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"social-mobility" - 29 õppematerjali


Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Name: EDUCATING THE STUDENT BODY Harold W. Kohl, III and Heather D. Cook. Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of preschoolers. Childhood mobility has an impact on physical development, the development of risk factors for several chronic diseases and the future quality of life. Based on today's knowledge, physical activity is essential for young people to achieve optimal growth and physical development, to prevent some health problems, as well as to social and mental development. Children who are inactive and who spend too much time in front of a screen watching television, playing computer video games or talking or typing on their phones have an increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Inactivity may also adversely affect your child's muscle and bone devel...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Victorian age

English Literature ,Victoria Age 1) Overview of the Victorian age · Periodization During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) · Why is the Victorian Age compared to the Elizabethan Age? Both are associated with the reign of a very popular queen; Victorian age idealised the Elizabethan Age; many changes in different fields- economy, religion etc.; focusing more on people's attitudes, political developments etc; Victorian age was inspired by Elizabethan era; Britain became an empire · What were the most important changes in politics, religion and social life that occurred during the Victorian age? Politics: 1848 Chartist movement (voting right for the working class); women's suffrage movements; feminist outburst (wanted to have business ­openly; own property, voting etc.); world dominion (British empire); Economy: Industrialization; urbanization (people moved to towns ­ no agriculture & food); laissez- faire eco...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö nr2: „Drivers of Convergence in Eleven Eastern European Countries“

Iseseisev töö nr.2 1l. Kasuta artiklit ,,Drivers of Convergence in Eleven Eastern European Countries" ( ja arutle selle üle, millised on Eesti tööjõuturu probleemid võrreldes EL 15-ga (Artikkel on ka Moodles). Meil on palju inimesi. Meie tootlikus on madal. Samas hetkel on meil probleem selles, et meie hairdus ei vasta nõudmistele, ehk meil pole piisavalt vajalikke 2. Miks töötus on nii majanduslik kui ka sotsiaalne probleem nii kogu Euroopa Liidu kui ka iga üksiku liikmesriigi jaoks? Esiteks kui on palju töötuid, siis turg ei elavne. Kuna paljudel on väike sissetulek, siis nad ei tarbi. Samas peab riik neid ülal pidama, kui samal ajal saaks selle rahaga mida targemat teha. Riikidevaheliselt võib liikuda inimesi, inimesed lähevad siinna, kus on kõrgemad tööturahad ning seal enam tööd edasi ei tee. Samuit kui on töötuid, siis ei liigu näiteks spetsialistid üh...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
2 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

1. Social Policy aspects in EU Treaties Social and employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of employment - Improved living and working conditions - Proper social protection - Dialogue between management and labour - The development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. Treaty of Rome: belief that improved working and living conditions would arise from the functioning of the common market – cooperation in the areas of employment, labour law and working conditions, vocational training, social security, occupational health and safety, and social dialogue. Improved mobility and professional opportunities of employees and introduced the equal pay for men and women – directly applicable. Single European Act: harmonisation of health and safety conditions at work; possibility for social partners at European level to negotiate collective agr...

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

British History KT küsimused ja vastused

1. How many public holidays or Red-Letter Days are there in Britain? Name them. 8 public holidays in Britain: two at Christmas, one for the New Year(which was only introduced in the late 1970s) two at Easter and three Bank Holidays. 2. What is the same and what is different about the way Christmas is celebrated in England and Estonia? In England, there's common to sing Carol's and for children, Christmas means pantomimes ­ plays based on fairy tales which combine comedy, dance and song. A traditional Christmas dinner includes roast turkey with roast potatoes, a range of vegetables, cranberry sauce etc., followed by Christmas pudding and Christmas cake. The pulling of crackers(and the wearing of paper hats) before the meal is quite popular. Afterwards many watch the Queen's traditional Christmas address on TV at 3 pm. Christmas actually contains of 3 days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
15 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

1. Society- people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture. The cultural bond may be ethnic or racial or geographical, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs, values, and activities. 2. Culture- beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society. 3. A unitary state- a state governed as one single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions (subnational units) exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government. 4. A federal state-- a political entity characterized by a union of partially self- governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. 5. A multinational state- A multinational state is a sovereign state which is viewed as comprising two or more nations. Such a state contrasts with a nation-state...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Narva-Jõesuu turismi- ja puhkemajanduse analüüs

TURISMI PLANEERIMINE 1. OSA Narva-Jõesuu turismi- ja puhkemajanduse analüüs Pärnu 2012 Koostas: TÜ Pärnu kolledzi AÜTH3 kursuse üliõpilased Taivi Kaljura , Ilona Poshehonova , Ljubov Morozova . Allikad: 1. Eesti Statistikaamet. Rahvastikunäitajad ja koosseis. [ web.2001/Dialog/Saveshow.asp] 15.10.2012. 2. Hall, C.,M. (2005). Tourism ­ Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility. Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, 448p. 3. Ida- Virumaa. Majandus. [ lang=est&sid=1287551645&anchor=no] 14.10.2012. 4. Lee, C., Bergin-Seers, S., Galloway, G., O'Mahony, B., McMurray, A. (2008). Seasonality in the tourism industry. CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, Queensland. 5. Narva- Jõesuu arengukava 2011-2025. [https://narva-

Turism → Turism
27 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Preparing for exam. Focus areas Defining innovation ● “An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption.” (Rogers 1952) ● CIS survey: “Product innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market”. ● “Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990) ● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or si...

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

Estuary English 1. The geographical dimension: Is `Estuary' English estuary? Estuary English is a dialect of English widely spoken in South East England, especially along the River Thames and its estuary. Phonetician John C. Wells defines Estuary English as "Standard English spoken with the accent of the southeast of England".[1] The name comes from the area around the Thames, particularly London, Kent, north Surrey and south Essex. The variety first came to public prominence in an article by DavidRosewarne in the Times Educational Supplement in October 1984. [2] Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace RP (Received Pronunciation) in the south-east. Studies have indicated that Estuary English is not a single coherent form of English; rather, the reality behind the construct consists of some (but not a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

1. Loeng Peamised heaolurežiimid Milleks mudel vajalik on: mudel kui ideaaltüüp: seletab konkreetset nähtust teooriast tulenedes. Mudel kui stat. võrreldavus. Mitte kõik rikkad riigid ei ole HR. nt diktatuur. HR-ist rääkides peame silmas mingit riiki, mis on tõsiselt käsile võtnud sotsiaalkindlustussüsteemid. Klassikaline arusaam HRst: Turg ja valitsus hoiavad üksteist tasakaalus. HR kui turutõrgete pehmendaja: Barr: “HR aitab kaasa majanduslikult efektiivsuse saavutamisele. HR teeb midagi sellist, mida turud ei tee või teevad seda ebaefektiivselt.” : de-commodification ehk lahtikaubastamine. Kaasaegne arusaam HR: Riik, turg ja kodumajapidamine on omavahel sektoriti seotud. Richard Titmuss 1960nd: 1. Residuaalne mudel-jääkrahastamise mudel: Indiviidi heaolu peavad tagama turg ja pere, kui need ebaõnnestuvad, siis sekkub riik. Riigi sekkumine on ajutine (hädaolukorras) 2. Industrial performance mudel- tööpanuse mudel:vajadused peavad s...

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist


TRADERUN ANSWERS 1. Have the ENP and EaP been successful in terms of their original goals? Which has been the theoretical logic to cause it? Bring examples! The main idea of the ENP is to offer our neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values (democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development). The ENP goes beyond existing relationships to offer political association and deeper economic integration, increased mobility and more people-to- people contacts. The level of ambition of the relationship depends on the extent to which these values are shared. Some examples which steps ENP has made in the field of human rights and which are represented in the report of implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy about Eastern Partnership: The adherence to the sh...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

Edith D. de Leeuw, Joop J. Hox, Don A. Dillman INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF SURVEY METHODOLOGY ÜLESANNE Õppeaines: SISSEJUHATUS ERIALASSE Tehnoloogia ja ringmajanduse instituut Õpperühm: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1 THE CORNERSTONES OF SURVEY RESEARCH 1.1 Introduction The idea of conducting a survey is deceptively simple. It involves identifying a specific group or category of people and collecting information from some of them in order to gain insight into what the entire group does or thinks; however, undertaking a survey inevitably raises questions that may be difficult to answer. How many people need to be surveyed in order to be able to describe fairly accurately the entire group? How should the people be selected? What questions should be asked and how should they be posed to...

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

History of the English language

Suppletion Present in languages of different families. Present in Old, Middle and Modern English, though the general tendency is towards more regularity/iconicity so the number of suppletive forms has decreased.In the text: goon ­ to go wenden - to turn Gan was suppletive in Old English, past form: eode.Eode was supplanted by went (past form of wenden) at the end of the Middle English period.To wend has survived in Modern English in phrases such as to wend one's way, we wended homewards (ironic usage). Thus: suppletivity- suppletion ­ different parts of one and the same paradigm come from what were originally different paradigms (different words with close meanings or words in different but close dialects).Suppletion embraces verbs, adjectives, nouns. Be ­ was/were ­been (Old English beon/wesan) (am, art, is, are); in Old English some suppletive forms were used parallel to one another) Good ­better ­ best Bad ­ worse ­ worst Much ­ more...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

1. What is known about the earliest settlers from Estonia to the territory of the present-day US? *The first immigrants from Estonia in the US = 1627 ­ no trace of the "Estonians and Livonians" who left their homeland to settle at the mouth of the Delaware River (a Swedish colony) · 1654 ­ at least one Estonian in the settlement of New Sweden on the Delaware River ­ Johan Schalbrick, a drummer from Tallinn (Reval) · New Sweden ­ Swedish colony on the Delaware River from 1638­1655 · 1657 ­ Martinus Hoffman, born in Tallinn (Reval), came to New York (New Amsterdam), started to work as a saddlemaker. · His great-granddaughter Cornelia Hoffmann (b. 1734) married Isaac Roosevelt, which makes her the great-great-grandmother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the US from 1933­45. · Hans Rebane = 1897 ­ founded the first Estonian-language newspaper in the US ­ Eesti Ameerika Po...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as . . . " and then name their pet peeve or passion. My view is not of an education specialist, but of one who loves sharing what I learn, and owes much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to addr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Sotsiaalteaduskond Õiguse instituut Kadi Pihlak VÄLISRIIKIDEST PÄRIT TÖÖTAJATE DISKRIMINEERIMINE EUROOPA LIIDU RIIKIDES PENSIONI MAKSMISEL essee Juhendaja: lektor Kari Käsper Tallinn 2015 Sissejuhatus Antud teema on valitud kuna pension on tänapäeval väga aktuaalne teema tulenevalt Euroopa Liidu rahvastiku vananemisest, mille on põhjustanud madal sündimus. Lisaks siseriiklikele pensioniga seotud muredele on Euroopa Liidu kodanikel tekkinud probleeme eri riikides töötades diskrimineerimisega pensionimaksmisel, eriti kui pensionit saadakse mitmest riigist. Kuna globaliseerumine ja ka välismaal töötamine on muutunud üha tavalisemaks ning tulevikus on väga tõenäoline, et paljud Euroopa Liidu kodanikud saavadki oma pensioni mitmest rii...

Õigus → Euroopa liidu õigus
9 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

In the 2014 article, ,,Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)" GSMA shares its vision of the evolution of The Internet of Things that will lead to the so-called Connected Life. The future of mobile connectivity goes beyond tablets and cars, allowing to connect virtually everything. It is assumed that there will be a significant rise of connected devices throughout the world, allowing the growth of new services, transforming the way people work and live. The lack of human interaction will probably cause the emergence of new business models and promote the delivery of services across diverse socio-economic sectors. A research by Machina Research predicts that the Internet of Things is likely to boost the economy by an enormous amount up to US$ 4.5 trillion yearly. The needs of variable industries are already met by the use of Machine to Machine (M2M) solutions using wireless networks. Being a relatively new sector, the M2M connecti...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


STRATIFIKATSIOON; SOTSIAALNE MOBIILSUS KONSPEKT AINE SISSEJUHATUSEST: Vt:Marju Lauristin. Eesti ühiskonna kihistumine. Eesti elavik 21. sajandi algul. Ülevaade uurimuse Mina. Maailm. Meedia tulemustest. (toimetajad V. Kalmus, M. Lauristin, P. Vengerfeldt). TÜ Kirjastus, 2004, lk. 251-285. Ivar Aimre , Sotsioloogia. Sisekaitseakadeemia 2001, 2005, 2006. Klassiühiskond ja seda peegeldavad kontseptsioonid Igas ühiskonnas on inimesed erinevas olukorras. Algselt on need erinevused tühised, juhuslikku laadi. Ühiskonna keerustudes, saavad inimeste jaotamise alused selgepiirilisemaks ja stabiilsemaks. Hakkavad eristume mitmesuguste tunnuste alusel inimeste kihid/ straadid. Sotsiaalne kihistumine e. stratifikatsioon tähendab inimeste ja inimrühmade hierarhilist jaotumist erinevate tunnuste alusel. Ajalugu tunneb nelja kihistumissüsteemi: *orjus, *kastikord, *seisused, *klassid. Igaühe sees on omakorda keerulised alavariandid. Sotsiaa...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
47 allalaadimist

American Literature

The making of a new nation. The Enlightenment in America. The emergence of the notion of the American Dream. The great Enlighteners: Crèvecoeur, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin. The American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in the United States in the midtolate 18th century (1715­1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the one hand and the European Enlightenment on the other. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century and the humanist period during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society, and religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


KUBISM Kubism on 20. sajandi kunstivool, mis hakkas kujunema Pariisis 1907. aastal Pablo Picasso ja Georges Braque'i töödes. Kubistide eelkäijaks oli Paul Cézanne. Mõiste "kubism" võttis kasutusele prantsuse kriitik Louis Vauxcelles ja see vihjab kuubist lähtuvale kujutamisele. Kriitik kirjeldas Braque'i töid 1908. aastal väljendiga bizarreries cubiques (kuubilised veidrused). Kubistide eesmärk oli vabastada teos jutustavast sisust ja kujutada asju (muusikainstrumendid, natüürmordid, maastikud jne) geomeetrilistena (kuup, silinder jne), tükeldatud pindadena või stereomeetrilistena (kujutada esemeid ühekorraga mitmest vaatevinklist). Algset kubismi, perioodi, mis algas 1909. aastal, nimetatakse analüütiliseks kubismiks. Seda perioodi iseloomustab motiivide (majad, puud ja natüürmordid) lahutamine justkui algosadeks (geomeetrilisteks kujunditeks) ning nendest uue pildi ülesehitamine. Teine, hilise...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
40 allalaadimist

Eesti sotsiolektide seisund

0 Eesti sotsiolektide seisund Tiit Hennoste Tartu Ülikool Tartu 2003 1 Sisukord Sissejuhatuseks 2 I. Sotsiolektid ja sotsiolingvistika 3 1. Sotsiolektid teoreetiliselt 3 2. Sotsiolektide uurimine maailmas 4 3. Sotsiaalne diferentseerumine ja keel 7 3.1. Keel ja sotsiaalne klass/kiht 7 3.2. Sotsiaalsed suhtlusvõrgustikud (Social networks) 11 3.3. Keel ja sugu (sex, gender) 12 3.4. Keel ja vanus 13 4. Keel ja aktsent 15 5. Normikeel ja sotsiolektid 16 II. Eesti sotsiolektid ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Liikumispuuetega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Terviseteaduse ja Spordi Instituut Rekreatsiooniteaduste osakond Märt Melsas LIIKUMISPUUDEGA INIMESTE VÕIMALUSED AVALIKES RANDADES STROOMI RANNA NÄITEL Magistritöö Juhendaja: Joe Noormets Tallinn 2014 RESÜMEE Melsas, Märt. Liikumispuudega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel. Magistritöö, Tallinna Ülikool 2014. Antud uurimustöö koosneb 63 leheküljest ja sisaldab 26 joonist. Üha rohkem räägitakse võimaluste loomisest erinevate ühiskonnagruppide vahel. Seda nii erinevate teenuste ligipääsetavuse kui ühiskonna elus osalemise kontekstis. Käesolevas magistritöös keskendutakse liikumispuudega ini...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
18 allalaadimist


1 Mis on tarbimissotsioloogia? 1. Sissejuhatus Meie väike Eesti asub Lääne kultuuriruumis ja siin elades puutume me kokku meeletu hulga tarbekaupade ja äriteenustega ja tekstide või siis peenemalt öeldes diskursustega, mida identifitseeritakse kui tarbimiskultuuri või tarbimisühiskonda. Asjad ümbritsevad meid sünnist surmani: sünni puhul kingitakse meie vanematele igasuguseid asju, et oma rõõmu näidata, tihti on need asjad pehmed ja roosad. Kui me sureme, siis kingitakse meie lastele igasuguseid asju, et oma kurbust näidata, tihti on need asjad mustad, valged ning teravad - kaardid ja pärjad. Selles mõttes ei ole ju eriti suurt vahet, kui me võrdleme ennast ükskõik millise lääne kultuuri eelkäija-kultuuriga või traditsioonilise kultuuriga: avalikud ja eratseremooniatel kasutati ka väga palju erinevaid objekte, millel oli erinev tähendus. Sellele vaatamata on enamus tarbimiskultu...

Psühholoogia → Tarbimissotsioloogia
56 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia materjal eksamiks

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse 1. Loeng - Sotsioloogia mõiste ja seos teiste sotsiaalteadustega (ptk 1) Sotsioloogia mõiste Sotsioloogia on eesti keeles kõige lihtsamalt öeldes ühiskonnateadus. Mõiste autor on Prantsuse filosoof Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857), keda peetakse ka sotsioloogia kui teaduse rajajaks. Mõiste tuleb kahest sõnast socius (ladina keeles: kaaslane, kaaslus, seltskond) ja logos (kreeka keeles: õpetus, teadmine). Kokku seega: õpetus inimeste seltskonnast või koosolemisest. Sotsioloogia koht sotsiaalteaduste süsteemis Selleks et paremini mõista seda, millega sotsioloogia tegeleb, on hea võrrelda teda teiste sotsiaalteadustega. Nagu järgnevast näha, ei ole sotsiaalteaduste vahel väga rangeid piire, aga rõhuasetused on kohati siiski erinevad. Sotsioloogia ja psühholoogia Traditsiooniline eristus nende vahel: Psühholo...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
82 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Some of the things you will learn in THE CODEBREAKERS • How secret Japanese messages were decoded in Washington hours before Pearl Harbor. • How German codebreakers helped usher in the Russian Revolution. • How John F. Kennedy escaped capture in the Pacific because the Japanese failed to solve a simple cipher. • How codebreaking determined a presidential election, convicted an underworld syndicate head, won the battle of Midway, led to cruel Allied defeats in North Africa, and broke up a vast Nazi spy ring. • How one American became the world's most famous codebreaker, and another became the world's greatest. • How codes and codebreakers operate today within the secret agencies of the U.S. and Russia. • And incredibly much more. "For many evenings of gripping reading, no better choice can be made than this book." —Christian Science Monitor THE ...

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun