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"basketball" - 139 õppematerjali

basketball - 275 calories Cycling- 350 calories

Kasutaja: basketball

Faile: 1

About myself

The time spend on a good book is never wasted. Reading is a rewarding pasting. And of course I like music! I'm fond of music of the 60s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly. The songs of the Beatles give me much delight and pleasure. Besides, I am a great theatregoer. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the theatre. I'm not keen on television. Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as volleyball, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football. And the last thing I would like to tell you about things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, so this year after finishing school I try to enter the University, to build the home of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist


on visata pall määruste päraselt vastase korvi ning takistada vastasel viskamast palli enda korvi. Korvi langenud pallidelt arvestatakse võistkonnale punkte. Mängu lõpuks rohkem punkte kogunud võistkond võidab. Korvpall on lihtsa ning odava varustuse ja kergesti mõistetavate põhimõtete tõttu laialt levinud spordiala. Ülemaailmset korvpallialast tegevust juhib alates 1932. aastast Rahvusvaheline Korvpalliföderatsioon FIBA (prantsuse keeles Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur), millel on üle 150 liikmesmaa. Liikmesmaade kokkuleppe järgi kehtestab see organisatsioon rahvusvahelised korvpallireeglid, mille järgi peetakse rahvusvahelisi võistlusi. Iga liikmesriigi korvpallielu korraldust juhtiv organisatsioon (Eestis vastavalt Eesti Korvpalliliit) võib kehtestada esindatava riigi piires täiendavaid reegleid või teha neis mööndusi. FIBA pädevusse kuulub ka kohtunikele rahvusvahelise (kõrgeima) kategooria andmine.

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
33 allalaadimist

Future Forms ( slaidid )

(ähvardused, hoiatused) Future Simple "Somebody will win Eurovision next year as well." · future facts - actions, situations, events which will definitely happen and which we cannot control (tulevikus toimuv, mille üle kõnelejal puudub kontroll) Be going to · "We are going to buy a lot of food." · plans, intentions (isiklikud plaanid, kavatsused) Be going to · "I am going to become a professional basketball player." · Ambitions (ambitsioonid) Be going to "Look! The cat is going to yawn!" · prediction based on evidence (ennustused tõendite põhjal) Present Continuous I am flying to London tomorrow. · Fixed arrangements for the near future (kindlad kokkulepitud ja juba korraldatud tegevused lähitulevikus) Present Simple "My train leaves at 12.30 tomorrow." · timetable events - timetables, programmes etc (sõiduplaanid)

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Eesti ajakirjad 2014

vastavat erialast väljaõpet. Nende kriteeriumide järgi võib jaotada Turu-Uuringute AS poolt 2014. aasta läbi viidud ELU uuringutest saadud ajakirjade nimekirju järgmistesse rühmadesse: Tabel 2. Üldsuunitlusega ajakirjad Huviala-ajakirjad Eriala-ajakirjad Digi Anne & Stiil Eriala Autod Director Diplomaatia Autoleht Eesti Töötervishoid Iluguru Basketball Ehitaja Inseneeria Barbie Forbes Eesti Kodutohter Buduaar Õpetajate Leht Kultuur ja Elu Cosmopolitan Keel ja Kirjandus Looming Diivan Lasteaed Loomingu Raamatukogu Eesti Naine + Elu Lood Maja Meie Kodu Elukiri RP

Meedia → Ajakirjandusajalugu
4 allalaadimist


TEST about grammar and vocabulary 9. nädal Unit 6. The Vikings Past Simple Dates, days of the week Countries Names of the countries Polite English 10. nädal Unit 7. Hobbies Present Simple 11. nädal Sports and games Parts of the body Television, radio, music, books play basketball , play the piano Hobbies in our family I ­ myself, you ­ yourself, ... Polite English Thanksgiving 12. nädal Unit 8. Who killed Cock Robin? Subject questions Inventors Future Simple ­ will / going to A poem Names of birds Polite English. I'll help you 13. nädal Unit 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Enamvlevinud vigastused korvpallis ning esmaabi nende korral

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Sporditeaduste ja füsioteraapia instituut Martin Mölder Levinumad vigastused minu spordialal ning esmaabi nende korral Referaat Koostaja:Martin Mölder Tartu 2017 SISSEJUHATUS Vigastused on spordis väga levinud nähtus. Neid võib juhtuda treeningutel ning võistlussituatsioonides. Esineb kergemaid vigastusi (nikastused, venitused) ning raskemaid (sidemete venitus/rebend, lihaste põrutused ehk„puukad“, luumurrud jne). Minu spordialaks on korvpall. Korvpall on kiiretempoline mäng, kus esineb väga palju kontakti mängijate vahel. On palju suunamuutusi, äkilisi sprinte ning spurte, hüppamisi ning maandumisi. Olen ise tegelenud korvpalliga nüüdseks juba 13 aastat ning pidanud samuti läbi elama erinevaid traumasid. Suurem osa neist on õnneks ol...

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
10 allalaadimist


Although this planet's rings are very wide, extending from the top of its atmosphere to well beyond the orbits of its closest moons, they are very thin, measuring no more than a few kilometers (about a mile) in thickness ("Great Space Place"). The Pioneer 11 flyby made several discoveries about the rings. The rings are made of particles that are dust-sized up to large mountain-sized masses, with the average size being in the marble to basketball range - about 10 centimeters (four inches). These particles are extremely cold and are possibly composed of frozen water and other ices. An extensive cloud of hydrogen was also discovered around the rings. The rings might have resulted when a moon or a passing body ventured too close to Saturn. The unlucky object would have been torn apart by great tidal forces on ts surface and in its interior. In , the object may not have been fully formed to begin

Astronoomia → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

Referaat korvpallist

viskamast palli enda korvi. Korvi langenud pallidelt arvestatakse võistkonnale punkte. Mängu lõpuks rohkem punkte kogunud võistkond võidab. Korvpall on lihtsa ning odava varustuse ja kergesti mõistetavate põhimõtete tõttu laialt levinud spordiala. Ülemaailmset korvpallialast tegevust juhib alates 1932. aastast Rahvusvaheline Korvpalliföderatsioon FIBA (prantsuse keeles Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur), millel on üle 150 liikmesmaa. Liikmesmaade kokkuleppe järgi kehtestab see organisatsioon rahvusvahelised korvpallireeglid, mille järgi peetakse rahvusvahelisi võistlusi. Iga liikmesriigi korvpallielu korraldust juhtiv organisatsioon (Eestis vastavalt Eesti Korvpalliliit) võib kehtestada esindatava riigi piires täiendavaid reegleid või teha neis mööndusi. FIBA pädevusse kuulub ka kohtunikele rahvusvahelise (kõrgeima) kategooria andmine.

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
44 allalaadimist

Spordi- ja korvpallipsühholoogia

When athletes are about to give up mentally then a coach or sport psychologist comes to help. There are many disturbing things in sport and to overcome these you have to specifically develop your mental strenght. Sportpsychologist can help you with that. Most, if not all athletes and teams use the psychologist's help in order not to break down in your important moments and to reach to the top of your career and make the peak performance. Keywords: Sport, basketball, psychology, training, mental toughness, mental preparedness. Author: Randel Kool Signature: Accepted: Mentor: Evelin Vanaselja Signature: Sisukord 3 SISSEJUHATUS...............................................................................................5 1. SPORDI- JA KORVPALLIPSÜHHOLOOGIA.........................................................6 2. 4C-D..................................

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö alused
16 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading search/27eye.html? pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=technology A Burst of Technology, Helping the Blind to See Blindness first began creeping up on Barbara Campbell when she was a teenager, and by her late 30s, her eye disease had stolen what was left of her sight. Reliant on a talking computer for reading and a cane for navigating New York City, where she lives and works, Ms. Campbell, now 56, would have been thrilled to see something. Anything. Now, as part of a striking experiment, she can. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on. She is beginning an intensive three-year research project involving electrodes surgically implanted in her eye, a camera on the bridge of her nose and a video processor strapped to her waist. The project, involving patients in the United States, Mexico and Europe, is part...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Saksa keele eksamimaterjal 8.klass C-keel

Sõnad Mööbel: der Tisch- laud die Tür- uks das Bett-voodi die Regale-riiul das Sofa-diivan das Bild-seinamaal das Zimmer-tuba der Fussboden-põrand die Stereoanlage-muusikakeskus die Kommode-kummut das Fenster- aken der Stuhl-tool der Papierkorb- prügikast die Vase-vaas die Zimmerpflanze-toalill aknalaud die Wand-sein der Vorhang-kardin der Schrank-kapp der Flur-esik Sport der Rennsport-võidusõit der Skilanglauf-murdmaasuusatamine die Leichtathletik-kergejõustik das Klettern- ronimine das Joggen-jooksmine das Schwimmen-ujumine Inlineskates fahren-rulluisutamine das Tennis- tennis Snowboard fahren-lumelauaga sõitma das Turnen-võimlemine Fitnesstraining-jõusaalitreening das Rad fahren-rattaga sõitmine das Tanzen-tantsimine das BMX fahren-BMX'iga sõitmine der Basketball-korvpall Ski fahren-mäesuusatamine der Volleyball-võrkpall Skateboard fahren-rulaga sõitma Der Baseball-pesapall Der Fussball-jalgpall d...

Keeled → Saksa keel
30 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

empire in athletics (16 records out of 29), wrestling and weightlifting. Estonian sport was therefore born before the independent state. Several great figures of national politics, among them the first president Konstantin Päts, belonged to the sports association. It is no surprise that sportsmen have always been held in high regard in Estonia. The most popular fields of sport are light athletics such as basketball, chess, sailing and cycling. Basketball is the most popular ball game in Estonia, and it is this sport that the best results have been achieved. The Estonians are a Northern people and skiing is a part of their lifestyle. Thousands take part in marathons and for this reason, Estonians have always considered themselves a sporting nation, and the sportsmen, our national heroes. 11.Religion The Estonians worshipped their own gods and were one of the last European

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist


esimeseks olümpiavõitjaks Tiit Sokk, aga hõbemedalivõitjaid kogunes terve rida ­ Lõssov, Kullam, Kruus, Lipso (viimane on ainus, kel kaks olümpiamedalit kodus). Korvpallis on maailmameistriks kullatud kuus eestlast, Euroopa meistriteks koguni 13 ja kõigist neist saab selles raamatus lugeda. Mõistagi ka ainsast NBA-s mänginud Martin Müürsepast ja teistest ässadest viimase poole sajandi jooksul. Ameerikas ja Euroopas USAs juhib korvpalli peamiselt Rahvuslik Korvpalliliit (National Basketball Association ehk NBA). Eestis on selleks Eesti Korvpalliliit. Ülemaailmset korvpallialast tegevust juhib alates1932. aastast Rahvusvaheline Korvpalliföderatsioon FIBA (prantsuse keeles Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur), millel on üle 150 liikmesmaa. Olümpiamängudel oli meeste korvpall esimest korda ametlikult kavas1936. ja naiste korvpall 1976. aastal. Näitliku alana oli korvpall kavas juba1904. aastal Saint Louisis. Maailmameistrivõistlusi peetakse alates 1950

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
179 allalaadimist

Referaat Printsess Dianast

Prince Harry served for 77 days on the front line in the Afghan War. His reference style is His Royal Highness, spoken style Your Royal Highness and alternative style Sir Prince William His full name is William Arthur Philip Louis and he was born on 21 June 1982 in St Mary's Hospital, London. In the same hospital as his brother. Now he is 27. Prince William is a great sportsman. At Ludgrove School he was the rugby and hockey team captain, a stylish swimmer, a useful footballer and basketball player, good at clay pigeon shooting and also represented the school at cross-country running. The Prince is the President of the English Football Association. He has same reference style, spoken style and alternative style as his brother. Prince Harry Prince William Accident It was Saturday, 30th August 1997, when Princess Diana's and Dodi Al-Fayed's holiday came to end, and they wanted to go home

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Canada topic

electronic equipment, vehicles and automobile parts, industrial materials (metal ores, iron and steel, precious metals, chemicals, plastics, cotton, wool and other textiles), along with manufactured products and food. Sports Canada's official national sports are ice hockey and lacrosse. Ice Hockey is the most popular winter sport in Canada and it has one of the best ice hockey team in the world. Lacrosse is the most popular summer sport. Basketball, soccer, curling, baseball and golf are also widely played in Canada. Education Education is a provincial responsibility under the Canadian constitution, which means there are significant differences between the education systems of the different provinces. However, education is important to Canadians, and standards across the country are uniformly high. In general, Canadian children attend kindergarten for one or two years at the age of four or five on a voluntary basis

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Most important sports in Australia are water sports. The most famous sportsman in Australia is Ian Thorpe. He is a world class swimmer. The Olympic game have been held in Australia twice. The first time was in 1956 in Melbourne and the second time in 2000 in Sydney. The Sydney Olympic games were a success. Lately the Australian have tried to develop their football league and have brought some star players there. Their own national team has too some superstars. I think that basketball has also become more important because Australian basketball player Andrew Bogut was the first pick in 2005 NBA draft. Rugby is also quite popular there. Culture. The oldest music in Australia is the music of the Aboriginal people. In Aboriginal societies, music plays a central role in both social and spiritual life. Today these songs are sung in sacred ceremonies. Art is one of the key elements of the Aboriginal culture. Their art was used for recording history and stories

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Linking Words and Phrases - õppematerjal

Words that ADD information · also · and · another · besides first, second, third, ... · furthermore · in addition · moreover The little girl put on her yellow shirt and brown overalls. Chris is on the basketball team this semester at Indiana School for the Deaf. In addition, he is on the soccer team. We will be here for one more week so we can finish up our work. Another reason we are staying longer is because we do not want to miss the Deaf Way conference. First of all, pour a half-cup of milk in the bowl; second, add two eggs; and third, stir the mixture. I admire I. King Jordan because he is the first deaf president of Gallaudet. Besides that, I admire him because he is a great long distance runner

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

1 The film was very ________________________ and not at all boring. 2 The party was very ________________________. Nobody wore casual clothes. 3 Heavy metal music is so ________________________. Can't you listen to something quiet? 4 We bought a ________________________ pizza because the restaurant was expensive. 5 These trousers are too ________________________. I need some bigger ones! 6 He's a very _____________________ basketball player and so scores more points than the short ones. 7 The rest of the flat is neat but her room is very ________________________. 8 It was a ________________________ thing to do, but he isn't very clever. 9 This test is ________________________. I want a fair one! 10 Don't laugh. This matter is not ________________________. It's very serious. Marks: /10

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada 2

sport, although there are several Canadian teams in the United Soccer Leagues. A uniquely Canadian code of football known as Canadian football is Canada's second most popular spectator sport, and the Canadian Football League's annual championship, the Grey Cup, is the country's single largest sporting event. Other popular team sports include curling, baseball, basketball, rugby union and softball. Popular individual sports include both openwheel and stock car auto racing, boxing, on and offroad cycling, golf etc. 12. Economy Canada is a very large country blessed with many natural resources. From trees in the forests across the country we make pulp and paper. From mines we extract coal, gold, silver, iron, uranium and many other minerals

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Ülenurme Gümnaasiumi 10. ja12. klasside õpilaste lugemisharjumused

Ülenurme Gümnaasium Stella Halling 12.c klass Ülenurme Gümnaasiumi 10. ja 12. klasside õpilaste lugemisharjumused Uurimistöö Juhendaja Ave Vigel Ülenurme 2015 Sisukord Ülenurme Gümnaasium..........................................................................................................2 Sisukord..................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................3 1. Kirjanduse ülevaade...........................................................................................................4 1.1 Varasemad uuringud........................................................

Kirjandus → Kirjandus ja ühiskond
19 allalaadimist


I'm sure your problem isn't as serious as you say it is. You always did exaggerate! The best advice I can give you is to choose one diet and really stick to it for a couple of months; it's pointless trying lots of different ones which only last a few days, as you've discovered. If I were you, I would go on the same diet I went on: I've sent you the information booklet. The most important thing to remember is to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and to exercise regularly. Why don't you join the basketball team? I know how much you love basketball. Also, once you start losing weight you should give yourself little rewards, like a visit to the hairdresser or a new dress. That way you'll probably find that you won't think about food so much. If you follow my advice, I'm sure you'll be back in shape in no time. Anyway, let me know how it goes. Lots o f love, V Kate TASK 23 Study the following situations and, using appropriate expressions, offer advice to each person.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

by German immigrants to the United States, but in their modern, popular form they are so altered that they can be reasonably considered American dishes. 10. Sports Sports in the United States, as in other countries, are an important part of the national culture. However, the sporting culture of the U.S. is different from that of many other countries, especially those in Europe. The most popular sports are American football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey and soccer. American football (known simply as "football" in the U.S) attracts more television viewers than baseball; however, National Football League teams play only 16 regular-season games each year, so baseball is the runaway leader in ticket sales. The 32-team National Football League (NFL) is the most popular and only major professional American football league. Its championship game, the Super Bowl, is watched by nearly half of US television households.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

üldises tähenduses I am going to bed. ­ Ma lähen voodisse. Mary goes to school. ­ Mary käib koolis. 4. keeled I speak Estonian, English, French and Russian. ­ Ma räägin eesti, inglise, prantsuse ja vene keelt. 5. mängud I hate basketball. ­ Ma vihkan korvpalli. 6. sõnad mother, father, kui neid kasutavad sama pereliikmed Tell mother that I will be late today. ­ Ütle emale, et ma jään täna hiljaks. Adjective Omadussõna Omadussõna kasutatakse kahel moel: · nimisõna täiend a smart girl a pretty boy · verbi be öeldistäide The girl is smart. The boy is pretty. Omadussõnal ei ole inglise keeles mitmust. smart girls pretty boys

Keeled → Inglise keel
925 allalaadimist

Saksa keele materjal algajatele

Der Sportler, - - sportlane Die Sportlerin, -nen Der Sportfan, -s – spordifän Der Star, -s -staar, täht Die Nachricht, -en – uudis Das Programm, -e – kava Die Sendung, -en – saade Das Video, -s – video Auf Video aufnehmen – videole võtma Der Videorecorder – videomagnetofon Das Taschenradio, -s -taskuraadio Die Briefmarke, -n – kirjamark Der Schnee – lumi Bei Jede, Wetter – iga ilmaga Norwegen – norra Österreich – Austria Der Wettkamf, -’’e – võistlus Der Basketball, Handball, Fu(ss)ball Das Eishockey, Schah Berühmt – kuulus Kalt – külm warm – soe Sammeln – koguma Laufen – jooksma Schi(ski)laufen - suusatama Regnen - vihma sadama Es regnet – sajab Joggen – tervise jooksu tegema Rad Fahren – jalgrattaga sõitma Hören – kuulama Mithaben – kaasas olema Schwimmen – ujuma Teilnehmen – osavõtma AN+´ Springen – hüppama Sport treiben/machen – sporti tegema Das Spiel – mäng Die Bibliothekk, -en – raamatukogu

Keeled → Saksa keel
37 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

When any form of the definite article is placed before an adjective, then the adjective becomes a noun. pobre - poor; el pobre - the poor man If the neuter article lo is placed before a singular masculine adjective, the latter becomes an abstract noun. bueno - good; lo bueno - the good (everything that is good) 57. Sports ball la pelota pool la piscina game el juego basketball el baloncesto match el partido tennis el tenis team el equipo swimming la natación player el jugador boxing el boxeo soccer el fútbol wrestling la lucha football el fútbol americano hockey el hockey

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

.. next train to London? 12 Kate never writes ..... letters. She prefers to phone people. 13 Where's Sue?' `She's in ..... garden.' 14 Excuse me, I'm looking for ..... Majestic Hotel. Is it near here? 15 Gary was ill ..... last week, so he didn't go to ..... work. 16 Everest is ..... highest mountain in ..... world. 17 I usually listen to ..... radio while I'm having ..... breakfast. 18 I like ..... sport. My favourite sport is ..... basketball. 19 Julia is ..... doctor. Her husband is ..... art teacher. 20 My flat is on ..... second floor. Turn left at ..... top of .....stairs, and it's on .....right. 21 After ..... dinner, we watched ..... television. 22 Last year we had ..... wonderful holiday in ..... south of ..... France. Modal verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to, must, need, dare. - always have the same form - there is no -s ending - no -ing form

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

10)In the USA sport is very important too. The emphasis on physical fitness has involved increasing numbers of Americans in activities that provide the necessary physical conditioning and at the same time offer enjoyment and recreation. Americans are attracted by such sports and activities as swimming, tennis, marathons, track and field, bowling, archery, skiing, skating, squash and badminton. But the four major American sports are hockey, baseball, football and basketball. 11)The large choice of sports in America can be explained by the variety and size of the country, its different climates and the people's love of competitions of any type. In addition, public sports facilities have always been available in great numbers for participants. American schools and colleges use sports activities as a way of teaching social values. Among these are teamwork and sportsmanship. The average high school

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist


indispensable ingredient for optimal education. Sensitivity can be heightened or blunted by education. It is intertwined with curiosity. An ideal education affords numerous and varied opportunities for students to touch, see, smell, listen, hear; to spark their curiosity. When I was a child the things that pleased me were largely other than the plants which have earned me a living as an adult. For example, I collected postage stamps, played basketball, was fond of listening to music, played all manner of games, but dealt only in a neutral, uninspired fashion with plants. The one thing that was constant and of supreme importance was my love of reading. I don't recall why, but by an early age, say age 9, I was a phenomenal reader of books, a habit that persisted all the way until college. Reading expands one's mind immensely. It fires the imagination, demonstrates grammar, teaches vocabulary, informs, challenges, helps one relax

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

10 _______is the word for a stamp collector? 51 5 Adjectives An adjective is a describing word. It tells you more about a noun. An adjective usually appears before the noun it describes. Sometimes, though, the adjective appears after the noun, later in the sentence. a smart dog an old building a busy street a dark corner a deep sea a tall basketball player a large bed It is windy. John's handwriting is very neat. The sea is rough. All the players are very tall. The baby's hands are very small. Sue's drawing is beautiful. That problem is too difficult. Peter is very quiet today. a low fence 52 Exercise 1 Underline the adjectives in the following sentences. 1 There is an empty room upstairs. 2 It's a hot summer.

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist


Most African-American establishments hardly employ Africans. Even in the area of culture, where both sides have a lot in common, there is that schism of distrust and separateness when in fact there should be collaboration. African-Americans love music, so do Africans. African-Americans are big sportsmen and women; Africans are beginning to rapidly acquire the same taste. African is a virgin continent. But African-Americans will be waiting until the Caucasian goes to Africa to open and control a basketball league before they realize the need for such a league. And by then everybody will be hollering how the Caucasian came to Africa to steal from us. Right now, the opportunity is right there under our noses, and yet we cannot seize it. While some African-Americans have begun to identify themselves with mother Africa, they are doing it without the understanding of how the world works. Beyond the need to feel pride in Africa, most don’t

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

increase muscle, or increase performance. Recreation is for fun. Exercise is for producing changes. Don't confuse the two. DON'T CONFUSE CORRELATION WITH CAUSE AND EFFECT Want to look like a marathon runner, thin and sleek? Train like a marathoner. Want to look like a sprinter, ripped and muscular? Train like a sprinter. Want to look like a sprinter, ripped and muscular? Train like a sprinter. Want to look like a basketball player, 68? Train like a basketball player. Hold on now. That last one doesn't work. Nor does it work for the rst two examples. It's awed logic, once again appealing and tempting in its simplicity. Here are three simple questions we can ask to avoid similar mistakes: 1. Is it possible that the arrow of causality is reversed? Example: do people who are naturally ripped and muscular often choose to be sprinters? Yep. 2. Are we mixing up absence and presence? Example: if the claim is that a no-meat diet extends

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Stages' industrial growth. (A) Zenith (B) Expansion (C) Beginning (D) Recovery 2. Many cross-cultural communication difficulties can be attributed to inevitable blunders in behavior or speech. (A) Unwarranted (B) Unlikely (C) Unavoidable (D) Unpleasant 3. Teflon was inadvertently discovered by two scientists who were working with synthetic resins. (A) Unexpectedly (B) Miraculously (C) Systematically (D) Conscientiously 4. The sport of basketball highlights the athletic qualities of endurance, agility, and skill. (A) Demands (B) Encompasses (C) Emphasizes (D) Develops 5. Daniel Webster applied the oratorical skill he had mastered as a lawyer to heighten his appeal for an end to slavery. (A) Intensify (B) Convey (C) Retrieve (D) Popularize LESSON 17 „ agitate „ confidential „ delighted „ discreetly „ documented „ gradually „ influence „ inordinate „ instantly „ intentionally

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

dropped my books. I stood there for a moment, thinking about leaving them. Then I sighed and bent to pick them up. He was there; he'd already stacked them into a pile. He handed them to me, his face hard. "Thank you," I said icily. His eyes narrowed. "You're welcome," he retorted. I straightened up swiftly, turned away from him again, and stalked off to Gym without looking back. Gym was brutal. We'd moved on to basketball. My team never passed me the ball, so that was good, but I fell down a lot. Sometimes I took people with me. Today I was worse than usual because my head was so filled with Edward. I tried to concentrate on my feet, but he kept creeping back into my thoughts just when I really needed my balance. It was a relief, as always, to leave. I almost ran to the truck; there were just so many people I wanted to avoid. The truck had suffered only minimal damage in the accident. I'd had to replace the

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

W h e n thrown down hard, they bounce back high. In any story you are trying to lift the audience, raise their awareness, heighten their emotions. T h e structure of a story acts like a pump to increase the involvement of the audience. Good structure works by alternately lowering and raising the hero's fortunes and, with them, the audience's emotions. Depressing an audience's emotions has the same effect as holding an inflated basketball under water: W h e n the downward pressure is released, the ball flies up out of the water. Emotions depressed by the presence of death can rebound in an instant to a higher state than ever before. T h i s can become the base on which you build to a still higher level. T h e Ordeal is one of the deepest "depressions" in a story and therefore leads to one of its highest peaks. In an amusement park ride you are hurled around in darkness or on the edge

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Instead of striving to inflate their visible connections to others of success, they strive to inflate the success of others they are visibly connected to. The clearest il- lustration is the notorious "stage mother," obsessed with securing stardom for her child. Of course, women are not alone in this regard. A few years ago, a Davenport, Iowa, obstetrician cut off service to the wives of three school officials, reportedly because his son had not been given enough playing time in school basketball games. One of the wives was eight months pregnant at the time. Defense Because liking can be increased by many means, a list of the defenses against compliance professionals who employ the liking rule must, oddly enough, be a short one. It would be pointless to construct a horde of specific countertactics to combat each of the countless versions of the various ways to influence liking. There are simply too many routes to be blocked effectively with such a one-on- one strategy

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

orderto take part in an importantsportsevent. A : N evermi nd.3) A notherti me,perhaps? B: I hopeso.Thanksfor askingme,an) /vay. c. Usethe promptsto act out a basketball game/ Sheffield S Granting Certainly. a cricket match/ Lancashire

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

orderto take part in an importantsportsevent. A : N evermi nd.3) A notherti me,perhaps? B: I hopeso.Thanksfor askingme,an) /vay. c. Usethe promptsto act out a basketball game/ Sheffield S Granting Certainly. a cricket match/ Lancashire

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

orderto take part in an importantsportsevent. A : N evermi nd.3) A notherti me,perhaps? B: I hopeso.Thanksfor askingme,an) /vay. c. Usethe promptsto act out a basketball game/ Sheffield S Granting Certainly. a cricket match/ Lancashire

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

orderto take part in an importantsportsevent. A : N evermi nd.3) A notherti me,perhaps? B: I hopeso.Thanksfor askingme,an) /vay. c. Usethe promptsto act out a basketball game/ Sheffield S Granting Certainly. a cricket match/ Lancashire

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

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