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"word" - 1025 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: word

Faile: 3


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Keemia- ja matrejaliteaduskond Keemia- ja keskonnakaitse tehnoloogia Влияние окружающей среды на здоровье человека. Referaat Anna Melnikova 082178 Roman Žuravljov Tallinn 2008 0 Введение.................................................................................................................................................2 1 Антропогенное влияние на среду обитания и здоровье человека...................................................3 2 Хроническая экологически обусловленная интоксикация нарушает нашу психику.....................5 3 Последствия антропогенного влияния на атмосферу.......................................................................

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
21 allalaadimist

Kas ma olen uhke selle üle, et olen eestlane.

Kas ma olen uhke selle üle, et olen eestlane. Eestimaa on üks väike riik, mis koosneb põhiliselt sõbralikest ja headest inimestest. On ka halbu ja pahatahtlike inimesi, aga üldiselt on eestlased toredad. See muudabki ühiskonna heatahtlikuks. Kas ma siis olen uhke selle üle, et olen eestlane? Sellele ma vastaksin, et jah, ma olen. Ma olen sündinud Eestis, ma elan Eestis, ma olen Eesti kodanik, ma olen Eesti rahvusest ja tean Eesti traditsioone ja tavasid. Kes need eestlased siis üldse on? Siia ma tooksin ühe Jakob Hurda tsitaadi "Eestlased ei ole mitte kärbsed, kes täna sünnivad ja homme surevad, vaid üks vana ja visa rahva sugu, kes ammu juba maailmas on elanud ja ka pärast meid veel kaua kestma saab". Tegelikult on eestlase ainus ametlik tähendus praegu "eesti kodanik". Nagu osa nendest tänaval vandaalitsevatest venelastest, kes võivad üldse mitte osata eesti keelt, kellel ei pea olema mitte m...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
47 allalaadimist

What is addiction

What is addiction? Addiction is being adicted to something and it can be anything. Mostly, when people hear word addiction, they think about drugs, sigarets and alcohol but it can be a person, some food or work. People fall in addiction in my opinion because they get used to something or someone and then they dont want to let go anymore. After a while they start to think that they cant live without it, he or she. Firstly i would like to talk about drug addiction. Mostly people start doing drugs when their lives get realy hard and they think theres nothing left anymore to live for or thanks to bad compani. Firstly its couple of times and then they cant be happy without them and finaly its hard to be normal without doing drugs. And thats fysical addiction. Secondly human can be addicted to another person. When a person have been tigheter with someone then this person starts to get used to that and final...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Martti Aljand

NIMI: Martti Aljand RIIK: Eesti ELUKUTSE: ujuja ALA: ujumine ISIKLIKUD REKORDID: 100 m liblikujumises aeg 52,49 100 m kompleksujumises aeg 53,97 100 m rinnuliujumises aeg 1.00,56 100 m seliliujumises aeg 58,18 200 m rinnuliujumises aeg 2.16,31 200 m kompleksujumises aeg 2.01,26 MILLI(S)TEL OLÜMPIAMÄNGUDEL OSALES: · 2008. a Pekingi olümpiamängud TULEMUS JA KOHT OLÜMPIAVÕISTLUS(T)EL: 2008. aasta Pekingi olümpiamängudel püstitas Martti Aljand 100 meetri rinnuliujumises uue Eesti rekordi 1.02,46. Tulemus andis 63 konkurendi hulgas 45. koha. TULEMUSI MUUDELT VÕISTLUSTELT: · Aastal 2005 Triestes toimunud lühiraja Euroopa meistrivõistlustel 100 m komleksujumises saavutas Martti Aljand 6. koha. · Aastal 2006 Shanghais toimunud ujumise lühiraja maailmameistrivõitlustel saavutas Martti Aljand 200 m kompleksujumises 9. koha. · 2006. aastal Helsingis toimunud lühiraja Euroopa meistrivõitlustel ujumises saavutas t...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
12 allalaadimist

Elina Partõka

NIMI: Elina Partõka RIIK: Eesti (venelane, kuid õpib juba 5 aastat Eesti koolis) ELUKUTSE: ujuja ALA: vabaujumine ISIKLIKUD REKORDID: 50 m vabalt 27,33 (Eesti tüdrukute rekord) 100 m vabalt 58,68 200 m vabalt 2.04,36 (mõl. Eesti neidude rekordid). MILLI(S)TEL OLÜMPIAMÄNGUDEL OSALES: · 2004. a Ateena olümpiamängud · 2008. a Pekingi olümpiamängud TULEMUS JA KOHT OLÜMPIAVÕISTLUS(T)EL: Ateena olümpiamängudel saavutas ta 200 m vabaujumises 28. koha. Pekingi olümpiamängudel püstitas 200 meetri vabaujumises uueks Eesti rekordiks 2.00,64. Selle ajaga jäi ta kokkuvõttes jagama 28.­29. kohta TULEMUSI MUUDELT VÕISTLUSTELT: · 2003. aastal Barcelonas toimunud maailmameistrivõitlustel saavutas Elina Partõka 200 m vabaujumises 20. koha ja 100 m vabaujumises 16. koha. · 2004. aastal Madridis toimunud ujumise Euroopa meistrivõistlustel saavutas ta 200 m vabaujumises 14. koha. · 2007. aastal Melbourne'is t...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
8 allalaadimist

Pablo Picasso

PABLO PICASSO Joko Jõgi 12c Täisnimi: Pablo (ka Pablito) Diego José Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso. Sünninimi : Pablo Ruiz Picasso Sünnikuupäev : 25. oktoober 1881 Surma kuupäev : 8.aprill 1973 Rahvus : hispaanlane Kunstivool : kubism Tegevusvaldkonnad : maalikunst, lavakujundused ja illustraator MIS ON KUBISM? 20. sajandi kunstivool Algselt kajastus P.Picasso ja G.Braque töödes Kubism vihjab kuubist lähtuvale kujutamisele Jaguneb: 1. Analüütiline 2. Sünteetiline Värvid : tagasihoidlikud, tuhmid. BIOGRAAFIA Isa oli kunstiteadlane Õlimaalide tegemise oskus Tugevad kunstialased teadmised Õppis Madridi kunstikoolis, kuid ei lõpetanud Esimesed kunstikatsetused olid Barcelonas 23. eluaastal asus elama Prantsusmaale Oli patsifist ja ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika praktikum 7


Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
41 allalaadimist

Progress test 3 (unit 3) VASTUSED 10.klassile

PROGRESS TEST 3 (Unit 3) All right answers here  1.Fill in the missing words.Write only one word in each gap. 1.INSERCT 2.COLD 3.DATES 4.IF 5.WILL 6.HAVE 7.PASSPORT 8.MOUNTAIN 9.THINGS 10.SITUATED 11.RANGE 12.HELD 13.THESE 14.BOILING 15.SETTING 16.TEMPERATURE 17.RUN 18.CELEBRATE 19.CASE 20.TAKE 2.Circle the correct item. 1. A-INCLUDED 2. B-PLENTY 3. B-SURE 4. A-UNSPOILT 5. C-CUT 6. A- BY 7. B-EXTENSIVE 8. C-UP 9. B-TOUCH 10. A-WILL BE 3.Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two or five words including the word given

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


EVOLUTSIOON AEGKOND AJASTU, ALGUS TAIMED LOOMAD (milj. a. tagasi) ÜRGAEGKOND 4550 Prokarüootsete organismide teke AGUAEGKOND 2500 Eukarüootsete organismide teke, esimeste hulkraksete ilmumine VANAAEGKOND Kambrium Merevetikad ,,Kambriumi 545 plahvatus", mereselgrootud, esimesed selgroogsed Ordoviitsium Valdavalt merevetikad, Pea- ja lülijalgsete 495 esimesed areng maismaataimed Silur Primitiivsed Esimesed 440 sõnajalgtaimed ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
43 allalaadimist

Martin Liivamägi

NIMI: Martin Liivamägi RIIK: Eesti ELUKUTSE: ujuja ALA: vahelduvstiilis ujumine ISIKLIKUD REKORDID: 100 m vabaujumises aeg 51,67 200 m vabaujumises aeg 1.44.27 100 m rinnuliujumises aeg 54,46 200 m rinnuliujumises aeg 1.55,22 100 m liblikujumises aeg 49,43 100 m seliliujumises aeg 51,18 MILLI(S)TEL OLÜMPIAMÄNGUDEL OSALES: · Euroopa Noorte Olümpiapäevad aastal 2003 · Pekingi olümpiamängud aastal 2008 TULEMUS JA KOHT OLÜMPIAVÕISTLUS(T)EL: Euroopa Noorte Olümpiapäevad 16. koht 200 meetri kompleksujumises. Pekingi Olümpiamängude 200m kompleksujumise 35. koht TULEMUSI MUUDELT VÕISTLUSTELT: · 2008/2009 hooaja Euroopa edetabeli 12. koht 200m kompleksujumises ajaga 1.59.95 · 2007/2008 hooaja Euroopa lühiraja edetabeli 16. koht 100m kompleksujumises ja 18. koht 200m kompleksujumises · 4. koht Pekingi eelolümpial ,,Swimming China Open" 200m kompleksujumises · 2007. a Tallinna meistrivõi...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
7 allalaadimist

Ireland's nature

both sides by stone walls. The Aran islands The Aran Islands comprise three islands (Inis Mór, Inis Meáin and Inis Óirr) located at the mouth of Galway Bay. The names are Irish language for 'the big island', 'the middle island', 'the south island`. The Aran Islands are rich in the language, culture and heritage of Ireland. The islands can be reached by sea by catching a ferry or by plane. The Burren The Burren, from the Gaelic word Boireann is an area of limestone rock covering imposing majestic mountains, and valleys with gently meandering streams. Monuments are older than Egypt's pyramids. Donegal mountains This view north from the Donegual moutintains is very popular for a photographers. Lakes of Killarney They consist of three lakes - Lough Leane, Muckross Lake (also called Middle Lake) and Upper Lake. The lakes lie in a mountain-ringed valley

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Keemia ja materjaliõpetuse Eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

1.Mateeria ja aine: Aine on mateeria eksisteerimise vorm, mis omab kindlat või püsivat koostist ja iseloomulikke omadusi (vesi, ammoniaak, kuld, hapnik).Mateeria- kogu meid ümbritseva maailma mitmekesisus oma nähtuste ja asjade koguga. Mateeria peamised avaldumisvormid on aine ja kiirgus. 2.Keemiline element on kogum ühesuguse tuumalaenguga (prootonite arvuga) aatomeid. Element on aine, mida ei saa keemiliste meetoditega enam lihtsamateks aineteks jagada. (109 elementi, 83 looduses). 3. Keemilised ühendid moodustuvad keemiliste elementide ühinemisel, kus väikseim iseseisev osake on molekul. Molekul - aine väikseim osake, millel on antud aine keemilised omadused ning mis võib iseseisvalt eksisteerida (O2, CO2, H2O). Aatomid molekulis on seotud keemiliste sidemetega. 4. lihtaine- moodustub ainult ühe ja sama keemilise elemendi aatomitest. Näiteks: hapnik, raud, elavhõbe, väävel. liitaine- koosneb erinevatest keemilistest elementidest. Näi...

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
416 allalaadimist

Keemia ja materjaliõpetus - praktikumide kogum


Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
154 allalaadimist

Sõnad, milles eksitakse

Sõnad, milles eksitakse Eesti keeles on palju sõnu, mis sarnanevad üksteisele niivõrd, et kirjutatakse tihti valesti ja seejärel saavad laiemalt kasutatavateks kui sõnade õiged vormid. Paljude sõnavara paraneb keskkooli jooksul, kui on midagi kõrva taha jäetud aga suur osa jätab selle ka sinnasamasse maha. Põhilised sõnad, mida ma olen hakanud eristama hiljuti on "enne" ja "ennem", mis ma alles hiljutise ajani olen kasutanud tihti valesti, kui tuli huvi vaadata sõnastikust tähendust. Järjekordsed sõnad, mida ma olen aeg-ajalt valesti kasutanud on "järgi" ja "järele" ning pean siiamaani uuesti üle vaatama, et teha kindlaks, et sai õige sõna õigesse kohta kirjutatud. Kolmas sõna, millele olen hakanud tähelepanu pöörama on tagajärg, et mitte eksida selle asemele tulemus kasutamisega, kuna esimesel juhul oleks sündmuse ootamatu, teisel aga pika tegevuse tõttu oodatav lõpp. Paljud inimesed kasutavad valesti sõnu "õieti" ja "õigesti" kuni ke...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
272 allalaadimist

Otherkin subculture (beliefs, behaviour, influences)

Otherkin Beliefs- Otherkin are a community of people who see themselves as partially or entirely non-human. This is explained by some members of the otherkin community through reincarnation, they have a nonhuman souls. Here you can see the model of reincarnation- it happens when a non-human (for example a fox or a wolf or a dragon) dies, their body dies but the soul never dies and it just takes some other body, gets inside there and many Otherkin community members believe that this non-human soul is in their body, that their own soul is not human. They declare that inside they are more than just homo sapiens. Not all otherkin necessarily share these beliefs; some may simply prefer to identify as non-human without this reincarnation. Mostly these peole communicate on the Internet and if they gather then mostly to talk about their past, their feelings or to just get more information about other otherkins. Behaviour- Otherkin is a pretty q...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

3) Early Modern English – 200,000 – 250,000 English becomes a polycentric language; polyglot, cosmopolitan language 4) Modern English – 500,000 words (OED) At present at least 1 billion lexical units 2. Core and periphery Core vocabulary – often short (monosyllabic) words of Germanic and Old Norse origin = ie core vocabulary of most frequent words, and vague fuzzy peripherial words. Core meaning is the meaning which is at the centre of the word.periphery – vague. Formal usage (often polysyllabic words) from Norman French (rank, courtliness,refinement). Learning, science, abstraction: Latin, and Greek. The core vocabulary is predominantly Germanic (the, I, you, etc.) Only 4 of the topranked one hundred words in the Brown Corpus are of foreign origin. 93 of the first one hundred words in the Brown Corpus are monosyllabic, and the remaining have two syllables (only, about, other, also, many even people)

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist


AUSTRALIA- kangaroo, kookaburra, boomerang, dingo, coolibah, wallaby, koala, billabong, jumbuck, budgerigar, wombat, currawong, corroboree, barramundi, jackeroo. 4) Etymologycal doublets Wors that have the same etymological roots but have entered the language differently. One of two or more words derived from one source for exsample. Cattle-chattle, road-raid, guarrantee-warranty- guaranty. 5) Folk etymology First of all commonly held misunderstanding of the original word. Rosmarine- rosemary, somblind- sand-blind. The second thing is when people themselves have made the word up- changed the grammar throughtout time- naperon became apron, nadre-addre. 6) Archaism Is the use of a form of speech or writing that is no longer current, many nursery rhymes conatin archaisms. Archaic elements that occur only in certain fixed expressions are not considered to be archaisms- be that, as it may. For exsample lyre- music instruments 7) Neologisms

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

The Orgin of Names of the Months

A lot of languages, including English, use month names based on Latin. Their meaning is listed below. However, some languages (Czech and Polish, for example) use quite different names. Month / Latin /Origin January Januarius Named after the god Janus. February Februarius Named after Februa, the purification festival. March Martinus Named after the god Mars. April Aprilis Named either after the goddess Aphrodite or the Latin word aperire, to open. May Maius robably named after the goddess Maia. June Junius Probably named after the goddess Juno. July Julius Named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. Prior to that time its name was Quintilis from the word quintus, fifth, because it was the 5th month in the old Roman calendar. August Agustus Named after emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E. Prior to that time the

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Linguistics lexicon handout

LEL 2E Notes on Vocabulary One of the key facts about the lexicon of any language is that it reflects in various ways the physical and cultural environment in which the language is spoken. A people unfamiliar with, say, horses is unlikely to have a word for `horse'; similarly with ploughs, printing presses, and internet porn sites. For the most part this is trivial ­ it's hard to imagine how it could be otherwise, given the general nature of human language. People tend to make a great deal of the alleged fact (see Pullum 1989) that "the Eskimos have lots of words for snow", but it doesn't take much thought to realise that any language spoken in a given physical and

Kategooriata → Lingvisitka
3 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

Santa Clause, the Bronx, Harlem, Brooklyn, Coney Island Borrowings from Asian languages wallah, curry, coolie, juggernaut, bungalow, pundit, jungle, bandana, toddy, punch, verandah, Etymological doublets Words that have the same etymological roots but have entered the language differently. One, two or more words derived from one source. E.g. Cattle- chattle, road-raid, guarantee-warranty- guaranty. Folk etymology 1 - commonly held misunderstanding of the original word. Rosmarine- rosemary, somblind- sand-blind. 2 - when people themselves have made the word up- changed the grammar through time- naperon became apron, nadre-adder. Archaisms Is the use of a form of speech or writing that is no longer current, many nursery rhymes contain archaisms. Archaic elements that occur only in certain fixed expressions are not considered to be archaisms - be that as it may. For example lyre- music instruments

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

lies in using and appretiating the lg more conciously. There is diachronic (historical) L that studies origin and development; syncronic studies voc at a given historical period. There are general L (studies words disregarding particular features of any particular lg); special L (studies specific features of a separate lg, there is Engl that bases on general L); contrastive (compares vocabularys in different languages). 2. Connection of L with other linguistic disciplines a) the word performes a certain grammatical function (nt, he always misses the class, how many misses are there; the girl powders her nose, soliders face powder)In speech words are combined according to grammatical rules. The plural of nouns may carry a new meaning (nt, arms-weapons, looks-appearance, works-plant) b)connected with phonetics. The meaning of a word is expressed by sounds and it depends on the order of sounds(spoonerism)

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

MS Wordi ja Open Office Writeri võrdlus

MS Wordi ja OpenOffice Writeri võrdlus EvaMaria 10c SÜG Sisukord Microsoft Word Writer Logod Sarnasused Hind ja kättesaadavus MS Wordi eelised OOo Writeri eelised Lõpetuseks Microsoft Word Microsofti loodud teksti redigeerimise programm Algne versioon MultiTool Word loodi aastal 1983 Alates 2003. aastast on programmi ametlik nimi Microsoft Office Word Writer programm ­ ette nähtud tekstide sisestamiseks, töötlemiseks ja lihtsamaks küljendamiseks Sünnipäevaks 13. oktoober 2000 Asutatud Sun Microsystems'i poolt Põhineb StarDivisioni poolt arendatud kontoripaketil StarOffice Logod Sarnasused Mõlemad on ette nähtud tekstide sisestamiseks ja töötlemiseks Menüüde koha pealt suhteliselt sarnased Võimalikud toimingud üldjoontes samad, erinevused pigem detailides

Informaatika → Informaatika
16 allalaadimist


........................................... 15 10...................................................................................................................... 16 11Kasutatud allikad.................................................................................................. 19 Illustratsiooni sissukord............................................................................................ 20 2 Word Kristina 3 Word Kristina 1. Lõiguga opereerimine 1.1. Joondamine, rea vahe ( ) - ,, , : ,, . . . , , , , , . , , , . , . - , , , : , , . . , . , , , . , , , , . , . 1.1 Erinevad kirjastiilid - , , , : , , . . ,

Keeled → Vene keel
2 allalaadimist

Wordi kasutusjuhend


Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
232 allalaadimist

Questions and Reported questions

QUESTIONS 1.) If there is the verb be or modal verb in a sentence, then a question is formed by changing the word order. * We're going to be late. - Are we going to be late? * He can sing - Can he sing? 2.) Present and past simple questions are usually formed with the auxiliary verb do/did/done. The main verb is the infinitive. * They live in Paris - Do they live in Paris? * He saw her today - Did he see her today? 3.) A question can also begin with a question word. Notice that the word order changes * She is dancing. - What is she dancing? NB! Who did Peter phone? (Subject is Peter) Kellele Peeter helistas? Who phoned Peter? (Subject is who) Kes helistas Peetrile? REPORTED QUESTIONS When we ask for information, we often say Do you know...?/ Could you tell me?. If you begin a question like this, the word order is different from a simple question Compare: Where has Tom gone? But Do you know where Tom has gone? * What time is it? Do you know what time it is?

Keeled → Inglise keel
164 allalaadimist


vaikimisi kirjatüübi määramiseks avage uus dokument. Seejärel valige 'Format' menüüst 'Font' ning valige avanenud dialoogiaknast teile sobiv kirjatüüp ja suurus. Seejärel klõpsake Default nupule ning antud kirjatüübist saab vaikimisi kirjatüüp igale uuele Normal dokumendinäidisel põhinevale dokumendile. 4 1.3 Mittemurduv tühik Dokumentides tuleb ikka ette väljendeid või nimesid, mida ei taha lasta mitmele reale. Selleks, et Word käsitleks sõnasid ühena, tuleb asendada tavaline tühik natuke tugevama tühikuga. Mittemurduva tühiku saamiseks kasutage klahvikombinatsiooni Ctrl+Shift+Tühik. Nüüd käsitleb Word seda sõnade kombinatsiooni ühe sõnana. 1.4 Kuidas Wordi kopeerimisel kaotada vorming Kui püüda mõnest teisest programmist Wordi sisu kopeerida, püüab Word nii palju kui võimalik, säilitada vormingut. Eriti häiriv võib see olla mõne tabelitega võrgulehe kopeerimisel.

Majandus → Informaatika I
10 allalaadimist


Uue vaikimisi kirjatüübi määramiseks avage uus dokument. Seejärel valige 'Format' menüüst 'Font' ning valige avanenud dialoogiaknast teile sobiv kirjatüüp ja suurus. Seejärel klõpsake Default nupule ning antud kirjatüübist saab vaikimisi kirjatüüp igale uuele Normal dokumendinäidisel põhinevale dokumendile. 1.3. Mittemurduv tühik Dokumentides tuleb ikka ette väljendeid või nimesid, mida ei taha lasta mitmele reale. Selleks, et Word käsitleks sõnasid ühena, tuleb asendada tavaline tühik natuke tugevama tühikuga. Mittemurduva tühiku saamiseks kasutage klahvikombinatsiooni Ctrl+Shift+Tühik. Nüüd käsitleb Word seda sõnade kombinatsiooni ühe sõnana. 1.4. Kuidas Wordi kopeerimisel kaotada vorming Kui püüda mõnest teisest programmist Wordi sisu kopeerida, püüab Word nii palju kui võimalik, säilitada vormingut. Eriti häiriv võib see olla mõne tabelitega võrgulehe kopeerimisel.

Informaatika → Informaatika
80 allalaadimist

Lexical and syntactic stylistic devices

4. IRONY lessening the size or significance of sth., or things as human without definite regularity. ­ literal meaning of a word is beings. Used: Function ­ to emphasize repeated affirmation by denying "not pronouns, capital unit. opposite of what intended good"=bad). (positive word used in Function ­ not to sound too

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
31 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

1 Grammatical Terminology PRACTICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR FLGR.01.042 Grammatical Terminology analytic analüütiline (= uninflected - grammar is focused in the sentence , e.g. English) synthetic sünteetiline (= inflected - grammar is focused in the word, e.g. Estonian, Latin, Russian, Old English) ending lõpp (käände- ja pöördelõpud) marker tunnus (mitmuse, oleviku, lihtmineviku, tingiva kõneviisi, käskiva kõneviisi, kaudse kõneviisi, umbisikulise tegumoe, ma- tegevusnime, oleviku kesksõna, mineviku kesksõna) derivational affix liide, tuletusliide, tuletusafiks (e.g. postwar, anti-American, wiser, greenish) parts of speech sõnaliigid

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Feelings and Opinions

Feelings and Opinions 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) When Dick saw his neighbour kick his dog he became angry/nervous. b) Sue wasn't really interested/interesting in the film. c) We were both afraid/anxious that we would miss the plane. d) I wish you wouldn't snap your fingers. It's very annoying/worrying. e) You're not scared/thrilled of spiders, are you? f) If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross/terrifying. g) Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious/upset.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


SECTION 2: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION This section contains two types of questions, both designed to test your ability to recognize correct style and grammar in written English. The sentences are academic; ones that you typically find in college level texts, journals, and encyclopedias. The sentence topics include the social sciences, physical and life sciences, and the humanities. Structure The structure questions test your ability to recognize correct structure and word order. These questions consist of a sentence with one or more words missing. You must make the choice that best completes the sentence. Here is an example of this type of question. YOU WILL SEE: __________ a short time after the Civil War, Atlanta has become the principal center of transportation, commerce, and finance in the southeastern United States. (A) While rebuilt (B) It was rebuilt (C) Rebuilt (D) When rebuilt The correct choice is (C)

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Tolereerimine ja mõõtetehnika kõik laborid


Mehaanika → Tolereerimine ja...
13 allalaadimist

KÜ: Etteantud teksti vormistamine

Sisukord Microsoft Office............................................................................................... 2 1.Kontoritarkvarapaketi koosseis....................................................................3 1.1 Microsoft Word...................................................................................... 3 1.2 Microsoft Excel...................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 Kas Excelit saab kasutada ka dokumendiloomistarkvarana?..........3 1.3 Microsoft Power Point............................................................................4 1.4 Microsoft Outlook.................................................................................. 4 1.4

Informaatika → Arvutikäsitusõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

1. STYLE The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron) 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose,

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 Fashion/faction  Dialect based:  Road/raid  Seek/beseech  Old English, Old Norse  Skirt/shirt  Rear/raise  Anglo Norman, French  Guarantee, warranty, quaranty  Latin/Greek, French  Thesaurus/treasure  Abbreviation/abridge  French, French  Genteel/gentle  Dragon/dragoon 14. Folk etymology  Change in a word or phrase over time resulting from the replacement of an unfamiliar form by a more familiar one. Unanalyzable borrowings from foreign languages, like asparagus, or old compounds such as samblind which have lost their iconic motivation (since one or more of the morphemes making them up, like sam-, which meant "semi-", has become obscure) are reanalyzed in a more or less semantically plausible way, yielding, in these examples, sparrow grass and sandblind.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Entertainment and Art

Entertainment and Art Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) I like this book, and I've read six capitals/chapters/prefaces already. b) It's not a proper drawing, only a rough/plan/sketch. c) The play is very long but there are three breaks/intervals/rests. d) At the cinema I don't like sitting too near the film/screen/stage. e) We heard a piece by Mozart performed by a German band/group/orchestra. f) Her second book was very popular and became a best buy/seller/volume.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Registri loomise juhend

I JA KÕ teine kodutöö REGISTRI LOOMISE JUHEND Anneli Raud MS Word on tekstitöötlusprogramm dokumentide loomiseks, lugemiseks, vormindamiseks, illustreerimiseks jpm. Seda paljude funktsioonidega programmi kasutatakse peamiselt kontoritarkvarana. Tarkvaratootja Microsoft on loonud sellest mitu järjest täiustatumat ja aina rohkemate lisafunktsioonidega versiooni nt MS Office Home and Student (mis on mõeldud tavakasutajale ja õpilastele), MS Office 2003, 2007 ja 2010 Professional. Minul isiklikult on arvutis olemas MS Office 2003 ja ka

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
28 allalaadimist

Vormistamise juhend

kuidas uuriti ning millised on järeldused ja tulemused, milleni töö käigus jõuti. Uurimuslik töö on suunatud probleemile, eesmärgiks on leida vastus püstitatud küsimusele. Peavad ilmnema töö autori isiklikud seisukohad ja järeldused. Võib kasutada erinevaid autoreid ja refereeringuid, kuid alati viidetega ning omapoolsete järelduste/hinnangutega. 2. Vormistusnõuded MS Word · Paberi formaat A4 (210 x 297 mm) File Æ Page Setup... Æ Page Size Æ Æ 210 x 297 mm Æ OK · Lehe veerised (vabad ääred): File Æ Page Setup... Æ Margins Æ · ülal 2,5 ­ 3 cm top Æ 2,5 cm või 3 cm Æ · all 2,5 ­ 3 cm bottom Æ2,5 cm või 3 cm Æ

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Office MS(Office) programmid

Tallinna Polütehnikum Multimeedium MM-16 MS(Office) programmid Referaat Karl Maide Juhendaja:Kaupo Nõlvak Tallinn 2016 0 Sisukord 1.Microsoft Word..................................................................................................... 3 1.1Üldiselt........................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Failivormingud............................................................................................... 3 1.3 Ajalugu.......................................................................................................... 3 1.4Vastuvõtt..................

Informaatika → Informaatika
19 allalaadimist

JUHEND veebis töölehtede koostamise kohta

Prinditavate õppematerjalide koostamine veebis Juhendi koostas Margit Lindau 1. keskkond Word search Alusta kodulehelt 1 Prinditavate õppematerjalide koostamine veebis Juhendi koostas Margit Lindau Kuidas võõrkeelne tööleht eestikeelseks muuta? Selleks tee veebis koostatud valmis word search aktiivseks (Jälgi, et teed ainult mängu aktiivseks). Tee aktiivsel pinnal parem hiireklõps, vali COPY/KOPEERI Ava tekstitöötlus MS Word, kleebi see lehele: parem hiireklõps, vali PASTE/KLEEBI Saad töölehe vormistada just nii nagu sina seda soovid, lisada ülesandeid, lisada nime ja kuupäeva rea vms. 2

Informaatika → Arvutikasutus
7 allalaadimist

People and Behaviour

People and Behaviour 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Please don't push. It's very bad-tempered/rude/unsympathetic. b) Jack hates spending money. He's rather frank/greedy/mean. c) Our teacher is very proud/strict/tolerant and won't let us talk in class. d) Helen never does her homework. She is rather gentle/lazy'/reliable. e) I didn't talk to anyone at the party because I felt ambitious/lonely/shy. f) When Harry saw his girlfriend dancing with Paul he felt jealous/selfish/sentimental.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Apologies · We have probably all been in a situation when we know have behaved badly towards someone, but pride has made us slow to apologise. As the British pop singer Elton John put it on one of his songs, it is often the case that ,,sorry seems to be the hardest word." Of course when we do manage to make a sincere apology-it can quickly reduce the hurt or resestment felt by the person we have behaved badly towards. In the words of the Canadian cartoonist Lynn Johnston "An apology is the superglue of life-it can repair just about anything". However a recent survey suggests that in Britain the word ,,sorry" is being used in various situations where it doesn't have the traditional purpose of expressing regret for

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Respect For Other People

Respect for Other People I would definite the word respect as esteem and as excellence of a person, a personal quality and ability. In human cultures there are varied ways of showing respect by bodily actions. In many European cultures, people shake hands. In others, such as in Japan people bow at the waist when meeting. Frequently, gender is a factor in how respect I displayed in bodily behavior. For example, woman in many Western cultures traditionally curtsy, whereas men bow. As a sign of respect in almost any form of the military is a salute

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

1 SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES are based on a peculiar place of the word or phrase in the utterance (text, sentence, etc).This special place creates emphasis irrespective of the lexical meaning of the words used. Categories: syntactic stylistic devises based on: SDD: based on ABSENCE OF LOGICALLY REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF SPEECH ELLIPSIS ELLIPSIS or ELLIPTICAL SENTENCES means leaving out one or both principle members of the sentence that is the subject or predicate. NT: Where is the man I'm going to marry? - Out in the garden. (no subject) What is he doing out there?

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

Alphabeth).  Phonology- The subfield of linguistics that studies the structure and systematic patterning of sounds in human language.  Allophone is a sound form of a phone. For example: An Estonian word palk has two possible pronunciation ways. L can be palatalised or not.  Phoneme is a smallest unit in language which distinguishes meaning. With other phonemes it can form morphemes and words. For example: The difference

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Problems 1 Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Many people were injured when the building demolished/collapsed. b) The ship radioed to say that it was in difficulties/dangers. c) The government has announced plans to help the poor/poverty. d) There was a large demonstration/manifestation against nuclear power in Manchester yesterday. e) Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected. f) There has been another increase/rising in the level of crime.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

In novels and sometimes other types of books (e.g. biographies), a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc.). A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, or, more informally, a bookworm. A store where books are bought and sold is a bookstore or bookshop. Books can also be borrowed from libraries. In 2010, Google estimated that there were approximately 130 million unique books in the world. Etymology The word book comes from Old English "bc" which itself comes from the Germanic root "*bk-", cognate to beech. Similarly, in Slavic languages (e.g. Russian, Bulgarian and Macedonian) "" (bukva--"letter") is cognate to "beech". It is thus conjectured that the earliest Indo-European writings may have been carved on beech wood. Similarly, the Latin word codex, meaning a book in the modern sense (bound and with separate leaves), originally meant "block of wood". History of books Antiquity

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ They usually go to bed at about midnight. 2 Macmillan Publishers Limited 2001. This sheet may be photocopied for use in class. 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, we own a BMW. 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't know what the word means. Look it up in a dictionary. 10 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ No, I don't like the Spice Girls. Marks: /10 Words, words, words 4 Complete these sentences using the correct form of the words below. There is one extra word which you do not need to use.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist


Pygmalion act 3 Where does the action take place in Act III? Name the places. At Mrs. Higgins's home Why is Mrs. Higgins not happy to see her son? Because Higgins offended all her friends and she wasn't happy about it. Why has Higgins invited Eliza to his mother's place? She wants to present her to her mother and the Who had Mrs Higgins invited to visit her? Miss Eynsford Hill, Mrs. Eynsford Hill, Freddy, Colonel Pickering. How does Higgins use the word ,,dickens". Quote his use of the word in different sentences and explain it's meaning. He uses the word in sentences like "Cynical! Who the dickens said it was cynical? I mean it wouldn't be decent." and ,,What the dickens has happened to you?" He uses the word instead of a swearing word. Comment on Eliza's behaviour at the meeting.(Do it in about 4 sentences) Eliza is speaking very properly and is polite. She is answering the questions that are asked from her with very long sentences

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
25 allalaadimist

Crime and the Law

Crime and the Law Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Sally didn't realise that she had broken/countered/denied the law. b) The police have banned/cancelled/refused parking in this street. c) I must remember to get a/an agreement/licence/permission for my television. d) The president admitted that there had been a breakdown of law and crime/government/order. e) Jim's parents wouldn't agree/allow/let him go to the demonstration. f) Jake was arrested because he had entered the country falsely/illegally/wrongly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun