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"imperial" - 106 õppematerjali


Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum Aire Albri Imperial War Museum in London. · Imperial War Museum is a British national museum organisation with branches at five locations in England, three of which are in London. · The museum was founded during the First World War in 1917 and intended as a record of the war effort and sacrifice of Britain and her Empire. · Today the museum gives its mission as "to enable people to have an informed understanding of modern war and its impact on individuals and society" · Originally housed in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham Hill, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Imperial War museum

Imperial war museum In 1924 the museum moved to the Imperial Established in 1917 by Sir Institute building Alfred Mond (demolished in the 1950s and 1960s to make way for Imperial College) in South Kensington. The museum was opened on 9 June 1920. In 1966 the Museum's Southwark building was extended to provide collections storage and other facilities In 1967 the museum acquired a pair of 15-inch naval guns. By 1983 the museum was again looking to redevelop the Southwark site In September 1992 the museum

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


that you should know, when you decided to go to Tokyo. AS OU CAN SEE THERE ARE SOME GOOD REASONS TO VISIT TOKYO, THO IT COULD BE QUITE EXPENSIVE, ANYWAY THIS IS GREAT EXPERIENCE AND I THINK EVETYONE SHOULD GET IT. · Tokyo officially Tokyo Metropolis is one of the 47prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the most populous metropolitan area in the world. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family. Tokyo is in the Kant region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture and the city of Tokyo. · Ten percent (10%) of the Japanese people live in Tokyo, and as many as twenty percent (20%) of the population live around it. As of 2007, the population was 12,790,000. Tokyo

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


of German-dominated cities inNorthern Europe. The Danes sold Tallinn along with their other land possessions in northern Estonia to the Teutonic Knights in 1346. Medieval Tallinn enjoyed a strategic position at the crossroads of trade between Western and Northern Europe and Russia. The city, with a population of 8,000, was very well fortified with city walls and 66 defence towers. During the Great Northern War the Swedish troops based in Tallinn capitulated to Imperial Russia in 1710, but the local self-government institutions retained their cultural and economical autonomy within Imperial Russia as the Duchy of Estonia. The Magistracy of Reval was abolished in 1889. The 19th century brought industrialization of the city and the port kept its importance. During the last decades of the century Russification measures became stronger. February 1918, the Independence Manifesto was

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Huvitav Eesti ettevõte

Le Coq’ist on saanud Eesti joogituruliider, omades 2015. aasta keskmise näitajana kõikides joogiturusegmentides, kus ettevõte tegutseb, esimest või teist positsiooni. Ettevõtte olulisemateks brändideks on A. Le Coq, Fizz, Aura ja Limonaad. A. Le Coq jätkab tootevaliku laiendamist ning tegeleb pideva tooteuuendusega. 2012. aastal tuleb turule Eesti esimene maheõlu Organic Beer. 2013. aastal tõime tagasi ajaloolise õlle A. Le Coq Imperial, millele oli 1912. aastal antud Venemaa Tsaariõukonna ametliku õlle tiitel. Imperial Ale, Gold ja Märzen on Vene Tsaari esindusõlle Imperial Extra Double Stout järeltulijad. 2016. aasta kevadel tõime turule purkidesse villitud Brewers Collectioni eriõlled IPA, BLOND ja KRIEK ning esmakordselt ka alkoholivaba õlle. Eesti vanima õlletootjana seisab A. Le Coq hea Eesti õllekultuuri säilimise ja edendamise eest. Õllekultuuri arendamiseks käivitasime 2011

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
4 allalaadimist

Queeni esitlus

Ansambel Queen otsis endale basskitarristi ja John pakkus ennast. Brian May on öelnud, et nad teadsid kohe et Deacon oli see õige ja viimane liige mida Queen vajas. Ta oli ansambli noorim liige ja kirjutas kõige vähem laule. Pärast Mercury surma jättis Deacon oma karjääri Queenis. John abiellus 1975 aastal Veronica Tetzlaffiga. Neil on kuus last. Brian May Brian sündis 19 juulil 1947 Hamtonis. Tam õppis Imperial collegis Londinis. Tema esimene band oli ,,Smile" mille ta asutas Tim Staffelliga. See sama band muudeti hiljem Queeniks nii et Brian oli Queeni esimene liige. Queenis mängib ta kitarri. Ta on kirjutanud Queenile palju laule. Brian abiellus endise Eastenders näitleja Anita Dobsoniga. Roger Taylor Sündis 26 juuli 1949 Dersinghamis. Õppis Londoni Hospitial Medical koolis ja Imperial Collegis. Enne Queeni oli

Muusika → Muusika
18 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor attac Kadri Nutt 11D Facts · was a preemptive military strike on the was United States Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii · by the Empire of Japan's Imperial Japanese Navy, on the morning of Sunday, 7 December 1941. · Two attack waves · destroyed two U.S. Navy battleships, one minelayer, two destroyers and 188 aircraft. · Personnel losses were 2,333 killed and 1,139 wounded · Very important fuel storage, shipyards, and submarine facilities were not hit · Japanese losses were minimal at 29 aircraft and five midget submarines, with 65 Japanese servicemen killed or wounded. Reasons

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Raudteejaam haapsalus

more ways than one that the Estonian Railway Museumis in Haapsalu. It was here that the railways of tzarist Russia began. The railway station building was built into the resort town, favoured by the tzarist family and nibility of Russia, according to a special project: in order to keep the crowned heads away from rain or other weather conditions, the unique 216 meter long platform was covered with a roof in its entirety. The train station includes a passanger building, an imperial pavilion and a passage connecting both. In addition to the unique passanger building, the most notable exhibits of the museum include old trains and engines, the storage building, the water tower, a depot, the revolving bridge and the houses of the railway workers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Viiuldaja katusel

külaelust, inimestevahelistest suhetest, traditsioonidest, rõõmudest ja muredest, armastusest ning pisaraist. Tevje püüab muutuvas ühiskonnas elus hoida rahvuslikke ja usulisi traditsioone, kuid see on järjest raskem, eriti kui tema viis kangekaelset tütart otsustavad kuulata oma südame häält ning valida peigmehed väljastpoolt juudi kogukonda. Lisaks sunnib tsaari käsk juudid oma külast lahkuma… Faktid Maailmaesietendus toimus 22. septembril 1964 Broadway Imperial Theatre’is Esietendus Rahvusooperis Estonia toimub 3. juunil 2016 On võitnud üheksa Tony auhinda. Pildid Videod Tänan Kuulamast!

Muusika → Ooper
1 allalaadimist

Hotellinduse ajalugu

Uue ajastu esimeseks hotelliks tavatsetakse pidada Der Badische Hof-i Badenis Saksamaal, mis valmis 1809.a. Hotelle ehitati peamiselt jaamahoonete juurde või nende lähedusse, suuremate linnade peatänavate ja platside äärde, ravi- ja supluskohtadesse. Hotellinduse arengule andis omapoolse tõuke Euroopas rahvusvaheliste majandus- ja kultuurikeskuste kujunemine. Näiteks: London, Pariis, Berliin, Viin. Viimasesse rajati 1873.a. veel praegugi maailmamainega hotellid: Hotel Bristol, Hotel Imperial, Grandhotel. Aastad 1880 ja 1914 (I maailmasõja alguse) vahel tähendasid hotellinduse suurt õitseaega. 19. sajandilõppu nimetatakse Inglismaal just lukshotellide kuldajastuks. Maailmasõjad ja ­majanduskriis mõjutasid laastavalt ka hotellimajandust. Nimetamisväärne turismi kasv algas Euroopas 1950. aastate keskel. Nüüdisaegne, arenenud hotellimajandus on mitmekesine, talle on iseloomulik uut tüüpi majutusettevõtete teke (motellid, puhkekülad, lennuhotellid jne

Turism → Majutus
54 allalaadimist

Eesti Kinod

Juba 19. saj. lõpust asusid ka mitmed seltsid oma ruumides korraldama filmiõhtuid. Kuni 1908. aastani toimusid kinoetendused peamiselt erinevates klubiruumides, teatrihoonetes, tsirkustes, suveaedades, näitusepaviljonides jms. spetsiaalselt kinole mitte kohandatud kohtades. Nõnda kujunesid Tallinnas sagedaimateks kinonäitamise kohtadeks Karja värava lähedal asunud puithoone, kus korraldas sageli etendusi rändkino Original Bioskop, Näituseväljaku paviljonis tegutses Grand Imperial Vio, Rataskaevu tänavas seadis end üüriruumidesse sisse Elektro-Biograaf. Esimene paikkino Eestis avati alles 1908. aasta aprillis Tartus (esimene paikkino Ühendriikides oli avatud 1902. aastal, Helsingis 1904, Kopenhaagenis 1905. aastal). Tegemist oli kinoga Illusioon Heinaturul, mis mõeldud 360 vaatajale. Kõige esinduslikumaks paikkinoks kujunes aga 1908. aasta juulis Tallinnas Uue turu ääres (Viru väljakul) uksed avanud Metropol ehk "Elavate ja laulvate piltide teater"

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

English history

and British rule collapsed in Ireland as a result of the Irish War of Independence. This sparked Independence movements across the Empire and inspired other nations for Freedom. World War I Britain has proven itself on several occasions to be strong and powerful. It has created the reputation by being one of the world's largest industrial powers. The industrial revolution with WWI was that brought the British Empire to the peak of its expansion. Imperial contributions had strengthened the British war effort, and victory brought to country mandates over new territories, such as Palestine, Iraq, and some territories in Africa. World War I, known also as the First World War, Great War and War to End All Wars was a global military conflict. Over 15 million people were killed. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. The proximate cause was the 28 June 1914 assassination of Franz

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Tallinn The first traces of human settlement found in Tallinn's city center by archeologists are about 5000 years old. In 1050 the first fortress was built on Tallinn Toompea.[3] In 1285 the city became the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League. Medieval Tallinn enjoyed a strategic position at the crossroads of trade between Western and Northern Europe and Russia. On 24 February 1918, the Independence Manifesto was proclaimed in Tallinn, followed by Imperial German occupation and a war of independence with Russia. On 2 February 1920, the Tartu Peace Treaty was signed with Soviet Russia, wherein Russia acknowledged the independence of the Estonian Republic. Tallinn became the capital of an independent Estonia. After World War II started, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1940, and later occupied by Nazi Germany from 1941–44. After Nazi retreat in 1944, it was occupie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Wars involving the UK

The Wars of the Roses · 1455 ­ 1485 · Henry VI · Edward IV · Henry Tudor Red Rose of Lancaster The Tudor Rose of England White Rose of York The English Civil War · 1642 ­ 1651 · Parlamentarians and Royalists · 1st, 2nd and 3rd civil war · King Charles I · Commonwealth of England Crimean War · 1853 ­ 1856 · Imperial Russia ­ 2.204.000 soldiers · British and French forces ­ 660.000 soldiers · Crimean Peninsula · Allied victory Second World War · 1939 ­ 1945 · Sir Winston Churchill · Brittish assault North Africa and Italy · "D-day" · Casualties : over 50 million allies and 12 million axis · Allied victory Axis leaders : Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler Allied troops

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier (slaidid)

The Road to WiganGeorge PierOrwell Compiled by Priit J oasoo 12D 2009 Author George Orwell =Eric Arthur Blair Born on J une 25, 1903 in India Brought to England at the age of one Indian Imperial Police in Burma 1922-1928 1936 fought in Spanish Civil War II World War wrote a political commentary Died of tuberculosis on J anuary 21, 1950 Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Road to Wigan Pier Setting Location: Indrustrial towns of North England - Lancashire and Yorkshire Time: Before the World War II (1936) Main Character · George Orwell - an English author and journalist, who describes the living conditions of poor miners in northern England

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

"Palk - kas number või emotsioon?"

Sel aastal Hotelstars süsteemi alusel tärnid välja teeninud hotellid: Viis tärni Pädaste mõisale ja hotellile Telegraaf Varasemalt on viis tärni pälvinud ka hotell Schlössle. Neli tärni Ülemiste Hotellile ja My City Hotelile Kolm tärni Saaremaa Thalasso Spaa Hotell on saanud kolme tärni superior taseme ning kolm tärni on omistatud Tähetorni hotellile. Tärne on taotlemas veel Savoy Boutique Hotell (5 tärni), St. Petersbourg Hotell (4), Hotell London (4) Baltic Hotell Imperial (4), Hotell Pallas (3 tärni superior tase), Dorpat Hotell (3 tärni superior tase) ja hotell St. Barbara (3). Plussid Hotellide kvaliteet tõuseb Tänan kuulamast Anna Popova HT13KE

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Lastindus ja laondus

Lastindus ja laondus · Last ­ meretranspordivahendiga ümberpaigutatav kaup. · Ületades laeva parda, muutub kaup lastiks. · 2006 a veeti mööda merd 7,4x109 tonni kaupa Lastide liigitamine · Lasti füüsiline seisund · Veomoodus · Veoreziim · Füüsikalised-keemilised omadused · Lastide kokkusobivus Lastide liigitamine Jaotus füüsikalise seisundi ja veomooduse järgi · Kuivlastid ­ Tükklastid (nt metall-lastid, kottlastid, liikuvtehnika jms) Pakkimata ja pakitud kaubad, ühe kaubaühiku väärtus kõrge; ­ Puistlastid (nt maagid, süsi, teravili, boksiit/al oksiid, fosfaat) Homogeense füüsikalis-keemilis omadustega suhteliselt väikese ühesuguste mõõtmete ja kaaluga pakkimata kaup, ühe ühiku väärtus suht väike · Vedellastid (nt nafta, maagaas, toiduained) Veetakse laste, mis on vedelal või gaasilisel kujul. Lastide liigitamine Jaotus veoreziimi järgi · Mit...

Logistika → Lastindus ja laondus
20 allalaadimist

Lastindus ja laondus

Lastindus ja laondus · Last ­ meretranspordivahendiga ümberpaigutatav kaup. · Ületades laeva parda, muutub kaup lastiks. · 2006 a veeti mööda merd 7,4x109 tonni kaupa Lastide liigitamine · Lasti füüsiline seisund · Veomoodus · Veoreziim · Füüsikalised-keemilised omadused · Lastide kokkusobivus Lastide liigitamine Jaotus füüsikalise seisundi ja veomooduse järgi · Kuivlastid ­ Tükklastid (nt metall-lastid, kottlastid, liikuvtehnika jms) Pakkimata ja pakitud kaubad, ühe kaubaühiku väärtus kõrge; ­ Puistlastid (nt maagid, süsi, teravili, boksiit/al oksiid, fosfaat) Homogeense füüsikalis-keemilis omadustega suhteliselt väikese ühesuguste mõõtmete ja kaaluga pakkimata kaup, ühe ühiku väärtus suht väike · Vedellastid (nt nafta, maagaas, toiduained) Veetakse laste, mis on vedelal või gaasilisel kujul. Lastide liigitamine Jaotus veoreziimi järgi · Mit...

Logistika → Logistika
15 allalaadimist

Jamaica: Reggae

Jamaica;Reggae 1.Jamaica rahvastik ja sotsiaalne olukord: Jamaica rahvaarv 2013.a. seisuga on 2,9 mln. inimest.Jamaica  peamised usundid on kristlus, budism ja mulism,kuid juhtivaks  usundiks on kristlus.Jamaica elanikkonna moodustavad 90,9%  aafriklased,7,3% segaverelised,1,3% lääne­indiaanlased,0,2%  hiinlased,0,2% valged ja 0,1% muud etnilised grupid.Jamaica  kultuur on kokku pandud nende rahvaste kultuuridest.Meeste  keskmine eluiga on 70 aastat ja naistel 75 aastat. Vastsündinute  suremuseks märgitakse 141000 sünni kohta.Riigipeaks on  Inglismaa kuninganna Elizabeth II,kuid teda asendab saarel  kindralkuberner Patrick Allen.Jamaica riigikeeleks on Inglise  keel.Jamaical valitseb konstitutsiooniline riigikord. 2.Rastafari liikumine-Jamaical sündinud usuline liikumine  mille keskmeks on vabaduse vääristamine.Rastafari nimetus  tuleneb sõnadest Ras, mis on amhaara kuningasoost isikute tiitel jaTafari, mis on Etioop...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

The shights of Estonia

viewing platform.The tower has been hit by lightning around ten times, three of which led to extensive fires in 1625, 1820 and 1931. Kadrioru Palace Kadrioru Palace is a palace built for Chatherine 1 of Russia by Peter the Great in Tallinn, in Estonia, in 1718. It was built after the Great Northern War. The palace was desinged by the Italian architect Nicola Michetti. Kadrioru Palace has always been the crown jewel of Tallinn. Most of the Russian rulers visited the imperial summer residence. Great changes in the life and in the interior of the palace occurred in the first half of the 19th century, when Tallinn which had become a fashionable holiday resort, was often visited by Nicholas 1 and his family. In 2000, the palace was opened as the Kadriorg Art Museum, which displays the largest collection of old Russian and Western European art in Estonia. Pictures of Kadrioru Palace Kadrioru Park Kadrioru Park is the most outstanding park in

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Film 1900-1950

Film 1900-1950 Keidi Mägi Kaisa Laine Kätlin Villako Liikuv pilt • Edward Muybridge • Kinematograafi sünd – elavad pildid Värviline filmilõik • 1902. aastal, Edward Turner • Tema 3 last mängimas kuldkalakesega ja papagoi Esimesed filmid • Must-valged, ilma helita, saatemuusika • Esimesed jooksva teemaliiniga filmid • „A Trip to the Moon“ (1092) – 14 minutit • „The Great Train Robbery“ (1093) – 12 minutit The Great Train Robbery Maailim • ESIMESED KINOD • 1902. aastal loodud Tally elektri teater • Praeguseni töötav kino- Pionier Poolas; avati 26.sept 1909 • FILMISTUUDIOD • Thanhouser – 1909-1918, koostasid üle 1000 tummfilmi, esimene filmiseriaal „Miljoni Dollari Müsteerium“ 1914 1910. filmid ● Ameerika film „Alice Imedemaal“ - 10 minutit, must-valge Gladys Hulette – tummfilmi näitleja (Alice) ● „Sinilind“ ...

Meedia → Meedia
1 allalaadimist

Mittesüsteemsed ja vanaaegsed mõõtühikud ja nende kasutusvaldkonnad.

-19. sajandil. Kuna Eesti kuulus kuni aastani 1917 Vene tsaaririigi koosseisu, siis kehtis ka Eestis nimetatud aastani Vene pikkusmõõtude süsteem, mille peamised seosed olid järgmised: 1 toll = 2,54 cm; 1 küünar = 12 verssokit = 21 tolli = 53,3 cm; 1 arssin = 16 verssokit = 28 tolli = 71,7 cm; 1 süld = 3 arssinat = 2,13 m; 1 verst = 500 sülda = 1,067 km; 1 penikoorem = 7 versta = 7,468 km. 1824. aastal kehtestati kogu Briti impeeriumis ametlik mõõtude süsteem (System of Imperial Units), mille aluseks oli pikkusühik jard (Imperial yard, 1 yd = 0,9144 m). Kolmandik jardi moodustab jala (foot, 1 ft = 30,48 cm) ja üks toll (inch) on 1/12 jalga (1 in = 2,54 cm). Jardi, jala ja tolli süsteemiga puutume kokku, vaadates Ameerika filme, kuna USA-s, Kanadas, Inglismaal ja Austraalias kehtib imperiaalne mõõtude süsteem väikeste muudatustega argielus veel tänapäevalgi. Pikemaid vahemaid mõõdetakse miilides (1 mi = 1760 yd = 1,609 km), ruumala pintides (0,568 dm3) ja

Toit → Kalkulatsioon
12 allalaadimist


Vastsündinute suremuseks märgitakse 14/1000 sünni kohta. Vähemalt 2 miljonit jamaikalast elab väljaspool Jamaicat. Suur migratsioon aitab tasakaalustada kõrget sündivust - 20 sündi 1000 elaniku kohta (2001), mis siiski on viimasel ajal vähenenud (1990 registreeriti 1000 elaniku kohta 25 sündi). Rastafari liikumine - Rastafari nimetus tuleneb sõnadest Ras, mis on amhaara kuningasoost isikute tiitel jaTafari, mis oli Etioopia keisri H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty) Haile Selassie I kroonimiseelne nimi.1930 aastatel Jamaical valitsenud depressiivne meeleolu, rassism ja klassidevaheline diskrimineerimine lõi vaeste inimeste hulgas hea keskkonna uue religiooni sünniks. Vaesuse ja diskrimineerimise tulemusena tekkis esmalt liikumine "Tagasi Aafrikasse", mille liidriks sai Marcus Garvey. Sellest liikumisest tulekski otsida rastafari juuri. Rastafari liikumise initsiaatoriks võib pidada Leonard Percival Howelli, kes asus 1940

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist


Kuna tehnika osutus kalliks ja sellest tulenev kasu kaheldavaks, siis laialdasemat kasutust Maxaret mehaaniline süsteem sõiduautodes ei leidnud. Esimene elektrooniliselt juhitud blokeerumatute pidurite süsteem Maxaret Mark X võeti kasutusele 1966 lennukil Concorde. Esimese nn täiusliku elektrooniliselt juhitud blokeerumisvastase pidurisüsteemi autodele töötas välja Chrysler koostöös Bendix Corporationiga. Süsteem võeti kasutusele Chrysleri konserni luksusautol Chrysler Imperial 1971.aastal. 1985 jõudis Euroopa turule Ford Scorpio, milles oli standardvarustuses Tevese ABS- süsteem. Autole anti 1986. aastal Euroopa aasta auto tiitel ja see ajendas ettevõtet keskenduma pidurisüsteemide arendamisele, mis andis ka teistele autotootjatele tõuke panustada rohkem pidurite täiustamisse. ABS-pidurite süsteem koosneb juhtplokist, neljast pöörlemisandurist ja vähemalt kahest hüdraulikaventiilist hüdraulikaplokis. Juhtplokk jälgib pidevalt kõikide rataste

Auto → Auto õpetus
6 allalaadimist

Indian Architecture

Architecture of India Sten Ütsmüts 11D 2011 Topics Cave Architecture Indo-Islamic Architecture Colonial Architecture Modern Architecture Cave Architecture History goes back to 300 BC; Places of worship and residence; Built by generations of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain monks Ajanta (200 BC to 650 AD) Ellora (600 and 1000 AD ) Kailasa Temple Ajanta caves Ellora caves Kailasa Temple Represents Mt. Kailasa, home of god Shiva; Largest monolithic structure in the world; 200 000 tons of removed rocks; 2x the area of Parthenon and 1,5 times higher; 7000 labourers; 150 years. Kailasa Temple Indo-Islamic Architecture Muslims in medieval time Imperial styl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

George Paget Thomson

2 1927 de Broglie laineteooria abiga. Need uurimused tõid talle 1937 aastal Nobeli füüsikaauhinna. George Paget Thomson abiellus 1924. aastal Kathleen Adam Smithiga, neil sündisid kaks poega ja kaks tütart. Talvel 1929-1930 Thomson külastas Cornell University, Ithaca, New York kui "non- resident" lektor. 1930. aastal G.P.Thomson sai füüsika professori koha Londoni ülikooli Imperial College'is, seal ta keskendus neutroni ja termotuumasünteesi uuringutele. Samal aastal sai temast Londoni Kuningliku Seltsi liige. Ta jäi sellele ametikohale kuni 1952. aastani. Üheksa aastat hiljem naasis ta Cambridge, kus sai temast Corpus Christi College kapten (ehk juhataja), seal ta jäi ka pensionile 1962. aastal. 1943. aastal löödi Georg Paget Thomson rüütliks. George Paget Thomson on olnud American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele referaat 'Hiiumaa'

In 1254, Hiiumaa was divided between the Bishoprick of Ösel-Wiek and the Livonian branch of the Teutonic order who were also partly acting on behalf of the Hanseatic league The island was part of Swedish Estonia from 1563­1720, after which it passed to the Russian as part of the Governorate of Estonia, although Dagö's Swedish population kept most of their privileges. Most of the island's previously numerous Swedish speaking population emigrated or were "Estonia" during the period of Imperial Russian rule, although a small minority remains to this day. Estonian Swedes are also known as "aibofolke" (meaning island people in Swedish) or "rannarootslased" (meaning coastal Swedes in Estonian). Transport Road transport from Estonian mainland to Hiiumaa involves a 90-minute (28 km) ferry crossing from Rohuküla to Heltermaa, which is 25 km by road from Kärdla. There are about 10 ferry departures a day. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Eesti Sõjaajalugu

EESTI SÕJAAJALUGU · Sõda näikse olevat sama vana kui inimkond, kuid rahu on nüüdisaegne leiutis.(sir Henry Maine) · Rahu on keerukam nähtus kui sõda? · Maailma ajalugu, eesti ajalugu ­ sõdade ajalugu? · Kings and battles... versus ,,sõduri-keskne lähenemine" Millest tuleb juttu: · Sõjaajaloo mõistest; · Peamised sõjasündmused Eestis, eestlased võõras väes, nekrutikohustus... · Rahvusväeosad, Vabadussõda, eestlased, EW riigikaitse; · eestlased Teises maailmasõjas; · Okupatsiooniarmee kohalolek; · Eesti riigikaitse alates 1991. aastast. · Sõjateadus on kõige üldisemas plaanis teadusharu, mis käsitleb sõjaks valmistumist ja sõjapidamist. Sõjateaduse pilk on suunatud eelkõige tulevikku, eesmärgiga aidata kaasa efektiivsemale riigikaitsesüsteemile. Sõjaajalugu vaatab minevikku ja on seotud ajalooteadusega. Seega võiks sõjaajalugu defineerida kui ajalooteaduse haru, mis uurib sõjanduse eri valdkondi, nend...

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
31 allalaadimist

Mardi Gras

outs" to the crowd in response to the traditional cry, "Throw me something mister!" The "throw-outs" are large tin coins, plastic beads and other trinkets. Colours The traditional colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. These colors are said to have been chosen by Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff Alexandrovitch. For the Grand Duke, the decision was simple, and true to his noble roots, he selected the official colors of the House of Romanov(the second and last imperial dynasty of Russia). Later the colours got their meanings: purple- justice, green-faith, gold-power. Mardi Gras Icons · The Faces of Comedy and Drama · Feathered Masks · Fleur de Lis · Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! (French: "Let the good times roll!") · Throw me something, Mister! Mardi Gras in Ner Orleans Mardi Gras brings many tourist to New Orleans every year. From about two weeks before Mardi Gras there is at least one major parade each day

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry, and a Christian shrine.It has been estimated that about 500,000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum games.Although in the 21st century it stays partially ruined due to damage caused by devastating earthquakes and stone- robbers, the Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and its breakthrough achievements in earthquake engineering. It is one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession to the amphitheatre.[5]The Colosseum is also depicted on the Italian version of the five-cent euro coin. History Construction of the Colosseum began under the rule of the Emperor Vespasian in around 70­ 72AD

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
12 allalaadimist


Trapiche Oak Cask Pinot Noir (Argentina) 75cl 24,00 Roosad veinid EUR Rose d´Anjou 2009, Sauvion, Loire (Prantsusmaa) 12cl 3,50 Rose d´Anjou 2009, Sauvion, Loire (Prantsusmaa) 75cl 18,00 Sampanja EUR Deutz Brut Classic 75cl 90,00 Moét & Chandon Brut Imperial 75cl 90,00 Dom Perignon 2000 75cl 200,00 Vahuvein EUR Pierlant Blanc de Blancs Brut/Demi Sec 75cl 15,00 Tommasi Bianco di Custoza Brut 75cl 27,00 Martini Asti 75cl 25,00 Martini Prosecco 12cl 4,00

Turism → Restoraniteenindus
28 allalaadimist

Canada´s history

Brunswick, Quebec (formerly Canada East or Lower Canada), and Ontario (formerly Canada West or Upper Canada). The remaining British colonies and territories soon joined Confederation. By 1880 Canada included all of its present area except for Newfoundland and Labrador, which joined in 1949. (It should be noted that, although part of Canada, Alberta and Saskatchewan did not gain Provincial status until 1905.) In 1919, Canada became a member of the League of Nations and, in the Imperial Conference of 1926, Canada assumed full control of its own through the Balfour Declaration. In 1927, Canada appointed its first ambassador to a foreign country, the United States. In 1931, the Statute of Westminster gave the Balfour Declaration constitutional force, confirming that no act of the UK's parliament would thereafter extend to Canada without its consent. Canadian citizenship was first distinguished from British in 1947; judicial

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


.................................................................... 19 3.2. Alesia lahing....................................................................................................................... 22 3.3. Alesia ja Allia lahingu võrdlus........................................................................................... 24 KOKKUVÕTE.............................................................................................................................. 25 THE EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN ARMY SUMMARY...........................................................26 LISAD............................................................................................................................................27 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS........................................................................................................29 SISSEJUHATUS Selle aastatöö teemaks on varajase Rooma Keisririigi armee

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

,,The Road to Wigan Pier" George Orwell AUTHOR George Orwell was the pen name of the English author, Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25 in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, in the then British colony of India, where his father, Richard, worked for the Opium Department of the Civil Service. His mother, Ida, brought him to England at the age of one. Orwell was educated in England at Eton College. After service with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1928, he returned to Europe to become a writer. He lived in Paris for the next two years, and then came to England as a school-teacher. He lived for several years in poverty. By 1936, Orwell had joined the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. He was wounded in the fighting. Late in the war, Orwell fought the Communists and eventually had to flee Spain for his life. During the Second World War, Orwell

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


Colorado Plateau uplifted. Generally, Arizona is at low risk of earthquakes, except for the southwestern portion which is at moderate risk due to its proximity to Southern California. On the other hand, Northern Arizona is at moderate risk due to numerous faults in the area. The regions that are at lowest risk in the state are near and west of Phoenix. The earliest Arizona earthquakes were recorded at Fort Yuma, on the California side of the Colorado River. They were centered near the Imperial Valley, or Mexico, back in the 1800s. In 1887, Douglas felt the shock of a magnitude 7.2 earthquake with an epicenter 40 miles to the south in the Mexican state of Sonora. The first damaging earthquake known to be centered within Arizona's borders occurred on January 25, 1906, also including a series of other earthquakes centered near Socorro, New Mexico. The shock was violent in Flagstaff. Tourist Attractions in Arizona Grand Canyon Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Monument Valley

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Viiekäiguline pidulik õhtusöök. Table-d'hôte menüü.

Keeda kuni aedviljad on pehmed ning püreesta need koos keeduveega köögikombainis. Lisa maitseaineid ja kookospiimaga segatud nisujahu ning lase segades keema. Serveeri soojalt ja lisa basiilikuleht peale. Serveeritakse Pffafl Grüner Veltliner Weinviertel DAC veiniga. Pearoog Krõmpsuv sealiha õllemarinaadis serveeritud maise ürdifooliumi kartuli ja värviliste tomatitega Koostisosad: Sealiha, maitseaineid, punane sibul, küüslauku, Kochi Tammevaadi Imperial Stout õlut, rosmariin, oliiviõli, kartulit, estragoni, murulauku, peterselli, maitsestamata jogurtit, kirsstomatid (punased ja kollased) ja sidrunimahl. Valmistusviis: Määri liha mõlemalt poolt maitseainetega, ning kata liha kilega. Külmutada 1- 2 tundi. Keeda kartul, Võta liha enne ahju panemist külkapist välja ja hoida toatemperatuuril umb 1o minutit. Haki maitseroheline ning sega jogurtiga ning sega saadud kaste nõrutatud kartulitega. Aseta kartulid fooliumisse

Toit → Toitlustus
4 allalaadimist


A predecessor to the London Eye, the Great Wheel, was built for the Empire of India Exhibition at Earls Court and opened to the public on 17 July 1895. Modelled on the original Chicago Ferris Wheel, it was 94 metres (308 ft) tall ] and 82.3 metres (270 ft) in diameter. It stayed in service until 1906, by which time its 40 cars (each with a capacity of 40 persons) had carried over 2.5 million passengers. The Great Wheel was demolished in 1907 following its last use at the Imperial Austrian Exhibition. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focal point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and mourning. Originally known as Buckingham House, the building at the core of today's palace was a large townhouse

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

London ceremonial and tradition

Records Title for most published author, he is one of the most prolific writers of his time. HMS Belfast · Permanently moored near Tower Bridge, this ship was a World War II cruiser in the Royal Navy. · Armed with six torpedoes, and six inch guns with a range of over fourteen miles, the Belfast spent over two years of the war in the Royal Navy shipyards. · Decommissioned after the Korean War, it is now an outpost of the Imperial War Museum. You can see it for yourself what it was like working in the airlocked BoilerRoom or scrambling up and down various ladders. Eltham Palace · Eltham Palace is the only English Art Deco house open to the public. · Initially a moated manor house bought by Edward II in 1305, additions such as the impressive hammerbeam-roofed Great Hall in the 1470s created one of England's largest palaces for a succession of royals

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Old Tallinn

Kunda Gymnasium Rait Türkel Old Tallinn Report Instructor:Teacher Kristi Aron Kunda 2012 Introduction Like most cities with an eight-hundred-year-old past, Tallinn is a patchwork of historic areas. The city's pride and joy is without a doubt its Medieval Old Town, but equally enchanting is the Kadriorg district, a throwback to the time when Estonia was ruled by the Russian Tsars. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies an area of 159.2 km2 with a population of 416,470. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world.The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with urku, Finland.T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

opposed very strongly by the House of Lords the british empire reached its greatest extent in 1919 became more of a confederation a couple of years later Britain lost most of its oldest colony The real dismanting of the empire took place in the 25 years following the secnd world war. it gradually became clear that britain was no longer superpower in the world in 1997 britain handed hong kong back to china, thus losing its last imperial posession of any significant size the urban working class finally began to make its voice heard The labour party gradually replaced the liberals as the main opposition to conservatives From the 1930s to 80s the trades union congress was probably the single most powerful political force outside of the institutions of government and parliament since then the working class has faded as a political force

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

of Union and so unite the two kingdoms • The term "United Kingdom" became official in 1801 when the parliaments of Britain and Ireland each passed an Act of Union, uniting the two kingdoms and creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Late history • After the defeat of France at the end of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815), the UK emerged as the principal naval and imperial power of the 19th century • UK had the industrial monopoly World War I • The UK fought with France, Russia and (after 1917) the US, against Germany and its allies in World War I • The British Empire reached its greatest extent, covering a fifth of the world's land surface and a quarter of its population • However, the UK had suffered 2.5 million casualties and finished the war with a huge national debt World War II

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

QUEEN VICTORIA & HER TIME Project Mari Murakas Class 11A 2011 Early life of Queen Victoria Victoria was born in London on 24 May 1819, the only child of Edward, Duke of Kent, and Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg. [1] The Duke of Kent was the fourth son of George III and Victoria Maria Louisa was the sister of King Leopold of Belgium. The Duke and Duchess of Kent selected the name Victoria but her uncle, George IV, insisted that she be named Alexandrina after her godfather, Tsar Alexander II of Russia. [2] Victoria's father died when she was eight months old. The Duchess of Kent developed a close relationship with Sir John Conroy, an ambitious I...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist


suundumused. Veel Rooma ideoloogiaid: militariseeritus (kodanikud orienteeritud sõjale, kuid samas ei püsi vaid relvade jõul), seadus ehk õigus kui inimmõistuse kõrgem väljendus ,,Corpus Iuris Civilis", tsivilisatsioon ehs kord ja seaduslikkus ja luksus. Roomlaste idee ­ isegi sõda on reguleeritud teatavate kindlate õigusprintsiipidea. Ka sõjal õiguslikud tagajärjed. Rooma riigi probleemid ehk miks Rooma riik lagunes 1) liiga suur, et koos hoida. Imperial overreach 4ndal sajandil toimus lõhenemine ja riik jagati 2ks pooleks, teiseks pealinnaks sai Konstantinoopol (Bütsants). Need riigipooled kasvasid järjest enam lahti. Ladina keel vs kreeka keel ja hellenistlik kultuur. Kreeka ortodoksi kirik vs Rooma katoliku kirik. Karl Suure kroon. Ida ja Lääne keisririigid Nelja maailmariigi idee läbi Prohvet Taanieli raamatu tõlgenduse. Millised on ajaloolised maailmariigid?

Ajalugu → Euroopa ideede ajalugu
24 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

that Gog was the Muscovite people. Perhaps the Muscovite people truly were vicious towards Baltic peoples, but perhaps not. Whatever the case, his biases colored his writing, likely distorting the truth as to how things actually were and how events actually happened.1 The same can be said of chronicles written by German B. Russow, who praised Swedish rule, and D. Fabricius, a Catholic Pole who favored Polish rule and rendered a Polish perspective of history. Russian history during the imperial period also shows such an ideological influence. Juri Fiodorovitsch Samanarin, for example, strove to explain to the Russians its mission and identity as the ruling people, not merely a minority, 1 Johann Renner, "Liivimaa ajalugu 1556-1561" (Tallinn: Olion, 2006), 2-13. and to show to the native peoples that they were second rate citizens. Jefgraf Vassilievitsch Tscheshikhin also displayed such partiality when he wrote, "There can be no place in Russia . .

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

Commonwealth of Nations? the british Empire has a constitutional monarchy, all countries were a part of the british Empire and the queen was the head of all countries, but the british Commonwealt consist sovereign states and only small part has the queen as head of the country, almostly for all the queen as head of the Commonwealth 7. What is meant by ,,the British commonwealth" and ,,the modern commonwealth"? British Commonwealth refers to the Imperial British Empire which ended in 1949. a new union defined as ,,freely and equally associated states" was created, Before 1949 all commonwealth dominions were united by a common allegiance to the british crown Then, in 1949, Commonwealth prime minister issued the London declaration, which changed membership in the Commonwealth from one based on common allegiance to the British Crown to one in which members agree to recognize the British monarch as the head of the Commonwealth

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist


Humal annab õllele iseloomuliku mõrkja maitse ja vahu. Pinnapärmiõlled Ale ­ see on traditsiooniline õlletüüp Inglismaal ja Põhja Ameerikas . Reeglina kääritatakse soojas , ning käärimise lõppedes tõusevad pärmiseened õlle pinnale . Alt ­ maitselt kergem kui Ale , valmistatakse Saksamaal Porter ­ tume , kõrbenud maitseline õlu .Tugev humalamaitse . Stout ­ tugevam ja kuivem kui porter . Jaguneb järgmiselt : - dry stout ( Quiness ); - imperial stout; - sweet stout ­ magus inglise õlu , mida kutsutakse ka milk stout-iks. Nisuõlu ­ valmistatakse Lõuna-Saksamaal .Nimetatakse ka valgeks õlleks, sest käärimise ajal tekib õllel palju valgem vaht kui tavalisele laagriõllele. Põhjapärmi õlled Põhjapärmi õlu ehk Lager ehk Pilsner e. Pils ehk Pilsen. Kerge kollane ja hästi vahutav õlu, saanud oma nime Tsehhi linna Pilzeni järgi. Bock ­ see on kange lager õlu ( 6,0 ­ 7,5 % )

Toit → Joogiõpetuse
96 allalaadimist

Facts about Ireland

Fact from the last Irish census, Sean was the most popular boys name and Emma was the most popular girls name. Ireland has won the Nobel prize for literature on four occasions with George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney. Irish aviation fact = Shannon became the worlds first duty free airport in 1947 There is no death penalty in Ireland. Ireland is a neutral state and is not a member of N.A.T.O. The famous Titanic ship was built in Belfast. Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company was the son of an Irish emigrant. John Kennedy, the thirtyfifth President of the U.S.A.was born in Massachusetts in 1917. The Kennedy family were descendants of Irish emigrants to the U.S.A. in the nineteenth century. Kilkenny born architect James Hoban designed the White House and also the official residence of the Irish president, Aras an Uachtarain. Bushmills, Couny Antrim is the Worlds Oldest Whiskey Distillery base...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Tugevate rühm

gather supplies and men before sailing to Minorca and then to Liguria. Ibiza negotiated a favorable treaty with the Romans, which spared Ibiza from further destruction and allowed it to continue its Carthaginian-Punic institutions well into the Empire days, when it became an official Roman municipality. For this reason, Ibiza today offers excellent examples of late Carthaginian-Punic civilization. During the Roman Empire, the island became a quiet imperial outpost, removed from the important trading routes of the time. After the fall of the Roman empire and a brief period of first Vandal and then Byzantine rule, the island was conquered by the Moors, as well as much of the Iberian peninsula. Under Islamic rule, Ibiza came in close contact with the city of Dénia (the closest port in the nearby Iberian peninsula, located in the Valencian Community) as the two areas were administered jointly by the same taifa

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Japanese festivals

Superstition says that leaving the dolls out past March 4 will result in a late marriage for the daughter. Placement The Kant region and Kansai region have different placement orders of the dolls from left to right, but the order of dolls per level are the same. The term for the platform in Japanese is hina dan. The layer of covering is called dankake or simply hi-msen a red carpet with rainbow-striped at the bottom. First platform The top tier holds two dolls, known as imperial dolls. These are the Emperor holding a ritual baton and Empress holding a fan. The words dairi means "imperial palace", and hina means "girl" or "princess". The dolls are usually placed in front of a gold folding screen bybu. Optional are the two lampstands, called bonbori, and the paper or silk lanterns that are known as hibukuro, which are usually decorated with cherry or ume blossom patterns. Complete sets would include accessories placed between the two figures, known as sanb

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Mago to gather supplies and men before sailing to Minorca and then to Liguria. Ibiza negotiated a favorable treaty with the Romans, which spared Ibiza from further destruction and allowed it to continue its CarthaginianPunic institutions well into the Empire days, when it became an official Roman municipality. For this reason, Ibiza today offers excellent examples of late CarthaginianPunic civilization. During the Roman Empire, the island became a quiet imperial outpost, removed from the important trading routes of the time. After the fall of the Roman empire and a brief period of first Vandal and then Byzantine rule, the island was conquered by the Moors, as well as much of the Iberian peninsula. Under Islamic rule, Ibiza came in close contact with the city of Dénia (the closest port in the nearby Iberian peninsula, located in the Valencian Community) as the two areas were administered jointly by the same taifa

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun