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"dependent" - 186 õppematerjali

dependent on each other, and it is necessary to see it as a holistic system whose aim is to achieve TFV goals. There are plenty of IGLC conference papers which analyse the conventional management doctrine and compare it with many other management theories and methods (for example Scrum, LPS, etc.). The result is always more or less the same, as the current management theory is deficient and implicit for the construction industry.

Are we too dependent on computers?

even imagine their everyday life without computers. Secondly, in society 15-25-year-old youngsters use computers the most. Mostly they use these for messaging, playing games, commenting pictures and listening to music and watching films. It is common to talk with friends in messenger after the school and usually it takes a lot of time. This may lead to computer addiction. Some children even do not want to do their homework, because they become lazy. Luckily not all people are so dependent on computers. It stands on person´s personality. It is important to watch after our youngsters, that they would have enough temper to use computer opportunities moderately. In conclusion, I would like to say that computers and Internet are very useful and important nowadays but I think that many people are too dependent on computers and their health, mind and eyes suffer on that.

Keeled → Inglise keel
136 allalaadimist

Statistilised mõisted - metodoloogia

Mõisted  Dispersioon [Variance] - mõõtmiskogumi dispersioon on iga mõõtmise hälvete ruutude summa  Element - indiviid, nähtus, ese vms mille kohta kogutakse informatsiooni, mida mõõdetakse, vaadeldakse, küsitletakse.  Juhuslik [Random] - juhusest sõltuv.  Juhuslik valik [Random Sampling] - metoodika indiviidide valimiseks populatsioonist nõnda, et igaühel populatsioonist on võrdne võimalus saada valitud valimisse.  Juhuslik varieeruvus/erinevus (Random variation) - andmete kõikumine, mis on tingitud ebakindlatest või juhuslikest sündmustest.  Juhuvalim [Random Sample] Tõenäosuslik valim (probability sample) - taolisel viisil kokku seatud populatsiooni valim, et igal populatsiooni liikmel on võrdne ja mitte null võialus saada valitud.  Kordustäpsus [Precision] - omadus, mis näitab millegi täpset määratletust või väljendatust. Viitab testi või mõõtmisvahe...

Muu → Metoodika
1 allalaadimist

Ökonomeetriline projekt - Brutopalga sõltuvus haridustasemest, meeste osakaalust ning linlaste osakaalust maakondade lõikes

tarkvaraprogrammi Gretl Lisa 6. Korrelatsioonikordajate statistilised olulisused (p-väärtused) Brutopalk Linlased Korgharitud Mehed D1 D2 D3 - 0.1039 0.0008 0.3090 0.0000 0.0406 0.0635 Brutopalk Allikas: autorite koostatud kasutades Statistikaameti andmeid ja tarkvaraprogrammi Gretl Lisa 7. Esialgne hinnatud mudel esialgne mudel:OLS, using observations 1-60 Dependent variable: Brutopalk Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value const 596,186 117,582 5,0704 <0,00001 *** Korgharitud 692,69 116,103 5,9662 <0,00001 *** Linlased 10,306 40,4515 0,2548 0,79988 Mehed -128,634 214,023 -0,6010 0,55038 DAasta_1 -223,719 16,4078 -13,6349 <0,00001 ***

Majandus → Majandus
160 allalaadimist

Essee, Homelessness

Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that has failed them. The homeless are in need. As fellow humans we are obligated to help those in need. They are not only in need of money, but they are also in need of our attention and our support. In the past fifty years the United States has invested more money in helping the homeless people than any other country in the world. The result is that we have more poor people now and more people dependent on the government than we did fifty years ago. The welfare program in our society has failed. The illegitimacy rate of welfare when it first was introduced was one fourth of what it is today. It has driven fathers out of families and caused mothers to become dependent. It has taken away people's dignity and has brought child abuse to our society. Better programs must be created if we want to help homeless people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

12 principles of language teaching

Teaching By Principles Language Teaching requires connecting THEORY and PRACTICE. 12 Principles of Language Teaching Teaching By Principles Cognitive Principles Language Teaching requires 1. Automaticity connecting THEORY and Students absorb language PRACTICE. automatically. Students move toward fluency and “think” about language less as they There are three types of principles: progress. Cognitive – mental and intellectual Application – Don’t overwhelm Socioaffective – emotional students with language ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Nikola Tesla - lugemistest koos videoga

Read the article and fill in the gaps with a word or a short phrase: Accompanied by, whole body, unbearable, at the height of, crossed paths, evolve means, at the stroke of, big wheel, descended from, penniless and rejected, vitally dependent Tesla’s incredible legacy can be seen in everything from remote-control to neon and fluorescent lightning, X-rays. He patterned technologies of wireless communication.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus psühholoogias

osakaalud. Kui soovite, et puuduvate väärtuste jaoks eraldi tulpa ei kuvataks:Options ja vajuta kastil Display groups defined by missing values. Pealkirja saamiseks vajuta nuppu Titles. Graafik paigutatakse tulemilehele, kus saab teda täiendavalt redigeerida. Gruppide keskmiste leidmine/võrdlemine: Kui soovid leida näiteks ühe testi puhul nii meeste kui naiste keskmised tulemused eraldi, siis valid Analyze - Compare means - Means - Dependent listi 'matemaatika' ja Independent listi 'sugu' - OK Meeste ja naiste keskmiste tulemuste joonistamine koos usalduspiiridega: Graphs - Legacy Dialogs - Error Bar - Define - variable (ehk y-telg)=see millise testi tulemusi vaadata soovid nt matemaatika ja category axis=sugu ja OK Test et kindlaks teha kas andmed pärinevad normaaljaotusega populatsioonist. Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Explore->

Psühholoogia → Ülevaade psühholoogiast
7 allalaadimist

Nigeria population

type. This type of pyramid is common for developing countries with high birth and death rates. Relatively short life expectancy, as well as low level of education and poor health care are also describe such kind of population age distribution model. Nigeria age dependency ratio Dependency ratio of population is a ratio of people who are generally not in the labor force (the dependents) to workforce of a country (the productive part of population). The dependent part includes the population under 15 years old and people aged 65 and over. The productive part of population accordingly consists of population between 15 and 64 years. This ratio shows the pressure on productive population produced by the dependent part of population. The total dependency ratio of population in Nigeria is 78.8 %. As we can see the dependent part of population is comparable to the working part. It means that each working person in Nigeria must

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

World in 2060

the past. Is the World livable in 50 years of time? Will there be flying cars? These questions run through our mind every time we put our minds to future. To start with, flying car is an expectation for future that has been pictured for a long time. In the industrial revolution scientist developed the most common things that we currently use in a very short term of time, thus why they can't do it again. For now, world is an oil dependent society, and that has to change, what is more, no secondary solution for petrol hasn't been proved successful. We might run out of petrol soon and therefore we need another source of energy that makes our lives easier. To sum up, future will always be a mystery. It may well as happen that there will be an Armageddon and we all, human race will be swept of the world. What is more bound to happen is that there will be improvements in all fields.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

Iseseisev töö nr. 5 1. Autori otsing a) 218 b) Sisestasin autoriotsingusse MacDiarmid (last name) , Alan (first name), Graham (middle). Valisin kõik pakutavad nimevariandid ning Refine alt Publication Year trükkisin sisse 1975- 1985. c) 25 d) Refine -> Research Topic: (conducting polymers) or (plastics) e) 4 f) Esilehel valisin Patent ning sisestasin Inventor name MacDiarmid Alan Graham. 2. Teema ja aine otsing a) Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid, panen linnukese valiku ette, kus kõik märksõnad on tekstis lähestikku. b) 212 d) 502-97-6 e) 357 3. Aine otsing a) Pealehe kõrvalmenüüst Substance Indentifier b) 75-19-4 c) 0.790±0.06 g/cm3 d) 1904 4. Aine otsing molekulaarvalemi järgi a) Pealehe kõrvalmenüüst Molekular Formula ja sisestan summaarse molekulvalemi. b) 43 c) 9 d) Kõrvalmenüüs on tulemused analüüsitud nende substance role järgi, seal näen, et reaktandi või reagendi rollis on just 9 ainet. ...

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Environment - essee 217 sõna

But many of them are absolutely unfriendly with our nature. Due to this situation I had cleaned lakesides many times. Secondly, we should follow some simple rules that everybody know, but still a lot of people does not keep. I do not like to throw litter away where it is not allowed and may cause pollution. When I see some of my friends doing this then I explain usually that it is not good and why. Many of them have understood me. However, all things in nature are dependent on one another and we should act together. Humanity is utterly in contact with a healthy natural environment. So, we have to choose, if we want to let things happen how they are now or let next generations to take the clean air and drink unpolluted water.

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

How will technology change our lives in the next 20 years

POSITIVE THINGS NOWADAYS · Medicine can develope · More opportunities to explore things in our life · Simple learning opportunities (e-school etc) · Sustainable methods to produce energy · Faster service (for example McDonald's in Tallinn's oldtown) · Easy to speak with people in other countries MY VISION · Less teachers in schools · Robots are doing most of our chores · Someone will invent new technical thing, what's going to change entire world · People are more dependent of technology · People will lose their independence CONCLUSION- my opinion · Technology's development is bad for common people (children) · It's good for medicine and ohter branch of science development THANK YOU FOR LISTENING

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Lehekülg 63 harjutus 5-8

Repair parts-living things can to for themselvs Respond to stimuly- ability to grow toward the light Able to adapt-to survive in nature Natural selection-ability to make living things better to survive and live longer Interact- to act upon one another. Surrounding- all round a particular place or thing Dominated-different species that are more existing Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals Food chain- a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food Carbon dioxide- a colourless, odourless gas Tissues- any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products Flesh- the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of a human or an animal Soil- the upper layer of earth in which plants grow 7.insects:beetle,Caterpillar,lacewings,vole Animals:fir, snail, Plants:bilberry,lichen,aphid,

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Staying in touch

Many centuries ago there were not many ways to communicate with your friends. The most common way of corresponding with friends was sending a telegram or letter. Nowadays there are many new possibilities for communicating with others: internet, cellular phones etc. Over the last fifty years, businesses have increasingly dependent on the use of telecommunications. I think using mobile phones are the easiest and most comfortable way of corresponding with each other, because cellulars are so small and you can fit them anywhere you want and carry them with you. They are also affordable for anyone. Nowadays almost all people have and use cellular phones, because you can talk to your friends everywhere where there is network connection. The other easy way to communicate is using internet, which was developed in 1968.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Ireland Report

Ireland is an island in the eastern part of the North Artic, directly west of the United Kingdom. Ireland is a sovereign, independent, democratic state with a parliamentary system of government. The President of Ireland is Mary Patricia McAleese. The total are of Ireland is about 81 squarekm and population is about 4 million, from children consive is 22%, workforce 67% and elder peole 11%. Religions are Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, methodist, Muslim, Jewish and the others. Ireland is a small, modern, trade-dependent economy with growth averaging 6%. Agriculture is one the most important sektor, is now dwarfed by undusrty and services. Ireland in the decade up to 2006 than any ohter developed world economy. Ireland jooned in circulating the euro in 1. January 2002 along with 11 other EU nations. The Irish Transport System Provides a nationwide coordianted road and rail system of publik transport for go...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Fair Trade Tourism

Fair Trade Tourism Local people have often been the last to benefit financially from international tourism. But this is slowly changing. It's happening in Vietnam. The first tourists can see many famous war sites, towns and vibrant green paddy fields. But if they go up into the hills they find a region inhabited by hill tribe people, who live basic, subsistence life. Local people are looking at tourists with fear and disdain. In the villages children are playing and mothers with elaborate headdresses are getting on their daily lives, but if tourists come, they run indoors and villages become silent. In Thailand hill tribe treks have become infamous ,,human zoos". Tourists from all over the world traipse through the villages and this causes cultural and economic disaster. Also the benefits of toursim are often skimmed off by businessmen from outside the community. It ruins and changes the local people...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mozart and his father Leopold Mozart

1787. He was a German composer, conductor, teacher, and violinist. Mozart is best known today as the father and teacher of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart and his father Mozart was lucky to have a an experienced musician as a father. Leopold immediately recognised the potential in Wolfgang. He dedicated his life to supporting his son’s talent. Despite, or perhaps because, of their different characters, Wolfgang and Leopold Mozart were dependent on each other. For the remainder of his life, when Wolfgang had been working and living with his wife Constanze in Vienna for a considerable period of time, Leopold Mozart continued a dialogue with his son by writing letters.  Moving to Vienna Wolfgang left home for good in 1781. The move almost certainly aided Wolfgang's musical development; the great majority of his most celebrated works were composed in Vienna. As indicated by Mozart's return letters (which

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö esmaabis

Depressioon e meeleolu haiguslik alanemine on psühhiaatriline häire, mis on tingitud närviülekannet mõjutava aine - neurotransmitteri (serotoniin, norepinephrine ja/või dopamiin) funktsioonihäirest. Olulised häire tekkes on ka psühholoogilised tegurid. I tüüp ehk insuliinsõltuv diabeet (u 15% diabeetikutest) Diabetes mellitus (lad. k.), Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (ingl. k). II tüüp ehk insuliinsõltumatu diabeet (u 85% diabeetikutest) Diabetes mellitus typus II (lad. k), Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (ingl. k). Faktid insuldi kohta · Insuldi korral tekib äkki peaaju verevarustuse häire veresoone ummistumise või lõhkemise tõttu, mis põhjustab närvirakkude kahjustuse.

Meditsiin → Esmaabi
31 allalaadimist

Mittelineaarsed alalisvooluahelad

Posistori kasutusnäiteks on autolaternate klaasi- puhasti ajamimootori ahel. Kui kõik on korras, siis voolutugevus on arvestatud piires. Kui aga klaasipuhasti hari on kinni jäätanud, siis mootor ei hakka pöörlema. Suure käivitusvoolu tõttu mootori mähis ja sinna paigaldatud posistor kuumeneb kiiresti. Posistori takistus tõuseb järsult ning piirab voolu. Temperatuuri tõusul 100 kraadilt 150 kraadini kasvab posistori takistus rohkem kui sajakordseks. Varistor Varistor ehk VDC (Voltage Dependent Resistor) takisti on mittelineaarse pinge-voolu tunnusjoonega pooljuhttaksiti. Pinge suurenedes varistori takistus väheneb. Seda omadust kasutatakse tänapäeval eriti elektriseadmete kaitsmiseks liigpinge eest. Varistori tööpinge võib olla vahemikus 1...1000 V, töövool 1 µA ... 100 A. Kui tekib mingi pingeimpulss, siis varistori takistus väheneb ning ta juhib liigpinge tarbijast mööda. 36 Fototakisti Fototakisti ehk LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

Tehnika → Elektrotehnika
50 allalaadimist

Pärilikud Haigused, nende põhjused ja ravi

kooriongonadatropiini palju, on võimalik et lootel esineb Downi sündroom. Vajalik oleks teha täpsemad uuringud. Pilt Downi sündroomi põdev laps. · Suhkurtõbi · Suhkurtõbi on haigus, millele on iseloomulik liiga kõrge veresuhkru tase ning sellest tingitud häired. · I tüüpi diabeedi puhul tekib organismis täielik insuliinivaegus, sellepärast nimetatakse I tüüpi diabeeti ka insuliinsõltuvaks (inglise keeles insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - IDDM). Kõige rohkem on diabeedihaigeid (I tüüp) Soomes (30/100 000) ning kõige vähem Jaapanis (1/100 000). Eestis on umbes 10 juhtu 100 000 inimese kohta aastas. · Suhkurtõve peamised sümptomid on kõhnumine, rohke uriini eritumine, naha sügelemine, väsimus, nõrkus. · Insuliinsõltuv diabeet, Diabetes mellitus (lad. k.), Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (ingl.k) Põhjus ja Ravi ·

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
24 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America is one of the most influential countries in the world. Its’ influence can be seen even in Estonia. Estonian national security is built upon being a member of NATO and it is dependent on Article 5. Therefore, it is important for us to be in good political relations with America because it is the most influential member of the organization. To stay in good terms some of our political decisions might be affected by the United States, however, it will stay out of the public view. Although Estonia is not directly dependant on America economically but as the United States’ economy has an effect on the global economy, we are bound to be influenced indirectly.

Ühiskond → Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade...
4 allalaadimist

Green Illusions - book powerpoint - alternative energy

the way we think and talk about the problem. Though we generally believe we can solve environmental problems with more energy, Solar cells Advantages: Simple  Low cost  Reduce pollution  Increase home safety  Good for remote locations  Clean and renewable  No noise http:// g Solar cells Disadvantages  Pollution  Dependent on weather  Expensive to install  Takes lot of land http:// 2010/08/Nickel-Solar-Panels-2.jpg Solar cell energy  The Sun showers The Earth with more usable energy in one minute than people use globally in one year.  We could produce the entire energy consumption of the world, with

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ökonomeetriline projekt

t mudel on statistisliselt oluline. Tabel 5. Mudeli olulisus. ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 6225810,552 3 2075270,184 88,141 ,000b 1 Residual 1271430,828 54 23545,015 Total 7497241,379 57 a. Dependent Variable: kulu_riided_jalanoud b. Predictors: (Constant), töötus, kaalutud_hinnad_HICP, SKP_pc Tabel 6. Sõltumatute muutujate olulisus ning tolerance ja VIF näitajad. Coefficientsa Mudel Standardiseerimata Standardise t Olulisus Kollineaarsuse statis koefitsendid eritud

Majandus → Majandus
146 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

It influences the whole world with their political views, military forced etc. To my mind, one of the biggest influences that the United States has on us is the language. Estonian language surely is very beautiful but has a lot of loans from other languages. Also in colloquial language, especially with the younger generation, we switch a lot of words. Like instead of saying "vabandust" we say "sorry". Estonia is not economically dependent on the United States because they are not one of our most important trading partners, but as the economics of the United States has a great influence on the world economy, they can still indirectly have an influence on Estonian economy. Estonia is mainly influenced by the Americanization that is taking over the whole world. American products are everywhere: movies, music, trademarks. We eat at McDonalds, drink Coca-Cola basically everywhere, watch American movies from the TV every night, we

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
1 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

It influences the whole world with their political views, military forced etc. To my mind, one of the biggest influences that the United States has on us is the language. Estonian language surely is very beautiful but has a lot of loans from other languages. Also in colloquial language, especially with the younger generation, we switch a lot of words. Like instead of saying "vabandust" we say "sorry". Estonia is not economically dependent on the United States because they are not one of our most important trading partners, but as the economics of the United States has a great influence on the world economy, they can still indirectly have an influence on Estonian economy. Estonia is mainly influenced by the Americanization that is taking over the whole world. American products are everywhere: movies, music, trademarks. We eat at McDonalds, drink Coca-Cola basically everywhere, watch American movies from the TV every night, we

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Theatres in Estonia

Ugala Theatre, VAT Theatre and Von Krahl Theatre. Also there are three schools in Estonia which provide higher education in drama. The oldest and most academic of them is the Higher School of Drama at the Estonian Academy of Music. The Viljandi Cultural College and the private school 'Theatrum' at the Estonian Institute of Humanities. Theatres provide work for about 2000 persons all over Estonia. The future of Estonian theatre, which is fully dependent on the state purse, lies in the hands of politicians; they decide whether to continue subsidising the theatres. At the same time, a considerable part of the audiences are made up of young people. The fact that last year about 500 young people applied to the twenty places available at the Drama School, speaks volumes about the popularity of theatre in Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Jamaika referaat

Jamaica is a mixed economy with both state enterprises and private sector businesses. Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and financial and insurance services. Tourism and mining are the leading earners of foreign exchange. An estimated 1.3 million foreign toruists visit Jamaica every year. Jamaica's the number two exporter of Bauxite in the world, falling short only to the much larger Australia. The Jamaican economy is heavily dependent on services. The country continues to derive most of its foreign exchange from tourism, remittances, and bauxite/alumina. The global economic slowdown, particularly after the terrorist attacks in the US on 11 September 2001, stunted economic growth; the economy rebounded moderately in 2003, with one of the best tourist seasons on record. But the economy faces serious long-term problems: high interest rates; increased foreign competition; a pressured,

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Hamelti tegelased (Ingilse keeles)

Polonius is the father of Laertes and Ophelia. Horatio - Hamlet's close friend, who studied with the prince at the university in Wittenberg. Horatio is loyal and helpful to Hamlet throughout the play. After Hamlet's death, Horatio remains alive to tell Hamlet's story. Ophelia - Polonius's daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom Hamlet has been in love. Ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. Dependent on men to tell her how to behave, she gives in to Polonius's schemes to spy on Hamlet. Even in her lapse into madness and death, she remains maidenly, singing songs about flowers and finally drowning in the river amid the flower garlands she had gathered. Laertes - Polonius's son and Ophelia's brother, a young man who spends much of the play in France. Passionate and quick to action, Laertes is clearly a foil for the reflective Hamlet.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Komad inglise keeles

before the main clause. a. Common starter words for introductory clauses that should be followed by a comma include after, although, as, because, if, since, when, while. While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door. Because her alarm clock was broken, she was late for class. If you are ill, you ought to see a doctor. When the snow stops falling, we'll shovel the driveway. However, don't put a comma after the main clause when a dependent (subordinate) clause follows it (except for cases of extreme contrast). Incorrect: She was late for class, because her alarm clock was broken. Incorrect: The cat scratched at the door, while I was eating. Correct: She was still quite upset, although she had won the Oscar. (This comma use is correct because it is an example of extreme contrast) b. Common introductory phrases that should be followed by a comma include participial

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Word processing versus handwriring hinne 5

Personally, I struggle with this and tend not to proof read as carefully as I should. Another problem is when you are writing on paper and use improper grammar and misspell words there is nothing there to remind you of your mistakes but yourself. Whenever I write by hand I have to think a lot harder about how to spell certain words. I notice that my friends also do the same thing and we have to ask each other how words are spelt or if sentences make sense. We have become sort of dependent on word processing. Because of technology my writing has gotten more informal and it's easier to write in a personal or informal tone. Because I use technology so much to communicate to friends and family it is sometimes difficult to transition to scholarly and formal writing styles. This class has helped me practice writing in different tones. I have really learned to write to a specific audience instead of just writing to anyone. We have

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Hunting in Estonia

Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigee known density of the species in Europe Teine tase Kolmas tase The Eurasian lynx is the Neljas tase largest lynx species Viies tase Average weight 10-20 kg (max 32 kg) Life-span 15 years Multiplicity about 600 Last hunting season 87 lynx'es were caught These stealthy cats avoid humans and hunt at night, so they are rarely seen. The lynx are so dependent on their prey that their populations fluctuate with a periodic plunge in their predators numbers. Last hunting season 87 lynx'es were caught, but only 16 lynxes this season. On average one lynx kills about 50 roe deers a year. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) Hunting season 01.01-31.12 Wild boar is a typical Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigee fair game in Estonia Teine tase Average weight 80- 150 Kolmas tase

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Statistiline modelleerimine teooria kokkuvõte 2020

on ruutvigade summa kõige väiksem. Lineaarne- ehk paarisregressioon Eeldused:  Sõltuva muutuja andmed on intervall- või suhteskaalal (st on pidevtunnus);  Vaatluste sõltumatus;  Muutujatevaheline suhe on lineaarne – kontrollime hajuvusdiagrammiga;  Puuduvad märkimisväärsed erindid (outliers) – kontrollime hajuvusdiagrammiga; Koostamine JASPis:  Valige Regression - Linear Regression.  Tõstke sõltuv muutuja kasti nimega Dependent Variable ja sõltumatu muutuja ehk prediktor kasti nimega Covariate. Tulemuste tõlgendamine:  o Regressioonivõrrand: sissetulek = −3.57 × vanus + 409,98  a näitab, kui palju muutub y ühe x-ühiku muutumise korral (iga aastaga sissetulek väheneb 3,57 võrra)  Oluline on R2 ehk kui suure osa kogu ennustatava muutuja variatiivsusest kirjeldab ära prediktor.

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
33 allalaadimist

Powerpoint Republic of Irelandi kohta

In 1921 the northern and southern parts separated, the latter became the Irish Free State. Northern Ireland remained part of the UK In 1949 the southern part declared itself the Republic of Ireland Today Ireland has many political conflicts; many people have been killed in outbursts of violence Economic development Transport costs are high due to its location Low inflation and tax breaks attract foreign investors to the Republic The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture Tourism is a flourishing branch of the economy All the major cities lie on the coast or near the sea. They are Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Cork and Waterford Where to go? Ireland features wild coastlines, sandy beaches, lush valleys, dark peat lands and unruffled lakes. The island may be divided into the following parts: * Southeast Ireland * Cork and Kerry * the Lower Shannon * the West of Ireland * Northwest Ireland * the Midlands

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Tallinn Port and Airport

1999 ­ In december the reconstructed passenger terminal of Tallinn Airport was opened by Lennart Meri 2005 ­ Tallinn Airport became a "million passenger airport" 2006-2008 ­ The airport underwent a large expansion project 2009 ­ Tallinn Airport was renamed to Lennart Meri International Airport 4 Port of Tallinn Estonia has always been closely related to shipping and commerce, the Tallinn city development is directly dependent on the development of the port. State-owned Port of Tallinn was formed in April 1992, in 1996 it was changed to a public company, whose sole shareholder is the Republic of Estonia. Port of Tallinn consists of five harbors. These harbours are The Old City Harbour, Muuga Harbour, Paljassaare Harbour, Paldiski South Harbour and Saarema Harbour. All these harbours are navigable all year round. · Muuga Harbour ­ biggest cargo harbour in Estonia. It is located 17 kilometers east

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Gretl juhend 2016

Gretl - Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time Series Library Gretl on avatud koodil põhinev vabavara, mida võib legaalselt installeerida oma kodusesse arvutisse või sülearvutisse. Programmi koduleht TÖÖ PROGRAMMIGA Gretl Käivitada programm – avaneb menüü 1. Andmete importimine – File → Open data → Import → nimi.xlsx. Selleks et oleks võimalik andmetabelit Gretl-isse importida tuleb tabel eelnevalt sobivale kujule viia: a) kontrollida, et Exceli tabeli esimeses reas oleksid muutujate nimed (ei peaks sisaldama täpitähti) ning teisest reast alates andmed. sulgeda Exceli fail; b) avada programm Gretl; c) valida File/Open data/Import/Excel d) otsida Exceli fail (muuta Files of type) e) valida, mitmendast veerust ja reast importimist alustatakse f) näidatakse töölehtede , muutujate ja vaatlustulemus...

Informaatika → Infoharidus
16 allalaadimist

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

finances, etc.). But in today’s dynamic and rapidly changing world that doesn’t make sense anymore. The companies and organizations should think outside of the box and try to come up with innovative solutions to change the way they do things, even the smallest changes can make a big difference. 5. Explain which types of innovation would be relevant to include in your MA1 project – and why?  Network: the main function of the platform is dependent on the interaction of the customers (customers are the creators and users of the content on the platform)  Product system: future opportunities (e.g. access to audio books, finding tutors)  Service: people should trust the information on our platform, therefore we need to make sure how to make it trustworthy  Customer engagement: since the platform is based on interaction between two different types of customers (the ones looking for

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ökonomeetria Lab13 - Kantregressioon

(Tase 1, r1,2; r1,3 = 0) 3. Teostada regressioonanalüüs (Excel). 4. Märgistada ära piirkond: x1, x2, x3 ja y ja teha Kopeeri. 5. Avada STATGRAPHICS DEMO. Andmete sisestamiseks märkida ära: Analyze Existing Data In the Windows Clipboard Variable Names: from first row . Algandmete tabel ilmub ekraanile. 6. Menüüst SPECIAL - Advanced regression - Ridge Regression ja anda ette andmed: Dependent Variable: y Independent Variable: x1, x2, x3 ja teostada arvutused (vastata OK). 7. Ridge Regression'i nupurea nupuga 'Tabular Options' käivitada menüü ja valida Regression Coefficients: tekivad tabel ja graafik. Korrigeerida tabel ja graafik (pealkirjad, telgede nimetused, selgitavad tekstid - Graphics Options). 8. Graafiku korrigeerimiseks valida hiire parempoolse nupuga käsk 'Pane Options' ja valida Unstandardized Coefficients. 9

Kategooriata → Ökonomeetria
27 allalaadimist

Eksamieelduse töö

* Regressioonanalyys (harj9b). * valida yks kahest meetodist - ENTER, STEPWISE. * 3-5 so~ltumatut tunnust. REGRESSION /VARIABLES T71 T9 TO T11 /DEPENDENT T71 /METHOD ENTER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 SPSS/PC+ 6/12/ 2 * * * * M U L T I P L E R E G R E S S I O N * * * * Listwise Deletion of Missing Data Equation Number 1 Dependent Variable.. T71 Minu too paneb mind motlema Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 1.. T11 Te tootate 2.. T9 Teie vanus 3.. T10 Teie haridus Multiple R .49591 R Square .24593 Adjusted R Square .16792 Standard Error .79395 Analysis of Variance DF Sum of Squares Mean Square

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
156 allalaadimist

Hadrian's Wall

historic environment of England, describes it as "the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain".[1] Sections of Hadrian's Wall remain near Greenhead and along the route, though other large sections have been dismantled over the years to use the stones for various nearby construction projects. Dimensions Hadrian's Wall was 80 Roman miles (73 and a half Modern miles or 117 kilometres) long, its width and height dependent on the construction materials which were available nearby: east of the river Irthing the wall was made from brick shaped stone and measured 10 Roman feet (9.7 ft or 3 m) wide and 5 to 6 metres (16­20 ft) tall; west of the river the wall was made from turf and measured 6 metres (20 ft) wide and 3.5 metres (11.5 ft) high. This doesent include the wall's ditches, berms, and forts. The central section measured 8 Roman feet wide (7.8 ft or 2.4 m) on a 10 foot base. Route

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika

First Conditional: A real possibility in the future A First Conditional sentence is for future actions dependent on the result of another future action or event, where there is a reasonable possibility of the conditions for the action being satisfied. Formation: if + present simple, + will For example: If she gets good grades, she will go to university. We are talking about the future, but we use a present tense for the condition and will for the result. In this case, the person is sure about going to university. We can use other modal verbs in the result part of the sentence. For example: I

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

Evidence that centralised image of South African Budget imbalance ­ budgetary authority being devolved, though still territorial politics over-simplified? centralized. State governments in north eg hampered by low taxes (to No ­ the provinces remain fairly lacking in attract business) and inability to raise revenue through bonds. Thus, power, but there is a lot of politics going on there infrastructure development dependent on federal government. ­ eg issues around corruption, political Legacy of post-revolution consolidation of state power in federal appointments, intra-party politics etc. executive. Territorial parties: Democratic Alliance has been Local authoritarianism: Corrupt local/state governments which retain successful in Cape Town but not elsewhere ­ authoritarian features. Patronage, special deals, etc.

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

Or they might be curious or just bored. A person may use illegal drugs for many reasons, but often because they help the person escape from reality for a while. If a person is sad or upset, a drug can - temporarily - make the person feel better or forget about problems. But this escape lasts only until the drug wears off. Drugs don't solve problems, of course. And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the person had in the first place. A person who uses drugs can become dependent on them, or addicted. This means that the person's body becomes so accustomed to having this drug that he or she can't function well without it. Can I Tell If Someone Is Using Drugs? If someone is using drugs, you might notice changes in how the person looks or acts. Here are some of those signs, but it's important to remember that depression or another problem could be causing these changes. A person using drugs may: · Lose interest in school.

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Addiction and drugs

In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke. You may have heard people argue that marijuana is a "gateway drug" to harder drug use. Some say this is a myth, others insist it is a fact. The truth is that there is a link. Research shows that the earlier you start using marijuana, the more likely you are to become dependent on it or other types of drugs later in life. Marijuana is also known as : Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees, smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed, hash, tea, chronic, 420 4 2. Ecstasy Ecstasy's medical name is MDMA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine). It is a synthetic, mind-altering drug that acts both as a stimulant and a hallucinogenic. Research shows that

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

thermoplastics Properties isotropic Manufacturer independent of design Thermal strain limited < 100ºC NDE is defined for steel Testing is defined Corrosion and Design Life Thermoplastic Piping Design Comparison with GRP GRP Piping Manufacturer's use a variety of international, national or their own standards Some Codes require design for primary and secondary stress in static and dynamic modes whereas others do not Material properties highly dependent upon structure and resin Properties anisotropic Design is dependent on manufacturer's product design Thermal strain limited < 100ºC NDE is difficult to apply and is ill defined by standards Testing is defined Comparison to Other Materials Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Comparison to Other Materials Mode of Failure ­ Ductile Mode ­ Does not fracture ­ Cracks at Nodes Thermoplastic Piping Design ABS and Other Thermoplastic Pipe Materials

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Bora Bora

Bora Bora Today the island is almost entirely dependent on tourism. Bora Bora, as you know is a paradise for honeymooners. This island offers blue skies, blue sea, golden sands and green flora. Vaitape is the largest city of island Bora Bora Some of the bigger industries on the island include deep-sea fishing, with exports going mainly to Japan, as well as mother-of-pearl and pearl production. Agricultural practices produce sugar, vanilla, rum, and copra (used to extract coconut oil). Despite

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Prepositions and word formation (derivation) PREPOSITSIONS You need to understand what word means. Below phrases need to be learnt! · A connection between sth and sth else · To be based on sth · An outlook on life · To be crowded withpeople · By chance · To persist in sth · To be suspicious of sb/sth · To insist on sth · To one's surprise · The cause of sth · To take care ofsb/sth · To care about sb/sth · To punish sb forsth · The result of sth · to relate sth to sth else · to disapprove of sb/sth · to spend money on sth · a lack of sth · to have a liking for sb/sth · to lack in sth · to be equivalent about sth · to be worthy of sth · an insight into sth · to be confronted with sth · to forgive sb for sth · To rely on sb/sth · To depend on sb/sth · To distinguish between sth and sth · To try on clothes · To re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

Human form offers complete Human rights ­ not the rights what animals get from nature (food, shelter, clothing, etc) but what none but humans can get ­ the right to enlightement, the right to understanding the purpose of life, the right to understand the purpose of the world & living according to that purpose. BE A PART, NOT APART! In the human form we can attain completeness. Sense gratification is illusory completeness. Devotional service ­ real completeness. Our completeness is dependent, Krishna is independent. We are tiny, limited, therefore if we try to enjoy by our own, we will not get complete enjoyment. Because we are tiny, we can get only little bit ejoyment. But when we connect with Krishna, then because Krishna is infinite, our connection with Krishna enables us to experience infinite happiness. And that way by connecting with Krishna we attain completeness. (ie hand - when it's connected to the body is complete, when cut off from body ­ useless)

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Lühikonspekt - sotsioloogia meetodid

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse NB! Selle teema kohta ei ole meie kursuses eraldi loengut, aga ma eeldan, et te allpool kirjas olevat ikkagi üldjoontes teate, sest analoogsetest asjadest peaks teil olema juttu teistes kursustes; samuti õpiku peatükis 2. Sotsioloogia meetodid Teaduslike uurimuste liigid: - empiiriline uurimus: selle käigus kogutakse uurimisobjekti kohta uusi andmeid ja analüüsitakse neid; mõnikord ei koguta andmeid ise, vaid analüüsitakse kellegi teise poolt varem kogutud andmeid, ka sellisel juhul on tegemist empiirilise uurimusega; - teoreetiline uurimus: selle käigus luuakse uusi ideid ja analüüsitakse olemasolevaid ideid; - ülevaateuurimus: vaheaste empiirilise ja teoreetilise uurimuse vahel, varem tehtud empiiriliste uurimuste tulemuste analüüsimine. Metaanalüüs (meta-analysis) ­ üle...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
90 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

·Data Warehouse management ­data administration, ­changes/modifications, etc., process administration ·Data Access and Delivery ­reporting, analysis, data mining and discovery, data marts 25. Data Mart Development ·A data mart is similar to a data warehouse ·Designed for a specific department ·A data mart focuses on a single functional area ·Built from a subset of tables in the transaction database or warehouse ·Two basic types of data marts: dependent and independent Independent Data Marts ·Gets it data directly from the transaction systems ·Does not have the features of data integration, consistency, and cleansing ·Cannot support the information requirements of enterprise-wide decisions ·Many data warehouse efforts begin with independent data marts ·Some data marts have both dependent and independent features Dependent Data Marts ·Dependent data mart is warehouse-based

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Statistiline modelleerimine praktikumide juhised.

ehk ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) kasutamisest. Aga samuti on see meetod üsna laialt kasutatav erinevates mitut gruppi (st enamat kui kahte gruppi) võrdlevates uuringutes. (Parameetrilise) ANOVA läbiviimiseks on mitmed eeldused: Vaatlused on teineteisest sõltumatud; Sõltuv muutuja on GRUPPIDE LÕIKES normaaljaotuslik. Seda saad testida nii: Analyze ­ Descriptive Statistics ­ Explore. Dependent. Määrake muutujad ning Plots alt valige Normality plots with tests ning Histogram (graafiliseks representatsiooniks). Kirjeldava statistika tabelid sialdavad ka asümmeetriakordajat ning ekstsessi, mis aitavad määratleda jaotuse kuju ning selle suhestumist normaaljaotusega. Hajuvused on sarnased (SPSS-is Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variances näitab statistiliselt olulise erinevuse puudumist)

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
64 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun