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"case" - 842 õppematerjali

case – Computer-aided software engineering – Arvutigraafika tarkvara on domeen tarkvara tööriistadel, mida kasutatakse kujundamiseks ja et rakendada rakendusi.

Kasutaja: case

Faile: 3

Jutustus " My dream house"

As far as bedrooms they are very large, comfortable and elegant as well. There are soft, huge beds and many antique things. It makes me to feel comfortable. By the way, every bedroom has bathroom and toilet, which are spacious and modern. There are a majority of mirrors and wardrobes. There is no question that the accent of the house is living room, as it is the place where I can relax, watch TV, listen to music or just sit and look at the fire. In case I am speaking about my dream house, I must say that there without fail are sports hall with all modern and expensive sports equipment, and little relaxing sauna. There I could get a great rest for my body after hard day. In addition to this, I am able to add that there is a big kitchen in my dream house. The kitchen must be light and have all modern equipment such as huge fridge, microwave, modern oven, vacuum saucepans, dishwasher and some other things as dresser with amazing dishes

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist


motivation, and behavioral problems. The setup of the room where the session takes place is very important, in order to make the child feel comfortable and to allow the child to produce the music right. It should be a room dedicated for music. There shouldn't be other distracting things in the room. The room needs to be well lit and the temperature of the room should be moderate; it shouldn't be too hot or cold. It is important that the room offers easy access, in case they have a wheelchair. When it comes to the instruments to use it is good to have a wide range of different instruments from different places. It's good for them to be colorful, and to have different textures. The therapist should either play a piano or guitar to keep everything grounded and in rhythm. The most important thing, though, is to have high quality instruments and to keep them well taken care of.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
7 allalaadimist

Word 2010


Informaatika → Majandusinformaatika
38 allalaadimist

Eestlased eesti keele eest

Eestlased eesti keele eest Vanema põlvkonna inimesed teavad hinda, mida on pidanud eestlased maksma, et luua ja säilitada oma riik, kombed ja keel. Ent nooremate inimeste jaoks on eesti keele olemasolu iseenesestmõistetav ja seetõttu ei oska nad seda piisavalt väärtustada. Ei mõelda ka selle peale, et kui me eesti keelt ei kaitse ega sellest lugu pea, siis võib tulevikus tekkida olukord, kus eesti keele kõnelejaid, keda on niigi vähe, pole eneam üldse. Kuid mida saaksid eestlased eesti keele kaitsmiseks teha ja milliseid võimalused selleks on? Õige eesti keele säilimise võtmeks on see, et me õpiks seda rohkem, hoolikamalt ja pühendunumalt. Inimesed arvavad, et kui nad saavad oma keeleoskusega igapäevaelus hakkama, siis sellest piisabki. Kuid tegelikult peaks suurt tähelepanu pöörama õigekirjale, õigele sõnakasutusele ja lauseehitusele. Sest kui igaüks pidevalt oma suva järgi kõneleb, siis jää...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
29 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking ülevaade

Jumala mõistust."-S. Hawking Auhinnad ja auavaldused: 1975 Eddington Medal 1976 Hughes Medal of the Royal Society 1979 Albert Einstein Medal 1982 Order of the British Empire (Komandör) 1985 Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society 1986 Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics 1989 Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord 1989 Companion of Honour 1999 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society 2003 Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University 2006 Copley Medal of the Royal Society Kasutatud kirjandus opera-experiment/üüsika/Üldrelatiivsus.pdf http://math.ucr

Füüsika → Füüsika
20 allalaadimist

Vabakasvatuse slaidide tekstid

I SLAID Tervitamine :D In case you forgot. II SLAID Vabakasvatus on täiskasvanute ja laste koos kasvamine võrdsetel alustel ja kokkulepete pinnal, vabana võimust ja manipulatsioonist. Vabakasvatuse juhtmõtteks on: lapsed jäetakse rahule, aga neid ei jäeta üksi. Lapse käitumist ja mõtlemist ei soovita eesmärgipäraselt, oma mugavuse huvides muuta. Lapsega jagatakse oma elutee kogemust, väärtusi, elu ja maailma ilu. Koos kasvamine ­ see on ühine maailma tõlgendamine ja kujundamine, sügav lugupidamine lapse ja temas peituvate võimaluste vastu. See eeldab, et vanemad tegelevad pigem enesekasvatusega kui lapse kasvatamisega, sest laps jäljendab täiskasvanuid ja kasvatus on järgimist vääriva eeskuju pakkumine. Õiget eeskuju saab anda kõiges, kasvõi viisakas eneseväljenduses ­ näiteks ei parandata või keelata last juhul kui ta ei ütle "palun" vaid korratakse ise lapse soovi koos sõnaga "palun". III SLAID Vabakasvatus kogus Eestis laiemat kõla...

Inimeseõpetus → Perekonnaõpetus
2 allalaadimist

The Burglar on the Prowl

daytime and makes extra money through robbery in the nighttime. He winds up on the scene of a date rape, the theft of a safe and several murders. In the end he's the one behind unravelling the mistery. Carolyn Kaiser ­ Bernie's socalled soulmate, a dog groomer and at various times his assistent who helps him break into different buildings. Ray Kirschmann ­ A part of the NYPD, whom at first arrests Bernie and then recruits him as he realizes he can make money out of the case. Ray is clearly a corrupt officer. The story. The story starts off with Bernie having a few drinks at a local bar. Discussing robbing with Marty (a friend of his); Evidently Bernie breaks into an apartment and accidentally the owners of the apartment return. Bernie is forced to hide under the bed and witnesses a daterape. He then onward returns to his book store where a guy buys a book for 1300 dollars. As Bernie follows him, the man gets killed in

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essee õigusperekondadest

vastu on kohtusse pöördutud. Avalik hukkamõist võib aga saada saatuslikuks eriti viimastele, sest nad heidetakse välja sotsiaalsest rühmast, kuhu nad kuuluvad, ning tutvus- ja sõpruskonnast, mis toob kaasa isiksuse marginaliseerumise. Selle vältimiseks praktiseeritakse näiteks Hiinas ja Jaapanis laialdaselt võimalust lahendada vaidlused lepituskomisjonides. Selle tulemusel lähevad Jaapis kohtusse vaid nõrgad mehed. USA-s vastupidi, tehakse igast pisimastki probleemist kohtu case. Ka Eesti on minu meelest astumas samme sellise mudeli poole, kus püütakse seadustega reguleerida kõiki eluvaldkondi ja tulevalt Euroopa Liidu normidest ja määrustest, soovitustest ja eestlaste suurest pingutusest kõigile meeldida, jõuame kohati absurdsusteni. Nii on Eesti tõrkumatult vastu võtnud EL seadusi, mis näevad ette banaani lubatud kõveruse, liigitavad porgandi puuviljaks jne. Brüsselist tulnud ettekirjutised ja

Õigus → Õigus
80 allalaadimist

Types of Warehouses

This requires the warehouse to apply labor and, in some cases, special equipment to the customer's products, such as repackaging, further processing, or labeling. This not only changes the product but requires additional billings. Such services are generally performed along with other warehouse functions. Break Bulk Warehouses Warehouses that receive product in bulk, often by railcar, and then repackage the product based on customer requirements. In the case of containers with imported products, this generally requires the inspection and relabeling of product. Generally, special billing rules apply.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Teine kodutöö aines Mikroökonoomika II

Proof (calculated by midpoint formula): (0,92-1)/((0,92+1)/2) E = -0,833/0,296 = -2,81; |E|= 2,81 = (1,03-1)/((1,03+1)/2) Price elasticity of demand is bigger than 1, therefore demand is elastic. EXERCISE N. 3 If my income increases by 12%, then quantity of public transportation demanded drops by 6%. I can say that income elasticity of my demand for public transportation is negative and that public transportation is a normal good? In that case, public transportation is an inferior good (if change in income is positive, then change in demanded quantity of good is negative), because income rises by 12% nad demand drops by 6%, therefore m is positive and q is negative. For normal good if income increases then quantity demanded increases too. EXERCISE N. 4 Assume that individual lives for two periods and his income is accordingly 20,000 euro and 40,000 euro annually, real interest rate is 10%

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
15 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

Early chronicles of Estonian history illustrate this diversity of perspective. Johann Renner, a Baltic German, held his own people in high esteem, deeming them the people of God. He implied this when he wrote that God would save His people from the hand of Gog. He seems to indicate that Gog was the Muscovite people. Perhaps the Muscovite people truly were vicious towards Baltic peoples, but perhaps not. Whatever the case, his biases colored his writing, likely distorting the truth as to how things actually were and how events actually happened.1 The same can be said of chronicles written by German B. Russow, who praised Swedish rule, and D. Fabricius, a Catholic Pole who favored Polish rule and rendered a Polish perspective of history. Russian history during the imperial period also shows such an ideological influence. Juri Fiodorovitsch Samanarin, for example, strove to explain to the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

Over the last few years the attitude against ethnic monorities has been a frequently discussed topic in Estonia. Russians, who settled in Estonia during the USSR occupation are causing economical, racial and religious conflicts between them and Estonians. Although Estonians don't have any particular reason why we don't accept Russians as equals, we are used to just unaccept them. Religous percecution is a serious side of intolerance. Jew-baiting has been the bitterest case in history. Their percecution was caused by their antichristian beliefs and holding on to their own religion. Its culmination came during the World War II, when the massive Jew-baiting took place, known as the Holocaust. People's, who obeyed Adolf Hitler, tolerance changed to a very cruel way of intolerance. Very hot topic is also discrimination and not accepting homosexuals. Despite of that, many countries have allowed people with different sexual orientations to get

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

depend on them. Estonian national security is built up on being a member of NATO and the Article 5. Even now, American warplanes are in Ämari air base, showing that "the great United State of America has the back of the small Estonia". It is true that every morning we could wake up with the news that Russian tanks have crossed the border violently and that we no longer have our independence but the question is that will the United States actually be there for us in that case or will they trade us once again like after WW2. All in all, influence on Estonia is mayor and we certainly would not be where we are today without the United States. Whether the influence is positive or negative, we simply just do not know yet. The WW3 might have already started, most of us do not want to acknowledge it just yet, but if it does reach Estonia, we have to hope that the United States actually has our

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
1 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

depend on them. Estonian national security is built up on being a member of NATO and the Article 5. Even now, American warplanes are in Ämari air base, showing that "the great United State of America has the back of the small Estonia". It is true that every morning we could wake up with the news that Russian tanks have crossed the border violently and that we no longer have our independence but the question is that will the United States actually be there for us in that case or will they trade us once again like after WW2. All in all, influence on Estonia is mayor and we certainly would not be where we are today without the United States. Whether the influence is positive or negative, we simply just do not know yet. The WW3 might have already started, most of us do not want to acknowledge it just yet, but if it does reach Estonia, we have to hope that the United States actually has our

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonian language

13th century. Grammar · Typologically, Estonian represents a transitional form from an agglutinating language to a fusional language, the canonical word order is SVO. (subject-verb-object) · In Estonian, nouns and pronouns do not have grammatical gender, but nouns and adjectives decline in fourteen cases: nominative, genitive, partitive, illative, inessive, elative, allative, adessive, ablative, translative, terminative, essive, abessive, and comitative, with the case and number of the adjective(s) always agreeing with that of the noun (except in the terminative, essive, abessive and comitative) Vocabulary · Although the Estonian and Germanic languages are of very different origins, one can identify many similar words in Estonian and English · The percentage of Low Saxon and High German loanwords can be estimated at 22­25 percent, with Low Saxon making up about 15 percent. Dialects

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978) is an American professional basketball player who plays shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Bryant enjoyed a successful high school basketball career at Lower Merion High School, where he was recognized as the top high school basketball player in the country. He decided to declare his eligibility for the NBA Draft upon graduation, and was selected with the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets, then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. As a rookie, Bryant earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest. Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from2000 to 2002. A heated feud between the duo and a loss in the 2004 NBA Finals led to O'Neal's departure following the 2003­04 ...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
4 allalaadimist

France school

However, there are some private schools that are not subject to these obligations and particularities of the French education system. Nursery school classes accept toddlers at 2 or 3 years of age, starting in September. The children develop their basic faculties, improve their speaking skills and are introduced to the world of reading and writing, numbers and other key areas of learning. From age 6 to 11, the children attend elementary school which is mixed and freein the case of public (state) schools. The 'collège' accepts all pupils after elementary school without the need to pass an entrance exam. The teaching is structured by subject: French, mathematics, history-geography, 'civics' or civil education, biology and earth sciences, technology, art, music, PE, physics-chemistry. The objectives are fixed by national programmes. After the 'collège', pupils continue their education in a general and technological 'lycée' or a professional 'lycée'

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist

Should class attendance be mandatory for university students?

optional. While most people can agree on the necessity of class attendance in elementary, as well as secondary school being obligatory, then opinions on required class attendance at university are quite divided. Both two alternatives have their respective up- and downsides but all aspects considered, which is more beneficial? To start off, the students’ chosen specialty usually reflects their interests which means that said students, in fact, want to attend classes. In this case, it seems unnecessary to make classes mandatory as it will be more time consuming and virtually even pointless for them to explain their reason for absence. After all, it is relatively common that when students take interest in a subject, it is highly unlikely they will deliberately miss a class. Regardless of classes being enjoyable to students, there are always some exceptions. For instance, the lack of motivation is quite a frequent occurrence among university students. This

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Protsessid majanduskeskkonnas eksam

Tiim A Praktikum 4 1) Juhtumite tõsiduse astmed: Juhtum(minor incident) - tarkvara viga; visuaalne viga veebilehel Oluline juhtum(major incident) - tavalisest palju aeglasem laadimiskiirus; veebilehel olev link ei tööta Eriolukord(critical incident) - cloud, mida kasutame, on kõigi töötajate jaoks maas; turvarikkumine Kriis, hädaolukord(crisis) -kliendi andmete kadumine; kliendile suunatud teenus on kõigi klientide jaoks maas 2) Ticketi juhtimishalduse tööriistas võiksid olla järgnevad väljad suvalises järjekorras: *kategooria (määrata, mis valdkonna probleemiga on tegu, nt tellimus, maksed, etc) *osakond (automatiseeritud, info tuleb välja töötatud süsteemist vastavalt kliendi poolt öeldud probleemi sisule/kategooriale) *kasutaja nimi (osaliselt automatiseeritud), (kui oled varem mingeid välju oma kasutaja nimega täitnud, siis täidab automaatselt ära,...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide...
9 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

· P = MR > AVC , P = MR < ATC --> point where MC = MR minimize its loss Economic loss = Q (ATC - P) · When AVC < P < ATC, the firm can stay open as long as they can cover the AVC · If a firm can cover all of the AVC and even part of the fixed costs, they will lose less than shutting down, as MR < ATC Shutting down would mean losing everything and still have to pay for fixed costs, while in the loss minimizing case, costs are still covered Shut-down case This is when the amount of lost revenue that a firm gets from producing a unit is even greater than the cost of shutting down the company. · P = MR < AVC < ATC · The only time when a company should shut down! All the costs are above the equilibrium price line, meaning that the company will just lose money by producing its goods. Diminishing returns, production costs, product supply

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist


the moment. 3. fixed arrangements in the near future Past Simple + II / -ed 1. actoins which happened or finished at a definite time in the past Yesterday, last I went to the gym -?did+I 2. actions which happened repeatedly in the past but don't happen night/week/year/month, wtc, a yesterday. anymore. In this case we can use adverbs of frequency month/two years/three years ago, in 1964, etc. Past Was/were+I-ing 1. actions which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We don't While, when, as I was doing my

Keeled → Inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Endangered natural environments

thousand hectares The pollution leaving from the chimney of a power plant fly ash 2. Air pollution Am b ie nt a ir p o llutio n a nd a ir p o llutio n in c itie s a d ve rs e ly a ffe c ts h um a n h e a lth e c o s ys te m s a nd b uild ing s . North Estonian cities, depending on the increase in incidence has been observed in the increase in concentration of pollutants in the ambient air. North-east Estonian industrial area of respiratory case rate, higher than elsewhere. 3. Water pollution Inc re a s e s with th e num b e r o f p e o p le in th e wa te r c o ns um p tio n Fo r c e nturie s , p e o p le h a ve b e c o m e us e d to th e ir d a ily h o us e h o ld wa te r le a d o f m unic ip a l wa te r, a s it is c o nve nie nt T o d a y , o nly th e m unic ip a l wa s te wa te r d o e s no t s e e m to p a s s it into th e ind us tria l re s id ua l

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking Siim Lääniste,Kert Karing KV13 Biography Was born 8. January 1942 in Oxford,England Began his schooling at the Byron House School In 1950 Hawking and his family moved to St Albans where he attended St Albans High School for Girls for a few months In March 1959 Hawking took the scholarship examinations with the aim of studying natural sciences at Oxford Why he is a unique person In early 1963 he spent two weeks having tests in hospital and motor neurone disease was diagnosed It's where the muscles and bones became less efficient as he aged, it stopped his jaw bones from working He speaks through a computer what is on his wheelchair His IQ is 160 His IQ score ranks up with Bill Gates and Benjamin Franklin! Quotes Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Life would be tragic if it weren't f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Raamatukogu laenutusosakonna infosüsteem

..10 Kliendi pädevusala sisesed protsessid........................................................10 Kliendi pädevusala objektid.......................................................................10 Kliendi pädevusala sündmused..................................................................11 Kliendi pädevusalaga seotud subjektid......................................................11 Business Use Case diagrammid.................................................................11 Business Use Case-de kirjeldused..............................................................14 Kontseptuaalne klassidiagramm.................................................................17 Klasside definitsioonid.............................................................................18 2.2.3 Laenutaja pädevusala spetsifikatsioon....................

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide strateegiline...
112 allalaadimist

Hotellimajanduse globaalsed probleemid

On võimalik, et õige käitumise korral võib turism avaldada kohalikule kogukonnale positiivset mõju, seda läbi ühtekuuluvustunde, kogukonna majandustegevuse toetamise ja uute töökohtade loomise läbi. Ebakompetentse käitumise puhul on tagajärgedeks kultuurikeskkonna rikkumine, kasvavad elamiskulud, kohalike välja tõrjumine, kuritegevuse kasv, traditsioonide kadumine ja elukeskkonna saastamine.2 2 Sustainable Tourism and Economic Instruments: the case of Hvar, Croatia. 7 3. GLOBAALPROBLEEMID HOTELLIMAJANDUSES Ei ole olemas turismialast tegevust, mis ei sõltuks ühel või teisel moel keskkonnaressurssidest. Näiteks kasutatakse loodusvarasid turistide varustamiseks kütte, elektrienergia, toidu, sanitaarteenuste ja joogiveega. Keskkond peab vastu võtma tekkinud jäätmed (nt olmejäätmete ladestuspaigad). Turism jätab sageli selle ressursisõltuvusega arvestamata

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
132 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

· Names of sports, games, activities, days, months, elebrations, colours, drinks, meals. · Languages, unless they're followed by ,,language" (I speak Spanish, BUT the French language is spoken in Canada) · Countries like Germany, India, Australia NB! Exeptions are The Netherlands, the Gambia, the Vatican. · Streets, squares, bridges, parks, railway stations, mountains, individual islands, lakes, continents · Posessive adjectives or posessive case (That is my car) · Restaurants, shops, hotels etc which are named after people who started them (McDonald's) · Words: bed, hospital, college, court, prison, school, university when refferred to the purpose, why they exist. (The injured girl had to be taken to hospital. BUT we went to the hospital to visit Tina) · Word work (= place of work) · Words: home, mother, father etc when we talk about home/parents

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Health topic

The goal of medicine is to save lives. Also medicine relieves suffering. Medical care consists of three main elements: the diagnosis, treatment of disease and the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Diagnosis is required for every health problem. To identify the diseas or damage the doctors use tools and apparatures, ask the patients questions about their condition and past illnesses.According to that treatment is done. People usually do not need treatment in case of minor illnesses and injuries. In more serious cases a doctor may prescribe drugs, surgery or other treatment. In case of surgery, a patient must go to hospital where they recieve round-the-clock care from doctors, nurses and other skilled workers. Prevention and promotion can be done in many different ways. Doctors can vaccinate people against diseases, they can advise people to have healthy diets and to get enough rest and exercise

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Kolmas artikkel „Landscape as medium and method for synthesis in urban ecological design“ seletab, kuidas nähtav maastik võib tunduda nii tavaline, et nende tõelist potentsiaali on eiratud või pole lihtsalt tähele pandud. Leitakse, et õppides maastiku erinevaid funktsioone rakendades võib leida linnadele ökoloogilisemaid disaine. (Nassauer 2012) Neljandas artiklis „A network approach to assessing social capacity for landscape planning: The case of fire-prone forests in Oregon, USA“ käsitletakse põhiliselt metsaga maastikke. Kuidas suured ja intensiivsed metsatulekahjud võivad maastikku muuta ja kuidas seda ära hoida või taastada. Uuriti erinevaid riskitegureid ja milliste organisatsioonide koostööl saaks maastikke kaitsta. (Fischer, Vance-Borland, Jasny, Grimm, Charnley 2016) Viiendas artiklis „Research productivity and utilization in landscape architecture“ kasutatakse maastikku kui uurimisobjekti

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

Crime and the Law

a) The customs officers arrested Bob and charged him with smuggling. b) The police spent all morning searching the house for .............. c) Jean left her car in a no-parking area and had to pay a/an .............. d) Unfortunately at the end of the trial my brother was found .............. e) The trial took a long time as the ..............couldn't reach a verdict. f) George won his case because he had a very good defence .............. g) The police visited Dawn and asked her to make a/an .............. h) Because of his past criminal record, Brian was the main .............. i) Pauline decided to sue the police because she had been wrongly .............. j) The murderer of the children received a life .............. Task 5. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. a) Most schools in my country no longer have D

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

earnings before interest and taxes - if the country prefers the latter), but discusses also the benefits of using asset values as the base. It concludes that in many cases determining the market value of land, buildings, and e.g. intellectual property may become too complicated to arrive at reasonable results across different companies in different sectors, therefore preferring the earnings. There are some shortcomings to use earnings as a measure of economic activity – for example in case of a loss- making entity – but there are ways to overcome this by using targeted rules to carry forward (or back) the disallowed or unused interest expense. The definition of earnings is also to exclude income which is subject to favorable tax treatment (i.e dividend income in many countries) to limit its ability to fund tax exempt or tax deferred income. The main drawback of the OECD’s proposed fixed ratio rule is the flexibility of the term “fixed”

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

I believe that knowledge that is obtained with difficulty is more valuable when it comes to human sciences. Easily produced scientific knowledge tends to have little value and it’s because scientific knowledge is mainly discovered and not everything will be discovered at once. First theories are formed based off of existing facts and information and then scientists look for evidence to support their theories. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t. In the case of the discovery of DNA structure and function it took countless trials and errors before Watson and Crick were able to propose the double helix. To accomplish that they relied heavily on the discoveries that other scientists had made 1 before them. Mainly on Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction images of DNA.1 The knowledge obtained took a lot of effort from many different scientists along with a lot of time to produce

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

For example they have snowmobile safari to wilderness, SantaClaus safari, Legend of four winds, huskysafari, Ride of your life and many more. We decided to go on a ride of our lives, meaning reindeer safari. These organized safaris are the attributes of the image of Lapland. That is usually the main reason why tourists go there. So in that case Moscardo et al.´s model is very accurate by focusing on the activities as the main factors in decision making process. Basically the choice of the destination was very easy to make. As it says in the model that the destination choice is based on a match between perceived activities offered and preferred activities. For us the match was perfect and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility

able to bend further than normal. The syndrome is generally induced by changes in bone structure. It occurs in about 10%-25% of the world’s population.1 Joint hypermobility causes several effects, both positive and negative. This essay describes the syndrome briefly as well as discusses the benefits and consequences of the condition. However, the expedience of the condition outweighs the negative issues JMS can bring about. Hypermobile joints are a serious case in which the tissues that hold the joint together – ligaments – are detached. In most cases, hypermobility is caused by the deviation of tissue proteins - such as collagen - synthesis; bone structure: bone shape or the depth of the joint sockets; muscle structure: muscle tone and strength; poor sense of proprioception; genetic heritability. Sometimes weak muscles have an impact on the development of hypermobility as well. On rare occasions, hypermobile joints are the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Võrdlev raamatukogundus

raamatukogudes: ülevaade suundumustest maailmas (erinevust mõjutavad tegurid); f) Globaalne võrdlus (global comparison)- nt. Raamatukogud/ raamatukogundus XX sajandil (ajaline); D. Collings (1971) eristab 3 võrdleva analüüsi dimensiooni: 1. piirkonna uuringud (area studies); 2. rahvuste ja kultuuride vahelised uuringud (gross natural/cultural studies); 3. näidisjuhtumid (case studies). Juhtumi/näite uuring (case study)- John F. Harvey artikli järgi keskendub case study ühe riigi kirjeldamisele, ilma võrdluseta ja keskendub ühele teemale. Enamus rmtk. case studysid on pigem ajaloolised, kirjeldavad ja informatiivsed, kui teaduslikud. Nad võivad olla huvitavad, kuid enamasti nende usutavus on tõestamata seetõttu tuleb neile läheneda ettevaatlikusega. Piirkonna uuringud (area studies)- Harvey artikli järgi reastab raamatukogu piirkonna uuring rmtk. omadused ühes riigis või maailma piirkonnas. See on enamasti kirjeldav ja võib pakkuda algandmeid

Informaatika → Infoteadus
41 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

Therefore, All Swans are Birds C=Birds Therefore, All A are C This is not a valid form. This argument does not have a valid form Therefore, this argument is invalid. Validity and Truth values Valid Invalid False premises False conclusion False premises True conclusion True premises True conclusion True premises Nothing False conclusion There is only one case where the truth values of the premises and the conclusion determines the validity/invalidity of the argument: If an argument has true premises and a false conclusion, then it is necessarily​ an invalid argument. The validity of an argument is generally not determined by the ​truth values​ of the premises and the conclusion. - The validity of an argument is determined by its form. - An argument is valid if it has a valid form. Example: If I am Guilty, then I am Punished

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Are young people living in Estonia patriots of their homeland?

When speaking of patriotism, already The Constitution of Estonian Rebublic states that the main aim of our country is to assure that our nation, language and culture will be preserved. Many people have argued whether young Estonians are patriots of their homeland or not and there have been many different answers to that question. One the one hand, young Estonians are very supportive and helpful when there is a crisis situation in our country. For example, in case of the disturbances in April 2007, young men where ready to go as voluntaires to protect our country. Also, more an more young people are interested in taking part in the Song and Dance Festivals. Where they can wear our national clothes, sing our national songs and dance our national dances. And they do it with pleasure and proudness. Everyone who has been there, including me, know how every song and dance makes you feel more Estonian and what an overpowering feeling of unity it gives

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Lebel and the Jackal

all figured out on his mind. He was, as a human, actually quite nice to some people, but he could not let anyone to interrupt his task, otherwise he killed them. The Jackal had to make many difficult decisions during the hunt, what were a matter of life and death and he always chose the one, which let him live. I think that in his private life he was very handsome and gentlemanlike. He tried not to link his private life and work, but in one case he did and that nearly cost his life. The Jackal's personality was doubled - first was what he was like at work and the other in his normal life, the last one is based on my opinion. He was very persevering and earnest during he was at work, but caring when not. His opponent was Claude Lebel, a very intelligent man, who was deeply specialised in tracking and detective job. He was hand-picked by the French intelligent to find out the real identity of the Jackal and his location

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Hüdroenergia - ettekanne

In 2005, renewable energy represented one-fifth of total power generation. Hydropower is the most advanced of the renewable and represents 87% of this production. 160 countries all over the world are using hydropower. Five countries make up more than half of the world's hydropower production. Those countries are: Brazil,Canada, China, Russia and the USA. (Production) *Most of the energy comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. In this case the energy extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. *Pumped storage hydroelectricity produces electricity to supply high peak demands by moving water between reservoirs at different elevations. At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the reservoir. And when there is a big demand, like in the evenings, then the water is released and flows through the turbines.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Present Simple & Continuous

I You work here. ... do not (don't) work ... We They Do you work here? ­ Yes, I do. / No, I don't. He She works here. ... does not (doesn't) work ... It Does she / he work here? ­ Yes, she / he does. / No, she / he doesn't. Time expressions always often not often never usually normally rarely sometimes occasionally hardly ever when after before unless in case as soon as until Uses - for permanent facts - for actions and situations which are generally true - for habits and routines PRESENT CONTINUOUS bebe++ ­ing ing I am (I'm) You are (you're) She/He/It is (she's/he's/it's) (not) + working here. We are (we're) They are (they're) Are you working here? ­ Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Is he working here? ­ Yes, he is

Keeled → Inglise keel
133 allalaadimist

Stephen Hawking

2005) Auhinnad ja autasud 1975 Eddington Medal 1976 Hughes Medal of the Royal Society 1979 Albert Einstein Medal 1982 Order of the British Empire(Komandör) 1985Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society 1986 Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics 1989 Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord 1989 Companion of Honour 1999 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society 2003 Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University 2006 Copley Medal of the Royal Society 2008 Fonseca Price of the University of Santiago de Compostela 2009Presedental Medal of Freedom , Kõrgeim tsiviil-au Ameerika Ühendriikides Kasutatud kirjandus http://www.annaabi

Füüsika → Füüsika
30 allalaadimist

Recreational use of Pärnu river (essee)

Recreational use of Pärnu river The catchment area of Pärnu river is 6920 km2 (For example Emajõe river drainage area is 9740 km2). The output is 70m3/s, mean altitude above the sea level - 50 m, maximum altitude - 78 m, mean flow 64,4 m3/s and precipitation 700 mm. Main problems are floods, agricultural pollution, pollution from the local communities, drainage system and flood plain grasslands. There is an excessive flooding in spring. The most known is the Soomaa swamplands flooding in april. It is called to be the fifth season. A lot of rich soil are situated near the pärnu river, for example some of the biggest farmlands are situated in the Järva county. 83% of phosphorus and 79% of nitrogen originates from human activities of the total discharge of biogenes from Pärnu River basin. The soil does not bind a huge amount of the nutrients. 65 % of the treatment plants are over 15 years of age and most of them are programmed in ...

Maateadus → Hüdroloogia
17 allalaadimist

Emprical social research

2. Which research design was applied? 3. Which sampling was used? 4. What kind of results are produced? 5. What are the main messages of this paper? 6. Is it a piece of quantitative or qualitative research? 1. Women entering in the Labour Force 1.1. How women actually make the decision to enter the workforce? Why women stay in the workforce? If women actually make the decision to enter the workforces? 1.2. Research design was Case Study. 1.3. Sampling based on differrent international researchers works, projects, statistical data derived from CSO Labour Force Statistics and interviews. 1.4. 1.5. Individual women make decisions whether to enter the labor for different reasons and ways. Importance of women´s individual preferences and her insistence should be taken under consideration. It cannot be assumed that women are only at home because of obstacles to labour force participation

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


10.New elements 11.Druids in Britain 12.Picture Halloween is a holiday in many English speaking countries that is celebrated on the night of October 31st. Children wear costumes and they go to peoples' homes saying "Trick or treat!" to ask for candy, sweets in the United Kingdom, or lollies in Australia, and then people give it to them. This practice originally involved a threat. A threat is when someone says that they will do something bad if they do not get what they want. In this case the threat could be explained as: "Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you." Children today usually do not play tricks if they do not get treats. However, some children still get up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing on windows with soap or throwing eggs at peoples' houses). People sometimes dress up as ghosts, witches, goblins and other scary things for Halloween. Traditional halloween decoration

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonian Defence League

Estonian Defence League In this world, different people like different things. Some people are into dancing, but some people are into war games and military things. For those, who like the last ones, there is a special organisation, that raises love to our home country in young people. Estonian Defence League even protects our country in case of a war or emergency. It has and always will be free and open to all of those, who are even a little bit interested in it. The Estonian Defence League was preceded in 1918 by Estonia's first armed home defence organisation: The Citizens' Defence Organisation (Omakaitse) against the public disorder accompanying the Russian Revolution. On 11 November in 1918 the Citizens' Defence Organisation was renamed the Estonian Defence League which performed the tasks

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Shatelie world

Shatelie smiled and said she had no idea how this was even possible, because her father was a farmer. "A farmer?" asked the man, "A nice-sounding word to my mind, but what does it mean?" "Well, he owns a large amount of land, where he creates life-forms like plants and so!" "So your father is a god?" "I guess so, in some examples!" "And you are a goddess?" "Shatelie, actually!" "And can you create plants?" "But of course! I even helped to grow the Royal Roses!" "But in that case ­ you're no demon! You came here to save me, my Goddess!" And the man started to play the violin again, but this time the melody was blooming and filled with happiness! Shatelie was happy and stayed there with the mysterious man for the end of her long and a happy life... The End

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Essee In war, there are no unwounded soldiers

doesn`t want to remember. Some soldiers do not have strong nervous system and they can go crazy, some of them can go even a bedlam. If the soldier has been in the war but haven't had any visible injuries it doesn`t mean that he isn´t wounded. We can never know what he saw and how did it effect him mentally. Furthermore, every soldier who dies in the war leaves a grieving relative behind. It can be a mother, a father, a wife, a husband or in the saddest case a child who now have to grow up with one parent. We can never know how some soldiers died, but with every death there will be questions like: "How did he die? Was it quick? Did he suffer? Was he alone? What were he`s last words?" We can never know what were he`s last thoughts or what he was feeling before death but we always wish that he died peacefully. Finally the wounded ones, who have to live with their injuries for the rest of their lives. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Staffing - Xculture

Their tasks would be the direct selling (i.e. door-to-door selling, attending fairs and trade shows) and also meeting with the potential retailers and vendors, who could start selling Daffodils products. The sales manager should be an expatriate, who has experience in the sales field and knows the products and the company. The expatriates could be used to train the locals to become the sales representatives and agents. In that case there would not be a need to raise the training costs. As countries have different legal systems the persons hired to the legal department have to be familiar with the local laws for sales and trading and also with the local labour law. The best way to be ensured of that is to hire local staff to make sure the paperwork and legal side is correct and according to the law. To succeed entering the new market the marketing department would need to hire locals as

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"Legal english vs everyday english" speech

Legal English dates back to thousands of years and it is an essential part of law. Lately, in some cases, legalese has been smoothly replaced with plain language and for some it is unacceptable. So, why use legal English when there is already plain language that can be used instead? Body 1: Firstly, we all like to follow traditions, right? So do most lawyers. You know Latin was and is important for English law, the practice of using Latin word versus in case names (for "against") still occurs daily. Why change something that has been used and appreciated for thousands of years? Law is known for it's conservatism and legalese might have maintained so well because many lawyers have learned it's value and feel special to be one of the few who can understand it. Secondly, legal language includes some very complex linguistic practices of an ancient profession, so maybe the best way to

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

BMW summary

BMW case study Nimi BMW was established in 1916 and has been growing strongly since that time. By the late 1980s it employed some 54 000 people, was the 7th largest automobile manufacturing company in the world, and had subsidiaries in many European countries, South Africa, New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Japan. By 2006, BMW had 22 production sites in 12 countries and delivered 1 138 000 cars to costumers. Its major market is Western Europe (59 per cent of all cars sold), though China is an increasingly important market for luxury Rolls-Royce cars. The company has its own six inner values, which are communication, ethical behaviour to its staff, achievement and remuneration, independence, self-fulfilment and the pursuit of new goals. This value-oriented policy came from senior managers back in 1980s. The company also emphasises extensive consu...

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

5C’s of Credit

5c’s of Credit When you apply for a loan, the lender will evaluate your request in order to determine whether or not it is a good decision to lend you and your business money. A common evaluation framework is the Five C’s of Credit: capacity, capital, collateral, conditions and character. Capacity refers to your ability to meet the loan payments. The prospective lender will want to know exactly how you intend to repay the loan. The lender will consider the cash flow from the business, the timing of repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan. Lenders will also consider payment history as an indicator of future payment potential. For example, if you have a history of not paying back loans then it becomes more difficult to obtain additional loans. Capital is the money invested in the business and is an indicator of how much is at risk should the business fail. Lender...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun