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"law" - 775 õppematerjali

law - reform seisnes selles, et määratakse ametisse kuninga rändkohtunikud, neile antakse kaasa nn spikker, kuidas mingit olukorda lahendada.

Õiguse mõiste, tunnused ja tähtsus

nähtust. Esiteks, õigus kui ajalooliselt muutuv ühiskondlik nähtus ja üldine sotsiaalne kategooria (selliste mõistete kõrval ja seostes, nagu ühiskond, riik, majandus, kultuur jt). Teiseks, õigus kui konkreetne õiguse allikate süsteem; samuti õigus kui antud ühiskonnas selle liikmete suhtes kehtiv, või rahvusvaheliste või rahvusüleste subjektide suhtes kehtiv õigusnormistik; nt Eesti Vabariigi õigus, Briti Common Law, rahvusvaheline kaubandusõigus; samuti üldine õigusallikate jaotus, nt seadusõigus, pretsedendiõigus, ius respondendi jne. Kolmandaks, õigus kui üksik instituut ehk teatud juriidilise keskmõiste ümber koonduv normistik (nt autoriõigus). Neljandaks nn subjektiivne õigus, mida eriti interdistsiplinaarses kontekstis oleks mõistlik ja põhjendatud nimetada subjekti õiguseks. (Mario Rosentau 2004. aastal kaitstud väitekiri “Õiguse olemus: sotsiaalse käitumise

Õigus → Õiguse alused
29 allalaadimist


Noah, Adam, Abraham, Jesus and Moses, whom they consider prophets. They belive that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or alerted over time, but consider the Arabic Koran to be both the unalerted and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment. There are two main denominations in Muslims: Sunnis and Shias. The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam, which makes up 75%-90% of all Muslims. Sunnis are also called as Ahl as-Sunnah what means ,,people of the tradition". These hadiths, recounting Muhammad's

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Välismaalasele rahvusvahelise kaitse andmise seadus

Vt EU Council Outcome of Proceedings of CIREA Meeting with Representatives of the Courts and Other Review Bodies Dealing with Asylum on 28 November 2001, Summary of Discussions, Doc 5585/02 CIREA 7, Brussels, 22.03.2002, nr 4. Vt. Explanatory Memorandum to the Proposal for Council Directive of the EC Commission, COM 2001 510 final, 12.09.2001 J. McAdam, "The European Union Qualification Directive: The Creation of a Subsidiary Protection Regime", International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 17, No 3, 2005, p 465. T. Spijkerboer, "Subsidiarity in Asylum Law: The Personal Scope of International Protection", in Bouteillet- Paquet "Subsidiary Protection of Refugees in the European Union: Complementing the Geneva Convention?", Brussels 2002.

Õigus → Õiguse entsüklopeedia
67 allalaadimist

An analysis of the problem of Political Power - essee

if he or she rules illegally, it is called Tyranny. When a few people rules de jure it is called Aristocracy and when they do not have the legal right to rule, it is called Oligarchy. If many people rule de jure it is called Good- or The Real - Democracy, but if they rule illegally, it is called "Bad" Democracy. (McLaughlin, 2010) Secondly, Aristotle Politics: His dividing is the same as Plato's, but there are one little difference. If Plato divided good- and bad-ones considering law, then Aristotle considers goodness (good ­ the tule of common good, bad ­ for good of rules). Aristotle says that when many people rule for common good, it should be named mixed formal government and the bad form of government when many people rules is, according to Aristotle, democracy. (McLaughlin, 2010) Thirdly, Andrew Heywood Politics: Heywood divides the forms of government considering who rules and in who's interest does he, she or they rule. According to

Filosoofia → Sissejuhatus...
35 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad ADVERTISING

4. be in the red ­ when you account is overdrawn, you can be said to be in red. You have money but you owe it to the bank 5. be in the black - To be in black- you have money left on your bank account. 6. bank loan ­ when you loan money from bank 7. mortgage ­ when bank loans you money to built a house,( building society) 8. buy on credit - You can use this kind of buying if you don't have enough money to. To purchase, on a promise, in fact or in law, to make payment at a future day. 9. reduction - Discount. For example you get 5 euros off because you are a student. 10. give a refund ­ refunded money on st that you have bought , but you need to retur it 11. fee ­ money payd to a school or a lawyer 12. fare ­ money payd to a journey 13. income tax ­ tax collected on wages ans salariess 14. inhertance tax ­ tax collected from what people inharit from others 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Eksami spikker

1837 Morse elektritelegraaf. 1847-1854 George Boole, de Morgan. 1857 perfolint(Wheatstone).1867 "Type writer" sholes,glidden,soule.1879 Kaasaegse loogika alus: Gottlob Frege(öloob kaasaegse predikaatarvutuse). 1890 - Hollerith'i perfokaardid->sellest firmast tekkis IBM.1845-1918 elas, Hulgateooria: Georg Cantor.1920...Enigma kodeerimiseks ­ Saksa lennu-,merevägi.1935-1937 Turingi masin1936: Churchi lambda-arvutus.1930-1935-1937 Vannevar Bush MIT:dif. Võrrandite lahendamiseks(100t,tuhanded releed,150 mootorit,2000lampi). 1889-1951Ludwig Wittgenstein. 1938, Shannon'i magistritöö sidus: Boole algebra. Elektrilülitid ja -skeemid. Bitid ja info kodeerimise. Info otsimise algoritmid.1939-1942 Atanasoff. esimene elektronarvuti?1939-44 Mark I (Aiken)­ IBMi elektriline(releed)digitaalne arvuti(5t).1941-1944:Konrad Zuse. Z3, Z4. Releedega digitaalarvuti.1948 ­ I transistor(Shockley)- müüma hakkas Bell Corp.1949 - Maurice Wilkes koostas EDSAC, the...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
69 allalaadimist

Anglo-Saxon period. Kokkuvõte

patronage,he gave hands and privileges to people who were loyal to him when he needed it. The Domesday Book was the record of the great survey of England, executed for 'William the Conqueror'. The survey was similar to a census by a government of today. Magna Carta is an English legal charter. The Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights, respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law. Anglo-Saxon poetic forms:Didactic poems-stories from Bible about saints` lives and moral lessons Chivalric romances-plot is centred around a single knight who fought at tournaments,slayed dragons and underwent a series of adventures in order to win the heart of his heroine. Courtly love-lover idealised and idolised his beloved. Romances are divided:1)the matter of Britain:stories that centre on the pseudo-historical King Arthur2)the matter of Troy:tales

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Estonian Independence Day

The impetus for independence was provided by the National Front, Estonia's main ideological movement, which based its ideas on US President Woodrow Wilson's principle of self-determination. On April 8, 1917, Estonian organisations and military personnel totalling 40 000 held a demonstration in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) in support of self-government of Estonia. The organised, peaceful demonstration achieved its goal when, on April 12, the Russian Provisional Government signed the Law on Estonian Autonomy, which united the Livonian counties of Tartu, Võru, Viljandi, Pärnu and Saaremaa with Estonia. For the first time an Estonian, Jaan Poska was appointed as a Provincial Commissioner of Estonia. A six-member Provisional National Council, the Maapäev, was formed. The Maapäev appointed a national executive that began to organise and modernise local government and educational institutions

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Central Park'i tutvustus

2) Central park is an urban park in the central part of the borough of Manhattan, New York City. It was initially  opened in 1857, on 778 acres of city­owned land, later  expanding to its current size of 843 acres. Central park  is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in New  York.  3) Central park which has been a National Historical  Landmark since 1962, was designed by landscape  architect Frederic Law Olmsted and the English architect Calvert Vaux in1858. It is bordered on the north by  Central Park North, on the south by Central Park South,  on the west by Central Park West and on the east by  Fifth Avenue. The park contains several natural­looking  lakes and ponds which have been created artificially,  extensive walking tracks, bridle paths, two ice­skating  rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park  Conservatory Garden, a wildlife sanctuary, a 106 acre  billion­gallon reservoir and an outdoor amphitheater.  Indoor attract...

Keeled → Country Study
1 allalaadimist

"Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalkohus" teksianalüüs aine RIR6005 Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid tarbeks

organisatsioone. Karistamisel viib kohus juhtumit läbi alatest uurimisest, kuni karistuse välja mõistmiseni. Kohtu statuudis on omad puudujäägid, mis lubavad statuuti erineval viisil tõlgendada, nagu ka autor Sudaani presidendi näitel välja tõi. Kuid üldiselt toimub karistamine ICC’s õiglaselt ja vastavalt lepetele. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Hurd, I. (2010). The International Criminal Court. rmt: I. Hurd, International Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice (lk 223-249). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
5 allalaadimist

Majandusteaduse alused konspekt

Majandusteaduse​ ​alused Sissejuhatus​ ​majandusteadusesse.​ ​võimaliku​ ​tootmise​ ​piir. majandusteadus ● TEADUS​ ​on​ ​teadmiste​ ​kogum,​ ​mis​ ​on​ ​süsteemne​ ​ja​ ​mis​ ​võimaldab​ ​genereerida​ ​uusi täiuslikumaid​ ​teadmisi. ● MAJANDUSTEADUS​ ​on​ ​Sotsiaalteaduse,​ ​mille​ ​eesmärk​ ​on​ ​Majandusagentide​ ​(nt inimesed,​ ​ettevõtted,​ ​riigid)​ ​käitumise​ ​ning​ ​üldisemas​ ​mõttes​ ​majandusnähtuste​ ​(nt hinnad,​ ​kaubavood,​ ​migratsioon,​ ​tehnoloogia)​ ​kirjeldamine,​ ​mõõtmine,​ ​seletamine ning​ ​ennustamine. - Mikroökonoomika​ ​on​ ​majandusteaduse​ ​osa,​ ​mis​ ​uurib​ ​ettevõtete​ ​ja​ ​tarbijate​ ​käitumist turgudel​ ​(nt​ ​tööjõuturg​ ​ja​ ​kaubaturg). - mikroökonoomikas​ ​lähtutakse​ ​ühiskonnast - MAKROÖKONOOMIKA​ ​uurib​ ​majandust​ ​kui​ ​tervikut uurimisobjektideks​ ​on​ ​üldised​ ​rahvamajandus ● ...

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

the light’s energy. (Galenet) • Confirming his hypothesis through several experiments, Einstein won the Nobel Prize of 1921 for his works in this field. (Galenet) The Brownian Motion • Explained the movements of very small objects. (Galenet) • Examined molecular action that supported the Atomic Theory. (Galenet) The Theory of Relativity • First assumption was that the law of physics are the same from any frame of reference. (Galenet) • Second assumption was that the velocity of light will always be the same no matter what condition measured. (Isaacson, Einstein) • From the two assumptions, Einstein derived a mathematical relationship between the velocity of an object and its length. (Isaacson, Einstein) E=MC2 • Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. (Fara, EBSOCHOST) • Formula was derived due to Einstein’s

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Õiglus kui ausameelsus

Õiglus kui ausameelsus John Rawls John Rawls John Rawls (21. veebruar 1921 ­ 24. november 2002) oli USA filosoof, poliitilise filosoofia professor Harvardi Ülikoolis ning raamatute A Theory of Justice (1971), Political Liberalism, Justice as Fairness: A Restatement ja The Law of Peoples autor. Teda peetakse üheks olulisemaks 20. sajandi ingliskeelseist poliitilistest filosoofidest ja mõjukaimaks liberalismi pooldajaks pärast John Stuart Milli. Rawls on arvanud, et erinevused sotsiaalses staatuses, võimus, rikkuses ja intelligentsuses annavad privilegeeritud ühiskonnaliikmetele ebavõrdse positsiooni ka moraalireeglite suhtes. Rawls konstrueerib hüpoteetilise olukorra, kus inimesed saavad ise kehtestada ühiskonnaelu

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
22 allalaadimist


Nii oleks surmanuhtlus hiskondlike normide peegeldus. I've paid close attention to this issue. Unfortunately, not yet rahuaegset the death penalty in all countries in the Baltic countries belonging to the Board have been abolished. I've often been faced with the argument that public opinion is against the death penalty and the time is not yet ripe for this purpose. For and against The most common pooltvide the death penalty is the need for society. Indeed, the deterrent is the law and order. According scarytheory is necessary for the welfare of society to kill rioter, crowd of other people, a similar time to send something back to the idea. There have been countless studies, but none of them are proven, the death penalty would actually be an effective scary effect. In fact, quite the contrary is suggestive evidence: getting evens measures may have a negative impact on violent society, morality and the death penalty may increase aggression and even

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Õiguse süsteem - õiguskord

• Õigusnorm – säte seaduses (paragraf) Õigussüsteem Religioosne õigussüsteem Ilmalik õigussüsteem • Islami õigus - läänelik õigussüsteem • Heebria õigus - mandri-euroopa õigussüsteem;õigusaktid • Kanooniline õigus - anglo-Ameerika=common law (kohtulahendite kaudu) - Skandinaavia • Hindu õigus - sotsialistlik (Hiina,Kuuba) - Mitte-läänelik Normid tekivad: tava kaudu Sotsioloogid arvavad: 1.läbi juhi 2.kriisiolukord 3.situatsioon esmakordselt 4.teiselt rühmalt ülevõtmine Õigusvälised Õigusnormid

Õigus → Õigus
23 allalaadimist


Tuleks lahendada kolm alltoodud otsinguülesannet koos täpse sammhaaval kirjeldusega, milliste andmebaaside, linkide ja klikkide abil sai (lõpuks) jõutud taviliku artikli täistekstini. Samuti vastata küsimustele ülesande 3 puhul. Otsingu kirjeldus, pdf täistekstid ja vastused palun seejärel saata meili teel minule. (Kui pdf on raskendatud, siis sobib ka doc(x) faili kopeeritud täistekst koos ilmumisandmetega.) 1) Otsida ja leida TÜ õigusteaduskonna õppejõu välismaal avaldatud artikkel rahvusvahelisest õigusest seoses massiküüditamistega. Selleks, et esimesele küsimusele vastata, kasutasin HeinOnline andmebaasi. Lisaks sellele, tegin lahti Tartu Ülikooli õppejõu nimekirja ja vaatasin, kes on rahvusvahelise õiguse õppejõuks. Valituks osutusid 6 inimest: Rene Värk, Lauri Mälksoo, Elizabeth Teodora Kasa Mälksoo, Lehte Leesik, Katre Luhamaa ja Merilin Kiviorg. HeinOnline süsteemi „Full text“ alla panin otsingusse: „Õppejõu täisnimi + mass ...

Õigus → Teadustöö alused
7 allalaadimist

Majanduse põhiküsimused

kasutada samaväärselt erinevate hüviste tootmiseks, on TVK sirgjoon ning alternatiivkulu on konstantne. Kasvavate alternatiivkulude seadust tuntakse ka kasvavate kulude seaduse (law of increasing costs) nime all. Kui täieliku tööhõivega majanduses piiratud ressursside korral vajab ühiskond rohkem toodet Y, peab ta ohverdama mingi osa kauba X toodangust, sest tootlikke ressursse mõlema jaoks lihtsalt ei jätku. Kasvavate kulude seaduse (nimetatakse ka kulude suhtelise kasvu seaduseks, law of increasing relative costs) kohaselt kasvab Y toodangu mahu kasvades toote X loovutatud kogus (alternatiivkulu) iga toote Y lisaühiku saamiseks. Samale järeldusele võime jõuda vaadeldes mitte kulusid, vaid hoopiski saadavat tulemit. Nn kahaneva tulu (toogi) seadus (law of diminishing returns) näitab, et kui suurendada ühe tootmisteguri hulka ja jätta teiste tegurite suurus muutumatuks, on tulemuseks järjest kahanev toodangu juurdekasv

Majandus → Majandus
105 allalaadimist

Võrdlev õigussüsteemide ajalugu

Rooma-Katoliku kirik Religioossed õigussüsteemid Arhailine õigus Ilmalikud õigussüsteemid läänelik õigus Quasi-läänelik õigus mitteläänelik õigus Romaani-Germaani õigusperekond Sotsialistlik õigus 2 Kaug-Ida Civil law Angloameerika õigusperekond; Aafrika üldine õigus Common law Skandinaavia õigusperekond 1 Indias on 2 paralleelset õigussüsteemi ­ hindu õigus ja common law, kuid üldiselt peetakse Indiat kuuluvaks common law süsteemi. 2 Mõningates sotsialistliku õiguse perekonna maades, näiteks Põhja-Koreas ja Hiinas eksisteerib kaks paralleelset õigussüsteemi ­ traditsiooniline ja sotsialistlik. Üldjuhul

Õigus → Õigus
907 allalaadimist


gymansium, biathlon, pentathlon, decathlon, olympic, diagnoses, prognoses, analyses, technology, epic, drama, poem, tragedy, comedy, theatre, epilogue, prologue, methaphor CELTIC- welsh, walloon, wallnut, bannock, bin, brock, badger, caln, whiskey, lock, slogan, arthur, donald and mac. SCANDIAVIAN- take, taken, grasp, seire, catch, call, cast, hit, trive, want, raise, indow, husband, fellow, gate, sky, ski, skirt, skin, plought, ill, ugly, law, thrall, beck, tharp, breed, orientering and sorgasbord FRENCH- law, culture, fashion, religion, odour, slent, king, queen, lord, lady, duke, dutchess, baron, count, countess, page, marquise, prima, leisure, cards, chess, conversation, sport, veal, beef, mutton, venison, brown, parta, ham, gammon, question, mount, vapour, valentine, lediac, lone SPAIN- armada, comrade, renegade, flotilla, don, negro, cockroach, embargo, mosquito,

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

Alfred Marshall

Hiiumaa Ametikool Anneli Veel S16 TURUMAJANDUSETEOREETIKUD ALFRED MARSHALL Referaat Suuremõisa 2016 Sisukord Sisukord .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Sissejuhatus ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Elulugu .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Töö ja majandusalased ideed .............................................................................................................. 5 Olulisemad postulaadid ........................................................................................................................ 8 Kokkuvõte ..........

Majandus → Majandus
13 allalaadimist

Modal verbs

It is personal: I must get my hair cut. (This is me talking to me.) You must do your homework regularly. (A teacher talking to students) Must is also associated with a formal, written style: Candidates must answer four questions. (Instructions on an exam paper) Books must be returned on or before the date due. (Instructions in a library) 4 • Have to expresses a general obligation based on a law or rule, or based on the authority of another person: I can’t play tennis tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist. (I have an appointment.) Children have to go to school until they are 16. (A law) Mum says you have to tidy your room before you go out. (Mother’s order!) Must and have to are sometimes interchangeable: I must be home by midnight. I have to be home by midnight. Have to is used more often than must

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Õiguse entsüklopeedia eksami vastused

Utilitarismi järgi selguvad õigluse nõuded siis, kui vaatleme mingi teo või reegli tagajärgi. Seades iga teo ja reegli õigsuse sõltuvusse tagajärje headusest, allutatakse ``õige`` mõiste ``hea`` mõistele. Mõlema teooria ebapiisavus sai 20 saj. esimesel poolel väljendusvormi ­ kaks maailmasõda, fasism ja kommunism. Kuid uus inimväärtusi kaitsva õigluse mudel jäi loomata. 32 Rooma õiguse retseptsiooni mõju civil law ja common law erinevuste kujunemisel (Anepaio, Sissejuhatus õigusteadusesse) - Rooma õiguse retseptsioon Euroopas on pidev, läbi sajandite toimub protsess, mille arengus eristatakse mitmeid arenguetappe: 1) glossaatorite koolkond- 12.-13. saj 2) konsiliaatorite koolkond- 14.-15. saj Confidential SORAINEN ­ 8/13 ­ 3) humanistlik jurispudents- 16. saj 4) usus modernus pandecatarum- 17

Õigus → Õigusõpetus
497 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

Conroy acted as if Victoria was his daughter and had a major influence over her as a child. [2] Edward, Duke of Kent Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg When Princess Victoria of Kent was eleven years old, her uncle, King George IV, died childless, leaving the throne to his brother, the Duke of Clarence and St Andrews, who became King William IV. As the new king was childless, the young Princess Victoria became heiress-presumptive to the throne. Since the law at that time made no special provision for a child monarch, Victoria would have been eligible to govern the realm as would an adult. In order to prevent such a scenario, Parliament passed the Regency Act 1831, under which it was provided that Victoria's mother, the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, would act as Regent during the queen's minority. Ignoring precedent, Parliament did not create a council to limit the powers of the Regent. [3]

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Short overview of London

for centuries. London has always been the centre of the world. The origin of the city may be dated around the beginning of the 1st century when a Celtic tribe settled near the Thames. The Romans founded London about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word Londinios, which means `the place of the bold one'. The Romans brought with them forts, roads and the rule of law. Then in 61 AD Queen Boudicca led a rebellion against the Romans. Her army marched on London. No attempt was made to defend London. Boudicca burned London but after her rebellion was crushed it was rebuilt. By the end of the 2nd century, a 6metre stone wall was erected around London. The Danes invaded London in 842 and again in 851, burning most of the town. Then in 878, the Danes were defeated by King Alfred the Great and they split the country between them

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist


The Enlightenment was a period after the Renaissance where philosophers and scientists began to question previous ideas, which explains the motto of the enlightenment, "Dare to know", created by Kant.With this kind of terminology,enlighteners wanted to express human race exit from the mental blindness.Maiden enlightenment philosophers lived on the 17th century,its glory continued till the 19th century.The powerful Enlightenment ideas of the eighteenth century, concerning reason and natural law, spread widely throughout Europe and its colonies and gave hope to many people for future progress and reform. Sience development was the main reasons and it gave the push to enlightenment.It put hesitate in old belives and brought up intelligence.Mind and critical thinking importance pointed out french philosopher René Descarte.Therefore enlightenment was literatural and philosophical movement,which roots were in 17th century sience achievements.In 18th century

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Johnny Depp

See oli Deppi jaoks esimene muusikal ning lummas paljusid kriitikuid. Ta võitis selle eest Kuldgloobuse ning pälvis veel ühe Oscari nominatsiooni. 2009. aastal peaks valmima Michael Manni lavastatav film "Populaarsed vaenlased", kus Depp mängib gängsterit John Dillingeri. Samuti mängib Depp ka Terry Gilliami filmis "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus", kus ta jätkab vara lahkunud Heath Ledgeri osa täitmist. Temaga koos täidavad Ledgeri osa veel ka Jude Law ja Colin Farrell. Eraelu Johnny Depp on on olnud kihlatud näitlejate Jennifer Grey ja Winona Ryderiga ning supermodell Kate Mossiga. Aastatel 1983­1985 oli ta abielus Lori Anne Allisoniga. Johnny Depp elab prantsuse lauljanna ja näitlejanna Vanessa Paradis'ga Prantsusmaal ning neil on kaks last: Lily-Rose Melody (sündinud 1999) ja Jack (sündinud 2002).

Biograafia → Kuulsused
10 allalaadimist

Austraalia ajalugu

1853. Soon tin was discovered and a new industry grew. The population of Tasmania grew fast. The University of Tasmania was founded in 1890. In Tasmania, Whites killed many Aborigines during the 'Black War' of the 1820s. Others died of diseases. The 'war' between Whites and Aborigines began in 1804 with the 'battle' of Risdon Cove. The Governor from 1824 to 1837 was George Arthur. He declared martial law hoping to end the war between them. His attempts failed. And only few survivors were left.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

John F. Kennedy elulugu

John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Long time ago there lived a man who was the 35th president of the United States of America, his name was J. F Kennedy. He often refered to use his initials JFK. He was the yongest president, who has selected to be a president. But he was the president only 2 years, until his assassination in 1963. JFK was born in Brookline. JFK has moved a lot in his short lifetime. In 1935 he was hospitalized for two months of observation for possible leukemia. In 1940, Kennedy completed his thesis, ,,Appeasement in Munich", about British participation in the Munich Agreement. He initially intended his thesis to be private, but his father encouraged him to publish it. He graduated cum laude from Harvard with degree in international affairs in 1940, and his thesis was published that year as a book entitled Why England Slept, and became a bestseller. JFK was married with Jaqueline Bovi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

New energy sources

New energy sources Rauno Hermann Scheer Energy law ­ example for 47 countries 6.3% to over 20% Numerous awards including The Right Livelihood Award Renewable energy in world Investments 63 billion USD > 120 billion USD 20062009 Wind energy: 74 000 MW to 135 000 MW Solar energy: 5100 MW to 19 000 MW WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES TO TODAYS SOLAR, WIND AND BIOMASS ENERGY SOURCES? Osmotic power How it works? Pressure created by osmosis powers turbines Where could be used Where fresh and salt water meet (creeks, fjords)

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Lühikokkuvõte Harry S. Truman eluloost

nimest.  Tal oli üks vend ja üks õde.  Harry isa, John Anderson Truman oli farmer.  1887. aastal kolisid Grandview lähedasse farmi. Varajane elu  1890. aastal kolisid Kansas City lähedasse linna Independence, et Harry saaks õppida kirikukoolis.  Klaverit õppis kuni 15. aastani, siis läks ta õppima Independence gümnaasiumi.  1901. aasta lõpetas gümnaasiumi ja läks Kansas City Law Schooli õigusteadust õppima, aga lahkus pärast esimest semestrit. Varajane elu  Üks vähestest presidentidest, kes ei saanud kõrgharidust.  Pärast ülikoolist lahkumist, töötas raudtee ehitus firmas ja pangas.  1906. aastal kolis Grandviewsse, et aidata oma isa.  Töötas järgmised 10 aastat farmis. Sõjaline teenistus  Tahtis minna sõjaväe akadeemiasse, aga teda ei võetud vastu halva silmanägemise tõttu.

Biograafia → Kuulsused
11 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King

King was among the leaders of the so-called "Big Six" civil rights organizations who were instrumental in the organization of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which took place on August 28, 1963. The march originally was conceived as an event to dramatize the desperate condition of blacks in the southern U.S. The march did, however, make specific demands: an end to racial segregation in public schools; meaningful civil rights legislation, including a law prohibiting racial discrimination in employment; protection of civil rights workers from police brutality; a $2 minimum wage for all workers; and self-government for Washington, D.C., then governed by congressional committee. Despite tensions, the march was a resounding success. More than a quarter of a million people of diverse ethnicities attended the event. King delivered a 17-minute speech, later known as "I Have a Dream".

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Hunting in Estonia

Hunting in Estonia Ants Nokkur Metsandus I Introduction Hunting is the practice of killing or trapping any living organism 14 198 hunting license oweners in Estonia. In order to have the right to hunt a person must be at least 16-years old. Hunting seasons and limits Bag limits are provisions under the law that control how many animals of a given species or group of species can be killed There are seasonal bag limits in Estonia Open and closed hunting season. Big game 1. Brown Bear Ursus arctos 2. Wolf Canis lupus 3. Lynx Lynx lynx 4. Wild boar Sus scrofa 5. Moose Alces alces 6. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Hunting season 01.08-31.10 Biggest predator in Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigee Estonian forest

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Teaviku leidmine raamatukogude elektronkataloogidest, elektroonilistest, digitaal- ja virtuaalraamatukogudest

Praktiline töö Teaviku leidmine raamatukogude elektronkataloogidest, elektroonilistest, digitaal ja virtuaalraamatukogudest Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (kataloogi osa, otsingukategooria, otsisõna, piirangud). 1. Avage RR otsinguportaal. Leidke AÜ Kongressiraamatukogu (Library of Congress) ja Rootsi raamatukogude koondkataloogist LIBRIS teavikuid Fjodor Saljapinist. Kasutage erinevaid otsingu võimalusi (erinevad nimekujud, otsingukategooriad). Esitage otsingu tulemusena leitud kirjete arv. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Library of Congress: Esmalt otsisin lihtotsinguga Fjodor Saljapini järgi, aga vasteid ei tulnud. Seejärel proovisin ,,Shaljapin" ning endiselt ...

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
51 allalaadimist


haunting investigation and you have to know how to handle the psychological side of the job. · Moreover, as a ghost hunter, you are likewise expected to have knowledge in operating and setting up equipment which are necessary in every investigation. · It is also a plus if you have skills in film and photography since you should review the evidences being captured or gathered during the investigation. · The Paranormal Ghost website recommends skills in law, public relations and marketing as well. 5. Work conditions and salary: · Being a ghost hunter would require you to spend most of your time doing investigations from residential homes, churches, to haunted places. · You will also need to choose a place to review the evidences when you are not on the work field like a private office or a common working area with other hunters.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

He had lands in Britain & France. Then the government was the monarch, a person, not a place. He had more land than any pervious king. After his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine, he also ruled the lands south of Anjou. His empire stretched from the Scottish border to the Pyrenees. England provided most of its wealth, but the heart was Anjou. Henry II began to regain royal control. During the war some barons had become very powerful. He pulled down some of their castles. He tried to restore law & order. He wanted the same kind of justice to be used everywhere. He appointed his own judges to travel around the country. They dealt with crimes & disagreements over poverty. Serious offences were tried in the king's court. At first they had no special knowledge or training. They were trusted to use common sense. By the end of the 12th cent. They had real knowledge & experience of the law which became known as ,,common law", based on custom, comparison, previous cases & decisions

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

the NWS will be quoted here in full, rather than paraphrased: `Weberian' Elements · Reaffirmation of the role of the state as the main facilitator of solutions to the new problems of globalization, technological change, shifting demographics, and environmental threat · Reaffirmation of the role of representative democracy (central, regional, and local) as the legitimating element within the state apparatus · Reaffirmation of administrative law ­ suitably modernized ­ in preserving the basic principles pertaining to the citizen-state relationship, including equality before the law, legal security, and the availability of specialized legal scrutiny of state actions · Preservation of the idea of a public service with a distinct status, culture, and terms and conditions `Neo' Elements · Shift from an internal orientation towards bureaucratic rules towards an

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books, and other art objects. Such private collections are sometimes given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them. No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning much from it. Learning new things can be the most exciting hobby. Choosing an Occupation (2) I originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realized that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader -- as well as my powers of logic -- would probably serve me well in a legal career. That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on law twice a week. All that I have done and experienced in my studying of the basic aspects of the law has further stimulated and reinforced my interest in the law, especially international

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle Life Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to an English father, Charles Altamont Doyle, and an Irish mother, Mary Foley, who had married in 1855.] Although he is now referred to as "Conan Doyle", the origin of this compound surname is uncertain. Conan Doyle's father was an artist, as were his paternal uncles (one of whom was Richard Doyle), and his paternal grandfather John Doyle. Conan Doyle was sent to the Roman Catholic Jesuit preparatory school St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, at the age of eight. He then went on to Stonyhurst College, but by the time he left the school in 1875, he had rejected Christianity to become an agnostic. From 1876 to 1881 he studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, including a period working in the town of Aston (now a district of Birmingham). While studying, he also began writing short stories; his first published ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

New York City

New York City is on the east coast of the USA, in the south-eastern corner of New York State. It has a population of over seven million,the largest of any city in the country, and an area of 783 kilometres. The population of New York has contained members of many races ever since the 17th century. Nowadays about 40 per cent of its inhabitants are immigrants or have a parents who were. The city has over 20 000 hectars of parkland. One of the parks, Central Park, was designed by Frederic Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. Its 340 hectares contain half a million tees, several lakes, a rollerskating rink, a theatre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and much more. There are beaches in many parts of New York. One of the most popular is Coney Island Beach in Brooklyn. Visitors there can swim in the sea, enjoy the amusement park, eat hot dogs and visit the New York Aquarium, which contains about 10 000 fish. The New York authorities encourage learning for people of all ages and run thousands of

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Book Report "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Book report "To Kill a Mockingbird" Author The book was written by Nelle Harper Lee. She was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. She attended the local Huntington College and later studied law at the University of Alabama. She has won the Pulitzer Prize for that book and many other literary awards. Lee began to write "To Kill a Mockingbird" in the 1950s in New York and published it in 1960. Setting The action takes place in Maycomb, Alabama, a town invented by the author. Between 1933­1935. Maycomb is a quiet little town and many people there seem to be narrow-minded. Main Characters The main characters are Scout, Atticus and Jem. Scout is a little girl, she is intelligent, thoughtful and brave. She definitely seems boy-like because she isn't afraid to fight with boys. Scout also has a warm heart, she always has best intentions and worries about the poo...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
34 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

content. With its rise in popularity and acceptance by many, file sharing has sparked debate that questions the ethics of those that embrace it. In the United States, the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material is illegal. Thus, is the sharing of copyrighted files also illegal or should it be considered theft? Does the digital format in which the files are transferred protect the 2 distributors from the law? These questions are just a couple of the many that arise and are argued by advocates and opponents alike. Advocates of file sharing also support the notion that internet piracy has no economic impact and if it does, the impact is insignificant and can be easily defended. File sharers rationalize their actions based on the argument that they "would not have purchased the content anyway." In addition, it is argued that freely obtaining a digital copy of something does not have

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Canada/ Kanada

Newfoundland and Labrador. Eastern Canada refers to Central Canada and Atlantic Canada together. Three territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut) make up Northern Canada. Provinces have a large degree of autonomy from the federal government, territories somewhat less. Each has its own provincial or territorial symbols. Canada's two official languages are English and French. Official Bilingualism in Canada is law, defined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Official Languages Act, and Official Language Regulations; it is applied by the Commissioner of Official Languages. English and French have equal status in federal courts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions. The public has the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French, and official language minorities are

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


period of dramatic social and political change Population In 2006 the population of Quebec was 7,546,131 people Canadian 4,474,115 people60.1% French 2,151,655 people 28.9% Irish 406,085 people 5.5% Italian 299,655 people 4.0% English 245,155 people 3.3% North American Indian 219,815 people 3.0% Language The official language of Quebec is French. English is not designated an official language by Quebec law. Although it is used a lot. French 5,877,660 80.1% English575,555 7.8% Music A unique variety of Celtic music Excellent jazz musicians, A culture of classical music, And love foreign rhythms Cuisine Quebec's cuisine has a strong French and Irish influence. Many Quebecers go to the cabane à sucre (sugar house) for a traditional meal. Traditional meal that features omelette,

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Roman invasion

It was started by Julius Caesar, a Roman ruler. It is based on the movement of the earth around the sun, and so is called the 'solar calendar.' The solar calendar has 365 days a year, and 366 days every leap year, or every fourth year. The names of our months are taken from the names of Roman gods and rulers. The month 'July,' in fact, is named after Julius Caesar himself! Laws and a legal system The laws and ways we determine what to do with someone who is accused of breaking a law came originally from the Roman Empire. The Census The Roman Empire was huge and included millions of people living over a large area. How did they keep track of all these people? Easy! They counted them! The Roman Empire began the practice of taking a census, or a 'count,' of all the people within its boundaries every so often. Today, many countries like ours take a census every 10 years. Why was the Roman Empire important? The Romans, even today, play an important part in our lives

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Truancy in school – individual responsibility

attend the school and become an educated person and how education influences the life of the human being. But even if they fail to do that I think that it does not give the right to punish them. I think that in the UK the Education Act is too strict. According to the Guardian in November 2000 the maximum penalty for allowing a child to truant was raised from £1,000 to £2,500 and/or three months in prison. In Estonia the law is more loyal, the penalty is not so harsh. For example parents are not sent to prison and the amount of money they have to pay is smaller. But it is still wrong to fee the parents especially when dealing with the high school students. In conclusion I would like to say that truancy is the students' own responsibility and they should be completely responsible for their actions. Articles: Postimees- "Suurpopitajate vanemad hakkavad saama trahvi"

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 17

people to the capital The march ended in front of the Lincoln Memorial and Marthin Luther King (6) B "I have a Dream". In his speech king told about the dream that he had for his and all children. Because of his importance as a leader in the civil rights movement he (7) E . On 3 April 1968 he said in Memphis, "I don´t know what will happen now. We´ve got some difficult days ahead." THe next day when he (8) C he was shot dead. In 1983 the US Congress passed a law that that made his birthday a national holiday. It is celebrated on the third Monday in January to honour Martin Luther King´s work for peaceful ways to change life in America. preach a sermon - talk about a religious subject in church

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Sherlock holmes

Sherlock holmes 1. "Sherlock Holmes" is a mystery thriller and action movie. Where he solves mysterys with John Watson. 2. The main characters are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, the main villain is Lord Henry Blackwood. 3. Sherlock Holmes in being played by Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law plays Dr John Watson 4. The film is directed by Guy Ritchie. 5. The filmed it in diffrent country's, where the most is filmed in UK and some is filmed in USA aswell. But the the film is located in London. 6. Detective Sherlock Holmes and his stalwart partner Watson engage in a battle of wits and brawn with a nemesis whose plot is a threat to all of England. 7. After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


be removed from the system within 25 years. WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?: Every long-term successful and sustainable fishery, near-shore or high-seas, needs to be managed according to some basic ground rules: Safe catch limits, Controls on bycatch,  Protection of pristine (pristiin) and important habitats, Monitoring and Enforcement (inforsment).  It's fair to say that individuals cannot solve this global problem all by ourselves, we need politicians to strengthen international law. What we can do is make a difference. Over a decade (dekeid) ago many people started buying dolphin-friendly tuna. Now the time has come to buy ocean friendly tuna. Here are some of the actions you yourself can undertake. What everybody can do to help overfishing: Be informed, Know what you eat, Spread the word. CONCLUSION: Over three quarters of our planet are covered by the oceans. Their biodiversity is unmatched and they contain over 80 percent of all life on earth, mostly unexplored

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


That is why in all NSV Union territory, including Estonia, state notariate laws were used. In bachelor`s work according to the chosen topic are considered Estonian and Russian notarial systems. The purpose of the work is to compare the structures of Estonian and Russian notariates, to find the differences between the past and present structures, their positive and negative aspects, and to observe what changes have happened in notaries` work and in elements of law. Research concerns notary`s legal status, main aspects of notaries` work and their functions, notary post, notary appointment to the post and clearing of a post, notary`s responsibility and notary`s work supervision. In modern society notary is nor seller neither buyer lawyer, but both sides` adviser and the person who offers legally correct way. His duty and hope is to find the decision which would

Õigus → Õigusteadus
79 allalaadimist

Majandusmõistete seletus eesti ja vene keeles

inimene soovib ja suudab osta erinevate hindadega antud ajahetkel. Rahaga : , , kindlustatud vajadus 5) Hinnamõju, price effect - näitab, kuidas inimesed antud nõudluse juures sõltuvalt hinnast ostetavaid koguseid muudavad : 6) Nõudlusseadus, law of demand ­ inimesed ostavad tooteid ja teenuseid price - ; kõrgema hinnaga vähem ja madalama hinnaga, juhul kui teised tingimused - ; jäävad samaks (ceteris paribus). Nõutava koguse ja hinna vahel on Demand - : pöördvõrdeline seos Nõudluse mõjurid:

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun