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"honey" - 81 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: honey

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Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the superfamily. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none is wingless. The best-known bee species is the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee. Human management of this species is known as beekeeping or apiculture. Despite the honey bee's painful sting and the stereotype of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high regard. This is most likely due to their usefulness as pollinators and as producers of honey, their social nature, and their reputation for diligence. Bees are one of the few insects

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


How sugar made it to Europe. Sweetness in older than sugar. Europeans and others have respected sugar for thousands of years. Prior to knowing sugar, our ancestors used honey and other sweet ingredients which were used as sweeteners. We know all that thanks to Mediterranean antique culture writings and bareljeefs . Oldest known sweetener is honey. In Arãna caves there are 12000 years old murals where are depicted woman honey collectors. As nowadays, womans used honey to make food, heal wounds and to make mead

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Grandbrothers arvustus

Mina käisin Jazzkaare raames kuulamas Grandbrothers’i duot. Kontsert toimus 28. aprillil 2017. aastal Vaba Laval.1 Grandbrothers’i duosse kuuluvad šveitslane Erol Sharp ja sakslane Lukas Vogel.2 Nad kohtusid Dusseldorfi ülikoolis3 ning asusid ühendama erinevaid muusikalisi taustu ja lähenemisi.4 Grandbrothers’i duos mängib Erol Sarp klaverit ning Lukas Vogel tegeleb elektroonikaga. 5 Nende esimene ühine avaldatud pala “Ezra Was Right” pälvis tunnustatud jazzispetsialisti Gilles Petersoni tähelepanu ning EP “Firm” kinnitas dueti kuulsust klassikalise klaverimuusika ja elektrooniliste kõlade uutesse kõrgustesse viijatena. Grandbrothers’il ilmus 2016. aastal debüütalbun “Dilation”.6 Kontserdil esitati kokku üksteist lugu, millest vaid neljal olid pealkirjad. Need lood on: “esimesena esitatud lugu”, “Wuppertal”, “Naive Rider”, “Rotor”, “viiendana esitatud lugu”, “Honey, thank you so much”, “seitsmendana esitatud lugu”, “kaheksandana esita...

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia Käisin 17. detsember Vanemuise kontserdimajas vaatamas Mamma Miat, mille lavastajaks oli Ain Mäeots. Peaesinejateks olid sel päeval Merle Jalakas, kes oli Donna ehk Sophie ema ja Merili Johanson, kes oli Sophie osatäitja.. Kõige meeldejäävamateks lugudeks olid: ,,Super Trouper", "Money, Money, Money","The Winner Takes It All". Muusikali meeleolu oli väga lustakas, kuna laulud olid üldjuhul lõbusad ning nendele lavaseaded hästi tehtud, samas ka balletitrupi tantsud ning koori osalemine muusikalis mõjus etendusele kui tervikule hästi. Tegemist on 70ndate aastate Rootsi kultusbändi ABBA hittidel põhineva muusikaliga, mis on 1999. aastast alates lummanud vaatajaid üle maailma. ,,Mamma Miat!" on mängitud rohkem kui 40-s riigis ja kõigil kuuel kontinendil, väidetavalt on muusikali näinud rohkem kui 60 miljonit inimest. Muusikal on Tartu Vanemuises teist aastat järjest mängitud ja kõ...

Muusika → Ballett
3 allalaadimist

Mesilaste haigus - CCD 14.11.2010 9. (2005) "GE and bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- science needed!". 19.11.2010. 10. (2010)"Collapsing Colonies: Are GM Crops Killing Bees? -- International -- SPIEGEL ONLINE -- News".,1518,473166,00.html. 15.11.2010 11. Ratnieks, F. L. W.; Carreck, N. L. (2010). "Clarity on Honey Bee Collapse?". Science 327 (5962): 152­3. doi:10.1126/science.1185563. PMID 20056879. 18.11.2010 12. Leal, W. S.; Bromenshenk, J. J.; Henderson, C. B.; Wick, C. H.; Stanford, M. F.; Zulich, A. W.; et al. (2010). "Iridovirus and Microsporidian Linked to Honey Bee Colony Decline". PLoS ONE 5 (10): 19.11.2010 13. Underwood M. R.; Engelsdorp van D. (2010) "Colony Collapse Disorder: Have We Seen This Before?"

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
28 allalaadimist

Retseptid/Toidud Haavandilist Koliiti põdevale

pruunista õlis. Lisa tükeldatud porgandid, sibul ja küüslauk. Lase kanapuljong keema. Lisa kanafilee, porgandid, sibul, küüslauk ja maitseained. Kõige lõpuks pane supi sisse nuudlid ja külmutatud herned. Keeda 10 minutit. Serveeri hakitud peterselliga. Õunakook 5 to 6 medium baking apples cored, peeled and sliced up butter to grease pan nutmeg to flavor apples (fresh ground preferred) 1 egg 1/4 cup butter (melted) 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup honey 1 teaspoon pure vanilla 1 cup "Old Fashioned" peanut butter (Peanuts and Salt only) 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Layer apple slices in bottom of 2"x10"x13" (or similar sized) butter/greased cake pan. 3. Grate nutmeg (you could use cinnamon, but I prefer nutmeg) over top of apples. 4. Put in oven and let them cook for a few minutes while you make the topping. 5. TOPPING PART: 6. Put egg, melted butter, honey, baking soda and vanilla in food processor. 7

Muu → Terviseõpetus
2 allalaadimist

Tolmeldamine ja mee tootmine

umbes 2% mesilastest. Mõndasid mesilasi liigutatakse 7 korda enne kui nad jõuavad Põhja Dakotast Californiasse. Miller ütles, et parim keskkond mesilastele talvel oleks surnud puu sisemus, kus on külm, pime ja turvaline. Uue laohoonega on võimalik jäljendada neid tingimusi mida mesilastel vaja on. Hoonet hoitakse -1 ja +4 kraadi vahel. Samuti hoitakse ära liigset niiskust. Tekst on tõlgitud online ajakirjast Bee Culture: "CATCH THE BUZZ ­ POLLINATING AS IMPORTANT AS HONEY FOR BEEKEEPING INCOME" beekeeping-income/

Põllumajandus → Mesindus
9 allalaadimist

The Secret Life of Bees

So I wanted to know if the movie is also good. The book was written by Sue Monk Kidd and the movie was a adapted version of it. As well as the book the synopsis is set in 1964 in South Carolina. The movie is mostly about a 14 year-old girl named Lily who is haunted by the memory of her late mother. And to escape the lonely and sad life that she has with her father she flees with Rosaleen and they fled to a town in South Carolina. There they start to work in the honey industry. Lily also meets Zach there. The movie was very interesting to me and a bit different form the book. I think that the casting was done great and many of the characters were exactly how I imagined them to be. The movie was really good and I would recommend it highly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


1- We... by bus 2- Toni is THE tallest ... 3- We went to see A film... THE film was... 4- My father is A police officer and my mother is A doctor. 5- I could play THE piano when I was 6 years old. 6- Please don't be late for dinner 7- I'd like AN apple... 8- My father... play football... Write the correct word under the pictures 1. A sheet of paper 2. A can of Coke 3. A cup of coffee 4. A boul of soup 5. A piece/ a slice of pizza 6. A jar of honey 7. A piece of chocolate 8. A glass of milk 4. Read the story and complete the text with the missing phrases 1-C 2-D 3-E 4-G 5-F 6-B 7-H 8-A

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Utah - Arizona - New Mexico

UTAH ARIZONA NEW MEXICO UTAH Population: 2,78 million Area: 219,890 sq km Capital: Salt Lake City Highest point: Kings Peak(4,126 m) Lowest point: Beaver Dam Wash (664 m) PLANTS AND ANIMALS OF UTAH Indian rice grass Honey bee Blue spruce California Spanish Sego seagull sweet lily Rocky mountain elk onion Bonneville cutthrout trout CITIES OF UTAH WEST VALLEY CITY SALT LAKE CITY PROVO CULTURE ­ movies, music Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase ARIZONA Population: 6,6 million Area:295,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

I Love English 5 Unit 8 kontrolltöö vastused

The film was called The Lord of the Rings 4) My father is a police officer and mother is a doctor. 5) I could play the piano when i was 6 years old. 6) Please don’t be late for – dinner 7) I’d like an apple please 8) My father liked to play – football when he was a student. 3. Write the correcto word under the pictures 1) Sheet of paper 5) Slice of pizza 2) Can of Coke 6) Jar of honey 3) Cup of coffee 7) Piece of chocolate 4) Bowl of soup 8) Glass of milk 4. Read the story and complete the text with the missing phrases 1) C 5) F 2) D 6) B 3) E 7) H 4) G 8) A 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


that it was not anything serious, but when two days had gone by and the temperature had not gone down, my mom began to worry about me. So we drove to the hospital, as the doctor was not able to come to our home. In the hospital , doctor examined me and he told us that i had a really bad flu. And that i should not get out of the bed for two weeks at least. The doctor also gave some medcines to me. Now the two weeks have gone by and I have done everything do get well. I have drunk tea with honey, I have stayed in the bed and not walked and i have taken all the medcines to get well. But i am still feeling a bit weak. So i hope that you know something that can make me better. I really do hope that you know something that can help me, as i am really anxious to get well. Write me back soon. Love, Helen

Keeled → Inglise keel
63 allalaadimist

Muusika 60.ndad-70.ndad

MUUSIKA 60.ndad-70.ndad Kristiine Kõiv 12AÕ Pärnu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium 2009 1 Muusika 1960ndatel 2 BRITI BIITMUUSIKA a) Merseybeat b) Briti Blues MUST POPMUUSIKA (USA) a) Soul-muusika 1) Motown sound (Detroit) 2) Memphis sound 3) Atlantic sound b) Funk-muusika PSÜHHEEDELIA a) Hard Rock 3 Popkümnendi üldiseloomustus: Optimistlikkümnend Payola skandaal, altkäemaksud raadiotes (1960), näitab muusikatööstuse ebaausat palet. Rockmuusika teke, selle vastandumine popmuusikale. Varem suhteliselt ühtne popmuusika killustus paljudeks stiilideks. "Sõnumiga" muusika ehk vastandkultuuri laulud 60ndate teisel poolel. Muusika, mis kätkes endas kriitikat ühiskonna aadressil. 4 Merseybeat'ile oli iseloomulik: · voka...

Muusika → Muusika
22 allalaadimist

Sun Bear

The Sun Bear possesses sickle-shaped claws that are relatively light in weight. It has large paws with naked soles, probably to assist in climbing. Its inward-turned feet make the bear's walk pigeon toed, but it is an excellent climber. It has small, round ears and a stout snout. The tail is 1.2-2.8 inches (3-7 cm) long. Despite its small size, the Sun Bear possesses a very long, slender tongue, ranging from 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm) in length. The bear uses it to extract honey from beehives. Unlike other bears, the Sun Bear's fur is short and sleek. This adaptation is probably due to the lowland climates it inhabits. Dark black or brown-black fur covers its body, except on the chest, where there is a pale orange-yellow marking in the shape of a horseshoe. Similar colored fur can be found around the muzzle and the eyes. These distinctive markings give the Sun Bear its name. The diet of the Sun Bear consists mainly of invertebrates and fruits but as omnivores they will

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Scotland overview

Facts Scotland is considered the home land of golf. Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire-brigade. It is well known for its whisky. The motto is "No one provokes me with impunity". Food and drinks Haggis, made from lamb lungs, liver and heart, mixed with onions, herbs and spices. Porridge, oatmeal, salt and water. Irn-Bru ­ second national drink Heather Honey Whisky Clans Most have their own tartan patterns. Members may wear kilts, plaids, sashes, ties, scarves. Each clan has their own specific land Clan- offspring, children or descendants Descendant of the chiefs Thank you!

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Why is Australia young people's dreamland

Tauri Udras 10D Why is Australia young people's dreamland Australia's population has quadrupled since World War II. Its warm climate makes it the perfect place for living and for holidays. And because it's far from other developed countries young people who travel there feel free. Also it's very easy to get a job. That's why Australia is young people's dreamland Australia is very far away from other developed countries. That's why young people who go there feel free and are happy to run their own lives. The climate in Australia is very warm and that's why enjoying life there feels so great. Most young people go there with a group of friends. They work for some time and then start to spend earned money. They drive around, try new things and party a lot. Some young settle down there and start their own family. Some get new acquaintances...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 8

3 We went to see a film yesterday. The film was called The Lord of the Rings. 4 My father is a police officer and my mother is a doctor. 5 I could play the piano when I was 6 years old. 6 Please don´t be late for dinner. 7 I´d like an apple, please. 8 My father liked to play football when he was a student. 3 Write the correcnt word under the pictures. 1 a sheet of paper 2 a can of Coke 3 a cup of coffee 4 a bowl of soup 5 a piece of pizza 6 a jar of honey 7 a piece of chocolate 8 a glass of milk 4 Read the story and complete the text with the missing phrases. Choose from there: A left the postcard lying behind some machinery B with a helfpenny stamp of King George V on it C a weak boy with health problems D promised to keep in touch E a little late

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Inglise keele aruanne Lahemaa majutuskohtadest

Many accommodation providers use local nature guides to provide hiking services in Lahemaa National Park. The co-operation network ­ genuine experiences in Lahemaa (14 tourist farms), all provide local food, including home baked bread, different home baked pastries, local fish dishes, traditional old dishes etc. For example Mätta riding farm always serves their home baked bread, goat milk and meat dishes. Kuusiku Nature farm also serves home baked bread, farm honey and several different pastries. Beside that Kuusiku Nature farm has long-term co-operation with nature guides Urmas Rauba and Saima Gordejeva. There are some enterprises who do not have their own homepage: Sae hostel, Altmäe cottage, Männiku B&B and Võsu post office hostel. All other enterprises have their own homepage, most of them have it in several languages. Most average homepages are in two languages ­ Estonian and English. Homepages

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

NO78 „Kes kardab Virginia Woolfi?”

kardab Virginia Woolfi" ­ kes kardab elu ilma /.../" 1960ndate avangardi klassikasse kuuluv näidend äratab siiamaani tähelepanu kõige erinevamate nurkade alt. Kord juhitakse tähelepanu Albee teksti ühiskonnakriitikale, kus teiste seas kritiseeritakse liigratsionaalset maailmapilti, erinevaid sotsiaalseid petukaupu ning üleüldise moraali võimalikkust. Siis jällegi nähakse näidendi esteetilist läbipõimitust, kus näitlejatel avaneb George'i, Martha, Nicki ja Honey kaudu võimalus uurida inimest ning enese näitlejavõimeid. Minu elus nähtud etenduste põhjal kuulub see, ,,Kes kardab Virginia Woolfi?", kohe kindlasti nö. eluteatri top 10sse. Soovitan seda ilmtingimata vaatama minna, sest tegu oli võrreldamatu elamusega ja kindlasti ei lähe teie õhtu raisku. Kuid siiski, väiksemad võiksid koju jääda, sest kohati oli zusee küllalt keeruline ning lavalt ei puudunud ka sigaretid ja kuulda oli vängemat

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
38 allalaadimist


ABBA ABBA oli Rootsi popbänd, mis asutati aastal 1972. Tegelikult sai kõik alguse 1966.aastal, kui Björn Ulvaeus kohtas esmakordselt Benny Anderssoni. Veel sama aasta lõpuks olid nad koos kirjutanud laulu "Isn't It Easy To Say" ja neist olid saanud heliloojatest sõbrad. 1969. aasta kevadel kohtasid Björn ja Benny kahte naist, Agnethat ja Anni-Fridi, kellest ei saanud mitte ainult nende abikaasad, vaid ka teine pool ansamblist Abba. 1972. aastal lindistasid nad oma esimese laulu "People Need Love", sel ajal kutsusid nad ennast Björn & Benny, Agnetha & Anni-Frid. 6.aprillil 1974.aastal Inglismaal, Brightonis toimunud Eurovisiooni lauluvõistluse võitsid nad ülekaalukalt, Benny Anderssoni ja Björn Ulvaeusi lauluga "Waterloo". Selleks ajaks olid nad juba oma bändi nime muutnud Abba-ks. Abba oli esimene Eurovisiooni võitnud ansambel ja alustas sealt oma tähelendu. Kuigi enne võistlust ei...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
53 allalaadimist

Gümnaasiumi eesti keele lõpueksami näited

6. kiri “De Profundis” - Viha tapab armastuse, inimene unustab end kedagi vihkama ja unustab hoolida oma armastatust, sest mõtleb vaid vihale. Tuleb jääda iseendaks, tähtis on see, mis ees seisab. Kuidagi peab enda jaoks õigeks muutma need teod ja seadused, mis sulle endale ülekohtused tunduvad ja tuleb juhtunu endale kasulikuks muuta. Lavastused: ALBEE draamad 1. “Kes kardab Virginia Woolfi?” - Geroge ja Martha, Honey ja Nick (abielus raha pärast, Honey vanemad rikkad). Kõike juhib armastus, inimesed kaotavad enesekontrolli, psühholoogiline vägivald ja manipuleerimine, võimu omamine teise inimese üle. 2. “Loomaaialugu” - Isoleeritus, suhtlemispuudus, homoseksuaalsus kui tabu, sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus ja ebainimlikkus kommertslikus ühiskonnas. 3. “Bessie Smithi surm” - Rassism USAs ja viljakas pinnas selle tekkeks, inimeste raskused ja mured. 4

Kirjandus → Kirjandus ja ühiskond
13 allalaadimist


Joogikaart Aperitiivid EUR Campari 4cl 2,50 Martini Bianco 8cl 2,50 Martini Extra Dry 8cl 2,50 Martini Rosso 8cl 2,50 Pernod 4cl 3,50 Valged veinid EUR Barco Viejo Chardonnay Central Valley (Tsiili ) 12cl 3,00 Barco Viejo Chardonnay Central Valley (Tsiili) 75cl 17,00 Grand Noir Sauvignon Blanc Languedoc (Prantsusmaa) 12cl 3,50 Grand Noir Sauvignon Blanc Languedoc (Prantsusmaa) 75cl 18,00 Columbia Crest Two Vines Riesling (Ameerika Ühe...

Turism → Restoraniteenindus
28 allalaadimist


TTÜ keemiainstituut Bioorgaanilise keemia õppetool YKL0060 Biokeemia Laboratoorne töö nr: 3.8. Töö pealkiri: GLÜKOOSISISALDUSE MÄÄRAMINE ENSÜMAATILISEL MEETODIL Töö teostaja: MIHKEL HEINMAA Õpperühm: YAGB22 Õppejõud: MALLE KREEN Töö teostatud: 26/04/2010 GLÜKOOSISISALDUSE MÄÄRAMINE ENSÜMAATILISEL MEETODIL (3.8) Teooria Glükoosisisalduse kvanitatiivseks määrmaiseks bioloogilistes vedelikes kasutatakse laialdaselt ensümaatilist meetodit, mis põhineb kahe ensüümi ­ glükoosi oksüdaasi (GOD) ja peroksüdaasi (POD) kasutamisel. GOD on substraadispetsiifiline ,D-glükoosi suhtes, mis võimaldab meetodit kasutada ka teiste taandavate suhkrute juuresolekul. GOD katalüüsib glükoosi oksüdeerumist lahuses sisalduva hapniku toimel. GOD sisaldab flaviinadeniindinukleotiidi (FAD), mis toimib kui koensümm. FAD ka...

Keemia → Biokeemia
123 allalaadimist

Essee õpistiilid

Õpistiilid Olles ise õppija ja samal ajal õpetaja näen seost nende kahe vahel väga palju. Alles see oli kui nühkisin koolipinki ja tunnistan ausalt ­ mind ei huvitanud see õppimine karvavõrdki. Tahtsin olla koos oma sõprade ja sõbrannadega. Põhikooli ajal vedasin ennast kuidagimoodi läbi. Kui õpetaja andis kodus õppida siis mina panin kirja kõik, mida olen oma olukordadest õppinud. Isegi Peter Honey ja Alan Mumford väidavad, et iga inimene õpib teatud kindlatest olukordadest. Nii ka mina. Vanemad on mul alati olnud ranged ja nende meelest pidin ma palju õppima, et mitte koristajana leiba teenida. Ei kujutaks küll ette, et oleksin koristaja, kuid ka koristaja on amet, mida keegi peab ka pidama. Pärast põhikooli suundusin õppima kutsekooli, et saada endale ruttu keskharidus pluss siis veel amet. Võin öelda seda, et kutsekooli ajal ei õppinud ma mitte ühtegi päeva kodus

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika alused
32 allalaadimist

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet as singer Kate Winslet also enjoyed a short time success as a singer. Her single What If from Christmas Carol: The Movie was rates in top ten songs both in Ireland and in UK. The song topped the chart in Ireland too. Apart from this single she also sang a few songs for different movies. Kate Winslet's personal life On November 22, 1998, Winslet married director Jim Threapleton. The two have a daughter, Mia Honey, who was born on October 12, 2000. After a divorce, Winslet began a relationship with director Sam Mendes, whom she married on May 24, 2003, on the island of Anguilla in the Caribbean, despite rumours that she was in love with a you Australian Liam Donnelly. Their son, Joe Alfie, was born on December 22, 2004. The media, particularly in England, have enthusiastically documented her weight fluctuations over the years. Winslet has been outspoken about her refusal to lose weight in

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


History: · Indian society is predominantly agrarian. Diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products and honey. Also, drinks containing different types of spices. · During the Gupta empire influenced by diet buduism and jainism. Many religious people were vegetarians. Most of the people consumed the chickens, sheep and goat meat. · Muslims also put emphasis on the development of food. Indians brought to the diet of dried fruit and flat bread. India introduced the dietary habits of the Portuguese and Chinese. · Indian diet is mixed with a variety of cultures.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Tartu Ülikool Õietolm Koostaja: Juhendaja: Tartu 2015 Sisukord Tartu Ülikool............................................................................................................ 1 Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................... 3 1Õietolm................................................................................................................. 3 2Õietolmu mõju inimestele..................................................................................... 3 3Suir....................

Loodus → Loodus
1 allalaadimist

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney Siim Jaanoja 11. A I wannabe musician Me and my Honey Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Girl's loves me Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist


Tartu Kustehariduskeskus 5 10 15 Mesi Toiduainete õpetuse alused 20 25 30 Koostaja: Merili Tamm Õpperühm: HT13 35 40 45 50 2014 Mee ajalugu Mee kogumine on iidne tegevus. Inimesed hakkasid mett koguma vähemalt 8000 aastat tagasi, 55 millest annab tunnistust Hispaanias olev koopamaal. Maalil on kujutatud kahte meest, kes koguvad mett metsiku mesilase pesast. Kujud kannavad korve ja kasutavad redelit või nööre, et ulatuda metsiku mesilase pesani. Seni on vanimad säilmed meest leitud Gruusiast. Arheoloogid on leidnud iidsete hauakambrite savinõude sisepinnalt mee jääke, mis pärinevad 4,700-5,500 aastat tagasi. Gruusias pandi mesi surnutele hauda kaasa hauatagusteks reisideks. Kaasa pandi mitut erinevat mee 60 sorti- pärna, marja-ja heinamaa lille sortitelt saadud mett. Vanas-E...

Toit → Toidutehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Different types of forests and their forms of usage.

etc. all originally came from tropical rainforests, and are still mostly grown in regions that were formerly primary forest. o Pharmaceutical and biodiversity resource - Tropical rainforests are called the 'world's largest "pharmacy"' because of the large amount of natural "medicines" there. o Tourism - People travel both nationally and internationally to experience rainforests firsthand. o Animal products - Rainforests provide numerous animal products including honey, game meat, hides and ivory. o Ecosystem services - Rainforests play an important role in maintaining biological diversity, modulating precipitation infiltration and flooding, increasing scientific knowledge and in the spiritual well-being of humans. Boreal forests Boreal forests are also known by name Taiga. The largest areas of boreal forest are located in Russia and Canada, but also in the extreme northern continental United States, in Eurasia (most of Sweden,

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

ÕPISTIILID – Kuidas me õpime ja õpetame

Õpistiilid on köitnud mitmeid uurijaid ning praktikuid, kes on välja toonud mitmeid erinevaid õppimise mudeleid. Wikipedia andmeil on olemas üle 80 erineva õpistiili mudeli. Õpistiilide teooriate paljusus tõestab, et me õpime väga erinevaid mudeleid kasutades. Individuaalsete õpistiilide ideed tutvustati 70. aastatel. Õpistiil koosneb sellest, kuidas me tajume ja töötleme informatsiooni, elamusi ja kogemusi. Üheks populaarsemaks on Peter Honey ja Alan Mumford poolt loodud õpistiilide teooria, mis esitleb nelja erineva õpistiili kasutajat: aktivist, peegeldaja, teoreetik, pragmaatik. See jaotus on otseselt seotud Kolb'i poolt esitatud õppimise tsükli nelja etapiga: kogemus, kirjeldamine, järeldamine ja planeerimine. AKTIVIST Aktivist õpib kõige paremini olukorras, kus on võimalik ise katsetada ja proovida. Ta seob ennast uute kogemustega kus iganes võimalik. Ta on avatud uutele ideedele, kaldudes esmalt tegutsema ja alles

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
7 allalaadimist

Giant Panda - slideshow

defined territory and or rock crevices. females are not tolerant · Pandas do not of other females in their hibernate, which is range. similar to other subtropical mammals. Eating and food · It has a diet which is 99% bamboo. · Giant Panda must have at least two different species of bamboo available in its range to avoid starvation. · The Giant Panda may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, bananas and even meat and fish when available. · The average Giant Panda eats as much as 9 to 14 kg of bamboo shoots a day. · Pandas eat for up to 14 hours a day. Size · At birth, the Giant Panda is only about the size of a stick of butter (150 grams) which is about 1/900 of the mother's weight. · Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall, at the shoulder. Males are 10-20% larger than females

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

inglise keele konspekt Rakvere ametikool

shift work-vhetustega t previous-eelmine manual dexterity-kteosavus knowledge job advertisements We are searching for a coock. The requirments include: -ability to handle a knife. -work on your own -ability to improvise -have good education(vocational) -have good body(wont get sick) avarge salary will be payed. sifts are a 8 hours a day. apprentced-1. korda tl(noor ttaja) when does the lunch begin? the lunch begins 12.15 1.3 1.8 1.9 1.11 1.17 1.19 1.20 1.22 a box of matches a jar of honey a tin of soup cherry apple pear oranges peaches to be addictive It lessens muscular control and co-ordination; it lengthens reaction time; it blurs vision and decreases awareness,especially in the dark; It impairs theability to judge speed and distance,and to deal with the unexpected. eyes are wierd and they cant move straight and they think slowly. millalalgab meie koolivaheaeg?When does our holiday start?It starts in june. Kuipalju maksavad need kingad

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist

Continuing Katherine Mansfield's short story "Mrs. Brill"

Continuing Katherine Mansfield’s short story “Mrs. Brill” IB HL English A: Language and literature Written task 1 Rationale of the Written Task (Part four) This written task is created by using imagination and skills of creative writing. During the process of producing the task, the short story was analyzed from beginning to end in order to continue the story in a way that is suitable. The nature of this task is a short story as it continues Katherine Mansfield’s short story “Miss Brill.” In the continue of the short story a new literary device has brought in, in order to explain the short story’s protagonist Miss Brill. The literary device is external analepsis as in several parts of the story Miss Brill jumps in her thoughts back to the past. The main audience of the written task are people who enjoy reading Katherine Mansfield’s short story “Miss Brill” and who would now like to read a writt...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Võrdlustabel toitlustusettevõtte supi ja prae kohta

vegetables as well as fish, mild varieties of cheese or steamed vegetables; red meat and strong seasoning are avoided Diabetic meal Low fat meal prepared DBML without sugar or honey Gluten-free meal Contains no wheat flour GFML or related products; also largely lactose-free Low Calorie meal Prepared using low-fat LCML cooking methods such as steaming, stewing or grilling; plenty of fresh

Toit → Toit ja toitumine
6 allalaadimist

Word formation for advanced level

WORD FORMATION Exercise I 1. Chestnut honey provides quick and ............. relief.(EFFECT) 2. Come rain, wind or shine these snapdragons give a superb display over an ....................... long period. (EXCEPTION) 3. Dreaming of a beautiful home for your ........................... .(RETIRE)? Enjoy lifetime ownership of a luxury home for an ................. price.(AFFORD) 4. The post-war decline in beer ......................... was practically halted last year. (CONSUME) 5. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and ..................therewith.(HATE) 6. In the first quarter of the 18th century people began to realise the ......................... of hygiene to public health.(IMPORTANT) 7. The ....................collapse of the Roman Empire lasted for nearly three hundred years before its final dissolution in AD 476.(GRADE) 8. Jamie's ....................of the night's events is hazy but the tabloids will re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

Some and any mean a certain number or amount. They are used with or instead of plural or uncountable nouns. Some is a possible plural form of a/an and one: Have a biscuit/some biscuits. I bought a cake/some cakes. Some, any and none can be used with of + the/this/these/those (+ ...) Some of the staff can speak Portuguese. Did any of your photos come out well? You can take any of these. Some is used: • with affirmative verbs: They bought some honey. • in questions where the answer ‘yes’ is expected: Did some of you sleep on the board? (I expect so.) • in polite offers and requests: Would you like some wine? Could you do some typing for me? Any is used: • With negative verbs: I haven’t got any matches. • With hardly, barely, scarcely (which are almost negatives): I have hardly any spare time. • With without when without any ...= with no ... :

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Naljakad tsitaadid

115. paradoks ongi see oks, millele saab ainult saag käes istuda. 116. elu on nagu pikk bussisõit, lõpppeatuses on kõik kohad valusad. 117. Naine on naine siis kui ta on. 118. Head sõbrad on nagu kondoomid ­ alati kaitsevad sind. 119. Sõber on ainus, kellel on lubatud öelda : " Ma ju ütlesin sulle ." 120. Girl: Since when have you been so interested in school? Boy: Since you said you wanted someone smart 121. Honey, even if its fake... I love your smile 122. Olen ülitäpne. Alati kui viskan kivi vette, taban täpselt rõngaste keskele 123. I'm a piece of fucking white trash and I say it proudly 124. We both know I'm the best, that's why you never tell me 125. Sa oled parem kui paar kindaid sest ma ei pea sind kunagi kaasas kandma, et sa mind soojendaksid 126. Ma naudin seda planeeti. See on ainus koht, kus ma elada saan. 127

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
157 allalaadimist

Essay on water pollution, global warming, acid rain, deforestation, intensive farming

Water pollution Attention for water pollution exploded in the 1980s. The oil spill of the Exxon Valdez showed many around the world just how horrible the effects of water pollution could be. However, even the Exxon Valdez spill barely touched the surface of the problem of water pollution. The ship spilt only 5% of the oil spilt that year, and oil is just one of many pollutants that people dump into the water every year. Every year, 14 billions pounds of sewage, sludge, and garbage are dumped into the world's oceans. 19 trillion gallons of waste also enter the water annually. The problem of ocean pollution affects every nation around the world. This is especially true because water is able to transport pollution from one location to another. For many years, chemicals were dumped into bodies of water without concern. While many countries have now banned such behavior, it continues to go on today. As the world has industrialized and i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

My Town

gentry. A fortified wall was built between the Toompea (the Upper Town) and the Lower Town (inhabited by people of a lower social standing), as there were conflicts between the two. The doors and the gates of the wall were locked at night, a procedure which carried on until the end of the 19th century. Tallinn joined the German-dominated Hanseatic League in 1285 and became a junction of trade between East and West: furs, honey, leather and seal fat moved west, while salt, cloth, herring and wine moved 'in the opposite direction. As salt was an important trading commodity, Tallinn is said to have been built on it. Its geographical position was very favourable, with its wide bay protected by the two outlying islands of Aegna and Naissaar; it proved a suitable place for a large port. By the 12th century there were already six inland trade routes leading to the port, which was often visited by foreign ships.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Rootsi kuningapere

example in the U.S. and Germany. She has taken part of all kind of projects and programmes of politics. Every year she studies in different country and she has also been to military education and defence courses. Victoria makes trips all over the world to meet people and to study. Hobbies: She is interested in nature and outdoor activities - walking, skiing. She likes to spend her summers in palace in Öland. There she likes gardening and producing honey. Victoria likes art and she sometimes paints. She also loves animals, and dogs are her favourite animals. 6 Prince Carl Philip Prince Carl Philip's real name is Carl Philip Edmund Bertil and he is the Prince of Sweden, Duke of Värmland. He was born on May 13 in 1979. He is the second oldest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia. He has two sisters, Victoria and Madeleine. Prince

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


The caterpillar on the leaf Repeats to thee thy mother's grief. Kill not the moth nor butterfly, For the last judgement draweth nigh. He who shall train the horse to war Shall never pass the polar bar. The beggar's dog and widow's cat, Feed them and thou wilt grow fat. The gnat that sings his summer's song Poison gets from slander's tongue. The poison of the snake and newt Is the sweat of envy's foot. The poison of the honey bee Is the artist's jealousy. The prince's robes and beggar's rags Are toadstools on the miser's bags. A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent. It is right it should be so; Man was made for joy and woe; And when this we rightly know, Thro' the world we safely go. Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. The babe is more than swaddling bands;

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

KOKKUVÕTE John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 ­ November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. After Kennedy's militare service as commander of the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 during World War II in the South Pacific, his aspirations turned political. With the encouragement and grooming of his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat, and served in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated then Vice President and Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election, one of the closest in American history. He was the second-youngest President (after Theodore Roosevelt), the first President born in the 20th century, and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


The Presentations Triinu: "The Notorious Prisoners of the Tower" Built in 1078, has been used as a fortress, Royal Palace, a prison, the home for Crown Jewels. The first prisoner was Ranulf Flambard in 1100. The only woman tortured in the Tower was Anne Askew. Guy Fawkes was prisoned 5 th November 1605, hung in 1607. Walter Raleigh was knighted, married without queen´s permission. Last prisoners were in the Tower in 1952. Rita: "Alexander Fleming" Was a pharmacologist, has graduated 6 schools, studied anti-bacterial agents, found Lysozyme accidentally in 1922 and penicillin, which changed the world, in 1928. Won Nobel Prize in 1945. Has been married twice, first wife was a trained nurse. He died in 1955 at home because of a heart attack. He had 1 child. Liis: "The Phantom of the Opera" A.L. Webber is knighted, started writing musicals in 1965, owns 7 theatres and has written 13 musical...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Õppimine ja areng

selgelt, vaatavad mõtlemise ajal küljelt-küljele, kasutavad väljendeid: kõlab hästi, ma kuulan, räägi. Kinesteetiline/taktiilne ­ istuvad mugavalt ja tekitavad müra, häirivad paljud asjad ­ valgus, temperatuur, liikumine, vajavad käegakatsutavaid kogemusi, läbi kirjutamine, väljendid ­ ma vajan konkreetseid näiteid, see tundub õige. Naudivad sõnade kõla, võivad olla musikaalsed, ei armasta kirjutada Õpistiilid Honey ja Mumfordi järgi aktivist peegeldaja teoreetik pragmaatik M-444 enne kell 16.00, seminar teisipäeval 19.10.10 Õpistiilid Honey ja Mumfordi järgi Aktivist ­ õpib paremini oludes, kus võimalik ise katsetada ja proovida, tahab uusi kogemusi igal võimalikul juhul, avatud uutele ideedele, kõigepealt tegutsevad ja siis alles mõtlevad, sageli nad hakkavad suure hurraaga peale ja siis muutub igavaks, otsivad uue tegevuse

Pedagoogika → Areng ja õppimine
139 allalaadimist

Newfoundland & Labrador and Alberta

reduction of soil erosion. Across the province, the once common grain elevator is slowly being lost as rail lines are decreasing; farmers typically truck the grain to central points. Alberta is the leading beekeeping province of Canada, with some beekeepers wintering hives indoors in specially designed barns in southern Alberta, then migrating north during the summer into the Peace River valley where the season is short but the working days are long for honeybees to produce honey from clover and fireweed. Industry Alberta is the largest producer of conventional crude oil, synthetic crude, natural gas and gas products in the country. Alberta is the world's 2nd largest exporter of natural gas and the 4th largest producer. Two of the largest producers of petrochemicals in North America are located in central and north central Alberta. In both Red Deer and Edmonton, world class polyethylene and

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


- Sorry does not make everything right. It is just an action to show that you realize your mistake. - In a room full of people, your always the first one I look for - You'll always be that part of my heart that no one will touch - I just wish i knew what to do, to make you love me like i love you - I love him. I really do. Only if he loved me back - In a perfect world there would be no mirrors, cause every girl would have the guy to tell her she looked beautiful - Honey, even if its fake... I love your smile - I do not care about the day, month or the year. What matters most is how we spent those moments together - If i had a tear for everytime i thought of you today, I would be drowning in a ocean - And I cry, tears of hate, tears of pain, tears of lost love, tears for something I know I will never get back - If I could say what I want to say, I'd say what about you, Be with you every night, Am I

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
36 allalaadimist


abundant fresh meats, fish, vegetables and fruit in a creative manner. New Zealand cuisine draws inspiration from Europe, Asia and Polynesia; Pacific-Rim is a distinctive fusion using many of our excellent fresh produce and seafood. Lamb, pork and cervena (venison), salmon, crayfish (lobster), oysters, kina, squid, paua (abalone), scallops, tuatua and pipi (New Zealand shellfish), mussels, kumara (a native sweet potato), kiwifruit, New Zealand honey - these are some of the delicious fresh ingredients which make the food in New Zealand so special. Chefs are world-class, with many having worked in Europe and around the world. New Zealand Skiing & Snowboarding With more mountains than Switzerland and more than 25 scenic ski areas, together with cheap lift prices, New Zealand is increasingly becoming a ski destination. Day lift passes for adults range from about $40-$75, and most of the commercial fields have ski schools

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist


Bourbon on segu ryeviskist ja maisist valmistatud viskist. Rye annab bourbonile tugeva ja rikkaliku maitse , samas, kui maisist toodetud viski lisab pehmust. Selleks et bourboni saaks nimetada viskiks peab seaduse kohaselt olema 51% viskist valmistatud maisist. Seetõttu on bourbonil mõnevõrra magusam maitse kui soti viskil. Seda võib juua niihästi puhtalt jääga kui ka kokteilides. Bourboni kasutatakse ka sour'i segamisel. A Taste Of Honey 4cl kanada viskit 2cl kuiva vermutit 4cl bourbonviskit 2cl Benedictine'i 2cl sidrunumahla Kaunistamine: apelsinikoor 2cl mett Segage hoolikalt koos rohke jääga. Kurnake jahutatud

Toit → Kokandus
142 allalaadimist

Tööseadusandluse praktiline rakendamine

INTERNATIONAL MASSAGE ACADEMY PH TASAKAAL KEHAS Lõputöö Juhendaja : Mai ­ Liis Toivar Tallinn 2009 ­ 2010 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.........................................................................................3 1. PH OLEMUS..........................................................................................4 2.PH TASE VERES JA PRGANISMIS...............................................................5 3.PH PUHASTUMINE..................................................................................6 4.PH TOITUMINE.......................................................................................8 5.TOIDULISANDITE VÄÄRTUS JA TÄHTSUS PH DIEEDI JUURES......................9 6.PH TASAKAAL JA FÜÜS...

Õigus → Tööõigus
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun