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Tarkvaratehnika - sarnased materjalid

tarkvara, testimine, arhitektuur, requirements, function, functional, change, process, vice, rakendus, kanban, ability, service, disain, maintenance, program, scrum, development, evolution, services, architecture, vigade, tarkvarasüsteem, component, components, able, changes, work, tarkvarasüsteemi, constraints, than, complex, layer, rakenduse

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

itThe Team has a time-box to reach this goal: the sprint Each day, the Team measures its progress during a 15 minutes meeting: the Daily Scrum Meeting During the whole project, the Scrum Master ensures that the Team is still focused on its objective At the end of the Sprint, the completed work has to be potentially shippable The Sprint ends with the Sprint Review and the Retrospective. The Scrum process is completed when all Stories making up the Product Backlog are implemented, or the budget is consumed, or when the time is over. Kanbani võimalikud eelised Scrumi ees Lihtsus Puudub suurte Backlogide haldamine Puudub“time boxing” Sprint Backlogide jaoks Puuudub arendamise edukuse hindamine ja mõõtmine Scrum Board is reset between each iteration Scrum prescribes crossfunctional teams, while Kanban could have specialised teams

86 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

•Each object has its own memory made up of other objects •Every object has a type •All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages Domain Model •A domain model does not represent the entire domain as it is in the real world. It includes only the concepts that are needed to support the application. Object •Is a partitioned area of memory where object code is stored •The area of memory is protected •This code can function relatively independently of other objects •Can be used by many parts of one program or by parts of many programs Message Passing •The mechanism by which objects communicate •The object can accept or reject the message •From outside the object it appears to be active data •From inside the object the data is passive --the message tells the object what to do with the data Classes •A very basic concept in OOP •It is a template for creating actual, functioning objects of a given type

16 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid,

89 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt eksamiks

tarkvara peab olema arusaadav, kasutatav ja ühilduv teiste süsteemidega). Tarkvaratehnika vaated: • Omaniku vaade (Motivation layer), • Kavandaja vaade (System design layer), • Ehitaja vaade (Deployment layer). Tarkvaraprotsessi etapid: 1. Nõuete esiletoomine ja analüüs, 2. Kavandamine e. disain (Arhitektuuriline kavandamine, Detailne kavandamine), 3. Realiseerimine, 4. Testimine, 5. Hooldus ja evolutsioon. Tarkvaraprojekti jaoks vajalikud osad: inimesed, nõuded, vahendid, testid-mockid. Süsteem Tarkvaratehnika ei ole isoleeritud distsipliin vaid osa laiemast süsteemitehnikast. Tarkvarasüsteemid ei ole isoleeritud süsteemid vaid sotsiaalsete süsteemide osad – sotsiotehniline süsteem. Süsteem on üksteisega ühendatud olemite või komponentide hulk, mis moodustavad keerulise terviku või täidavad koos keerulist funktsiooni

57 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

are made precise and unambiguous through well-defined interfaces and component specifications, and key architectural mechanisms are detailed. The Logical Architecture provides a detailed "blueprint" from which component developers and component users can work in relative independence. Logical Architecture. Model System Behavior Execution Architecture An Execution Architecture is created for distributed or concurrent systems. The process view shows the mapping of components onto the processes of the physical system, with attention being focused on such concerns as throughput and scalability. The deployment view shows the mapping of (physical) components in the executing system onto the nodes of the physical system. Architecture views 2. Business Architecture A formalized model of what the business looks like, in terms of IT. Information Architecture Logical description of the translated Business Architecture in IT terms.

It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Unlike commercial manufacturing supplies, services such as clinical supplies planning are very dynamic and can often have last minute changes. Availability of patient kit when patient arrives at investigator site is very important for clinical trial success. This results in overproduction of drug products to take care of last minute change in demand. R&D manufacturing is very expensive and overproduction of patient kits adds significant cost to the total cost of clinical trials. An integrated supply chain can reduce the overproduction of drug products by efficient demand management, planning, and inventory management. Traditionally, marketing, distribution, planning, manufacturing, and the purchasing organizations along the supply chain operated independently.

2 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

......................................8 3.4. Projects..............................................................................................................................9 3.5. Outsourced Services .........................................................................................................9 3.6. Structure............................................................................................................................9 3.7. Management Process ......................................................................................................10 4. Development Program............................................................................................................10 4.1. Expenses .........................................................................................................................10 4.2. Outstanding Tasks and Projects ....................................................................

57 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

....................................................................20 2.3.1 Research summary ..................................................................................................................21 2.4 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................24 CHAPTER 3- LEAN CONSTRUCTION ...........................................................................................26 3.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR A PRODUCTION SYSTEM ..................................................................................27 3.2 THE TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM (TPS) .....................................................................................30 3.3 PHILOSOPHY OF LEAN CONSTRUCTION ...........................................................................................34 3.3.1 TFV views as the foundation for Lean Construction ..............................................................35

70 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt ja kordamisküsumused 2016-2017

KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED 1. Kvaliteetse tarkvara atribuudid. eksam 2. Mis on tarkvaratehnika? 3. Üldistatud protsessid tarkvaraarenduses. 4. Tarkvaraprotsesside 2 suuremat liiki. 5. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. 6. Kuidas liigitada nõudeid? eksam 7. Nõude 3 põhiomadust. 8. Nõuete valideerimise tehnikad. 9. Komponentidel põhinev arhitektuur 10.Kihiline arhitektuur eksam 11.Objektorienteeritud arhitektuur 12.Teenusorienteeritud arhitektuur 13.Lihtsa koodi disaini 4 elementi 14.Miks peab nõudeid haldama? 15.Milleks kasutatakse versioonihaldust? eksam 16.Funktsionaalne nõue eksam 17.Mittefunktionaalne nõue eksam 18.Tarkvara elutsükkel 19.Millest koosneb tarkvara? 20.Mis on testimine? 21.Staatiline testimine eksam 22.Dünaamiline testimine eksam 23.Valge kasti testimine 24.Musta kasti testimine 25.Testimise tasemed 26.Re-testmine ja regressioonitestimine 27

45 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 2016/2017 eksami materjal

Tarkvaratehnika: Loeng 1:  Taust: o Tarkvara iseloom o Kõrgenenud nõudmised:  Suuremad süsteemid  Keerulisemad süsteemid  Kiiremini  Erinevad näited vigadest mis on tehtud: o Ariane Crash 1996 kosmosesüstiku alla kukkumine, tuli välja et selle alla kukkumise põhjuseks oli tarkvarasüsteemis viga ilmus trajektoori osas. o Therac-25 kiiritusravi andmises tehti viga kasutaja liideses, kus

50 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

Abstract How are 3D and BIM Changing the Design, Fabrication and Construction of Complex Steel Structures? The adoption of three-dimensional (3D) design and construction tools have created a remarkable shift in the building industry. Intelligent 3D technology in the form of Building Information Modeling (BIM) not only promises to improve the notoriously inefficient construction process, but also opens the door for designing new geometric shapes, which until recently have been considered unbuildable. Steel has been extensively used to build some of the most challenging architectural icons of the 21st century, due to its low weight and high strength in both compression and tension. Therefore, the steel design and construction industry has been on the forefront of technical innovation. The purpose of this study is to determine how 3D and BIM are changing the design,

23 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

Facts about charts and carriage requirements Primar Stavanger – IC-ENC Working Group on information (PSIWG) 1st edition - November 2004 Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen Graphic design: Peter M. Bastrup, KMS This compendium may be reproduced in whole or in part provided that all extracts quoted are reproduced verbatim without adaptation and the source and date are stated. Primar Stavanger and IC-ENC shall be indentified as

7 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

Erialane inglisekeel 2 semester. Software engineering Tarkvara tehnika. Sub.discliplines of software engineering. 1. Software requirements 2. Software design 3. Software develompment 4. Software testing 5. Software maintenance 6. Software configuration managment 7. Software engineering managment 8. Software development process 9. Software qengineering tools 10. Software quality Ex 1 1. analysing and defining the problem to be solved. 2. Desiging the program. 3. Coding. 4. Testing. 5. Training the users. 6. Dockumenting. 7. Obtaining feedback from user UML- united modeling language Algoritm- eeskiri mis tleb kuidas seda prorgammi kirjutada. Teine tund. protsessori- keskmine keel on assemble languages. Interpreted languages- tlgendamine.

40 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

vastavalt oma käitumist. Õppiva organisatsiooni põhitegevused: • Lahendab probleeme süsteemselt • Eksperimenteerib • Õpib mineviku kogemustest ja teistelt • Siirdab teadmisi kiiresti ja takistusteta läbi terve organisatsiooni Basic Organisational Structures  • Simple • Functional • Divisional Situational Analysis: SWOT Analysis Strategy formulation- concerns developing a corporation’s mission, objectives, strategies and policies Situation Analysis- the process of finding a strategic fit between external opportunities and internal strengths while working around external and internal weaknesses- • Strategy = opportunity / capacity  • Opportunity has no real value unless a company has the capacity to take advantage of that opportunity SFAS summarizes an organization’s strategic factors by combining the external factors from the EFAS. Table with the internal factors from the IFAS Table.

21 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

How to Write a Design Report Summary A design report is the written record of the project and generally is the only record that lives once the design team disbands at the end of the project. The report has three sections. The first section describes the problem that was being solved and provides the background to the design. The second section describes the design and the third section evaluates how well the design worked by comparing its performance to the design requirements. The report starts with a short executive summary that contains a synopsis of the three sections. The body of the report is relatively short. Appendices to the report contain supporting information with the details needed by a reader who wishes to fully understand the design. While this document describes the general content and organization of a design report, some of the specifics (section headings, length, and format) may be determined by your project client. Before You Begin

6 allalaadimist


tulemus e juhe. 7 Millisel aastal loodi Mosaic Communications (pluss /mi inus üks aasta on OK). Nimeta vähemalt üks selle firma asutajatest! Mosaic st arenes netscape 1987 8 Milleks kasutatakse CSS- i? Milleks kasutatakse Javascripti? 9 On antud järgmine funktsionaalne programm: foo(0) = 1 foo(1) = 1 foo(x) = foo(x­1)+foo(x­2) map(f,[]) = [] map(f,[h|t]) = [f(h) | map(f,t)] Mis on avaldise map(foo,[3,2,0]) arvutamise tulemus eks? 10 Millist tarkvara soovitab Joel Spolsky projekti plaani koostami seks tarvitada? Sissejuhatus informaatikasse ITK arvestus: 16. detsember 2003 ülesanded ja kontroll: T.Tammet ja A.Andreimann Täida ära oma nime, kursuse ja koodi lahtrid Need täidab õppejõud: Nimi: Arvestatud / ei: Kursus / rühm: Punkte: Kood: Lisainfo: Iga allpool olev küsimus annab kokku 10 punkti. Poolikud/ v e idi vigased vastused annavad samuti punkte, kuid vähem. Küsimuse alla suurde lahtrisse kirjuta vastus

148 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

1°C figure requires some kind of calibration because you can’t get a temperature sensor in your price range with that accuracy. You may have to include an adjustment in the design to compensate for this variation. The need for a calibration step implies other things. Will the part of the system with the temperature sensor be part of the board that contains the compensation? If not, how do you keep the two parts together once calibra- tion is performed? And what if the field engineer has to change the sensor 2 Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors in the field? Will he be able to do the calibration? Will it really be cheaper, in production, to add a calibration step to the assembly procedure than to purchase a more accurate sensor? In many cases where an adjustment is needed, the resulting calibration parameters can be calculated in software and stored. For example, you might

10 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations” (Oslo Manual). Innovation and entrepreneurship Schumpeter on innovation: the role of inventions and entrepreneurs ● Innovation as “new combinations” of existing resources: “Innovation is possible without anything we should identify as invention and invention does not necessarily induce

Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

Eng Provide an insight into what piping designers need & expect Define the role of the supplier & designer Learn some fundamentals of piping design Discover failure analysis techniques Share experiences of problems A Course In the Design of ABS Piping What We Shall Look at This Week ABS Material Properties Thermoplastic Pipe Design Waterhammer Analysis Typical Applications of ABS Pressure Pipe Some Anticipated Events Stages of the Design Process Representation-Drawings & Specification Calculation-Engineering & Assumptions Visualisation-Presentation of Information Validation-Testing & Commissioning Role of the ABS Pipe Supplier What the Customer Expects Avoid the following: Material Properties Accept design risk for a sale Design Criteria Accept MTO risk Design Guidance What you should do Material take off (MTO) Provide only accurate Applicable Standards information

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

The PlayStation 2 is expected to account for 63% of sales, followed by the GameCube with 21% and the Xbox with 16%. These numbers highlight the domination of the PlayStation 2 which has accounted for 72% of global cumulative shipments, compared to 16% for the GameCube and 12% for the Xbox. NPDFunworld ( reported that console game sales in 2002 rose by about 20% over the record US$9.4 billion in 2001. Individual game sales are also increasing: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City from Take Two Interactive sold 1 Games Programming with Java and Java 3D an estimated 3 million copies in its first month of release. This game is likely to become the best selling title of 2002, and of all time. 1.2. Console Hardware Since consoles are so central to gaming, it is interesting to consider their capabilities. The PlayStation 2 processor runs with a clock speed of 294 MHz, has 32Mb of RAM,

Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permis- sion of OMRON. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the informa- tion contained in this publication. v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS

9 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

Osterwalderi ärimudel: 4 valdkonda ja 9 bulding blocki 1. How a. Capabilities, Key resources, Partner network 2. What a. offer 3. Who a. Distribution channels, customer relations, customer segments 4. Cost/income ($, ) ­ cost structure, revenue flows Korporatsiooni väärtusahel: Strategic operations issues: Intermittment systems ­ item is normally processed seqentally, but the work and sequence of the process vary Continuous systems ­ work is laid out in lines on which products can be continuously assambled or processed Operating leverage ­ impact of a specific change in sales volume on net operation income Experience curve ­ unit production costs decline by some fixed persentage each time the total accumulated volume of production units doubles Strategic research and development issues:

17 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

1 System development • Modelling in early system development stage corrects design errors before construction. • Beneficial modelling reasons (– Insight: in the design and operation of a system – Completeness: detection of missing parts for simulation and a better understanding of the system requirements – Correctness: errors and flaws are usually detected, problematic scenarios can be reproduced, systematic error investigation) 2 Introduction CPN • CPN is a graphical language for concurrent system design and analysis and also general-purpose modelling environment and also applicable for industrial projects and high level programming. • Petri nets provide(– graphical notation– modelling concurrency, communication, synchronisation)

Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist

Linux ja Unix sõnaraamat

shell distributed with Linux and GNU operating systems. - Bourne shelli tasuta versioon Linuxile ja GNU-ga operatsioonisüsteemidele. Bash Cheat Sheets – Webpages, where you can find information about bash. - Lehed, kust saab kiiresti informatsiooni bash'i kohta. C Clonezilla – Clonezilla is a free open source disk cloning application based on Debian. - Tasuta kõigile kättesaadav plaadi/ketta kloonimis tarkvara, mis põhineb Debian OS'il. Compiere – Compiere is a popular open-source system of software applications that provide enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), tax accounting, and general accounting for the small and medium-size enterprise. - Kõigile kättesaadav populaarne tarkvara, mis võimaldab luua ettevõtte ressurssi plaane, klientide suhete haldamist, varustuse haldamist, maksude

Linux OS
3 allalaadimist

Emaplaadi terminite sõnastik inglise keeles

circuitry for testing the accuracy of data as it passes in and out of memory. DMI - Short for Desktop Management Interface, an API to enable software to collect information about a computer environment. For example, using DMI a program can determine what software and expansion boards are installed on a computer. DMI is designed to be platform -independent and operating system -independent so that programs can make the same function calls to collect information no matter what system they're running in. This system independence is implemented by collecting information from MIF files, which are plain text files containing information about a software or hardware component. DMI was designed by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF), a consortium of hardware manufacturers led by Intel. Version 2.0 allows a central computer not only to gather information about computers connected to a network, but also to configure them

1 allalaadimist


Õpperühm: IATM Matrikli nr: 050829 Õppejõud: Avo Ots Tallinn 2008 Author's word This project is written to show some interesting aspects of working with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. The project briefly describes the process of finding a solution for based VoIP problem and its realization. -2- Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................. - 4 - Mission....................................................................................................................................... - 5 - Solution..............................................................

68 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

economies. Credit was at last available, and not only from state-controlled and other politically connected banks, but from reputable foreign banks channeling easy international liquidity to Ukraine as they did to other emerging economies. From 2000 to 2007, Ukraine's real growth averaged 7.4 percent and was thus very similar to Russia's. In both countries, this growth was driven by domestic demand: orientation toward consumption, other structural change, and financial development. In Ukraine, domestic demand grew in constant prices by almost 15 percent annually. It was supported by expansionary--pro-cyclical--fiscal policy generally driven by populism for perceived short- term political gain. Further, industrial capacity left idle in the 1990s was brought into use, capital inflows surged after 2005, and credit growth was fueled by external borrowing. In terms of markets, in

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

receiver has to re-synchronize at each byte: uses additional bits ­ bytes are encapsulated in between start issuing commands and receiving responses from secondary stations. It has the the DSAP, and specifies the Service Access Point (SAP) of bit & stop bit. ­ bit synchronization uses start bit & stop bit for each byte. Internally , nodes store, ability to hold separate sessions with different stations(on multipoint line) 2. the sending process. process, & transfer data in parallel Transmission control circuit - interface between node & link: · PISO Secondary Station - can only communicate with the In order to specify that this is a SNAP frame, the DSAP/SSAP shift register: parallel->serial conv. for transmission · SIPO shift register: serial->parallel conv. for primary station. Secondary stations only talk to each other via a Primary station: is set to AA hex.

Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

for "superego") given the constellation of vocabulary in the reference text. A candidate essay with more relevant vocabulary will be awarded a higher score. In setting up the models, IEA incorporates a validation procedure to check that LSA scores are aligned with those that might be given by human raters. In contrast to e-rater and Intellimetric, the non-content features (e.g., mechanics, style, organization) of IEA are not fixed, but rather are constructed as a function of the domains assessed in the rating rubric. The weights for prox variables associated with these domains are predicted based on human ratings, and then are combined with the score calculated for content. Reliability and Validity,Because AES models often formed by using more than two raters, studies that have evaluated inter-rater agreement have usually showed that the agreement coefficients between the computer and human raters is at least as high or higher than among human

19 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

1961) that differentiates between random error and systematic bias, and offers a concept of total error (see also Kish, 1965), which is still the basis of current survey error models. The statistical quality indicator is thus the MSE: the sum of all squared variable errors and all squared systematic errors. A more modern approach is total quality, which combines both ideas as Biemer and Lyberg (2003) do in their handbook on survey quality. They apply the concept of fitness for use to the survey process, which leads to the following quality requirements for survey data: accuracy as defined by the mean squared error, timeliness as defined by availability at the time it is needed, and accessibility, that is the data should be accessible to those for whom the survey was conducted. There are many stages in designing a survey and each influences survey quality. Deming (1944) already gave an early warning of the complexity of the task facing the survey designer, when he

Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist


.11 6. Linkages between Sustainability and Financial Reporting……………………………….12 7. GRI Indicators ……………………………………………………………………………13 8. Summary………………………………………………………………………………….17 4 1. INTRODUCTION The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a long-term, multi-stakeholder, international process whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These Guidelines are for voluntary use by organisations for reporting on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of their activities, products, and services. The aim of the Guidelines is to assist reporting organisations and their stakeholders in articulating and understanding contributions of the reporting organisations to sustainable development. Trends

4 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

Other related projects include: ·Integration in action: four international case studies. A study of four international organisations that have attempted to improve integration between health and care services. Interviews, documentary analysis and literature review are used to identify the main stimuli for integration and the issues that help or hinder progress; drawing out lessons for the NHS. ·Towards integrated care in Trafford. A project that looks at the process of change and lessons learned to date in Trafford, where NHS organisations have been working on the development of an integrated care system across the whole health economy. Further details of our integrated care work can be found at: Acknowledgements Our thanks go to Richard Gleave, Diane Gray, George Kissen, Dennis Kodner, Judith Smith and Sarah Smyth for their comments, all of which have helped to shape both the structure and content of this report.

Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja standardid

1. Tarkvaratoode ­ mis siia kuulub? Tarkvara arenduse tulem (toode, teenus) hõlmab mitmesuguseid komponente, mis kõik võivad olla kvaliteedihalduse objektid, näiteks arenduse käigus hangitud infotehnoloogiavahendid: riistvara, standardtarkvara, sideseadmed arenduse käigus tehtud töö: täitja arendatud tarkvara (sealhulgas lähtekood, objektkood, täitmiskood jm); installatsioonid, kohandamised, muudatused; andmehõive muudatused tellija organisatsioonis, protsessides, töökorralduses... projektdokumentatsioon kasutamise kohta (kasutajajuhendid); objektsüsteemi kohta; loodavate objektide kohta (programmi/testimise dokumentatsioon); installeerimise ja seadistamise kohta; arenduse (sh testimise) kohta metoodika: tulemuste kasutamine; tulemuste edasiarendamine; uute arenduste tegemine

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja...
233 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun