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part, memory, behavior, brain, here, participant, process, study, rate, other, cause, experiment, social, studies, influence, format, formation, there, fact, individual, person, schema, plain, explain, even, cognitive, factor, member, recall, words, cultural, change, sign, students, king, between, able, than, result, etic, role, could, different

Cialdini raamat

do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T. MUNGER, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. If you're wondering why of Latin America, the Far East, and Central Europe. you should buy this new edition of Influence: o More neuroscience evidence of how the influence process works is inte-

24 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

University Name Research Project Module Code: xx 2007-2008 Supervised by xxx Word count: 7261 Emotion regulation in relation.. 2 Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between psychological and the biological stress response. It is known that humans, interacting with each other or their environment, have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essential for metabolic support when preparing the body for action. Since emotion can influence such important processes like learning, decision-making,

103 allalaadimist


much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to address each educational ingredient that comes to my mind. After I've said what I think about each topic, readers may have a fair comprehension of my philosophy. First comes sensitivity. If a person be insensitive, be it from numbing cold, exhaustion, drugs, genetic makeup, or upbringing, then the process of education is bogged down, and results come only after great efforts. Sensitivity in my integrated meaning is broad, covering literally the senses, so that deaf and blind people are less sensitive, as well as people whose senses work perfectly, but whose receptivity or thought processes are blunted for whatever reason. A person can be insensitive in one way, such as blind, and extraordinarily sensitive in another way, such as in hearing

Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

The electric light is pure information... It is a medium without a message, as it were, unless it is used to spell out some verbal a ad or name. This fact, characteristic of all media, means that the " Intent"_ of any medium is always .another medium. The content of writing is speech, just as the written word is the content of print, and print is the content of the telegraph. If it is asked, "What is the content of speech?," it is necessary to say, "It is an actual process of thought, which is in itself nonverbal." An abstract painting represents direct manifestation of creative thought processes as they might appear in computer designs. What we are considering here, however, are the psychic and social consequences of the designs or patterns as they amplify or accelerate existing processes. For the "message" of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs. The railway did not introduce

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Psychology 1 It is generally assumed that: Differential Psychology · People vary on a range of psychological attributes Ian Deary · It is possible to measure and study these individual differences · Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human Human · General

Inglise keel
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Vormistamine ülesanne 3

has collected the information, how should it be analyzed and reported? Deciding to do a survey means committing oneself to work through a myriad of issues each of which is critical to the ultimate success of the survey. Yet, each day, throughout the world, thousands of surveys are being undertaken. Some surveys involve years of planning, require arduous efforts to select and interview respondents in their home and take many months to complete and many more months to report results. Other surveys are conducted with seemingly lightning speed as web survey requests are transmitted simultaneously to people regardless of their location, and completed surveys start being returned a few minutes later; data collection is stopped in a few days and results are reported minutes afterwards. Whereas some surveys use only one mode of data collection such as the telephone, others may involve multiple

Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Sheep senses and social cognition

Sheep senses and social cognition Sheep generally are held in low regard as far as cognition and social skills are concerned. However there is now interesting evidence from studies of their behaviour and brain function that they have highly sophisticated social and emotional recognition skills using faces, voices and smell. They are able to recognize and remember many diferent sheep and humans for several years or more and appear to have some capacity for forming mental images of the faces of absent individuals. The precence of such social cognition abilities in this species means that we must pay careful attention to welfare factors such as the composition and

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

Psychology ­ Gleitman Blood flow in the brain during different activities: the rate of blood flow is measured by special radiation counters that are placed at various points of the skull and that monitor radiation from mildly radioactive gas injected into the bloodstream. Blood flow pattern depends on what the patient does ( different pattern is found when person is reading aloud, yet another when he watches a moving light and so on). Ambiguous sights and sounds: The way ambiguous figures are perceived often depends on what we have seen just before

22 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics,

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Reasons why human beings are unique

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." So said the physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who helped to invent the atomic bomb. The two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 killed around 200,000 Japanese people. No other species has ever wielded such power, and no species could. The technology behind the atomic bomb only exists because of a cooperative hive mind: hundreds of scientists and engineers working together. The same unique intelligence and cooperation also underlies more positive advances, such as modern medicine. But is that all that defines us? In recent years, many traits once believed to be uniquely human, from morality to culture, have been found in the animal

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

You've probably heard that drugs are bad for you, but what does that mean and why are they bad? Medicines Are Legal Drugs If you've ever been sick and had to take medicine, you already know about one kind of drugs. Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want. Cigarettes and Alcohol Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs. (In Estonia, adults 18 can buy cigarettes and alcohol.) But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and off limits for kids. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine. Nicotine is what keeps people smoking despite its harmful effects. Because the

Inglise keel
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Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

Ameerika Kirjandus 30.01.13 Naturalism · France, Emile Zola · Put down his theory in 1879: Le Roman Experimental, attempt to explain the development of human society throuch biological laws · Outlook is deterministic, pessimistic, fatalistic (fate or biology) · Man as an animal-clever than other beasts, still explainable within the framework · Man is not a free agent, is govern by something · Unable to determine his own faith · Hereditary · Naturalists tried to apply in fiction the processes of natural sciences · Writers task is to record facts, systems of behaviour, living conditions, never revealing any natural unbiased (completely natural) · Point of view: amoral-outside the category of morality, neither good or bad

Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

backpacking. Backpacking is instead extended to an ongoing lifestyle practice that on a micro level provides both a unique sense of self to its practitioners and on a macro level comprises a distinct and recognisable social identity. Lifestyle travel in a broader sense can take on different forms, whether, for instance, through backpacking, ocean yacht cruising (Macbeth, 2000) or caravanning (White & White, 2004). What these forms of travel have in common that distinguishes them from many other lifestyle choices is sustained physical mobility. Whilst social scientists dispute just how ‘new’ mobilities are to our lives (Creswell, 2010; Sheller & Urry, 2006), less disputable is that globalisation, with mobility as a crucial characteristic, is leading to different ways of understanding identities and relating to place. As such, the current paper not only contributes the first empirical material to advance past

Inglise keel
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English as a Global Language

This work seeks to understand why English has become the language of international scope, what future awaits this language, how many people speak it worldwide and what is the history of the English language expansion in the world. The current work examines the history of the English language, tracing the origins of English as a global language, as well as the role of English in the modern world. The subject of the research is the study of the English language as itself, its history and possible future perspectives within the context of increasingly globalized world. The object is to investigate the premises of English being a single language in the world as well as to consider potential consequences. the aim of this paper is to explore Estonian students’ attitude to English being the world language. The purpose is to increase the authors’ and

Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

Consumer Behavior Assignment Assignment 1(4) Girli Vasiljev HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences RB1X 12.12.2011 Consumer behavior Introduction Each and every one of us is a consumer. We buy products and services every day. But why do we prefer one product or service to another? What leads us to make the right decision before every purchase? There are many aspects influencing our decision making process and thereby our consumer behavior. Attitudes, perceptions, image, roles, motivations, determinants etc

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

A New Earth

have remained rare and isolated phenomena, since conditions were most likely not yet favorable for a widespread flowering to occur. One day, however, a critical threshold was reached, and suddenly there would have been an explosion of color and scent all over the planet – if a perceiving consciousness had been there to witness it. Much later, those delicate and fragrant beings we call flowers would come to play an essential part in the evolution of consciousness of another species. Humans would increasingly be drawn to and fascinated by them. As the consciousness of human beings developed, flowers were most likely the first thing they came to value that had no utilitarian purpose for them, that is to say, was not linked in some way to survival. They provided inspiration to countless artists, poets, and mystics. Jesus tells us to contemplate the flowers and learn from then how to live

9 allalaadimist


giant of Africa. In the last 32 years, I have watched with horror and outright helplessness as the downward slide of the African race continues to escalate. But rather than address the problems, we resort to blaming the Caucasians, Asians and others for our misfortune. We are not men enough to accept responsibility for our actions. Africans blame either the British, French or little Portuguese/Spanish for their problems. Africans in America blame the Caucasians for all their problems, or any other ethic group they have allowed to take over their neighbours, a frequently recurring phenomena. Africans blame the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Group of 7, the former colonial masters for the abject poverty in our respective countries. We blame the wars ravaging several African sectors on the interference of our former colonial masters on “our internal affairs.” Ha! – some kind of independence!

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

Subject: Biology Word Count: 3482 Abstract: Because there has been much debate over whether plant based diets are beneficial or not, I’m willing to learn more about it and since there’s eligible data available on the effects of vegetarian/vegan diets on cardiovascular diseases, my research question is formed accordingly: To what extent does a plant based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease? The importance of this study lies in my own curiosity and my desire to acquire further knowledge on the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease. In this investigation I will study two similar prospective studies on plant based diets and cardiovascular diseases, mainly coronary artery disease, to find out if the outcomes of one have anything common with the other. I want to find out whether the outcomes of these studies are reasonable and have any evidence from other studies to support them. My

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

Engineering, Technion ­ Israel Institute of Technology Consultant: Roode Liias- Professor and Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology Title: Integration of Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling Archived: University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Construction ABSTRACT This research can be divided into two. The first part investigates the current state of the construction industry, while the second part looks at new emerging business models ­ in particular, Lean Construction (LC) and Building Information Modelling (BIM), as well as an integration of these two. Given that the construction industry does not have a particularly good reputation among the public, the first part of this thesis focuses mainly on this problem and its sources. It is the reason why we need

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CHANGE YOUR LIFE How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement B R I A N T R AC Y JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iv Copyright © 2003 by Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive,

Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Translation history

• Martin Luther – his role in the history of translation studies. Lived during the 15th century. He was a priest, theologian & translator. During that time, the Bible’s were only available in either Latin or Hebrew, which made it very difficult for common people to understand. He came out with a radical plan to translate the Bible into local languages (the first language was German – translated by Martin Luther). This inspired many other translators during that period. • What happened in the 19th and 20th century in translation studies? When and who created the term ‘translation studies’? Translation Studies – James S. Holmes - 1972 Ferdinand de Saussure – Lived during the 19th and 20th century. He was a Swiss linguist and a semiotician. He is widely considered one of the fathers of 20th-century linguistics and one of two major fathers (together with Charles Sanders Peirce) of semiotics/semiology

Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

Abstract How are 3D and BIM Changing the Design, Fabrication and Construction of Complex Steel Structures? The adoption of three-dimensional (3D) design and construction tools have created a remarkable shift in the building industry. Intelligent 3D technology in the form of Building Information Modeling (BIM) not only promises to improve the notoriously inefficient construction process, but also opens the door for designing new geometric shapes, which until recently have been considered unbuildable. Steel has been extensively used to build some of the most challenging architectural icons of the 21st century, due to its low weight and high strength in both compression and tension. Therefore, the steel design and construction industry has been on the forefront of technical innovation. The purpose of this study is to determine how 3D and BIM are changing the design,

23 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

[2] Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace RP (Received Pronunciation) in the south-east. Studies have indicated that Estuary English is not a single coherent form of English; rather, the reality behind the construct consists of some (but not all) phonetic features of working-class London speech spreading at various rates socially into middle-class speech and geographically into other accents of south-eastern England.[3][4] Rosewarne (1984) states that "the heartland of this variety lies by the banks of the Thames and its estuary". However, in the name itself the Thames is not mentioned. This seems to have irritated some of the academics, who willingly displayed their reluctance to the term. In his posting to the Linguist List, for instance, Battarbee (1996) talks of "... regional arrogance of the SouthEast within the UK: it takes for

Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

Challenges of children`s “participation”: A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School Gerli Orumaa – 662974 9th of May 2014 Word Count: 8,800 `Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B.A. International Relations` Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: Citizenship, Children`s Rights and Participation: from the UN to the UK 6

Inglise keel
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Priorities of Estonian History

Fabricius, a Catholic Pole who favored Polish rule and rendered a Polish perspective of history. Russian history during the imperial period also shows such an ideological influence. Juri Fiodorovitsch Samanarin, for example, strove to explain to the Russians its mission and identity as the ruling people, not merely a minority, 1 Johann Renner, "Liivimaa ajalugu 1556-1561" (Tallinn: Olion, 2006), 2-13. and to show to the native peoples that they were second rate citizens. Jefgraf Vassilievitsch Tscheshikhin also displayed such partiality when he wrote, "There can be no place in Russia . . . for any patriotism other than Russian patriotism."2 Their and other histories raised the place of Russians to that of victor and liberator, contrary to the truth that this was not always the case. This rewriting of history occurred again during the Soviet period, when de facto control of Estonia was in Russia's hands.

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lecture1 Introduction to psychology

Marii Haak 2017 To start with... · Two main concepts to understand - Psychology - Psyche How do you define them? What is psychology? · The study of the soul and mind (psyche & logos) · Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of the individuals (what we do) and their mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings) · Studies human behavior, inner experiences and circumstances under they occur · Is psychology a study of differences between people or rather a study of similarities? - General tendencies Primary goal · The primary goal of psychology is to improve the understanding of behavior and cognition of our self and other people Why do we do what we do? Why do we think what we think? Why do we feel what we feel? · The aim is to... · Describe behavior ­ what is the nature of this behavior? · Understand and explain behavior - why does it occur?

Inglise keel
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Home Assignments

Studentdesigned syllabus Comprehension and speaking are of big importance I had a look at several clips. In one of them native language was used for explaining. The tape-recording was used. Afterwards the teacher played the recordings and the students had to write on the board what they heard. I enjoyed the clip where the question about student´s feelings, opinions about the lesson and method was asked. Students agreed that it was relaxed environment to study, no pressure. Errors were corrected in non-threatening manner. Students could express their feelings and opinions freely and share their knowledge in the group. All the students were actively involved. The main goals are speaking, active interaction, relaxing learning environment. · Humanistic methods: suggestopedia Suggestopedia (Production) - Regiane Language learning is complicated because of psychological barriers

Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!" --Michael E. Gerber, founder and chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the world's #1 small business guru

Inglise keel
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Automaatika referaat (eng)

variables and optimize the weights). The validation sample (e.g., 200 cases) is used to evaluate the results from the first set of estimates. Most AES developers use multiple regression to create their models, but one developer uses multiple statistical techniques, and then selects the one that explains the most variance. In the second approach, the evaluation of content may be accomplished through the specification of vocabulary (i.e., the evaluation of the other aspects of writing is performed as described above). Latent Semantic Analysis and its variants are employed by some developers to provide estimates as to how close the vocabulary in the candidate answer is to a targeted vocabularly set. The third approach is to develop models that are based on a "gold standard" formulated by experts. To date this mechanism for developing models is more theoretical than applied. If normative models can be created for the relevant dimensions of writing (i.e

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American Literature

The making of a new nation. The Enlightenment in America. The emergence of the notion of the American Dream. The great Enlighteners: Crèvecoeur, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin. The American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in the United States in the midtolate 18th century (1715­1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the one hand and the European Enlightenment on the other. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century and the humanist period during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society, and religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America.

Inglise keel
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Solutions Advanced Workbook key

again to keep the noise down. between Paul and Joe. 1D Sporting origins page 6­7 2 She recognised him at once. 2 Phobias can be genetically 3 He's working at his father's shop inherited. 1 1 staunchly / resolutely for the time being. 3 When it comes to politics, 2 By and large 4 They'll be here any moment now. Edward and his dad have a lot in 3 swiftly 5 Everybody makes mistakes once common. 4 loosely in a while. 4 Luke is the spitting image of Matt 5 categorically 6 My brother was still a baby at the Damon. 6 widely time

Inglise keel
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Dimitriu - When we are the other

the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at

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1 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

Vocabulary: to criticize - tasteless ­ overcooked - ingredient - to invent - sauces - to disguise - spice ­ herb - delicious - disappointing - to lend ­ cuisine ­ British Youth (2) Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are quite independent people. English people say that children grow up more quickly now. Relationships within the British family are different now. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions. For example, children aged 13 may be employed part time in Great Britain. Age 15 is legally a "young person" not a "child". Age 16 is a school leaving age. They can leave home, drive a moped, marry with "parents' consent" buy beer. Age 17 can drive a car. Age 18 can vote, get married, drink in pubs. Education is a very important part in the life of British youth. One can't become an independent person without it. When time comes to enter a college a young Englishman chooses one far away from home. It is a necessary part of becoming adult.

Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun