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"-CASE" - 842 õppematerjali


Lufthansa Case

Angelina Kolesnik 114189 Lufthansa Case 1)I think that Herr Ruhnau decided to purchase the Boing jets at the right time. He couldn`t wait till the dollar/deuchemark exchange rate would drop. In addition he thought about safety of flights and wanted to renew company planes. We can also observe the given trend in movements of the dollar/deuchemark rate over previous 3 years. Trend tends upward, so the postponing the desision of purchase can bring company to a higher dollar exchange rate, that, as a result, will mean that expences will be substantially higher. 2)To leave the whole amount of exposure unhedged was too risky at that time. Herr Ruhnau wasn`t also hundred percent confident, that exchange rate would drop. Remaining the whole exp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Case Google

Case Google 1. What were the key factors behind Google's early success? There were 4 main key factors behind Google's early success: · Perfecting an innovative search engine- clearly the most important factor for Google's success. Google stopped counting keywords like old search engines and started using famous Page Rank algorithm. A reliable searches through the number of websites that link to a page to weight search result relevance. · Google focusing on the user- Focus on the user and all else will follow. Attraction for users were the no-nonsense simple white search pages and distractive colorful logo with no ads or editorial content on the page lead to easy and fast search that Yahoo couldn't imitate. · Google delivered search results people really wanted- trustworthy for users. The promised not to sell placement in search results to advertisers and instead ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Case NR1. Küsimused: 1. Kuidas iseloomustada sellist ettevõtet ning seal valitsevat töökultuuri? 2. Mis on põhiprobleem ja kas ning milleks on vaja muutusi läbi viia? 3. Kuidas säilitada hästi töötav meeskond ja samas ka võimekas ja vajalik müügimees? 4. Kas eelistada meeskonda ja riskida sellega, et hinnatud müügijuht läheb konkurendi juurde tööle? Või riskida sellega, et suurem osa meeskonnast lühikese aja jooksul sisekonfliktide tõttu lahkub? 5. Kas ja milleks tuleks organisatsioonikultuuri ja sisemist toimimismehhanismi muuta? 6. Millised oleksid muudatuste positiivsed ja negatiivsed mõjud? 7. Kuidas lahendaksid Enrico olukorra Sina? Vastused: 1. Tegemist on lameda ettevõttega. Firmat iseloomustab vaba suhtlus ja vahetu kommunikatsioon. Inimesed valivad ise töö stiili ja koormuse, nad töötavad kui üks suur pere. Töökultuur oli seal varem väga hästi toimiv, kuid firma laienemisega on asjaolud muu...

Õigus → Õigus alused
2 allalaadimist

Emergency situatsions, in case of fire

Emergency situatsions in case of fire · In the case of a small fire, a fire extinguisher can be used. However, you must already know how to use one, to be effective and timely enough for it to count. Keep yours in your kitchen, near enough to get to it quick, but not too close to the fire to reach it. Check it regurally to insure it would work properly if needed. · In the event of a larger fire, announce "FIRE!" loudly to everyone and gather all the people immediately and ask them to go out of the house via the nearest safe door or window. Do not re-enter the home! · If you are inside and don't know if there is fire on the other side of a door, test the door before you open it. To do this, kneel down to stay under the smoke levels. Reach up around half way up the door, and touch the door with the back of your hand. If there's a fire o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Case teemal Kellogsi tootepoliitika

Kadi Lõiv TU10 Tootepoliitika Kellog's Kellogs on maailma suurim teravilja toodete tootja, toodeteks on näiteks küpsised, kreekerid, hommikusöögi helbed ja külmutatud vahvlid. Tema kaubamärgi hulka kuuluvad maisihelbed, teraviljahelbed ja riisihelbed. Kellogs on ülemaailmne organisatsioon. Tema tooteid valmistatakse 19 riigis üle maailma ja müüakse rohkem kui 180 riigis. Meie ebakindlas maailma, on organisatsiooni strateegia , et tuleb keskenduda tootele ja kaubamärgile, mis on kas turuliider või tugeval teisel positsioonil, firma usub, kui keskenduda edukatele toodetele võimaldab see tagada järjekindla ja usaldusväärse tulu ning kasumi osanikele. Kui ettevõtte nagu Kellogs uurib muutusi turustamises võib ta kaaluda nelja elementi. Need on tuntud kui turunduse mix. · Toode ­ sellest elemendist tuleneb, kuidas firma vastab muutuvat...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
13 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

The case for socialism Four National faults Economic Inequality. The distribution of income and property is amazingly unequal. The most recent investigations suggest that 10 per cent of the population recieve over 45 per cent of the national money income, while 90 per cent recieve the remaining 55 per cent. The distribution of property is even more uniequal. 1 per cent of the population own 60 per cent of the saleable assets of the nations. Individual incomes range from £1 000 000 a year to £50 per year. This extreme degree of inequality is due to the right of inheritance at present vested in the legal institution of property. Large individual fortunes are, for the most part, made up of inherited property. The rich, as a class, are born with silver spoon in their mouths and the economic privileges that they enjoy were not acquired by the possession or exercise of great talents, but by the accident of birth. Social inequality. The appara...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Case teemal " Alustamine import/eksport ettevõttega"

Alustamine import/eksport ettevõttega Sa oled huvitatud import/eksport ettevõttest. Võimalik, et sa oled samal positsiooonil nagu mina 5 kuud tagasi, kui mul polnud eelnevaid kogemusi sellel alal. Kust alustada? Augusti kuus ma alustasin iseseisvalt õpinguid Ühendriikide viski ekspordiga Vietnami koos Georgetown-i professori Michael Czinkotaga, ühega raamatu autoritest. Me otsustasime teha protsessi käigus märkmeid ja jagada mõningaid ettepanekuid siin, et tulevastel õpilastel oleks kasu meie tööst. Ma viin teid läbi protsessi, kuidas ma viie kuu eest ei teadnud midagi impordist/ekspordist, nüüd on mul aga eksklusiivsed õigused eksportida Wasmundi, viski brändi, Vietnami. Eeltöö: Vaata, kuhu viib sind Google Esimesena tuleb alustada teemast ning tuleb täita informatsiooni tühimik. Tuleb ära kasutada kõik informatsiooni allikad, mis on sinu käsutuses, nagu näiteks veebilehed, raamatud ja personaalsed kontaktid, et kogu...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
20 allalaadimist

EU internal Market. Dog case

1. Can the PB&R company successfully claim any violation of the EU law related rights? Examination 1. Can we say that an animal (a dog) is a good? – Yes. According to Article 13 TFEU dogs do belong to a “goods” category so as it is described in CJEU case law that a good is a product which can be valued in money and which is capable of forming the subject of commercial transactions. Therefore PB&R company and its business is selling dogs, or shall I say goods not just on a local fields, but the movement of goods is linked to abroad EU countries by making a profit of it I shall conclude that it involves a “movement of goods within the EU Member States” (Articles 26 and 37). 2. Is there a restriction of trade in goods? a. Can we name an animal, or to be more exact a dog as a “good” – yes, in accordance of Article 13 TFEU: “In formulating and implementing the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory

1. Nouns: how is the plural formed? The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s: · more than one snake / snakes · more than one ski / skis · more than one Barrymore / Barrymores Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural: · more than one witch / witches · more than one box / boxes · more than one gas / gases · more than one bus / buses · more than one kiss / kisses · more than one Jones / Joneses BUT! Photos, kilos, pianos, zeros, studios, radios. When the word ends in the letter -y: · country / countries · family / families · story / stories Nouns ending in -f: (should be learned by heart) · calf / calves · elf / elves · half / halves · knife / knives · life /...

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

UML skeemide osade nimetused tõlgetega

Use case: Actor Tegutseja Collaboration Koostöö Dependency Sõltuvus Generalization Üldistus Note Märge System Süsteem Association Ühing Constraint Kitsendus Extend Laiendus Include Sisaldus Realization Realiseerimine Use Case Kasutus juhtum Component: Aggregation Koondamine Component Komponent Constraint Kitsendus Generalization Üldistus Interface Liides Note Märge Realization Teostus Association (Without Suh...

Tehnoloogia → Tehniline dokumentatsioon
17 allalaadimist

My dream home

MY DREAM HOME MIHKEL KUKK TAK-16 LOCATION • it would be located on Point Dume (Malibu). • climate would be sea like. • it would be near the sea. • on top of a cliff. • near a beach. TYPE OF HOUSE • a futuristic mansion. • inspired by the Stark's mansion from "Iron Man". ROOMS • 2 big bedrooms • A workshop • A pantry • Many bathrooms • A gaming room • A staff room • A kitchen • • A living room A few empty rooms • A man cave • A garage • A gym STYLE • Futuristic • White • Glass walls • Big • Lit • Roomie APPLIANCES • A ton of screens • Kitchen appliances • Flying and driving simulator • Holographic projectors • A huge TV • Consoles of any kind and type ...

Arhitektuur → Sisekujundus
3 allalaadimist


EESTI INFOTEHNOLOOGIA KOLLEDZ Andrei Belokurov MIS KASU ON KASUTUSMALLIDE MUDELIST (USE CASE MODEL)? Referaat INFOTEHNOLOOGIA SÜSTEEMIDE ANALÜÜSI ÕPPEKAVA Juhendaja: A.Mulin Tallinn 2011 1. MIS ON KASUTUSMALLID? Iga programmisüsteemi loomise eesmärk on sellise produkti loomine, mis aitab kasutajal teostada oma igapäevaseid tegevusi. Taoliste programmide loomisel kõigepealt määratakse nõudmised, mida antud programm peab täitma. Nende eesmärgid on: · väljatöötaja, tellija ja kasutaja vaheline kokkulepe sellest, mida peab tegema programmisüsteem; · väljatöötaja parema arusaamise saavutamine PS käitumisest; · süsteemse funktsionaalsuse piiramine; · aluse loomine projekti väljatöötamiseks; · kasutaja interface määratlemine. Kuid kui paluda kasutajal loetleda need nõudmised paberil, siis tihti või...

Informaatika → Infoharidus
5 allalaadimist

Manual regarding the Customs Treatment of Gifts and Items of Negligible Value

Manual regarding the Customs Treatment of Gifts and Items of Negligible Value Customs Procedures Branch Nenagh Date of Issue: December 2008 Date Updated March 2010 Queries: [email protected] VPN 63229/63234/63235 This manual provides a guide to the interpretation of the legislation governing the Customs treatment of gifts and items of negligible value and should be read in conjunction with that legislation. (Previously O. I. 107 of 2005, replaced by O.I. 69 of 2008 as amended by O.I. 64 of 2009) 1 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Organic Future: The Case of Organic Farming by Adrian Myer

Organic Future: The Case of Organic Farming by Adrian Myer Words: 1. Horticulture (aiandus)- the cultivation of a garden, orchard, or nursery; the cultivation offlowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants. 2. Caveat (hoiatus)- a warning or caution; admonition 3. Husbandry (põllundus)- the cultivation and production of edible crops or of animals for food; agriculture; farming. 4. Yield (tootma)- to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation 5. Intuitive (vaistlik)- perceived by, resulting from, or involving intuition 6. Cognition (tunnetus)- the act or process of knowing; perception 7. Silt (setted)- earthy matter, fine sand, or the like carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment. 8. Unequivocally (ühemõtteliselt)- in a way that is clear and unambiguous 9. Fungi (seened)- a taxonomic kingdom, or in some classification schemes a division of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

University of Tartu Faculty of Social Sciences and Education Institute of Government and Politics Marie Allikmaa The strategies of creating a dominant party ­ the case of United Russia Tartu 2011 After the collapse of USSR in 1991, many observers expected Russia to develop into a competitive party system. Yet, the reality quickly challenged this view. The developments of party politics in post-Soviet Russia have accurately been described in terms of a pendulum effect, as in the 2000s, Russia's party system did finally begin to take for, but with a remarkable twist. Following the break of one-party rule, Russia's party system became strongly fragmented - during the 1995 parliamentary elections, 43 parties competed for popular votes (McFault 1996: 90). In the 21st century, the pendulum has moved back, ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

TEADUSARTIKLI ANALÜÜS case study on promoting neuroplasticity in a patient with schizophrenia.

Artikli analüüs uurimistöö metoodikas. Antud uurimistöö probleemiks oli kognitiivsete defitsiitide esinemine skisofreenia haigetel, näiteks halvenenud verbaalse mälu ja pideva tähelepanu võime. Eesmärgiks oli tutvustada neuroplastika konsepti; uurida strateegiaid, mida psühhiaatriaõed saaksid kasutada, et parandada skisofreenia haigete kognitiivseid funktsioone, ning neid strateegiaid ka eluliselt kasutada. Uurimuse ülesandeks oli töös osalenud katseisiku nimega “H” viimine nii kaugele, et ta suudaks rakendada toimetulekustrateegiaid, et ta saaks hakkama positiivsete sümptomitega ja parandaks oma kognitiivset funktsioneerimist iseseisvalt.

Meditsiin → Õendus
0 allalaadimist

Ökosüsteemi teenused

Ökosüsteemi teenused ­ inim- keskkonnasüsteemide jätkusuutliku arengu vahend. Lapimaa metsa juhtumiuuring Soomes Sissejuhatus Ökosüsteemi teenuste(ecosystem services)(ÖT) kontseptsioon on teaduslikus metoodikas suhteliselt uus, pakkudes võimalikku lähenemist inimtegevuse tagajärjel toimunud ökoloogilistele probleemidele ning lahenduseks maakasutusega seotud probleemidele. Kuigi ÖT vastu on huvi nii teaduslikul, majanduslikul kui poliitilisel tasandil, on siiani avaldatud vaid mõned juhtumiuuringud. Antud töös uuritakse Lapimaa metsa häireid ÖTde ning maastikuplaneerimise vahel. Inimese ning keskkonna vahelised süsteemid on alati keerukad. ÜRO poolt toetatud Milleniumi Ökosüsteemi Hinnangu (2005)(Millenium Ecosystem Assessment) kohaselt on praeguseks 60% maailma ÖTdest kahjustunud. ÖTde lähenemine ühendab erinevad paradigmad ning uurimistraditsioonid sotsiaal-, majandus- ning keskkonnateadustest. Ökosüsteemide ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Company presentation (Deloitte)

Talking points What is Deloitte? History Deloitte in Estonia What is Deloitte? Deloitte is the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and tax services to selected clients. These firms are members of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, each member firm provides services in a particular geographic area and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country in which it operates. Deloitte with approximately 193,000 people worldwide with , is one of the Big Four professional services firms along with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. , and KPMG Deloitte history In 1845 William Welch Deloitte opened his own ...

Majandus → Juhtimine
25 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

Challenges of children`s “participation”: A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School Gerli Orumaa – 662974 9th of May 2014 Word Count: 8,800 `Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B.A. International Relations` Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: Citizenship, Children`s Rights and Participation: from the UN to the UK 6 Chapter 2: Citizenship Education in Wales………………………………………………14 Active Citizenship in Cadle Primary School: A Case Study 20 Conclusion 29 Bibliography 32 Appendices Appendix 1: The United Convention of the Rights of the Child Appendix 2: Interview with Jamie Richards, the Head Teacher of Cadle Primary School 2 Abstract: Children inhe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia 4. seminari kodutöö: The Price and Value of Children

ERLE MAIDO 155635TAAB11 21.09.2015 Laste hind ja väärtus 1. Milliste muutustega ühiskonnas on seotud lastele omistatud väärtuse teisenemine ajaloolises perspektiivis? Tooge vähemalt 3 näidet loetud tekstist. 18. sajandil tervitati vastsündinud last “talupoeglikus” Ameerikas kui tulevase töö tegijat, kes oli oma vanematele tuleviku kindlustuseks. 19. sajandi keskpaigaks muutus laps “linna” keskklassis ökonoomselt mõttetuks. Rahaliste hüvitiste asemel muutus tähtsaks laste haridus. Töölisklassi laste väärtus kasvas edasi. Järsk industrialiseerimine tutvustas lastele uusi tegevusalasid ja 1870. aastaks oli iga kaheksas l...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
26 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia Tekstid 1-3 2020

Majandussotsioloogia Seminar 2 Tekst 1 Jekaterina Bavõkina 193893TABB Tekst 1: Eesti Inimarengu Aruanne (EIA) 2016/2017, Põhisõnumid. Eesti rändeajastul. Tiit Tammaru, Kristina Kallas, Raul Eamets. Kättesaadav: - Mida tähendab mõiste „hargmaisus“? Kuidas väljendub hargmaisus tänapäevases Eestis? Milliseid probleeme ja ka uusi võimalusi see ühiskonnale endaga kaasa toob? Hargmaisus on inimeste ja ettevõtete ränne, nimelt nende tegevus mitmes riigis. Rändel on üks tunnusjoon: see on tõmme heaolu poole. Inimesed rändavad küll erinevatel põhjustel, olgu see töötamine, perega seotud tegurid, õppimine või põge- nemine tagakiusamise eest, kuid minnakse riikidesse, kus elu on parem. Eesti on pagulast...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
4 allalaadimist


Stress Stress is a necessary part of nature. It´s the organism´s defence mechanism for changes in the surrounding enviorment. Without it we could not survive. Stress has many effects on the body that are necessary for a reaction to the stressor. When an animal senses danger, it automatically triggers a fight or flight response. In case of a lifethreatening situation, stress is an invaluable ally. It can even motivate us to prepeare for upcoming challenges. But as we move further and further from our natural habitat, stress becomes more of nuisance than a lifesaver. Things that cause stress to the modern man are nothing compared to the problems that troubled our ancestors. Few hundred years ago the average european was still worrying about his livestock being looted. But we feel that a Powerpoint presentation that is due tomorrow is something that threatens our existance. Stress can cause some people u...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

Tallinn University TURKEY AND THE EUROPEAN UNION Tallinn 2013 INTRODUCTION The accession negotiations and the forthcoming Turkish accession present challenges to both Turkey and the EU. It is widely accepted that Turkey's accession would be different from previous enlargements because of the combined impact of Turkey's population, size, geographical location, economic, security and military potential. The case of Turkey will be different and more challenging from previous accessions for a number of reasons, some of them are presented below. Turkey is a country with a large population and geographic area. With a population of 74 million today, it is projected that it could be the largest member state at the time of accession. As a Moslem secular country, Turkey will also add a new demographic and religious dimension to the EU. Also, the presence of a large number of Turkish immigrants in European count...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arvutiprogramm juhtimisseadmed

KODUTÖÖ NR1. Tööriistad CAM – Computer Aided Manufaturing – Arvutipõhine tootmine on kasutusel tarkvara, et kontrollida tööpinkide tööriistu ja nendega seotud seadmete tootmisega toorikuid. AEC – Automotive Electronics Council – Auto elektroonika nõukogu on organisatsioon, mis seab USA kvalifikatsiooninormid komponentide tarnimiseks autotööstuse elektroonikatööstuses. CAPP – Computer-aided process planning – Arvuti abil protsessi planeerimise - on arvuti kasutamise tehnoloogia, mis planeerimise osa või toote tootmises. CAPP vaheliseks ühenduslüliks CAD ja CAM, kuna nähakse ette planeerimise protsessi, mida kasutatakse tootmiseks kavandatud osa. CAQ – Computer-aided quality assurance – Arvuti abil kvaliteedi tagamine on tehnika kohaldamine arvuteid ja arvutiga juhitavad masinad, kontrollib toodete kvaliteeti. MRO – Maintenance, repair and operations – Hooldus- ja remonditööd ning toimingud? Req.Man. –...

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
16 allalaadimist

Muusikalood kitarrile(akkordidega)


Muusika → Muusika
55 allalaadimist


SQL> SPOOL currently spooling to ülesanne_09.lst SQL> --Moodustage tabel tallede kohta (sünniaeg, sünnikaal, id-number, sugu). SQL> --Kirjutage skript, mis laseb sisestada tabelisse (asendusmuutujate abil) andmeid sündinud tallede kohta. SQL> --Iga looma kohta genereeritakse jada abil id-number; jäär saab paaritu ja utt paarisnumbri. SQL> CREATE TABLE talled ( 2 id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, 3 sunniaeg TIMESTAMP(0), 4 kaal NUMBER(6,2), 5 sugu CHAR(1)); Table created. SQL> CREATE SEQUENCE jaar_id START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 2; Sequence created. SQL> CREATE SEQUENCE utt_id START WITH 2 INCREMENT BY 2; Sequence created. SQL> INSERT INTO talled VALUES( 2 CASE '&sugu' 3 WHEN 'J' THEN jaar_id.NEXTVAL 4 ELSE utt_id.NEXTVAL END, 5 SYSDATE,'&kaal', '&sugu'); old 2: CASE '&sugu' new 2: CASE 'J' Enter value for kaal: 7.2923 old 5: SYSDATE,'&kaal', '&sugu') new 5: SYSDATE,'7.2923', 'J') 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO talled...

Informaatika → Oracle programmeerimiskeeled...
121 allalaadimist


Tingimuslaused Tingimuslaused suunavad programmi tegevuste sooritamist vastavalt sellele, kuidas on täidetud vajalikud tingimused. NB! *Tingimuslause kirjutamisel ümbritsetakse mitmest lausest koosnav grupp loogeliste sulgudega st võetakse gruppi. *Üksiku lause puhul loogelisi sulge vaja pole(kuid võib panna). *Võtmesõnadega(praegusel juhul if ja else-iga) algavate lausete lõppu semikoolonit ei tohi! Näiteks: if(x==o) //Kui muutuja x väärtus on 0, x=1 // siis omistada x-i väärtuseks 1. if lause if lausel on kaks kuju: A) Sisaldab ainult if operaatorit Ühelauseline if if(tingimusavaldis) lause1; Mitmelauseline if if(tingimusavaldis) { lause1; lause2; lause3; } B) Sisaldab if ja else operaatorit else osa täidetakse siis kui ta on väär(false) Kirjutamisel on kaks varianti if(tingimusavaldis) if(tingimusavaldis){ { lause1; lause1;...

Informaatika → Javascript
30 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine

Läks Aitab Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne J Igale Krapsule oma esside juhtimine ukule personaalne planeet! J gale Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do…Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For…Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Protsesside modelleerimise...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
21 allalaadimist

VBA Juhtimine

Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne p Igale Krapsule oma kom esside juhtimine kule personaalne planeet! J Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do...Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For...Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Protsesside modelleerimisest algoritmid protsesside juhtimine Programme...

Informaatika → Informaatika
37 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine informaatika 2

Läks Aitab Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne J Igale Krapsule oma esside juhtimine ukule personaalne planeet! J gale Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do...Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For...Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Prots...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

11.02.09 INGLISE KEEL Palju aega läheb. 10 nädalat aint. One of the ESP courses. What we are going to do, what is needed: · What we do - 1 test, on words. · 2 Essays, that means that we have to look into academic writing · Homereading ­ we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parl...

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist


EESTI INFOTEHNOLOOGIA KOLLEDŽ Täissummaator Digitaalloogika ja –süsteemid Praktikumi aruanne Esitatud: 25.11.2013 Tallinn 2013 1 Ülesande lahenduskäik ja selgitus 1.1 Andmevookirjeldus Kõige pealt teen XOR tehted kolme sisendiga, milleks on a, b ja c_in. Nende tulemusena saan kätte y väärtuse. Seejärel arvutan ülekande, milleks on c_out. Joonis 1 peal on valem, millega arvutatakse c_out. Joonis 1 ülekdande arvutamine. Co vastab programmis c_out. 1.2 Käitumuslik kirjeldus IF-ELSE lausega Esiteks kontrollin, kas sisendid a ja b on võrdsed. Kui sisendid a ja b on võrdsed, siis arvutan välja ülekande, milleks on c_out ja tehteks on XOR tehe, milles kasutan sisendeid a ja b. Lisaks väärtustan väljundi nulliga, milleks on y. Kui sisendid a ja b ei ole võrdsed, siis väärtustan väljundi y nulliga. Järgmiseks kontrollin, kas sisend c_i...

Informaatika → Digiloogika
14 allalaadimist

Clauses of purpose

Clauses of Purpose To, in order to/so as to, so that/ in order that, in case, for, with a view To- infinitive (I called mu brother to tell him the good news.) In order to + infinitive et (midagi teha) (I went to the bank in order to apply for a loan.) so as to + infinitive et (She attended a catering course so as to become a chef.) So that + can/ will (present/ future references) (Tommy has moved to the countryside so that he can have more relaxed life.) So that + could/ would (past references) (Sophia bought a sailing boat so that she could sail around the world.) In case + present tense (present/ future references) (Bring an umbrella in case there is a storm in the afternoon.) NEVER USED WITH WILL/WOULD In case + past tense (past references) (We booked a table for six in case Peter brought his wife with him.) NEVER USED WITH ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

9/6/2011 Eesmärk · Kursuse läbinud üliõpilane: omab teadmisi teadusfilosoofia sissejuhatusest, äriuuringute spetsiifikast, uuringu ülesehitusest ja uurimisprotsessi etappidest; teadmisi kvantitatiivsete ja kvalitatiivsete andmete kogumise ja Majandusalased uurimismee...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Writing a formal letter in english about a newspaper ad

Writing a formal letter in English An example of a task: You are trying to find accommodation for yourself in London while studying at a college there. You have the task of writing to Mr Sabir Siddique who has put the following advertisement in the newspaper. Read the advertisement and the notes you have made. Then write your letter to Mr. Siddique. Write a letter of 120 words. Do not write any addrsses. Flat to let Finsbury Park how far from central London? 10 minutes from Manor House tube Self-contained ground floor flat big enough for two? Bedroom, living room, study room Fully furnished what furniture? 90 pounds per week any extras to pay like electricity? Ideal for student 36 Stewart Street does it have a phone? available how soon? London N4 2PP 0181 809 7985 A letter starts with a date, except when it is said that the date is not necessary. Usually on national exam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

EU Internal Market Group Work I: History and Purpose of the Internal Market Please connect terms (numbers) with correct description (letter), for example 17 M 1 Common Market A ... is characterized by free movement of goods between the participating countries, but autonomous external trade policies in relation to non-participants. 2 Comparative B A top-down approach to integration that can be best Advantage explained by market failure. 3 Customs Union C Allows for specialization, specialization leads to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tüdruk perekonnast

Translation into English (Background Information: this is an excerpt from science fiction story for children set in the future.) ( ) «» - , . , . , , , , . , , , . , , . , . , , . , , . , . . . «» , , . , . . , -, . , , . , - , . «» - . , . . - - . - , , - , . - . , «» . «»? *. , , - , . , , . , , - , . - . * here the meaning is: "oh, absolutely everything" The "" is here used only for emphasis Vocabulary - young nature lovers' society +instr. - to look after - crew - hard - brave ­ resolution ­ luxuriant, splendid, bushy (of hair, beard etc) ­ to rummage in the engine / - to mend / ­ ...

Keeled → Vene keel
4 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

EU Internal Market Law Mid-term online evaluation assignment for Distance Learning Students The Assignment: Hypothetical Case In the Member State A several NGOs, uniting parents concerned with safety of children and young adults, ordered a study of dog attacks on people (and especially children) resulting in deaths or maiming. The aim of the study was to identify, if possible, the dog breeds of potentially enhanced danger for people. The study’s results showed that pit bulls and their close mixes as well as Rottweilers and their close mixes were jointly responsible for over 70% of attacks. The authors of the study explained the statistics by popularity, big size and powerfulness of the named breeds and their ability to do a lot of damage. Besides, about the pit bull attacks the absence of warning from a dog played a significant role, because due to the custom of docking (cutting short) pit bulls’ tails warning signals could n...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Film review

Päivi Margna Form 11 FILM REVIEW Film: Desperado Genres: Thriller, crime drama Director: Robert Rodriguez Release date: 25 August 1995 Main actors: Avtonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Joaquim de Almeida Company: Columbia TriStar Desperado is a crime drama written, directed and edited by Robert Rodriguez. It was released on August 25, 1995. Desperado is the sequel to El Mariachi and stars Antonio Banderas as musician El Mariachi. Mariachi is a musician who gets mistaken for a hitman tries to avenge the murder of his girlfriend. The movie also stars Salma Hayek, Quentin Tarantino, Steve Buscemi and Cheech Marin. The film takes place in Mexican border town where Bucho (Joaquim DeAlmeida), a wealthy but casually bloodthirsty drug kingpin rules. When `El M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist


Clauses of results Such a/an + omadussõna + ainsuses loendatav nimisõna Such + omadussõna + loendamatu nimisõna/mitmus Such a lot of + loendamatu nimisõna/mitmus So + omadussõna/määrsõna So much/little + loendamatu nimisõna So many/few + mitmus Clauses of reasons The reason for + nimisõna/-ing vorm The reason why + clause (he verb) Because of/on account of/due to + nimisõna Because of/on account of/due to the fact that + clause (he verb) Now (that) + clause (they verb) Clauses of results In order to/so as to + infinitive (formal) So that + can/will (present or future reference) So that + could/would (past reference) In case + present tense (present or future reference) In case + past tense (past reference) For + nimisõna (kui tahame väljendada tegevuse eesmärki) For + -ing vorm (kui tahame väljendada millegi funktsiooni) Prevent + noun/pronoun + (from) + -ing vorm Avoid + -ing vorm Clauses of contrast Although/even though/though + cl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Sagedamini esinevad korrosioonid

Aim To familiarize oneself with some more common instances of corrosion. Reagents Hydrochloric acid 0.1 M; sulphuric acid 0.1 M; zinc and aluminium granules; copper wire; solution of copper(II) sulphate; solution of copper(II) chloride; solution of iron(II) sulphate; solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); zinc-plated iron sheet; tin-plated iron sheet; iron paper clips; solid NaCl; urotropin. Equipment Test tubes, small beaker (50 cm3), centrifuge tube. Experiments 1. Making of a galvanic pair 1.1. Place a zinc granule on the bottom of the centrifuge tube and pour solution of hydrochloric acid on top. Write down the equation of reaction which occurs. Which compound is the oxidant, which is the reductant? Zn+2 HCl ZnCl 2 + H 2 -¿ H 2 Oxidant is H: +¿+2 e ¿ 2 H¿ 2+ ¿ ¿ ...

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
6 allalaadimist


Reumatoidartriit Aleksandr Petrojev Stud med IV Reumatoidartriit (RA) on krooniline süsteemne põletikuline haigus teadmata etioloogiaga, mida iseloomustab sümmeetriline, perifeerne polüartriit. Epidemioloogia: · 0,5-1% rahvastikust · Mõnedes Põhja-Ameerika hõimudes 7% · Aafrika ja Aasia populatsioonides 0.2-0.4% · Haigestumus: · 25-55 tõuseb ­ platoo ­ 75+ langeb · N:M 2-3:1 · Ladina-Ameerika ja Aafrika populatsioonides 6-8:1 · Vanemas eas erinevus sugude vahel kaob Deaths from Rheumatoid arthritis in 2012 per million persons. Statistics from WHO, grouped by deciles, 24 July 2016 Etioloogia: ...

Meditsiin → Reumatoloogia
3 allalaadimist

The Greenhouse Effects

The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. They know that greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer by trapping energy in the atmosphere. Climate Change: Climate is the long-term average of a region's weather events lumped together. For example, it's possible that a winter day in Buffalo, New York, could be sunny and mild, but the average weather ­ the climate ­ tells us that Buffalo's winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. Global Warming: Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keele siduvad sõnad

Listing Giving examples Generalising first, second, third for example in general first, furthermore, finally for instance generally to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole next that is as a rule Reinforcement in this case for the most part also namely in most cases furthermore in other words usually moreover Result/consequence Highlighting what is more so in particular in addition therefore particularly besides as a result/consequence especially above all accordingly mainly as well (as) consequentl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Logical argument

8. If________, then_______. 8. LOGICAL ARGUMENT 8.1 Questions or conclusions based on conditions with "if". If farmers really need to kill foxes, why don't they just shoot them? What if there isn't enough work to go round? What if the employers decide to introduce new working practices? And what happens if the two sides can't agree? What would happen then if state benefits were cut completely? If this also makes Britain more attractive for overseas visitors, so well and good. You'd only use capital punishment if you were absolutely sure that you'd convicted the right person. It'd be O.K. if they recognised the quality of the songs their grandmother had taught them and went on to sing them to their own grandchildren. 8.2 Questions based on conditions with sentence adverbials " then" and "so" We punish murderers and rapists on Ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

descriptive law (kirjeldav õigus) - laws which simply describe how people or even natural phenomenas usually behave nation (riik) - country with its own goverment citizen (kodanik) - person native of a country; realationship between country and a person stranger (välismaalne) - person who is unfamiliar, from another country penalty (karistus) - punishment fixed by law, as for a crime or from any soical groups goverment (valitsus) - organization which controlls a stre or community System of Courts (kohtusüsteem) - organization applying law in the name of states to commit a crime (kuritegu läbi viima) - breaking a law, usually given out by the goverment fine (trahv) - certain sum of money person pays for breaking a law corruption (korruptsioon) - dishonest or unethincal conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority suspension (kõrvaldamine) - form of punisment that people recieve for violating rules and regulations Civil Acti...

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist


Pronouns By: Anneli Võikar Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns. Types of pronouns Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Interrogative pronouns Indefinite pronouns Relative pronouns Possesive pronouns Reciprocal pronouns Pronoun case Personal pronouns Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on: number person gender Case Singular: subject- I, you, he, she, it ; object-me, you, him, her, it. Plural: subject-we, you, they ; object-us, you, them. Examples: 1) Do you like coffee? (subject) 2) John loves you. (object) Reflexive pronouns We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in "-self" (sin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Progress test 3 (unit 3) VASTUSED 10.klassile

PROGRESS TEST 3 (Unit 3) All right answers here  1.Fill in the missing words.Write only one word in each gap. 1.INSERCT 2.COLD 3.DATES 4.IF 5.WILL 6.HAVE 7.PASSPORT 8.MOUNTAIN 9.THINGS 10.SITUATED 11.RANGE 12.HELD 13.THESE 14.BOILING 15.SETTING 16.TEMPERATURE 17.RUN 18.CELEBRATE 19.CASE 20.TAKE 2.Circle the correct item. 1. A-INCLUDED 2. B-PLENTY 3. B-SURE 4. A-UNSPOILT 5. C-CUT 6. A- BY 7. B-EXTENSIVE 8. C-UP 9. B-TOUCH 10. A-WILL BE 3.Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two or five words including the word given.Do not change the word given. 1. IF HE DOESN´T GET INTO UNIVERSITY,HE WILL GET A JOB. word ( UNLESS) – HE WILL GET A JOB unless he gets INTO UNIVERSITY 2. TAKE YOUR ID BECAUSE THEY MIGHT ASK YOU FOR IT . word (CASE)-TAKE YOUR ID in case they ask YOU FOR IT. 3. I’LL WRITE TO YOU THE MOMENT I SETTLE INTO MY NEW HOUSE. word (SOON)- I’LL WRITE TO ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

1. Social Policy aspects in EU Treaties Social and employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of employment - Improved living and working conditions - Proper social protection - Dialogue between management and labour - The development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. Treaty of Rome: belief that improved working and living conditions would arise from the functioning of the common market – cooperation in the areas of employment, labour law and working conditions, vocational training, social security, occupational health and safety, and social dialogue. Improved mobility and professional opportunities of employees and introduced the equal pay for men and women – directly applicable. Single European Act: harmonisation of health and safety conditions at work; possibility for social partners at European level to negotiate collective agr...

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

kontseptuaalne süsteemianalüüs spikker

1. Milline alljärgnevatest väidetest on õige? mõlemad on võrdselt tähtsad + Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on teksti kirjutamine tähtsam diagrammide joonistamisest Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on diagrammide joonistamine tähtsam kui teksti kirjutamine 2. Kas äriprotsess on samal ajal ka tarkvara kasutusjuhtum (use case)? Joonige alla õige vastus. Võib olla küll, kuid kindlate tingimuste täidetuse korral Ei, kindlasti mitte Jah, kindlasti on 3. Millist loetletud diagrammitehnikatest ei kasutata põhimõtteliselt Eriksson-Penkeri ärimodelleerimise notatsioonis? klassidiagramm + ärikasutusjuhtude diagramm olekudiagramm tegevusdiagramm 4. Milliseid kasutusjuhtude mudelis identifitseeritud tegutsejaid (actors) ei ole vaja kasutusjuhtude diagrammis näidata? Valige pakutud vastusevariantide hulgast parim (s.t. täpne) vastus: toetavad tegutsejad vaadeldava süsteemi suhtes huvi...

Informaatika → Kontseptuaalne...
166 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun