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"adjust" - 80 õppematerjali

adjust – reguleerima, rihtima, seadistama – регулировать, выверять

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

The mother's emotions, such as fear, anger, love, hope among others, can biochemically alter the genetic expression of the offspring. Our perceptions of the environment, and their attendant emotions, elicit physiological responses in the body by releasing "signal" molecules into the blood. Blood-borne emotion-related signals activate specific receptor proteins on the surfaces of cells in tissues and organs. Activated receptors serve as molecular switches that adjust the metabolic system and behavior of the organism, so as to accommodate environmental challenges. Physiologic responses to environmental signals include regulations of the nervous system, endocrine organs, and the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and excretory functions. During pregnancy, the parent's perception of the environment is chemically communicated to the fetus through the placenta, the cellular barrier between the maternal and fetal blood. The

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
277 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

precision that is needed. Nonresponse error is avoided if everyone responds or if the respondents are just like the nonrespondents in terms of the things we are trying to measure. Measurement error can be prevented by asking clear questions; questions that respondents are capable and willing to answer correctly. In the survey design stage the methodological goal is to prevent or at least reduce potential errors; in the analysis stage the statistical goal is to adjust the analysis for errors in such a way that correct (i.e., unbiased and precise) results are produced. The methodological survey literature suggests a variety of methods for reducing the sources of survey error; however, one should keep in mind that there is more than one source of error and that one has to compromise and choose when attempting to reduce total survey error. And, do this all within a workable budget too;

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 60 % of affixes have been borrowed, 40 % are native o Deodorize  De – reversing prefix  Odor – base 1)free – can be separate words 2)bound – can’t occur separately  -ize – verb forming suffix  Deodorization + - ation – suffix 18. Prefixes  A prefix is an affix that precedes its base. An element placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning. o De-, un-, mis-, re-, etc  In english all prefixes are derivational, thus creating new lexemes instead of inflected forms of words. o Happy – unhappy, contaminate – decontaminate 19. Suffixes  A suffix is an affix that follows its base. An element placed at the end of a word to form a derivative, such as –ation, -fy, -ing, frequently one that converts the stem into another part of speech. While the prefixes

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

emergency (hädaolukord) - sudden, unexpected situation that causes the need to take immediate action to be entiteled to do something (õigus millegi tegemiseks) - to have a right to do or have something goverment funded legal aid (valitsuse rahastatud õigusabi) - money given to people who are unable to affor legal repesentation and acess to the court system to regulate competence (pädevude regulatsioon) - to control or adjust adequacy professional examination (ametialne eksam) - a test taken in order to get qualification for certain occupation preparorty course (ettevalmistus kursus) - a class which will prepear person for certain subject's examination to sue somebody (kedagi kohtusse kaebama) - to file a lawsuit agains someone who commited a crime to be impartial (erapooletu) - to treat rivals or disputants equally

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

comply with good design practices and be highly usable Have personal interviews as to get a better perspective on how managing is perceived The chain of command and Solidify the chain of command 5 Adjust managerial style according to x managerial process is clear Head of the company and managerial procedures processing of gathered feedback and unambiguous Work out a new approach to handling tasks and adopt it Hold a meeting in order to establish

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

Handbook describe products that do not utilize BIM technology. With these tools it is possible to create the following kinds of models (Eastman, Teicholz, Sacks, Liston, 2008): Models that contain 3D data, but no object attributes: These are models that are great for visualization, but have no intelligence at the object level. They integrate no other information than 3D parameters. Models with no support of behaviour: There are models that define the object but can not adjust their positioning or properties, because they do not utilize parametric intelligence. Making changes is very labour intensive, and there is no protection against inconsistencies or inaccurate information in the model. Models that are composed of multiple 2D reference files that must be combined to define the building: It is impossible to ensure that the results of the 3D model are consistent, feasible, countable, and display intelligence with respect to the objects contained within it.

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

x ärimudeli innovatsioon x toote/teenuse innovatsioon x protsessi innovatsioon x tehnoloogia innovatsioon Innovatsiooni suurim väljakutse: kuidas vähendada aega toote turuleviimiseks ning samad suurendada uue toote käivet? Võimekused - the competencies, knowledge, and skills that an organisation can apply to achieve competitive advantage. Capabilities focus on the ability to provide products that customers value or will value in the future. Capabilities allow to adjust and change in order to "fit" the changing environment and the need to "stretch" to exploit organisational resources in ways that are innovative, or that other organisations will find it hard to imitate. An organisational capability is a high-level routine (or collection of routines) that, together with its implementing input flows, confers upon an organisation's management a set of decision options for producing significant outputs of a particular type (Winter). Miks on võimekused olulised?

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

ARC Archive (file name extension) ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network .ARJ Compressed File (file name extension) [Jung] ARL Adjusted Ring Length ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited ARM Advanced RISC Machine (processor) + Annotated Reference Manual + Asynchronous Response Mode ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators ARP Address Resolution Protocol [Novell] ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level ARS Activity Reporting System [Unisys] ART Adaptive Resonance Theory (algorithm) ARTA Apple Real Time Architecture ARTIC A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor [IBM] ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server .ARTS Cultural Groups (Domain Name) [Internet] ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ARU Audio Response Unit + Average Retail Value AS Autonomous System [Internet] ASAI Adjunct Switch Application Interface [AT&T]

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt eksamiks

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt. Tarkvaratehnika Tarkvaratehnika e. tarkvara inseneeria on professionaalsele tarkvaraarendusele suunatud distsipliin, mis tegeleb sellega, kuidas organiseerida tarkvaraarendust, arvestades organisatsiooniliste ja rahaliste piirangutega. Tarkvaratooted koosnevad valjatöötatud programmidest ja nende dokumentatsioonist. Tarkvaratehnika eesmärgiks on kuluefektiivne tarkvaraarendus kogu tarkvara elukaare ulatuses. Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale. Tarkvaratehnika „point“: Tarkvaratehnika on suunatud professionaalsele tarkvaraarendusele. Tarkvaratehnika ei tegele tarkvaraarenduse endaga vaid sellega, kuidas organiseerida tarkvaraarendust. Tarkvaratehnika vajadus - kõrgenenud nõudmised: suuremad süsteemid, keerulisemad süsteemid, kiiremini aren...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
57 allalaadimist


upstream research problems. Nowadays patent law generally gives patent owner singular opportunity to exclude others from making, selling or using patent-like products. To receive that protection, invention has to pass certain procedure, hereby nanotechnological inventions arise questionable aspects, which give opportunity to doubt of patentability. The main cause of that situation is the patent law inflexibility to adjust in accordance with progress. In the light of the work, author established two hypotheses: (1) is current patent law slowing down innovation and commercialization of nanotechnology; and (2) is fitting nanotechnological inventions into valid patent law impossible and to grant effective protection and process, it is necessary to use different solutions or to great another framework. In conclusion, patent law is undoubtedly too rigid to regulate patenting of extreme

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

involvement with tourism to childhood holiday experiences. The latter demonstrate the propensity for tourism practice to become socially embedded in individual’s lives from an early life stage, albeit the dominant tourism form may change. Second, contrary to Sussman’s (2000) work on the reverse culture shock of repatriates and suggestions that backpackers successfully reorientate themselves to their origin society upon return (Noy & Cohen, 2005), the lifestyle travellers did not adjust to feelings of conflicting social norms and cultural confusion (Hottola, 2004) experienced when returning home. The perceived anomie and reverse cultural confusion that often prevents these lifestyle travellers from re-assimilating into their generating societies, however, is not mainly due to cultural assimilation of the varied values and behaviours of the indigenous communities they visit. It is instead more attributable to having blended over time the practices and ideologies

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Arvutigraafika I ÜLESANNE III Klamber Uued käsud: COLOR lk. 23 DONUT lk. 33 FILL lk. 38 EXPLODE lk. 35 LINEWEIGHT lk. 71 PEDIT lk. 51 PLINE lk. 39 Klambri eestvaade Joonetada klambri eestvaade. Kontuurjoonte laius 2 mm, telg- ja kriipsjooned joonestada vastavalt 0,5 ja 1 mm laiuste joontega Mõõtmeid pole vaja joonisele kanda, Selle töö tegemise võiks jagada järgmisteks osadeks: a) telgjoonte joonestamine; b) abijoonte joonestamine; Töö 3 Klamber 1 c) kontuurjoonte kandmine joonisele. kusjuues igal joonestamise astmel on tegemist eriomadustega joontega nii välimuse kui ka tähenduse järgi. Kõige otstarbekam on selisel juhul jaotada joonis erilisteks üksikosadeks, mis üheskoos annavadki nagu „kokkuklapitud” kujutise. Lihtsaim moodus selleks o...

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
18 allalaadimist

Arvutigraafika Adobe Photoshop CS6 baasil

Iga selektsiooni parameetrite ribal on seadistuse nupp Refine Edge. Tegemist on seadetega, mis lubab selekteeritud äärt viimistleda. 112  View Mode - siit alt leiad võimaluse muuta erinevaid taustasid  Edge Detection - kui lisad valiku Smart Radius ette, siis on võimalik lasta arvutil parandada selektsiooni serva. Tavaliselt peaks see jääma 1-2 px piiresse.  Adjust Edge- ääre korrigeerimine o Smooth - ümardab teravaid "mägesid" ja "orgusid" o Feather - udustab äärt o Contrast - teravdab äärt o Shift Edge - muudab selektsiooni asukohta; miinusega tõmmatakse koomale ja positiivse arvuga laiendatakse  Output - kuidas käitutakse saadud tulemusega. Vaikimisi täiendatakse meie selektsiooni. Selektsiooni salvestamine ja laadimine

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
15 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

maturity of its business and regulatory environment. Very often business reasons overweight in decision making. New markets may provide opportunities for foreign businessmen via larger consumer base, market consolidation potential, low market saturation or low-level consumption of a product, providing therefore potential for growth and so on. Yet, again, thorough knowledge of the country's business and regulatory environment helps to adjust expectations accordingly and start business prepared to what otherwise might be costly surprise. The above said is very true in case of Ukraine and Belarus. These markets, Ukraine in particular, attracted since its Independence and continues attracting a lot of interest from foreign investors. Complicated and often confusing business and regulatory environment, official bureaucracy, corruption and so on remains significant obstacles for foreign investors and businessmen

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

built during the Ming Dynasty that was not adapted until the 19th century in America and Europe. China's oldest surviving bridge, and the world's oldest open-spandrel segmental arch, is the Zhaozhou Bridge (c AD 605), attributed to Li Chun and built south-west of Beijing in Hebei Province during the Song Dynasty. Its thin, curved stone slabs were joined with iron dovetails so that the arch could yield without collapsing. This technique allowed the bridge to adjust to the rise and fall of abutments bearing on spongy, plastic soils and the live loads of traffic. Following the decline of the Roman Empire with its many engineer- ing achievements, beam, arch, suspension, and cantilever bridge building flourished in China while languishing in Europe for nearly eight centuries. Chinese bridge builders experimented with forms and materials, perfecting their techniques. Selected examples, found in the countryside and parks, may be candidates for

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

compatible with the Treaty only in so far as they do not exceed the limits of what is appropriate and necessary in order to achieve the desired objective. Regarding State Monopolies and Article 37 State monopolies are defined as further obstacles to the free movement of goods in the TFEU. A State monopoly is one where a Member State has restricted the right to sell particular goods to one body. Article 37 of the TFEU deals with State monopolies when it states: "Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character so as to ensure that no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of Member States." Article 37 does NOT prevent new monopolies from being created, however if they are they must be compatible with the provisions of the FMOG. 13. The Court came to conclusion that the removal of discriminatory trade barriers is necessary but

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
90 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

page 29 3 significance, political 2 1 stole, do 4 environmental, economic 2 been for, have got 1 1 convert 4 transform 3 took 2 adapt 5 evolve 5 condemn 4 Should you need 3 adjust 6 refine 2 A civil rights worker was murdered 5 could remember 2 1 conversion in Mississippi and four black 6 hadn't spent 2 transformation children were murdered at a church in Alabama. In the song Simone 3 1 I would be able to come to the

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Check the I/O Unit configuration. SYS FAIL FALS** 01 to 99 A FALS(07) instruction has been executed in the program. Check the FALS number to (** is 01 to 99 or 9F.) determine the conditions that caused execution, correct the cause, and clear the error. 9F The cycle time has exceeded the FALS 9F Cycle Time Monitoring Time (DM 6618). Check the cycle time and adjust the Cycle Time Monitoring Time if necessary. 5-3-3 Identifying Errors PC errors can be identified from error messages displayed on the Programming Console, error flags in the SR or AR areas, and the error code in SR 25300 to SR 25307. Error Messages Error messages generated by the self-diagnosis function can be read from a

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

[3] 27. (i) indicates the range of results; on either side of the mean; indicates, variability/(standard) deviation/(standard) error; indicates if data sets significantly different; 2 max (ii) no/small, increase/figs. quoted; lag phase; adjust to conditions/detail of adjustment; produce enzymes; AVP; 2 max (iii) more rapid growth in non-deficient cells/ora; figures in support from both axes of graph; low ribose in G6PD deficient cells/ora; less available to, parasites/Plasmodium; less production of RNA/ribonucleotides; less available for transcription;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

between warring sides of her personality, and sooner or later she will need all the help she can get, from every part of her being, to survive the inevitable fall into conflict. 2®=> Heroes may have no obvious missing piece, flaw, or wound. T h e y may merely be restless, uneasy, and out of sync with their environment or culture. T h e y may have been getting by, trying to adjust to unhealthy conditions by using various coping mechanisms or crutches such as emotional or chemical dependencies. T h e y may have 96 T H E ORDINARY W O R L D deluded themselves that everything is all right. But sooner or later, some new force enters the story to make it clear they can no longer mark time. T h a t new energy is the Call to Adventure. QUESTIONING THE JOURNEY 1

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


You must work quickly and efficiently. Here is a sample passage. YOU WILL SEE: A lens has one or more curved surfaces that refract or bend, light rays passing through it to form an image on a surface beyond the lens. Examples of such surfaces are the retina of the eye or a movie screen. The distance from the lens to the focal plane is known as focal length. In cameras, telescopes, and similar devices, the lens is turned on a screw-thread mounting to adjust the focal length. This action allows focusing of images of objects at various distances. In the human eye, focal length is adjusted by muscles that alter the lens curvature. Light rays of different colors are bent by varying degrees as they pass through a curved surface. This causes a distortion of the image, known as chromatic aberration. In cameras, sharp images are obtained by arranging two or more lenses so that the aberration of one cancels out the aberration of another

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

he got others to act in his interests by giving them a reputation to uphold. Once an active commitment is made, then, self-image is squeezed from both sides by consistency pressures. From the inside, there is a pressure to bring self- image into line with action. From the outside, there is a sneakier pressure-a ten- COMMITMENT IS THE KEY M* • dency to adjust this image according to the way others perceive us (Schlenker, Dlu- golecki, &: Doherty, 1994). Because others see us as believing what we have written (even when we've had little choice in the matter), we once again experience a pull to bring self-image into line with the written statement. In Korea, several subtle devices were used to get prisoners to write, without di- rect coercion, what the Chinese wanted. For example, the Chinese knew that many

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist


have to understand how negative numbers are represented in binary.) Start by placing a "4-Bit Adder" and a "4-Bit Minus" circuit on an empty circuit board, along with the eight inputs at the top of the circuit. These can be connected as shown: (Note: To change the size and shape of a subcircuit, click the circuit to hilite it. When a circuit is hilited, it is surrounded by a rectangle with a little square handle in each corner. You can click- and-drag one of these handles to adjust the size of the circuit.) All you have to do is construct the rest of the circuit so that the control wires can control whether the answer from the "4-Bit Adder" or the answer from the "4-Bit Minus" gets through to the Outputs of the ALU. One way to do this is to use four copies of the "Select" circuit that you built for Exercise 9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

prevent gorging, but it's not necessary with the ingredients we're using. Eating more frequent meals also appears to have no enhancing e ect on resting metabolic rate, despite claims to the contrary. Frequent meals can be used in some circumstances (see "The Last Mile"), but not for this reason. The following meal schedule is based on a late sleep schedule, as I'm a night owl who gives up the ghost at 2:00 A.M. at the earliest, usually with wineglass or book still in hand, à la heroin addict. Adjust your meals to t your schedule, but make sure to have your rst meal within an hour of waking. Meals are approximately four hours apart. 10:00 A.M.--Breakfast 2:00 P.M.--Lunch 6:30 P.M.--Smaller second lunch 8:00­9:00 P.M.--Recreation or sports training, if scheduled. 10:00 P.M.--Dinner 12:00 A.M.--Glass of red wine and Discovery Channel before bed Here are some of my meals that recur again and again:

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


7. Obviously it is the intention of the American Government to conspire with Great Britain and other countries to obstruct Japan’s efforts toward the establishment of peace through the creation of a New Order in East Asia, and especially to preserve Anglo-American rights and interests by keeping Japan and China at war. This intentiona has been revealed clearly during the course of the present negotiations. Thus the earnest hope of the Japanese Government to adjust Japanese-American relations and to preserve and promote the peace of the Pacific through cooperation with the American Government has finally been lost. The Japanese Government regrets to have to notify hereby the American Government that in view of the attitude of the American Government it cannot but consider that it is impossible to reach an agreement through further negotiations. JD-1:7143 SECRET (M) Navy trans. 7 Dec 1941 (S-TT)

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


and organizations are parts of your reference group. You identify strongly with them. Over time, through a process of absorption, you will adopt their attitudes, mannerisms, ways of speaking, levels of aspiration, and even their style of dress. Your reference group will exert an inordinate influence on the kind of person you become. You will adjust your goals, behaviors, and thoughts to be consistent with what you feel they will approve of. You see this with teenagers all the time. ■ MAKE NEW CHOICES All change in your outer world begins with a change in your inner world. Major changes in your inner world start happening when you change the people with whom you associate and identify.When

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

A man's got to have his secrets." My mouth curved, but I was painfully aware of my own hidden truths. And how quickly time was passing before I'd have to reveal them. Five o'clock found me steeling myself to divulge my secrets. I was tense and somber when Gideon and I slid into the Bentley, and my disquiet only worsened when I felt him studying the side of my averted face. When he took my hand and lifted it to his lips, I felt like crying. I was still trying to adjust after our argument in the park, and that was the least of what we had to deal with. We didn't speak until we arrived at his apartment. When we entered his home, he led me straight through his beautiful, expansive living room and down the hall to his bedroom. There, laid out on the bed, was a fabulous cocktail dress the color of Gideon's eyes and a floor-length black silk robe. "I had a little time to shop before dinner yesterday," he explained.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

Windows» (Do Not Display 'Install Updates And Shut Down' Option In Shut Down Windows Dialog Box) Данный параметр применим к версиям не ниже Windows XP с SP2. 2. Не задавать по умолчанию параметр «Установить обновления и завершить работу» в диалоговом окне «Завершение работы Windows» (Do Not Adjust Default Option To Install Updates And Shut Down' In Shut Down Windows Dialog Box) Этот параметр позволяет указать, можно ли параметр Установить обновления и завершить работу (Install Updates And Shut Down) выбрать по умолчанию в диалоговом окне Завершение работы (Windows Shut Down) Windows.

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

smoke depends totally on the kind of sawdust, Heterocyclic aromatic amines, known to the experience of the operator, and the be generated due to pyrolysis of amino acids weather conditions. Increasing or decreasing and proteins and in nonenzymatic browning, the volume of air entering into the fireplace may be found in very heavy smoked goods by widening or shutting the inlet openings in amounts lower than 1 ng/g. can adjust the smoldering temperature only coarsely. The smoke produced in such condi- tions may be high in PAHs. This principle is The Equipment for Smoking applied also in industrially manufactured Introduction generators, in which there are several boxes

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun