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"hygiene" - 33 õppematerjali



suvel me kaevame aias, ujume, lamame liival. Ja peamine osaleja nendes kõikides tegevustes on meie käed. Nii mustus, tolm, mikroobid esimest korda ilmnevad täpselt käe pinnal. Et vältida haigust igaüks meist, peab hoolitsema õige kätehügieenist. Kätehügieen on kõige tõhusam viis kaitsta patsiente ja tervishoiutöötajaid nakkuse leviku eest. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Boyce, J., Cookson, B., Damani, N., Falletti, C. (2009). WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care. First global patient safety challenge. Clean care is safer care. (16.11.2012). Boyce, J., Goldmann, D., Larson, E., Girard, R., Mehta, G. (2005). WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care (advanced draft): a summary. (16.11.2012). Haigla nakkustõrjestandardid. (2002). Tallinn: EV Sotsiaalministeerium. Stone, S. (2001)

Meditsiin → Hügieen
93 allalaadimist


11.2014). Iivanainen, A., Jauhiainen, M., Pikkarainen, P. (2003). Õendusoskused. Tallinn: AS Medicina. Remmel, H., Müürsep, T. (2006). Õpi ja Harjuta. Tallinn. Sax, H., Allegranzi, B., Larson, E., Boyce, J., Pittet, D. (2007). My five moments for hand hygienea user-centred design approach to understand, train, monitor and report hand hygiene. Journal of Hospital Infectio, 67, 9. 2007.pdf . (25.10.14). Guidelines On Hand Hygiene In Health Care (2009). World Health Organisation. France . (29.10.14). 8

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
21 allalaadimist


Kristel Raud PSPSB ­ 2 What is schizophrenia? Mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by impaired emotional responses Delusions including paranoia and auditory hallucinations, disorganized thinking reflected in speech, and a lack of emotional intelligence Symptoms Hallucinations (hearing voices) Delusions (bizarre or persecutory in nature) Disorganized thinking and speech Social withdrawal Sloppiness of dress and hygiene Loss of motivation and judgment Positive and negative symptoms POSITIVE NEGATIVE Poverty of speech (alogia) Delusions Lack of desire to form Disordered thoughts relationships (asociality) and speech Lack of motivation (avolition) Auditory and visual hallucinations Causes Combination of genetic and environmental factors Family history of schizophrenia

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Women's ideals of beauty through the ages

WOMEN's IDEALS OF BEAUTY THROUGH THE AGES Renaissance 15th century High forehead In the warmer climate hair in plaits, jeweled turbans or caps Using bleach A few extra pounds of weight. Used white lead powder Elizabethan 16th century Queen Elizabeth Naturally pale complexion Red hair Healthy glow to cheeks 18th Century Women had trim Crimped or curled heads Powdered Decorated with garlands(vanikud) Wire cages Three feet in the air Feathers Ribbons Jewels Even ships, gardens Victorian Natural beauty Without makeup Used cosmetics less Hygiene and health 1840s ­ heads were sleek, demure Heavy knot of curls Plaits in back 1920s "Bobbed" Waved or shingled hairstyles Louise Brooks Clara Bow Powder Circles to the cheeks Plucked eyebrows Penciled in thin arches Lips very red 1940s Feminine hairstyles Bette Davis' curls Rita Hayworth's gleaming waves A lock of hair that covered one eye. 1950s "Doe eye" Pale complexion Intensely ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Hügieenikommete muutus ajas

intervjuule Aita Lutsuga. Tänu urimustööle mõistsin, et meie igapäevased tegevused nagu hammate pesemine on arenenud aastasadu kommeteks. Mõistsin rohkem, et peaksin olema õnnelik ja tänulik, et elan sellises puhtas ühiskonnas. 8 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. Autor teadmata. Health and Sanitation. Indus Valley. 2. Bushak, Lecia 2015. A Brief History Of Bathing: The Importance Of Hygiene, From Ancient Rome's Sophisticated Showers To The Modern Day. Medical Daily. -romes-sophisticated-showers-modern-364826 3. 1988. Eesti Nõukogude Entsüklopeedia. Kirjastus Valgus. 4. Mark, J.Joshua 2017. Cosmetics, Perfume, & Hygiene in Ancient Egypt. Ancient History Encyclopedia. ent-egypt/

Muu → Argikultuuri muutumise kursus
1 allalaadimist

Täiuslik kohv

become sour, flat and lifeless. Freshly brewed coffee should be consumed within 30 minutes if left on a hotplate and should never be reheated. The quality of the brewed coffee beverage will depend on several factors, all of which are important to produce the perfect cup of coffee: 1) Grind size of the coffee 2) Quantity of coffee used 3) Water quality 4) Water temperature 5) Contact (infusion) time 6) Type of brewing method used 7) Hygiene and cleaning practices * Grind size: Over-extraction can occur if the grind is too fine for a particular brewing method and under- extraction can occur if the grind is too large. The important thing here is the brewing method used, as different methods require different infusion times and consequently a different grind size. Clearly coffee brewed in a simple coffee pot where hot water is merely added to the ground coffee

Toit → Joogiõpetus
12 allalaadimist

Technology impact to people social skills

There have been incidents when people have not been able to keep their promises. They have made appointments but have decided to cancel them and have sent an e-mail. Unfortunately, the other person has not read the mail. In addition to, some people would like to live in the virtual world. Their minds are always on a video game. It is like a drug or narcotic. It affects people mentality and damages spirit. We have cases where people freak out and don't even take care of their own hygiene. Our society has children who come home and play video games and they don't care about the surrounding environment. That is not normal. In conclude, I have one request only. Please, communicate more face to face. It develops your social skills. Visit you relatives, friends do not waste your time on video games. Try to make contacts as little as possible through the internet! Thank you!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


..................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Salongi hooldamine.................................................................................................5 1.1.1 Autoglym Autofresh õhuvärskendaja .............................................................6 1.1.2 Autoglym Car Interior Shampoo......................................................................6 1.1.3 Loctite Hygiene Spray .....................................................................................6 1.1.4 Sonax Autosalongi puhastusvahend.................................................................7 1.1.5 SONAX Interior Cleaner .................................................................................7 1.1.6 Sonax lõhnaeemaldaja, õhuvärskendaja ..........................................................7 1.1.7 Sonax niisked puhastuslapid plastikpinnale .......

Majandus → Kaubandus ökonoomika
40 allalaadimist


tööpindu, jalatseid, sukki jne ning kõiki raskesti juurdepääsetavaid kohti. Mitte kasutada alkoholitundlikel materjalidel (nt pleksiklaas). Omadused: Kiiretoimeline pindade desinfitseerimisvahend. Bakteritsiidne, fungitsiidne, viirustevastane (kaasa arvatud B-hepatiit, AIDS). Värvitu, meeldiva lõhnaga, väga nahasõbralik. Sobib ka operatsiooniruumis kantavate jalanõude desinfitseerimiseks. Kloori-, aldehüüdi- ja fenoolivaba. Kontrollitud ja hinnatud DGHM nimekirja (German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology) suunistele vastavalt. Kasutamine / doseerimine: Kasutada lahjendamata. Pihustada 20-30 cm kauguselt otse esemetele nii, et pind saaks täielikult niisutatud või pihustada puhastuslapile ja pühkida. Optimaalne pinna katvus ca 15 ml/m2 ning toimeaeg 15 min. pH: 9 kasutuslahus Eriotstarbeline: GR2 graffiti eemaldaja (värvitud pinnad) Kasutuskohad: Värvitud pindadelt plekkide eemaldamiseks. Omadused:

Turism → Puhastusteenindus
51 allalaadimist

Kuidas valmistuda sünnituseks

Lisaks enda asjadele, tuleks valmis panna ka kott esemetega, mida läheb vaja beebi haiglast koju viimisel. See kott peaks kindlasti sisaldama mähkmeid ja vastavalt ilmale ka sooje riideid, mis hoiaks ära lapse võimaliku külmetumise. (Lember, 2005) Kasutatud kirjandus 1.Edlin, G., Golanty, E. 2009. Health and Wellness. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2.Lember, Ü., Uriko, K., Mets, H., Raukas, R., Varendi, H., Ulmann, K. 2005. Rasedus; Sünnitus; Vastsündinu. SCA Hygiene Products OÜ, Tallinn 3.Perekool. Beebiootel naise liikumisaabits. [2011, detsember 12] 4.Perekool. Sünnitus. [2011, detsember 12]

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
12 allalaadimist

Inimese looteline areng(1. -12. nädal)

Inimese looteline areng(1. -12. nädal) 1.- 4. nädal Munarakk viljastub tavaliselt munajuhas. Munaraku ja seemne raku kromosoomid liituvad üheks tuumaks. Viljastunud munarakk jaguneb korduvalt. Mõne päeva möödudes on ta hulkrakse blastotsüstina emakas, kinnitudes selle seina külge. Osa balstotsüsti rakkudest moodustavad uue inimindiviidi, keda selle staadiumis nimetatakse embrüoks (idulane). Umbes 7 päeva pärast viljastumist on embrüol varakult eristatavad kolm kihti. Väliskihist (ektoderm) moodustuvad naha epiteel ja selle sarvkihilised struktuurid (küüned, karvad), mõned näärmed ning närvisüsteem. Keskmisest kihist (mesoderm) moodustuvad eritüüpi tugikoed, lihased, veri, vereringeelundid ning enamuse kuse- ja suguelundeist. Sisemisest kihist (endoderm) tekib seedekanali ja hingamiselundite epiteel. (Georg Loogna, 2009) Esimesel nädalal laguneb lootemuna kattev kest ja lootemuna kinnitub kohevas emaka limaskestas. ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

any faults found which are liable to affect the safety and health of workers are rectified as quickly as possible, - the workplace and the equipment and devices, and in particular those referred to in Annex I, point 6, and Annex II, point 6, are regularly cleaned to an adequate level of hygiene, - safety equipment and devices intended to prevent or eliminate hazards, and in particular those referred to in Annexes I and II, are regularly maintained and checked. Article 7 Information of workers Without prejudice to Article 10 of Directive 89/391/EEC, workers and/or

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Level 2 certificate, 2008 University of Tartu, Estonia: Chemistry, 2002 - 2004 Material Science, 2001 ­ 2002 Tartu Tamme High School, Estonia, 1996 - 2001 A Level equivalents in: English, Maths, Chemistry and Biology 10 GCSE equivalents including English and Maths TRAINING: Food labelling e-learning course Certificate 2017 Food Allergy Online Training Certificate 2017 Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene and Safety for Retail 2017 First Aid Certificate, 2012 Explore Enterprise course at Prince's Trust, 2011 Certificate in Retail Works, 2009 Certificate in Interview skills, 2009 Certificate in Business Works, 2009 Cobra Group sales training, 2005 Estonian Army leadership training, 2004 Youth club management training, 2003 Enterprise seminar "Successful at first time" Motivational Training, 2003 Circuit Training Instructor Certificate, Estonia, 2003 HOBBIES:

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Level 2 certificate, 2008 University of Tartu, Estonia: Chemistry, 2002 - 2004 Material Science, 2001 ­ 2002 Tartu Tamme High School, Estonia, 1996 - 2001 A Level equivalents in: English, Maths, Chemistry and Biology 10 GCSE equivalents including English and Maths 2.3 Training: Food labelling e-learning course Certificate 2017 Food Allergy Online Training Certificate 2017 Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene and Safety for Retail 2017 First Aid Certificate, 2012 Explore Enterprise course at Prince's Trust, 2011 Certificate in Retail Works, 2009 Certificate in Interview skills, 2009 Certificate in Business Works, 2009 Cobra Group sales training, 2005 Estonian Army leadership training, 2004 Youth club management training, 2003 Enterprise seminar "Successful at first time" Motivational Training, 2003 Circuit Training Instructor Certificate, Estonia, 2003

Majandus → Äriplaan
11 allalaadimist

Word formation for advanced level

....... long period. (EXCEPTION) 3. Dreaming of a beautiful home for your ........................... .(RETIRE)? Enjoy lifetime ownership of a luxury home for an ................. price.(AFFORD) 4. The post-war decline in beer ......................... was practically halted last year. (CONSUME) 5. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and ..................therewith.(HATE) 6. In the first quarter of the 18th century people began to realise the ......................... of hygiene to public health.(IMPORTANT) 7. The ....................collapse of the Roman Empire lasted for nearly three hundred years before its final dissolution in AD 476.(GRADE) 8. Jamie's ....................of the night's events is hazy but the tabloids will refresh his memory. (RECOLLECT) 9. We are great ........................ in fate and we believe we're meant to be together.(BELIEVE) 10. I think your stylist has taken her ............................... from the rubbish dump.(INSPIRE) 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist


The Romans, for example, introduced the wooden horse. In 393 AD the Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games, which by then had become corrupt, and gymnastics along with other sports had been declined. For centuries, gymnastics was all but forgotten. Girolamo Mercuriale In the fifteenth century, Girolamo Mercuriale from Forlì (Italy) wrote De Arte Gymnastica, that brought together his study of the attitudes of the ancients toward diet, exercise and hygiene, and the use of natural methods for the cure of disease. De Arte Gymnastica also explained the principles of physical therapy and is considered the first book on sports medicine. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Germany, three pioneer physical educators ­ Johann Friedrich GutsMuths (1759­1839) and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778­1852) ­ created exercises for boys and young men on apparatus they had designed that ultimately led to what is considered modern gymnastics

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Green Energy presentation

· Citizens are urged to keep · This newly added a compost bin at their category has been home developed for the · An alternative is to dispose of old food and garden collection of misc. waste in the gray bin to be non-packaging items sent to the incinerator. · Frying pans · Household waste includes: · Appliances ash , cigarette butts, personal hygiene products, · Broken plastic toys nylon stockings, and · CD's others Interesting Statistics · Germany leads European nations in recycling, with around 70% of the waste the country generates successfully recovered and reused each year · In 2007, the US was able to recover only about 33% of the waste generated that year · Between 1996-2007, the country has reduced its total net waste amount by more than 37.7 million U.S. tons

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Essay on water pollution, global warming, acid rain, deforestation, intensive farming

This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. Disadvantages ✘ Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Apart from this, it is also associated with farms that keep livestock above their holding capacity, which in turn leads to pollution, various diseases, and infections brought about by overcrowding and poor hygiene. ✘ Reports and studies reveal that intensive farming affects and alters the environment in multiple ways. Forests are destroyed to create large open fields, and this could lead to soil erosion. It affects the natural habitat of wild animals. Use of chemical fertilizers contaminates soil and water bodies, such as lakes and rivers. ✘ Pesticides sprayed on crops not only destroy pests and contaminate the crops, but also kill beneficial insects

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Arengupsühholoogia referaat

Rasedus on väga eriline aeg naise jaoks. Selle aja jooksul toimub palju muutusi - naise organismis kui ka psüühikas. Referaadi koostamisel sain palju huvitavaid teadmisi arengu kohta enne sündi, millal arenevad kopsud, jäsemed, lihased jne. Samuti oli huvitav end kurssi viia emas toimuvate muutustega. 10 Kasutatud allikad 1. Uriko, K., Saik, E., Saik, P., Lember, Ü. (2008). Rasedus. Sünnitus. Vastsündinu. Tallinn: Jugent, SCA Hygiene Products. 2. Ulrika, K., Raukas, R., Mets, H., Liik, K. (2002). Nüüd ma tulen !: Põhiteadmisi lapsevanematele. Valgus. 11

Pedagoogika → Arengupsühholoogia
75 allalaadimist


2 MRSA skin infections have been found in athletes, military members, children, Pacific Islanders, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, men who have sex with men, and prisoners. Risk factors in these groups may include: · Close skin-to-skin contact · Openings in the skin such as cuts or abrasions · Contaminated items and surfaces such as clothes and athletic equipment · Crowded living conditions · Poor hygiene (although even very clean people can get staph infections) Is MRSA spreading rampantly, or is it just being monitored more closely? Staph infections have always been among the most common, and potentially the most serious, infections. The proportion of those infections now resistant to antibiotics (MRSA) has risen in comparison with those without such antibiotic resistance. This may be because of overuse and misuse of antibiotics and transmission of the virus between hospital patients

Meditsiin → Nakkushaigused
35 allalaadimist

Biogas – The source of future energy

Tartu Miina Härma gymnasium Biogas ­ The source of future energy Report Tartu 2010 Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... What is biogas?................................................................................................... Producing process............................................................................................... Nowadays............................................................................................................ Areas where biogas is used in............................................................................. Biogas as replacement of fuel.......................................................................... Other benefits.......................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Õpetatav aine: HÜGIEENIÕPETUS Õppeaine maht tundides : 32A, 8 IsT Õpetatavad erialad : kokk, pagar-kondiiter, toidukaupade müüja, kelner-ettekandja, hotelliteenindaja, müügiassistent. Mooduli eesmärk: Moodul võimaldab õpilasel: · Omandada teadmisi hügieeninõuetest, mis tagaksid toiduohutuse · Mõista hügieenireeglitest kinnipidamise vajalikkust · Omandada teadmisi toidu säilitamisest · Omandada teadmisi toidu saastumise võimalustest, saastumise vältimisest · Omandada teadmisi toiduga levivatest haigustest, mõista nende ohtlikkust · Õppida tundma mikroorganismide, toidukahjurite kasvu ja paljunemist mõjutavaid tegureid · Omandada teadmisi käitlemisettevõtete ­ ja ruumide kohta esitatavatest nõuetest. Õppematerjali teemad: 1. Sissejuhatus ainesse - toiduhügieeni õppimise vajalikkus, mõisted ja määratlused. 2. Mikroorganismid ja toiduained: temperatuuri mõju mikroorganismidele, mikroorganismide levik. Bakterid, viirused,seened 3....

Toit → Toiduhügieen
44 allalaadimist

Lapse arengu pretanaalne periood

php? option=com_content&view=article&id=133%3Alapse-areng-7-9- elukuu&catid=40%3Aminulaps&Itemid=76 (22.09.2011) Lapse areng 10.-12. elukuu. option=com_content&view=article&id=134%3Alapse-areng-10-12- elukuu&catid=40%3Aminulaps&Itemid=76 (22.09.2011) Lapse areng 7-9 elukuul. (22.09.2011) Lember, Ü.; Uriko, K.; Mets, H; Raukas, R; Varendi, H. (2005) Rasedus, sünnitus, vastsündinu. Tallinn: SCA Hygiene Products. Liivamägi, Ü. (1995) Uue elu algus: teejuht loomuliku sünnituse juurde. Tallinn : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda Maser, M. (1994) Sinu laps. Tallinn: Vikerkaar. Väikelapse areng. (25.09.2011) 18 19

Pedagoogika → Alushariduse pedagoog
39 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Sacro Cuore, Piacenza-Cremona, Italy. DPASA, TULisbon, Av. da Universidade E-mail: [email protected] Tecnica, Polo Universitário, Alto da Ajuda, 1300-477 Lisboa, Portugal. Eleftherios H. Drosinos Laboratory of Food Quality Control and Jane Ann Boles Hygiene, Department of Food Science and Animal and Range Sciences, 119 Technology, Agricultural University of Linfield Hall, Bozeman, Montana Athens, Iera Odos 75, Votanikos, 11855 59717, USA. Athens, Greece. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Brian C. Bowker Janet S. Eastridge Food Technology and Safety Laboratory, Food Technology and Safety Laboratory,

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Veganiks pöördumise põhjused"

They expressed strongly their negative opinion about it in answers they gave. In this research I presented two main questionswhich strongly support the research problem. First question was whether and under what conditions would students be prepared to return to the omnivorous community. The survey shows that students would turn back to eating meat if the quality of producing meat products would be better. Perhaps better machines, cleaner slaughterhouses, employees know about hygiene etc. Second thing what students bring out was if someone could prove that vegan food is somehow unhealthy and doesn't do good for your body. When they get a solid assurance from scientists and doctors who say "Yes, veganism and vegan diet are bad for your health", they will return to omnivorous lifestyle. Unfortunately this statement is not proved yet. There are doctors who talk about veganism as how bad it is for health but then again others

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Antropoloogia Teooria I eksam

Kultuuriliste institutsioonide ja vajaduste seos: Basic needs: Cultural responses: 1. Metabolism 1. Commissariat 2. Reproduction 2. Kinship 3. Bodily comforts 3. Shelter 4. Safety 4. Protection 5. Movement 5. Activities 6. Growth 6. Training 7. Health 7. Hygiene - Kultuur on olemas selleks, et rahuldada nii bioloogilisi ehk esmaseid kui ka sekundaarseid ehk kultuurilisi vajadusi. - Iga vajadus soodustab mingi institutsiooni teket Kultuurilised vastused peamistele bioloogilistele vajadustele seadsid üha uued tingimused- lõid sisuliselt uue keskkonna ­ mis õhutavad omakorda uutele vajadustele ja uutele kultuurilistele vastustele. - tekitatud vajadused pole vähemolulised kui bioloogilised.

Antropoloogia → Kultuurantropoloogia
69 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

workplace kaudu saab kätte sadu tuhandeid veebilehekülgi. Kui ei kasutata mõnda vajalikku märksõna, võib otsing anda vähe tulemusi. Mingi konkreetse probleemi kohta on märksõnu hulgaliselt. Nt ohutuse kohta jagavad infot järgnevad märksõnad: accident, alarm, catatrophe, cumulative trauma disorder, danger, death, design, disaster, emergency, ergonomics, explosion, fall, fatal, fault, fire, first aid, guard, harm, hazard, human error, illness, industrial hygiene, injury, loss, occupational hazard, occupational health, risk, safety, toxic, unhealthy, unsafe, warning, jne. Hea ülevaate ergonoomikast veebis annab Lõuna-Austraalia Ülikool aadressil Elektroonilise info üheks puuduseks on asjaolu, et aadressid sageli muutuvad. See teeb otstarbekaks alustada otsingut mingi otsingumootori (Altavista), aadressi (OSHA ­ Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist

Meditsiiniajaloo konspekt

XI. 5. LOENG: Mikrobioloogia, bakterioloogiline haiguskäsitlus Empiiriliselt mõisteti juba ammu, et haigused võivad levida mingite nähtamatute tegurite kujul. Räägiti fenomenist seminaria contaginosa, inimeselt inimesele levivast nakkusest. Nt Girolamo Fracastro (1478-1553) eitas nakkuspuhanguid kui humoraaltasakaalu kadu. Paljude haiguste puhul kõneldi miasmidest nende tekitajatena. Nt malaaria oleks üks säärastest, mida arvati tekitavat sooaurude poolt. Miasmid võisid olla lokaalsed (imbuda atmosfääri laipadest, prügist, maavärina tekitatud pragudest jne), kuid levida ka nt tuulega. Nakkushaiguste käsitlemisel esiens ka suund, mida praegu võiks nimetada pärilikkust esile toovaks ­ nt tuberkuloos arvati olevat kaasa sündinud, ehk kaleepra. Nakkushaiguste võitmise ajalugu võib alustada rõugetest (tapsid Ameerikas rohkem inimesi, kui kolonisaatorid, samuti Polüneesias). Haigus kirjeldati ilmselt esmakordselt Rhazes'i poolt ca 9. sajandi...

Meditsiin → Meditsiini ajalugu
61 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

provision of adequate nutritious foods and clean drinking-water, taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution; (d) To ensure appropriate pre-natal and post-natal health care for mothers; (e) To ensure that all segments of society, in particular parents and children, are informed, have access to education and are supported in the use of basic knowledge of child health and nutrition, the advantages of breastfeeding, hygiene and environmental sanitation and the prevention of accidents; (f) To develop preventive health care, guidance for parents and family planning education and services. 3. States Parties shall take all effective and appropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children. 4. States Parties undertake to promote and encourage international co-operation with a view

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mitmekeelne oskussuhtlus

The Origin and Evolution of Cultures. Evolution and cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kirjandus 259 M. Teresa Cabré 1999a. La terminología: representación y comu- nicación : elementos para una teoría de base comunicativa y otros artículos. Girona: Documenta Universitaria. Maria Teresa Cabré 1999b. Terminology: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Deborah Cameron 1995. Verbal hygiene. London: Routledge. Stuart Campbell 2001. Choice network analysis in translation research. – Maeve Olohan (toim.), Intercultural Faultlines I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects. Manchester: St. Jerome, 29–42. Michael Carl, Barbara Dragsted ja Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2011. Taxonomy of human translation styles. Translation Journal, 16 (2). Andrew Chesterman 2006. Questions in the sociology of translation. – João Ferreira Duarte, Alexandra Assis Rosa ja Teresa Seruya (toim.),

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
36 allalaadimist


AMBER AND RUSSET - LATE COLOUR CHANGE GENES Copyright 2014, Sarah Hartwell The ancestors of the domestic cat were nondescript black/brown striped tabbies. Over the centuries, mutation produced a wide array of colours based on 2 different pigments. Eumelanin gives the blacks, browns and blues while phaeomelanin gives the reds, fawns and creams. A few other genes give further variations on those colours such silvers, colourpoints and solids/selfs. Mutations continue to occur and unexpected colours also turn up due to inbreeding where recessive genes, hidden for generations, start showing up. AMBER AND LIGHT AMBER During the 1990s, some purebred Norwegian Forest Cats in Sweden produced chocolate/lilac and cinnamon/fawn offspring. However, those colours are not found in the purebred Norwegian Forest Cat gene pool. Had the gene pool become polluted by someone, perhaps generations ago, breeding their Norwegian Forest Cat to another breed? ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

Environmental conditions. Laboratorium Bouwfysica, K.U.-Leuven, Belgium. Seppänen, O. A. & Fisk, W J. Some quantitative relations between indoor environmental Quality and Work Performance or Health. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2006. Seppänen, O. A. Estimated cost of indoor climate in Finnish buildings. Proceedings of Indoor Air 1999, 3, 13-18. SIA 180. Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein: Wärmeschutz im Hochbau, Zürich. 1999. Singh J: Allergic reactions: occupational hygiene: Health and Safety, February 2000, pp.14–16. Singh J: Biological contaminants in the built environment and their health implications: Building Res Inform 1993;21(4):216–224. Singh, J., Singh, J., Yu, CWF., Kim, JT. Building Pathology, Investigation of Sick Buildings –Toxic Moulds. Indoor Built Environment 2010;19 (1): 40–47. Sterling, E.M., Arundel, A., Sterling, T.D. 1985. Criteria for human exposure to humidity in occupied buildings. ASHRAE Transactions 1985; 91 1: 611-621. Stopp, H

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

tions would win support via the irrational course of psychological reactance.4 Of course, political ideas are not the only kind that are susceptible to restric- tion. Access to sexually oriented material is also frequently limited. Although not as sensational as the occasional police crackdown on "adult" bookstores and theaters, regular pressure is applied by parents and citizens groups to censor the sexual con- tent of educational material ranging from sex education and hygiene texts to school library books. Both sides in the struggle seem to be well intentioned and the issues are not simple, as they involve such matters as morality, art, parental control over the schools, and freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment. From a purely psychological point of view, however, those favoring strict censorship may wish to examine closely the results of a study done on Purdue University undergraduates (Zellinger, Fromkin, Speller, 8{ Kohn, 1974)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
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