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"databases" - 38 õppematerjali


European Environmental Databases 2018

European Environmental Databases 2018 Homework deadline: Friday, Nov 30th 13:00pm Send to: [email protected] NB! Homework delivered after the deadline will NOT be considered for evaluation and will be marked as ,,not passed". 1. According to the Land Accounts data viewer (Corine Land Cover), has the total area of non-irrigated arable land (code 211) increased or decreased in Estonia between 1990 and 2006? By how many hectares? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2006 638 979 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2000 639 341 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 362 he 2. And in Europe? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2006 was 113 653 392 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2000 115 822 405 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 2 169 013 he 3. What about Peat bogs (code 412) in Estonia? Increased or decrease...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Rühmatöö Open Access

1. andmebaasi loomise aeg; Open Access ( Open Access ehk avatud juurdepääs on andmebaas, mis tagab piiranguteta ja tasuta juurdepääsu teadusinformatsioonile internetis. Avatud juurdepääsu oluline külg on selle kiire levik üle kogu maailma. ( Andmebaasi loomise alguseks loetakse 1990-ndaid aastaid. ( Aastal 2003 oli loodud ajakirjade register. (https://moodle.e-, Projekti eesmärgiks oli koguda elektrooniliste teadusajakirjade ja tagada vaba juurdepääsu tasuta teadlaskonna liikmetele. ( Idee luua kataloog avatud juurdepääsuga kiideti heaks ainult aastal 2002 Esimese Põhjamaade konverentsil Lundis (Rootsi) ja Kopenhaagenis (Taani). ( Tuginedes proovivõtu tu...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
7 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

In the past, storing it would’ve been a problem – but new technologies (such as Hadoop) have eased the burden. [3] - Velocity. Data streams in at an unprecedented speed and must be dealt with in a timely manner. RFID tags, sensors, and smart metering are driving the need to deal with torrents of data in near-real time. [3] - Variety. Data comes in all types of formats – from structured, numeric data in traditional databases to unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data, and financial transactions. [3] With its extensive volumes, it needs to be stored somewhere, so it could be easily accessed and then processed. The best storage location we have for it, for now, is the cloud, or in other words, the deep web. A good analogy is of an iceberg, where the part which is above the water level is the part, that the user can see and interact with

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

How much do you know about biology?

interrelated regulation mechanisms. Energy is a quantity that is often understood as the ability to perform work. Future of biology rests in harnessing data avalanche. Like most sciences, biology is inundated with data. However, a group of researchers warns in a Nature feature that the avalanche of biological information is at the point where the discipline may be unable to reach its full potential without improvements for curating data into on-line databases. Biology has changed a lot, but the basics remain the same. And, also like all the sciences are evolving and moving forward, biology is also moving in direction of innovation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Uganda Üldiselt Asub Aafrika mandril Vähem arenenud Lõuna riik Briti Rahvaste Ühendus Valuuta ­ Uganda silling Pealinn ­ Kampala globaliseerumise indeks on 44.49(2007) Inimarengu indeks 0,493 Pindala: 236 040 km² Asustustihedus: 137.1 km2 Rahvaarv: 24 227 297 0.950­1.000 0.900­0.949 0.700­0.749 0.650­0.699 0.450­0.499 0.400­0.449 0.850­0.899 0.800­0.849 0.600­0.649 0.550­0.599 0.350­0.399 alla 0.350 0.750­0.799 0.500­0.549 pole andmeid Üle 40 keele, riigikeelteks inglise ja suahiili Demokraatlik vabariik Iive 3.3% Idi-Amin Etnilines struktuuris on 3 põhilist rühma: Bantud, Kesk- Sudaanid(Central-Sudanic) ja Nilootid(Nilotic) Majandus SKT - $454, $14.565 mld Üks maailma vaesemaid riike. HIPC Märkimisväärsed looduslikud resursid. Inflatsioon - 240% 1987,...

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Europian Enviromental Database Homework 2018

European Environmental Databases 2018 1. According to Corine Land Cover, has the total area of natural grasslands increased or decreased in Estonia between 1990 and 2006? By how many hectares? According to CLC the total area of natural grassland in Estonia has increased by 39 779ha. 2. And in Europe? In Europe it has also increased, by 19 007 228ha. 3. What about "Broad-leaved forest" (Corine Land Cover code 311) in Estonia? Increased or decreased? By how many hectares? Broad-leaved forests have increased by 43 8834ha. 4. What was the water exploitation index for Emajõgi sub-basin in the summer of 2012? 0.03% 5. When did Estonia emmitted more Ktons of CO2, in 2015 or in 1990? What is the difference between both years in ktons? Estonia emmitted more Ktons of CO2 in 1990. The difference between both years is 7745 ktons. 6. Which was the European country that produced the highest amount of rape and turnip rape seeds in 2016? How big ...

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid ja infootsingud
1 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

being subjected to change in BPR - organization, technology, strategy, and people - where a process view is used as common framework for considering these dimensions. The approach can be graphically depicted by a modification of "Leavitt's diamond".[8]" Early BPR literature [9] identified several so called disruptive technologies that were supposed to challenge traditional wisdom about how work should be performed. · Shared databases, making information available at many places · Expert systems, allowing generalists to perform specialist tasks · Telecommunication networks, allowing organizations to be centralized and decentralized at the same time · Decision-support tools, allowing decision-making to be a part of everybody's job · Wireless data communication and portable computers, allowing field personnel to work office independent

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist


Lepp Lepp on heitlehiste lehtpuude perekond kaseliste sugukonnast. Heitlehisus tähendab seda, et ebasooda ilma saabudes heidab puu oma lehed maha (sügis) ning soodsate ilmadega taas lehistub (kevad). Lepad kuuluvad katteseemnetaimede hõimkonda. Eestis on kahte liiki leppasid: hall lepp ning sanglepp. Eesti looduses võib harva leida ka värdleppa- halli lepa ning sanglepa hübriid. Hall lepp ehk valge lepp on 15-25m kõrgune puu, mis kasvab põhiliselt Euroopas, Aasias ja Põhja-Ameerikas. Eluiga on kuni 70 aastat, kuid kuna halli lepa juurestik on üsna pinnalähedane, siis hall lepp on üsna tormihell. Halli lepa lehed on hallikasrohelist tooni, teravatipulised ja matid. Isasõied on urvakujulised ja punakaspruuni värvi, paiknevad 3-6 kaupa rippudes võrsete tipus. Emasõied on käbi kujulised, õitsedes punakat tooni, kuid valmides muutuvad tumepruuniks ning paiknevad külgvõrsete tippudes. Valminud käbid on ke...

Geograafia → Eesti loodus ja geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Otsing andmebaasides

a. perioodikaväljaannetes. Valige välja üks artikkel ja saatke enda eposti aadressil. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Valin database'i Academic Search Complete. Otsisõnadeks panen children, mass media influence. Valin full text. Ilmumise vahemikuks määran 20062010. Publication Type: Periodical. 13. Leidke oma erialaseid ajakirju. Mitu ajakirja leidsite? Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Choose database by subject. Social Science databases. PsychArticles. Publicatsions. By subject and description. Otsingusõnaks nt social psychology. Leidsin 2 ajakirja. Küsimusele 14 leidke vastus eajakirjade andmebaasist AZ 14. Leidke oma erialaseid ajakirju. Mitu ajakirja leidsite? Millistest andmebaasidest on need ajakirjad kättesaadavad? Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Subjects > phislosophy, psychology, religion Andmebaasis on 369 ajakirja.

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
74 allalaadimist


TÖÖLEHT ANDMEBAASID EBSCOhost JA SCIENCEDIRECT Nimi: Eriala ja kursus: ANDMEBAAS EBSCOhost Harjutus 1. Sisene EBSCOhost andmebaasi (NB! Ole tähelepanelik, et sisened EBSCOhost andmebaasidesse, mitte EBSCO Discovery vms). Andmebaasi sisenedes vali „EBSCOhost Web“ ning järgmisel lehel „Choose Databases/Select another EBSCO service“ on automaatselt linnukesed ees kõikidel andmebaasidel – nii sooritatakse otsingut kõigis EMÜ raamatukogule avatud EBSCO platvormil olevates andmebaasides. Loo andmebaasi EBSCOhost oma isiklik kasutajakonto. Peale konto loomist tee lehekülje ülaservast ekraanipilt, mis näitab, et oled oma kasutajakontoga andmebaasi sisse loginud. Harjutus 2. Loo oma kasutajakonto kausta (Folder) alakaust „Infootsingud“. Harjutus 3. Lihtotsing Teosta lihtotsing (Basic Search) sõnaga estonia. a) Mitu vastet väljastas andmebaas selle...

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid ja infootsingud
6 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Collaborative grants, Strategic programmes for industry Support for contract research Equipment sharing. Support for training & mobility – Tailored courses for firms Entrepreneurship training, Subsidised secondments, Industrial research studentships, Support for recruitment of scientists. Grants for industrial R&D- Grants for R&D, Collaborative grants, reimbursable loans, Prizes to spend on R&D Service Information and brokerage support – Contact databases, brokerage events, advisory services, international technology watch, Patent databases, Benchmarking Networking measures – support for clubs, foresight to build common visions, co- location in incubators, Science-parks etc. Demand-side measures Systemic policies – cluster policies, Supply chain policies, Regulation – use of regulations & standards to set innovation targets, Technology platforms to coordinate development.

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne tarkvara ja võrgukogukonnad wiki

Problem 1 In April 2011, Sony experienced a data breach within their PlayStation Network. It is estimated that the information of 77 million users was compromised. Sources "based on information currently available to Sony, our currently known costs associated with the unauthorized network access are estimated to be approximately 14 billion yen," or about $171 million. The attacker said he exploited the Greek Sony website using a SQL injection attack against the site, which was running Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0 on Windows 2003. SQL injection attacks, which exploit website databases that haven't been patched against known vulnerabilities, are much favored by attackers, in part for their simplicity. The details of the users of t...

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

ECDIS Voyage planning

 ARPA interface (Input/  Speed Log Output)  Wind interface  ARPA (2nd ARPA)  Drift calculation interface  Temperature  Echo sounder interface  UAIS transponder interface  Output  Navtex Manager  navigational data  Radar Integrator Board  autopilot data  current course segment transmission Navigation databases  Tides and tidal currents  Seasonal currents  Weather forecast chart overlay Potential Errors in Marine Navigation On a number of occasions chart data, particularly in canals,  locks, harbours, ports and alongside wharves could not  withstand the resolution of the ECDIS ‘zooming’ function. In  many instances, the result has been that the ship’s image on an  ECDIS display is depicted as overlapping the dock or jetty.

Merendus → Navigeerimine
6 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

All about High Tech High tech is technology that is at the cutting edge--the most advanced technology currently available. There is no specific class of technology that is high tech--the definition shifts over time--so products hyped as high tech in the 1960s would now be considered, if not exactly low tech, then at least somewhat obsolete. This fuzzy definition has led to marketing departments describing nearly all new products as high tech. Economy Because the high-tech sector of the economy develops or uses the most advanced technology known, it is often seen as having the most potential for future growth. This perception has led to high investment in high-tech sectors of the economy. High-tech startup enterprises receive a large portion of venture capital. However, if, as has happened in the past, investment exceeds actual potential, then investors can lose all or most of their investment. High tech is often viewed as high risk, but...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


works by artists. Today's libraries differ very much from the ones from the past - not only in the contents and services, but also in physical layout and atmosphere. Library derives from the Latin word "liber" which means book. It shows that libraries were collections of books at first but now they have also a wide variety of other materials: magazines, newspapers, disc and cassette tape recordings, films and videos, computerized databases, maps etc. In addition to ordinary books libraries may have large-print books and Braille books for people with impaired vision. There are different kinds of libraries to meet the needs of people: university, research, school, medical, government libraries and other libraries. Public libraries serve a wider range of people than other libraries. They may range from big city libraries to small village libraries. Big city libraries' materials are usually organized

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW).

eelneval joonisel kahe punkti asemel üks punkt ahelate vahel. d. Võrrelda erinevate programmide tulemusi lähtudes kasutatud parameetritest, kirjeldada lühidalt programmide erinevusi algoritmide seisukohalt. Milline oli sobivaim? FASTA: Identity: 82.282 % Similar: 82.282 % E: 2.2e-40 Provides sequence similarity searching against nucleotide and protein databases using the Fasta programs. Fasta can be very specific when identifying long regions of low similarity especially for highly diverged sequences. You can also conduct sequence similarity searching against complete proteome or genome databases using the Fasta programs. MPsrch: Match: 82.3 % Query Match: 58.9 % Score: 1476 MPsrch is a biological sequence sequence comparison tool that implements the true Smith and Waterman algorithm. It runs a

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
39 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

This system has fallen out of use in some places, mainly because of a Eurocentric bias and other difficulties applying the system to modern libraries. However, it is still used by most public libraries in America. The Library of Congress Classification system is more popular in university libraries. Information about books and authors can be stored in databases like online general-interest book databases. Metadata about a book may include its ISBN or other classification number (see above), the names of contributors (author, editor, illustrator) and publisher, its date and size, and the language of the text. Classification systems · Bliss bibliographic classification (BC) · Chinese Library Classification (CLC) · Colon Classification · Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) · Harvard-Yenching Classification

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist

Managment of IT

­ Describe the attributes of transaction processing systems, process control systems, planning systems, automation systems, and all levels of MIS (management information system)............................................................................................................................. 4 A.2.3.3 Selgitada andmebaaside, andmekaevandamise ja andmeaitade põhimõisted. ­ Explain the concept of databases, data mining and data warehousing ........................................................................................................... 4 A.2.4 Süsteemiarendus võrreldes valmissüsteemide hankimise või allhangetega. ­ Systems development versus systems procurement and outsourcing ...........................................................................................................................5 A.2.4.1 Süsteemiarendust nõudva olukorra kirjeldus

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
61 allalaadimist


01 - PHP ja MySQL - Sissejuhatus Teemad  Sissejuhatus  Mis on MySQL  Mis on SQL  Andmebaasi haldamine Sissejuhatus Millega ma nüüd jälle hakkama sain? Nimelt otsustasin vana php mooduli lüüa vähemalt kaheks ning kirjeldada iga teema täpsemalt lahti. Esimene osa peaks olema php põhikursus, kus õpime aluseid ning selles teemas nihutame latti kõrgemale ja omandame keerulisemaid asju. Näiteks õpime kuidas siduda php andmebaasiga, kuidas saada paremini läbi vormidega, mida hakata peale sessioonidega jne. Alustamegi kohe andmebaasi tutvustamisega, milleks meil seda vaja on ja kuidas andmebaasi hallata. Mis on MySQL? Niisiis, php alused mooduli alguses paigaldasime arvutisse WAMP serveri, mis paigaldas meie arvutisse Apache veebiserveri, MySQL andmebaasi ja Php mooduli. Kuigi tihti öeldakse MySQL kohta lihtsalt andmebaas, siis on tegemist tegelikult andmebaasihalduriga või siis kaandmebaasimootoriga. See sisaldab endas: ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
16 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

"predict" the expert human scores and then optimized to produce a final predicted score. Typically, the judge that explains the largest proportion of rater variance will be employed in model development. The technical details of the Intelligent Essay Assessor are highlighted in Landauer, Laham, & Foltz (2003). IEA is modeled using a two-pronged approach. The content of the essay is assessed by using a combination of external databases and LSA. For example, if the writing prompt had to do with the differentiation among Freud's concepts of superego, ego, and id, the reference database might include the electronic version of an introductory text in psychology. From that database, LSA would determine the likelihood of encountering certain words (e.g.., the term "conscience" as a synonym for "superego") given the constellation of vocabulary in the reference text. A candidate

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

Complete Robot (1982) and Robot Dreams (1986). In his autobiography In Joy Still Felt, the author states that American Way had requested a Valentine's Day story from him for its February 1977 issue, and that he wrote the story to console himself after the departure of his daughter following a visit during the 1976 Thanksgiving weekend. Plot Summary Milton Davidson is trying to find his ideal partner. To do this, he instructs his computer (named Joe), which has access to databases covering the entire populace of the world, to find him his ideal match, based on physical parameters supplied. He meets the shortlisted candidates, but realises that looks alone are not enough to find an ideal match. In order to correlate personalities, he speaks at great length to Joe, gradually filling Joe's databanks with information about his personality. In doing so, Joe develops the personality of Milton, and upon finding an ideal match, arranges

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

than as a collection of cooperating components. ·Transparency has different dimensions. ­These represent various properties that distributed systems should have. Access Transparency ·Enables local and remote information objects to be accessed using identical operations. ·Example:SQL Queries Location Transparency ·Enables information objects to be accessed without knowledge of their location. ·Example:Pages in the Web ·Example:Tables in distributed databases Concurrency Transparency ·Enables several processes to operate concurrently using shared information objects without interference between them. ·Example:Automatic teller machine network ·Example:Database management system Replication Transparency ·Enables multiple instances of information objects to be used to increase reliability and performance without knowledge of the replicas by users or application programs ·Example:Distributed DBMS Failure Transparency

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

December 2012 Specification by Example by Gojko Adzic 1 January 2013 Web Application Security: Client-Side Attacks 2 January 2013 Market research 1 February 2013 Developing .NET Web Applications 2 February 2013 Interface and Interaction Design 3 March 2013 Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases 1 March 2013 User-Centered Analysis and Conceptual Design 3 April 2013 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 2 May 2013 Estonian Conference for Small Businesses 2012: from 1 Small to Bigger! May 2013 Public appearance, speech and voice modulation 1 July 2013 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2013 1 September 2013 How to Motivate Yourself and Others? 2

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Uurmismeetodid psühholoogias

Uurimismeetodid psühholoogias (SOPH.00.282; 6 EAP) Kokku käsitletakse loengutes/seminarides/praktikumides seitset suuremat teemat, lisaks tuleb lugeda ka õpikust Kõigi teemade kohta on õppejõud koostanud lühikonspektid, mida auditoorse töö käigus pikemalt kommenteeritakse (koos näidetega). Mõnede teemadega kaasnevad praktilised tööd, kokku 5. Iga töö kohta tuleb vormistada aruanne/protokoll (tähtaeg määratakse iga töö kohta eraldi). Kuna on tegemist võimalikult praktilise kursusega, siis on auditoorsel tööl kohalolek kohustuslik. Aine lõpeb kirjaliku eksamiga. Eelduseks eksamile pääsemiseks on kontrolltöö sooritamine (9. aprill 2012) ja praktiliste tööde tegemine ning esitamine. Lisaks on vaja osaleda mõnes psühholoogilises uurimuses aineväliselt (2h). Teemad: · Eksperimentaalne meetod psühholoogias · Uurimistöö allikad. Uurimustöö eetika (praktiline töö nr. 1; Ch 6-7) · Mõõtmine ja mõõtmisskaalad (praktiline töö nr 2; Ch 8) · V...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
344 allalaadimist

Puittaimede hooldusjuhend

Eesti Maaülikool Puittaimede hooldusjuhend Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut KJ-1 Koostaja: Andi Järvsoo Juhendaja: Ele Vool Tartu 2016 Sisukord Hooldusjuhend taimeliikide/perekondade kaupa.................................................................................6 1. Amelanchier - perekond Toompihlakas............................................................................................6 1.1.Hooldus.......................................................................................................................................6 1.2.Paljundamine..............................................................................................................................7 2. Elaeagnus commutata - Läikiv hõbepuu.....................

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
22 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

without computers. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our society. They are used for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports. Using of different databases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today. That is why I am going to tell you about digital computers. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to

Keeled → Inglise keel
179 allalaadimist

Puittaimede hooldusjuhend

Eesti Maaülikool Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Kati Markus Puittaimede hooldusjuhend Hooldusjuhend aines ’ilutaimede kasutamine’ Tartu 2016 SISUKORD LÄIKIV HÕBEPUU (Elaeagnus commutata)............................................................................ 7 Iseloomustus............................................................................................................................7 Hooldus................................................................................................................................... 7 KUSLAPUU (Lonicera)............................................................................................................. 8 Iseloomustus............................................................................................................................8 Sinine e. söödav kuslapuu....................................

Botaanika → Ilutaimede kasutamine
26 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

LISA 1. Näidis andmebaas SUGUPUU.mdb CD'l........................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................2 1.ANDMEBAASI MÕISTE TUTVUSTUS..................................................................4 2.ANDMEBAASISÜSTEEMI ACCESS KÄIVITAMINE JA ANDMEBAASI LOOMINE..................................................................................................................... 6 3.ANDMEBAASI TABELID........................................................................................8 4.EBASOBIVATE ANDMETE BLOKEERIMINE....................................................13 4.1.Vormingud......................................................................................................... 13 4.2.Sisestuseeskiri.................................................................................................... 14 4...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

reestablishing employees' confidence. Once employees understood that they 21 would be merging their expertise with the system's increasing accuracy, they began to accept and use the new technology. Conclusions: What has enabled the effective implementation of supply chain management? The answer is found from the rapid developments in information and communications technologies. Use of databases, communication systems, and foremost advanced computer software are crucial for the development of a modern cost-effective supply chain management. MANAGING THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN We live in interesting times. Powerful forces are re-shaping the global business scene: financial and economic upheaval in the Far East, Latin America & China is creating a tidal-wave of change in the competitive environment. Organisations that once felt insulated from overseas low-priced

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

1999 Blackberry 2000 Microsoft introduces C# IBM selling the first USB flash drives 2001  Dell computers becomes the largest PC maker.  Wikipedia is founded .  Bram Cohen introduces BitTorrent on a public message board.  Apple introduces the iPod.  Microsoft releases XBOX 2001: X-road started in Estonia  Secure standardised communications platform between different state information systems and databases  Idea and pilot 1999-2000: Tanel Tammet, Ain Järv, Vello Kadarpik 2002: stock market crash 2002  Estonian electronic ID card introduced: digital authentication and signatures. 2003  Apple opens the iTunes store  The Safari Internet browser is released.  The Mozilla Foundation is officially formed.  The Internet VoIP service Skype goes public.  Valve introduces Steam. 2004: the year of social networking

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

privately produced charts. Where the vessel operates with ECS, the paper chart remains the official basis for navigation onboard. The vessel must retain and use a full folio of up-to-date paper charts onboard, regardless of the type of electronic charts used. Because ECS is not intended to meet SOLAS requirements, there are no IMO Performance Standards6 for ECS. 6 The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) has developed a Standard for ECS databases (=ECS Charts). Document ISO 19379. The Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services (RTCM) has developed a recommended Performance Standard for ECS (=ECS Equipment). RTCM Paper 100-2002/SC109-STD. None of these standards are recognized by the IMO. Facts about chart carriage reguirements 19 Some ECS manufacturers also use the term RCDS to describe their systems. In this case

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide ülalhoid - konspekt

CAB – Change Advisory Board Muudatuste nõukoda. Koosneb IT teenuseosutaja erinevate valdkondade, äripoole ja kolmandatest isikutest (tarnijate esindajad) CAB/EC – CAB Emergency Committee Erakorraliste muudatuste otsustamiseks CDB – Capacity Management Database Koosneb ühest või mitmest andmebaasist, mis teenindavad repository’dena , hoidmaks arvukalt andmetüüpe, mida alamprotsessid kasutavad? (A Capacity Management Database (CDB) consists of one or more databases that serve as a repository for holding multiple types of data used by its subprocesses.) CFIA – Component Failure Impact Analysis Tehnika, mis aitab määrata CI tõrke puhul selle mõju IT teenustele. Koostatakse mõjude maatriks (IT teenused ühel küljel ja teisel CI-d) -> kriitiliste CI-de ja haprate IT teenuste tuvastamiseks CI – Configuration Item Komponent, mida on vaja hallata IT teenuse osutamiseks. Tavaliselt IT teenused, riistvara, tarkvara,

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
80 allalaadimist


Architecture", the first basic patent on the microprocessor. Work begins at Intel on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004 microprocessor. Federico Faggin directs the work. Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor. (1971 The first commercial 4- bit microprocessor 4004 (2,300 transistors; 10 µm features; 10 mm2 die; 108 kHz kHz)) Relational database software: theory and first research groups. In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational databases. Codd envisaged a system where the user would be able to access information with English like commands, and where information would be stored in tables. Due to the technical nature of the article, and the reliance on mathematics to support its case, the significance of it was not realized immediately. However, it did lead to IBM starting a research group known as 'System R'. Eventually System R evolved into SQL/DS which later became DB2. The language created by the System R group, SQL

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

in the jurisdiction of national courts. They are internationalized because usually many countries are involved. But these are technically regular criminal acts. E.g. human trafficking, terrorism, property crimes, drug trafficiking, financial crimes, corruption, environmental crimes. International law intervene with certain international organisations like Interpol and Europol by which they coordinate things for national police. These are like databases of criminals. Core functions of Interpol: secure global police communications services, operational data services and databases for police, operational police support services. There are different circulars for severe criminals, for missed persons, unrecognized dead people, etc. However, there could be certain overlapping. E.g. certain big acts of terrorism can overlap with the crimes against humanity. Lecture ­ MOVIE about international crimes (Soviet Story)

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

VA dokumendi- ja arhiivihalduse kriisireguleerimise analüüs

Tallinna Ülikool Infoteaduste Instituut Mari Hõbemäe Valitsusasutuste dokumendi- ja arhiivihalduse kriisireguleerimise analüüs Magistritöö Juhendajad: Kädi Riismaa Ingrid Raidme 2 Tallinn 2008 3 SUMMARY The analysis of governmental institutions crisis management methods in handling records and archives management Master's thesis is written in Estonian. The thesis consists of 88 pages including two appendixes in five pages. Thesis contains 25 figures and 12 charts; some of those are from the elaborated literature and some are produced according to the data gathered by the author. Sources used for writing the thesis are mostly those that the author has used durin...

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
88 allalaadimist

Turunduse eksam

1. Turunduse olemus: Turundus ehk marketing sai oma nime turu järgi, kus vanasti toimusid kauba vahetused raha või teiste toodete vastu linna keskel oleval turuplatsil. Turundus tähendab firma juhtimist turust lähtuvalt. Hõlmab turu-uuringuid, toote kujundamist, turunduskanalite valikut, hinnapoliitikat, reklaami, müüki ennast jpm. Ajalooliselt on levinumad kolm turundustõlgendust: · Turundus kui kaubandustegevuse organiseerimine · Turundus kui kaupade realiseerimise organisatsiooniliste, tehniliste ja kommertsfunktsioonide süsteem · Turundus kui tootmise juhtimise turukonseptsioon Turunduse 5 põhialust · Kõige tähtsam on tarbijakesksus; · Tarbijad ei osta toodet, vaid probleemilahendust; · Turundus on liialt oluline jätmaks see üksnes turundusosakonna mureks; · Turud on heterogeensed; · Turud ja tarbijad on pidevas muut...

Majandus → Turundus
430 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

Uyehara Japanese Calligraphy: A Bibliographic Study , University Press of America, 1991 [Vaccari 50] Oreste Vaccari and Enko Elisa Vaccari Pictorial Chinese­Japanese Characters. A New and Fascinating Method to Learn Ideographs , 1st edition, O. Vaccari, Tokyo 1950. [Vochala 85] Jarom´ý Vochala Chinese Writing System, Minimal Graphic Units , Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1985 [Volk 98] Martin Volk Linguistic Databases , in John Nerborne, editor, Linguistic Databases , CSLI Publications, Stan- ford 1998 [ 93] Wang Hongyuan, "The Origins of Chinese Characters", Sinolingua, Beijing 1993 ( ) [Wieger 40] Leon Wieger, Chinese Characters, Their Origin, Etymol- ogy, History, Classification and Signification. A Thorough Study from Chinese Documents, by Dr. L. Wieger, S. J. , Tr. into English by L

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist


Vaikimisi on selline suhtlus keelatud. Autentimise meetod ning vajadusel kasutajanimi ning parool on taas väärtused, mille ütleb teile SQL Serveri administraator. Kui ühendamine õnnestus, tuleb ette Object Exploreri aken, mille kaudu võib serveris paiknevat ja toimuvat näha ja muuta. Paremal pool asuvast Summary aknast saate vaadata detailsemat infot valitud objekti kohta Andmebaasi loomine Andmebaasi loomiseks klõpsake Databases kataloogi peal hiire paremat klahvi ning valige New Database... Baasi loomise juures küsitakse kõigepealt andmebaasi nime. Saagu selleks baas1. Baasile saab hulga omadusi määrata, mis suuremate ja tihedasti kasutatavate baaside administreerimisel on küllalt tähtsad.. Path teatab, kuhu kettale ja kataloogi andmed salvestatakse. Initial Size kaudu öeldakse algne baasi jaoks reserveeritud kettamaht. Üldiselt oleks kasulik andmebaasi eeldatav

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun