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"ideas" - 383 õppematerjali

ideas on the nature of multiuniversum Ideid multiuniversumi olemusest Research paper

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

Reformation Henry was confermed catholic, didn´t accept Protestantis from Netherlands. Title Fidei defensor. He wanted to devorce from his wife, bc they didn´t have a male heir. Pope was against it. The Reformation in England meant a break from Rome. Henry became the supreme head of the Anglican church Fidei Defensor Means defender of the faith. Given to Henry VIII by Pope Leo X in 1521. Henry was against Martin Luther´s ideas and protestantism. However, Henry broke with Rome, to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon and established hismelf the The Church of England Supreme head Cardinal Wolsey Cardinal and statesman, Henry VIII´s chancellor, archbishop of York. Efficient aministrator both for the Crown and the church. Henry VIII delegated more state business to him, he was asked to use his influence in Rome to get a papal annulment for the divorce

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Yet there were no methodical materials for teaching sustainability in kindergartens. The target of current thesis was to create such a methodical material for kindergarten teachers for teaching sustainability and the principes of community to 6-7-year old children. The thesis was based mainly on the theoretical works of: Lovelock (1979), Sahtouris (1999), Timoštšuk (2005, 2010), Cohen (1985), Delanty (2009), Bauman (2001), Brügge, Glanz & Sandell (2008). In order to find ideas for methodical material, an empirical survey I using the method of participateory observation and unstructured interview was conducted in 3 biggest European ecovillages (Damanhur, Sieben Linden ja Tamera) and their kindergartens and in 3 comparable organisations in Estonia (Community of Lilleoru, Rosma waldorfkindergarten and in 1 municipal kindergarten „Pallipõnn” in Tallinn). Empirical suvery I was carried out from february to march 2010-2012

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist

Antropoloogia Teooria I eksam

konfliktide erinevaid vorme). 1939-1941: antropoloogia assistent Rhodes-Livingstone'i instituudis. (esimene antropoloogiliste uurimistööde instituut Briti koloniaal-Aafrikas, et uurida Euroopa tsivilisatsiooni mõju Aafrika põliselanikele,asutaja Godfrey Wilson) 1941-1947: RLI direktor Jätkas välitööd Barotsemaal Lozide juures - uuris nende hõimuühiskonna kohtuprotsesse The Judical Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia (1955) The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence (1965) 1947. Oxfordi õpetama 1949. Manchesteri ülikoolis esimeseks antropoloogia proffessoriks Lõi antropoloogias Manchesteri koolkonna Peamised ideed: Kriitiline kolonialistliku ideoloogia ja rassismi suhtes Kritiseeris Malinowski ideed, et 'sotsiaalne muutus tuleneb kultuurikontaktist' Eitas ka funktsionalistlikke seisukohti, et Aafrika ühiskonnad on olemuselt stabiilsed

Antropoloogia → Kultuurantropoloogia
69 allalaadimist

Valerie Preston-Dunlop

Valerie Preston ­Dunlop (10.-11. 04.2007 Tallinn) METACHOREOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (hõlmab kogu tantsukunsti uurimist tervikuna) ETHNOCHOREOLOGY (etnose, rahvaga seotud tantsuloome) ARCHCIOHOREOLOGY (koreograafilised nn.väljakaevamised, vanade tööde taastamine, n. ,,Kevadpühitsus", ,,Fauni pärastlõuna" taastamine säilinud kirjutiste või muude materjalide alusel jne., ka folkloorne materjal) Grammar and Synthax (art of forms, mental, emotional contact, ideas)- grammatika ja lauseõpetus, uurib tantsuvorme, vaimset ja emotsionaalset sidet loomingu ja selle autoritevahel, loojate ideid. CHOREUTICS (spacial forms, grammar on what they are based of) EUKENETICS (study of rythms, dynamics, frazing) Polyrythmic movements (rythmic in the legs, the other rythm in the arms) Body is not just a flesh ­ political, gender etc. Cathegories TRIADIE PERCEPTION ­ tekib - performer, choreographer, audience suhtest. In post-modern world CREATIVE PERFORMER PR...

Tants → Koreograafia
28 allalaadimist

Liikumispuuetega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel

of the infrastructure. Master Thesis empirical part was originally planned to carry out the questionnaire using the convenience sample. However, when searching for the target group showed that the number of suitable candidates is limited. People who spend their free time 2 on the beach for a swim, it is hard to find.I had to decide in favor of the interviews. I was carried out three interviews. I drafted the transcription and analysis of important ideas and brought them out. The author makes the following suggestions for improvement. The first they have to maintain and improve the road and bring them in line with regulatory standards. Another important proposition is to improve the accessibility of the toilet, reconstruct the ramps. Install fencing in accordance with the standards. Finally the author does propose to investigate for further the possibility of using floating wheelchairs.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
18 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

on the variousstructuresExplainthat we use: usuallydoesthevacuuming. Mysrster both,as well as,besidesand o/so to link similar Mymumdoesmostof thecleaning. ideas,whereaswe use:although,whereas, but and . As an extension,choosea leaderHe/She mimesone however to linkopposingideas. o S sm a k er n s e n t e n c eC s h e c kt h a t 5 su s et h e try to guess

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

on the variousstructuresExplainthat we use: usuallydoesthevacuuming. Mysrster both,as well as,besidesand o/so to link similar Mymumdoesmostof thecleaning. ideas,whereaswe use:although,whereas, but and . As an extension,choosea leaderHe/She mimesone however to linkopposingideas. o S sm a k er n s e n t e n c eC s h e c kt h a t 5 su s et h e try to guess

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

on the variousstructuresExplainthat we use: usuallydoesthevacuuming. Mysrster both,as well as,besidesand o/so to link similar Mymumdoesmostof thecleaning. ideas,whereaswe use:although,whereas, but and . As an extension,choosea leaderHe/She mimesone however to linkopposingideas. o S sm a k er n s e n t e n c eC s h e c kt h a t 5 su s et h e try to guess

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

on the variousstructuresExplainthat we use: usuallydoesthevacuuming. Mysrster both,as well as,besidesand o/so to link similar Mymumdoesmostof thecleaning. ideas,whereaswe use:although,whereas, but and . As an extension,choosea leaderHe/She mimesone however to linkopposingideas. o S sm a k er n s e n t e n c eC s h e c kt h a t 5 su s et h e try to guess

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

important concern. each picture, comparing/contrasting worn by its operator. I've even got a them rather than just describing patent for it. I never imagined I could 5 Students' own answers them. If necessary, in a weaker produce such a clever invention. class, brainstorm ideas about both The biggest challenge was with the 2G Essay: for and against pictures before starting. Students design. My interest in science was page 18 work in pairs to do the task. sparked while I was at grammar 1 1 c on the contrary Reading school. We had a very enthusiastic

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

A New Earth

Is humanity more ready now than at the time of those early teachers? Why should this be so? What can you do, if anything, to bring about or accelerate this inner shift? What is it that characterizes the old egoic state of consciousness, and by what signs is the new emerging consciousness recognized? These and other essential questions will be addressed in this book. More important, this book itself is a transformational device that has come out of the arising new consciousness. The ideas and concepts presented here may be important, but they are secondary. They are no more than signposts pointing toward awakening. As you read, a shift takes place within you. This book’s main purpose is not to add new information or beliefs to your mind or to try to convince you of anything, but to bring about a shift in consciousness; that is to say, to awaken. In that sense, this book is not “interesting”. Interesting means you can keep your distance, play around

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Translucent turquoise water. I should really go back to I wonder what time it is in Thailand. But ... why is there a mangy German shepherd on my beach? Orange collar. That makes no sense. Kind of looks like John's dog. Actually, I owe John a call. F*ck. Did I put his birthday party in the calendar? Birthdays and clowns. Clowns?! Why the hell am I thinking about clowns?!?" And so my internal monologue continues until 3:00, 4:00, or even 6:00 A.M., rotating through images, ideas, commitments, anxieties, and fantasies. This mental slide show is combined with perverse sleep yoga: sometimes the twisted- into-a- pretzel posture, sometimes lying on my back like Dracula in mock-paralysis, and always ending in the fetal position with a pillow or arm between my knees. Fetal position never works, but I continue to try it, like a full-bladdered dog scratching at a door that never opens. I have insomnia. Horrific "onset" insomnia. My father and my brother are the same

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Filosoofia SH

Inimesel on olemuslik vajadus veendumuse (usu) järele s.t. mõtete ja harjumuste kindla kogumi järele. Kahtlus röövib inimeselt eesmärgi, ta on desorienteeritud. *) Kahtlusi on võimalik mitmeti ületada: :) Põgeneda isolatsiooni, sulgeda end ärritavale probleemile. :) Apelleerida kõrgemale autoriteedile ­ mõnele parteile või kirikule. :) Klammerduda mõne aktsiomaatilise põhimõtte või mõne aprioorse filosoofia külge -) "How to Make Your Ideas Clear" ­ ta andis näpunäite, mille James hiljem Peirci printsiibiks nimetab. Mõtlemisel on praktiline iseloom. Mõiste kindlat tähendust saab kindlaks teha vaid katsetades ­ millist praktilist tulemust see kujutlus inimese teadvuses esile kutsub. * Ta uskus, et tõde on arvamus, mille saatuseks on saada kõigi uurijate omaks. Teadmine on kollektiivne ja pidevalt revideeritav. William James * William James (1842 ­1910) - õppis Prantsusmaal. Seejärel õpetas aga kuni surmani

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
39 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

hand over a 3D model or 2D drawings, the main question is, does the design team know where all the steel is: elevators, floor openings, roof openings, edge of concrete. When the design drawings are found to be incomplete or inaccurate, the detailing process cannot run smoothly – production becomes inefficient and fragmented. One way how BIM attempts to address this issue, is by bringing different project participants together earlier, letting them influence each other by sharing ideas and offering input during preconstruction. As was illustrated by the Seattle Central Library, there needs to be a clear understanding as to what the design team is going to provide. Architects have been reluctant to accept the increased risk without proper compensation. BIM creates a considerable up front cost and a there needs to be a clear commitment from the owner to accept that. Despite the fact that in recent years several computer hardware producers have released

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

124 Collective nouns may be used with either singular or plural verbs. If the group members are all acting together as one, use a singular verb. If the members of the group are acting as individuals, use a plural verb. The audience are laughing. The band is playing. Singular That family has moved to Texas. The team is coached by Mr. Clark. Plural The family were giving their opinions. The team are sharing new ideas. Our team has won. m ar H am Gr elp Some plural nouns, such as people, cattle, police, don't end with -s. Always use a plural verb with these nouns. For example: People like to be praised. The cattle are in the field. The police have caught the thief.

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

*The New Model Army - was created by Parliament as it felt that a professional army would be more successful against the King's army. It was a military unit that was to transform the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell was put in charge of the cavalry. It was a military force based on a person's ability rather than on your position within society. If you were good enough, you could be an officer in it. This removal of this social obstacle meant that the New Model Army was open to new ideas and social class meant nothing. The horses were the key to the success of the Army as an attack by an unit of them was based on speed. Discipline was strict and the training was thorough. *Marston Moor 1644, Naseby 1645 ­ The Battle of Marston Moor was fought during the First English Civil War. The combined forces of the Scotts and the Parliamentarians defeated the Royalists. After their defeat the Royalists effectively abandoned the north of England. Not

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Keskaja filosoofia

· Albert Suur · 354 - 430 Albertus Magnus · Üldiselt · u. 1206 -1280 · Augustinuse mõttetöös leiab tõusev kristlik kultuur · Üldist oma esimese kõrgfilosoofilise väljenduse. · Entsüklopeedilise harituse tõttu on teda nimetatud · Ta on "kristliku filosoofia" rajaja. ka "doctor universal'iseks". · Elu ja töö · Tema puhul on tegemist ühe suurejoonelisema · "Sa oled meid enese suunas loonud, ja rahutu on katsega ühendada üksikteadmisi ja kreeka meie süda, kuni see rahu leiab Sinus." filosoofiat. Confessiones. · Üldist · Augustinus kirjeldab oma "Pihtimustes" ( 13 · Albert kommenteerib ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
59 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 2. Pp. Kanis, H. Design relevance of usage centered studies at odds with their scientific status? Contemporary Ergonomics. M. A. Hanson (ed.). 1998. Taylor & Francis. Pp. 577-581. Kanis, H. Validity as panacea? From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 7. Pp. 234-236. Kinoe, Y., Mori, H., Sugita, N., Hayashi, Y. Intelligent support for developing latent relationships among ideas, a methodology based on genetic programming. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 5. Pp. 193-195. Kirchner, J.-H. European standards concerning ergonomics. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 2. Pp. 367-369. Kivistö-Rahnastö, J. New European machine safety regulations: practical evidences in design. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 3. Pp. 336338- Konz, S. Work Design: Industrial Ergonomics. 3rd ed

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist

Heiki Vilep ja uusim lastekirjandus

The main prototypes for Heiki Vilep's characters are his children. His stories are mainly addressed to children 5-10 years of age but they are also provide a pleasant reading for adults. Vilep's literature is always printed in capital letters in order to be more accessible for children who are learning to read. Heiki Vilep's books are written from a child's viewpoint. He uses childish language and naïve style. In his poetry the important facets are the ideas and moods not experiments in rhyme and rhythm. Heiki Vilep is an author who has had considerable influence over development of Estonian children's literature scene. Humorous contents and attractive packaging appeals to children who may have previously shunned reading. I would like to express the hope that with this thesis I have managed to analyse and record the development of one of the Estonia's future children's literature classic authors.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
69 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

DAMIS No, I must end this paltry fellow's plots, And he shall hear from me a truth or two. DORINE So ho! Go slow now. Just you leave the fellow-- Your father too--in your step-mother's hands. She has some influence with this Tartuffe, He makes a point of heeding all she says, And I suspect that he is fond of her. Would God 'twere true!--'Twould be the height of humour Now, she has sent for him, in your behalf, To sound him on this marriage, to find out What his ideas are, and to show him plainly What troubles he may cause, if he persists In giving countenance to this design. His man says, he's at prayers, I mustn't see him, But likewise says, he'll presently be down. So off with you, and let me wait for him. DAMIS I may be present at this interview. DORINE No, no! They must be left alone. DAMIS I won't So much as speak to him. DORINE Go on! We know you And your high tantrums. Just the way to spoil things! Be off. DAMIS

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Filosoofia p?eriood

1 FILOSOOFIA AJALOO PÕHIPERIOODID JA PÕHIJOONED Filosoofia püüab väljendada väljendamatut; mis on teadmiste piiride taga. On vihje, et kusagil on tõde. Mõtteteadus - elu liigub mõtte jõul edasi. Kui mõte on loid, siis nii liigub ka elu. Filosoofias on erinevaid vaateviise ühele ja samale asjale. Filosoofia lätteks on kõrgem uudishimu, mis Vanas-Kreekas liikus kahes suunas: 1)Joonia koolkond (praeguse Türgi, Väike-Aasia rannik) - esitatakse küsimus asjade algusest (arhe); 2)Sofistide ajastu - neid ei huvita asjade algus, nende mõtete keskmes oli inimene (antropos). Need kaks suunda võttis kokku suur Kreeka filosoof Platon. Ta leiab, et tarkus voolab mõlemast allikast - maailmast ja me endi sügavusest. Platon esitab filosoofia 3 põhiküsimust: 1)Mis on tõene?; 2)Mis on hea? (eetikaküsimus); 3)Mis on ilus? (esteetika). Immanuel Kant on viimane suur valgustaja, suur kriitik. Immanuel Kant sõnastab 4 küsimust: 1)Mida ma võin tead...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
38 allalaadimist

Kriminaalse käitumise vallandaja: keskkond või geneetika

 people see strong connection between aggression and temperament;  almost quarter to people didn’t know any diseases that could be connected with criminal behavior;  people see possibilities to stop any kind of criminal behavior. This research was a very interesting challenge to the author and while doing the research, she got new questions and problems that she would like to work on. Among those intersting problems and questions the possible answers gave ideas that could be used and put to use in another research work. 95

Psühholoogia → Käitumine ja etikett
27 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

In fact, he had to raise the offer twice, to $300 and then $500, before he got any volunteers. I was reading your book at the time, and I realized that, although he got his laugh, according to the contrast principle, he screwed up. He'd arranged things so that compared to $10,000, a couple hundred bucks seemed like a pittance. That was an expensive laugh. It cost his airline an extra $300 per volunteer. Author's note: Any ideas on how the desk agent could have used the contrast principle to his ad· vantage rather than his detriment? Perhaps he could have started with a $5 joke offer and then revealed the true (and now much more attractive-sounding) Sloo amount. Under those circum- stances, I'm pretty sure he would have secured his laugh and his volunteers. _ Chapter 1 WEAPONS OF INFLUENCE to the already determined much larger price. As veteran car buyers can attest, many

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist


in 1930. The term "Frankfurt School" is an informal term used to designate the thinkers affiliated with the Institute for Social Research or who were influenced by it. It is not the title of any institution, and the main thinkers of the Frankfurt School did not use the term to describe themselves. The Frankfurt School gathered together dissident Marxists, severe critics of capitalism who believed that some of Marx's followers had come to parrot a narrow selection of Marx's ideas, usually in defense of orthodox Communist or Social-Democratic parties. Influenced especially by the failure of working-class revolutions in Western Europe after World War I and by the rise of Nazism in an economically and technologically advanced nation (Germany), they took up the task of choosing what parts of Marx's thought might serve to clarify social conditions that Marx himself had never seen. Mõjutajad: Max Weber, Sigmund Freud.

Psühholoogia → Tarbimissotsioloogia
56 allalaadimist


dream. Their dream is not your dream. In fact, their years of persecuting Blacks have made them guilty. A capitalist Nigger must exploit their guilt to ensure that they assist in reaching his goals. You must become an economic warrior, not with the conventional weapon of guns, knives, or even hatred in your heart, but with a brain and a desire to learn all that you can learn from those who have used every weapon to achieve their own success. If we have to steal their ideas, we must do it in the same way they have done it for hundreds of years. Everything that a Blackman has tried to do, the Caucasians have copied and appropriated as their own. We must mimic their every move and pay them the same compliments that they have always paid us – that imitation is the best compliment. We must develop the brain of the Jew and the tenacity and death wish of the Caucasian. It is better to die in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1485, a white rose). See Richard III, a play by W. Shakespeare, and a film produced by Laurence Olivier. 3. Henry VII Tudor (1485–1509), Lancastrian heir to the English crown married to the heiress of the Yorks. His symbol was a red-and-white rose – the Tudor rose. Генрих VII Тюдор. 4. Henry VIII (1509–1547) simply wanted to control the Church and to keep its wealth in his own kingdom. He did not approve of the new ideas of Reformation Protestantism introduced by Martin Luther in Germany and John Calvin in Geneva. He had earlier written a book criticizing Luther’s teaching and the pope had rewarded him with the title Fidei Defensor, Defender of the Faith. The pope must have regretted his action. The letters ‘F.D.’ are still to be found on every British coin. There was also a political reason for the quarrel. Henry wanted to divorce his

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

5 No current data available with nati onal literacy. In addi tio n, th e relative co untry rank ings m ay illustrate th e ra nge of cu ltural vitality and 1996 Estimates th e freedom-or lack of- in th e ability to express and Source: UNESCOInstitute tor Statistics share ideas, opi n ions , and critical co m me ntary. Personal Computers Personal computers per 100 populat ion M ore than 40 30 to 40 20 to 30 10 to 20 5 to 10 Less [han 5 No data ava ila ble Perso nal co m p u te r owners h ip IS ge nera lly m sign rficanr 111 ASia , if

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Õigusfilosoofia ajalugu

Samas oli Burke tulihingeline väitleja ja väga põhimõttekindel. Oli väga mitmekülgne - jurist, kirjanik ja poliitik. Isa oli tal advokaat ning seetõttu oli Burke "sunnitud" alustama juristikarjäärist, kuid see jäi pooleli ning ta asus tegutsema kirjanikuna (1756 ­ kirjutas satiiri "A Vindication of Natural Society: A View of the Miseries and Evils Arising to Mankind", vanus 27a, aasta hiljem esteetika-alase teose "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful", mida tunnustasid nt Immanuel Kant ja Denis Diderot), poliitikasse läks ta aastal 1760 (vanus 31a), mil temast sai ühe Inglise poliitiku, Sir William Gerard Hamiltoni, sekretär ja kõnede kirjutaja (sellist asja juhtub tänini, et üks kirjutab ja teine loeb ette...). Burke on näide sellest, kuidas andekast kirjamehest on saanud suurepärane poliitik. A la Lennart Meri, Paul-Erik Rummo jt.

Õigus → Õigus
633 allalaadimist


embryo’s skin leaving unpigmented areas inbetween the patches. Researchers at the Universities of Bath and Edinburgh said that in addition to kit, there are many other genes that can create piebald patterns, but their the mathematical model can explain piebald patterns regardless of the genes involved. This wasn't entirely surprising to many cat fanciers with an interest in genetics or embryology! Independently of scientific researchers, and based on observation, fanciers had some ideas of their own, which have turned out to be close to the mark. Many cats have patches which look as though they could be fitted together like jigsaw pieces; for example a coloured spot on a leg might correspond to an inlet on a coloured patch on the flank, exactly as though a piece of coloured area has broken off and migrated elsewhere. Spots could end up almost anywhere depending on the timing of cracking, the size of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Superstore Sales [1] Row ID Order ID Order Date Order Priority Order Quantity 1 3 10/13/2010 Low 6 2 6 2/20/2012 Not Specified 2 3 32 7/15/2011 High 26 4 32 7/15/2011 High 24 5 32 7/15/2011 High 23 6 32 7/15/2011 High 15 7 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 30 8 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 14 9 36 11/2/2011 Critical 46 10 65 3/17/2011 Critical 32 11 66 1/19/2009 Low 41 12 69 6/3/2009 Not Specified ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

True, a respectful attitude to wooden architecture is only a phenomenon of the last couple of decades. During Soviet times, wooden apartment buildings were generally not valued and wooden suburbs were not considered worthy of preservation. Many building were neglected and therefore, many wooden apartment buildings are in a very bad condition today. Also, the modern demands for living environments and the perception of a comfortable home is often completely different from the ideas that dominated decades or centuries ago, when the surviving wooden dwellings were built. Therefore, it is an important job for engineers and architects to assess the technical conditions of the wooden apartment buildings, to find appropriate renovation solutions and to adapt the buildings to modern day requirements, and it is also a challenge for property developers and housing associations. 16.1 The technical condition and defects of building envelope

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

brewers they just put in the break rooms." I grinned. "No problem." "How sad is it that I don't have anything else for you?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Why don't I show you the accounts I'm working on and we'll go from there?" The rest of the day passed in a blur. Mark touched bases with two clients and had a long meeting with the creative team working on concept ideas for a trade school. It was a fascinating process seeing firsthand how the various departments picked up the baton from each other to carry a campaign from proposition to fruition. I might've stayed late just to get a better feel of the layout of the offices, but my phone rang at ten minutes to five. "Mark Garrity's office. Eva Tramell speaking." "Get your ass home so we can go out for the drink you rain-checked on yesterday." Cary's mock sternness made me smile

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

they weren't allowed; they were prohibited. His manner left a strange impression on me, and I tried to ignore it without success. Jacob interrupted my meditation. "So is Forks driving you insane yet?" "Oh, I'd say that's an understatement." I grimaced. He grinned understandingly. I was still turning over the brief comment on the Cullens, and I had a sudden inspiration. It was a stupid plan, but I didn't have any better ideas. I hoped that young Jacob was as yet inexperienced around girls, so that he wouldn't see through my sure-to-be-pitiful attempts at flirting. "Do you want to walk down the beach with me?" I asked, trying to imitate that way Edward had of looking up from underneath his eyelashes. It couldn't have nearly the same effect, I was sure, but Jacob jumped up willingly enough. As we walked north across the multihued stones toward the driftwood seawall, the clouds finally closed

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun