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"mice" - 59 õppematerjali


Turismimajanduse alused kodune kontrolltöö

Turismimajanduse alused Sügis 2010 TURISMIMAJANDUSE ALUSED 2010. a. sügissemester KONTROLLTÖÖ JUHEND Kontrolltööga taotletakse, et õppija omandaks ja kinnistaks teadmisi turismimajandusest ning arendaks kriitilise mõtlemise oskusi ja analüüsivõimet. Kontrolltöö sooritatakse kodutööna ning see tugineb aineprogrammis toodud kohustuslikule ja soovituslikule õppematerjalile ning loengumaterjalidele: · Loengumaterjalid · Raamatud ja ajakirjad · Internetiallikad: o ­ uuringud, statistika o ETC o UNWTO o WTTC o EAS ­ uudised o Vajadusel Eesti Riiklik turismiarengukava aastateks 2007-2013 Kontrolltöö vormistamine ja hindamine Kontrolltöö koosneb 18. küsimusest. Salvestage see ning kirjutage vastused eesti keeles arvutitrükis. Iga vastuse lahtrit saate muuta vastavalt vastuse mah...

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
88 allalaadimist

The Witches by Roald Dahl (11küsimust)

``The Witches`` by Roald Dahl 1. How did the boys parents die? A.In a ship wreck B.They drowned C. A car accident D.They were killed by burgulars 2. Where lived the boys grandmother? A. In Norwegia B.In England C.In Kanada D. In Finland 3. Do witches have big nostrils? A.No B. Not too big and not too small C. The dont have an nose D. Yes 4. What pets did the grandmother give to his grandson? A. Two turtels B.Two mice C. Two parrots E. Two cats 5. What was the name of the potion that turned people into mice? A. The fast mouse maker B. Formula 87 Delayed Acton Mouse- Maker C. Formula 86 Delayed Acton Mouse- Maker D. The fast way to rodents 6. Whom did the witches hate the most? A. Children B. Grownups C. Mice D. Turtels 7. How did the witches call the head WITCH? A. Boss B. Majesty of all witches C. The Grand High Witch D. The Grand High Witch of all Witches 8. What did the grandmother always smoke? A

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Belling The Cat (Inglisekeelne luuletus koos tõlkega)

they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day. Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young Mouse got up and said: "I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful. All we have to do is to hang a bell about the Cat's neck. When we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming." All the Mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old Mouse arose and said: "I will say that the plan of the young Mouse is very good. But let me ask one question: Who will bell the Cat?" KASSI KELLASTAMINE Hiired tahtsid vabaneda oma vaenlasest, kassist. Või vähemalt teada saada, kui ta on tulemas, et põgeneda. Arutati paljusid plaane, kuid ükski polnud piisavalt hea

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Jõgeva County

churches, two cultures, one nation. Tourist destinations: Elistvere The animal park shows wild animals that live and used to live in Estonia in as natural conditions as possible. In Elistvere Animal Park, you can see European buffalo, elk, reindeer, wild boar, roe deer, fallow deer, brown bear, lynx, fox, raccoon dog, common squirrel and pheasant. In the interior rooms, guinea pigs, degus, hamsters, gerbils, Cairo spiny mice, lab rats, chinchillas and lab mice can be examined. Palamuse Palamuse parish school building and the living quarters for the parish clerk Georg Nieländer were completed in 1837 and the school was open there until 1975. A museum has been open there from 5 January 1987 and it displays the life of a parish school at the end of the 19th century through Oskar Luts's Spring. Kassinurme and Laiuse are known for their castles. Peipsi area

Turism → Estonian studies
6 allalaadimist

I love English book 5 unit 18 test

Test 18 Vastused 1 Complete the sentences Piglets rooster horn calf prick up poultry farm prey 2. Write sentences using the infromation in the table 1 Mary likes isce crem ,singing and tsavelling Tom likes ice crem ,stories about animals and travelling Mary dosent like stories about animals and watching cartoons They both ice crem ang travelling Neither of them watching cartoons 3. Write in the plural calf-calves ox- oxes sheep- sheep deer-deer mouse-mice knife-knives tooth-teeth child ­children wolf-wolves 4.Reed the story .Write T or F to the statements F T F T F T T F

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Plural of nouns

bush ­ bushes tomato ­ tomatoes disco ­ discos piano - pianos watch ­ watches hero - heroes photo ­ photos radio ­ radios 4. Kui nimisõna lõpus on -f või -fe, siis tavaliselt f = v+es wolf ­ wolves thief ­ thieves knife - knives wife ­ wives half ­ halves roof - roofs leaf ­ leaves self ­ selves chief ­ chiefs 5. ERANDID child ­ children mouse - mice man ­ men goose - geese woman ­ women sheep - sheep tooth ­ teeth deer - deer foot ­ feet elk - elk

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hiir on abivahend arvutiga suhtlemiseks

KOOLI NIMI osakond Osakonna lühend nimi Iseseisev töö Hiir Juhendaja Tartu 2016 1. HIIR Hiir on abivahend arvutiga suhtlemiseks. Eriti mugav on kasutada hiirt graafilises töökeskkonnas. Kuigi kursori liigutamiseks saab kasutada ka klaviatuuri kursorijuhtimisklahve, on töö hiirega siiski võrratult käepärasem. Töö graafiliste kujutistega ilma hiireta, on kui mitte võimatu, siis vähemalt äärmiselt ebamugav, vaatamata sellele, et paljud tarkvarapaketid pakuvad mõlemat võimalust 1.1. Traditsiooniline hiir Traditsiooniline hiir kujutab endast väikest nuppudega varustatud karbikest, mis on juhtme abil arvutiga ühendatud ja mille sisemuses pöörleb väike kummist või plastist kuulike. Kui hiirt libistada laual (alusmatil), siis kuul pöörleb ja tema liikumisele reageerivad (klassikalises lahenduses) kaks rullikut, mis on ühendatud kahe teineteisest 90o v...

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist


Change the vowel man - men or foot - feet ALL KINDS Change the word child - children or person - people Add a different ending tooth - teeth mouse - mice Unchanging Singular and plural sheep are the same deer fish (sometimes)

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Saudi-arabia deserts

the kangaroo rats, rabbits, and skunks; insects like grasshoppers and ants; reptiles are represented by lizards and snakes; and birds such as burrowing owls and the California thrasher. The animals living in coastal deserts are: insects, mammals (coyote and badger), amphibians (toads), birds (great horned owl, golden eagle and the bald eagle), and reptiles (lizards and snakes). Widely distributed animals in cold deserts are jack rabbits, kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice, pocket mice, grasshopper mice, and antelope ground squirrels. The burrowing habit also applies to carnivores like the badger, kit fox, and coyote. Several lizards do some burrowing and moving of soil. Deer are found only in the winter. Something characteristic Desert biome is the driest of all the biomes. In fact, the most important characteristic of a desert is that it receives very little rainfall. Most deserts receive less than 300 mm a year

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Teenindaja sõnaregister

19. Furett-püstijalapidu 20. Ibrik-varrega nõu türgi kohvi keetmiseks 21. Jääkohv- külm kohv vahukoore ja vanilje jäätisega serveeritakse kõrges klaasis 22. Kokillnõu- merekarbikujuline portsionnõu kalasuupistete jaoks 23. Kokottnõu- varrega kastrulike köögiviljasuupistete jaoks, portsionnõu 24. Kanpee- väike kokteilivõileib 25. Melhior-vase ja nikli sulam metallnõude ja toiduriistade valmistamiseks 26. Menaaz- mitmekorruseline vaagen 27. Mice en place- teenindamiseks ettevalmistamine (iga asi oma kohale) 28. Molton- pehme aluslina 29. Mensuur-mõõduklaas alkoholi mõõtmiseks (2;4;8;12cl) 30. Piknik- eine looduses 31. Profitrool- keedutaignast väike küpsetis, mida täidetakse erinevate segudega 32. Ravioolid-pelmeeni sarnased, ruudukujulised 33. Sambukk- tarrendiga puuvilja- või marjavaht vahustatud munavalgest 34. Sommelier- veinikelner e sommeljee 35. Supee-pidulik õhtusöök 36

Majandus → Teenindus ja müük
43 allalaadimist


Some genera of the tarantulas hunt prey primarily in trees and other genera hunt on or near the ground. All tarantulas can produce silk; while arboreal species will typically reside in a silken "tube tent", terrestrial species will line their burrows with silk to stabilize the burrow wall and facilitate climbing up and down. Tarantulas mainly eat insects and other arthropods, using ambush as their primary method of prey capture. The biggest tarantulas can kill animals as large as lizards, mice, and birds. Tarantulas are found in tropical and desert regions around the world. Most tarantulas are harmless to humans, and some species are popular in the exotic pet trade. Some species, while not known to have ever produced human fatalities, have venom that can produce extreme discomfort over a period of several days. The name tarantula comes from the town of Taranto in Southern Italy and was originally used for an unrelated species of European wolf spider

Bioloogia → Inglis keelne bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Aniliini riskianalüüs (eng)

In case of short-term exposure the substance is irritating to the eyes and the skin. The substance may cause effects on the blood, resulting in the formation of methaemoglobin. Exposure at high levels may result in death. Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization. The substance may have effects on the blood, resulting in formation of methaemoglobin. Tends to accumulate in the body, especially in bladder. Often leads to bladder cancer. Aniline was tested on animals, but in mice was observed no increase in tumour incidence, in rats, it produced fibrosarcomas, sarcomas and haemangiosarcomas of the spleen and peritoneal cavity. 4. Behavior in the wild Not found in nature. If appears, starts oxidation. In reactions localized at nitrogen or more commonly results in the formation of new C-N bonds. In alkaline solution, azobenzene results, whereas arsenic acid produces the violet-coloring matter violaniline. Chromic acid

Meditsiin → Riski- ja ohuõpetus
38 allalaadimist

English nature

Form 10A 2009 Introduction The climate is cyclical England is in the middle latitude The English weather changes frequently 52% of the year is overcast England is washed by the warm Gulf Stream Spring March, April, May Wild areas may still be cold and muddy Animals start emerging from their hibernation Plants start blooming Sun and showers Summer Plants and animals start breeding Warm weathers The landscapes are covered with flowers Warm rain The average temperature ranges from 10 0C ­ 150C Britain's highest temperature recorded is 38.5°C in August 2003 Autumn Birds are returning after migrating from the north Birds start growing their winter plumage. Many flowers fade Trees reveal their autumn colours It rains more often Winter Animals start hibernating Flowers are rare Not much snow because of the Gulf Stream The average temperature ranges from 0 0C­ 5 0C; The lowest temperature recorded is -27.2°C in 1895 Flora Plants usual...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The Witches by Roald Dahl (powerpoint)

live to England. One day they went to a hotel just to relax and have some fun. The boy happend on a RSPCC meeting- The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children. Turned out that it was a witch gathering. The boy got caught and was turned into a mouse with `Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse- Maker`. At the end of the book, the boy and hes granmother used the advantage that the boy was so small and could go to small places and turned all the witches of England into mice, wich were killed. The main caracters · The boy · The grandmother · Bruno · The Grand High witch My opinion I did not like this book, because it was too unrealistic and i dont like to read a book wich is written for first class students. This book was not hard to read. There was nothing I found out expect some new words. I would recomend this book for children who like affectionate fantasy books.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Power Pointi esitluse näide

Lumelaud Suusatamine Rattasõit Ujumine Järeldus: Ujumine on 200x ohtlikum tegevus http:// Paul Suumann Teadus Adrenaliin tõrjub haigusi ja parandab immuunsust. ,, Behavioral coping strategies in response to social stress are ass monoaminergic and immune response profiles in mice " Paul Suumann 14 ISSN: 01664328 Tänan! [email protected] 53580280 Paul Suumann 15

Informaatika → Informaatika
40 allalaadimist

Litter in our country

with plastic bags, different wrapping, shopping bags and supermarket bags. We can also see empty cans from different drinks, broken glass and others. These items don't decompose naturally. They can stay on the soil for many years and contaminate the ground. Municipal dumps are created in the outskirts of the city. People who live near suffer from such neighbourhood. Because strong smell coming from this place. It's also an attractive place for homeless animals, crows, rats and mice. The air round municipal dumps is always contaminated because several items in the dumps are toxic in nature. And those that decompose release toxic into the air, into the soil, and then get into the groundwater. These toxic can be gases like methane, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and so on. Municipal dumps are the cause serious diseases and damage crops. These dumps are becoming bigger and bigger. What is the solution to a problem? First

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


ja legende. Kuidas võis juhtuda, et üks suurejoonelisemaid tsivilisatsioone varises, jättes endast tuleviku jaoks maha laialipillutatud varemed ja tühjad, poollagunenud pühamud? Sellele tänapäeval vastust ei teata aga maiade rahvas elab oma järglastes edasi, jätkates oma traditsioone imelise käsitöö kaudu. Castillo püramiid Chichén Itzá Üks maiade rajatud suurlinnu Palengue Kasutatud kirjandus Maailama avastusretk piltides "Tsivilisatsioonid" Mice Corbishley "Muistne Maailm" Õpilase entsüklopeedia Teadusfilm "Maya kadunud kuningriik" National Geographic Video

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
17 allalaadimist


* Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. * None of us are as stupid as all of us. * Pray for what you want. Work for what you need. * Practice does not make perfect...Perfect practice makes perfect. * So close, and yet so far away. * Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. * The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows the average guy can see better than he can think. * The goal of science is to build better mousetraps. The goal of nature is to build better mice. * The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle. * The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire.(Helicopter pilot wisdom) * The things we remember best are those better forgotten. * There are three types of people in this world: the ones who keep you alive, the ones who would otherwise cause you to die, and the ones who somehow manage to do both at the same time. * Those who don't make decisions never make mistakes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


What did the hungry computer eat? Chips, one byte at a time. Why do fish avoid the computer? So they don't get caught in the Internet. What did the cannibal order for take-out? Pizza with everyone on it. How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator? Footprints in the cheesecake. I trained my dog not to beg at the table. How did you do that? I let him taste my cooking. What's in an astronaut's favorite sandwich? Launch meat. What do cats call mice on skateboards? "Meals on Wheels." Why do you eat so fast? I want to eat as much as possible before losing my appetite. What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator? Close the door, I'm dressing! What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us, something smells. Jack: Would you like some Egyptian Pie? Jill: What's Egyptian pie? Jack: You know, the kind mummy used to make. The customer asked: "Do you serve crabs here?" "Yessir," repplied the waiter. "We'll serve just about anybody

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Viiruste jaotus

BAKTERIOFAAGID ssRNA bakteriofaagid Ph. Leviviridae G. Levivirus MS2 G.Allolevivirus Qbeeta dsRNA bakteriofaagid Ph. Cystoviridae phi6 Isomeetrilised ssDNA bakteriofaagid Ph. Microviridae G. Microvirus phiX174 Niidikujulised ssDNA bakteriofaagid Ph. Inoviridae G. Inovirus Ff faagid Lüütilised dsDNA bakteriofaagid Ph. Podoviridae T7 (T7-sarnased faagid) Ph. Myoviridae T4 (T-paaris faagid) Lüsogeensed dsDNA Ph Syphoviridae kolifaag lambda SEENTE, AINURAKSETE JA PUTUKATE VIIRUSED dsRNA genoo...

Kategooriata → Viroloogia
59 allalaadimist

Temperate deciduous forests, woodlands and shrub

So the trees cut off the water supply to the leaves and seal off the leaf stems where they join onto the tree trunks. The leaves are not able to produce the chlorophyll that makes them green. The leaves become yellow, red or gold before they dry up and fall off the trees. Animals: A wide variety of mammals, birds, insects, and reptiles can be found in the deciduous forest biome. Mammals that can be found include bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, wood mice, and deer. Animals like bobcats, elk, bison, mountain lions, timberwolves, and coyotes used to be found in the deciduous forests, but have been hunted down by humans and almost wiped out. Melting snow in spring and rain during summer provide water for streams and ponds. Many water birds, insects, and fishes are found in this biome, along with amphibians such as frogs and salamanders, and reptiles such as lizards and small snakes. The platypus lives in the temperate forests of Australia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 18

4 Tom doesn´t like watching cartoons or singing. 5 They both like ice cream and travelling. 6 Neither of them like watching cartoons. 3 Write in the plural. 1 calf calves 7 tooth teeth 13 loaf loaves 2 ox oxen 8 child children 14 man men 3 sheep sheep 9 wolf wolves 15 foot feet 4 deer deer 10 buffalo buffaloes 16 goose geese 5 mouse mice 11 hoof hooves 17 shelf shelves 6 knife knives 12 mink mink 18 theif thieves 4 Read the story and decide if the statements are true or false. Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements. Tweety Tweety´s mother, Fiona, was rescued from a rabbit breeder who kept her animals in dirty cages in her back yard. As they were not regularly given food

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Emaplaadi terminite sõnastik inglise keeles

PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect - a high speed interface for video cards, sound cards, network interface cards, and modems; runs at 33MHz. ISA - Industry Standard Architecture - a relatively low speed interface primarily used for sound cards and modems; runs at approx. 8MHz. RAM - Random Access Memory - see System RAM Port (serial, parallel, PS/2, USB, sound, LAN, VGA, SCSI) - interface connectors for the associated types of devices Serial - a low speed interface typically used for mice and external modems Parallel - a low speed interface typically used for printers PS/2 - a low speed interface used for mice and keyboards USB - Universal Serial Bus - a medium speed interface typically used for mice, keyboards, scanners, display panels (control features, not data), speakers (control features, not sound), scanners, and some digital cameras. VGA - Video Graphics Adapter - the interface from your video card or integrated video connector and the system display monitor.

Tehnoloogia → Arvutitund
1 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

mammals, make underground burrows and hibernate until the spring or warmer weather arrives. When these animals hibernate their body temperatures can drop near freezing. Their hearts also slow so much that they are barely alive. Black bears also avoid the winter by sleeping in their dens. They go into a deep sleep and only wake up several times during the winter to leave their dens. Temperate grassland- Plants are also food for animals. Most temperate grasslands are inhabited by hares, mice, and other small rodents. These animals have sharp teeth that are able to easily gnaw through grass. Some of the familiar rodents found in the North American grasslands are prairie dogs, mice, rats, and ground squirrels. Prairie dogs are cute, burrowing rodents that live in underground communities. A dominant male heads a prairie dog family. They make their home in underground burrows that consist of several chambers and entrances

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

The Moon Is Down

The moon is down Author: John Steinbeck.(February 27, 1902--December 20, 1968) John Steinbeck III was one of the best-known and most widely read American writers of the 20th century. He wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939 and the novella Of Mice and Men, published in 1937. In all, he wrote twenty-five books, including sixteen novels, six non-fiction books and several collections of short stories. In 1962 Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his subsequent novels, Steinbeck found a more authentic voice by drawing upon direct memories of his life in California. Later he used real historical conditions and events in the first half of 20th century America, which he had experienced first-hand as a reporter

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory

· thief / thieves · wolf / wolves There are, however, exceptions: · dwarf / dwarfs · roof / roofs · chief / chiefs · staff / staffs · chiff / chiffs · safe / safes · still life / still lifes Irregular plural: · child / children · woman / women · man / men · person / people · goose / geese · mouse / mice · barracks / barracks · deer / deer · tooth / teeth · ox / oxen Nouns: hair is; knowledge is; news is; police are; cattle are; government is/are; means is/are; series is/are; species is/are; scissors are. 2. Nouns: Genitive case: After a singular noun. Use's · girl's cat · mum and dad's house · Paul's and Fred's birthdays · children's playground After a plural noun

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is largest and most known animal rights organization in the world. They mostly concentrate their attention on factory farms, clothing trade, animal testing and entertainment industry. When going to PETA webpage first thing to see was pop up window about stopping seal hunt in Canada. They are especially concerned about killing animals because they are considered pests. Such animals would be beavers, bats, geese, deer, pigeons, mice, raccoons, snakes, chipmunks, squirrels, bears, coyotes, ducks, foxes, mountain lions, prairie dogs, rabbits, and even wolves. So their view on hunting is negative. [9] Animal Aid is animal rights organization in United Kingdom, founded in 1977. They do campaigns against all forms of cruelty against animals. They lobby politicians, make undercover investigations into slaughterhouses, factory farms and horse racing industry. If they find anything it is given to media or used in campaigns

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


TURISMIETTEVÕTLUS SISSEJUHATUS TURISMIMAJANDUSE ALUSTESSE TERMINID: Turism ­ inimeste reisimine väljaspoole nende igapäevast elukeskkonda puhkuse, äri või muudel eesmärkidel kestusega vähemalt 24 tundi kuni üks kalendriaasta. Turismi alla kuuluvad reisid, mille eesmärgiks on muu kui tasustav tegevus sihtpunktis. Turismi alla ei kuulu reisid oma elukoha piires, rutiinreisid ja pikaajalised elukohamuutused. Laiemalt võiks turismi vaadelda kui süsteemset käsitlust: · Inimest, kes turisti või külastajana asub väljaspool oma igapäevast tegevuspiirkonda. · Turismiinfrastruktuuris ja -võrgustikest, mis rahuldavad turisti vajadusi. · Paikadest kust tulevad turistid ja paikadest, kuhu turistid lähevad ning nendevahelistest suhetest. · Suhetest turistide ja kohaliku kogukonna vahel. TURISMIMAJANDUS/ETTEVÕTLUS: Turismiettevõtluse/turismimajanduse all mõeldakse turismialast et...

Turism → Turism
35 allalaadimist


*NOAEL=no observed adverse effect level *The ranges of the values are caused by the different concentrations selected in the various studies. High concentrations of formaldehyde (10 - 20 ppm) cause marked hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia of the nasal respiratory epithelium. The lesions are primarily located in the anterior part of the nose and spread with increasing exposure time and concentrations to more distal locations in the nasal cavity. Dermal Repeated exposure studies in mice were performed using dermal application, mostly in the context of skin initiation promotion. None of these studies showed evidence of substance-specific systemic toxicity. Studies in Humans Because a variety of substances and conditions can cause histological changes in the nasal mucosa, the weight of scientific evidence does not support an association between formaldehyde exposure alone and histopathological changes in human nasal mucosa. Although several studies have found

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Phonetics Glossary Homework

CITATION FORM The citation form of the lexeme is the form that is employed to refer to the lexeme; it is also the form that is used for the alphabetical listing of lexemes in a conventional dictionary. In English, the citation form of a noun is the singular: e.g., mouse rather than mice. For multi-word lexemes which contain possessive adjectives or reflexive pronouns, the citation form uses a form of the indefinite pronoun one: e.g., do one's best, perjure oneself. In many languages, the citation form of a verb is the infinitive: French aller, German gehen, Spanish ir. In English it usually is the full infinitive (to go) although alphabetized without 'to' (go); the present tense is used for some defective verbs (shall, can, and must have only the one form). In

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
5 allalaadimist

Turismimajanduse alused KT Kordamisküsimused

Turismimajanduse alused KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED EKSAMIKS 1. Mis on turism? Turism on inimeste sihipärane organiseeritud reisimine kindlatel eesmärkidel. 2. Mis on turismimajandus? Turismialane ettevõtlus, mis tegeleb reisi ettevalmistamise ja organiseerimisega, inimese sihtpunktis viimisega ning reisiprogrammi sisustamisega pakkumaks reisijale mugavat, huvitavat ja meeldejäävat kogemust. 3. Mis on turismitoode? Tooge näiteid. Turismitoode on terviklik külastuselamus, mis koosneb erinevatest toodetest ja teenustest, mida külastaja oma reisi ajal tarbib, nt. SPA-puhkus, kus külastaja saab erinevaid teenuseid. 4. Kuidas turismi liigitatakse (mille alusel)? Mida erinevad liigid (nt sisemine turism) tähendab? Siseturism, sissetulev turism, väljaminev turism, sisemine turism, rahvuslik turism, rahvusvaheline turism. 5. Kes on reisija? Iga inimene, kes reisib kahe või enama riigi vahel või kahe ja enama koha vahel oma riigis ...

Turism → Turismimajandus
29 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks

misses, wash-washes, mix-mixes, go-goes, do-does. -ies consonant +-y a country ­ countries, a diary- diaries, a boy ­ boys, a dictionary ­ dictionaries, try ­tries, play-plaies. -ves lõpulistele ­f, -fe a leaf ­ leaves , a wolf ­ wolves, a knife ­ knives, a life ­ lives Irregular nouns a man ­ men, a woman ­ women, a child ­ children, a person ­ people, a sheep ­ sheep, a tooth ­ feet, a mouse ­ mice, a goose ­ geese Pronouns Personal : Possessive possessive Object adjective: pronouns: pronouns: I my mine I ­ me ­ wait for me You your yours you-you ­ I love you He his his me-him ­ she isn't in love with him

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
131 allalaadimist


Ebareeglipärane mitmus man men mees woman women [wmn] naine child children laps foot feet [ fi:t] jalg tooth teeth hammas goose geese [gi:s] hani mouse mice [mas] hiir sheep sheep lammas deer deer hirv 1. Eessõnad kohamäärustes IN Kus? -l, -s, sees in Tallinn Tallinnas in the country maal in the post office postkontoris

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Maailma Filmikunsti Ajalugu

Tartu Ülikool Monika Väärt (Sepp) Maailma Filmikunsti Ajalugu Kodutöö Õppejõud Lauri Kärk 2012 Kinematograafia sünd Kuigi katsetusi staatilise pildi liikumasaamiseks tehti siin-seal enne ja pärast, siis peetakse siiski Eadweard Muybridge´t nö liikuva pildi isaks. Tema ,,Hobune liikumises" (1882) on esimene liikuma pandud pildiseeria, mis ilmus mõni aeg peale seda, kui 1872 aastal ristusid tema teed võidusõiduhobuse omaniku Leland Stanford´iga, peale mida Muybridge aitas Stanford´il võita kihlveo, tõestades, et joostes on mingil ajahetkel ühekorraga õhus kõik neli hobuse jalga. Olles vahepeal kohtu all kahtlustatuna oma naise armukese mõrvas, naasis Muybridge hobuste pildistamise juurde 1877 aastal, mil ...

Filmikunst → Film
56 allalaadimist

Arengubioloogia eksam

nende signaalradade blokeerimine; Perifeerse närvi tüki siirdamine läbi armkoe; Regenereeruvate aksonite navigeerimine ajus. Transkriptiline kontroll kidney arengus. Trasriptioonilise faktori GATA perekond.6 GATA faktorit selgrootsetel. Sisaldavad 2 Cys4 tüübi zing finger domääni; seostuvad DNAle WGATAR, tugeva aktivaatori; GATA3 reguleerib embüro hemopoeesi, T-raku ja närvisüsteemi arengut.GATA3 roll urogenitaala arengul: GATA3-lacZ knock-in mice. Wollfian kanaali laiendamine on reguleeritud:reguleerivate faktorite, raku kuju muutmise ja liikuvate valkude, ECm,signaalradade ja transkriptioonilise faktoritega. Wnt1 ekspressioon GATA 3: Wnt mitte kunagi ei ole ekspresseeritud Wd-is; Lim1 on astmeliselt kaob WD-is; GFRal kaob WD-is;GDNF jääb ilma effektita mesenhüümis. Enamuse WD markerite ekspressioon on algab, aga astmeliselt kaob; mesenhüümide markerite ekspression jääb ilma effektideta; lahustuv GFRa1 on võimeline osaliselt

Bioloogia → Arengubioloogia
80 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia eksami kordamisküsimused

Neutrophils in periph. 10­25% 50­70% blood Lymphocytes in 75­90% 30­50% periph. blood Serum IgA Mostly polymeric Mostly monomeric Ig classes IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG1, IgG2a*, IgG2b, IgA1, IgA2, IgD, IgG3, IgM * absent in C57BL/6, /10, IgE, IgG1, IgG2, SJL and NOD mice, which have IgG3, IgG4, IgM IgG2c Ig CDR-H3 region Shorter, less diverse Longer, more diverse IL-13 effect on B cells None Induces switch to IgE MHC II expression on Absent Present T cells

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
57 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

Without Ilma 7 Kesksõnad 1. Oleviku kesksõna Moodustatakse ­ing abil. Seda kasutatakse kestvate ajavormide moodustamiseks. washing (pestes) writing (kirjutades) singing (lauldes) Oleviku kesksõna võib asendada siduvat asesõna ja tegusõna aktiivis. Do you know the girl who/that is wearing the blue pollover? Oleviku kesksõna võib mõnikord kasutada ka nimisõna ees, siis on sellel aktiivne tähendus: sleeping mice 2. Mineviku kesksõna Moodustatakse reeglipäraste tegusõnade puhul lõpuga ­ ed. Ebareeglipäraste tegusõnade puhul tuleb need vormis lihtsalt ära õppida. Mineviku kesksõna abil moodustatakse Present Perfect, Past Perfect, samuti passiiv. washed (pesnud) written (kirjutanud) sung (laulnud) Mineviku kesksõnaga võib asendada siduvat asesõna ja tegusõna passiivis. The form which/that was filled out by the man was confusing.

Keeled → Inglise keel
313 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhitõed algajale

INGLISE KEELE PÕHITÕED C.K 2017 A – AN – SOME Singular: a or an Use some for things you can't count ◦ *a banana *a car *a monkey *a football ◦ *some milk *some water *some coffee ◦ *an egg*an accident *an umbrella *an *some sugar eagle ◦ *some tea *some juice*some money *some butter Plural: some Exercises: 1. ◦ *some bananas *some cats *some monkeys *some 2. balls ◦ *some eggs*some oranges *some umbrellas *some 3. eagles We us the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Geneetika eksami konspekt

genetically screening a population of organisms to select for heterozygotes. Balancer chromosomes can be used as a genetic tool used to prevent crossing over (genetic recombination) between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Balancers are most often used in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) genetics to allow populations of flies carrying heterozygous mutations to be maintained without constantly screening for the mutations but can also be used in mice.[1] Balancer chromosomes have three important properties: they suppress recombination with their homologs, carry dominant markers, and negatively affect reproductive fitness when carried homozygously. 7.3. Rekombinatsiooni osa evolutsiooniprotsessis Meioosis, kus homoloogilised kromosoomid satuvad kõrvuti, rekombineeruvad aheldunud geenid ristsiirde kaudu ­ nii tekivad uued alleelide kombinatsioonid. Mõned neist kombinatsioonidest võivad organismile kasulikud olla, tõstes tema

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
50 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

Without Ilma 8 Kesksõnad 1. Oleviku kesksõna Moodustatakse ­ing abil. Seda kasutatakse kestvate ajavormide moodustamiseks. washing (pestes) writing (kirjutades) singing (lauldes) Oleviku kesksõna võib asendada siduvat asesõna ja tegusõna aktiivis. Do you know the girl who/that is wearing the blue pollover? Oleviku kesksõna võib mõnikord kasutada ka nimisõna ees, siis on sellel aktiivne tähendus: sleeping mice 2. Mineviku kesksõna Moodustatakse reeglipäraste tegusõnade puhul lõpuga ­ ed. Ebareeglipäraste tegusõnade puhul tuleb need vormis lihtsalt ära õppida. Mineviku kesksõna abil moodustatakse Present Perfect, Past Perfect, samuti passiiv. washed (pesnud) written (kirjutanud) sung (laulnud) Mineviku kesksõnaga võib asendada siduvat asesõna ja tegusõna passiivis. The form which/that was filled out by the man was confusing.

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

a thief thieves a wife wives a knife knives a shelf shelves a half halves · Pane tähele! Nimisõnad, millel on ebareeglipärane mitmus: a man men a woman women a foot feet a penny pence(kogusumma), pennies(üksikud mündid) a deer deer a sheep sheep an ox oxen a child children a mouse mice a goose geese a tooth teeth Omastav kääne Inglise keeles on nimisõnadel ainult üks käändelõpuga kääne ­ omastav kääne. 1. Ainsuses olevatele nimisõnadele lisatakse lõppu ülakoma ja s ( `s ). Tom`s sister the dog`s tail the bird`s sing 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
925 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

Motivational interviews 3. IT Description 3.1.Hardware Environment The hardware environment of Lee IS is comprised of following components: Server Laptops (Dell x6) (two privately owned ones) Work stations (one privately owned by an employee) Telephone (Philips) Network devices: a router and a switch Portable hard drives Computer mice, keyboards (Logitech, Defender, Microsoft) Displays Dock connectors (Dell x3) 3.2.Software Environment As the primary technology the company is using is ASP.NET and as it is a part of Microsoft Partner Program the majority of software originates from Microsoft: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft Windows XP/7, Microsoft Windows server 2012/2008 R2 Internet Information Services 7.5 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Microsoft

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

I Love English 6 Workbook e-õpik lk. 1-27

) 6 We have to change trains. (Where?) 7 He has to pay for parking. (How much?) 8 You have to check in your luggage. (Where?) 9 He had to switch off his mobile phone. (Why?) 10 He is ill and has to stay in bed. (How long?) 11 He has to take medicine. (What?) 4. Write a question about the underlined part of the sentence. 1 The train leaves from platform 1. Which platvorm does the train leave from? 2 We are waiting for a bus. 3 He's interested in biology. --- 22 4 I'm snared of spiders and mice. 5 They're fond of country music. 6 Tom's proud of his new bike. 7 We've been to a lot of countries. 8 This book belongs to my brother. 9 We're good at singing. 10 They're talking about the school party. 5. a. Do the crossword. --- 23 1 not later than (-)- --- ------ 2 very, very angry (-)------ 3 a place where taxis wait for passengers (-)--- ---- 4 a place where you go first at the airport --(-)-- -- ---- 5 a journey across a sea or a wide river -(-)------ 6 a place where trains stop

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Suuline eksam

NATURE 1. Have you ever had a pet? Would you like to have a pet? 2. What is difficult about having pet animals and what are the joys they give us? 3. What are the most common wild animals in Estonia? Which of them have you seen in the wild? 4. Are there any wild animals you would like to touch? Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Mice? Dogs? Any other animals? 5. Compare the work of a doctor and a vet? Whose work do you think is more difficult? More interesting? Have you read any books by James Herriot? 6. What do you do with waste paper? 7. When you buy soft drinks, which packaging do you prefer? Why? 8. What do you do with food leftovers? 9. How much waste does your family produce every month? 10. How often is your rubbish bin emptied? How much do you pay for it?

Keeled → Inglise keel
584 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

a mango mangoes mangos a mosquito mosquitoes mosquitos a zero zeroes zeros a buffalo buffaloes buffalos 28 Some plural nouns don't follow the -s rule. They don't end in -s, -es, -ies or -ves. Instead, the word changes form. mouse mice goose geese Word File Singular Plural child children man men ox oxen tooth teeth woman women foot feet you kn id o D The plural of the mouse that you w

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

Arvuti riistvara matemaatilised alused · Kahendsüsteem Digitaalseadmetes teostatavate arvutuste ja muu infotöötluse kiirus, täpsus ja arusaadavus sõltub suuresti seadmes kasutatavast arvutussüsteemist. Digitaaltehnikas domineerib kahendsüsteem nii iseseisva süsteemina kui ka teiste arvusüsteemide realiseerimise vahendina ja seda järgmistel põhjustel: Füüsikalise realiseerimise lihtsus tehete sooritamise põhimõtteline lihtsus funktsionaalne ühtsus Boole'i algebraga, mis on loogikalülituste peamine matemaatiline alus. Kahendsüsteem kuulub positsiooniliste arvusüsteemide hulka nagu kümnendsüsteemgi. Kahendarvu kohta nimetatakse bitiks. Vasakpoolseim koht on kõrgeim bitt ja parempoolseim madalaim bitt. · Boole funktsioonid ja nende esitus Digitaalseadmete realiseerimise matemaatiliseks aluseks on valdavalt kahendloogika ja kahendfunktsioonid. Kahendfunktsioone saab esitada olekutabelite abil, kus 2 n (n- argumentide väärtuste või...

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist


, märksa mugavam kui klaviatuuriga töötada Mehhaaniline hiir ­ mehhaaniliste anduritega hiir Optilis-mehhaanilised - sama, mis mehhaniline hiir, kuid ta kasutab palli liikumise kindlaks tegemisel optilisi sensoreid Optilised ­ Puudub pöörlev kuulike, kasutab hiire liikumise kindlaks tegemisel laserit ja vajab ooma tööls spetsiaalset alust., pole mehhaanilisi liikuvaid osi, kiiremad ja täpsemad. Arvutiga suhtlemiseks kasutavad nad infrapunakiiri võiraadiolaineid. Mouse ­ kuni 3 nuppu, Mice ­ üle 3 nupu Puuteplaat (Touchpad)- kasutusel sülearvutites, koosnevad kaitsekihist, puudutusele reageerivast kihist., kursori liigutamine toimub tänu infrapuna kiirtele, mis tuvastavad sõrmeasukohta. Juhtkuul ­ kasutuses sülearvutites, teeninduskioskides Joystick ­ ehk juhthoob on igas suunas liigutav hoob oma liikumisega juhib ekraanil oleva kursori liikumist 24. Integreeritud seadmetega emaplaadi plussid ja miinused.

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

For example: dog, cat → In some cases noun the suffix /–es/. For example: potatoes, boxes, bushes 2) Irregular →  Vowel change. For example: man – men, foot – feet, mouse – mice  Suffix /–en/. For example: Child – children  Plural is the same as singular. For example: fish, sheep  Some nouns ending with /-f/ or /-fe/ take /-ves/. For example: wife – wives,

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

irrespective of dosage; 70% with 1 booster; no evidence with 50 000 whether works with one booster; ref to memory cells; needs large numbers of parasite / ref 10 000 x 3; safe / will not cause disease / does not kill mice; might mutate back to wild type; can infect liver cells even if no further development; may need drug to remove from liver; data relates only to mice / may not be applicable to humans; AVP; e.g. no data comparing results with standard antigenic (AW) vaccine max 3 [15] 69. insulin is, polypeptide / protein; (promoter), switches on transcription or makes gene produce, mRNA / insulin;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


grandmother is darker and also had several dark kittens in her litters. This looks like a recessive, but one needs a lot more of statistics to prove if and how it is inherited. A dark shade is desirable for red, but at present undesirable for blue. So I don't know if "indigo" has any future." ODDITIES Strange as it may seem, in some animals the mother's diet can affect coat colour. Recent work at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, has shown that in a certain strain of mice, the "agouti" coat colour gene can be turned off through methylation. The extent of methylation was dependent on the mother's vitamin intake during pregnancy. (Methylation turns off genes by chemically modifying them). The effect has not been observed in cats, but in theory it could turn genetically agouti (ticked) cats into solid colours. Some cat shelter workers have noticed apparently self red kittens turning into black adults.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun