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"word" - 1025 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: word

Faile: 3

Stilistika materjalid

"the study of literary style, the study of stylistic features" Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies principles of selecting different linguistic means for passing on thoughts and emotions. It studies: · Different functional styles, styles of genres, individual styles · Expressive, emotional features of different language units Stylist--a writer or a speaker skilled in a literary style Stylistition--a scholar who studies stylistics The word "style" is applied to many things. A linguistic style is a variety of subsystem of lg with its peculiar vocabulary, phraseology, grammatical and phonetic features that are used selectively and purposefully to express ideas in a given situation. The stylistics of language studies different styles, including registers, stylistic devices and shades of meaning. The stylistics of speech studies individual text, viewing the way the author's message is expressed.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

Rambling rhythm Metaphorical Archaic w. Grading rhythm Transferred Poetic diction Oxymoron Neologisms Functional styles / registers Hyperbole STYLE AND STYLISTICS FGI 1081 Stylistics (I. Ladusseva) 2 The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. The precise definition was given by Jonathan Swift, who defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Marriage is/is not an outdated institution

Marriage is/is not an outdated institution Dear audience, I am here to discuss about marriage. I would like you to ask yourself: ,,Is marriage an outdated institution?" I would say that it is, but I would prefer a word ,,special". Marriage is a rare sight, you don´t see the whole package every day: bachelor party, wedding ceremony, big fluffy white dress, bridesmaids, wedding march ­ ,,Here comes the bride" and afterwards big celebration party. But why is marriage such a rare occasion? Firstly, women are more independant. It is not the time where women sit at home doing housework, cooking or taking care of the children anymore. Nowadays most of the women

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

English Phonetics and Phonology. Mid-term2

When words are combined into sentences (or phrases), only one of the syllables receives a primary stress in that sentence (or phrase) and all the other syllables have a secondary stress. There are words in English that may be pronounced in two different ways ­ in weak forms, in strong forms. Function words (auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions and certain pronouns) have weak forms. Strong forms replace the weak forms­ at the end of the sentence, being contrasted with another word, there is a co-ordinated use of prepositions, emphasis. Problems in phonemic analysis. Essay. There are two main areas of difficulty. The first can be called the problem of analysis: we may accept the principle of the phoneme as a fundamental unit in language, but we find difficulty in deciding what are the phonemes of English. The result of this is that different writers produce different analyses of the phonemic system of English. It is possible to treat

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
39 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF OLD ENGLISH - 15 monophtongs, (7 long, 7 short, 1 central), 4 diphtongs, 17 consonants. Free variaton of R, and it was pronounced everywhere. Very much Germanic in character. Quite some special consonants that no longer exist. About morphology: synthetic with numerous aglutinating tendencies. System of tenses Germanic, but with a reduction of tenses. Paradigmatic leveling; Stress shift; Word order; Loan words (Old Norse, Old French). Dual pronouns. Determiners - no separate definite article. Strong and weak verbs. Word order relatively free with tendencies towards SVO. SVO, SOV, VSO most common. Adposition and podposition were both possible (eesliide ja tagaliide). About syntax: clauses were joined much simpler than nowadays, using and, then etc. Because of case syncretion the word order in a sentence became much more important to be able to tell the difference between words.

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Matemaatiliste valemite loomine

Matemaatiliste valemite loomine 1. Käivita programm Word: StartKõik programmidMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Word 2010. 2. Matemaatilised valemid leiad menüüst Lisa. Menüüst vali Võrrand (vajuta nupul). 3. Avaneb mitmeid valikuid erinevatest võrrandi koostamise variantidest. Vali endale sobiv. Omaenese soovide kohaselt võrrandi koostamiseks vajuta tekstile Lisa uus võrrand. 4. Lehele tekib kast kuhu saad sisestada oma valemi.

Matemaatika → Algebra ja analüütiline...
8 allalaadimist

How stress affects your health?

How stress affects your health? Presented by Yulia Kovtun Student of the KPI Faculty of linguistics «fight or flight» - « », , Word to trigger ­ , list insomnia ­ to rev up ­ invader ­ , irritability anxiety depression headaches insomnia prolonged tension ­ Word list adrenal glands ­ digestion ­ for the to induce ­ video hypertension ­ heart stroke - Thank you for attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

Shops and Shopping Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Standard. Need paketid erinevad nii hinna kui ka kaasas olevate programmide poolest. Nagu alati on kõige odavamal paketil vähem programme kui kõige kallimal, aga erinevatel 3 kasutajatel on vaja erinevaid programme, näiteks tavakasutajal ei ole mõtet osta Professional Plusi kuna seal olevaid programme tavakasutaja enamasti ei vaja. Siinkohal toon välja, milliseid pakette erinevad inimesed vajavad. 1.1 Kodu ja kool paketis on Word, Excel, PowerPoint ja OneNote. Kodukasutajal on vaja nendest programmidest enamasti Wordi ja Excelit. Wordis saab teha vajaminevaiv avaldusi, mis muudetakse PDF-failiks ja hiljem ka näiteks digiallkirjastatakse. Excelis saab luue pere eelarve ja seda ka sealt jägida. Õpilastel on neid programme vaja koolitööde tegemisel. Wordis saab luua väga ilusa välimusega referaate. Väga populaarne on ka õpilaste puhul

Informaatika → Kontoritöö tarkvara
64 allalaadimist

Kuidas saavad toitlusettevõtted aidata kaasa turismi arendamisele Eestis?

INDX(# #B############(##################### ############# ######h#X##### #######"v##"v#U2##U2### ######,####### #########O#U#T#P#U#T#~#1#.#P#Y## ######p###### #######"v##"v#X3##X3### ############# ####### #P#a#r#e#n#M#a#t#c#h#.#p#y###### ######h#X##### #######"v##"v#X3##X3### ############# #########P#A#R#E#N#M#~#1#.#P#Y## ######p#^##### #######"v##"v#3##3##########9 ###### #########P#a#t#h#B#r#o#w#s#e#r#.#p#y#### ######h#X##### #######"v##"v#3##3##########9 ###### #########P#A#T#H#B#R#~#1#.#P#Y## #####p###### #######"v##"v#B4##B4##########( ###### ########P#e#r#c#o#l#a#t#o#r#.#p#y###### #####h#X##### #######"v##"v#B4##B4##########( ###### #########P#E#R#C#O#L#~#1#.#P#Y# #### #h#V##### #######"v##"v##4###4###P######6L###### ####### #P#y#P#a#r#s#e#.#p#y### #####h#V##### #######"v##"v#^T5##^T5############### ####### #P#y#S#h#e#l#l#.#p#y### ######h#V##### #######"v##"v#5##5##########? ###### ####### #...

Turism → Turism
4 allalaadimist

Health and the body

Health and the body 1) Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) There were ten people waiting in the doctor's office/surgery/ward. b) After I ate the shellfish, I experienced/fell/happened ill. c) George's cut arm took over a week to cure/heal/look after. d) David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle/heel/toe. e) Everyone admired Lucy because she was tall and skinny/slim/thin. f) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injuries. g) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

For and against globalization

We must send our products to all markets and make sure that all the markets are going to be affected. If all markets are connected with each other then they will start to compete and that removes inefficient producers. Furthermore it will rise the quality of products higher and reduces their cost. Secondly different products and technological progresses are going to spread faster all over the globe. It gives unlimited access for the poorer people all over the Word to get the cheapest source of desired goods and services. Thirdly removing trading barriers help unemployed people to get jobs and deincrease the effect of the nowaday monopolies and explotation of the citizenz by the local businessmen. One point in favour of globalization is that it causes faster economic growth in all countries including the poor countries, lower prices of foods, drugs, clothes and shelter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Hypothetical situations practice

f) It's high time you (start)------------------ working more seriously. g) I'd rather you (not put) -----------your coffee on top of my book. h) I've no idea where we are! If only we (have) -------------a map. i) Your hair is rather long. Don't you think it's time you (have) ------------a haircut? j) Visiting museums is interesting, but I'd sooner we (go) -------- swimming. 7.- Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, 8.- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. a) It would be nice to be able to fly a plane. could I wish I could fly a plane b) Please don't eat in the classroom. you

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Süsinikdioksiidi molaarmassi määramine

Eksperimentaalne töö 1 Süsinikdioksiidi molaarmassi määramine Töö eesmärk: Gaasi CO2 saamine ning tema molaarmassi leidmine. Töövahendid: Kippi aparaat või CO2 balloon, 300 ml korgiga varustatud seisukolb, tehnilised kaalud, 250 ml mõõtesilinder, termomeeter, baromeeter. Klassikaliselt saadakse mitmeid gaase laboratooriumis Kippi aparaati kasutades. Kippi aparaat koosneb kolmest klaasnõust CO2 saamiseks pannakse keskmisse nõusse (2) lubjakivitükikesi. Soolhape valatakse ülemisse nõusse, millest see voolab läbi anuma keskel oleva toru alumisse nõusse ja edasi läbi kitsenduse, mis takistab lubjakivitükkide sattumist alumisse nõusse, keskmisse nõusse. Puutudes kokku lubjakiviga, algab CO2 eraldumine CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O Tekkiv CO2 väljub kraani kaudu. Kui kraan sulgeda, siis CO2 rõhk keskmises nõus tõuseb ja hape surutakse tagasi alumisse ning toru kaudu ka osaliselt ülemisse nõusse. Kui hape on keskmisest nõust välja tõr...

Keemia → Keemia alused
6 allalaadimist

Education and learning

Education and learning Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Jack decided to take a course/lesson in hotel management. b) Sheila always got good marks/points in algebra. c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns: •dog, cat, animal, man, person •bottle, box, litre •coin, note, dollar •cup, plate, fork •table, chair, suitcase, bag Countable nouns can be singular or plural: •My dog is playing. •My dogs are hungry. We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns: •A dog is an animal. When a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it: •I want an orange. (not I want orange.) •Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?) When a countable noun is plural, we can use it alone: •I like oranges. •Bottles can break. We can use some and any with countable nouns: •I've got some dollars. •Have you got any pens? We can use a few and many with countable nouns: •I've got a few dollars. •I haven't got many pens. definite article

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

Style The term style is a polysemantic one. The latin word ,,stilus" meant a writing instrument used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets. Already, in classical latin the meaning of style was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. One of the abts/the best was given by Jonathan Swift: ,,Proper words in proper places." In present- day english, the world style is used in about half a dozen basic meanings. 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas. Some speak about the

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist


Christianity By: Marin Meos Themes · The Bible · Ten Commandments · Church holidays · Colours · The Seven Virtues · The Seven Vices · The Death · The God The Bible Word "Bible" comes from a greek word biblion and it means a book Bible is an important book, where is written the word of god The ultimate book is the bible Not only one author Two main parts: New Testament and Old Testament Purpose of the Bible Ten Commandments Ten Commandments - God's Law "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God... ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The West End of London

It was founded in 1834 by Charles Henry Harrod. Harrods is also the world's first building with an escalator. Today Harrods is an amazing place with over 330 shops, which includes twenty-six fine eating places, where you can go eat, when hungry. London is the theatre capital of the world and most of its best theatres are in the West End. There are always many fine plays and musicals to see. Piccadilly Circus is a big public space built in 1819. The word 'circus' here comes from the Latin word circle, which means a big open space where people can meet. Young people like to sit and relax there. The god of love, known as Eros, has its own memorial fountain there. Soho is an area north of Piccadilly Cirucus near Oxford Street. It attracted many foreigners, artists and writers in the past ­ Karl Marx lived here for five years. Until 1536 Soho was part of King Henry VIII's royal park for the palace where he lived. People think that the word 'soho' was a hunting call.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Edgar Allen Poe kirjandus

"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping--tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you"--here I opened wide the door:-- Darkness there and nothing more. Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore!" This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!" Merely this and nothing more. ..... "Spirits of the Dead" .... Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish-- Now are visions ne'er to vanish-- From thy spirit shall they pass No more--like dewdrops from the grass. The breeze--the breath of God--is still-- And the mist upon the hill Shadowy--shadowy--yet unbroken,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
15 allalaadimist


3. creating human life 3) Idea of making gold and silver. Where does it originate and / how to Western Europe? The idea of transmutation arose among the Alexandrian Greeks in the early centuries of the Christian era, then it passed to Arabs and then from Arabs to Western Europe. Since then realization was very important to all chemical workers down to the time of Paracelus and even later. 4)narrow and wider meaning of alchemy Narrow sense of the word, alchemy is pretended art of making gold and silver, or transmuting the base metals into the noble ones. Wider meaning that it stands forthe chemistry of middle ages. 5)why is the philosophical principle important in alchemy? Philosophical principle unified and focused chemical effort, which previously was expanded on acquiring empreical acquaintance. Alchemy is an early phase of the decelopment of systematic chemistry. 6)origin of the word alchemy, where does it come from, first used

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Sugu naine Rahvus Eestlane Aadress Rohuneeme tee 150, 74001 Harjumaa, Eesti Telefon +372 555 96621 E-post [email protected] Haridustee 2000.2009 Püünsi Kool Töökogemus Juuli- September 2006 Õpilasmalev Keeled Eesti keel- emakeel Inglise keel- hea Vene keel ­ rahuldav Arvutioskus Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Photofiltre Isiklikud huvid Vabal ajal meeldib tegeleda pildistamisega, rulluisutamisega ja joogaga. Curriculum Vitae Isiklikud andmed Eesnimi Terje Perekonnanimi Lehm Sünniaeg 29. Mai 1993 Vanus 25 Sugu naine Rahvus Eestlane Aadress Rohuneeme tee 42, 74001 Harjumaa, Eesti Telefon +372 555 96621 E-post [email protected] Haridustee 2000

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
100 allalaadimist


ISS 0110 ( ) . ISS 0110 VÄLJENDUSOSKUS dots. REIN PALUOJA (eesti keeles) 10.00-11.30 VII-131 , , , . ( ). , ­ , . : : 1 +1,5 : 3.0 E : ( ) : - : . : - - - - CV - - - - - .. - : , - , - - .. . 1. 2. : · · 3. ( 15- 20 ) : - ( , , .. ); - ( ) - ( 50%, .. 4- 8- ) : 1. 2. ( ) 3. 4. ( ) 5. , 6. ( : , ..) 3 1800 + , .. 5 5400+/-300 , (tools>word count>characters with spaces) : + + 0...10 (10 ­ ). « » max 2 , «Copy + Paste» max 1 . . 2009 (- ) , , « » «». , (, , ). , Referaatide teemad vene keeles , , , .. :...

Keeled → Vene keel
10 allalaadimist

To swear or not to swear ?

Firstly, people swear beacause it helps to relieve stress and blow off steam, like crying does for small children, to camouflage a person's fear or insecurity, establish a group identity, establish membership in a group and maintain the group's boundaries, express solidarity with other people or just to add humor, emphasis or "shock value" ( As can be seen, swearing has many reasons, but the first one is probably the most common. Using a swear word to emphasize something is often necessary as it shows how people really feel about things Secondly, swearing can be also quite beneficial. It can be a a useful substitute to physical violence as swearing often frees people from anger or frustation.Swear words can also be used in a more positive manner, in the form of jokes and humor, storytelling, self-deprecation or even social commentary. If one may want to emphasize how great one feels something is, a swear words

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Vene keele spikker

Kui suur on palk? Mis keeli te oskate? Ma oskan inglise ja saksa keelt- Milline on teie perekonnasesi? Ma ei ole abielus- Mis on teie kodakondsus? Ma olen eesti kodanik- Mis kooli te lõpetasite? Ma lõpetasin Tallinna Reaalkooli- 2. Erafirma- Vanus- Teadmine- Soovitused- Vestlus- Töökogemused- 3. e; e; Jääb samaks ; ; E E; E ; e; / y ; ; E 4. oma nimi 17 | , 5-1 5298734, [email protected] 1999- a a 2008 ,,aa" : - (windows, word, excel) -, -, - A 1. Kas see on riigiasutus või erafirma?- ? Mitu tööpäeva (vaba päeva) on nädalas?- ? Mitu tundi kestab tööpäev?- ? Millal teie olete sündinud?- ? Kui vana te olete?- ? Ma olen 17-aastane- 17 . Teie perekonnaseis?- ? Ma ei ole abielus(mees)- . Mis rahvusest te olete?- ? Ma olen eestlane- /. Mis haridus teil on?- ? Keskharidus, kutseharidus, kutsekeskharidus- , , -. 2. Riiklik asutus-oe Tööandja- Oskus- Õppeasutuse nimetus-

Keeled → Vene keel
95 allalaadimist

Food-Restaurants and Cooking

Food, Restaurants and Cooking Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Waiter, could you bring me the account/bill/addition, please? b) It's a very popular restaurant - we should apply for/book/keep a table. c) If you're hungry, why not ask for a large dish/plate/portion? d) Please help/serve/wait yourself to salads from the salad bar. e) Waiter, can I see the catalogue/directory/menu, please? f) This fish is not what I called/commanded/ordered. g) This dish/plate/serving is a speciality of our restaurant.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The English Language

Educated English speakers use approximately 5,000 words in speech and up to 10,000 in written communication. Shakespeare used a vocabulary of 33,000 words. Old English, had several inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person, but over the centuries words have been simplified. Adjectives do not change according to the noun and gender is not a problem in English. The loss of inflections has made English very flexible language where the same word can operate as many different parts of speech. That is why word order is crucial! At present English is one of the major languages in the world. It started ti spread in the 17th century, when Englishmen sailed to faraway lands. It has become a world language thanks to its establishment as a mother tounge outside England, in all the continents of the world. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the USA taht has given the English language its present standing in the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Kreooli kultuur

which included foreign groups such as Germans, Irish, and Spaniards whose names were given a French accent. The people who could trace their noble ancestors called themselves "Creole." Others were "chacas" or tradesmen, "chacalatas" or country folk (peasants), or "chacumas" for anyone with Black blood. All Creoles, no matter what level of society they were in, including slaves, looked down on the Americans. 3 Family life In the Creole family the father was dominant. His word was law. He was not always a faithful spouse, but he was an indulgent parent. If he was a planter, he ruled his estate like a king. He had a large house, large crops, and a large family. He was a dutiful husband and accompanied his wife to balls, the theatre, and social events. He would go to the cafes to discuss business, play dominoes, and have a drink. Historical Creole Gender Role Young men were given their own quarters for entertainment purposes. They had

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Etiquette in England

In particular there has been a rise in the number of singleperson households. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain. *slang of the country Cockney Rhyming slang is a coded language invented in the nineteenth century by Cockneys so they could speak in front of the police without being understood. It uses a phrase that rhymes with a word, instead of the word itself ­ thus `stairs' becomes `apples and pears', `phone' becomes `dog and bone' and `word' becomes `dicky bird'. It can become confusing when sometimes the rhyming part of the word is dropped: thus `daisies' are `boots' (from `daisy roots').

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

History of the English language

Finnish: mennä (to go), lähteä (to leave) Estonian: minema, mine, lähen, läksin French: aller, je vais/nous allons, ira (future) Russian: chelovek ­ljudi, French: personne- gens, English: person ­ persons/people byt' ­ est' hodit' ­idti ­ shol, shla. horoshij ­ luchij Essentially the same words suppletive in various languages, including non-related ones. The most common words (`good', `to be', `to go', `much', "people", etc). General principle: the more frequently used a word, the more one can "afford" it to be irregular/non-iconic. Suppletion perhaps the most drastic form of irregularity/iconicity), covers mainly the most frequent words Metathesis-Two sounds, at least one of which is a consonant, change places inside a word. When one of the sounds is a vowel,the other is usually /r/. Fyrst/first/frist ­ a typical case of metathesis.Another case in the passage: beorht/briht.Metathesis present in many languages, a universal phenomenon

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

ización» por ahora abarca tan sólo elementos lingüísticos y culturales, pero no los que aquí nos ocupan, que están directamente relacionados con el tipo de destinatario (MAYORAL 2001: 14) The author refers to the lack of audiovisual translation norms in different countries, since reading speeds "as done by Ivarsson (1992) and Screen Subtitling Systems Ltd. (1998), are usually established in WPM, while the word length can vary significantly for different languages, and the concept of `localization' only copes with linguistic and cultural elements for the time being, and is thus not dir- ectly related with the type of viewer". These comments are considered especially appropriate in order to answer some of the research questions in mind, like the re- lationship between CPS and WPM and their more than likely variation depending on the language the reading speed calculations are made for.

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

Open Office ja MS-i võrdlus

MICROSOFT OFFICE ja VÕRDLUS Microsoft Office on tasuline tarkvara võrreldes on saadaval internetis tasuta ,kui MS Office on tasuline. MS Office on programmide ja võimaluste poolest sarnased (nt. Writer ja Microsoft Office Word). Menüüde suhtes on OOo Writer ja MS Word sarnased. Programmisisesed aknad on MS Wordis ainult küljepaanid ,kuid Writeris on nii dokitud ,kui ka vabalt liikuvad aknad. Enamik kirjutamise, toimetamise ja ülevaatamise korraldusi on OOo Writeris samad ,mis MS Wordis ,kuid on väikesed erinevused detailides. Need on: 1. lause või lõige märgistamine 2. automaatne salvestus teatud aja möödudes 3. ühelt dokumendi objektilt teisele minek 4. teksti , vorminduse või stiili leidmine ja asendamine 5

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
46 allalaadimist


ekstifaile. RTF fail on tekstitöötlusedokument. Rich Text Format (eestikeelesrikastekstivorming) on alates 1987. aastastMicrosoftipooltarendatavplatvormistsõltumatudokumendifailivorming. Vastavasvormingusfailid on laiendiga .rtf ningneidavabjasalvestabenamiktekstitöötlusprogramme, olenemataarvutioperatsioonisüsteemist (Linux, Windows, Macintosh). Enamiktekstitöötluserakendusi on võimelisedtöötama RTF failidega. Kuitegemist on tekstitöötlusega, siisenamikinimesimõtleb Microsoft Word ja Doc faile. Kuna nii Word ja Doc formaadid on niilaialtlevinud, siis on nadparatamatultmuutunudsünonüümikstekstitöötlemisel. Fakt on see, et Microsoft Word on vaidükspaljudestsõnatöötlejatestning .doc on vaidükssõnatöötlemisefailiformaate. HTTP on tuntudnime all kui„Küpsis” (Cookie, HTTP cookie, HTTP küpsis).See on tekstikujulineandmeblokkkliendiveebilehitsejas, midasaadetaksemääratuddomeenile[viide?] igakord, kuiklientteebsinnapäringu. Niimoodisaab server

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
5 allalaadimist

Werb tenses

present continues use 1- now right now I am playing basketball use 2-longer actions in progress I am practising skiing to become a master skier use 3-near future I am playing drums after school use 4-repitition and irritation with the word always she is always bossing people around past continues use 1- interrupted action in the past I was writing song lyrics when he came in use 2-specific time as interruption yesterday at 2 o'clock I was skiing use 3-parallel actions when he was playing basketball, I was playing guitar use 4-atmosphere when I walked into the classroom many people were busy doing hometasks,some were talking,and some were complaining about something use 5-repitation and irritation with the word always

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


material being wrapped up around one's upper body in a variety of ways and pinned or otherwise secured to keep it in place. The first clear reference to the kilt occurs in the year 1594.In that year, a group of Highlanders from the Western Isles went to Ireland to fight under Red Hugh O`Donnell. It was made from wool or a wool/linen combination and twill woven in a pattern of colored stripes which today has become known as tartan, though originally the word tartan referred to the type of cloth (like linen, or cotton) and not the pattern of colors as the word almost exclusively signifies today. At nearly every Highland Games gathering today, there are vendors who sell tartan items, whether kilts, blankets, scarves, ties, or tartan fabric. Sources:

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


pahalased) - Mozilla Firefox, Mandriva Linux, AdAware, Microsoct Word, Melissa, F-secure, Open Office Calc, Windows Media Player, Bobbit Virus, Trojan.Bytesize, Microsoft Windows 2000, Internet Explorer, Minesweeper, Windows Vista, SpyBot, CIH Jaotus: Süsteemi- ja hooldustarkvara Rakendustarkvara Viirused ja pahalased AdAware Mozilla Firefox Melissa F-Secure Microsoft Word Bobbit Virus Spybot Search&Destroy Openoffice Calc Trojan.Bytesize Mandriva Linux Windows Media Player CIH Microsoft Windows 2000 Internet Explorer AntiCMOS Windows Vista Minesweeper Conficker C Tabel 1: Programmide jaotus tema kasutusala järgi 6

Informaatika → Informaatika
64 allalaadimist

Tingimuslaused (conditionals) tüübid O ja I

If they had been faster, then they would have won the race. IF Clauses (the condition) • IF clauses present the condition. • Examples: If I go into town tomorrow… If he spoke Chinese… If they had been faster… THEN Clauses (the results) • THEN clauses present the results. • Examples: … then I will see a movie. …. then he would work as a guide in China. … then they would have won the race. IF and THEN Clauses • The word “then” is optional, but the clause is still the result of the condition. So it is a “THEN” clause, without the word “then.” 0 CONDITIONAL • Situations that are always true if something happens. • Instructions, rules • If I am late, my father takes me to school. • If someone calls, let me know • If there is any trouble, call us. • Is it rains, it is cloudy. • This use is similar to, and can usually be replaced by, a time clause

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Sometimes Australia is called the island continent . Two hundred years ago there were no white people in Australia . The only inhabitants were dark-skinned people who were still living in a Stone Age . Their only weapons were stone knives, simple spears, and boomerangs . For food they hunted and fished and gathered wild fruits and nuts . Dutch sailors stopped at several places on the northern and western coasts in the 1600s . They brought back word that the land was ´´ of very little use ´´ . There is a great desert in Australia, and comes down to the sea on the western and southern coasts . William Dampier was the first Englishman to reach Australia . But Captain James Cook´s explorations of the southeast coast in 1770 were more important . Cook found there a pleasant climate and beautiful forests . Soon after Cook took back word of this pleasant new land, people from Brittain began to settle there .

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Media and Advertising

Media and advertising 1. Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box. broadcast bulletin coverage forecast media brochure campaign edition manual novel a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical ……………. c) What did it say on the weather …………….? d) This is a party political……………. on behalf of the Democratic Party. e) What time is the next news …………….?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

American English Take-Home Exam

Edward Butler founded a small wholesale mail-order company in Boston, which later became known as the Butler Bros. Their innovation of the “Five Cent Counter” started the epidemic of department stores all over the country. From the French department, which meant “group of people” and “departure”, English has borrowed the sense of “separate division”. Meanwhile, store originally meant “supplies or provisions for a household, camp, etc” and was related to warfare. The word as “a place where goods are kept for sale” was first recorded in 1721 in American English. Eskimo pie - Eskimo Pie was America's first chocolate covered ice cream bar and it was invented by Christian Kent Nelson in his home laboratory in 1920. Nelson got his inspiration for the invention of Eskimo Pie when a boy in his confectionery store could not decide whether to buy ice cream or a chocolate bar. In 1921, Nelson secured an agreement with local chocolate producer Russell C

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
6 allalaadimist

Food(junk food)

Food junk food Junk food is a kind of food that people around the word eat because it`s cheap ja tasty.but they don`t know that it is not good for them, some know and eat it anyway because it tastes so good. Junk food is usually a kind of food that is allready packed and ready to use (eat) and peolpe are glad for it because they are to lazy to make food by themselves.all around the word peole are getting fater and fater everyday. Junk food is available almost in every street corner in the bigger cities around the world. It is a good business because everyone eats it. Because of its good taste it is brought by everyone,major buyers are mostly children.Junk food contains so much chemicals that it is bad for you.Chocolates,burgers,chips,pizzas nd fries are the most spoiled junk foods,they are so full of oil,fat,sugar.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Homework 2 Week 4

selected or selected through a multiplexor. 7. Linearity – Describes how an ADC conveter follows a linear function. 8. Operating temperature – A temperature at which the ADC functions optimally, usually given by the manufacturer. 9. Power dissipation – The proportion of power dissipated (through heat) when the ADC is working. Question 2: An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 1.2V? 001111012 What is the voltage range corresponding to 1 LSB? 0,0195V Question 3. A 15 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 10V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 6.83V? 101011101101100 Question 4. What is the value of the quantization error between an input voltage of 2.3V and quantized voltage with the output code word equal to 011101012 using an 8 bit ADC with 5V reference? 0.01484375V Question 5.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

King james bible

Also it is one of the most stolen book(mostly because of sheer volume, it seems cool or thrilling) 6.Online version There is online version of King James Bible It includes the 1769 Oxford 'Authorized edition' of the King James Bible and the original 1611 King James Bible. Try Bible trivia quizzes at the end of each chapter, view commentaries, or interact by leaving Bible comments. Add the Bible to your website! *tetragrammaton from greek, meaning a word having four letters : refers to the name of the God of Israel YHWH (Hebrew: ) used in the Hebrew Bible. *The word "apocrypha" (from the Greek, meaning "hidden") is today often used to refer to the collection of ancient books printed in some editions of the Bible in a separate section between the Old and New Testaments * supplanting - To displace and substitute for (another) *The Latin Vulgate is a late 4th-century Latin translation of the Bible *scripture ­ religious text

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

" 2 The Capital Letter The capital letter is also called a big letter or upper- case letter, or sometimes just a capital. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z When do you use a capital letter? 4Use a capital letter for the first letter in a sentence: The dog is barking. Come here! 4Always use a capital letter for the word I : I am eight years old. Tom and I are good friends. 4Use a capital letter for the names of people: Alice, Tom, James, Kim, Snow White 4Use a capital letter for the names of places: National Museum, Bronx Zoo, London, Sacramento 4Use a capital letter for festivals, holidays, days of the week, months of the year: New Year's Day, Christmas, Labor Day, Mother's Day, Sunday, Monday, Friday, January, May, July, October

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha While reading the book I was quite impressed about the lifestyle and the hard work, which comes along with becoming a geisha. It was not only a good book to read, it was also like a schoolbook for history. It took place in Japan in the beginning of 19th century and at the World War I. It explained the thought of a geisha: why have many misused the word geisha, and misunderstood the reality. The book itself is about a girl, who was sold to a family by her own father. She worked there as a maid, but as time went by she grew up and a famous and loved geisha decided to train her to become a geisha too. She worked hard, but succeeded well - she was one of the most valued geishas. The book takes us to a tour where any detail of a great and merry Japanese village cannot be left out, where every little

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Filosoofia küsimused

about intelligence ; reaalsuse üle mõtisklus ; believes that god is truth 4. Name three characteristics of Modern philosophy. believes that superior was created by inferior (!) ; more negative ; about will ; power ; domain of reality ; believes that knowledge is truth ; man is god 5. What was the problem that the first philosophers tried to solve? The problem of motion. (Intemporality) They tried to explain nature. 6. What was the “arché”? Greek word for the primary sense of origin or beggining Arche is the element and the first principle of existing things, the source of action. 7. What was the “arché” for Thales? And for Anaximander? Thales claimed that the first principle of all things is water For Anaximander arche did not exist. He proposed the existence of the apeiron, an indefinite substance from which all things are born and to which all things will return. It was completely indefinite. 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Naine 22-25 Saare maakond Naine 26-29 Tallinn mees 30-33 Tartu maakond Naine 34-37 Tallinn Naine 38-41 Viljandi maakond Naine 42- ... Ida-Viru maakond Naine 18-21 Viljandi maakond Naine 22-25 Ida-Viru maakond Naine 26-29 Järve maakond mees 30-33 Tallinn Naine 34-37 Harju maakond Naine 38-41 Tallinn Tekstitöötlus (nt MS Word, Open Viimane lõpetatud õppeasutus Office, jm) Gümnaasium, Keskkool kord nädalas Gümnaasium, Keskkool kord nädalas Gümnaasium, Keskkool kord nädalas Kõrgkool kord päevas Gümnaasium, Keskkool sagedamini kui kord päevas Kutseõppeasutus kord päevas Gümnaasium, Keskkool kord nädalas Gümnaasium, Keskkool kord nädalas Kutseõppeasutus kord päevas

Muu → Uurimismeetodid
5 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

! WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage. ! Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage. OMRON Product References All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product. The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means “word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense. The abbreviation “PC” means Programmable Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for any- thing else. Visual Aids

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

"River of Death" Alistair Maclean

crossed the bridge saw a hut and run into Spaatz and von Manteuffel. Spaatz and von Manteuffel will take the crew prisoners. Hamilton and others managed to escape and Spaatz and Manteuffle were leaving too. The suddenly the Military came and arrested the criminals. Hamilton showed his mothers and fathers grave to Manteuffel. Manteuffel said that he was going to be a dead man. So military was going to take manteuffel away but he managed to get free and jumped off the cliff. Hamilton repeated his word about being a dead man. The crew found big amount of treasures. The Lost city really existed. My opinion It was a great book. At first book seemed boring but like author said about the book, that it is full of suprises and it was true. The end was quite interesting. It was a bit hard to read, because some pages consist of lots of new word. But if the harder word were translated, then it was easy to follow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


areas and cheat as less as possible WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?  Be informed  Read up a bit on the issues of overfishing, have a look at some articles on this site, see if you can find some information regarding your local situation.  Know what you eat  If you eat fish make sure you know what you eat, and pick the ones with the lowest impact.  Spread the word  Friends, elected officials, media, weblog or website etc. CONCLUSION  Over three quarters of our planet are covered by the oceans.  It contain over 80 percent of all life on earth  Millions of people worldwide are depending on the oceans for their daily livelihoods (elatis).  Do not waste marine products too much. WORD LIST  Support - toetus  Destruction – hävitamine

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun