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Lõkspüünised - sarnased materjalid

mõrd, püünis, fish, lõkspüünis, kere, frame, pära, frames, heart, body, vits, lead, length, first, throat, pots, fishing, square, crab, lõkspüünised, waters, overall, wings, usually, leader, paat, nakkevõrk, tiiva, seisevnoodad, tuna, nets, keres, place, pennsylvania, catch, entry, plastic, base, kehtetu, muust, suus, keret, kaluri, ossa


........................................................................................... 4 2. Lõkspüüniste eelised on järgmised:....................................................................................... 4 3. Lõkspüünised juba kiviajal..................................................................................................... 6 1.Lõkspüüniste kirjeldus..................................................................................................... 8 4. Mõrd.......................................................................................................................................8 5. Bottengarn ehk süvameremõrd............................................................................................. 10 6. Silmutorbik............................................................................................................................11 7. Seisevnoodad ehk kastmõrrad...............................................................

18 allalaadimist


1. Nakkevõrkude töö põhimõte 2. Millised nakkevõrgu konstruktsioonilised iseärasused on eriti olulised püügi efektiivsuse seisukohast 3. Mis kujuga võib olla nakkevõrkude jada 4. Milliseid kalu püütakse õngpüünistega 5. Mis asi on "mail" 6. Milline näeb välja vertikaalne õngejada 1 12. Kurnpüünised 8. Kurnpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Kurnpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb veekogu osa ümberpiiramises ja sealt kala kättesaamises püünise kokkuvedamisega. (2) Lubatud kurnpüünised on: 1) põhjanoot, mis koosneb võrdse pikkusega veoköitest, tiibadest ja pärast ning mille veoköied toimivad kalapeletina ehk hirmutina; 2) veonoot, mis koosneb veoköitest, tiibadest, noodakerest ja pärast ning mis kokkuvedamisel kurnab läbi kogu veekihi ümberpiiratud alal; 3) kaldanoot ­ veonoot, millega loomus veetakse kaldale;

23 allalaadimist


1. Milline taglastuselement on põhjatraalnooda tunnuseks 2. Milles seisneb põhimõtteline vahe traalnoodaga ja põhjanoodaga püügil 3. Milleks on vaja traallaudu 4. Millise traallaua konstruktsioonielemendi külge ühendatakse vaier 5. Milleks on vaja traalpüügil kaableid 6. Nimeta põhjatraalnooda peamised osad 2 3 §9. Traalpüünised ja Ahtertraalimine traalpüük (1) Traalpüünis on püünis, millega püütakse kala ühe või kahe laeva järel veetavasse võrkkotti. (2) Lubatud traalpüünised on: 1) traalnoot, mis on kirjeldatud nõukogu määruse (EÜ) nr 2187/2005 artikli 2 punkti a alapunktis i; [RT I 2006, 40, 308­ jõust. 23.09.2006] 2) põhjatraalnoot ­ traalnoot, mis on varustatud grunttropiga; 3) pelaagiline traalnoot ­ traalnoot, millel grunttropp puudub; 4) agariku tragi ­ jäigale karkassile rakendatud traalpüünis agarikupüügiks. [RT I 2006, 40, 308­ jõust. 23

35 allalaadimist


Vähipüügivahendid Vähipüük Allveepüügivahendid Allveepüük 2 Joonis 7.1. Kalasaagi kujunemine Püütav kalapopulatsioon Nliku Kalapüügikompleks (FU) Alus (laev), Püünis selle tehniline tase Kalade käitumine Differentseeritud püügivõime q Kalade morfoloogia Selektiivsus c Meeskonna

29 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 10. Õngpüünised §3. Õngpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Õngpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb kala peibutamises õngekonksule kinnitatud söödaga või muu peibutusvahendiga, mille haaramisel kala haakub. (2) Lubatud õngpüünised on: 1) lihtkäsiõng, mis koosneb ridvast, kuni 1,5 ridva pikkusest õngenöörist, üheharulisest konksust ja millega püügil kasutatakse looduslikku sööta ning mis võib olla varustatud raskuse ja ujukiga; 2) spinning, mis koosneb rõngastega ridvast, ridvarullist, õngenöörist ja landist või rakisest,

26 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

ALSO BY TIMOTHY FERRISS The 4-Hour Workweek Copyright © 2010 by Tim Ferriss All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crown Archetype, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Crown Archetype with colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc. All registered trademarks in this book are property of their respective owners. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ferriss, Timothy. The 4-hour body / Timothy Ferriss. -- 1st ed. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Health. 2. Physical fitness. 3. Weight loss. I. Title. II. Title: Four-hour body. RA775.F47 2010 613.7--dc22 2010018533 eISBN: 978-0-307-46365-4 All illustrations by Fred Haynes/Hadel Studio, unless otherwise noted in the Photo and Illustration Credits section Jacket front-flap photos: (top) (c) Mark Reifkind; (bottom) (c) Photos taken by Inge Cook, provided courtesy of Ellington Darden, PhD v3.1

Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

7 RNA polymerase binds (at promoter) / transcription occurs / genes switched on; 8 AVP; e.g. production of lactose permease / production of beta- galactosidase; max 5 [5] 4. a change in the genetic material; unpredictable / AW; extra detail; e.g. addition / substitution / deletion / frame shift / small part of chromosome / may code for different protein / may code for no protein [2] 5. 1 mark max for general effect of mutations: mutation may give different, amino acid / primary structure; A ref stop codon some mutations alter, molecular shape / tertiary structure / binding; max 3 for explaining data in Table:

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


füüsiline rakenduste vahel. Tagab ka vigade avastamist ja voo kontrolli * võrgu kiht tagab ülemistele kihtidele sõltumatuse info edastuse j a lülituste tehnoloogiate erinevustest. Vastutab ka ühenduste loomise, hoidmise ja lõpetamise eest * Kanali kiht tagab usaldusväärse informatsiooni edastamise füüsilisel kanalil. Saadab frame vajaliku sünkronisatsiooniga, vigade kontroll ja voo kontroll. * Füüsiline kiht – struktureerimata bitijada edastamine üle füüsilise ühenduse. Tegeleb mehhaanilisete, elektrilisete, funktsionaalsete ja protseduuriliste karakteristikutega, et pääseda ligi füüsilisele kanalile. Kuna iga kihi funktsioonid on kindlalt defineeritud, saab standardeid arendada erinevate kihtide jaoks iseseisvalt. See kiirendab standardite loomist. Kuna piirid kihtide vahel o

16 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

gaskets and seals for any signs of water or oil Check the tightness of the exhaust its vacuum hoses are not in any way trapped leaks. Pay particular attention to the areas manifold securing nuts using a torque wrench. or pinched, particularly between the air cleaner around the rocker cover, cylinder head, oil body and the top face of the carburettor. filter and sump joint faces. Bear in mind that 5 Run the engine at 3000 rpm for 30 seconds, over a period of time some very slight 10 Idle speed and mixture then allow it to idle and note the idle speed. If seepage from these areas is to be expected adjustment using an exhaust gas analyser it should be

Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

Everyday, we use electricity to do many jobs for us -- from lighting and heating/cooling our homes, to powering our televisions and computers. Electricity is a controllable and convenient form of energy used in the applications of heat, light and power. 7.1 The science of electricity In order to understand how electric charge moves from one atom to another, we need to know something about atoms. Everything in the universe is made of atoms--every star, every tree, every animal. The human body is made of atoms. Air and water are, too. Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. Atoms are so small that millions of them would fit on the head of a pin. Atoms are made of even smaller particles. The center of an atom is called the nucleus. It is made of particles called protons and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are very small, but electrons are much, much smaller. Electrons spin around the nucleus in shells a great distance from the nucleus

Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Part I Technologies Chapter 1 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Meat Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan Introduction content is 75% of the weight of the muscle; however, can vary, particularly in postmor- Muscle cells are among the most highly orga- tem muscle (range of 65–80%). Within the nized cells in the animal body and perform a muscle, it is the primary component of extra- varied array of mechanical functions. They cellular fluid. Within the muscle cell, water are required for the movement of limbs, is the primary component of sarcoplasmic for locomotion and other gross movements, (cytoplasmic) fluid

Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


Some of the things you will learn in THE CODEBREAKERS • How secret Japanese messages were decoded in Washington hours before Pearl Harbor. • How German codebreakers helped usher in the Russian Revolution. • How John F. Kennedy escaped capture in the Pacific because the Japanese failed to solve a simple cipher. • How codebreaking determined a presidential election, convicted an underworld syndicate head, won the battle of Midway, led to cruel Allied defeats in North Africa, and broke up a vast Nazi spy ring. • How one American became the world's most famous codebreaker, and another became the world's greatest. • How codes and codebreakers operate today within the secret agencies of the U.S. and Russia. • And incredibly much more. "For many evenings of gripping reading, no better choice can be made than this book." —Christian Science Monitor THE Codebreakers

14 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

a story that works." — David Friendly, Producer, Little Miss Sunshine, Daylight, Courage Under Fire, Out to Sea, My Girl "A classic of its k i n d full of insight and inspiration that every writer, both amateur and professional, must read." — R i c h a r d D. Zanuck, T h e Zanuck C o m p a n y Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Big Fish, Reign of Fire, Driving Miss Daisy, Cocoon, The Verdict, Sting " T h e basis for a great movie is a great screenplay, and the basis for a great screenplay should be The Writer's Journey." — A d a m Fields, Donnie Darko, Money Train, Great Balls of Fire "One of the most valuable tools in understanding and appreciating the structure of a plot that's available today

Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


Note that choices (A) and (C), idle and fragile, have sounds similar to agile. Such words are not usually the correct choice. Such words are often used to distract you. Unless you are sure of the answer do not choose these words. Let's see how to use our strategy with a sample item. Look at the sentence and look immediately to the underlined word. Do not read any other words in the sentence. Read the four choices and make your selection. The spider wasp has a slender body with smokey or yellowish wings. (A) tiny (B) long (C) thin (D) dark The following is an illustration of how you should read the sentences. +++ ++ +++ + ++++ +++ + slender ++++ ++++ ++++++ ++ +++++' +++ +++++ (A) tiny (B) long (C) thin (D) dark You should pay attention only to the underlined word and the choices that follow. If you

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

MODULE 1 Greeting. Introducing oneself and the others. The alphabet. Spelling. The tenses. How to introduce yourself and others Formal introductions How to respond and reply to an May I introduce myself? I am John introduction Smith. How do you do. Allow me to introduce John Smith to Pleased to meet you. you. Standard introduction Nice to meet you. I'd like you to meet John Smith. Hello. I want you to meet John Smith. I'm so pleased to meet you. This is Jane Smith. I'm Jane Smith. My name's John Smith. Informal introduction Hi. John. Jane. Hello. Titles: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Ms is a modern form of address for women. It replaces the traditional forms of Mrs and Miss. Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening! 'How are you?' Very often people expect you to s

Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

obligations, 3) can be used only regarding those obligations which are directly affected by force majeure. Distress and necessity ­ 2 criteria should be followed here: 1) by your action you should prevent more serious harm which you caused by your violation, 2) there shouldn't any other legal alternatives to your behaviour. National law example: you're a doctor, walking by the pharmacy; see a guy lying on the ground having a heart attack. You can save him by doing an injection, you have one minute. An ambulance won't come to the place in time. So you break the window of the pharmacy and take the medicine and save the man. International example: you're in a boat on international waters, boat starts sinking of something is wrong (military ship) and you need help so you enter to the territorial waters

Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

intelligent information rich building model is not new. The identity of BIM dates back nearly 30 years, while the terminology of the “Building Information Model” has been in circulation for at least 15 years. Mass production and standardization that dominated the 20th century steel industry, is now, as a result of the proliferation of 3D computer aided design and manufacturing tools, turning into mass customization. The first notable steel structure to utilize 3D modeling was a copper-clad fish sculpture designed by Frank Gehry for Barcelona’s 1992 Olympic village. A key reason for Gehry’s adaptation of digital tools was the increasingly difficult task of describing the innovative new designs to the contractor. His complex three-dimensional forms, when represented in traditional two-dimensional plans, 2D sections, and 2D elevations appear to be even more complex (Lindsey, 2001). Architects and engineers have embraced steel as their material of choice for building

23 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T. MUNGER, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.

24 allalaadimist


tutvu lausearvutuse keskkonnaga: Millistel muutuja väärtustel on lause (Av(B&A))v(-A&(Cv(B&-C))) väär? Panna tuleb results only, 0 on väär 1 on õige Tutvu ajalooga saidis kuni II maailmasõda: Loe läbi jutt ja proovi andmetega mängida: Kahend süsteemi arvu(101101001) ->kümnend süsteemiks. Nr sisse ja bianarile punkt, ja vaatan base ten integeri kümnendarvudest annab Ecki appletis juuresoleva graafilise kujutise, teen kujundi ja vaatan base integeri mis vastab kahendsüsteemi arvule 1110001 ASCII tabelis? Nr sisse ja punkt bianari, vaatan ...teksti Kümnendsüsteemi arv 33 on kahendsüsteemis? 33 kirjutan ja Base-ten integer, vaatan bianary Loe läbi jutud Atbashi ja Caesari šifri (Caesar cipher) kohta: 2 Tutvu ajalooga kuni 1970ndad: 47-68 ingli

148 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features of Philosophy of Language include: · new c

46 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

ornate copper-framed revolving doors was just as awe-inspiring, with golden-veined marble floors and walls, and brushed aluminum security desk and turnstiles. I pulled my new ID card out of the inner pocket of my pants and held it up for the two guards in black business suits at the desk. They stopped me anyway, no doubt because I was majorly underdressed, but then they cleared me through. After I completed an elevator ride up to the twentieth floor, I'd have a general time frame for the whole route from door to door. Score. I was walking toward the bank of elevators when a svelte, beautifully groomed brunette caught her purse on a turnstile and upended it, spilling a deluge of change. Coins rained onto the marble and rolled merrily away, and I watched people dodge the chaos and keep going as if they didn't see it. I winced in sympathy and crouched to help the woman collect her money, as did one of the guards.

Inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


teaching, and experience. Many people have contributed to my thinking and have been invisible guides as these chapters came to- gether. I would like to first thank my friend Mark Victor Hansen, who introduced me many years ago to Emmet Fox, perhaps the finest spiritual thinker of the twentieth century. Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, opened my eyes and heart to the incredible universe of potential contained within each person when they changed their thinking and changed their lives. Great spiritual teachers such as Charles Fillmore, Neville, Eric Butterworth, Wayne Dyer, and Roberto Assagioli have had a profound influence on my thinking. I would also like to thank those great practical thinkers on suc- cess who have had such a wonderful influence on me—and on the

Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Real World Design Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Real World Design Stuart Ball Boston Oxford Auckland Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi Newnes is an imprint of Butterworth–Heinemann. Copyright © 2001 by Butterworth–Heinemann A member of the Reed Elsevier group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Butterworth–Heinemann prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ball, Stuart R., 1956– Analog interfacing to embedded microprocessors : real world design / Stuart Ball. p. cm. ISBN 0-7506-7339-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Embedded computer

10 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Rights and Obligations of Partners The partners of the limited liability company are entitled to create an agreement, which sets forth their rights and obligations and the distribution of shares. This agreement is reflected in the stat- ute of the company. Management The managerial structure of a company, its composition and the regulation of its activity rest solely on the decision of the partners. A partners' meeting is the highest body of the limited liability company. The partners' meeting has the exclusive right to make strategic decisions with respect to company's activity. A director (or directors) appointed by the partners' meeting carries out the overall management of the day-to-day activity of the Company. The rights and obligations of the director are specified by respective agreement and the Law on Entrepreneurs. Besides that, the partners' meeting is entitled to create a supervisory board and determine its functions

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


”1 In my understanding the terms contemporary, modern, up-to-date, new, novel, old-fashioned and so on, have become unclear and even lost their synonymous content. Everything seems relative. However, on an absolute spiritual level, which we have yet to reach, all contradictions will, in the end, find their solution. This is the true path and there stand the genuine answers. In other words, when trying to evaluate music you have to shift attention from your Head to your spiritual Heart. Genuine art production must be the source for spiritual nourishment. Real advancement as I comprehend it stands in mounting higher, nearer to divinity, not vice versa. The orchestral creation may be considered a powerful means for spiritual growth. Modern Estonian symphonism exhibits diverse, uneven, splintered tendencies. Several young composers have shifted their attention to timbres and “pure” sound. The

Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

sister-in-law la cuñada twins (f) las gemelas 12 son-in-law el yerno dog el perro daughter-in-law la nuera cat el gato grandfather el abuelo bird el pájaro grandmother la abuela fish el pez grandparents los abuelos gold fish la carpa dorada grandson el nieto horse el caballo granddaughter la nieta goat la cabra grandchildren los nietos pig el cerdo uncle el tío cow la vaca

Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Color-- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- Text Size-- 10-- 11-- 12-- 13-- 14-- 15-- 16-- 17-- 18-- 19-- 20-- 21-- 22-- 23-- 24 TWILIGHT By Stephenie Meyer Contents PREFACE 1. FIRST SIGHT 2. OPEN BOOK 3. PHENOMENON 4. INVITATIONS 5. BLOOD TYPE 6. SCARY STORIES 7. NIGHTMARE 8. PORT ANGELES 9. THEORY 10. INTERROGATIONS 11. COMPLICATIONS 12. BALANCING 13. CONFESSIONS 14. MIND OVER MATTER 15. THE CULLENS 16. CARLISLE 17. THE GAME 18. THE HUNT 19. GOODBYES 20. IMPATIENCE 21. PHONE CALL 22. HIDE-AND-SEEK 23. THE ANGEL 24. AN IMPASSE EPILOGUE: AN OCCASION twilight STEPHENIE MEYER LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY New York Boston Text copyright © 2005 by Stephenie Meyer All rights reserved. Little, Brown and Company Time Warner Book Group 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Visit our Web site at First Edition: September 2005 The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intende

19 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney Castle- Du

Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney Castle- Du

Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney Castle- Du

Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney Castle- Du

inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Malestrom Major Rivers N am e Continent Out fl o w T o tal Lengt h (mi.) Nile Africa Mediterran ean Sea 4,1 60 Am azo n South Am erica Atlantic Oce an 4,000 Ch ang (Yangtze) Asia East China Sea 3,964 M ississippi-M iss o u ri N o rt h Am eri ca Gul f of Mexico 3,710 Major Deserts Name Continent Area (sq. m i.)

97 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

SISUKORD 1. Sotsaalpsühholoogia......................................................2 2. Inimsuhete ajalooline areng...........................................7 3. Eneseteadvus..............................................................17 4. Sotsiaalne taju............................................................23 5. Hoiakud......................................................................30 6. Sotsiaalne mõju...........................................................35 7. Inimestevahelised suhted.............................................45 8. Inimsuhete ruumiline mõõde........................................49 9. Grupid ja gruppidevahelised suhted..............................54 9a Zimbardo vanglaeksperiment......................................62 10. Liider grupis..............................................................66 11. Agressiivsus ja prosotsiaalne käitumine......................77 12. Suhtlemine I........................................................

149 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun