happy and normal life. These are basic needs that humans have, but none of those are free and they all cost money. But, for all that money is useful and good to have around, for all that it can buy, there are quite a few things that it can't buy. Money can't buy you thing like friends and family, love, health, knowledge and intelligence, and the list could go on and on. At the end of the day, these are the things that matter the most and this goes to show that the best things in life are really free. It's important to state that the saying can be either true or false, but it all depends on what a certain person thinks is best in life. For example, one may think that all you need for happiness is a brand new car, and the other values friendship, love and health more than anything.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

Automatic means that no direct intervention of the creator or designer is seen from observer's perspective. Yet control can be delegated or invisible. Lord has made this world this way that once made it will go on itself. That is the perfect management which requires minimal or no management. That things are structured so well that they go on their own with least possible supervision. The absence of the need of constant intervention is not indicative of the proof that there is no intelligence. Actually it proofs that there is such a perfect intelligence that there is no need for constant intervention. We have to evaluate the design in connection with it's purpose. Material world is not designed for our enjoyment is designed for reforming our mistakes Imposing our purpose in it makes us frustrated. Such places where there is some subsistence but also suffering, are jail and hospital among others

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine kui arengu paratamatus

Kolmas oli kommunikatsioon ja neljas, et töötajad ei tulnud muudatustega kaasa. Economist Intelligence Uniti toimetusjuht Robin Bew ütleb: ,,Muudatuste juures on inimeste pool alati keeruline osa. Tihti arvavad juhid, et kui protsessid ja tehnoloogia on paigas, siis inimesed tulevad kaasa. Uuring näitab, et nii on see vaid harvadel juhtudel. Edukad muudatuste tegijad on need, kes valdavad inimeste veenmise kunsti.". (Economisti Intelligence Uniti uuringust ,,Managing changes successfully" (märts-aprill 2008). Vastuseis Üldiselt võime jagada muudatuste läbiviimise protsessi kolme etappi: vastuseis, nende ületamine ja kaasamine. Tavaliselt iga uue asja või muudatuste läbiviimisel kohtab ka vastupanu, mille suurus sõltub töötaja: vanusest, soost, isiksusest, motivatsioonist, varasemast muudatuste kogemusest.. Tugev vastupanu muudatustele on sageli tingitud senisest juurdunud kindlustundest.

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioonikäitumine
121 allalaadimist


 S - kehalised seisund (bodily states)  s - iga komponendi kaal ehk “laadung” antud situatsioonis CATELL´I 16 ISIKSUSE JOONT (BIPOLAARSET FAKTORIT): Suundumus Suundumus kõrge skoor madal skoor A Affectia Sizia heasüdamlik tõrjuv sõbralik reserveeritud B Intelligence Unintelligence taiplik loid fantaasiarikas fantaasiavaene C Ego Strenght Ego Weakness püsiv lapsik rahulik muretsev E Domination Subordination kehtestav ebakindel

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
388 allalaadimist


Emotsioonid Emotsioon on organismi seisund, millega kaasnevad märgatavad kehalised muutused (hingamises, pulsis, näo verevarustuses jne) subjektiivselt tajutakse seda mingi tundmusena, mille nimetamiseks on keeles oma sõna ja mis tõukab mingil viisil tegutsema. Emotsiooni 3 omadust Emotsioon tekib, kui inimene hindab olukorda enda jaoks oluliseks(ebaoluliseks). Emotsioonid on mitmetahulised, kogu keha haaravad protsessid, millega kaasnevad muutused inimese füsioloogias subjektiivses kogemuses käitumuslikus väljenduses Emotsioone on võimalik kirjeldada kas laiaulatuslike mõõtmete (nt. üldised, positiivsed või negatiivsed emotsioonid) või üksikute spetsiifiliste kategooriate (nt. rõõm, kurbus, viha) kaudu. Positiivsed tundmused, mis väljendavad positiivset suhtumist: ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist


Kreeka viljasaak toidab üle poole rahvastikust ning on mitme eksportkauba oluline koostisosa. Kõige olulisem vili on nisu, kuid lisaks kasvatatakse ekspordiks ka suhkrupeeti, tomateid, maisi, apelsine, virsikuid, nektariini ja õunu. Olulised eksporditavad kaubad on ka oliiviõli, vatt, 8 rosinad ja tubakas. 5 World Factbook: Greece (2014), URL (kasutatud jaanuar, 2014) 6 Country intelligence: report. Greece (2013), Global Insight, lk 4-5 7 Country intelligence: report. Greece (2013), Global Insight, lk 5 8 Country intelligence: report. Greece (2013), Global Insight, lk 5 Islandi majanduskriisi põhjused, käik ja tagajärg Islandil toimunud kriisi põhjuseid on mitmeid, kuid oluliseimaks peetakse kolme suurima panga erastamist. Kolme suurima kommertspanga, Glintis, Landisbanki ja Kaupthingi valduses oli 14 korda rohkem raha kui terve riigi sisemajanduse kogutoodang kokku

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist

Beowulf(poem and Grendel(book) comparison

In the original "Beowulf" epic Grendel displays nothing but the most primitive human qualities. He is a grotesque monster who terrorizes a small community of Danish warriors. Therefore he can be called a flat character. In the book "Grendel" the protagonist and antagonist have been swapped. Gardner greatly alters the monster's characterization. In his novel, very little separates Grendel from his human counterparts: he has a high level of intelligence, as well as a human capacity for both emotion and philosophy. As the text is written in the first person point of view through Grendel's eyes, one gets a quite good picture of him. Unfortunately he is fighting with the inevitable. He keeps attacking and eating the Danish warriors simply because his instincts tell him to do so. He cannot help it; he is still a beast and not his own master. Beowulf undergoes as radical a transformation as Grendel does. The Beowulf

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun