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"framework" - 193 õppematerjali

framework on kirjutatud nagu juhina ja tihti läbi küsimuste mille abil terve ettevõte saab lihtsalt leida vastuseid jälgides neid protsesse.

Microsoft operations framework

SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS..............................................................................................................................3 1. MICROSOFT OPERATIONS FRAMEWORK?.....................................................................4 1.2 Komponendid....................................................................................................................................5 1.2.1 Service Management Functions..................................................................................................5 1.2.2 Management Review......................................................................................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Keskkonnasotsioloogia kodulugemine

An Integrated Framework for Encouraging Pro-environmental Behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals Linda Steg*, Jan Willem Bolderdijk, Kees Keizer, Goda Perlaviciute Selles artikklis räägitakse, millises ulatuses ja mille kaudu võivad erinevad strateegiad põhjustada püsiva ja tugeva keskkonnasõbraliku tegevuse. Arutatakse ka, miks mõni strateegia võib julgustada inimesi olema keskkonnasõbralikum oma tegevustes isegi siis, kui need tegevused on seotud isikliku kuluga, kuid mis aga tagavad ja julgustavad üldiselt keskkonnasõbraliku tegevust. Meie planeeti ähvardavad mitmed keskkonnaprobleemid, mis on kõik vähemal või suuremal määral seotud inimtegevusega, eelkõige meie väärtuste ja soovidega. Inimesi viivad edasi põhiliselt kolm väärtuste gruppi: hedonistlikud väärtused, kus soovitakse naudingut saada koheselt; kasu väärtused, mis muudavad inimesed tundlikuks oma personaalse...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Locke essay

power, majority consent and limited government have been instrumental in western political thought from the time of the publication of his Two treatises of government to the present day. Locke's writings refute the notions both of the divine right of kings and absolute government by arguing that peoples' destiny should be determined by majority will. In Locke's view this can only be achieved by what he defines as limited government, an overarching framework which allows the people to amend or even dissolve a legislature if it is perceived to break the trust placed in it by the majority. In order to understand the emergence of societies and the concept of limited government it is useful first to explore Locke's hypothetical scenario of what it was like before these existed. Locke claims man lived in a state of nature and that each individual was born equal into a ...state of perfect freedom to order their actions... Locke (1821, p. 189)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Neli komponenti: 1.INIMENE 2.KESKKOND 3.TERVIS 4.ÕENDUSABI PEPLAU MUDEL Peplau kuus õendusabi rolli: 1. Võõra roll 2. Ressursi, abivahendite roll 3. Õpetus roll 4. Nõustamisfunktsioon 5. Surrogaat roll (meditsiinilise asetäitja roll) 6. Juhtiv roll PEPLAU ARENGUETAPID ÕE-PATSIENDI SUHTES 1. Orientatsiooni etapp 2. Identifitseerimisetapp 3. Rakendamise etapp/ Tööetapp 4. Lahendus faas/Lõpetamise faas KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Masters, K (2011). Framework for Professiona Nursing Practise. Raamatust Masters, K. (2011) Nursing Theories A Framework for Professional Practice. Täname tähelepanu eest!

Meditsiin → Õendus
45 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

Hinna keskus (Cost Center) Väline teenuse pakkuja Käitub kui (External Service Provider) 18 Guido Leibur Gartner Group, 2005 sügis Erinevad meetodid haldusprotsessi kirjeldamiseks · ITIL framework - Information Technology Information Library · COBIT framework - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology · e-TOM Business Process Framework - enhanced Telecommunication Operation Map Business Process Framework TeleManagement Forum · ISO - International Standard Organisation

Informaatika → Informaatika
78 allalaadimist

Õendusaluded ja tõenduspõhine õendus Hildegard E-Peplau

4 inimest ja kultuuri kontekstis; tervis, mis on sõna sümbol, mis eeldab isiksuse ja õendusabi edasiarendamist, mis on märkimisväärne terapeutiline inimsuhete protsess, mis toimiboostöös teiste inimprotsessidega, mis muudavad kogukondade üksikisikute tervise võimalikuks. Peplau peab oluliseks nii patsiendi kui ka õe heaolu. . (Masters, K (2011). Framework for Professiona Nursing Practise. Raamatust Masters, K. (2011) Nursing Theories A Framework for Professional Practice) 2. Peplau mudel 5 2.1. Peplau kuus õendusabi rolli Hildegard Peplau kirjeldas kuute õendusrolli, mis viivad erinevatesse etappidesse: 1. Võõra roll: Peplau märgib, et kui õde ja patsient esmakordselt kohtuvad, siis nad on kindlad, et nad on üksteisele võõrad

Meditsiin → Õendus
270 allalaadimist

5C’s of Credit

5c’s of Credit When you apply for a loan, the lender will evaluate your request in order to determine whether or not it is a good decision to lend you and your business money. A common evaluation framework is the Five C’s of Credit: capacity, capital, collateral, conditions and character. Capacity refers to your ability to meet the loan payments. The prospective lender will want to know exactly how you intend to repay the loan. The lender will consider the cash flow from the business, the timing of repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan. Lenders will also consider payment history as an indicator of future payment potential. For example, if you have a history of not

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

STEP Analysis

Trade figures in 2008 show 80 billion in imports and 97.6 billion in exports. In terms of imports, Switzerland was the EU's 5th most important trading partner in 2008. Switzerland has a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union (EU) of 1972; also Switzerland currently has a network of 26 free trade agreements (FTAs) with 35 partners outside the EU. Switzerland normally concludes its FTAs together with its partners Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, in the framework of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Nevertheless, Switzerland has the possibility to enter into FTAs outside the EFTA framework as well, as it has been the case of Japan and the Faroe Islands.The aim of Switzerland's free trade policy is the improvement of the framework conditions for economic relations with relevant economic partners. The objective is to provide Swiss companies with an unobstructed, stable and non-discriminatory market access in these

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Google täpsem otsing

6. Esitage arv 1989 rooma numbrites. Lihtotsing ,,1989 in roman" Tulemus: MCMLXXXIX 7. Tõlkige inglise keelest saksa keelde lause Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. Esitage tõlge. Millist otsingukategooriat kasutasite? Google translate: inglise ­ saksa ,,Ehrgeiz ist die letzte Zuflucht des Versagens" 8. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government enactment framework ja mis on ilmunud viimase viie aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Google scholar, täpsem otsing: exact phrase ,,e-government enactment framework", ,,in the title" The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 9. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud alates 2003 aastast. Esitage ühe kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
17 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu direktiivid

Gruppitöö Valeria Prostjakova 134750 HAAB12 Euroopa Liidu direktiivid Tööandja kohustused Directive 89/391 - OSH "Framework Directive" Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, Publication date: 29/12/2003; Reference: (MNE(2003)55377) The employer shall: evaluate all the risks to the safety and health of workers, inter alia in the choice of work equipment, the chemical substances or preparations used, and the fitting-out of work places implement measures which assure an improvement in the level of protection afforded to workers and are integrated into all the activities of th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tower Bridge presentation

location, not its design. Designed by Sir Horace Jones and engineered by Sir John Wolfe-Barry. Employed 432 construction workers. The total cost of construction was £1,184,000. Sir H.Jones Sir Total length 244 meters (801 ft) Hight 63 meters Opened 30 June 1894 Clearance below 8.6 meters (28 ft) 70,000 tons of concrete were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction. Over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways. Tower Bridge is also simply one of the most unique venues in London for weddings, private and corporate events. The lifting of Tower Bridge has become a must see event for visitors to London. Six people were injured on May 2009, when a lift in Tower Bridge, central London, fell 3m . Robbie Maddisons bacflip stunt http://www.aviewoncities

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Google Guava

Google Guava Margus Martsepp History Java collections was created in 1997 3 big ideas: · interfaces (define collections) · implementations (concrete or abstract) · algorithms (to manipulate collections) Basic idea around this framework: Extensible - people can build on it Overview 1. Utilities - {static constructors,functional - {predicates, transform}} 2. Objects {equal, coalesce, ComparisonChain} 3. Immutable - {why, how, collections} Utilities - static constructors Create a list of 2 elements Utilities - functional - predicates Apply predicates on collections/iterables Functional language equivalent Utilities - functional - transform Create a transformed view of a collection Object - {equals, coalesce}

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
8 allalaadimist

How to find work you love, Ted talks

How to find work you love Ted Talks, Scott Dinsmore His point is that if you want to find work you love, you must understand yourself, your unique strengths (the things you want to do, even if your not getting paid) and become a self-expert, to know what you are looking for in a job and what success means to you. You must also figure out what are your values and analyze your experiences. Once you have this framework together, you can start to identify the things that you want in your life and work. Do the impossible and push your limits. I think that Scott Dinsmore thinks in the right direction. If you want to be happy with your life you must find work that you love. And I know that the most difficult `'thing'' for peole is to actually think, think what they are, what they want and what makes THEM them. I think that's the main reason why people don't make the right choices.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

1960- 25,000 1980- 243,257 1995- 398,695 2009- 896,751 Transport Planes Buses Taxis Farries Abu Dhabi International Airport The airport is one of the fastest growing airports in the world in terms of passengers, new airline operators, and infrastructural development. Public transport The first town bus entered service in about 1969 Abu Dhabi has about 8,000 taxis A massive expansion of public transport is anticipated within the framework of the government's Surface Transport Master Plan 2030. The expansion is expected to see 130 km (81 mi) of metro and 340 km (210 mi) of tramways and/or bus rapid transit (BRT) routes. Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

Sometimes called pitfalls or dark patterns, this informal use of the term has come to refer to classes of commonly reinvented bad solutions to problems. Thus, many candidate anti-patterns under debate would not be formally considered anti-patterns. By formally describing repeated mistakes, one can recognize the forces that lead to their repetition and learn how others have refactored themselves out of these broken patterns. 7. The Zachman Framework is a framework for enterprise architecture, which provides a formal and highly structured way of viewing and defining an enterprise. The Framework in practice is used for organizing enterprise architectural "artifacts" in a way that takes into account both: · who the artifact targets for example, business owner and builder, and · what particular issue for example, data and functionality is being addressed. These artifacts may include design documents, specifications, and models.[3]Scope

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

engage in catch-up learning, imitation and innovation. Long experimentation over details in the manufacturing process → firm- specific pattern of knowledge. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - dedicated to technological development and coordination of technology-related activities in the country Innovative enterprises and the importance of "wider look at innovation" “my main job is to promote innovation” Positive encouragement “create the right framework, the right mindset” “senior leaders to create an environment of friendliness, courtesy, encouragement and helpful attitudes to ... innovative ideas” A tolerance for failure “You have to accept that [failure], take it for what it’s worth, learn from it and move on.” Patience “Patience is needed as well when it comes to innovation” Synchronizing innovation and business strategies Celebrate an innovation culture

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist


S. non-governmental organisation Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) and United Nations Environment Programme with the goal of enhancing the quality, rigor, and utility of sustainability reporting. The first set of GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines appeared as an Exposure Draft in 1999. Following testing and public comment, the GRI released the June 2000 Guidelines. The 2002 Guidelines represent the GRI Boards view of a consensus on a reporting framework at this point in time that is a blend of a diverse range of perspectives. There are numerous ways to use the 2002 Guidelines. An organisation may choose to simply use them for informal reference or to apply the Guidelines in an incremental fashion. 3 CONTENTS Preface………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

Tallinn and the counties surrounding the capital continue to be the most favourite areas for foreign direct investment in Estonia. However, a number of other regions have experienced increasing interest with major investments being made by Estonian Cell, (pulp production, Lääne Virumaa) and Wendre (textile production, Pärnumaa). Also the Ida-Virumaa region has attracted an increasing amount of FDI relating to its traditionally strong position in heavy metal and minerals industry. Legal Framework Estonia does generally not apply any restrictions or limitations on foreign capital invested into Estonia or its repatriation. (There are some special requirements though, when a foreign investor wishes to acquire land in excess of 10 hectors.) To encourage companies to expand their businesses, all corporate reinvested profits are exempted of income tax since Jan 1, 2000. However, any distributed profits, for example dividends, are taxed at a 21% rate. Foreign trade

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The Colossus of Rhodes

himself, and twelve years (from 304 to 292 BC) were needed to complete it. The Colossus of Rhodes was not only a gigantic statue. It was a symbol of unity of the people who inhabited that beautiful Mediterranean island of Rhodes. To build the statue, the workers cast the outer bronze skin parts. The base was made of white marble, and the feet and ankle of the statue were first fixed. The structure was gradually erected as the bronze form was fortified with an iron and stone framework. To reach the higher parts, an earth ramp was built around the statue and was later removed. When the Colossus was finished, it stood about 33 metres (110 ft) high. A strong earthquake hit Rhodes at around 226 BC. The city was badly damaged, and the Colossus was broken at its weakest point - the knee. For almost a millennium, the statue lay broken in ruins. In AD 654, the Arabs invaded Rhodes. They disassembled the remains of the broken Colossus and sold them to a Jew from Syria

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Europass CV

English B1 B1 B1 B1 A2 Russian B1 B1 A2 A2 A2 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Acquire good communication skills when i was young, because my parents taught me at an early age to interact with people, and that's why I have not ever had problems communicating, but communication skills improved even more when I worked in the hotel Tõru. It consisted only of my work in communicating with people

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Referaat "Vookaardid"

other-uk-cities Phan, D., Xiao, L., Yeh, R., Hanrahan, P., & Winograd, T. (2005). Flow Map Layout. Kasutamise kuupäev: 27. November 2015. a., allikas Suurna, R., & Sisas, E. (2012). Kartograafia alused. Tallinn: SA Innove. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework. (2013). Average Daily Long- 12 Haul Freight Traffic on the National Highway System: 2011. Kasutamise kuupäev: 29. november 2015. a., allikas Federal Highway Administration: Verbeek, K., Buchin, K., & Speckmann, B. (2011). Flow Map Layout via Spiral Tress. IEEE

Informaatika → Geoinformaatika I
7 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

inefficient and outmoded." ,,For that reason, reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization and their customers." ,,BPR derives its existence from different disciplines, and four major areas can be identified as being subjected to change in BPR - organization, technology, strategy, and people - where a process view is used as common framework for considering these dimensions. The approach can be graphically depicted by a modification of "Leavitt's diamond".[8]" Early BPR literature [9] identified several so called disruptive technologies that were supposed to challenge traditional wisdom about how work should be performed. · Shared databases, making information available at many places · Expert systems, allowing generalists to perform specialist tasks

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaprobleemid Euroopas

KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID EUROOPAS KESKKONNAPROBLEEMIDE ALGUS • Sai alguse 19. sajandil • Suurimaks põhjuseks industrialiseerimine • Keskkonnapoliitika polnud selgelt määratletud • Puudus ennetuspõhimõte • Inimesed ei oskanud loodust väärtustada • Rasked ajad, keskkond tagaplaanil ERINEVAD KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID • Jäätmekäitlus • Välisõhu saaste • Veemajandus • Müra • Kemikaalid • Loodusliku mitmekesisuse kaitse • Kliimamuutused KESKKONNAPOLIITIKA ARENG • Huvi teke keskkonnaprobleemide vastu • Algas keskkonnaprobleemide süsteemne lahendamine • Kinnitati esimene Keskkonnategevusprogramm • Võeti vastu rida direktiive • Hakati looma keskkonnafonde KESKKONNATEGEVUSPROGRAMMID • I Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1973 -1976) - suurenev keskkonnareostus ja reostuskolded • II Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1977 -1981) - I jätk; keskkonnaelementide põhilised direktiivid ja määrused • III Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1982 -1986) - ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

CARS – Create a Research Space

Meie teema/nišš: 1. uurimisvaldkond: isiksuse/iseloomu muutus joobeseisundis. Varasemad uuringud on hõlmanud vaid ühe või kahe iseloomuomaduse uurimist. 2. nišši loomine: Despite the abundance of evidence that alcohol affects many aspects of a drinker’s mood, affect, and behavior, researchers (Winograd et al., 2012) have only recently begun to describe these effects within a single organizational framework, specifically, the five-factor model of personality. Indeed, this comprehensive approach is well-suited for capturing the wide range of effects experienced and behaviors exhibited by drinkers under the influence of alcohol, often referred to as “drunken comportment” (MacAndrew & Edgerton, 1969). This conceptualization of intoxication 3. Nišši hõlmamine: rakendades viie faktori meetodit Sissejuhatus: Üldine väide: üldistus või definitsioon. Või põhilised ideed, oluline teave.

Muu → Uurimustöö
1 allalaadimist

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google

Ehrgeiz ist die letzte Zuflucht des Versagens 9. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government communication ja mis on ilmunud viimase kümne aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kasutan lehekülje täpsustatud otsingut. With the exact frase: e-government communication Where my words occur: in the title of the article Aastaarvudeks 2001-2011 2 tulemust nt: A Safe Information Sharing Framework for E-Government Communication (2003) 10. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud viimase 10 aasta jooksul. Esitage ühe kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? advanced search. Books on subject: Baltic states E-books only; content: books Published between 2001-2011 Praktiline töö nr 2 Otsing otsisüsteemis Google

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

150 inglise-eesti sõna

Eco-friendly ­ loodussõbralik 53. Effort ­ pingutama, panustama 54. Emphasis ­rõhk 55. Enlarge- suurendama, laiendama 56. equipment ­ varustus 57. Equipment ­ varustus 58. Examine ­ uurimine, eksamineerimine 59. Executives - Juhid 60. Expansion ­ laiendus 61. Expert ­ ekspert, spetsialist 62. External - väline 63. Faculty - teaduskond 64. Federal - föderaal 65. Flagshit ­ lipulaev 66. Focus ­ fokuseerima, keskenduma 67. Forthcoming ­ eeltulev 68. Framework - Raamistik 69. Frequent - sagedane 70. Fruitlessness - unproductive; viljatus 71. Fundamental ­ alus, põhi 72. Gadget ­ vidin 73. General ­ üldine 74. Give rise to- põhjustama 75. Government - valitsus 76. Granting - tagama 77. Guide ­ juhend 78. Haul - saak 79. Implementation - juurutama 80. Indicate ­ indikeerima 81. Industry ­ tööstus 82. Initiation- tõuge, aje 83. Inspect- kontrollima, inspekteerima 84. interconnections - ühendused

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


and EU sees Russia as an ally, the Russians see us more as an economic partner with who it may easily cut off the connections. We should actively point out the threats it may bring and look through the policy about selling such military equipment. The CEE should raise the question about does the economic benefits outweigh the threats it may bring along. 5. Which are the most updated EU documents to describe EU-Russia relations? The Partnership and Co-operation Agreement has been the framework of the EU-Russia relationship for more than a decade. It was signed in 1994 and entered into force on 1 December 1997. The agreement regulates the political and economic relations between the EU and Russia and is the legal basis for the EU's bilateral trade and investment relations with Russia. At the St. Petersburg Summit in May 2003, the EU and Russia agreed to reinforce their co- operation by creating, in the long term, four common spaces in the framework of the Partnership

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
7 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

B1 Independent A2 Basic User user user user user (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Social skills and competences Team spirit, ability to adapt multicultural environments, good communication skills. Organisational skills and Leadership (currently responsible for a team of 5 people), good experience in competences project management. Technical skills and Good command of quality control processes (I was responsible for the

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur test 1

middle engalnd A young working-class person whose tastes, though expensive, are considered vulgar =chav 14. Match the term to their definition Central organization through which applications are processed for entry to higher education= UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Service that help students who realize on opening their A-level results that they haven’t got the grades required by their universities of choice to find a university place A framework used by all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent = National curriculum 15. What do you call a state or country that is governed constitutionally as on single unit, with one constitutionally created legislature? A unitary state- see A single-nation state A federal state A multi-nation state

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
3 allalaadimist


fundamental freedoms is the very foundation of the Eastern Partnership. Significant steps have been taken to strengthen bilateral dialogues on these matters. Since July 2009 three rounds of Human Rights Dialogue have taken place with Georgia. The first meeting of the EU Armenia Human Rights Dialogue took place in December 2009 and the second in December 2010. Issues of democracy and human rights are also discussed with Azerbaijan in the framework of a new sub-committee for Justice Liberty Security (JLS) and Human Rights and Democracy which was established in 2010. Its first meeting was held on 30 November-1 December 2010. With Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, human rights discussions in the framework of the respective JLS subcommittee meetings have gained new momentum. As regards Ukraine, human rights issues are extensively reflected in the new EU-Ukraine Association Agenda,

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

Harmonious relationship between himself and the outside world. ­ Obverse of the fear that comes with disorientation; sweet sense of home is the strongest when home is familiar and distinctive. Distinctive and legible environment: offers security, heightens the potential depth and intensity of human experience. Unaided navigation- needs experience, effort, accompanied by strain, anxiety, uncertainty. Positive values of legible surroundings: emotional satisfaction, the framework for communication or conceptual organization new depths it may bring to everyday experience. <- pleasures we lack Uncertainty might be enjoyable granted 1) there is no danger of losing basic form or orientation, of never coming out; the confusions must be small regions in a visible whole 2) the labyrinth or mystery must in itself have some form that can be explored and in time apprehended. Complete chaos without hint of connection is never pleasurable. Important qualification:

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Charlie Chaplin

maintain complete control over every scene. This constant attention to detail ran many features over-time and over-budget, but the public reaction assured him and the studios that what he was doing worked. As his popularity increased he took more liberties with filming. Movies such as his 1925 hit, "The Gold Rush", demanded unending reworking of scenes and rebuilding of sets. Chaplin typically improvised his story in front of the camera with only a basic framework of a script. He shot and printed hundreds of takes when making a movie, each one a little experimental variation. While this method was unorthodox, because of the expense and inefficiency, it provided lively and spontaneous footage. Taking what he learned from the footage, Chaplin would often completely reorganize a scene. It was not uncommon for him to decide half-way through a film that an actor wasn't working and start over with someone new.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Ruby amongst English speakers. Versions Ruby 1.2 Ruby 1.2 was initially released in December 1998 Ruby 1.4 Ruby 1.4 was initially released in August 1999. Ruby 1.6 Ruby 1.6 was initially released in September 2000. Ruby 1.8 Ruby 1.8 was initially released in August 2003, and was stable for a long time. Ruby 1.8 is incompatible with Ruby 1.9. Ruby on Rails Around 2005, interest in the Ruby language surged in tandem with Ruby on Rails, a popular web application framework written in Ruby. Rails is frequently credited with making Ruby "famous". Version Ruby 1.9 Ruby 1.9 was released in December 2007. The latest stable version of the reference implementation is 1.9.3 and is dual-licensed under the Ruby License and a BSD License. Ruby 2.0 Ruby 1.9 will be followed by Ruby 2.0. Ruby 2.0 is rumored to be "100% compatible" with Ruby 1.9.3. As of October 2011, the plan is to have code freeze October 2012 and release February 2013. Features

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

culture, class, gender, generation, and nation is essential for achieving socially equitable and environmentally sound development. To secure a healthy, safe, and democratic environment for all, WLP works to advance gender equity, involve men and boys in promoting gender parity, and facilitate the exchange of grassroots strategies within and across different cultures. By instituting a viable knowledge and learning framework, WLP's programs provide women and girls of the Global South with the technical knowledge and practical skills needed to participate in the global dialogue about rights, development, and peace. Partnership Women's Learning Partnership is made up of WLP International in the USA and 22 autonomous and independent partner organizations based in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Brazil, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Iran, Indonesia,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Fiscal Policy

revenue. - A contractionary fiscal policy occurs when government spending is lower than tax revenue. There are two types of fiscal policy: discretionary and non-discretionary (automatic). The discretionary policy is the government (federal) changing spending (G), changing taxes (on households) T, or some combination of the two. The logic of the change is to influence the performance of the economy. Non-discretionary policy is really the overall framework and design of the government spending and taxing authority. As an example, having a progressive tax system, once set up, works automatically in the economy. Recession A recession could happen if C, I, G, or X fell. The short term effect was falling RGDP and raising unemployment. The ratchet effect kept the price level from falling The short term rising unemployment is painful and the focus of Fiscal Policy is to try to

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Space Business

Equitable access to orbit/spectrum resources ü Efficiency of orbit/spectrum use ü Interference-free radio communication ITU assigns frequencies /orbital positions (,,first come, first served") Notification/recording in a Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Broadcasting regulation EU EFCA EU Regulation ü Supports european cinema industrie (copyright protection) ü Sets up the legal framework in relation to e-commerce ü Enforces antitrust rules for protection of consumer choice and diversity. EFCA (European Film Companies Alliance) aims ü Development of the European audiovisual market ü Promotion of independent productions ü Cultural diversity Television Without Frontiers Directives Fostering European film/audio production to ensure a minimum market access of 51 % of diffusion time

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist

Teaviku leidmine e-kataloogi ESTER vahendusel

Praktiline töö nr 1 Teaviku leidmine e-kataloogi ESTER vahendusel Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele e-kataloogi ESTER ( ) kasutades. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise strateegiat (kataloogi osa, otsingukategooria, otsisõna (märksõnad), piirangud). 1) Mitu ingliskeelset raamatut hobidest on Rahvusraamatukogus? Milliste märksõnade alusel on seda otsingut võimalik laiendada (seotud märksõnad vt Eesti märksõnastik - )? Esita SIIA ühe raamatu kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? KIRJELDA otsingu strateegiat. Teostades otsingut lihtsõnaga hobby, sain tulemuseks 7 raamatut. Kui kasutada otsingut mitmuses hobbies, tuleb ainult 1 vastus. Otsides operaatoriga OR, saab tulemuseks 8. Antud juhul surub ennast peale ’Blake Hobby’, kel pole soovitud hobidega midagi...

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
1 allalaadimist

Efektiivne kapitaliturg ja riigi roll selle arendamisel

2000. [ PaperArticle=1&code=1753/arv_kolumn_175301] · Balti aktsiad muutuvad nähtavamaks - Investor ja ettevõtja, 2008, nr.12, lk.15-17. [ ttevotja_1_2008.pdf ] 20.10.2008 · Juhkam, A. Pangandus I (Finantsturud ja ­institutsioonid), 2004 [] 21.10.2008 · Creating Effective and Efficient Regulatory Framework for Islamic Capital Market. Global Islamic Finance Forum [ ] 21.10.2008 · Lamfalussy menetluse läbivaatamine Järelevalve ühtsuse tugevdamine ­ Euroopa Komisjoni teatis, 20.11.2007 [http://eur-] 21.10.2008

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
8 allalaadimist

Windows Server 2008

Funktsioonid Windows server 2008 on ehitatud samale koodile kui Windows Vista, seega nad on arhitektuurselt ja funktsioonide poolest sarnased. Kuna arhitektuuri kood on sarnane, siis WS2008 tuleb koos tehnilise, turva, juhtimise ja haldus funktsioonidega sarnaselt Windows Vistale. WS2008 versioonil on aga uuendatud turva funktsioone nagu BitLocker ja ASLR(address space layout randomization), veel on uuendatud Windowsi tulemüüri koos turvalise configuratsiooniga. Uuendati ka .NET Framework 3.0 tehnoloogiat, võrgu süsteeme. Muidugi uuendati tuuma, mälu ja failide süsteemi. Protsessor ja mälu muudeti ühenda ja mängi(plug and play), et saaks kiiresti ära vahetada komponente ilma, et peaks süsteemi vahepeal seisma jätma. See süsteem aitab ka süsteemi ressursse jagada nii, et igal jaotusel on oma mälu, protsessor ja Input/Output sild, mis ei sõltu teistest jaotustest. Kutsutakse seda ka inglise keelsete väljenitega nagu Hot Swapping või siis Hot Plugging. Serveri Tuum

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

Eetilise probleemi analüüs

ning usaldusväärsust, mis talle ametisse ennistamisega anti. Siinkohal oleks vajalik avalik pöördumine ja vabandus, mis olenemata faktist, ei heasta teo sisu ega rikutud mainet. 6 EETILISE PROBLEEMI ANALÜÜS KASUTATUD ALLIKMATERJALID 1. Velasquez, M., Andre, C., Shanks, Th., ja Meyer, M.J., 1996. Thinking Ethically: A Framework for Moral Decision Making. Issues in Ethics, V7 N1. 2. Finantsinspektsioon, 2005. Finantsinspektsiooni ametnike eetikakoodeks [Online] 3. Avalik teenistus, 2012. Avaliku teenistuse eetikakoodeks [Online] 7

Filosoofia → Eetika
65 allalaadimist

Institutsioonid ja rajasõltuvus

demokraatlikule üleminekut ja fragmenteeritud süsteemi väljavahetamist segmenteeritud süsteemi vastu (Sarapuu 2011). Iseseisvumine tähendas suuri ühiskondlikke ümberkorraldusi, mis üheltpoolt tähendasid uute organisatsioonide loomist, teisalt aga juba eksisteerivate organisatsioonide toimimise muutmist. Kasutatud kirjandus Trouvé, H., Couturier, Y., Etheridge, F., Saint-Jean, O. & Somme, D. (2010) ,,The path dependency theory: analytical framework to study institutional integration. The case of France" International Journal of Integrated Care, 10, 1-9. Dobusch, L. & Kapeller, J. (2013) ,,Breaking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research" Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 288-311. Kuuse, E. (2010) Arengukoostöö adressaatidest doonoriteks: mõjurid ja loogika Eesti, Läti, Leedu päästeametite näitel. Kättesaadav: content/uploads/2012/12/thesis_Kuuse.pdf, 23

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
10 allalaadimist

Zachmani tugiraamistik

Mis aastal ja kelle poolt loodi Zachmani tugiraamistik? Founded in 1990, Zachman International® is the education and consulting firm started by John A. Zachman, author of the Zachman® Framework Milleks (mis eesmärgil) kasutatakse ZACHMANi tugiraamistikku? It allows for multiple perspectives and categorization of business artifacts Kas Zachmani raamistik on mudel? Kui jah, siis millele (missugustele kontekstidele) me saame seda mudelit rakendada? Zachmani raamistik rakendub igale ärivaldkonnale Millistele põhiküsimustele vastavad ja mida kirjeldavad/modelleerivad Zachmani raamistiku veerud? Mis? Objektid, andmed Kuidas

Majandus → Majandus
5 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu direktiivid

Euroopa Liidu direktiivid 1."Framework Directive" Council Directive 89/391 Tööandja tagab töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõuete täitmise igas tööga seotud olukorras. Tööandja hindab kõiki riske ohutusele ja tervisele, sealhulgas töövahendite valikul, keemiliste ainete valmistamisel või kasutamisel ja töökoha sisustamisel. Tööandja rakendab meetmeid kõigi töötajate ohutuse ja tervise kaitseks ning need on integreeritud kogu ettevõtte tegevuses igal hierarhilisel tasandil. Tööülesannete jagamisel ohutuse tagamiseks, arvestab tööandja iga töötaja oskuseid ja võimeid. Töötaja tutvustab uut tehnoloogiat endale töötajatele, viib läbi koolitusi töötajate, et õpetada töötajale ohtude vältimist. Tööandja tagab iga töötaja väljaõppe ja koolituse Tööandja võtab vastu meetmed esmaabiks, tuletõrjeks, töötajate evakueerimiseks otsese ohu puhul. Eestis: Töötervisho...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

The best protected area networks performance was achieved by combination of information about connectivity and habitat quality, but no major difference appeared when only connectivity was taken into consideration. In terms of protecting the Baltic Sea, there are many important directives in the European Union that are designed to ensure conservation of natures biodiversity and proper functioning of ecosystem. Most important of these are: The Birds Directive, Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 24 Tänuavaldus Tahaksin tänada oma juhendajat, Tiia Möllerit, kelle nõuanded olid suureks abiks selle töö valmimisel. 25 Kasutatud kirjandus Anon. 1979. Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive). Official Journal of the European Union, L 103, 25.04.1979. Anon. 1992

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist


The indigenous culture is very much active and living, and is a part of everyday life for the majority of the population. However, it has evolved with the introduction of old cultures like the Indian and Chinese ones, as well as a large influence from Europe, and from various Pacific neighbors of Fiji, mainly the Tongan,Rotuman and Samoan. The culture of Fiji has created a unique communal and national identity. Politics of Fiji normally take place in the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Fiji is the head of government, the President the head of state, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Parliament of Fiji. Fiji, endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, is one of the more developed of the Pacific island economies, though still with a large subsistence sector

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

F. Nightingale

Notes on Nursing: what it is and what it is not. USA: Dover Publications. 2. Florence Nightingale. (2014). The website. Retrieved 10.00, Okt 05, 2014, from appreciation 3. Gonzalo. (2011). Florence Nightingale. Nursing: Notes on Nursing 4. Masters, K. (2011). Nursing Theories A Framework for Proffessional Nursing Practice. Jones and Bartlett Learning 6

Meditsiin → Õendus
132 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine

reeglid ja poliitikad. Pikaajaline fookus on Pikaajaliselt on oluline saavutada stabiilsel ja efektiivsel toimimisel, mis on mõõdetavad eesmärgid ja olla ühtlasi edu aluseks. konkurentsis. Edu aluseks on turuosa. Stabiilsus ja kontroll Competing Values Framework (Cameron, Quinn, 2011) põhjal strateegia loomise protsess Keskkonna analüüs · majanduslik · sotsiokultuuriline · tehnoloogiline · poliitiline

Ühiskond → T??keskkonna ohutus
31 allalaadimist

Erinevad valgusallikud, nende tootlikkus ja säästlikus

KOOL NIMED ERINEVAD VALGUSALLIKAD, NENDE TOOTLIKKUS JA SÄÄSTLIKUS Referaat Juhendaja: Nimi Tallinn 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Viimastel aastatel on energiasäästlikkus väga aktuaalne teema. See on juhtinud paljude inimeste silmad rohelisema eluviisi poole. Kuna vajadus täiendava valguse järgi on aastakümnete jooksul ainult kasvanud, siis suur hulk arenenud inimkonna energiakuludest moodustavad tehislikud valgusallikad. Üha enam üritatakse luua valgusallikaid, mis vähese energiakulu juures suudavad toota palju valgust. Selle töö eesmärk on võrrelda erinevate valgusallikate tootlikkust ja säästlikkust. Toome välja eri liiki lampide eeldused ja puudused. Uurime, kuidas inimesed igapäevaselt valgusallikaid kasutavad ja mida nad neist teavad. Arutleme, kuhu võiks tulevikus edasi areneda. ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
14 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3 otsisüsteem

asub Austraalia haridusasutuse saidil. Esitage ühe õppematerjali nimetus. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite ja tulemusi hindate? Täpsem otsing Kõik sõnad: tutorial Fraas: information literady Domeen: Tulemus: ECU | Library | Pilot | Online Information Literacy Tutorial Hinnang: tundub et esimesed tulemused võivad õiged olla 8. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government enactment framework ja mis on ilmunud viimase viie aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite ja tulemusi hindate? Kasutan Sisestan otsingufraasi exact phrase Pealkirjade jaoks: in the title of the article Alates 2011 Ei leidnud vastavate nõuetega artikleid! Praktiline töö nr 3 Infootsing otsisüsteemides 9

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
6 allalaadimist

Gross domestic product

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is a measure of a country's overall economic output. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. It is often positively correlated with the standard of living, alternative measures to GDP for that purpose. · Gross domestic product comes under the heading of national accounts, which is a subject in macroeconomics. Gross National Product Gross national product (GNP), in economics, a quantitative measure of a nation's total economic activity, generally assessed yearly or quarterly. The GNP equals the gross domestic product plus income earned by domestic residents through foreign investments minus the income earned by foreign investors in the domestic market. Gross Domestic Product GDP can ...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun