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"Dictionary" - 173 õppematerjali


Dictionary all marketers are liars

Dictionar y (,,All Marketers Are Liars") A Abandon hülgama, loobuma Accidental juhuslik Adequate adekvaatne, piisav Advertisement reklaam, kuulutus Affect mõju Airwaves õhuvoolud Alas paraku All stripes vöödilised Antibiotic antibiootiline, antibiootikum Apparently ilmselt Appeal palve Artisan kunstkäsitööline Asset vara, väärtus Assumption eeldus Auction oksjon Audacious hulljulge, ebatavaline Authentic ehtne Authenticity ehtsus Average keskmine B Barber juuksur Bearing kurss Bending nõtk, painutamine Benefit kasu, tulu Benevolent lahke Beverage jook Blacksmiths sepad Bloodletting...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne majandusalane sõnastik

A 1. Ability- võime, oskus 2. Abortion- abort 3. Absence- töölt puudumine 4. Absenteeism- korduv põhjuseta puudumine 5. Academic- akadeemia 6. Accept- vastu võtma 7. Accomodate ­ kohandama 8. Accumulate- kogunema 9. Acquisition- omandamine, omandus 10. Adapt ­ kohandama 11. Addition ­ lisaks sellele 12. Adopt- vastu võtma 13. Advantage ­ eelis 14. Advise-nõu andma 15. Affordable low rise apartments (no lift) - ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid 16. Affordable- taskukohane 17. Ailing- valus 18. Ailment- häda, vaevus 19. Albeit- kuigi, ehkki, kuid siiski 20. Altered- muudetud, ümber tehtud 21. Amenity standards - hüve standardid 22. Amount of sunlight - päikesevalguse kogus 23. Analyze- analüüsima 24. Ancillary ­ abistav 25. Annually- igal aastal 26. Anxiety ­ mure, ärevus 27. Apparel- rõivad, kehakate 28. Appraisal ­ hinnangu andmine 29. Approach- pöörduma, lähenema 30. Approaches to residential - elamurajooni paigutus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

In the 2014 article, ,,Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)" GSMA shares its vision of the evolution of The Internet of Things that will lead to the so-called Connected Life. The future of mobile connectivity goes beyond tablets and cars, allowing to connect virtually everything. It is assumed that there will be a significant rise of connected devices throughout the world, allowing the growth of new services, transforming the way people work and live. The lack of human interaction will probably cause the emergence of new business models and promote the delivery of services across diverse socio-economic sectors. A research by Machina Research predicts that the Internet of Things is likely to boost the economy by an enormous amount up to US$ 4.5 trillion yearly. The needs of variable industries are already met by the use of Machine to Machine (M2M) solutions using wireless networks. Being a relatively new sector, the M2M connecti...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Vana-India muusika

edasises referaadis pärinevad Ntyastrast. Kolmas peatükk käsitleb klassikalist muusikat konkreetsemalt ja lääneliku muusikakogemusega töö autori silme läbi püütakse jõuda Vana- Inda klassikalise muusika põhikomponentide mõistmiseni: analüüsimisele tulevad svara ehk noodikõrgused, rga ehk meloodia, tla ehk rütm ja vdya ehk instrumendid ja instrumentaalmuusika, mida kõike on käsitletud ka Ntyastras. Referaat põhineb peamiselt teatmeteose ,,The New Grove Dictionary of Musica and Musicians" teisel ja kolmandal väljaandel, püüdes lisada materjali ka teistest (internetipõhistest) allikatest. 1. Üldiselt ja sissejuhatavalt Nii nagu läänemaailmaski, võib India muusika jagada kunst ehk klassikaliseks muusikaks ja rahva ehk populaarmuusikaks. Klassikalisele India muusikale on iseloomulikud mitmed rahvamuusikast eristavad tunnused: 1) Tugevalt reguleeritud süsteemid ja rikkalik esteetika.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilood
6 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

to the American English direction. The object of the work Ø The object of my research work is present day English and understanding that the origin of idioms is closely connected with people's mentality. The subject of the work The subject of my studies is" Idioms in the English language". Idiom is a phrase or expression whose total meaning differs from the meaning of the individual words. Methods of my studies Ø Dictionary of English Idiom; Ø Internet sites; Ø Phraseology of modern English; Ø Communication with English teachers; Ø Reading books and comparing with dictionary; On this subject I studied the literature Ø Antrushina G., Afanasyeva O., Morozova N., Ø Basics of English phraseology by Amosova N., Ø McMarthy, M., & O'Dell Felicity.(2008). English Idioms in Use. Ø Cambridge.(1989). The Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms. Ø Lewis, M. (1993).The Lexical Approach

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Struktuurianalüüs individuaalsesse arvestusse

kirjutamist, grammatikat (nt mitmuse moodustamist võõrsõnades), sõnavalikut jms. JA Samuti tuuakse välja erinevused Briti ja Ameerika inglise keeles. Nii mõnedki selles sõnaraamatus soovitatud vormid erinevad Johannes Silveti ,,Inglise-eesti sõnaraamatus" esitatuist. Huvi pärast võrdlesin Silveti sõnaraamatut ka 1934. aastal ilmunud lühikese Oxfordi sõnaraamatu (,,The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English") kolmanda trükiga. NIMELT Silveti ,,Inglise-eesti sõnaraamatu" esimene trükk ilmus 1939. aastal ning autor on kirjutanud, et Oxfordi sõnastikud olid talle oma sõnaraamatu koostamisel eeskujuks. AGA Selgus, et Silveti sõnaraamatu nii esimene kui ka kolmas trükk kajastab omaaegset praktikat, nt co-

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Enn Veldi, Inglise keel kui normitud kirjakeel

Inglise keel kui normitud kirjakeel Enn Veldi, Tartu ülikooli inglise filoloogia õppetooli dotsent Oma Keel 2001, nr 1, lk 20-27 Referaat Tartu 16.03.2014 Inglise keel ei ole riiklikul tasemel normeeritud. Keelekorralduslikku akadeemiat on püütud luua nii Ameerikas kui Suurbritannias, aga see ei ole õnnestunud. Inglise keelt normeerib tegelik keelekasutus. Standardiks peetakse erinevates ringkondades nii tavainimeste poolt igapäevaselt kõneldavat keelt kui eliidi lihvitud keelekasutust. Aastal 1417 hakkas kuningas Henry V ametlikus kirjalikus suhtluses kasutama inglise keelt varasema prantsuse keele asemel. Siis algas inglise kirjakeele ühtlustamine. William Perry ,,The Royal Standard English Dictionary" (,,Kuninglik stan...

Eesti keel → Eesti keele väljendusõpetus
4 allalaadimist

RE English is spoken on all five continents

language of America. Webster felt that an original American textbook would help inspire the sense of identity and patriotism of the younger generation. It was his belief that pupils should enjoy learning; therefore the grammar in his popular ''speller book'' was kept simple, and it contained inspiring text by American authors. Webster began to think systematically how words should be spelled. He achieved his goal in 1806, when he published A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language- with 37, 000 words, it was the first popular dictionary produced in America. It followed the publication of a Dictionary of the English language written by Samuel Johnson in Britian in 1755 Noah Webster completed his greatest work - An American Dictionary of the English language - in 1828 and after his death, his family sold the rights to the rights to the brothers George and Charles Merriam, who continued to publish the dictionary under the name Merriam-Webster.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Maailma keelte iseseisev töö

'th' nagu sõnas 'thin' (õhuke), ja märk ', mis on kõrisulghäälik. See moodustatakse kõri tagaava sulgemisega. Arapaho keele tähestik näeb välja järgmselt: b c e h i k n o s 3 t u w x y ' Arapaho keel on polüsünteetiline keel, kuna selle sõnad koosnevad väga paljudest morfeemidest. Keeles esinevad pikad lausemoodi sõnad ning keerulised verbid. See-eest on sõnade järjekord lauses üsnagi vaba.(Salzmann, Dictionary Of The Northern Aropaho Language 1983). Arapaho keele südameks on tegusõna. Väga paljud arapaho keele nimisõnad on tegelikult tegusõnad. Näiteks sõna 'kruus' tähistab miskit, mis 'hoiab asju'. Verbid jagunevad nelja kategooriasse: esimesel tasemel esineb vahe sihiliste ning sihitute tegusõnade vahel. Sihitutel tegusõnadel esineb vahe elus ja eluta sõnade vahel. Elus ja eluta sõnu kutsutakse AI ja II verbideks. Arapaho

Keeled → Keeleteadus
1 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise kodutööd

1. Teksti analüüs Kirjuta funktsioon sümbolite_sagedus , mis võtab argumendiks sõne ja tagastab sõnastiku, mis sisaldab sõnes sisalduvate tähtede esinemise sagedusi. Sõnastiku võtmeteks peaksid olema tähed või muud sümbolid (st tehniliselt võttes sõned) ja väärtusteks täisarvud. Kirjuta ka funktsioon erinevad_sümbolid , mis võtab samuti argumendiks sõne, aga tagastab hulga kõikide antud sõnes leiduvate erinevate sümbolitega. def sümbolite_sagedus(sona): dictionary = {} for s in sona: if not s in dictionary: dictionary[s] = 1 else: amt = dictionary[s] dictionary[s] = amt + 1 return dictionary def erinevad_sümbolid(sona): return set(sona) 3. Lapsed ja vanemad Failis lapsed.txt on igal real vanema isikukood, tühik ja lapse isikukood. Failis nimed.txt on igal real ühe inimese isikukood, tühik ja tema nimi. Võib eeldada, et korduvaid nimesid failis ei esine

Informaatika → Programmeerimine - python
182 allalaadimist

Illmatic album review

There are ten songs on the album. Producers of the album are such legends as DJ Premier, Large Professor, L.E.S., MC Serch, Pete Rock and Q-Tip. I think this is one of the best rap albums of all time. NaS's lyrics are incredible and beats are fantastic. I cannot decide what my favourite song on the album is because every track is unique in its own way. Thru NaS's career his rhymes have all ways been very complicated. He is like a human dictionary and he is a great storyteller. The only song I did not like was the first track on the album called "The Genesis" but it was not really a song it was more like an intro so I am not disappointed. I listen to every single track on the album without skipping one and if you are a true hip-hop fan like me you will be in heaven when you own an original copy of the album. So buy one and support the artist.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


verbaalne hirmustamine, võitlemine, avalik purjusolek, vandalism ning kõrge tasemega müra loomine. (Thomas Martin, Pierson John, 2010) Purjusolek – mürgistus, mis on tingitud alkoholi jäägi infiltratsiooniga. (Thomas Martin, Pierson John, 2010) Sõltuvus – püsiv korduv sund ainete kasutamiseks nt alkohol, narkootikumid, tubakas. (John Harris, Vicky White, 2013) Kasutatud kirjandus Jonh Harris, Vicki White. (2013). A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care. Oxford University Press. Martin Thomas, John Piesrson. (2010). Dictionary Of Social Work : The Definitive A To Z Of Social Work And Social Care. Open University Press.

Meedia → Meedia
1 allalaadimist

Toodan, produtseerin või sünnitan?

Individualistlikus feministlikus traditsioonis on reprodutseerimine naise elueesmärgi ja naisesuse määratlejana kõrvale 1 Mõiste ja termin kasutatakse antud essees sünonüümselt. 4 tõrjutud naise intellektuaalsete võimete ees ning õiguse kõrval tegutseda kaasaja avalikkuses ning mõjutada poliitikat (Liljeström&Koivunen 2003: 227, 240). ,,Feministliku teooria sõnaraamat" (The Dictionary of Feminist Theory) ütleb, et taastootmisel on feministlikus teoorias kaks tähendust: põlvkondadevahelise taastootmise protsess ja taastootlikus seoses igapäevaste kodutöödega ning sotsialiseerivad tegevused kodus, kaasaarvatud bioloogiline taastootlikkus ja seksuaalsus. Kui defineerida naisi kui üksnes taastootlikke ­ elusolendeid ­, kujundab see valesti naise minapildi, seksuaalsed eelistused ja väljendused. Sama moodi mõjub see ka suhtele meeste, laste ja teiste naistega

Semiootika → Semiootika
16 allalaadimist

Võrgurakendused I 4. loengu konspekt

var words=["rebane","kala","lind"]; words[10]="koll"; Kui javascriptis võrrelda kahe võrdusmärgiga ==, siis javascript üritab v6rduse mõlemad pooled samasse andmetüüpi teisendada ja siis võrdleb neid. Kui on kolm ===, siis ei teisenda tüüpi. null == 0 on näiteks tõene. TypeOf() true ja false väikeste tähtedega. JS converdib true 1-ks ja false'i 0-ks, juhul kui == kasutada. NaN - kui arvutustel tekib mingi viga, st "not available number" Javascripti dictionary vastab java objektidele. Dicte saab panna ka üksteise sisse. Array-sid saab ka sinna sisse panna. Tegelikult array sisse saab ka teisi arraysid panna. Kui panna var ette, siis tekib lokaalne muutuja, kui var-i ei pane, siis globaalne. Kui JS-s on mingi viga, siis brauser ei näita mingit viga. Dict on põhiline alternatiiv XML-ile. K6ige populaarsem andmete saatmise viis. Kuna see on native Javas sees. Ei pea midagi konvertima. Seda süntaksit nimetatakse JSON-iks.

Informaatika → Võrgurakendused i
22 allalaadimist

Essee Eating disorders

Eating disorders According to the medical dictionary, eating disorders are a group of behaviors often fueled by unresolved emotional conflicts symptomized by altered food consumption. The most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Why do some people start with such harmful nutritional habits? Firstly, one reason for this could be media. Advertisers heavily market weight-reduction programs and present anorexic young models as the paradigm of sexual desirability. Also, clothes are designed and

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
17 allalaadimist

Pierre Abélard

SISUKORD Sissejuhatus Antud referaadis käsitlen kuulsa Prantsuse filosoofi, teoloogi ja loogiku Pierre Abélard´i elulugu. Referaadi eesmärgiks on edasi anda filosoofi elukäike, lühidalt rääkida tema armuloost Héloïse'iga ja tema õpetustest ning filosoofiast. Pierre Abélard on eelkõige tuntud oma universaalprobleemide lahenduse ja dialektika kasutamise poolest. Samuti on ta tuntud oma luule ning armuafääri poolest Héloïse'iga. ,,Chambers Biographical Dictionary-s" on teda kirjeldatud, kui 12. sajandi kõige teravamat mõtlejat ja julgeimat teoloogi. Palju infot võib tänapäeval tema kohta leida tänu säilinud kirjutistele, sealhulgas näiteks autobiograafia Historia calamitatum'ile (,,Minu õnnetuste ajalugu.") Pierre Abélard Varasem elu Pierre Abélard, tegeliku nimega ,,Pierre le Pallet", sündis 1079. aastal Prantsusmaal Britannia maakonnas rüütliperekonda. Ta loobus oma pärandusest ja sõjamehekarjäärist selle nimel, et õppida Prantsus...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist


has sensationalized and glorified the killers themselves, giving them yet another motive: fame. One of the reasons I didn't go into depth or detail about all of the various serial killers is for this reason - to keep your eyes on how horrible and tragic it is. We shouldn't romanticize serial killers, or their victims. It might be better if we forgot the name of Gilles de Rais or Adam Lanza. Thank you for your attention. WORKS CITIED 1. "Serial." Def. 176428. Oxford English Dictionary. N.d. OED Online. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. 2. "Killer." Def. 103376. Oxford English Dictionary. N.d. OED Online. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. 3. "Serial Killers vs. Mass Murderers." Crime Library. National Museum of Crime and Punishment, 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. . 4. DeBoer, Jason

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 5: Aine ja teema otsing

d) Elektrijuhtivate polümeeride lühike definitsioon (võib olla inglise keeles) Elecrtically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with -electrons delocalized along the backbone. 2. (2 P) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E-54 Riiuli nr: 303 b) Vismuti füüsikalised omadused "Physical properties of Bismuth" c) Köide: 1 lk: 280 d) Vismuti soojusjuhtivus (thermal conductivity): 7,87 W m-1 K-1 Sõnaraamatud: 3. (2 P) DICTIONARY OF CARBOHYDRATES with CD-ROM a) Kohaviit: TE 54/D-53 Riiuli nr: 301 b) Orgaaniline aine "chloralose" c) Referaadi nr: C-65 lk: 242 d) Aine molekulaarvalem: C8H11Cl3O6 Käsiraamatud: 4 . (2 P) ULLMANN'S PROCESSES AND PROCESS ENGINEERING. a) Kohaviit: 66/U-38 riiuli nr: 422 b) Artikkel teemal "Ensüümsed membraanreaktorid" (Enzymatic membrane reactors) c) köide: 3 lk: 2205-2224 d) Artikli pealkiri: Membrane Reactors 5

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
24 allalaadimist

Kirjand " Eksamid on kohustuslikud " (" Exams are a must ")

Are they necessary? Recently, exams are made quite often and also to early, even in primary schools. People think they are the best way to test intelligence. But is it so? I think no, they aren't best way to test intelligent. Because the majority of students are very nervous during exams and they can't focus and making mistakes. There also will not be enough time. Does anyone in real life situation prohibit you to check your spelling grammar from dictionary or look online help for the problems. Some people are smarter, while others do not. Also I hate thinking like all people need to be good at any skill. It's impossible, there are smart people and creative people, never both, who have both skills have poor skills. And we are not able to change this. As one wise man said: ,,Nobody really learns anything by force". Of course the important thing is being able to use those facts well, quickly and under pressure. But there are

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


informatsiooniga vaatleja sees ning vaatlejat ümbritseva keskkonnaga. Stafford Beer, juhtimiskonsultant, defineeris küberneetikat kui effektiivse juhtimise teadust. Antropoloog Gregory Bateson märkis ära, et kuigi eelnevad teadused tegelesid probleemi ja energia uuringutega, siis uus teadus ­ küberneetika ­ keskendub vormil ja struktuuril. Margaret Mead defineeris küberneetikat kui viisi heita asjadele teistmoodi pilk ja nägi seda kui keelt kirjeldamaks, mida vaatleja näeb. (Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems, 2002) Vikipeedia annab aga küberneetika mõiste lahtiseletamiseks järgneva defineeringu - Küberneetika on teadusharu, mis uurib juhtimise, sideteenuste, sidetehnika ja informatsiooni üldisi seaduspärasusi nii tehnilistes, looduslikes kui sotsiaalsetes süsteemides. Praktilises teoloogias nimetatakse küberneetikaks õpetust kiriku valitsemisest ja juhtimisest. (Vikipeedia, 2014) Küberneetika väljakujunemine algas alles pärast Teist maailmasõda

Kultuur-Kunst → Informatsiooninduse areng ja...
7 allalaadimist

Basic garments and their styles

TALLINN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTRE BASIC GARMENTS AND THEIR STYLES Dictionary Jelizaveta Kuznetsova 205 MRA TALLINN 2014 Contents: 2 Woman’s dresses Drop waist dress Sundress Sheath dress Kleit madala pihuga Pihikseelik Liibuv kleit Coat dress Polo dress Trapeze dress Mantel-kleit Polo kleit Trapets-kleit 3 Woman’s skirts

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infootsioskused, IT5

Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB 5.1 Kirk, R., Othmer, D. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology a) Kohaviit: TE 66/K-48 riiuli number: 422-421 b) Artikkel: “Electrically conductive polymers” c) Köide: 9 lk: 61 d) Electrically conductive polymers, definitsioon: Electrically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with π-electrons delocalized along the backbone. In the neutral, or undoped, form the polymers are either insulating or semiconducting. The polymers are converted to the electrically conductive, or doped, forms via oxidation or reduction which form delocalized charge carriers. The conductivity is electronic in nature and no current ion motion occurs in the solid state. 5.2 Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E-54 riiuli number: 303 b) Physical properties of Bismuth Aatommass: 208,98 amü. Sulamistemperatuur: 2...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing raamatukogu avakogude teatmeteostest.

The conductivity is electronic in nature and no current ion motion occurs in the solid state. 5.2. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E54 Riiuli nr: 303 b) Millises köites ja lk käsitletakse vismuti (Bismuth) füüsikalisi omadusi "Physical properties of Bismuth" c) Köide: 1 lk: 280 d) Esita vismuti soojusjuhtivus (thermal conductivity): 7,87 W m-1 k-1 Sõnaraamatud: 5.3. DICTIONARY OF CARBOHYDRATES with CD-ROM a) Kohaviit: TE 54/D53 Riiuli nr: 301 b) Orgaaniline aine "chloralose" c) Referaadi nr: C-65 lk: 242 d) Aine "chloralose" molekulaarvalem: C8H11Cl3O6 Käsiraamatud: 5.4 . ULLMANN'S PROCESSES AND PROCESS ENGINEERING. a) Kohaviit: 66/U38 riiuli nr: 421, 422 b) Leia artikkel teemal "Ensüümsed membraanreaktorid" (Enzymatic membrane reactors) c) köide: 3 lk: 2215 d) Artikli pealkiri: Enzymatic MBRs 5.5

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
13 allalaadimist

Esitlust interneti kohta inglise keeles

Negative Sides of Internet: There Are Dangerous People on Internet There May Be Information About You There Are Many Viruses That Can Harm Your Computer The Internet Easy To Get Information You can read news from the Internet, make researches, find pictures and a lot of useful stuff on the Internet. The best part of Internet is that it is free. Newspaper costs money, but you can read news from computer for free. Also you can use the dictionary for example, it's fast and easy to use. A lot easier to search the word from a book. The Internet Easy To Communicate With Your Friends Many teenagers go to chat rooms after school, to talk with friends and even make new friends. In USA, many people even get married on the Internet. The Internet Easy To Do Everyday Chores Many things are done by computer nowadays, that you couldn't do back in the old days. You can: Buy groceries without leaving the house

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

English language history

French. In the 14th century English became dominant in Britain again, but with many French words added. Modern English Early Modern English (1500-1800) Towards the end of Middle English the change in pronunciation started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact with many peoples from around the world and many new words and phrases entered the language. In 1604 the first English dictionary was published. Late Modern English (1800-Present) The main difference between Early Modern English and Late Modern English is vocabulary. Late Modern English has many more words because the Industrial Revolution and technology created a need for new words; and the English language adopted foreign words from many countries. The global english is the simple english were you now the basics but you have to use your bodylanguage to for people to understand.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


....................................................................................................................... 2 .......................................................................................................2 ...........................................................................................................................3 .......................................................................................................4 ..................................................................................4 ......................................................................................................5 ........................................................................................................6 ......................................................................................................................8 .......................................................

Keeled → Vene keel
11 allalaadimist

Infootsing e- raamatutest ja e- teatmeteostest.

raamatukogus a) Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, 2nd ed. vol 1-10 2.2.Aine ja teema otsing raamatukogu avakogudest E1. KIRK, R., OTHMER, D. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY a) TE 66/K-48 Riiul 66 c) 9. köide, lk 61 d) Electrically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with pi- electrons delocalised along the backbone. E2. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY a) TE 546/E-54 Riiul 546 c) 1. köide, lk 280 d) 7,87 W m-1 K-1 S1. DICTIONARY OF CARBOHYDRATES with CD-ROM a) TE 54/D-53 Riiul 54 c) C-65, lk 242 d) C8H11Cl3O6 K1 . ULLMANN'S PROCESSES AND PROCESS ENGINEERING. a) 66/U-38 Riiul 66 c) 3. köide, lk 2215 d) Membrane bioreactors K2. ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION HANDBOOK a) 543/A-53 Riiul 543 c) Ewing, I., Wood, G. (1990). Instrumentation for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography ­ Analytical Instrumantation Handbook. 745-841. Marcal Dekker: New York.

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist


· 1. when you work with wood or with other dusty materials, you should be careful. · USE A · DUSTY MASK · 2. When you won't wear goggles or ................, small pieces of wood or metal can get into your eyes. · USE GOGGLES · 5. When you carry unplaned wood you can hurt your hands. · USE GLOVES · 6. When you work with dusty materials or .............. you should protect your clothes. · USE OVERALLS. Translate the vocabulary not using the dictionary Safety equipment ­ohutusvarustus Put up ­üles seadma Safety boots ­kaitsesaapad Collapse ­kokku kukkuma Hard hat ­kiiver Mineral wool ­mineraalne vill Gloves ­kindad Dusty ­tolmune Goggles ­kaitseprillid Solvent ­lahusti Dust mask ­tolmumask Protect ­kaitsma Ear protectors ­kõrvaklapid Overalls ­tunked

Ametid → Tisleri eriala
34 allalaadimist

Independent music

INDEPENDENT MUSIC Also known as `'INDIE'' What is Indie? · `'Indie'' is a genre on alternative rock music. · In popular music, Independent music, is a term used to describe Independence of major commercial record labels. · Indie contains of simple but original guitar riff and keyboards or violin to bring out the underlying melody. · The lyrics are powerfully emotional(but not whiney), they spark emotion but they don't talk about their bad life or problems. So when did it all start? · The roots of modern `'indie'' are tracked back to 60's and 70's rock music. · The bands like The Velvet Underground and The Beachboys are being a part of the movement of Independent music nowadays. 80's · The term ``alternative rock'' was more or less synonymous with `'indie rock'' · In The UK indie music charts have been compiled since the mid-80's · The Smiths was one of the most k...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The history of the English language

added An example of Middle English by Chaucer Early Modern English · 1500-1800 · The Great Vowel Shift · Many new words and phrases entered the language · The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print · Books became cheaper and people learned to read · Printing also brought standardization to English · Spelling and grammar became fixed and the dialect of London became the standard · In 1604 the first English dictionary was published Hamlet's famous "To be, or not to be" lines, written in Early Modern English by Shakespeare Late Modern English · 1800- present · The main difference between Early Modern English and Late Modern English is vocabulary · Has many more words · The Industrial Revolution and technology created a need for new words · English language adopted foreign words from many countries Varieties of English · British English · American English · Australian English · Canadian English

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Denis Diderot

Rousseauga sidus teda lähedane sõprus, kuni neliteist aastat hiljem nende suhted katkesid. 1743. aastal abiellus ta Antoinette Championiga, kellega ta sai neli last. Kahjuks jäi neljast lapsest elama vaid üks, tütar Marie Angélique. Looming Suurejooneline "Entsüklopeedia" projekt sai alguse 1746. aastal (ja kestis 20 aastat), kui talle anti tellimus tõlkida prantsuse keelde 1728. aastal ilmunud Ephraim Chambersi "Cyclopaedia: or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences". Kavandatud tõlkest arenes välja iseseisev teos. Paralleelselt teose "Entsüklopeedia,, koos väljaandjaks olemisega kirjutas Diderot palju filosoofilisi artkileid, näiteks "Kiri pimedatest nägijatele kasutamiseks" (1749; Lettre sur les aveugles a l'usage de ceux qui vaient). See teos viis ka Diderot' oma materialistlike ja ateistlike seisukohtade tõttu kolmeks ja pooleks kuuks vanglasse. Looming 1762

Kategooriata → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Phonetics Glossary Homework

CITATION FORM The citation form of the lexeme is the form that is employed to refer to the lexeme; it is also the form that is used for the alphabetical listing of lexemes in a conventional dictionary. In English, the citation form of a noun is the singular: e.g., mouse rather than mice. For multi-word lexemes which contain possessive adjectives or reflexive pronouns, the citation form uses a form of the indefinite pronoun one: e.g., do one's best, perjure oneself. In many languages, the citation form of a verb is the infinitive: French aller, German gehen, Spanish ir. In English it usually is the full infinitive (to go) although alphabetized without 'to' (go);

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
5 allalaadimist

Benabena keel

sõrme ja teisel käel üks sõrm.) Kuuendast numbrist edasi ma enam kindlaid andmeid ei leidnud. kuu (nii taevakeha kui ka kalendrikuu) - ikahi Võimalusi benabena keele kuulamiseks: Words of Life Bena Bena People/Language Movie Trailer - v=wF3n9Fet1Qo Global Recordings Network. Benabena language - Kirjanduse loetelu Benabena dictionary, 2006. Koost. ja toim. Robert Young, Rosemary Young; http://www- DOBES. Documentation of endangered languages. Bena bena; Vaadatud 16.11.2016 Ethnologue. Abaga language. Vaadatud 15.11.2016. Ethnologue. Benabena language. Vaadatud 15.11.2016. Ethnologue. Gahuku-Benabena languages; https://www.ethnologue

Keeled → Keeleteadus
1 allalaadimist

Education and learning

has resulted in several (9) Although Margaret is a (10) student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term. Task 8. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Learning how to learn There is usually one important (1) C missing from most school (2) Very few students are (3) how to organize their learning, and how to (4) the best use of their time. Let's take some simple (5) Do you know how to (6) up words in a dictionary, and do you understand all the (7) the dictionary contains? Can you (8) notes quickly, and can you understand them (9) ? For some reason, many schools give learners no (10) with these matters. Teachers ask students to (11) pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don't explain (12) to do it. Learning by (13) can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine (14) of a subject. You can (15) a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject!

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimine ja organisatsiooni käitumine inglise keeles

Organisational commitment Definition Multiple definitions of organisational commitment are found in the literature. There is some of them. In organisational behavior and industrial and organisational psychology, organisational commitment is the individual's psychological attachment to the organisation. Organisational commitment predicts work variables such as turnover, organisational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In Business Dictionary is written that organisational commitment is a strength of the feeling of responsibility that an employee has towards the mission of the organisation. Porter et al further describes organisational commitment as an attachment to the organisation, characterised by an intention to remain in it; an identification with the values and goals of the organisation; and a willingness to exert extra effort on its behalf.

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

­ prices of inputs ­ returns in alternative choices ­ taxes, expectations, weather, number of sellers, . . . ­ Qs = fs (Pinputs, technology, . . .) · Qs = fs ( Pinputs, technology, number of sellers, taxes, . . .) · A change in the price [P] causes a "change in quantity supplied;" · a change in any other variable causes a "change in supply" Equilibrium Webster's Encylopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language defined equilibrium as "a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces," and " equal balance between any powers, influences, etc." The New Palgrave: A Dictionary or Economics identifies 3 concepts of equilibrium: · Equilibrium as a "balance of forces" · Equilibrium as "a point from which there is no endogenous `tendency to change'" · Equilibrium as an " outcome which any given economic process might be

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

The monster threatened that somerhing bad would happen on Victor's wedding day. Victor was going to marry Elizabeth but on their wedding night the creature killed her. Victor swore vengeance and he started to follow the creature. The creature escaped to the North Pole and that's how Victor got to the vessel. Victor got very ill and eventually he died. I quite liked the novel, although it was very hard to read because it had very many unknown words. Some words weren't even in a dictionary. The creature was sometimes called a fiend and a wretch. It's a tragic and a sad book about a creature who had no purpose in life. I would recommend it to everybody who enjoys science fiction and tragic books.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
59 allalaadimist

Technical translation

Varieties of Technical Style  Academic or scientific style: very formal with transferred Latin and Greek words; used in academic papers  Professional or workshop: formal terms used by experts  Popular or everyday: layman vocabulary which may include familiar alternative terms. The central difficulty  New terminology  Approach to translation: - Underline key terms - Use bilingual dictionaries - Use SL monolingual dictionary - Refer to a consultant and/or editor Standardised terms as a problem (a terms is chosen, defines within a particular field and then it will be used)  May have more than one meaning in one field, e.g. pinnacle – 1. Torn 2. uksepiida tornitaoline pealis Dairy – 1.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

\"Water for Elephants\"

tedious. The other thing that made the book enjoyable was the need to know what would happen next, which was really compelling. 9. What didn't you enjoy about the book? Since the book was in a foreign language, it was sometimes hard to understand some words and that tired me. A somewhat negative thing was not being able to tune myself out of the story. WORD I THINK DICTIONARY Fate Saatus Saatus Irrelevant Sobimatu Tähtsusetu Hiccup Luksumine Luksumine Bothered Tüdinud Vaevunud Marbles Pärlid Marmor Absorb Haarama Kütkestama Encased Suletud Kapslis Distressing Stressi tekitav Muret tekitav Persistent Jääv Püsiv

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Death of the Author

only imitate a gesture forever anterior, never original; his only power is to combine the different kinds of writing, to oppose some by others, so as never to sustain himself by just one of them; if he wants to express himself, at least he should know that the 4 The Death of the Author internal “thing” he claims to “translate” is itself only a readymade dictionary whose words can be explained (defined) only by other words, and so on ad infinitum: an ex- perience which occurred in an exemplary fashion to the young De Quincey, so gifted in Greek that in order to translate into that dead language certain absolutely modern ideas and images, Baudelaire tells us, “he created for it a standing dictionary much more complex and extensive than the one which results from the vulgar patience of purely literary themes” (Paradis Artificiels)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

The use of satire in Swift's A Modest Proposal According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary satire is a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humor to show their faults or weaknesses; a piece of writing in that uses that type of criticism: political/social satire (1180). Jonathan Swift, one of the ambiguous and interesting figure of the Anglo-Irish Literary Tradition, the greatest pamphleteers, and a master of satire, denotes that 'Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

Noah Webster (October 16, 1758 ­ May 28, 1843) was an American lexicographer, textbook author, spelling reformer, word enthusiast, and editor. He has been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education." His "Blue-Backed Speller" books were used to teach spelling and reading to five generations of American children. In the United States, his name has become synonymous with dictionaries, especially the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary that was first published in 1828 as An American Dictionary of the English Language. In 1806, Webster published his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. The following year, at the age of 43, Webster began writing an expanded and comprehensive dictionary, An American Dictionary of the English Language, which would take twenty-seven years to complete. To supplement the documentation of the etymology of the words, Webster learned twenty-six languages, including Old English (Anglo-Saxon),

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist


Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Pealkiri. Ilmumise koht: Kirjastus · Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. · Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. · Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research (Rev. ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Tõlgitud raamatud · Laplace, P.-S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, tõlge.). New York: Dover. (Originaalteos publitseeritud 1814) Tekstis: (Laplace, 1814/1951). Artikkel või peatükk kogumikus Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Artikli pealkiri

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist


KOPSUTURSE Mis on kopsuturse? q Kopsuturse on ebanormaalne vedeliku kogunemine kopsudesse, tavaliselt on see tingitud südame-veresoonkonna haiguste (SVH), näiteks südamepuudulikkusest või kardiomüopaatiast KOPSUTURSE LIIGID q kliiniline kopsuturse q kardiogeenne kopsuturse q kõrgmäestiku kopsuturse q krooniline kopsuturse RISKITEGURID JA ENNETUS q Esmaseks riskiteguriks kardiogeense kopsuturse korral on südame- veresoonkonna haigused. q Kõige tõhusamalt saab kardiogeense kopsuturse riskitegureid ennetada sellega, et me toitume korralikult, ei suitseta ning tarvitame ravimeid diagnoositud haiguste puhul. KOPSUTURSE SÜMPTOMID q düspnoe (hingamisraskused), sageli raske või halvem kui pikali q vahutav hemoptysis (köhimine, verine röga) q higistamine (tugev higistamine või külmavärinad koos higistamine) q peavalu või uimasus q köha q vilistav hingamine ...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
30 allalaadimist

Tööefektiivsuse suurenemine grupivälise liikmega: sotsiaalsete kategooriate mitmekesisuse mõju motivatsiooni tõusule

„Tööefektiivsuse suurenemine grupivälise liikmega: sotsiaalsete kategooriate mitmekesisuse mõju motivatsiooni tõusule“ Robert B. Lount, Jr. Katherine W. Phillips Mõisted  Motivatsioon – inimese sisesed või välised jõud, mis kutsuvad esile entusiasmi ja püsivuse teatud toimingute jätkamiseks  Köhleri efekt – olles grupis koos indiviididega, kelle tulemused on kõrgemad, pingutavad madalama tulemusega isikud rohkem  Sotsiaalse identiteedi teooria – kategoriseerimine meie vs nemad. Luuakse olukord, kus alati proovitakse end/enda gruppi näha/näidata positiivsemas valguses  Sotsiaalne kaasaaitamine – sooritus paraneb pelgalt teiste osalejate olemasolul  Sotsiaalse võrdluse teooria – inimeste vajadus oma võimeid ja arvamusi teistega võrrelda Mõisted  Sotsiaalne kompenseerimine – grupi keskmise sooritustulemuse paranemine, kus indiviidid suurendavad oma panust ü...

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
2 allalaadimist


Leixcology revision questions 1) Composition of english vocabulary Vobabulary is the sum of a total of words used in a language by speekers or used in a dictionary. English vocabulary cosists of six units: Simple words- fall Complex words- prefall Phrasal word- face up to Compound word- face lift Multiword expression- face the music Shortened forms- prefab (prefabely?) 2) Core and pherifery English has been heavily influenced by other languages. 31.8 % comes from old english, 45% comes from french, 16,7% comes from latin, 4,2% other germanic languages and 2,3 other languages. The very core is mono-syllabic (93 of the first 100 words nad the other seven are two-syllabic). The core vocabulary is predominantly germanic. 3) Native and foreign elements Native vocabulary: INDO-EUROPEAN- mother, foot, heart, father, sea, night etc GERMANIC- friend, bidge, ship, life, heaven OLD-ENGLISH- bad, bird, woman, lady and gospel LATIN- ch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

at the moment •marry – marries •study – now studies at present NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + (tonight; today; this weekend; Y, we just add -S. tomorrow) •play – plays Listen! QUESTIONS and NEGATIVE Look! SENTENCES •You don't speak Arabic. •John doesn't speak Italian. •Do you need a dictionary? •Does Mary need a dictionary? SIGNAL WORDS always*; often; usually; sometimes; seldom; never*; every, at weekends; on Mondays; twice / once a week PRESENT PERFECT PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 1) Result of an action in the past is 1)puts emphasis on the duration or important in the present course of an action (not the result) I have cleaned my room. She has been writing for two hours.

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Pukapuka keel

Keele nimi: pukapuka keel, ka Bukabukan, Pukapukan 1; Buka Buka, Puka Puka 3 Keelkonna andmed: Austroneesia, Malai-Polüneesia, Kesk-Ida-Austroneesia, Okeaania, Kesk-Ida-Okeaania, Kaug- Okeaania, Vaikse ookeani keskosa keeled, Polüneesia, Pukapuka 1 Täpsem piirkond: Kõneletakse Pukapuka ja Nassau saartel, põhjapoolsetel Cook ´i saartel, Rarotongal. Ka Austraalias ja Uus-Meremaal. 1 Kõnelejate arv: Kõnelejaid kokku 2400, Cook´i saartel 450 (seisuga 2011), staatus 6b (ohustatud) 1 Kuigi peaaegu kõik inimesed saarel, nii lapsed kui teisest rahvusest abikaasad, räägivad pukapuka keelt, on olemas vähesed kirjalikud allikad. Keel on diglossilises suhtes Cook´i saarte maori keelega, mis on riiklik keel. 1 (diglossia – eri keelte kasutamine vastavalt suhtlussituatsioonile) Arvsõnad: Üks – tai, tayi Kaks – lua Kolm – tolu Neli – wā Viis – lima Kuus – ono Seitse – witu Kaheksa – valu Üheksa – iva Kümme – laungaulu Arvs...

Filoloogia → Keeleteaduse alused
2 allalaadimist

Esitlus - "Küberkaitse ja kübersõda"

Hansapank oli sunnitud ajutiselt ligipääsu võõramaistele teenusepakkujatele sulgema. Sihtmärkide hulgas olid ka Postimees ja Eesti Päevaleht. Viimane rünnak toimus 15. mail Salasõnad Salasõna ehk parool on sõna(de kombinatsioon) või märkide jada, mida kasutatakse autentimisel, et kinnitada oma identiteet või saada kuskile juurdepääs Nende murdmisel kasutatakse kolme peamist viisi (murdmise kiiruse järjekorras): § Arvamine § Dictionary attack, kus kasutatakse skripti/programmi, millele on antud ette sõnade nimekiri § Brute-force attack, kus programm proovib läbi kõikvõimalikud kombinatsioonid etteantud parameetrite sees BRUTE FORCE ATTACK'I KESTVUS: SUUR- JA VÄIKETÄHED, NUMBRID JA SÜMBOLID (96 võimalikku märki) Pikkus Kulunud aeg tavaarvutiga (10 miljonit Kombinatsioone

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
27 allalaadimist


Media broadcasting (TV) Maria-Lisett Allak, Jan Kamenski To which time period does the usage of this media refer to? Television refers roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s. This period called "The Golden Age of Television" because at that time, the television spread across America very fast. According to The Television Industry: A Historical Dictionary, "the Golden Age opened with Kraft Television Theatre on May 7, 1947 and ended with the last live show in the Playhouse 90( ) series ten years later. Television became available in crude experimental forms in the late 1920s, but it would still be several years before the new technology was marketed to consumers. After World War II, an improved form of black-and-white TV broadcasting became popular in the United States and Britain, and television

Keeled → Eesti keele sõnamoodustus
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun