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"slides" - 48 õppematerjali


London sights ( slides )

Houses of Parliament Harrod's Nelson's column tower bridge NIMI .... Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament, otherwise known as The Palace of Westminster, stands on the site where Edward the Confessor had the original palace built in the first half of the 11th century. In 1547 the royal residence was moved to Whitehall Palace, but the Lords continued to meet at Westminster, while the commons met in St. Stephen's Chapel. Ever since these early times, the Palace of Westminster has been home to the English Parliament. Harrod's One of the world's most famous department stores, established in 1849 as a humble grocery store employing two assistants. Today, it offers everything from food to fashion, furniture to sportswear plus 20 instore restaurants serving every kind of cuisine imaginable from pizza to sushi. Services range from piano tuning to fitting saddles. Mustsee sights include the Food Halls, the Egyptian Hall ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Gustav Suits

Gustav Suits Annika, Eliise 11.A Elulugu 30.11.1883.a. Eesti, Tartumaa, Võnnu Luuletaja, toimetaja, tõlkija, kirjandusteadlane Hendrik Suits, Liis Suits - õpetajad 1890.a. Karjapoiss 1911.a. abiellus ülikoolikaaslase Aino Thauvóniga 1917­1919.a. Eesti Sotsialistide-Revolutsionääride Partei liige 1924.a. asutas Akadeemilise Kirjandusühingu 1944.a. põgenes Soome kaudu Rootsi 1953.01.12 nimetati Eesti haridusministriks eksiilis 23.05.1956.a. Stockholmi Skogskyrkogärden'i kalmistu Gustav Suits ja Tõnis Kreutzwald Haridus/Amet 1892-1895 - Võnnu külakool 1896-1904 - Tartu Aleksandri gümnaasium, kuldmedal (samal ajal õpetas suviti Soomes prantsuse ja saksa keelt) 1904-1905 - Tartu ÜK, keeleteadus 1905-1910 - Helsingi ÜK, kaasaegne kirjandus ja esteetika 1911­1913 - Helsingis ÜK raamatukogus 1913-1917 - Helsingi Vene Gümnaasium, soome keele õpetaja 1919-1944 - Tartu ÜK, eesti ja üldise ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
53 allalaadimist

Presentation in english: Mary I

Mary I, Queen of England Queen Mary I of England Born: 18 February 1516 Proclaimed Queen: 19 July 1553 at St. Paul's Cathedral Coronation: 1 October 1553 Died: 17 November 1558 Buried: 14 Decenber 1558 Mary Tudor The Tudor Britain (1485-1603) Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon Henry divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn From "princess" to "The Lady Mary" Catherine of Aragon 16 Dec 1485- 7 Jan 1536 Born in Toledo's Palace, Spain Youngest child Ferdinand and Isabella Married to Prince Arthur:...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

How to make a powerpoint presentation AA

How to make a powerpoint presentatio n Keep it simple · Use landscape orientation · Leave white space · Do not overuse charts 2 Limit yourself Do not overcrowd your slides The presentation Is for the audience Do not overuse animations and transitions 3 Quality o Use high quality photos o Do not strech photos o Do not use clip art 4 Theme o Use a theme o Do not use default themes Charts " o Use appropriate charts o Have a good reason 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Problems of the planet

6. Drought ­ Lack of rain due climate changes ­ All vegetation, animals and people die 7. Holes in the ozone layer ­ Fumes and chemicals ­ Sunrays become dangerous (skin cancer risk) 8. Overpopulation ­ Lack of opportunities to get contraceptives, Lack of education, Traditions ­ We need to produce more food (but it puts pressure on our planet) 9. Epidemics ­ Lack of hygene ­ Reduces population 10. Earthquakes ­ Planet is tired, Natural phenomena ­ Mud slides (maa lihked) 11. Forest fires ­ Drought, Too dry ­ Animals die, People lose their homes

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mitoos ja meioos

s tuumamembraa nid, Toimub tsütokinees II DNA profaas replikatsiooni ei toimu II Kromosoomid metafaa paiknevad raku s ekvatoriaaltasa ndil II Kromosoomid anafaas lahknevad raku poolustele II Toimub telofaas tsütokinees Kasutatud allikad Moodle slides e_areng_karoliinekorol.htm cycle-mitosis-meiosis

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
30 allalaadimist

Christmas Quiz - sobib 4 - 6 klassile, sõltub tasemest.

1. It is a vehicle that slides over snow and is pulled by reindeer. 2. From what country does London get its Christmas tree that stands in Trafalgar Square? 3. What is the day of the week when peole light the advent candles? 4. How many advent candles are there all together? 5. It’s a sweet brown crisp bisquit that peole bake, decorate and eat at Christmas. 6. Who climbs down the chimney and leaves lots of presents to people in England? 7. Who was Mary engaged to? 8. What was the man’s job? 9. How is 26th of December called in England? Why? 10.What is Census? 11.Why did Mary and Joseph stay in a stable not in an inn? 12.Who visited baby Jesus after he was born? There are two options. (shepherds; wise men with presents) 13.When do British children open their Christmas presents? 14.What is British Christmas dinner? (roast turkey, carrots, potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts, gravy; after that Christmas Pudding) 15.What takes p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mesopotaamia usund

Mesopotaamia usk Jan-Are Nursi Usund. Mesopotaamia usk sarnaneb Egiptuse usule. Usku levitasid preestrid. Jumalad olid Egiptuselt üle võetud. Kuningas Jumala maine asemik. Jumalaid palju. Tähtsamad jumalad. Taevajumal Anu- Jumalate isa. Tuule-,tormi-,vihma- ja piksejumal Enlil- Jumalate tõeline kuningas ning paljude müütide peategelane. Maa-aluste vete ja sügavuste isand Ea- Kaval ja tark jumal. Tundis hästi maagiat. Anu Enlil Ea Teised Jumalad. Kuujumal Sin Päiksejumal Samas Taeva kuninganna Istar Viljakuse jumal Tammuz Kaitsejumal Marduk Maailma ja inimese loomine. Kindel versioon sellest kuidas tekkis maa ja inimene puudub. Usutakse, et kõige pealt oli vesi, siis taevas ja maa. Surmajärgsus. Erinevalt Egiptlastest ei uskunud Mesopotaamia elanikud, et peale surma minnakse paradiisi, k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
21 allalaadimist

Infotöötluse eksam - wordi osa

Meie eksami esimene osa 1. Klaviatuuri keelte vahetusnupu saab stardireale start ­ control panel ­ Regional and Language ­ languages ­ details ­ language Bar. Kuvari värvilahutust saab muuta start ­ control panel ­ display ­ settings ­ color quality. Ajavööndi saab start ­ control panel ­ date and time ­ time zone. Ja hiire topeltklõpsu kiiruse saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ mouse ­ buttons ­ double-click speed. Varjatud faile saab näha start ­ control panel ­ folder options ­ view ­ hidden files and folders ­ show hidden files . Kui suur CRT on sama suurune u. kui 19'' 21 LCD kuvar. Kui suur peab olema CRT puhul kuvari sagedus, et ei rikuks silmi 100. Riigi tunnuse saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ Regional and Language ­ Location. Kaardimänge saab lisada(kui ei ole) start ­ control panel ­ add/remove programs ­ add/remove win. Components ­ accer and u...

Informaatika → Informaatika
113 allalaadimist

Võsapuuk ja Sametlest

Võsapuuk ja Sametlest Erik Mukk / Gregor Mikk Maasik Võsapuuk / Ixodes scapularis Erik Mukk Süstemaatiline kuuluvus Riik ­ Loomad Hõimkond ­ Lülijalgsed Klass ­ Ämblikulaadsed Selts ­ Nugilestalised Liik ­ Võsapuuk Rohkem infot ei leidnud Välimus ja üldtunnused Click to edit Master text styles Nende tagaosa on Second level Third level pruunikas Fourth level Neil on 6 jalga (3 Fifth level paari) Neil on 1 paar "sõrgasid" Siseehitus ja elundkonnad Seedekulgla koosneb ees-, kesk- ja tagasoolest Hingamissüsteem koosneb peenikestest torudest ja nende avaustest Neil on süda ja 8 jalaarterit ning mõned väiksemad arterid Neil on närvisüsteem ja nad orjenteeruvad...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Torupill, kannel, lõõtspill

KODUNE KONTROLLTÖÖ TORUPILL ­ puupuhkpillide hulka kuuluv muusikainstrument. Praktiliselt ainuke puhkpill, mida võis kasutada aastaringselt. Torupill oli Eestis tõenäoliselt juba 14. sajandil kodunenud. Esimesed kirjalikud andmed on 16. sajandist. Torupill koosneb neljast põhiosast: o Nahast õhukotist ­ seda hoiab pillimees kaenla all ja surub sealt küünarnukiga vajutades õhku välja. Õhukoti materjale on mitmeid: kõige tavalisemad on lähiümbruse loomade nahad; näiteks kitse, lehma, lamba, sea jt. o Õhupuhumistorust ­ selle kaudu puhutakse kotti õhku juurde. o Mänguvilest ­ sellega mängitakse tantsu või lauluviise. o Bassvilest ­ annab ühtlast pikka bassiheli, mida nimetatakse burdooniks. Suurtel torupillidel on mitu bassivilet ja mänguvilet. Torupilli kasutati nii pidudel kui muudel rahvakogunemistel. On üleskirjutisi, kus nimetatakse, et torupilli kasutati põllul vä...

Muusika → Muusika
31 allalaadimist

Powerpointi konspekt

KONSPEKT Powepoint: salidiprogramm esitlusprogramm Eemalda õigekirjakontroll! Esitluse koostamine: algab tiitelslaidiga: pealkiri, autor seejärel sisuslaidid viimasena tühi slaid Käivitamine: StartPrograms(Microsoft Office)PowepointDesign Templates (näidis) /Blanc Uue slaidi lisamine: InsertNew slide NB! Uus slaid listakse aktiivse slaidi järgi! Esitluse salvestamine: FileSave Asfaililaiend presentation .ppt ­ saab tööd jätkata FileSave Asfaililaiend PowerPoint Show .pps ­ avamisel algab show Märkmete koht: suure slaidi all Esitlus käivitub: Slide ShowView Show Eelmine slaid: Backspace Esitluse katkestamine: Parem klõps Esc-nupp Kujundusmalli muutmine: ParemklõpsSlide Designe FormatSlide Designe NB! Muudetakse kõikide slaidide kujundust Kõik slaidid on korraga näha: ViewSlide Sorter view Tagasi tööaknasse: ViewNo...

Informaatika → Informaatika
72 allalaadimist


Summary: It's Bella's second day at her new school and while it is a better day in some ways, in others it is much worse. Mike continues to be very friendly, much to Eric's displeasure, which Bella finds flattering, however, she is not interested in Mike and realises she will have to do something about his over-friendly behaviour. Bella is also feeling more confident because she recognises more faces and people are looking at her less than the day before ­ something that, for Bella, is very important. Her day gets worse when she gives the wrong answer in Trig and has to play Volley-ball ending up hitting her team mate on the head with the ball ­ giving us further proof of her clumsy nature. However, the worst part of this second day is that Edward Cullen is not in school and for some reason Bella can't stop thinking about him and his behaviour of the previous day. She feels nervous and uncomfortable, waiting to see if he is in schoo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


EGEUSE KULTUUR JA KUNST Koostaja:Katrin Kõre Juhendaja:Aimar Rolf Klass:10.Klass Avinurme 2010 EGEUSE KULTUURIST Egeuse mere piirkonnas kujunes 3000 a. eKr. välja õitsev tsivilisatsioon. Selle 3 keskust (piirkonda) on: 1) Küklaadide saarterühm (Kreeta saare ja Mandri-Kreeka vahel); 2) Kreeta saar ­ minoiline keskus. 3) Peloponnesose poolsaar (eelkreeka e. hellaadilise kultuuri keskus). EGEUSE KULTUURIST Just Egeuse mere saartel ja rannikul tekkis Euroopa vanim kõrgkultuur ­ egeuse kultuur Egeuse kultuur ehk Kreeta-Mükeene kultuur Arheoloogias kasutatakse ka nimetust minoiline kultuur EGEUSE KULTUURIST Peloponnesos ­ ,,Pelopsi saar", Pelops oli üks Kreeka kuningas Heinrich Schl...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Egeuse kultuur ja kunst

EGEUSE KULTUUR JA KUNST Koostaja:Katrin Kõre Juhendaja:Aimar Rolf Klass:10.Klass Avinurme 2010 EGEUSE KULTUURIST Egeuse mere piirkonnas kujunes 3000 a. eKr. välja õitsev tsivilisatsioon. Selle 3 keskust (piirkonda) on: 1) Küklaadide saarterühm (Kreeta saare ja Mandri-Kreeka vahel); 2) Kreeta saar ­ minoiline keskus. 3) Peloponnesose poolsaar (eelkreeka e. hellaadilise kultuuri keskus). EGEUSE KULTUURIST Just Egeuse mere saartel ja rannikul tekkis Euroopa vanim kõrgkultuur ­ egeuse kultuur Egeuse kultuur ehk Kreeta-Mükeene kultuur Arheoloogias kasutatakse ka nimetust minoiline kultuur EGEUSE KULTUURIST Peloponnesos ­ ,,Pelopsi saar", Pelops oli üks Kreeka kuningas Heinrich Schl...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
4 allalaadimist

Kama Sutra

together. While he penetrates her she begins to rub up and down his body. The Clasp The man stands up, allowing his partner to wrap her legs around his waist, while he supports her bottom and back. For more support and deeper penetration, she can rest her back against a wall. The Tominagi The man kneels up and penetrates his partner, who's lying on her back with her feet against his chest The Glowing Juniper The woman lies on her back with her legs open and her knees bent. Her partner slides in between her legs and lifts her hips slightly for easier penetration. He lifts her stomach up to his lips to caress and kiss. The Seated Ball The woman crouches, while the man enters her from a half-sitting position behind her. She controls the movement by rocking slowly on her heels, while the man kisses her back. The Curled Angel The woman curls up on her side, knees drawn up and the man spoons her from behind. Penetration is fairly easy from his

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Referaat Tapa raudteejaam

Referaat Tapa raudteejaam Tapa Tapa vald on moodustunud 2005. aasta oktoobris Tapa linna, Lehtse valla ja Saksi valla (va. Kiku, Salda ja Pariisi küla, mis liitusid Kadrina vallaga) ühinemisel. Vald on Lääne-Virumaa läänepoolseim omavalitsus, ulatudes sopina Harjumaa Kuusalu ja Anija valla ning Järvamaa Ambla ja Albu valla vahele. Tapa valla läänepoolne naaber on Harjumaa Aegviidu vald. Tapa vald asub maastikuliselt Pandivere kõrgustiku äärealal ja Kõrvemaal. Valla kujunemisel on suurt tähtsust mänginud Peterburi-Tallinna raudtee ehitamine ning hiljem Tapa-Tartu raudteeharu ehitamine. Tapa raudteejaam 2 Tapa linn on saanud nime Tapa küla (1482, Tappes) ja mõisa (1629/39?, Taps) järgi. 1870 rajati Tapa mõisa maale väike raudteejaam; 1876 sai Tapa seoses Tartu haruraudtee valmimisega raudteesõlmeks, selle juurde tekkis peagi alevik. 1917 sai Tapa alevi, 1926 linna õigused. Tapa ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
11 allalaadimist


VAHEMERELINE PÕÕSASTIK JA METS ASEND Makja Sibljakk Chaparral Gariig Früügana Malle, brigalov Makja Vahemereline põõsastik ja mets. PINNAMOOD GEOLOOGILINE EHITUS · Hästi liigestatud. · Esineb mäestikke, kiltmaid, madalikke. · Lõuna-Aafrikas ja Austraalias asuvad platvormsetel aladel. · Põhja- ja Lõuna ­Ameerikas, Euroopas noorte mäestike aladel (alpi kurrutus). VAHEMEREMAAD Euraasia laam VESUUV Aafrika laam Vahemere kohal sukeldub Aafrika laam Euraasia laama alla. Esineb maavärinaid ja vulkaanipurskeid. Vesuuv, Etna, Stromboli. CALIFORNIA San Andrease murrang Põhja ­ Ameerika lää...

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist

Kordamine Infotöötlus eksamiks

Klav.keelte vahet.nupu saab stardireale start ­ control panel ­ Regional and Language ­ languages ­ details ­ language Bar. Kuvari värvilahutust saab muuta start ­ control panel ­ display ­ settings ­ color quality. Ajavööndi saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ date and time ­ time zone. Hiire topeltklõpsu kiiruse saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ mouse ­ buttons ­ double-click speed. Varjatud faile saab näha start ­ control panel ­ folder options ­ view ­ hidden files and folders ­ show hidden files. Kui suur CRT on sama suurune u. kui 19'' 21 LCD kuvar. Kui suur peab olema CRT puhul kuvari sagedus, et ei rikuks silmi 100. Riigi tunnuse saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ Regional and Language ­ Location. Kaardimänge saab lisada(kui ei ole) start ­ control panel ­ add/remove programs ­ add/remove win. Components ­ accer and utitilites (details ) ­ games(linnuke). Windowsis saab uut kataloogi teha(3 kohta) Parem hiirekl...

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
31 allalaadimist


Viimsi Keskkool Maria-Eliise Muinaste VENE TSAARIRIIG LÕPP TSAAR NIKOLAI II Referaat Juhendaja: Jana Tiits Viimsi, 2015 SISSEJUHATUS Venemaal olid rasked ajad, sest tsaar niiöelda ei hoolinud oma inimestest. Kuid ka tsaaril endal oli raske aeg, sest tema tegi enda meelest õigeid otsuseid. Tsaari eluajal mõeldi välja plaane tsaari kukutamiseks ning lõpuks see plaan ka töötas. VENEMAA VALITSEMINE Venemaad valitsesid tsaarid. Nendel oli piiramatu jõud, sest rahvas uskus, et tsaarid saavad oma jõu otse jumalalt. Vaid kõrgest soost inimestele olid riigiasjad teada, nende hulgas samuti ka tsaar. Tavainimestele oli rangelt keelatud niiöelda riigijuhtimine, vaid kõrgest soost inimesed võisid sellega tegeleda. Tavainimesed polnud sellega kohe üldse rahul. Nad nõudsid h...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Mille poolest erineb poolkõrbe ja kõrbe loodusvöönd Eesti loodusvööndist?

Ekvatoriaalsed vihmametsad. Koostas : Birjo Prisko Kuldre Kool 8.klass Paiknemine: Iseloomulikud omadused: O kliima on aastaringselt soe ja niiske; O sademeid palju (tihti üle 2000 mm/a); O taimekasvus vahesid ei ole, sest kliima on ühtlane; O taime- ja loomaliike kõige rohkem; O paljud linnud talvituvad vihmametsades; O vihmametsad on koduks paljudele suguharudele, kes on seal elanud aastatuhandeid. Ekvatoriaalkliima on palav ja niiske. Ilm on aasta läbi enam vähem ühesugune. Ülevaate saamiseks on siia toodud kolmest erinevast paigast vihmametsade kliimadiagramme: Tavalise päeva kirjeldus vihmametsas: Päikesetõusu ajal on õhutemperatuur 20°C ringis. Hommikupoolikul palavus suureneb ja temperatuur ulatub pärastlõunal umbes 30 kraadini. Maapind aurab, lämbe õhk tõuseb üles ja pärastlõunaks kogunevad taevasse pilved...

Geograafia → Kliimav??tmed
4 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

TMT0050 Working Environment and Ergonomics: November 2016 ASSIGNMENT 2 ASSIGNMENT 2 ­ RISK ASSESSMENT NB ­ Group work! Delivery time: 14 November 2016 Maximum Participants: 5 points! TASK 1 ­ DISCUSSION ON HAZARDS AND RISKS Bad stuff happens, right? a. Make a list of all of the events which could affect your success in your studies at the university. What are the probable reasons for you to fail in your studies, to fail in exams and not getting the certificate? This is a brainstorming activity. There are no wrong or right answers. 1. Laziness 2. Health 3. Young love 4. Financial problems ...

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

Burj al Arab

Sinbad. One day as they were returning from one of their adventures, they were suddenly caught up in the mother of all storms. Somehow Juha, his family, Sinbad, the entire crew and even Juha's donkey managed to survive. They found themselves stranded on a beautiful lagoon, surrounded by mountains and all sorts of exotic plants and wild life. So the kids came up with new ideas to have fun. They asked the crew to redirect the streams and create waterfalls and water slides. Then they used palm leaves to build rafts, which they sat on and floated downstream. And when they tired of that, they simply threw themselves into the rushing water and had a great time. Pretty soon others were drawn to this magical place and among them was and old guy who came from an unheard of place. Even he thought that Wild Wadi was really cool and predicted that in the future many people would actually queue up to get a piece of the action.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Hitler- early years

until the day he died. She died of breast cancer when Adolf was 18 years old. Education • Attended a Benedictine monastery school where he took part in the choir. • When it was time to choose a secondary school, Adolf wanted to become an artist. • His father wanted him to become a civil servant, but after his father died, he dropped out of high school and attempted to get into the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts - he failed. • The following slides are examples of Adolf’s artwork. signature signature Years in Vienna • After his mother died, Adolf (now 18) decided to move to Austria to pursue his dream of becoming a great artist. • Again he failed to gain entrance into the Academy • He eventually sold all his possessions and became a homeless drifter who slept on park benches and ate at soup kitchens throughout Vienna (age 19) • Adolf did manage to sell some paintings and postcards, but remained impoverished

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Loo Keskkool Keskkonnaprobleemid Referaat Loo, 2009 1 Sissejuhatus Inimtegevus on hakanud Maale halvasti mõjuma: metsi, Maa kopse, raiutakse aina maha, olgu põhjuseks siis põllumajanduslik pind või inimeste tarbepuit. Tagajärgedele mõtlemata visatakse vette igasuguseid jäätmeid, mered on jäänud liigivaeseks, aina rohkem on maailmas loomaliike, mis on väljasuremisohus, sest inimesed käituvad Prantsusmaa endise kuninga, Henry XV ütluse järgi: ,,peale meid tulgu või veeuputus" See kurikuulus lause iseloomustab meie praegust tegevust. Praegused planeedi Maa elanikud peaksid endale aga teadvustama, et võib-olla paarikümne aasta pärast on Maa peal see suurim ime, elu, olemata. 2 Põllumajanduse mõju keskkonnale Muldade degratsioon maailmas Ekstensiivne põllumajandus ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
108 allalaadimist

Metallid ja mittemetallid

METALLID JA MITTEMETALLID Metallid Asukoht perioodilisussüsteemis ja aatomi ehitus Enamik nüüdisajal tuntud 118 keemilisest elemendist on metallid. Perioodilisuse tabelis asuvad nad vasak- ja keskosas ( tabeli parempoolse osa täidavad mittemetallid). Kui vaadelda perioodilisust süsteemi rühmade kaupa, siis esimene, teine ja kolmas(va. Boor) peaalarühm(A- alarühm) koosnevad ainult metallidest. Kuna peaalarühma (A- alarühm) number näitab ka välimisel elektronkihil olevate elektronide arvu, neis asuvate metallide oksüdatsioniaste ühendites on vastavalt +I, +II ja + III. Kõrvalalarühmades (B- alarühm) asuvate metallide välisel elektronkihihtidel on samuti peamiselt 1-2 elektroni. Siit järeldus- metalliaatomite välisel elektronkihil on peamiselt 1-3 elektroni. Eranditeks on Ge, Sn, Pb- väliskihil 4 elektroni; Sb, Bi- 5 elektroni. Liikumisel perioodis vasakult paremale suureneb tuumala...

Keemia → Keemia
104 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

Performing the presentation Introducing yourself and your talk Greeting, name, position, opening formalities Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, everyone. Good morning. My name's (...). I'm the new Finance Manager. Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I started out in... Welcome to Standard Electronics. I know I've met some of you, but just for the benefit of those I haven't, my name's (...). It's very nice to see you all here today. I'm very pleased to be here. I'm glad you could all make it. Thanks for inviting me. Thank you (all) for coming. Title/Subject I'd like to talk (to you) today about ... I'm going to present the recent ... explain our position on ... introduce ... brief you on ... inform you about ... ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Referaat erinevatest tantsustiilidest

Võistlustants Võistlustants ehk tantsusport on spordiala, kus võisteldakse nn peotantsu tantsimises. Võistlustants on spordiala, mida Rahvusvaheline Olümpiakomitee tunnustas ametlikult 8.septembril 1997.a. teatades, et ta aktsepteerib võistlustantsu kui spordiala. Eesmärgiks on muuta võistlustants olümpiaalaks. Tänapäeval kümme tantsitavat tantsu jagunevad Ladina-Ameerika ja standardtantsudeks. Standardtantsud on aeglane valss, tango, Viini valss, aeglane fokstrott ja quickstep. Ladina-Ameerika tantsud on samba, tsatsa, rumba, Paso doble ja dzaiv. Euroopasse jõudis võistlustants tänu Prantsusmaale. Pärast I Maailmasõda oli Prantsusmaa üheks tooniandvaks maaks Euroopa kultuurielus. Prantslased olid need, kes võtsid kiiresti omaks uuendused nii kunstis, muusikas, riidemoes kui ka tantsus. Pariis oligi tolleaegsete kunstide keskuseks. Eelmise sajandi algusaastail tulid just Pariisi ka...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
63 allalaadimist

Erinevad tantsustiilid

ERINEVAD TANTSUSTIILID Referaat Marleen Breemet Kärdla Ühisgümnaasium 10B 2012 Sisukord Sisukord......................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................3 1.Võistlustantsud.........................................................................4 1.1.Ladina-Ameerika tantsud......................................................4 1.1.1.Samba.........................................................4 1.1.2.Cha-Cha......................................................5 1.1.3.Rumba.........................................................5 1.1.4Paso Doble...................................................5 1.1.5.J...

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
20 allalaadimist

Getting physical

microphone, and any other audiovisual equipment that you'll need. · Check the height of the lectern; many are adjustable. The lectern should not be so tall that only your head shows, nor should it be so low that it is difficult to read your notes. · Check the audiovisual equipment to assure that everything is operating properly and that you know how to turn lights on and off, change slides or transparencies, and even change a light bulb quickly if the one you are using happens to b u r n out just before or during your presentation. Most important, if you are using a remote control unit for a slide projector, get thoroughly acquainted and rehearse with each button. I have seen speakers in the middle of their presentation accidentally begin pushing the "reverse" control

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemi alused

Operatsioonisüsteemi alused · · · Referaat · Tähtaeg 1. Mai · Teema kooskõlastada õpetajaga · Laadida üles õpetaja serverisse · Edasi E-õpe · Registreerida ennast keskkonda · E-mail õpetajale · Õpetaja kinnistab teid õigele kursusele · Parooli mitte unustada (küsige e-maili teel õpetajalt) Mõiste Operatsioonisüsteem (OS) ­ see on süsteemi- ja juhtprogrammide kompleks ja ettenähtud arvutisüsteemi ressursside efektiivseks kasutamiseks. See on vahendaja arvutikasutaja ja arvuti (riistvara) vahel ­ programm, mis vahetult suhtleb riistvaraga ning töötab temaga ühtse tervikuna. Peab võimaldama täita arvutiprogramme, mugaval efektiivsel viisil. Opsüsteemi peab tagama arvutisüsteemi korrektse käitumise. Operatsioonisüsteem, O...

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide alused
37 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Rakvere Kolledz Õpetajakoolituse osakond REFERAADI KOOSTAMISE JUHEND Koostaja: Lehte Tuuling Õpetajakoolituse osakonna juhataja Rakvere 2010 MIS ON REFERAAT? Referaat on: kellegi teise seisukohtade esitamine, sisukokkuvõtte või ülevaade mingist tööst (töödest); kirjalike materjalide läbitöötamise tulemusena koostatud kirjalik kokkuvõte, mis väljendab teiste mõtteid. Referaadis on oluline info kogumine, selle üldistamine, ka korrektne kirjalik väljendusoskus ja õige vormistamine. Kui referaat eelneb teatud probleemi süvakäsitlusele, on soovitav esitada järeldused ning omapoolne arvamus. Ülevaatereferaadis ei pruugi kirjutaja oma arvamusi ega seisukohti esitada. Referaadi maht ulatub 10 - 15 leheküljeni, kui ei ole õppejõuga mingit muud kokkulepet lehekülgede arvu suhtes. Referaat on kokkuvõte ming...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
16 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

professional artists and art teachers, and have the free use of different studios as well as the auditorium. Library and archive In addition to the museum's own researchers, art teachers, students, artists and researchers from other museums, art collectors, restorers etc. can use the museum library. From the beginning of 2006, the library provides access to appr. 33,000 books as well as to more than 10,000 archival documents. The library also has an extensive collection of slides and photographs and a diversity of posters, videos and reproductions. Collection depositories Depositories of the museum are meant for keeping the museum's current and future collections that are not on display. The location of the depositories in the basement of the building allows a good connection with exhibition halls, exhibition preparation rooms, loading facilities and restoration workshops. Proper level of humidity and a temperature

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


This device is anchored to the sea floor and consists of two cylinders, which float in the water. The outer19 cylinder reacts to the varying buoyancy by performing a vertical movement. Consequently there is also a relative motion between the outer and the inner cylinder. Then the linear generators within the device transfer this oscillation into electricity. Principle of the Archimedes wave swing The wave swing is tethered on the seabed by cables. The top cylinder slides over a lower cylinder (basement). A prototype has a mass of 800 tons with a dimension of 13 x 30 meters. Such kind of wave swing has a rated power of 1 MW. It is located in 80 meter of depth water. Sea snake (Pelamis) Pelamis wave power devices are also called sea snakes. Arrangement of a Pelamis sea snake A Pelamis consists of a number of floating cylindrical tubes which are connected by active joints

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Suvine kodune töö aines ilutaimede kasutamine

Eesti Maaülikool Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Xxxx xxxxxx Õpimapp Õpimapp aines 'ilutaimede kasutamine' Tartu 2011 SISUKORD PÜSILILLED .................................................................................................................................. 5 Kortsleht (alchemilla) ................................................................................................................. 5 Jaapani või hubei ülane (Anemone) ............................................................................................ 8 Metspipar (Asarum) .................................................................................................................. 10 Aster (Aster) .............................................................................................................................. 12 Astilbe (Astilbe) ...........................

Botaanika → Ilutaimede kasutamine
94 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

"The Re-Emergence of `Weberian' Public Administration after the Fall of New Public Management: The Central and Eastern European Perspective." Halduskultuur 6: 94-108. On the net at 108.pdf. Drechsler, Wolfgang (2005b). "eGovernment and Public Management Reform." Presentation at the eGovernance Catalonia Forum '05: Public Administration in the Age of the Internet, Barcelona, 13 June 2005. Slides, as well as video of the presentation dubbed in Catalan and Spanish, on the net at Drechsler, Wolfgang (2004). "Governance, Good Governance, and Government: The Case for Estonian Administrative Capacity." Trames 8(4): 388-396. Drechsler, Wolfgang (2003). Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean in Managing Public Sector Restructuring: Public Sector Downsizing and

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist


Wheels are attached to trucks and there are wheels with different size and hardness. In the wheels are bearings, what can be differenced by durability. In the second paragraph I talk about skateboarding tricks as well. Skateboarding tricks are dealt into five categories. There are freestyle tricks, what involve balancing on some other part of the board than all four wheels, aerials, what involve floating in the air, flip tricks, what involve spinning the board around many different axis, slides and grind, what involve getting the board up on some type of ledge and sliding it, and lip tricks, what are done on the coping of pool or skateboard ramp, which require the moment on the coping. 27 In the third paragraph I talk about celebrities in skateboarding. The main characters of oldschool skateboarding were Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta. Oldschool skateboarding ends with an invention of ollie

Sport → Sport/kehaline kasvatus
46 allalaadimist


crosshead. The crosshead bearing is provided with bearing shells, which are lined with a white metal layer. The piston rod is fitted into a groove in the top of the crosshead and secured by means of four screws. A bracket on the crosshead supports the telescopic pipe, which supplies lubricating and cooling oil to the crosshead, crankpin and piston. The outlet pipe is fitted to the opposite end of the crosshead. The outlet pipe slides within a slotted pipe inside the engine frame, and from there the oil is led through a control device for the purpose of checking the temperature and flow before the oil is passed on to the double-bottom tank. The crosshead block is provided with bores for distributing the oil supplied through the telescopic pipe, partly as cooling oil for the piston, partly as lubricating oil for the crosshead bearing and guide shoes and ­ through a bore in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

Intragenomic Profiling Using Multicopy Genes: The rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences of the Freshwater Sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis Liisi Karlep, To~nu Reintamm, Merike Kelve* Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia Abstract Multicopy genes, like ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA), are widely used to describe and distinguish individuals. Despite concerted evolution that homogenizes a large number of rDNA gene copies, the presence of different gene variants within a genome has been reported. Characterization of an organism by defining every single variant of tens to thousands of rDNA repeat units present in a eukaryotic genome would be quite unreasonable. Here we provide an alternative approach for the characterization of a set of internal transcribed spacer sequences found within every rDNA repeat unit by implementing direct sequencing methodology. The promi...

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questione...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

Birds' beaks are all different shapes and sizes. Miss Lee is marking her pupils' work. This is my parents' wedding photo. Dresses are upstairs in the ladies' department. Henry goes to a boys' school. Dr. Kim parked his car in the doctors' parking lot. My brothers' bedrooms are always messy. The girls' bedrooms are usually tidy. A flood has destroyed all the farmers' crops. 4 Some plural nouns do not end in -s. Just add 's to these plural nouns. There are slides and swings and seesaws in the children's playground. The men's changing room is occupied. The bookstore sells newspapers, comics and women's magazines. Doctors look after people's health. 154 m ar H am Gr elp 4You can also refer to a person's office or shop by using a possessive form with an apostrophe. For example: I'll buy some bread at the baker's.

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

snowball snipers -- but when we went to the door, everyone besides me groaned in unison. It was raining, washing all traces of the snow away in clear, icy ribbons down the side of the walkway. I pulled my hood up, secretly pleased. I would be free to go straight home after Gym. Mike kept up a string of complaints on the way to building four. Once inside the classroom, I saw with relief that my table was still empty. Mr. Banner was walking around the room, distributing one microscope and box of slides to each table. Class didn't start for a few minutes, and the room buzzed with conversation. I kept my eyes away from the door, doodling idly on the cover of my notebook. I heard very clearly when the chair next to me moved, but my eyes stayed carefully focused on the pattern I was drawing. "Hello," said a quiet, musical voice. I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. He was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled toward me

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Portugali põhjalik referaat

Avinurme Gümnaasium 10.klass Geograafia PORTUGAL Koostaja:Katrin Kõre Juhendaja: Ene Lüüs 2009/2010 1 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus.........................................................................................................................3 Üldandmed........................................................................................................................4-5 Riigivorm.........................................................................................................................6-11 Majandus.........................................................................................................................12-14 Tootmisviis........................................................................................................................15 Asend..............................

Geograafia → Geograafia
41 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

as described in Section 23. 11 Extract the screws which hold the 1 Slide the seat as far forward as it will go. 2 Unscrew and remove the bolts which retain backrest to the hinges. 25 Body exterior fittings - the rear of the seat slides to the floor pan. 12 Remove the backrest from the vehicle. removal and refitting 3 Slide the seat as far to the rear as it will go Refitting and remove the bolts which secure the front 13 Refitting is a reversal of removal. ends of the slides to the floor

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

in bed. Grant seems to walk on the ceiling. In the symbolic language of film the shot expresses his change of position from playboy to Herald, and its disorienting effect on the hero. Grant gives the Call, a patriotic invitation to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring. As it is delivered, Grant is seen right side up and in full light for the first time, representing the Call's sobering effect on Bergman's character. As they talk, a crown-like, artificial hairpiece slides from Bergman's head, showing that her fairy tale existence as a deluded, addicted princess must now come to an end. Simultaneously on the soundtrack can be heard the distant call of a train leaving town, suggesting the beginning of a long journey. In this sequence Hitchcock has used every symbolic element at his command to signal that a major threshold of change is approaching. T h e Call to Adventure is disorienting and distasteful to the hero, but necessary for her growth.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


A Cardano grille places the message-bearing words in fixed positions on a page. The significant words can be placed at intersections of the lines of a geometrical diagram of specified dimensions. In the 1600s, Sir John Trevanion, a Cavalier awaiting trial and almost certain execution by Cromwell's forces, noted the third letter after each punctuation mark in a letter that his jailers had scrutinized before giving him arid learned that Panel at east end of chapel slides. He disappeared during vespers. And in World War II, captured U-boat officers spelled out secret messages in their letters home by breaking the flow of script after each significant letter. An alert censor noticed that the minute gaps did not occur in natural places, as after syllables. The hidden messages described Allied anti-submarine tactics and technical U-boat faults. Some outlined escape plans— which were, of course, foiled.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

mine. I was shocked by how soft his firm lips were and the gentleness of the pressure he exerted. I sighed and his tongue dipped inside, tasting me in long leisurely licks. His kiss was confident, skilled, and just the right side of aggressive to turn me on wildly. I distantly registered my purse hitting the floor; then my hands were in his hair. I pulled on the silky strands, using them to direct his mouth over mine. He growled, deepening the kiss, stroking my tongue with lush slides of his own. I felt the raging beat of his heart against my chest, proof that he wasn't just a hopeless ideal conjured by my fevered imagination. He pushed away from the door. Cupping the back of my head and the curve of my buttocks, he lifted me off my feet. "I want you, Eva. Trouble or not, I can't stop." I was pressed full-body against him, achingly aware of every hot, hard inch of him. I kissed him back as if I could eat him alive

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Tim Noakes and the staff at ESSM.) As Tertius showed me the numbers, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. How the hell did I have negative numbers? Despite all of my training and all my e orts, my enzyme levels were worse than a Homer Simpson couch potato. So much for the "endurance preference" conclusion from the genetics testing.18 Based on my raw materials, I seemed screwed for both endurance and power. In my mind, I ipped through the suitable sports: Competitive eating? Going down slides? "You are ... very, very average," Tertius would repeat several times over the next 30 minutes "You are ... very, very average," Tertius would repeat several times over the next 30 minutes of discussion. "I hope you're not upset. I'm a scientist and like to state the facts simply." By that point, I wasn't upset. In fact, I was elated on some perverse level. I was worse than average. This meant that any future achievements could be almost completely attributed to training e ect

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun