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"task" - 523 õppematerjali

task - oriented versus other-referenced competition: Differential implications for children’s peer relations.

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

2F Photo comparison 2G Review page 18 If necessary, in a weaker class, page 17 brainstorm ideas about both 1 1 all-time pictures before starting. Students 1 1 skipping 5 kicked 2 highly acclaimed work in pairs to do the task. 2 get 6 kick 3 divided · Writing: Read through and discuss 3 hanging 7 sleeping 4 story the task together, then refer 4 walked 8 hang 5 involving students to the Writing Bank for 6 consequences guidance

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


Eesti sportlased. Odavise: 1. Andrus Värnik. 2. Andreas Thorkildsen 3. Sergey Makarov Kettaheide: 4. Gert Kanter 5. Yennifer Casañas 6. Michael Robertson Tõkkejooks: 7. Kertu Tiitso 8. Erik Talu 9. Marko Aleksejev Kõrgushüpe: 10. Liina Põldots 11. Kärt Siilats 12. Alvin Kraenzlein Ujumine: 13. Martin Liivamägi 14. Filipp Provorkov 15. Natalia Hissamutdinova Maadlus, vaba: 16. Jaanek Lips 17. Pius Zberg 18. Didier Pais Maadlus, kreeka-rooma: 19.Andrei Romanov 20.Dmitri Gorjusko 21.Ahti Pärnsalu Jalgrattasport: 22.Nicolas Vogondy 23.Jérémie Derangere 24.Sergei Firsanov Motosport: 25.Tyla Rattrayle 26.Gert Krestinov 27.Antonio Cairoli Tennis: 28.David Ferrer 29.Nicolas Almagro 30.Tommy Robredost Aerutamine: 31.Danek Tsuskin 32.Ain Helde 33. Vehklemine,(epee): 34.Irina Embrich 35.Maarika Võsu 36.Olga Aleksejeva Jalgpall: 37.Mart Poom 38.John Carew 39.Ashley Young Korvpall: 40.Rauno Pe...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
33 allalaadimist


When we talk about success very often we think about money. Perhaps it happens because money pays a big role in our life. In other words, we can say if someone has money this person is successful. For some people the word success means being famous, for others it means being great at some specifc career. Yet for other people the word success means all together: having money, being good at one's professional life, personal life, romantic life, health life and so on. It is a very difficult task to start looking for a definition of success, because in fact it can have many different meanings. Puting it in another way; some people can see themselves doing great at some time of their life. Could every one else accept the fact those people had achieved great success in their life. Let us have a look at the life of a public person.The Oprah show, Oprah Winfrey is a very powerful woman recognized over the world. She is greatly admired, She is

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Mälu nimi kool aasta 1. Mäluseadmed Sisend-, töötlus- ja väljundandmeid on vaja säilitada arvuti töö ajaks ja ka kauemaks. Selleks kasutatakse mäluseadmeid. Väliste mäluseadmete peamiseks ülesandeks on andmehulkade pikemaajaline "konserveerimine". Kõvaketas Kõvakettal säilitatakse arvuti süsteemne tarkvara, arvutisse installeeritud programmid ja andmefailid. Andmeedastuskiirus on keskmiselt 70 MB/sek. Tänapäevaste kõvaketaste maht algab enamasti 20 GB-st. Hinnad ulatuvad 500-st kroonist paarituhandeni. Lindiseadmed Peamiselt suurte andmete varukoopiate tegemiseks kasutatav salvestusseade (eelistatud andmete pikaajaliseks säilitamiseks). Võrreldes teiste seadmetega on andmeedastuskiirus väga aeglane ­ 0,05 ­ 0,1 MB/sek Ühele kassetile mahub 60-300 MB informatsiooni. Zip-kettad Mahutavus 100 MB ja 200 MB Andmeedastuskiirus on 1,4 MB/sek Hind ~ 200.- Disketid Andmemaht...

Informaatika → Informaatika
16 allalaadimist

Tehasetöö kasud (inglise keeles)

What are the benefits of factory work? A factory is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. In factory work there are some things why there is good to work, but also some things that are bad. But about the benefits of factory work, I think that the most important benefit is that when you do something so many times, then you get used to doing it right and you don't mess it up. Factory workers have big responsibility about their work, because when one worker does something wrong, then the whole product is messed up. Workers don't have to think about what they are doing, because they have exact task what they have to do and they can't improvise. Some factories are using machines to make products, so it is easier...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

India PowerPoint

India Geograafiline olustik Induse tsivilisatsiooni kujunemine  Induse tasandik  Gangese jõgikond  3 aastatuhat eKr.  Arenes niisutuspõllundus  Kujunes Pronksiaegne Induse tsivilisatsioon Induse tsivilisatsioon  Harappa, Mohendžo Daro, Lothal  3 aastatuhandel eKr  Elanikkond ~ 40 000  Põlluharijad  Nisu,oder, datlid  Puuvillakasvatus  Loomasöödaks  Tekstiilitooraine Linnad  Kindlustatud tsitadell  Templid,  keskküttega saun,  suured hooned (võimalik,et paleed)  Viljahoidla( keskpank)  Korrapärane põhiplaan  Tänavad, teed paralleelsed Linnad  Käsitöö, kaubandus  Kindlustatud sadamad  Sidemed läänenaabritega  Eluiga ~ 1000 aastat  Üleujutused  Maavärinad  Sissetungid Mohendžo Daro tänapäeval Aarjalased  Loodest Indiasse  Indoeuroopa keel  Hindude esivanemad  Kujunes sanskriti keel  Tänapäeva kirjakeel  Veedad - ühiskonnak...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
47 allalaadimist

Lambavill ( slaidid )

Lambavill Sander Toop 9b. LAMBAVILL JA SELLE TÄHTSUS Villaks nimetatakse mitmesuguste loomade (lammas, kits, küülik jm.) ketramiseks kõlbulikke karvu, mis on saadud pügamisel või kammimisel. Lambavill on maailma tekstiilitööstuses tähtsaim tooraine, millest valmistatakse täis- ja poolvillaseid riideid, vaipu ning mitmesuguseid villaseid esemeid. Villal on mitmeid väärtuslikke omadusi. Vill on suhteliselt kerge ja elastne, värvub hästi, on hügroskoopne ja laseb hästi läbi õhku ning ultraviolettkiiri. VILLA KEEMILISED OMADUSED Villa orgaanilise aine keemiline koostis sarnaneb naha ja lihaskoega. Villas leidub väga mitmesuguste omadustega valke - keratiine, kollageeni, nukleiin- ja aminohappeid. Villas on lipiide - rasva ja rasvataoliste ainete steroole (kolesterooli, lanosteriooli), glükogeeni ehk loomset tärklist ning mitmesuguseid ainevahetusprodukte, nagu kusihapet, puriini, kabamiidi jt. Villa orgaaniline ain...

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist

Tess - Guilty or not ?

Tess ­ Guilty or not? I read Thomas Hardy's book called Tess of the D'Urbevilles. The book is about young woman's misfortunes. Those misfortunes lead to many desperate actions but Tess is not quilty of them. The first misadventure which leads to others is when Tess has to go to the market. Tess accidentally kills the horse. She feels guilt but in my opinion it was not her fault because after all it was her father's task not Tess'. Her father could not go because he was too drunk. However, Tess feels like she is responsible and that she has to do something good for her family. In order to compensate her mistake she goes to work for a rich relative in a bird farm. There happens another awful thing ­ she gets pregnant from her so called cousin Alec D' Urberville. Yet again it is not Tess' fault because her mother has not taught to Tess essential things about life and men. What makes it even worse

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist


Puurmani Gümnaasium Geelküüned Uurimustöö koostaja:T.Kukk Klass:10.klass Juhendaja:Andres Juur Puurmani2010 1 Sisukord 5............................................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................................3 Geelküüned...........................................................................................................................................3 Mis need on?....................................................................................................................................3 Veidi ajalugu................................................................................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
46 allalaadimist

Avalik ruum

Regression analyses of the relations between the perceived levels of all six burdens and outcomes in the total sample revealed the following: Neighborhood satisfaction could be predicted from multiple stressors and resources that co-occur independently, while more general health symptoms were related only to perceived air pollution (Honold et al, 2013) The effects of environmental burdens may be implicit · Exposure to uncontrollable stimuli produces deficits in task performance linked to learned helplessness. Many of these stimuli are environmental stressors. Both acute and chronic exposure to noise, crowding, traffic congestion, and pollution are capable of causing learned helplessness in adults and children. Pre-exposure to brief, acute environmental stressors that are uncontrollable produces learned helplessness wherein participants manifest difficulties in learning a new task because of their

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
2 allalaadimist

Nikotiini mõju organismile

Rakvere Gümnaasium SJ (klass) NIKOTIINI MÕJU ORGANISMILE Referaat Juhendaja. õp. M. V Rakvere Suitsetamine lühendab eluiga. Suitsetamine kahjustab raskelt sinu ja sind ümbritsevate inimeste tervist. Suitstamisest loobumiseks saad abi arstilt või apteekrilt. Suitsetamine võib tappa. Jne. Jne.Kõik need laused on kirjutatud suitsupakile. Aga mida need laused tähendavad ? Suitsetamine võib tappa, aga kuidas ta seda teeb? Vastus on ­ nikotiiniga. Nikotiin on tubakataimes sisalduv tugev närvimürk, millega inimkond on mürgitanud ennast juba alates 16.sajandist ja mis suurtes kogustes tarbituna võib põhjustada krampe, halvatust ning surma. Nikotiin tektab sõltuvuse, seega on ta narkootiline aine ehk aine, mille järele tekib ikka ja jälle vajadus ning mida tarbitakse järjest suurenevates kogustes. Ühe sigaretiga satub organ...

Muu → Referaadid
21 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

TEKST 2. Durbin, Paul T. (1984). A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, 3. Broad Synthetic vs. Narrow Analytic. Third, one may approach science and Medicine. ­ The Free Press. pp. 217-222. (Katkendid) from a narrow analytic or a broad synthetic point of view. That is, one could see one's task as primarily dissecting various features of science to see how they look or work, or C. Frameworks for Philosophy of Science as primarily locating science within a broader framework of human activities and artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanations

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Aleksis Kivi

Haapsalu Gümnaasium Aleksis Kivi Referaat **** ***** *** **** 2010 Elulugu Aleksis Kivi, kodanikunimega Alexis Stenvall, sündis Uusimaal Nurmijärve kihelkonnas Palojoe külas 10.oktoobril 1834 Eerik Stenvalli ja Anna-Kristiina Hambergi rätsepaperekonda, kus juba enne teda oli kolm poega. Aleksise vanemad oskasid rootsi keelt, tema ise hankis sama oskuse Helsingis õppides, olles sinna kolinud 11-aastasena. Rootsi keele oskust peeti eelduseks gümnaasiumi lõpetamisel ja kirikuõpetajaks õppimisel. Tõenäoliselt rääkis Kivi oma eluajal rohkem rootsi- kui soome keelt. Abituuriumi aastal 1857 tegi Kivi nii oma elu kui ka kirjanduse seisukohalt tähtsa otsuse - temast tuli kirikuõpetaja asemel soomekeelne kirjanik. Aleksis Kivi, seda kirjanikunime kasutas ta esimest korda seoses "Kullervo" käsikirjaga 1860, ei suutnud majandus...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
25 allalaadimist


MUUSIKATERAAP IA Liis Ruben 1 Leana Stepanova 1 ÕDE II MUUSIKATERAAPIA EESTIS Eestis hakati laiemalt muusikat teraapiliselt kasutama 1980ndate teisel poolel. Eesti Muusikateraapia Ühing asutati 1990. aastal. Esimesena loovteraapiatest sai muusikateraapia akadeemilisel tasemel täienduskoolitus tuule tiibadesse 1991. aastal Tallinna Ülikoolis. 1996. aastal alustas TPÜ Psühholoogia osakonnas kaheaastane muusikateraapia lisaeriala programm, millest käesolevaks hetkeks on kujunenud Kunstide Instituudi kunstiteraapiate kõrvalaine muusikateraapia suund. 2 2 MUUSIKATERAAPIA (1) Muusikateraapia on muusika ja/või selle elementide kasutamine kvalifitseeritud muusikaterapeudi poolt kliendi või grupiga protsessis, mis on...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
47 allalaadimist

If I were an English teacher

If I were an English teacher Being a teacher is not an easy task. Teachers have many problems with students who does not know how to behave. Some of them even make fun of teachers and I find this kind of behaviour disturbing, because it is not fair that urchins have more fun in school than decent students have. Yes, teachers can throw the rebels out or punish them in other ways, but that usually agitates the students against the teacher. Firstly, I would like to say that if I were an English teacher I would variegate the

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Arvutikasutaja ergonoomika

Ergonoomika ehk ergonoomia: - On multidistsiplinaarne teadus, mis on suunatud töövahendite ja tingimuste kohandamisele vastavalt inimese vajadusele - Ergonoomia on suunatud eelkõige haiguste ennetamisele. - Oluline on ergonoomia printsiipe rakendada ka oma igapäevaellu. - Analüüsil ja lahendite leidmisel arvestatakse eelkõige inimese heaolu. Ergonoomiline arvutitöökeskkond: - töökoht, mis on kujundatud arvestades konkreetset isikut ja töö iseloomu tema tervise ning töö produktiivsuse tagamiseks. Hiirehaiguse tunnused: - käe suremistunne, eriti öösel - pakitsus sõrmedes või käes, tuimus - tunne, et sõrmed hõõguvad - käed on kanged - pöial muutub nõrgaks - on raske kätt rusikasse tõmmata - tekivad raskused esemete haaramisel ja hoidmisel - labakäsi läheb paiste või muudab värvi Kuidas ravida hiirehaigust? Ravivõtetena on kasutusel randme lahastamine nädalaks-paariks, harjutuse...

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist

The Colossus of Rhodes

ally, Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt. In 305 BC, the Antigonids of Macedonia who were also rivals of the Ptolemies, besieged Rhodes in an attempt to break the Rhodo-Egyptian alliance. They could never penetrate the city. When a peace agreement was reached in 304 BC, the Antagonids lifted the siege, leaving a wealth of military equipment behind. The Rhodians decided to express their pride by building a triumphal statue of their favourite god, Helios. The task was assigned to the sculptor Chares of Lindos, a pupil of Lysippos himself, and twelve years (from 304 to 292 BC) were needed to complete it. The Colossus of Rhodes was not only a gigantic statue. It was a symbol of unity of the people who inhabited that beautiful Mediterranean island of Rhodes. To build the statue, the workers cast the outer bronze skin parts. The base was made of white marble, and the feet and ankle of the statue were first fixed. The structure was

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

21. Sajandi juhtimine

TÄNAPÄEVA vs TRADITSIOONILINE JUHTIMISMETOOD TÄNA VAREM Tehnoloogia on abistaja Ettevõtte kultuur on põhimõtete Rõhutati tehnoloogiat kogum Hierarhiline meetod (igal osakonnal on Piiridest vaba organisatsioon juht) Töötajate oskused on väga tähtsad Pakutati vähem arenguprogrammi TÄNAPÄEVA JUHTIMISE ERILAAD ,,The main task of todays management is managing chages" Iga juht peab olema rohkem tähelepanelik töötajatele Kui töötajatele midagi ei meeldi, tal on õigus kohe ettevõttest lahkuda Kaasaegne maailm pidevalt kiireneb TULEVIKUS Organisatsioonides hakatakse otsima viise, kuidas muuta inimeste tööviise nii, et töökogemus oleks nauditavam Töö eesmärki teadvustatakse rohkem

Majandus → Juhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Geneetiliselt muundatud organismid

SISSEJUHATUS Geneetiliselt muundatud organismide (GMO) kasutamine põllumajanduses tähendab paljude poliitikute, ärimeeste ja teadlaste arvates põllumajanduse jõudmist uude etappi, mis võimaldaks lahendada mitmeid tsivilisatsiooni arengu käigus tekkinud probleeme, eelkõige maailma rahvastiku suurenemisest tulenevat näljahäda. Samas on geneetiliselt muundatud taimede kasvatamine esimese 10 aasta jooksul näidanud, et nende kultuuride laialdane levik toob endaga kaasa mitmeid keskkonna-, tervise- ja sotsiaal-majanduslikke riske. Eeldusel, et GMO-d kujutavad endast teatud riski, on oluline hinnata, kui suur peab olema nendest saadav kasu, mis kaaluks üles riskid ning muudaks mõistlikuks muundkultuuride kasutamise põllumajanduses, toidus jm toodetes. Õiguslik regulatsioon peaks siinkohal olema teatud konsensuse või tasakaalu leidmise fikseerimise punktiks, mis näitab, millistel tingimustel on GMO-de kasutamine ja kasvatamine täna ühiskonna p...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
129 allalaadimist


Vedelkristallid (liquid crystals) Kadri Nutt Jaanika Siimets 10D Ajalugu · 1888 Friedrich Reinizer: kolesterüülbensoaadil on "kaks sulamistäppi" · 1904 Otto Lehmann avaldas klassikalise töö "Vedelkristallid" · 1960ndad töötati välja tsüanobifenüül vedelkristallid ­ põhimõttelt sobilikud LCD ekraanidele. · 1969 avastati väändnemaatiline efekt (Twisted Nematic Effect), mis on aluseks kõigile tänapäeva LCD ekraanidele. Omadused · Struktuur: · Kaugkorrapära · Ained, mille oma- puudub dused on vedelike ja · Samas on molekulide kristallide vahepeal. orientatsioonil lähi- · Kõrgematel temperatuuridel korrapära kaotavad nad oma · Ained, mis kristallilise struktuuri. moodustavad · Voolab vedelike vedelkristalle nim. laadselt ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
20 allalaadimist


symbolizing the freedom of the republic of Florence. Michelangelo truly had achieved fame as an artist, and his talent became sought after by Pope Julius II, who asked him to go on a very artistic ship-journey, a commission to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Vatican. At first, Michelangelo, who had been busy painting frescos in Pope Julius' tomb, refused his descendant's request, feeling that the undertaking of such a monumental task would take him away from sculpturing but the Pope insisted, and his word prevailed. Ironically, Michelangelo's work on the chapel ceiling broadened from the original request, which called for twelve paintings. Instead, he covered the entire ceiling with over 300 figures. The next big project for Michelangelo was to paint the altar wall by Pope Clement VII, shortly before his death. The fresco in question was that of The Last Judgment, a vivid rendition of the Apocalypse and of Heaven and Hell

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Friends with benefits

Gluck. The main caracters are Jamie Rellis (Mila Kunis) and Dylan Harper (Justin Timberlake). It was made in Castle Rock Entertainment, Zucker Productions and Olive Bridge Productions. The film was released July 22, 2011 and is 109 minutes long. Jamie is an executive recruiter for a leading job agency in New York City and Dylan works as an art director for a small internet company in Los Angeles. Jamie has the task of trying to recruit Dylan to interview for a job with GQ magazine and begin working in New York City. Dylan comes to New York and after interviewing for the position learns from Jamie that he has been given an offer to work for GQ. At first Dylan is hesitant to accept and move from Los Angeles to New York, but in an effort to get Dylan to accept the job Jamie spends the evening taking him around the city trying to sell him on the opportunity and the city.

Filmikunst → Film
4 allalaadimist

Advertising has a bad influence on children

commercials. Parents should teach to their children the importance and value of money. Also they should talk about how to become less influenced by the messages in the ads and how to be critical of ads. Parents should also set limits for example how long kids can watch TV or play on the computer. In conclusion, I think that advertising has bad influence when parents do not look what their kids are watching from TV or from Internet. On the other hand it is our task to not let us and our children to get affected by the advertisements.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhikooli eksam 2010 lugemise osa.

Põhikooli inglise keele eksam 2010 LUGEMINE Task 1 (5 points) Read the notices below and tick ( )the correct answer A, B , C , or D. An example (0) has been done for you. 0. Hotel. Free parking at rear. A You can park next to the hotel. B You can park in front of the hotel. C You can park under the hotel. D Y ou can park behind the hotel. 1. A You can buy a Niagara Falls Coffee mug if you have this voucher. B Many souvenirs are 20% cheaper with this voucher. C All souvenirs are 20% cheaper with this voucher. D You will get a coffee mug 20% cheaper with this voucher. 2. Summer Clearance today! Up to 30 % off many items. A After the sale many items will cost 30% less. B All items are 30% cheaper today. C All items will be 30% cheaper this summer. D Some items are 30% cheaper today. 3. This film is unsuitable for children under 16. A You cannot watch films until you are 16. B T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Erialane lingikogu

Erialane lingikogu 1. Nõud 2.Riided 3.Tööriistad 4.Retseptid 5.Toiduained 6.Koht, kus heameelega tööd teeks! 7. Seadmed. 1.Nõud- %C3%B5ud&page=1501&lang=eng&sel=36 Sooviks potti. Sooviks panni. Sooviks pannilabidat. Sooviks erinevaid GN-nõusid. Sooviks visplit. 2.Riided- Sooviks kokajakki. Sooviks kokapükse. Sooviks kokamütsi. Sooviks kokajalanõusid. Sooviks kokapõlle. 3.Tööriistad. %C3%B6%C3%B6riistad1 Sooviks supikulp...

Toit → Kokandus
9 allalaadimist

Nahkade töötlemine ettekanne

Urmas Niklus Kalakasvatus II Ajalugu Naha kasutamine ulatub inimkonna algusaegadesse. Eelajaloolised inimesed kasutasid loomanahku kaitsvate rõivaesemetena. Kuna toores nahk roiskub kiiresti, kuivades muutub aga kõvaks, tõmbub kokku ja murdub, on kasutatava naha saamiseks vaja teda töödelda. Aja möödudes õppis inimene kasutama paremaid tööriistu ja meetodeid naha vastupidavuse suurendamiseks. Esimesed nahkade parkijad olid egiptlased. Toornahkade jaotamine 1)Väiksed toornahad Veiste väikesed nahad Hobuse väikesed nahad Lambanahad Kitsenahad Jänesed ja väikesed närilised. 2) Suured toornahad Veisenahad Hobusenahad Sea toornahad Enne konserveerimist Enne konserveerimist tuleb nahad: Korrastada Leotada Sõnnik eemaldada Pesta Kõlutustada Sorteerida ja kaaluda Konserveerimisviisid On olemas neli konserveerimise viisi: - õhuga kuivatamine - märgsoolamine - kuivsoolamine - happega soolamine - kuivatamine ...

Põllumajandus → Lihatehnoloogia
20 allalaadimist

Olde Hansa


Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Heeliumi andmed, kasutusalad ja ohtlikkus

Pelgulinna Gümnaasium Heelium Koostaja: Iida-Mai Einmaa Juhendaja: Anna Perova Tallinn 2011 Andmed Heeliumi suhteline tihedus gaasina on 0, 14. Suhteline tihedus vedelikuna on 0,12. Sulamis temperatuur on -270ºC ja keemis temperatuur on -269ºC. Lahustuvus vees on 1,5mg/l. Ühest liitrist vedelast heeliumist saab umbes 740 liitrit gaasilist heeliumi. 5l heeliumiballoonist jätkub gaasi 75 keskmise suurusega õhupalli täitmiseks. Looduses leidub heeliumi õhus, paljudes radioaktiivsetes mineraalides, maagaasis ning mõnedes kuumaveeallikates. Tööstuslikult saadakse heeliumi kõrvaltootena maagaasi puhastamisel. Avastamine Heeliumi avastas 1868.aastal J. Jaanssen ning temast sõltumatult J. N.Loukger ja E.Frankland. Heelium avastati Päikeselt. Heeliumi...

Keemia → Keemia
9 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

are a part of street culture, like words. Play the recording twice. Just think about the convenience of fashion and music. It's very difficult shopping online. Another advantage Writing to change because it's engulfed is that you don't have to queue to · Read through and discuss the task the whole world. And I know I can't pay, like you often do in shops. I together, then refer students to the change the world. But if you can know my mum in particular likes Writing Bank for guidance. Students convince one neighbour and then this aspect of shopping online. plan an article to be written at home another, you can make your area a She orders all her groceries on the or in class

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Story about English Humor

I find it absolutely ridiculous that people who cannot think right and are not capable to work in such a public places have to have all the same rights that normal people have. And also do the same things as the normal people can do. Every one of us sees that it is quite inconceivable. But my opinion does not count, life will still be the same. As a matter of fact I have to say that just watching the videos for fun and entertainment, then they completed their task. But if to take better look "inside" that fun, then it is quite frustrating. Let's just hope that life in Britain will change someday and the laughter will teach them how to live their life right.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 15

(not have) 2 Last night I heard my neighbour´s dog barking and went over to the window to see what was going on in the yard. (hear; go) 3 I Couldn´t open the door because somebody naughty had done something to the lock (do) 4 I met Tom in the cafeteria yesterday but I haven´t talked him today. (meet; no talk) 5 Did you notice what Mary was doing when you entered the room? (notice; enter) 4 You are going to hear a talk about famous writer J. R. R. Tolkien. Read the task below. You will have 45 seconds to do so. Listen to the talk and tick () the right answer. Then listen again and chech your answers. 1 Tolkien´s father was ... a) Scottish. b) English ... c) African. 2 Tolkien´s father ... a) returned to England with his wife and two sons. ... b) became Tolkien´s friend when his mother died.

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Rooside väetamine

KOOL Eriala Nimi REFERAAT ROOSIDE VÄETAMINE Referaat väetusõpetuses Juhendaja: Nimi Asukoht 2009 SISUKORD SISUKORD......................................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS .............................................................................................................3 1. ROOSIDE VÄETAMISE .....................................................................................4 1.1 Väetamine spetsiaalsete roosiväetistega ..............................................................4 1.2 Väetamine orgaaniliste ja mineraalväetistega......................................................7 KOKKUVÕTE ................................................................................................................9 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD...............................

Põllumajandus → Väetusõpetus
35 allalaadimist


Tallinna 32. Keskkool Tsingis-khaan uurimustöö Autor: Airon Fingling Juhendaja: Heiki Haljasorg 2011 Sisukord: lk Sissejuhatus 3 Tsingis-khaani algus aastad 3 2-8 Tsingis-khaani vallutus retked 3 Tsingis-khaani surm 4 Tsingis-khaani mauseloleom 4 Tsingis-khaani matusekoha legendid ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

veryattractive our friends find it dark and feel shut in when thev lwouldn't liketoliveintherockhousebecauseit mustgetverycold. first visit,but they soonget usedto it!" 6 c. Explain the task Playthe cassetteSsdo the exercise CheckSs'answers Reading: mu iple choice; matching prompts to elementsrnth text AnswerKey(See overprinted

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

veryattractive our friends find it dark and feel shut in when thev lwouldn't liketoliveintherockhousebecauseit mustgetverycold. first visit,but they soonget usedto it!" 6 c. Explain the task Playthe cassetteSsdo the exercise CheckSs'answers Reading: mu iple choice; matching prompts to elementsrnth text AnswerKey(See overprinted

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

veryattractive our friends find it dark and feel shut in when thev lwouldn't liketoliveintherockhousebecauseit mustgetverycold. first visit,but they soonget usedto it!" 6 c. Explain the task Playthe cassetteSsdo the exercise CheckSs'answers Reading: mu iple choice; matching prompts to elementsrnth text AnswerKey(See overprinted

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

veryattractive our friends find it dark and feel shut in when thev lwouldn't liketoliveintherockhousebecauseit mustgetverycold. first visit,but they soonget usedto it!" 6 c. Explain the task Playthe cassetteSsdo the exercise CheckSs'answers Reading: mu iple choice; matching prompts to elementsrnth text AnswerKey(See overprinted

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Lebel and the Jackal

succeeds. The Jackal was known in the book under many names, such as Alexander Duggan, Per Jensen, Marty Schulberg, Andre Martin and Charles Calthrop. That shows that he was indeed a very clever man, he saw everything coming and thought ahead. He was very assured and he knew, what he was doing, he had it all figured out on his mind. He was, as a human, actually quite nice to some people, but he could not let anyone to interrupt his task, otherwise he killed them. The Jackal had to make many difficult decisions during the hunt, what were a matter of life and death and he always chose the one, which let him live. I think that in his private life he was very handsome and gentlemanlike. He tried not to link his private life and work, but in one case he did and that nearly cost his life. The Jackal's personality was doubled - first was what he was like at work and the other in his normal life, the last one is based on my opinion

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Ruusa Põhikool Toomingas referaat 10.05.10 koostaja: Aigar Konsing juhendaja: Inga Ennok Toomingas Toomingas on mitmeaastane heitlehine lehtpuu , tihedas metsas kasvab sageli põõsakujulisena . Toomingas võib kasvada kuni 16m kõrguseks. Toomingaõied Toominga õied paiknevad 10-12cm pikkustes rippuvates kobarates. Valged, tugeva uimastava lõhnaga õied on viietised kellukja õiepõhjaga . Toomingas õitseb mai lõpul ja juuni algul. Toomingalehed Toominga lehed on toomingal piklikelliptilised terava tipuga, teravsaagja servaga, sulgroodsed vahelduvad lihtlehed. Toominga Lehed on paljad, veidi kortsulised, pealt tumerohelised, alt helerohelised 4-10 cm pikad ja 2-6cm laiad. Leheroots kuni 1,5 cm pikk, punakas ja lehelaba lähedal kahe suure tumepunase näärme...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

The statue of Zeus at Olympia

C. This temple followed a design used on many large Grecian temples. Though the temple was considered one of the best examples of the Doric design, it was decided that the temple alone was too simple to be worthy of the King of the gods. To remedy this, a statue was commissioned for the inerior – a magnificent statue of Zeus that would become one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The sculptor chosen for this great task was a man named Phidias.He began working on the statue around 440 B.C. When the stature was completed, it barely fitted in the temple. The first archaeological work on the Olympia site was done by group of French Scientists in 1829.They were able to locate the outlines of the temple and found the fragments of the sculpture.The fragments ate still on display today at the Louvre.The next expedition, that came form Germany in 1875, worked at Olympia for five summers

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

TV violence, Essee

Sometimes some people want to imitate even those scenes where someone suffers serious harm or even dies. For example, two young children watched Tom & Jerry and they saw a scene where Jerry drummed a pan into a Tom’s head. They also tried it out, but this led to the sister’s death. Several things can be done to avoid the bad impressions caused by the violent programs. Firstly, you can forbid your children to watch violent programs. However, this isn’t easy task at all, because forbidding children will make them very curious. Another thing to mention is that if possible, parents should watch TV with their children and talk with them about what they have seen. Young children are often unable to separate reality from TV shows. Finally, parents can use a V-chip in some countries, for example in the USA. The V chip is a device that can block transmission of violent programs into homes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Biokütused- kas lahendus energiaprobleemile või toidupuuduse põhjustaja? Maailma rahvastik seisab raskete valikute ees- rahvaarv üha kasvab, kuid taastumatud maapõuevarad vähenevad. Inimkond on valikute ees, kuidas toota ökoloogiliselt, kuid rohkem, et rahuldada suureneva elanikkonna vajadusi. Kõige rohkem muret valmistavad fossiilsed kütused, kuna nende varud ei taastu. Ammugi oleks aeg lõpetada kilekottide liigne kasutamine, kuna pakendite valmistamiseks saab tarvitada odavamid tooraineid kui nafta. Paberkotid on palju loodusesõbralikumad. Fossiilse energia kasutamisel tekivad jäägid (CO2), mis põhjustavad kliima muutusi. Viimasel ajal on hakatud rohkem mõtlema biokütustele. Eestis on selleks palju võimalusi, kuna meil on söötis põlde ja ohtralt võsa. Põldudel saaks kasvatada mitmesuguseid taimi, mis annaks võimaluse Eesti põllumeestele tootmise suurendamiseks. Taimekasvatus hoiab ...

Loodus → Keskkonnaökoloogia
15 allalaadimist

The Lord of the Rings Short Summary

As they travel, the Black Riders of Sauron pursue them. The Black Riders are bodiless horsemen who want the Ring. The travelers meet up with Aragorn, a friend of Gandalf, and together they continue their journey with the aid of some new companions. Gandalf leads the companions through the mines of Moria. Gandalf battles a dreadful spirit and falls into an abyss. Aragorn becomes the leader. After many small battles, the company realizes their task will be very difficult. They meet Lady Galadriel, of the elves, and are given some assistance. Boromir, a representative from Gondor, tries to persuade Frodo to give him the Ring to take to his father and thus defeat their enemies. Frodo refuses and the two men fight. Frodo must use the Ring to escape Boromir. Boromir is instantly sorry he has been overcome by the allure of power. Frodo decides to travel alone, fearful of the consequences of his friends being corrupted. Only faithful

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Microsoft FrontPage has been removed from the Office suite entirely. It ha been replaced by Microoft harePoint Deigner, which i aimed toward development of harePoint portal. It couin Microoft Expreion Web is tergeted for general weeb development. However, the latter i not a part of the Microoft Office uite. Recently, the rebbon has been emplemented en Mecrosoft Offece 2007 where Mecrosoft refers to et as the Offece Fluent Rebbon[1] and replaces menus, teelbars and many task panes. However, et es claemed that the concept has been around much longer, en applecateons such as Lotus 1-2-3.[cetateon needed] Mecrosoft claems that thes well consoledate all the related functeonalety en one place and hence emprove usabelety. The rebbon es a pane that contaens controls (such as buttons and econs) that are organezed ento a set of tabs, each one contaeneng a groupeng of relevant commands. Each applecateon

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Vastupidavus spordis

Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium Vastupidavus Katriin Saar Juhendaja: Elen Viikmann 2015 Vastupidavus spordis Vastupidavus on võime säilitada vajalikku töö intensiivsuse taset pika aja vältel, olles tähtis nendel spordialadel, kus töö kestus on üle ühe minuti, näiteks kiirkõnd, pikamaa jooks, rattasõit, aeroobika, sõudmine, suusatamine, ujumine, korvpall, jalgpall, triatlon. Hea vastupidavuse tase on organismile hea tervise ja töövõime üks tähtsamaid eeldusi, samuti aitab pikendada meie eluiga. Vastupidavustreening arendab ka tahtejõudu ja tugevdab psüühikat. Vastupidavust jaotatakse, kas tavaliseks (üldiseks) ning ka spetsiaalseks ehk erialaseks. Üldine vastupidavus on keha poolt võime teha möödukat tööd lihastega. Spetsiifiline aga seevastu on võistlemisel ja tugeval treen...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
18 allalaadimist

Weather forecast

Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist. Every morning after arriving at the TV studios, the first task of the day is to collect the latest data from the National Meteorological Office. This office provides up-to-the-minute information about weather conditions throughout the day, both in Britain and around the world. The information is very detailed and includes predictions, satellite and radar pictures, as well as more technical data. After gathering all the relevant material from this office, the forecaster has to translate the scientific terminology and maps into images and words which

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Monologue

You are expected to express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. Interact naturally with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications. Be logical and clear, paraphrase successfully. Your vocabulary should be precise and appropriate, as well as the register. Use a VARIETY of simple and complex grammatical structures as appropriate. Your monologue can be structured as following: 1. Introduction: state the topic (the conviction held). Recite the task. 2. Developing arguments with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications: - an account for such belief Here you are supposed to speculate about the reasons for holding the conviction: - It's difficult to say exactly why some people think so but I suppose it could be... - I'm not sure but they might think so... - It can/must be because... - student's own point of view (supporting statements to the opinion)

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist

Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon (ÜRO)

See tähendab, et Eesti pole enam post-sotsialismi tingimustes ajutiselt abivajav riik ning orienteerub senisest paremini abi ja kogemuste andja rollis. Tulevikunägemuses peaks Eesti suutma pakkuda abi neile, kes seda vajavad - kui mitte alati rahalist, siis oma teadmisi ja oskusi (know-how-d). Eesti andis oma panuse ka rahvusvahelise julgeoleku kindlustamisele, jätkates osalemist ÜRO rahuvalveoperatsioonides ­ ÜRO politseijõududes Bosnias (United Nations International Police Task Force - UNIPTF) ja ÜRO sõjalises vaatlusmissioonis Lähis-Idas (UNTSO). ÜRO eesmärgid vastavalt organisatsiooni põhikirjale on alljärgnevad: · Tagada rahvusvaheline rahu ja julgeolek; · Arendada riikidevahelisi sõbralikke suhteid; · Saavutada rahvusvaheline koostöö rahvusvaheliste majandus-, sotsiaal-, kultuuriliste ja humanitaarprobleemide lahendamisel; · Inimõiguste järgimise edendamine maailmas. Põhimõtted, millest ÜRO oma tegevuses lähtub:

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
8 allalaadimist

Reporti kirjutamine

... Three out of 20 students...... The general tendency is .... However/ On the one/other hand.... C. CONCLUSION- sum up the body paragraphs and if you are asked to give your opinion, do so in the conclusion. phrases to use To sum up, it can be said ...... In conclusion we can say..... In general..... On balance, it seems that... Sample task: Write a report describing the changes in the number of pupils in Simuvere Gymnasium over the period of ten years from 1989-1998. Give reasons for the changes. Use the data from the bar chart and the notes below. (150-200 words) Notes: 1988-1989 baby boom 1990 two nearby schools closed 1997 the local dairy closed 1998 high unemployment, population getting older Sample answer: This report will describe the changes in the number of students in Simuvere

Keeled → Inglise keel
1027 allalaadimist


Both Europe and asia are growth areas, with businesses increasing their use of the internet and people would apparently rather buy things online if they can order in their own language.It has been predicted that by 2003 only one third of the internet users will be speakers of english. As a result, companies wanting to reach world markets are beginning to realise that they will have to translate their websites for their various customers.However,creating a multilingual website is not an easy task. Companies wishing to translate their sites for different markets basically face both tehnical and linguistic problems. They are unable to use automated translation system, which already exist in the market, simply because the quality is not good enough for proffesional use.Businesses all over the world are now faced with this huge challenge.Moreover, translating websites is only the beginning.Customers with questions or problem will need to discuss matters in their own

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun