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"accidental" - 42 õppematerjali


Accidental discovery - Radioactivity

Radioactivity { What is radioactivity? Atoms that have too few or too many neutrons than a stable atom can be radioactive. Muutke teksti laade Alpha particles may be completely stopped by a Teine tase sheet of paper Kolmas tase Beta particles by aluminum shielding Neljas tase Gamma rays can only be reduced by much more Viies tase substantial mass, such as a very thick layer of lead. Discovery In 1896 Henri Becquerel was trying to get naturally fluorescent materials to produce xrays b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Lühike monoloog "Luck"

Some people seem born lucky. Everything they touch turns to gold. Others are dogged by misfortune. But what is luck- i would define it as the accidental way things happed without being planned. Some people say that they are lucky and others say that they are unlucky. In my opinion is not just people who might be lucky or unlucky- it can be single acts. When someone does not win a card game or misses a shot in basketball then they often think that they are unlucky. People who say that they have bad luck are negative. For example they woun´t even play bingo or take part in raffle. They think that because they are unlucky they can not be lucky

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man The Invisible Man Herbert George Wells Published in 1897 Science fiction novella Victorian era What Is It About? A man who becomes invisible Cannot become visible again Mentally unstable as a result Main Characters Griffin ­ the Invisible Man, young scientist Thomas Marvel ­ recruited to help Griffin, stole the Invisible Man's notebooks Dr. Kemp ­ a scientist, old friend of Griffin, betrays him Setting In 1890s England Iping Short Summary Becoming invisible The arrival of the Invisible Man in Iping Accidental revealing Immature and violent actions in Iping Meeting former friend Dr. Kemp Kemp's betrayal Death of the Invisible Man Marvel ­ the next Invisible Man ? The Message One should not mess with Mother Nature Personal Comments Short For young adults and grown-ups Confusing Thank You For Your Attention ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Wine tourism

WINE TOURISM What is wine tourism? A wide range of experiences built around tourist visitation to wineries and wine regions, including: · Wine tasting · Wine and food · The enjoyment of regional environs · Day trip or longer term recreation · The experience of a range of companion/complementary cultural, nature based and lifestyle activities available in wine regions. Who are wine tourists? · Accidental · Interested · Dedicated Motivations of Wine Tourists 1. To taste wine 2. To gain wine knowledge 3. To experience the wine setting 4. To match food and wine--culinary tourism 5. To have fun 6. To enjoy wine culture 7. To enjoy the health aspects of wine How to Have an Enjoyable Tasting · Wine School - Chicago Wine School - Wine Center in New York Wine tourism in the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Crime is a disease

Crime is a Disease Every day there are thousands of crimes commited in the world. Some are accidental, others planned. People have different opinions what should be done with criminals. Some say that as primitive people they need primitive punishment. Therefore they would just be sentenced a large fine or sent to jail. I think that putting criminals in prison should help and change them, but in reality it doesn’t go like that. Even if they get out of prison or pay their fine, they usually fall back to their old ways and commit another crime.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

"Babel" My favourite film

"Babel" I have got a number of favorite films, but the last one that I have recently seen and really enjoyed is called the "Babel". In the scenes are playing Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett and others. "Babel" is a Golden Globe-winning and Academy Award-winning 2006 film, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu and written by Guillermo Arriaga. The action of the film takes place in 3 different countries and all the events that happen during the film are interrelated. At the beginning of the film two Moroccan boys shot from rifle and this influenced a chain of events that link on American tourist couple struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen girl rebel, whose father is caught by the police in Tokyo. Every branch of the story has it s very own distinct style that complements the plot of ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Destroying Angel

0 Commonly referred to as the Destroying Angel, Amanita virosa is a deadly poisonous fungus. The Destroying Angel is more plentiful in mountainous areas and grow in or near the edges of woodlands. They can also be found on lawns or grassy meadows near trees or shrubs. 0 Destroying Angels usually appear in July, August and September. Immature specimens of A. virosa resemble several edible species commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. Description of Destroying Angel 0 Caps of the Destroying Angel are 5 to 10cm in diameter, pure white, and without any marginal striations. The cap is initially egg- shaped or occasionally almost flat. Amanita virosa gills are white, free and crowded. 0 Stems of Destroying Angels are 9 to 15cm tall and often slightly curved; pure white and fibrous with fragile ring high up on the stipe. 0 Symptoms of poisoning by Amanita virosa

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

domestic front, in the home. In my view, technological developments such as the microwave are devalueing traditional homemaking skills like cooking. A final example comes from the area of information technology. More facts about individuals are being stored in data banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an everincreasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private details. Every day more information is collected by banks, credit card companies, consumer organisations and so on and who is there to keep an eye on what happens to it? It is certainly convenient to store information in this way, but I feel it could lead to longterm problems. There may be other hidden dangers theoretically, could a 'thinking' computer start to use the data against us? To sum up, I believe that we must be very careful with technology

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Filosoofia küsimused

1. What does the word “philosophy” mean? The study of proper behaviour and the search for wisdom, in greek means love for wisdom 2. Is philosophy a science? Why? What kind of science it is? Yes it is. It tries to understand the meaning of reality. It’s the science of truth. Science, as it exists today, happens within the framework of philosophy. Philosophy, however, is bigger than science. It is also a form of art and discipline…... 3. Name three characteristics of Classical philosophy? deeply rooted in religious traditions ; believes that inferior was created by superior ; more positive ; seeks the real truth ; about intelligence ; reaalsuse üle mõtisklus ; believes that god is truth 4. Name three characteristics of Modern philosophy. believes that superior was created by inferior (!) ; more negative ; about will ; power ; domain of reality ; believes that knowledge is truth ; man is god 5. What was the problem that the first philo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Anesteesia ajalugu

Anesteesia ajalugu 19. sajandi keskpaik Anesteesia ehk narkoos on üks põhikomponente operatsiooni teostamisel. Ilma anesteesiata võib osutuda operatsioon peaaegu võimatuks, kuna inimene võib endast välja minna, mis tõstab pulssi ja seetõttu ka verekaotust. Nimelt ka valu on patsiendil väga raske operatsiooni ajal taluda. Aegade algusest peale on inimesed püüdnud leida mooduseid, kuidas muuta valu operatsiooni ajaks talutavamaks või olematuks. Vanadel aegadel kasutati selleks kanepit ja mitmeid teisi taimi, et luua inimesele uimane olek. Operatsioon oli meeletult piinarikas. Rooma arst on kirjutanud umbes sajand peale kristust: "Kirurg peab olema tugeva ja täpse käega, mis kunagi ei värise. Ta peab olema valmis kasutama oma vasakut kätt sama hästi, kui oma paremat. Olema nägemiselt täpne ja klaar. Olemuselt täis kaastunnet, soovides ravida oma patsienti kuid sellegipo...

Meditsiin → Narkoloogia
15 allalaadimist

Alkoholi ja narkootikumide segatarvitamine/koostarvitamine

KOOL Keemia Alkoholi ja narkootikumide segatarvitamine ja koosmõju Referaat Õpilane: Klass: 11. klass Juhendaja: Tallinn 2016 Erinevate uimastite segatarvitamine on järjest populaarsemaks muutuv nähtus, mida esialgu seostaks elupõletajatest asotsiaalide elustiiliga, kuid tegelikult seostub tugevalt ka noortega. Paraku põhjustab alkoholi ja narkootikumide koostarvitamine tõsiseid tagajärgi, mis võivad halvimal juhul lõppeda isegi surmaga. Uimastite koos- ja segatarvitamine tähendab kesknärvisüsteemi mõjutavate keelatud uimastavate ainete paralleelset või järjestikku tarvitamist. Uimasteid tarvitatakse segamini erinevatel põhjustel. Üks motiiv selleks on mingi teatud efekti saavutamine, näiteks hallutsinatsioonide näge...

Keemia → Orgaaniline keemia
1 allalaadimist

Dictionary all marketers are liars

Dictionar y (,,All Marketers Are Liars") A Abandon hülgama, loobuma Accidental juhuslik Adequate adekvaatne, piisav Advertisement reklaam, kuulutus Affect mõju Airwaves õhuvoolud Alas paraku All stripes vöödilised Antibiotic antibiootiline, antibiootikum Apparently ilmselt Appeal palve Artisan kunstkäsitööline Asset vara, väärtus Assumption eeldus Auction oksjon Audacious hulljulge, ebatavaline Authentic ehtne Authenticity ehtsus Average keskmine B Barber juuksur Bearing kurss Bending nõtk, painutamine Benefit kasu, tulu Benevolent lahke Beverage jook Blacksmiths sepad Bloodletting...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kognitiivne psühholoogia: taju

Kognitiivne psühhologia I Taju protsess Mis on taju? Taju on aistinguline protsess, mille käigus aistingute kaudu väliskeskkonnast saadud informatsioon representeeritakse sisekeskkonnas, et saada keskkonnast terviklik ülevaade. Taju on protsess, mille käigus sünnib väliskeskkonnast terviklik sisemine representatsioon, mis on aluseks keskkonna tunnetamiseks ja selles käitumiseks. Kuidas taju aitab organismil olla evolutsioonilises mõttes edukas? · Kiskjate vältimine · Õige toidu leidmine · Liitlaste ja sõprade leidmine · Laste ja sugulaste aitamine · Teiste mõtete lugemine · Teistega suhtlemine · Seksuaalpartnerite leidmine Mis on representatsioon tajupsühholoogia mõistes? Representatsioon taju mõistes tähendab väliskeskkonnast saadud info ümbertöötlemist, sümbolite kaudu tegelikkuse esitamine ajus. Meeltesüsteem ja organismi omailm Milliseid füüsikalise energia liike suudab inimene tajuda? Keemilist (ma...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
189 allalaadimist

Taken at the Flood

to have taken place shortly before 9 pm, he had enough opportunity and motive to be arrested. David's alibi improves when it is discovered that a heavily made-up woman in an orange headscarf left Arden's room after 10 p.m. The investigation shifts back to the female Cloades, but Poirot discovers that the immediate cause of Arden's death may have been smashing his head against a heavy marble mantelpiece. The appearance of a murder may have been created after some form of accidental death. Lynn, though engaged to Rowley, seems to love David. Rowley may be attracted to Rosaleen, who seems to be consumed with guilt and fear. Major Porter apparently commits suicide but leaves no note. It comes to light that Arden was actually Charles Trenton, second cousin to Frances Cloade. She came up with the plan to blackmail Rosaleen after hearing Major Porter's anecdote from Jeremy. Although this explains Arden's identity, it does not clarify who killed him or who bribed

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Facebookist lähemalt

Facebook Teemaks on Facebook. Käesolevas referaadis räägin sellise internetiportaali nagu Facebook telgitagustest. See esialgu seksikate tudengiplikade hindamiseks mõeldud arvutiprogramm on vallutanud maailma. Facebook on veebipõhine suhtlusvõrgustik, mida omab ja käitab eraõiguslik äriühing Facebook, Inc. Suhtluskeskkonna kasutajad saavad lisada sõpru, saata neile sõnumeid ja uuendada oma isiklikke veebilehti, et teavitada oma sõpru enda jaoks olulistest sündmustest ning jagada pilte. Lisaks saavad kasutajad ühineda võrgustikega, mis on organiseeritud linna, töökoha, kooli ja regiooni järgi. Veebilehel on hetkel rohkem kui 500 miljonit aktiivset liiget. Aktiivseks loetakse kasutajat, kes on sisenenud viimase 30 päeva jooksul. Numbritest natuke: (seisuga 01. Jan. 2010.) * 2010. Aasta alguseks oli Facebooki aktiivseid kasutajad üle 350 milj. Tänaseks on see arv ületanud 500 milj piiri....

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

Jackie Chan

Detective Inspector Lee/tegevuse lavastaja/kaskadöör Hot War Produtsent Gorgeous C. N. Chan/ tegevuse lavastaja Gen-X Cops Fisherman Shanghai Noon Chon Wang/kaskadöör The Accidental Spy Buck Yuen/kaskadöör/laulude kirjutaja The Tuxedo Jimmy Tong/kaskadöör Rush Hour 2 Chief Inspector Lee/kaskadöör Shanghai Knights Chon Wang/koreograaf/kaskadöör The Twins Effect Jackie/laulude kirjutaja/kaskadöör

Teatrikunst → Näitlemine
1 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars- töölehed

Lk 1 1. Intention- kavatsus, tahtmine, tahe, eesmärk 2. Instead- selle asemel, see- eest 3. Forsake- loobuma, hülgama, maha jätma 4. Spin- heietama, keerlema, tiirlema, ketrama 5. Shift- muutma, nihutama, vahetama, ümberlülitus 6. Paradigm- musternäidids, aluspõhimõte, raamistik 7. Spread- levitama, laotama, laiali asetama 8. Irrelevant- ebaoluline, tähtsusetu, mitteasjakohane 9. Infomercial- reklaamuudis Lk 2 1. Chariot- sõjavanker, võidusõidukaarik 2. Superstitious- ebausklik 3. Overwhelm- üle kuhjama, üle koormama 4. Function- toimima, tegutsema, tegevus, ülesanne 5. Embrace- omama, embama, hõlmama Lk 3 1. Significant- oluline, tähtis, märkimisväärne 2. Glassblower- klaasipuhuja 3. Artisan- käsitööline 4. Pursue- järgima, jälitama, püüdlema, otsima 5. Fervently- innukalt, kirglikult 6. Beverage- jook 7. Convey- edasi andma, vedama, üle kandma 8. Venture- riskantne ettevõtmine, spekulatsioon, riskima 9. Profound- sügav, põhjalik 1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Turism ja kultuur

TURISM JA KULTUUR Referaat SISUKORD Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. Kultuuriturism...............................................................................................................4 1.1. Mis on kultuuriturism?...........................................................................................4 1.2. Kultuuriturismi tüübid............................................................................................5 1.3. Kultuurituristide tüübid..........................................................................................5 1.4. UNESCO Balti kultuuriturismi strateegia..............................................................6 2. Kultuuriturism erinevate kultuuride näitel....................................................................8 2.1. Amisid..................................

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
11 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

LEXICOLOGY 1. Size of English vocabulary 1) Old English – 50,000 to 60,000 words Vocabulary of Shakespeare OE – homogeneous; 1/3 of the vocabulary has survived • 884,647 words of running text About 450 Latin loans (Amosova) • 29,000 different words (incl. work, working, Viking invasions added 2,000 worked, which are counted here as separate 2) Middle English – 100,000 – 125,000 words) English becomes heterogeneous (Norman French, • 21,000 words English, Latin), hybrid of Germanic and Romance languages Norman French influence – about 10,000 words, 75 % are still in use (Baugh) Latin influence continues 3) Early Modern English – 200,000 – 250,000 English becomes a polycentric language; polyglot, cosmopolitan lang...

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 It is very rare in most vocabularies, but preferred in the case of technological terminology. o Quinsy, atrophy, ozone 36. Polysemy  Coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or a phrase.  Short commonplace words have the most meanings (and also the most collocations with them) – set, make, take etc 37. Homonyms  Each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation, but different origin and meaning. Accidental similarity. o Band – ribbon/group of musicians  Grammatical homonyms o Past tense and past participle, present participle, gerund, verbal noun  Lexico-grammatical homonyms o Coincide of words representing different word classes.  Love – noun/verb o Same word class, but different use  Found – past tense and participle of find, to found  Full homonyms – all forms coincide

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

(b) design of work processes and engineering control measures so as to avoid or minimise the release of biological agents into the place of work; (c) collective protection measures and/or, where exposure cannot be avoided by other means, individual protection measures; (d) hygiene measures compatible with the aim of the prevention or reduction of the accidental transfer or release of a biological agent from the workplace; (e) use of the biohazard sign depicted in Annex II and other relevant warning signs; (f) drawing up plans to deal with accidents involving biological agents; (g) testing, where it is necessary and technically possible, for the presence, outside the primary physical confinement, of biological agents used at

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

These characters are also distinct individuals, each of them with a life-story, marked by communism, in one way or another. 320 R. Dimitriu In Hoffman's account, besides accidental encounters, there are also carefully planned ones, as well as more formal meetings. Hoffman's sociological inquiry involves many intellectuals, a number of politicians, and some of the most important Romanian literary critics and novelists of the time. Magda Groza, the subsequent

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kognitiivse psühholoogia kordamisküsimused

Kognitiivse psühholoogia kordamisküsimused Kognitiivne psühholoogia Mis on? Tunnetusprotsesside uurimine – kuidas inimene tajub, mäletab, mõistab ja mõtleb Millega tegeleb? Tunnetusprotsesside uurimisega Kuidas? Ajukuvamine, eksperimendid Taju Taju protsess Mis on taju? Mehhanismid ja protsessid mille kaudu luuakse organismi välis- või sisekeskkonnast terviklik peegeldus (tähelepanu, mälu, verbaalne kood) PROTSESSID Mis on illusioonid ja hallutsinatsioonid? Mida nad näitavad? Too näiteid! - Illusioonid – moonutatud tajumine; alt-üles töötlus; toetuvad normaalsetele nägemistaju protsessidele ebaharilikes tingimustes, mis võib viia füüsikalisele tegelikkusele mittevastavatele järeldustele ja kogemustele. Meelte poolt vastu võetud info on valesti tajutud. (nt mida horisondile lähemal, seda suurem Kuu on; keerlevate madude illusioon) - Hallutsinatsioon – ebataju, ülalt-alla töötlus; tajuelamus mis on genereeritud kesks...

Psühholoogia → Kognitiivne psühholoogia
108 allalaadimist

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine ning sellest tulenev õendusabi laste lasteintensiivravi osakond Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine ning sellest tulenev õendusabi laste lasteintensiivravi osakonnas KOKKUVÕTE Antud diplomitöös käsitleti õe ülesandeid lasteintensiivravi osakonnas laste intubeerimisel, ekstubeerimisel ja intubeeritud laste õendusabis. Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli kirjeldada õe rolli lapse intubeerimisel, intubeeritud lapse õendusabis ja ekstubeerimisel lasteintensiivravi osakonnas. Diplomitööd koostades püstitati järgmised uurimisküsimused: milline on õe roll lapse intubeerimisel lasteintensiivravi osakonnas?, milline on õe roll intubeeritud lapse õendusabis lasteintensiivravi osakonnas? ja milline on õe roll lapse ekstubeerimisel lasteintensiivravi osakonnas? Käsitleti õe rolli lapse intubeerimisel ja intubeerimise ettevalmistamisel lasteintensiivravi osakonnas. Töös on väljatoodud laste hinga...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
94 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

pigem ikka concept ning term on kõnesfääri kuuluv sõna või sõnade rühm.) Tunnus (ik characteristic) on iseloomulik omadus, mille poolest asjad ja nähtused üksteisega sarnanevad või erinevad. Üksiktunnus (ik singular characteristic) on teatava objekti (eseme, nähtuse jne) mingi konkreetne iseloomulik tunnus. Oluline tunnus (ik essential characteristic) väljendab teatava objekti olemust. Juhuslik (ebaoluline) tunnus (ik accidental characteristic) on tunnus, mis mingil esemel, nähtusel jne võib esineda aga võib ka mitte esineda. Mõiste loogilise struktuuri põhielemendid: · Mõiste sisu (ik connotation, intension, comprehension) on oluliste tunnuste hulk mida jagavad kõik objektid, millele antud mõiste osutab. Mõiste sisu võib käsitleda kui selle mõistega haaratud objektide oluliste tunnuste summat. · Mõiste maht (ik denotation, extension) on nende objektide hulk, millel on need

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

Elektrirajatiste projekteerimine III

Peeter Raesaar ÕHULIINIDE PROJEKTEERIMISE KÜSIMUSI ELEKTRIRAJATISTE PROJEKTEERIMINE III osa 1. Sissejuhatus. Normatiivdokumendid. Üldpõhimõtted. 2. Õhuliinidele mõjuvad koormused 3. Juhtmete ja piksekaitsetrosside arvutus 4. Mastide arvutusest 5. Vundamentide arvutusest 6. Isolaatorid 7. Õhuliinide tarvikud 8. Trassi valik, mastide paigutus trassil 2006 ÕHULIINIDE KONSTRUKTIIVOSA PROJEKTEERIMINE 1. SISSEJUHATUS 1.1 NORMDOKUMENDID. Lähtuda tuleb reast normdokumentidest. Olulisemad: • EVS-EN 50341-1:2001: Elektriõhuliinid vahelduvpingega üle 45 kV /Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV/ – Eesti versioon etteval- mistatud ja kuulub peatselt kinnitamisele Eesti Standardikeskuse käskkir- jaga. Hõlmab õhuliinide ja tema komponentide (juhtmed ja piksekaitsetrossid, ...

Energeetika → Elektrivõrgud
48 allalaadimist

Valerie Preston-Dunlop

Valerie Preston ­Dunlop (10.-11. 04.2007 Tallinn) METACHOREOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (hõlmab kogu tantsukunsti uurimist tervikuna) ETHNOCHOREOLOGY (etnose, rahvaga seotud tantsuloome) ARCHCIOHOREOLOGY (koreograafilised nn.väljakaevamised, vanade tööde taastamine, n. ,,Kevadpühitsus", ,,Fauni pärastlõuna" taastamine säilinud kirjutiste või muude materjalide alusel jne., ka folkloorne materjal) Grammar and Synthax (art of forms, mental, emotional contact, ideas)- grammatika ja lauseõpetus, uurib tantsuvorme, vaimset ja emotsionaalset sidet loomingu ja selle autoritevahel, loojate ideid. CHOREUTICS (spacial forms, grammar on what they are based of) EUKENETICS (study of rythms, dynamics, frazing) Polyrythmic movements (rythmic in the legs, the other rythm in the arms) Body is not just a flesh ­ political, gender etc. Cathegories TRIADIE PERCEPTION ­ tekib - performer, choreographer, audience suhtest. In post-modern world CREATIVE PERFORMER PR...

Tants → Koreograafia
28 allalaadimist

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

suspects of having love affairs with other women, and of giving in to his mother's plans to marry him off to a rich Society woman. There is a bitter row, and Anna believes that the relationship is over. She starts to think of suicide as an escape from her torments. In her mental and emotional confusion, she sends a telegram to Vronsky asking him to come home to her, and pays a visit to Dolly and Kitty. Anna's confusion overcomes her, and in a parallel to the railway worker's accidental death in part 1, she commits suicide by throwing herself in the path of a train. Part 8 Stiva gets the job he desired so much, and Karenin takes custody of baby Annie. A group of Russian volunteers, including Vronsky, who does not plan to return alive, depart from Russia to fight in the Orthodox Serbian revolt that has broken out against the Turks. Meanwhile, amid the joys and fears of fatherhood, Levin no longer feels he lacks Christian faith; he decides to give his life its own meaning

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

Uurmismeetodid psühholoogias

Uurimismeetodid psühholoogias (SOPH.00.282; 6 EAP) Kokku käsitletakse loengutes/seminarides/praktikumides seitset suuremat teemat, lisaks tuleb lugeda ka õpikust Kõigi teemade kohta on õppejõud koostanud lühikonspektid, mida auditoorse töö käigus pikemalt kommenteeritakse (koos näidetega). Mõnede teemadega kaasnevad praktilised tööd, kokku 5. Iga töö kohta tuleb vormistada aruanne/protokoll (tähtaeg määratakse iga töö kohta eraldi). Kuna on tegemist võimalikult praktilise kursusega, siis on auditoorsel tööl kohalolek kohustuslik. Aine lõpeb kirjaliku eksamiga. Eelduseks eksamile pääsemiseks on kontrolltöö sooritamine (9. aprill 2012) ja praktiliste tööde tegemine ning esitamine. Lisaks on vaja osaleda mõnes psühholoogilises uurimuses aineväliselt (2h). Teemad: · Eksperimentaalne meetod psühholoogias · Uurimistöö allikad. Uurimustöö eetika (praktiline töö nr. 1; Ch 6-7) · Mõõtmine ja mõõtmisskaalad (praktiline töö nr 2; Ch 8) · V...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
344 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

search of who we are. Oedipus search for knowledge, attempt to discover something. Even her name is an allusion to Oedipus. Oedipus knows something about her future, tires to avoid it, once he solves the sfinks riddle about the meaning of life, its the end of mystery. Oedipa is feminine and this Oedipus complex in psychoanalysis is normal for male. Obsecurity, oedipa doesn't want to follow her footsteps. Wants to return to her normal life. Everything in the novel seems connected but might be accidental, not connected. This is the question that the novel raises, what is insignificant, how is meaning constructed, what is real knowledge. It is also ontological, because the novel, Oedipa, wants to know who she is. It is intimately connected to the idea of paranoia. Even the band, the musical band that he meets are The Paranoids. She feels as being followed, but noone attacks her. Whatever clues she finds, everything revolvs around Pierce inverarity. Muted hornsign, this symbol can be find

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


two breeds had enough to contend with in refuting charges of deformity. The unrecognised Oriental Fold is a Siamese/Oriental type cat with folded ears (I believe it came from attempts to breed colourpoint Scottish Folds). The Hemingway Fold is an unrecognised variety of fold-eared cat with extra toes. The term "Hemingway" is often used in America to describe polydactyl cats (mitten cats). It results either from a spontaneous folded ear mutation in a polydactyl cat or from accidental or deliberate crossed of Scottish Folds and polydactyls, possibly for curiosity or as attractive pets. A fold-eared cat aiming for recognition is the Foldex or Exotic Fold. The Foldex is a cat of Exotic (shorthaired Persian) body type developed through crossing Scottish Folds with Exotics

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Where should we have our thanks? HORATIO Not from his mouth, Had it the ability of life to thank you: He never gave commandment for their death. But since, so jump upon this bloody question, You from the Polack wars, and you from England, Are here arrived give order that these bodies High on a stage be placed to the view; And let me speak to the yet unknowing world How these things came about: so shall you hear Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts, Of accidental judgments, casual slaughters, 201 Of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause, And, in this upshot, purposes mistook Fall'n on the inventors' reads: all this can I Truly deliver. PRINCE FORTINBRAS Let us haste to hear it, And call the noblest to the audience. For me, with sorrow I embrace my fortune: I have some rights of memory in this kingdom, Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me. HORATIO

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

addition to the basic tenets of the Slow-Carb Diet: · Eat decent quantities of fat at each larger meal. Saturated fat is fine if meat is untreated with antibiotics and hormones. · Spend at least 30 minutes eating lunch and dinner. Breakfasts can be smaller and thus consumed more quickly. · Experiment with cinnamon and lemon juice just prior to or during meals. · Use the techniques in "Damage Control" for accidental and planned binges. Keep in mind that the techniques in that chapter will help you minimize damage for about 24 hours, not much more. TOOLS AND TRICKS: DexCom Seven Plus ( The DexCom Seven Plus is the continuous glucose monitor I used and abused. It is an implant that gives you the approximate data of 288 ngertip monitor I used and abused. It is an implant that gives you the approximate data of 288 ngertip blood samples per day. I found it invaluable, even as a non-diabetic.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Netherfield, and leave the next generation to purchase. His sisters were anxious for his having an estate of his own; but, though he was now only established as a tenant, Miss Bingley was by no means unwilling to preside at his table-- nor was Mrs. Hurst, who had married a man of more fashion than fortune, less disposed to consider his house as her home when it suited her. Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years, when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House. He did look at it, and into it for half-an-hour--was pleased with the situation and the principal rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately. Between him and Darcy there was a very steady friendship, in spite of great opposition of character. Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, and ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

by Meprxest. Inc. All nqhts reserved. Tropical Ra in Forests 29 World Population While everycare has been taken to trace and acknowledge copy Population Density 30-3 1 right, the publishers tender their apologies for any accidental infringement where copynqht hasproved untraceable. Population Projections 30 Allnghts reserved. No part of thrs book may be reproduced or trans World Population mitt ed In any fo rm by any means electronic, mechanical, or other Wise, whether now or hereafter devised. including photocopying, Life Expectancy: 1999, 2025 32

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

2. ПКМ узел домена или подразделения, в которое хотите добавить повое подразделение, выберите опцию Создать (New) и щелкните команду Подразделение (Organizational Unit). 3. Установите флажок Защитить контейнер от случайного удаления (Protect Container From Accidental Deletion). Подразделения имеют и другие свойства, которые можно конфигурировать;определить их можно после создания объекта. 4. Щелкните подразделение правой кнопкой мыши и примените команду Свойства . Если подразделение представляет физическое пространство,

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist


needki võivad mõjutada argumentatsiooni korrektsust. Need on pigem vead mõtlemislaadis, mitte konkreetsed argumenteerimisvead. a) Konkreetse ja abstraktse sassiminek (the fallacy of misplaced concreteness või confusing the abstract with the concrete). Viga tekib siis, kui abstraktse terminiga väljendatut püütakse väljendada sellega lähedase konkreetse termini abil või vastupidi. b) Olemusliku ja juhusliku sassiminek (the fallacy of accident või confusing the accidental with the essential). Viga tekib siis, kui põhitunnuseks peetakse juhutunnust ja vastupidi. Tihti on tegemist ka non sequitur-tüüpi veaga. c) Kvaliteedi ja kvantiteedi sassiminek (confusing quantity with quality). d) Reduktsionism ehk äärmusmõtlemine (reductionism või ,,Nothing Buttery"). Teaduse edusammud on suurel määral alguse saanud edukast lihtsustamisest, nt punktmass füüsikas. See on õhutanud inimesi taandama kõiki keerukaid nähtusi lihtsatele ja

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja loogika
27 allalaadimist


and four heavy cruisers" had resulted from a disarrangement of his codepad; they should have been reported as "two heavy cruisers and two destroyers." But another contact report alerted the fliers to the presence nearby of the landing force itself, escorted by the light carrier Shoho. They swarmed over Shoho and sank it in ten minutes—a record for the war. "Scratch one flattop!" exulted one pilot. The transports, shorn of their air cover, retired to the northward. This accidental attack on the wrong force thwarted the main Japanese objective and, since the transports never again entered the Coral Sea, lifted the threat of invasion from Australia. Fletcher could hardly foresee this, however, and next day he located the main Japanese force of two big carriers and attacked them at the same time that they spotted and attacked him. It was the first naval battle in history which was fought entirely by air and in which the opposing ships never even sighted each other

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Therefore, and infection of humans (Sofos 2002). More there is increased interest in improving the specifically, sources of microbial contamina- microbiological status of meat. The Food tion for meat include air, water, feces, knives Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the used during exsanguination and cutting, United States Department of Agriculture hides, fleece, feathers, the gastrointestinal (USDA) has declared E. coli O157:H7 an tract through accidental spillage of its con- “adulterant” in ground beef and other nonin- tents during evisceration, and lymph nodes if tact beef products and has issued a zero- inspected by incision or otherwise cut. tolerance policy that requires removal of all Furthermore, contact with other carcasses, visible contamination, including feces, employees, as well as the processing envi- ingesta, and udder contents, from beef ronment (e.g

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

nervous, or distracted. To the degree that such people operate or maintain the cars and planes of our society, the vehicles will be less safe, and consequently, we will see a sharp increase in the number of automobile and air fatalities. According to this "social conditions" interpretation, then, some of the same so- cietal factors that cause intentional deaths also cause accidental ones, and that is why we find so strong a connection between suicide stories and fatal crashes. An- other fascinating statistic indicates that this is not the correct explanation: Fatal crashes increase dramatically only in those regions where the suicide has been MONKEY ME, MONKEY DO 1I-.fill1__ highly publicized. Other places, existing under similar social conditions, whose

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

shaft, running the length of the crankcase, Systems Manual. master cylinder are actuated. with offset "throws" to which the connecting Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) A computer Fuse An electrical device which protects a rods are attached. controlled fuel system that distributes fuel circuit against accidental overload. The typical through an injector located in each intake port fuse contains a soft piece of metal which is of the engine. calibrated to melt at a predetermined current Emergency brake A braking system, flow (expressed as amps) and break the

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

film. Only after he has run the course of the journey from life to death is he able to say those magic words. It can be very effective to show that a hero is unable to perform some simple task at the beginning of the story. In Ordinary People the y o u n g hero C o n r a d is unable to eat French toast his mother has prepared for him. It signifies, in symbolic language, his inability to accept being loved and cared for, because of the terrible guilt he bears over the accidental death o f his brother. It's only after he undertakes an emotional hero's journey, and relives and processes the death through therapy, that he is able to accept love. At the end of the story Conrad's girlfriend offers to make 91 T H E W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY ~ T H I R D EDITION Christopher Vogler h i m breakfast, and this time he finds he has an appetite. In symbolic language, his

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun