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"product" - 658 õppematerjali


Product Presentation

that we believe you might be interested in purchasing to stock at your store. Our hairdryer is lightweight and has a 3 metre long power cord, which is 1.2 metres longer than the power cord of hairdryers such as the Remington Luxe AC. We believe this improves customer satisfaction with the hairdryer, as customer reviews show that they rate hairdryers with longer cords more highly than those with shorter cords. Our product also has a removeable filter, therefore the customer can clean it easily and efficiently, thus freeing up their time so that they can do other things. The long-life AC motor of the hairdryer gives the customer a high-power airflow for a faster drying time. It has three heat and two speed settings and also a cold shot button, which is superior to a similar hairdryer such as the TRESemmé 5542DU Power 2200w hairdryer, which only has two heat and speed settings

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Praktikaaruanne - Interconnect Product Assembly AS.

.................... 14 Sele 11.2 Pakkimise abivahend .......................................................................................... 15 Sele 11.3 Juhtmelõikur ....................................................................................................... 15 2 1 Sissejuhatus Praktika läbiviimiseks valisin ettevõtte Interconnect Product Assembly AS. Pakkumine oli hea, kuna avanes võimalus praktikatöö ning lõputöö ühendamiseks. Firma võimaldas mul endal luua oma töögraafiku, et koolitöö kannatada ei saaks. Seoses kooliga ei käinud ma täiskohaga, vaid poolekohaga tööl. Praktika algas 16. jaanuaril 2006 ja kestis kuni 05. maini 2006 (16 nädalat). Nädala koormus oli 20 töötundi. Aruande kirjutamisel lähtusin ma meile mulle firma poolt antud ülesannetest.

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
43 allalaadimist


PRODUCT ERGONOMIC KEBOARD A "fixed-split keyboard" is a single board, with the keys separated into two or three groups, allowing the user to type at a different angle than the typical straight keyboard. An "adjustable split keyboard" has the keyboard split into several independent pieces, so the angle between them can be easily changed. Either of these types of keyboards may include elevated sections at various angles. Other ergonomic keyboards have fixed, vertically aligned keys, so the user types with their hands perpendicular to the ground, thumbs-up. Still others allow a range of rotation and elevations. Simple ergonomic keyboards can cost as little as typical keyboards or as much as $995 for high end keyboards. An ergonomic keyboard may reduce muscle strain and reduce risk of Carpal Tunnel syndrome, but there is no clear evidence of benefit. After a user takes the time to adjust to this style of keyboard, these keyboards can make t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Gross domestic product

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is a measure of a country's overall economic output. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. It is often positively correlated with the standard of living, alternative measures to GDP for that purpose. · Gross domestic product comes under the heading of national accounts, which is a subject in macroeconomics. Gross National Product Gross national product (GNP), in economics, a quantitative measure of a nation's total economic activity, generally assessed yearly or quarterly. The GNP equals the gross domestic product plus income earned by domestic residents through foreign investments minus the income earned by foreign investors in the domestic market.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

4P (Product, price, place, promotion)

4P ( Product, price, place, promotion): Price- pakume toodet tasuta. Toodet on võimalik alla laadida meie koduleheküljel ning ka Google play kaudu. Product- bränd on usaldusväärne ja oma fuktsionaalsuse tõttu hääletureguleerijana on sobilik vaigistajaprogramm, olles ühtlasi ideaalne antud otstarvet täitma. Samas ei jää funktsioonid jäigaks ning kui on vaja uuendada programme, siis äpp kohaneb ja muutub- vastavalt klientide soovidele ja nõudlustele. Lisaks ei kurna ta oma kliente tüütute reklaamidega. Äpp ilmub ekraanile vaid sobival hetkel ja vastavalt seadistusele kliendi poolt. Place- me ei müü teenust, vaid pakume tasuta ning seda ainult usaldusväärsetel lehekülgedel: äpi oma kodulehekülg, mis tutvustab lisaks teenusele ka juhtkonda ning programmi loojaid ehk meie programmeerijaid; Lisaks ka tuntud veebilehel Google play, mida külastavad enamus äpiotsijaid inimesi tihti. Keelatud ei ole linki jagada teistes veebilehekülgedes, mis ...

Majandus → Juhtimisarvestus
6 allalaadimist

Product and corporate advertising

Coca-Cola's latest advertisement is rather different from its usual because Coca-Cola Diet version's bottle design is made by Karl Lagerfeld. Advertisement consists of 3 bottles with different colorful bottle designs by Karl Lagerfeld. That shows that Coca-Cola wants to show its different stylish side on its new design and advertisement. Usually Coca-Cola markets itself as a drink for the whole family but this campaign is oriented to show the product as perfect drink& accessorize for every stylish woman and man. Also the great marketing of new design includes Karl Lagerfeld saying "It's exciting for me because I love the idea and as everybody knows, I drink Diet Coke and nothing else, night and day. It was pure pleasure to do a campaign with people I like and for a product I love." That makes lots of his devoted fans also considering buying it. Therefore I think that campaign gains more positive attention that Diet Pepsi's campaign.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Teaduslik artikkel

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Majandusteaduskond Teadusliku artikli kokkuvõtte ,,Antecedentsof consumer animosity and the role of product involvement on purchase intentions" Tallinn 2018 See on kokkuvõtte artikli ,,Antecedents of consumer animosity and the role of product involvement on purchase intentions" , mis oli ilmunud aastal 2017 ajakirjas ,,Americal Jourmal of Business", Vol. 32 No. 1 ja autorid oli Ji Eun Park (Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) ja Sung-Joon Yoon (College of Economics and Business Administration, Kyonggi University, Suwon, Republic of Korea). Käesoleva artikli eesmärk on tarbijate vaenulikkuse allikaid ja toote kaasamise mõõdukas roll ostu kavatsuste jaoks veelgi parem aru saada

Majandus → Turundus
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad ADVERTISING

THE INTERNET AND E-COMMERCE 1. ISP ­ it is a organization that provides internet access. The internet service provider. 2. e-tailing - the selling of goods and services on the Internet or through e- mail solicitation. 3. B2C.- business-to-consumer, selling to the public on the internet. 4. e-procurement - 5. B2G ­ business-to-goverment, business applay for government contracts and pay taxes. 6. shopping cart ­ Shopping cart is where you put product you have purchased from online shop. 7. last mile problem ­ how to deliver products, purcased on internet to the customers 8. bricks-and-mortar shop ­ Brick and mortar shops are physical shops where customers interact face-to-face. They are opposite to online shops. TELEMARKETING 1. telemarketing ­ for of direct marketing, where telemarketers call to their customers 2. cost per inquiry, cost per order ­ its how they measure the success of telemarketing compaigns 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Etanool, metanool, propaan-1,2,3-triool

Etanool ehk piiritus ehk etüülalkohol (CH3CH2OH) Etanool on värvuseta ning iseloomuliku lõhnaga vedelik. Etanool on veest kergem vedelik, sest tema tihedus on 0,794 g/cm³. Veega lahustub etanool igas vahekorras. Etanooli segunemisel veega esineb kontraktsioon. Ei ole ühtegi rakku ega organit, mida alkohol ei kahjustaks. Seega on etanooli mõju organismile küllaltki ohtlik. Organismi sattunud alkoholid oksüdeeritakse maksas leiduva ensüümi (alkoholdehüdrogenaas) toimel väga mürgisteks aldehüüdideks ja sealt edasi karboksüülhapeteks ning pärast veel mitmeid vahereaktsioone lõpuks süsihappegaasiks ja veeks. Etanooli võimel oksüdeeruda juba õhuhapniku toimel põhineb ka alkomeetrite töö. Vastavas seadmes katalüüsitakse väljahingatavas õhus olev etanool. Viimase oksüdeerumisel tekkiv elektrivool ongi võrdeline alkoholi sisaldusega väljahingatavas õhus. Selle järgi hinnatakse alkoholi kogust kontrollitava isiku organism...

Keemia → Keemia
16 allalaadimist

Unit 1 -15

Shareholders ­ aktsionärid Management ­ juhtkond workforce ­ tööjõud organisation chart ­ organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors ­ juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President ­ esimees Managing Director ­ majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer ­ tegevdirektor Senior managers ­ tippjuht Company officers ­ aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing ­ turundus Public relations ­ avalikud suhted Information technology IT ­ infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources ­ inimressursid Finance ­ rahandus Production ­ tootmine Research and Development ­ uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit ­ värbama tööjõudud position ­ ametikoht apply for ­ kandideerima letter of application ­ avaldus covering letter ­ avaldus curriculum vitae ­ elulookirjeldus application form ­ avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants ­ taotlejad interview ­ intervjuu hire ­ palkama recruitment agency/search firm ­ värbamisfirma retailing ­ jaemüük retailers ­ jaemüüjad shops/...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

some degree of loss of direct contact- otsese kontakti mõningane kadu 13. the costs of the contacts- kulutused kontaktidele MATCHING PRODUCTS AND MARKETS VOCABULARY: 1. solvency- maksevõimelisus, krediidivõime, solventsus 2. profitability- kasumlikkus, tasuvus, rentaablus 3. to run (an organisation)- juhtima 4. cost-effective- tulutoov, tulusus, rentaabel 5. cost-effectively- tulutoovalt 6. interdependent- vastastikku (üksteisest, teineteisest) sõltuv 7. product management- tootehaldus 8. knowing how=know-how- oskusteave, oskus, vilumus, tegelik teadmine 9. product range- tootevalik, tootestik 10. objective- siht, eesmärk 11. to meet- nõudeid rahuldama 12. to conduct- läbi viima, korraldama 13. segment- turusegment, allüksus 14. benefit- kasu, tulu 15. a detailed benefit analysis segmentation- detailne allüksuse tuluanalüüs 16. to meet a changing market- rahuldama muutuva turu nõudeid 17

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Inglise keele töö spikker (brands jne)

Brands *Pros: quality is well-good/stylish/to show they have good taste/good design/reliability *Cons : don't want to show people you have a lot of logos/people have the same clothes/ inflated prices/needs value of money Marketing *The basic concept underlying marketing is human needs. *Marketing has been defined as the process of matching an organisation's resources with customer needs. *4 conditions necessary for exchange : value, delivery, communication, parties *4 variables of marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion The four variables, creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing are called the marketing mix. Product *Product is marketing process result. *An organisation must remain dynamic because the product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. *Company and consumer are independent because no matter how else the organisation runs itself cost-effecitively and sensibly, if the product is not selling well then the money simply will not be coming in.

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers).

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist


PRODUCTS and BRANDS 1. product catalogue - a list of different products of one company 2. product mix - a range of similar in some way products considered together 2. product range - different particular and specific products of a company 3. product lifecycle - the stages of product lifetime and amount of people who use it at each stage 4. product positioning - is how we see a product or how a company would like us to see it in relation to other products 5. product placement - hidden commercial of a product. Customer can see a product in films, music videos and so on. 6. raw materials - basic materials from which products are made or manufactured 7. finished goods - are goods(products) that have completed manufacturing process and are ready to be sold and used by the end user 8. consumer goods - goods which are produced to satisfy consumer current needs and are bought for individual use 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Investment plan

Gadget Plc New Product Development Team Product report Background Fabtek is a small company based in Hamburg. We have designed and developed many bestselling electronic, household and automobile products. Fabtek has asked us to come up with new ideas for using Protean. Introduction This report lists the key features of an exciting new product made from Protean. It also looks at its key selling points and examines its commercial potential. This report will look at: · A description of the product · Its selling points · Ways in which the product is really new · Its target consumers and main buyers · Price which will attract the most buyers · Places where you can sell it · An advertising and promotion plan Discussion points 1. Our products are very big sunglasses

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Lego koostamisjuhis

Process Work Instruction Cover Page Sievi - Finland DOCUMENT TYPE : Work Instruction PRODUCT NAME : Lego PART NAME : Digger PART NUMBER : 123456 DOCUMENT NUMBER : xxx-xxxx-xxx REVISION : 01 DATE ORIGINATED : 7.10.2009 DATE OF CURRENT REVISION : 7.10.2009 ORIGINATOR : Sami Tervo APPROVED BY : Heikki Kivistö Product name Part name Part number Lego Digger 123456 Document number Document type Revision xxx-xxxx-xxx Work Instruction 01 Originator Date originated Date of current rev. Sami Tervo 7.10.2009 7.10.2009 ...

Tehnoloogia → Tehniline dokumentatsioon
5 allalaadimist



Arhitektuur → Hoonete osad
12 allalaadimist

Types of Warehouses

often require temporary storage with charges adjusted for free days or a grace period. Fulfillment/ Consolidation Warehouses Warehouses where products are generally received in large quantities and shipped out in a large number of smaller mixed shipments. Such pick and pack operations require special inventory management and picking procedures. Location tracking is essential. Billing methods are generally similar to distribution warehouses. Storage Warehouses Warehouses which store product for periodic delivery to a manufacturer or distribution center. This is often associated with providing just in time delivery of the product to the consignee. This could be imported raw materials or items used in the manufacturing process, such as cans or sub-assemblies. Items are generally tracked by lot, with the lot often being specified for delivery. Handling, storage and accessorial charges are similar to distribution warehouses. Refrigerated Warehouses

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Katusesõlm koos aknasõlmega


Arhitektuur → Hoonete osad
7 allalaadimist


прогресс AD Aggregate demand Совокупный спрос Kogunõudlus AE Aggregate expenses Совокупные затраты Kogukulutused AFC Average fix cost Средние постоянные Keskmine püsikulu затраты AP Average product Средний продукт Keskmine produkt, toodang APC Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine tarbimiskalduvus consume потреблению APS Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine säästmise save сбережению kalduvus

Keeled → Vene keel
7 allalaadimist

Katuse sõlm, koos vahelaega

PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Katusekivi 475*480mm, paksus 25mm Roov 50 x50 mm, samm 350 mm

Arhitektuur → Hoonete osad
16 allalaadimist


Prepared: Kadri Tamm, MF-I-4 Instructed: Jane Tammeorg Tartu 2009 Marketing Basics for the Small Business Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and getting value in return. Marketing is usually focused on one product or service. Thus, a marketing plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Marketing activities include "inbound marketing," such as market research to find out, for example, what groups of potential customers exist, what their needs are, which of those needs you can meet, how you should meet them, etc. Inbound marketing also includes analyzing the competition, positioning your new product or service (finding your market niche), and pricing your

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Katuse sõlm

M 1:10 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Monier ,Savist katusekivi Turmailn, Toon: Enkopoito Harmaa

Arhitektuur → Hoonete osad
13 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

1989; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Käsundajateooria (stewardship theory) (Davis, Schoorman, & Donaldson (1997). Sidusgruppide teooria (stakeholder theory) (Freeman, 1984). Käsutusõiguste teooria (property rights theory) (Demsetz, 1967). Sotsiaalvõrgustike teooria (social network theory) (Granovetter, 1973). Strateegilised organisatsiooni tüübid (Miles and Snow (1978)): Defenders ­ focus on improving efficiency Prospectors ­ focus on product innovation and market opportunities Analysers ­ focus on at least two different product market areas Reactors ­ lack a consistent strategy-structure-culture relationship Useful forecasting techniques: Extrapolation Brainstorming Expert opinion Industry scenario Delphy technique Statistical modelling Prediction markets Cross impact analysis RECOURCE-BASED VIEW: Concerned with identifying and developing an organizations resources and competencies:

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Inglise keele lühikirjand teemal Advertising

There are many different ways to advertise, most of advertisments that we see are TV commercials and also we can hear advertisments from radio and see advertising posters in public places. Advertising is good for customers, because otherwise they wouldn't know about new products, that different companies are offering. Advertising also keeps the prices lower, for example, when we watch TV and we see 3 different types of commercials based on the same product, then we choose the cheapest product. It means, that every company wants to sell, but for selling they have to keep prices as low as possible. There are different types of advertising techniques, one is aimed at grown ups and other one is for children. Advertisments for grown ups are based on 2 things, how good the product is and how low price it has. But advertisments for children are very simple, there are no product prices in commercial or anything, because important is only this, that the kid can see the toy

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Advertising campaign

1. Advertising campaign- series of actions taken to advertise/ talk uo a product 2. Price promotions- to lower the price and advertise it, to make a product more popular 3. Premium brands- goods that are with good quality and expensive 4. Special offer- when sht's on sale or offered with a better price 5. Core brand- the main product 6. Marketing plan- an arrangement how to do business 7. Consumer product- something that is made especially for the customers 8. Brand loyalty- when someone uses mostly the same trade-mark 9. Brand awareness- when you know what the market holds 10. Market share- stocks 11. Advertise- to publish something 12. Associate- if you connect one thing with another in your mind 13. Consume- when you use sth up 14. Market- the people who buy things and the place to buy things from 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

It is said that advertising is legalized lying

make us believe that we need the things or services they are advertising. Advertisements are often placed anywhere people can easily see or hear the information such as TV- or radio commercials. Most of the potential consumers look at the products offered by the media and assume that these items would be effective and useful to them in everyday use. Therefore people who create advertisements have realized that consumers want to buy items that famous people have advertised. The stars prmoting the product most of the time dont even use it. They are just hired to make people believe that the products promoted are the best on the market. Companies need ads to make their product stand out of the large competition in the market. But are they lying? I don't think so. There are exaggerations, over-statements, or misleading information which advertisers can get away with. The art of the sale is not in lying, but it is manipulating with the truth to make it sound like you actually need a product

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Sony is a Japanese company which manufactures electornic and hi-fi equipment. It also operates in the music sector and insurance. There are usually several different deparments in a company. They all need to work together t omake the company successful. Companies offer products or services to the consumer. Product development is a key activity. Companies develop new products and launch them on the market. They want to stay competitive. It s essential to advertise the product. LVMH is a luxury goods group, whose products include wines and spirits, fashion and leather goods and fragrances and cosmetics. It isa a French company, and is committed to very high quality Marks and Spencer isa n international retailer, it s products include food, clothes and household furnishings. The compay is British and trains its stuff to offer a friendly, proffessional service. Kwik-fit is a company which fits tyres and exhausts to cars. And its name suggests, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist when firms or agents have market power and are able to distort prices away from the purely competitive optimum. The existence of market power is tied to the demand conditions the firm faces. If their product is (or can be differentiated), consumers may have a preference for one firm's output relative to others. A negatively sloped demand function (less than perfectly elastic) allows the firm to raise its price and not have its sales fall to zero. In pure competition, the firms may all try to influence market demand but individual producers do not advertise their own product. · Many agricultural markets are close to pure competition.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

...............................firmatoode 2. A cash dispenser ­ ...............................................sularahaautomaat 3. A commission charge ­ .......................................komisjoni tasu 4. A deadline ­ ........................................................(lõpp)tähtaeg 5. A defined goal ­ ..................................................püstitatud eesmärk 6. A detailed benefit analysis segmentation ­ .........läbi viia detailne kasumianalüüs 7. A genuine product ­ ............................................ehtne toode 8. A goal ­ ...............................................................eesmärk 9. A group leader ­ ..................................................kaadriülem 10. A liability ­ .........................................................kohustus 11. A matter-of-fact selling relationship ­ ................asjalik müügi suhe 12. A payment order ­ ..............................................maksekorraldus 13

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Tehasetöö kasud (inglise keeles)

What are the benefits of factory work? A factory is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. In factory work there are some things why there is good to work, but also some things that are bad. But about the benefits of factory work, I think that the most important benefit is that when you do something so many times, then you get used to doing it right and you don't mess it up

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

If i were a tourist guide i would take you HELSINKI

the Nordic countries, with a gross leasable area of 120,300 square metres containing nearly 300 different shops (including about 30 restaurants and cafés) and 3000 parking spaces. Located nearby is also the Itäkeskus metro station. ● The shopping centre is divided into four sections: Pasaasi, Pikku-Bulevardi, Bulevardi, and Piazza ● Fulfilling Customer Needs ● Describe the main attributes of the product ● Link the product attributes to customer needs Cost Analysis ● Indicate the financial advantages for the customer ● Compare quality and price with those of the competition Strengths and Advantages ● Summarize the special features and advantages of the product being introduced Next Steps of Action ● Explain the steps that now need to be taken ● If I were a tourist guide I would take you Helsinki ● Long-term Goal ● Customer Wishes

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

James M. Utterback „Mastering the Dynamic of Innovation“ peatükk 4 „Innovation and Industrial Evolution“ k

eraldi toote- ja protsessi innovatsiooni. Käesoleva töö autor käsitleb mudelit, mis kirjeldab muutusi toote ja tootmise innovatsiooniprotsessis ärilistest aspektidest lähtuvalt. Tooteinnovatsioon Tooteinnovatsioon on radikaalne ja eelkõige väline. Tooteinnovatsioon hõlmab endas toote disaini, kasutusvõimaluste muutust, tarbija mugavust või muud. „We also observed that this flurry of radical product innovation eventually ends with the emergence of a dominant design.“ (Utterback 1996, 81) Seega annab radikaalne tooteinnovatisoon turueelise. Protsessiinnovatsioon Protsessiinnovatsioon toimub tootmise siseselt, sellises innovatsiooni järgus ei ole väliseid muutusi vaid fookuses on eelkõige tootmise kulutõhusamaks muutmine. Kui tooteinnovatsioon on üldiselt kulukas ja keskendunud eelkõige uue toote, disaini või

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia valitsemine
5 allalaadimist

Eksam 1 programmeerimine

py ja tekstifaili tabel1.csv. Tehke koopia failist tabel1.csv, milles eemaldage teine ja kolmas rida vigaste andmetega. Paigutage kõik failid ühte kataloogi ning käivitage programm. Failiks pakkuge uut andmete faili. Programm toorik1 väljastab ekraanile tellimuste maksumuste summad antud tunnuse erinevate väärtuste kaupa. Näiteks: Sisesta faili nimi tabel1 - Copy.csv Kokkuv6tte tunnus? 1 Pickup Date 2 First Name 3 Last Name 4 City 5 Product Name 6 Price 7 Product Types 8 Quantity 9 Pre Order 10 Paid 11 Notes Sisesta number: 4 Raleigh 3195.5 Durham 71.0 Garner 1456.5 Chapel Hill 124.0 Täiendage antud programmi vastavalt järgmistele ülesannetele. Iga ülesanne annab 20 punkti. Eksamit loetakse sooritatuks, kui tulemuseks on vähemalt 31 punkti. ÜLESANNE 1 Täiendage programmi toorik1 andmete kontrollimisega.  Faili puudumisel väljastage teade ja lõpetage programmi töö (exit).

Informaatika → Programmeerimine - python
70 allalaadimist

Market and marketing

and wants, through an exchange process. A demand is a want for which consumer is prepared to pay a price. A want is anything or service the consumer desires or seek. Wants become demand when backed by purchasing power. Marketing is the creation and the delivery of a standards of living, it is finding out what customers want, then planning and developing a product or service that will satisfy those wants and then determining the best way to price, promote and distribute that product or service. The purpose of business is to create a customer by which stress is laid on to aspects: 1) identification of consumer needs and 2) organizing the business to meet these needs. And now about importance of marketing to the society. In today’s society marketing plays a major role. For the next examples:  It is connecting link between the consumer and the producer. Marketing process brings new items to retail shops, from where the consumers can buy them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tootmine ja kulud

Tootmine ja kulud TP (total product, koguprodukt) on teatud perioodi jooksul valmistatud toodang (Q). TP=Q TC(total cost, kogukulud) on kõikide antud hüviste valmimiseks vajalike tootmistegurite ostmiseks tehtud kulutuste summa. Kogukulu on firma püsi- ja muutuvkulude summa antud tootmistasemel. TC=FC+VC VC(variable cost, muutuvkulud) on kulud, mille suurus muutub, kui firma tootmismaht muutub. FC(fixed cost, püsikulud) on kulud, mille suurus lühiperioodil ei muutu, sest ka

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

Entry Ticket Week 39 – Ave Nurmeots (62-130) 1. Why is it important to move beyond product innovation?  To be able to compete within the today’s marketplace (continued success and differentiation).  It is not enough anymore just to come up with an innovative product or its features. To achieve a bigger and more sustainable competitive advantage different types of innovations should be combined together. 2. Name an example of a company from the book, which has gone beyond product innovation –explain which of the 9 other types they have used?  I really liked the example of Microsoft reinventing integrated office tools. When I think about it in today’s context, it seems very logical – a lot of companies do that

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Deutsches Gymnasium Kadriorg WIRTSCHAFTPLAN DES PRODUKTS "3S" Praktische Arbeit Autoren: Rainer Paisujõe 12SM Johannes Nermann 12SM Lehrer: Michael Kirschinger Tallinn 2018 INHALTSÜBERSICHT EINLEITUNG........................................................................................................... 2 1. PRODUKTVORSTELLUNG..................................................................................... 4 1.3. Break Even Point.......................................................................................... 9 2.1. Werbebudget / Zeitplan..............................................................................11 2.2. Werbemittel...

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

Firms in monopolistic competition or imperfectly competitive markets are more likely to have limited market power because there are many firms with differentiated products (there are substitutes) and there is relative ease of entry and exit into the market Market Power among Sellers · Monopolistic competition - a market with a large number of sellers and relatively free entry; each firm "differentiates" its product. · Oligopoly - a market characterized by significant barriers to entry and "a few "sellers who recognize their interdependence in the market; products may be homogeneous or differentiated. Monopolistic Competition · Large number of sellers · relative ease of exit / entry · products are differentiated ­ actual differentiation ­ perceived differentiation Only difference from pure comp

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Logistika lühendid ja tähendused

CAD​ - raalprojekteerimine (​computer aided design​) CAM​ - raalijuhtimisega tootmine (​computer aided manufacturing​) CIM​ - raalintegreeritud projekteerimine ja tootmine (​computer integrated manufacturing​) CL​ - täiskonteinerisaadetis (​container load​). Kasutatakse ka lühendit FCL. COFC​ - konteiner raudtee platvormivagunil - kombineeritud transpordi meetod (​container on flatcar​) CPC​ - koostöös tooteandmete haldamine (​collaborative product commerce​) CPFR​ - koostöös plaanimine, prognoosimine ja varude täiendamine (c​ollaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment​) CR​ - pidev asendamine (​continuous replenishment)​ - tarnekontseptsioon CRM ​- kliendisuhtehaldus (​customer relationship management​) DRP​ - jaotusvajaduste plaanimine (​distribution requirements planning​) EAN​ - Euroopa artiklinumber (​European article number​) - vöötkoodistandard

Logistika → Logistika
6 allalaadimist

Valio AS

VALIO AS Merlin­Hans Hiiekivi VALIO EESTI TUTVUSTUS  Valio, establised in 1992, is in one of the biggest local dairy industries of  Estonia, and distributes mainly fresh dairy milk and cheese made in  south Estonia. Valio Eesti factories are located in Tartu county and  Laeva village in Võru county. Valio Eesti complements its product range  every year, producing a total of over 150 different dairy and cheese  products.  Valio Eesti dairy can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia,  Finland, Sweden, Italy and the United States. Valio Eesti market is  represented in the key dairy categories: milks, shells, yogurt, curds,  soured milk, desserts, cheeses, oils and greases. fresh dairy segments.  Valio Eesti products do not contain synthetic food colors, food additives  used in the products are steadily reduced in number and 80% of our  product portfolio is a preservative, and thi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

45 bear kursilangus 46 benefactor heategija, annetaja 47 benefit kasu, tulu 48 black economy varimajandus 49 bond võlakiri 50 booklet brosüür 51 brand tootemark 52 brand loyalty kindla kaubamargi eelistamine 53 brand manager toote müügijuht 54 branded product tootemargiga toode, firmatoode 55 break-even analysis kasumiläve analüüs 56 budget eelarve 57 budgetary surpluses eelarve ülejääk 58 budgeting eelarve koostamine 59 bulge hindade ajutine äkktõus 60 burden of debt võlakoorem 61 business entity majandusüksus 62 business management ärijuhtimine 63 business venture äririsk

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

Сравнить Канбан и Скрам Scrumikokkuvõte  The Product Owner sets the Product Backlog During the Sprint Planning, the Product Owner determines a piece of the top of that list –the Sprint Backlog –and decide how to mplement itThe Team has a time-box to reach this goal: the sprint Each day, the Team measures its progress during a 15 minutes meeting: the Daily Scrum Meeting During the whole project, the Scrum Master ensures that the Team is still focused on its objective At the end of the Sprint, the completed work has to be potentially shippable The Sprint ends with the Sprint Review and the Retrospective

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
86 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

very heart of the city WO4: Too many areas of services SO6: WebMountain ­ the core for efficient WO5: Absence of real international business and easy building of information systems network WO6: Outdated technological core of the product WO7: Absence of real inner organizational structure, clear chain of command WO8: Office only has one big room without actual means to separate and soundproof

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist


the world that makes people happy and satisfied with their life Advertising on TV Advertising on TV is a very popular way that companies use to advertise their products. First of all, advertisements on TV are called commercials and to get air time on Tv is very expencive and not every company can offord it. Secondly, TV commercials mingt be the easyest way to advertise products because for example in the radio You can not see the product, you can only hear what people are talking about it. On the other hand, nowadays the popularity of TV commercials is getting smaller because of the Internet. More and more people use Internet more than they watch TV. In conclusion, Allthough advertising on TV is the easyest way to advertise, it might me a bit too expencive for some companies and they shouls consider advertising on the Internet. The role of social security

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

management during the course of the project. •Even if a software process has been specified, it is not rigorously followed or enforced. The immature software organization is reactionary, and managers are usually focused on solving immediate crises (better known as fire fighting). •Schedules and budgets are routinely exceeded because they are not based on realistic estimates. When hard deadlines are imposed, product functionality and quality are often compromised to meet the schedule. •In an immature organization, there is no objective basis for judging product quality or for solving product or process problems. Therefore, product quality is difficult to predict. Activities intended to enhance quality such as review sand testing are often curtailed or eliminated when projects fall behind schedule.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations” (Oslo Manual). Innovation and entrepreneurship Schumpeter on innovation: the role of inventions and entrepreneurs ● Innovation as “new combinations” of existing resources: “Innovation is possible without anything we should identify as invention and invention does not necessarily induce

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Turunduse alused kordamisküsimused

Kordamisküsimused 1) Mis on turundus? Defineeri mõiste. Selgita turunduse rolli organisatsioonis, milliseid eesmärke täidab turunduse funktsioon (ülesanne)? Turundus on tegevuste süsteem, mille eesmärk on viia kokku ostjate soovid ja vajadused ning müüja eesmärgid. Turunduse roll on orienteerida kõik organisatsiooni tegevusvaldkonnad tarbija vajaduste rahuldamisele. Turunduse funktsioon organisatsioonis on uurida konkreetselt määratletud sihtturu vajadusi ja soove ning pakkuda välja nende vajaduste paremaid rahuldamisvõimalusi kui tema konkurendid. 2) Mis on turundusjuhi ja turundusspetsialisti roll organisatsioonis? Kuidas need erinevad, kuidas need täiendavad teineteist? Turundusjuhi roll on turundusstrateegiate väljatöötamine ja nende täitmise kontrollimine. Turundusspetsialisti roll on turundusmeetmestiku väljatöötamine – taktikaline, operatiivne tasand. Lisa, kuidas nad üksteist täiendavad. 3) Mis on strateegiline turundus? De...

Majandus → Turunduse alused
50 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

1. Enterprises orientated to resource and energy- forestry and mining 2. Enterprises orientated to labour- industrial electronics 3. Enterprises orientated to market- consumers 4. Enterprises orientated to high-technology 5. Enterprises orientated to big investments-highways,power stations 6. Enterprises orientated to agglomeration-car industry Modern structure of an enterprise Leader firms need a capital for starting. Then they start to develop a product and they have to develop a certain product all the time to compete with the other firms. Advertisments are made and subcontractors are hired by real producers to advertise the product.Producers find partners and make contracts with them. Finally, starts the production. The firms needs raw materials,labour, also transport.Finally the product is transported to the salesman who also advertise the product. The factors that influence the location of an enterprise are: 1

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Second language learning

.... 3. The hotel was further away from the beach than was claimed in the brochure. NOWHERE The hotel ................................................................ the beach as they'd claimed in the brochure. 4. I wasn't expecting my colleagues to organise a farewell party on my last day at the company. TAKEN I .........................................................when my colleagues organised a farewell party on my last day. 5. It's not likely to happen but if you're not satisfied with the product we'll refund your money. EVENT ............................................................... that you are not satisfied with the product your money will be refunded. 6. It's one thing to think there's a demand for your product and another to actually make a sale. WORLD There's ............................................................... between thinking there's a demand for your product and actually making a sale. 7. I'm sure we went the wrong way at the last junction. TAKEN We must .......

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun