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"action" - 1114 õppematerjali

action ehk märulimängud .................................................................................................... 4 1.2.FPS; first-person shooter ehk 3D tulistamismäng.

Kasutaja: Action

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Mets kui elukeskkond

EUROAKADEEMIA Ärijuhtimise teaduskond Katrin Kiviselg Mets kui elukeskkond Tallinn 2012 Metsa mõiste Mis on mets? "Vastuse võtmelauseks sobib tuntud rahvaütlus ,,Puude taga on mets". Ütlust tuleks mõista nii, et mets on midagi enamat kui vaid puudekogum. Mets on eriline keskkond, mis loob elurikka terviku ­ metsakoosluse, kuid mõjutab ka ümbrust endast väljaspool."1 "Mets ja metsamaa kannavad endas kultuurilist ja identideediväärtust. Eesti on metsariik ja on ennast idendifitseerinud metsa kaudu. Kuulume Euroopa viie kõige rikkama metsariigi hulka. Üle poole maismaast on metsa all ja oleme harjunud, et Eesti maastik on metsamaastik. Selline on meie kodumaa ning ka linnastunud eestlasele on mets puhkamise ja tasakaalu saavutamise paik. Pealegi annab mets puitu ja selle kaudu ka raha." 2 Metsa mõiste on aga seaduslikult defineeritud järgmiselt: "§ 3. Mets ja metsamaa (1...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
39 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

existing collective security regime for impeding the United States as it seeks to fulfil the responsibilities that accompany its exalted status. Both individually and collectively, all UN member states have the right under Article 51 of the Charter to use force in response to actual or imminent attack, but this ceases once the UNSC 'has taken measures necessary to restore international peace and security', and in no circumstances does the right extend to unilateral preventive action. So long as the UNSC serves as a brake on the ability of the hegemon to perform such a role, P-5 unanimity, on which its successful functioning depends, remains vulnerable to unilateral action. Viewed from this perspective, concerns regarding the Council's legitimacy are a mere symptom of a more fundamental crisis afflicting the legitimacy of the broader collective security regime of which it is part. For those who wish to preserve and strengthen the existing regime,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


I think that you really can’t reject solipsism on the whole because you do know that you exists, but can you for certain say that anybody else does? It may as well be just an illusion, but you never can say for certain. That is why you can not reject it, although you may say that you don’t believe it. 3. What is Kant’s categorical imperative? It is a kind of ethic or moral law or philosophy that applies to every being. It is a motivation for an action that must be completed. For example, if i want to get a grade for this exam, it is imperative that i answer these questions. It is a certain action or inaction that must be theoretically completed in order to achieve what is necessary. The necessity for this moral law is quite simple: Immanuel Kant provided a sort of equation for the humanity, if we can name it that, that determines a reason for things we do or why we find certain things moral or

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
0 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

Another 14 electors from Mississippi and Alabama refused to support Kennedy because of his support for the civil rights movement; they voted for Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. of Virginia. Vietnam The extent of Kennedy's involvement in Vietnam remained classified until the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971.In Southeast Asia, Kennedy followed Eisenhower's lead by using limited military action as early as 1961 to fight the Communist forces led by Ho Chi Minh. Proclaiming a fight against the spread of Communism, Kennedy enacted policies providing political, economic, and military support for the unstable French-installed South Vietnamese government, which included sending 16,000 military advisors and U.S. Special Forces to the area. Kennedy also authorized the use of free-fire zones, napalm, defoliants, and jet planes. U.S. involvement in the area escalated until

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Eesti telekanalite positiivsed ja negatiivsed küljed

Telekanalil on tulusam ületada tunnis lubatud reklaamimisaeg ja maksta trahvi, kui järgida reklaamiseadust. Samuti ei pilgutata silma, kui reklaamitakse päise päeva ajal kasiinot. Aga mis mind kõige rohkem ärritab on see, kui ilmateate ajal ilmub ekraanile suur ,," reklaam, mis varjab ära pool Saaremaad. Saateid leidub igale maitsele: keda huvitab kultuur, briti huumor, poliitika ja üleüldse kvaliteetsaated, see vaatab ETV-d; keda huvitavad jänkide ühe stambiga tehtud action filmid, kuriteod/õnnetused kuulsuste elu ja seebikad, see leiab neid TV3 ja Kanal 2. Kurb on tõdeda ka seda, et kahe viimase kanali enamus dokumentaalfilme käsitleb erinevate veidruste ja traagiliste eludega inimesi. Need filmid ekspluateerivad neid inimesi, teenides nende deformatsioonide pealt. Uudised on kõigil kolmel kanalil natukene erinevad. ETV ja TV 3 panevad mõlemad rõhku informatsiooni lihtsale edasiandmisele. Enamasti kajastatakse tähtsamaid sündmusi, lisaks

Meedia → Meedia
91 allalaadimist

"Romeo ja Julia" retsensioon

RETSENSIOON ROMEO&JULIA Shakespeare Rahel Ambos 10 a Tallinn 2007 Mina käisin vaatamas balletti ,,Romeo ja Julia". Nimetatud ballett toimus Rahvusooper Estonia's, kolmapäeval, 21. veebruaril 2007. Linnarahvas, aadlikud, daamid, Julia ja Romeo sõbrad ja sõbratarid, teenrid olid Rahvusooper Estonia balletitrupp ja Tallinna Balletikooli õpilased. Peaosades särasid Vladimir Arhangelski kui Romeo ning Marina Chirkova kui Julia. Etendust saatis Rahvusooper Estonia sümfooniaorkester, dirigeniks Aivo Välja. Etendusel esitati helilooja Sergei Prokofjevi nägemust William Shakespeare loomingust ,,Romeo ja Julia". Etenduse esimene vaatus algas sellega, kuidas Romeo unistas tänaval, mis alles veel ärkas. Inimesed alles kogunesid. Esimese vaatuse käigus armus Romeo jäägitult Juliasse. Kogu etendus lõppes sellega, kuidas Romeo ja Julia armastusest ja teadmatusest enesetapu tegid. Proko...

Muusika → Muusika
84 allalaadimist

Formal expressions

5 April about how to look after field 5 April concerning the maintenance of field vehicles vehicles I have seen that things are getting there have recently been several indications of worse a deteriorisation When we saw it when this became apparent He has not answered our letters He has failed to reply to our letters What we can do against them what action can be taken against them He has had a lot of chances to explain He has had ample opportunity to explain Many times On several occasions He has studied Math He has read Mathematics We could not use two trucks Two trucks were unavailable We cannot reach him/he is busy He is unavailable If we look at this... In view of this... Every time when... whenever... An example of this is..

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

If I Were A Millionaire

who has not dreamed about money. I am talking about a huge amount of money. If I were a millionaire, I could own all those things I have not had in my life before. First, if I were the lucky one, who would have a chance to be a millionaire, there would be millions of ways how to spend it. As to the point that my family has been the most precious fortune for me, I would give at least one third of that to my loved ones. I think that this would be a clever action. Second, if I would have the chance then I would purchase all these things I have wanted in my entire life. I would definitely buy an enormous but cozy house where I could finally make my dream come true - have as many pets as I want! I have wanted to own as many pets as possible since I was a little girl, so it would be my opportunity to play and take care of all those kittens and puppies. Third, I would also spend much money on different schools. I have always

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Artemis Fowl 5,6 chapteri kokkuvõte

Foaly says that Captain Holly Short is missing. Her locator was seen across the ocean and the coastline. It shows that she went to site fifty- seven. They lose the picture from her helmet but Foaly says that they still have the sound. Root can hear a human voice asking Holly to surrender and talking about the secret ritual. Foaly and Root go back to the camera feed and go through it slowly, seeing in slow motion a hypodermic dart fly through the air. They realize that Holly is missing in action, probably dead. They had a locator which had a very strong signal moving to north. They had blueprints. Blueprints helped to see what´s inside the ship. Artemis hid Holly´s locator into ship. Root didn´t know that and followed signal. The ship was like a trap. Root searched the ship until he found a room. In that room, there was Artemis. Artemis talked to Root through speakers and told that he is Artemis the second and he is very dangerous and everybody should keep away from him

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Valguse Teke.

Füüsika 12.C klassi grupp, presenteerib Teile : Valguse Teke. Külm helendus. Mida nimetatakse külmaks helenduseks? Luminestsenst on helendus, mille põhjuseks ei ole keha hõõgvele kuumutamine, vaid teised mõjutused. Luminestsents on tahkiste , vedelike või gaaside mittesoojuslik helendus ultravalguse, elektronkimbu, keemilise toimel. Luminestsentslambid on hõõglampidest mitmeid kordi ökonoomsemad ja annavad meeldivamat valgust. Luminofoor. Luminestsentsvalgust kiirgavad ained, mille hulka kuuluvad näiteks orgaanilised ained, mille spektraalne koostis ja intensiivsus ei vasta aine temperatuurile. Näiteks : ZnS:Cu (Kooloni järel on lisand.) Siiretel lisandiaatomis või- ioonis tekivadki luminestsentsifootonid. (Temperatuuril 293 K (20 ºC) vastab musta keha kiirgusmaksimumile lainepikkus 10 µm.) Luminofooride omadused : Luminofoorid töötavad energiamuundajatena, mis transformeerivad erinevaid en...

Füüsika → Füüsika
39 allalaadimist


The Buckingham Pala Table of contents Introduction General information History Today Interior Visiting Conclusion References The end Introduction I chose the Buckingham Palace for my topic, because i have always been eager to know more about the house where the British Monarch lives in. The Buckingham Palace Located in the City of Westminster The official London residence of the Queen State occasions and royal entertaining Tourist attraction History Built in 1702 Originally called as the Buckingham House In 1761, King George III bought the house and the building became known as the Queen's House George IV, decided to double the size of the house and transform it into a palace History In 1837 Queen Victoria became the first monarch to use Buckingham Palace as their official residence Many parts of the house have been demolished and rebuilt in time ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
14 allalaadimist

Enn Soosaar lühireferaat

Tallinna Reaalkool Enn Soosaar Lühireferaat Eliise Leismann Tallinn 2011 Enn Soosaar Enn Soosaar sündis 13.veebruaril 1937 Tallinnas ning suri 10.veebruaril 2010 aastal. Elukutselt oli ta eesti tõlkija, kolumnist, kriitik ja publitsist. Tallinna Reaalkoolis õppis ta aastatel 1951-1954. Aastal 1964 lõpetas ta Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli inglise filoloogina . Tema isa oli Evangeelse Luterliku kiriku vaimulik. Ränga mootorrattaavarii tagajärjel jäi 1950. aastate keskel ratastooli. Ta kasvas üles tarkade ja õpetlike raamatute keskel. Tema peamine eesmärk oli anglo-ameerika kirjanduskultuuri vahendamine eesti keelde. 1965 aastal alustas ta oma tõlkijateed. Ta on üks pädevama...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

The Effects of Computer-Generated Images

Computer-generated images are often the main reasons why people get upset and are disappointed. Secondly, little childrens central nervous system can be effected. By watching computer- generated movies, it gives you a real look of the situation. Children like to watch a lot of cartoons and very oftenly horror movies. childs central nervous system can be hurt, Because of the computer-generated images, which gives a really good overview of an action. People can be frightened by the monsters or killers, who seemed to be real and existing. Thirdly, computer-generated images are ... People like to watch beautiful pictures and imagine themselves being there or having that situation. The images are only on computers and in television, which leads to using them frequently. Using computer and watching television more than three hours a day injures your eyes. It is more common in these days, to meet a person who wears or has to wear glasses.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition is a challenge for the nine coastal states and their populations - there are 90 million people living in this catchment area. [1] The sources of marine pollution are municipal and industrial waste inputs directly into the sea or rivers, and atmospheric inputs mainly from traffic and farming. Originating from cellulose producing and from paper mills, large amounts of poisonous chlorinated compounds are ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Autoajastu Esimesed autod olid hobuvankritele paigutatud sisepõlemismootoriga sõidukid. Karl Benzi ,,Velo" (1886) Esimeseks autoks Eestis oli 1895. a. Paide keisriametnikule kuulunud auto (jõuvanker). Esimesed autod 1894.a. juulis jõuti nii kaugele, et korraldati esimene võidusõit. Sellest 126 km pikkusest sõidust võttis osa 14 bensiinimootoriga ja 7 aurumasinaga autot. Tulemuseks oli bensiinimootoriga autode võit keskmise kiirusega 20,5km/h. Esimene võidusõit Esimesed autod olid väga kallid. 1896.a. ehitasid kaks venda Charles ja Frank Duryea 13 peaaegu samasugust autot nagu Karl Benz, kuid nende kalli hinna tõttu $1000 - $2000 ei suutnud keskmine ameeriklane neid osta. Esimene mees kes suutis auto teha kättesaadavaks keskmise sissetulekuga inimesele oli Henry Ford. 17.Juunil 1903.a. asutati Ford Motor Company. Nende kõige edukamaks autoks sai 1908.a. välja antud Model T. Autode müük ja võidukäik Ford Model T Ford T edu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Hong Kong

Flower Anthem: March of the Volunteers Government SAR government - Chief Executive : Leung Chun-ying - Chief Secretary for Administration :Carrie Lam - Financial Secretary : John Tsang - Secretary for Justice : Rimsky Yuen Sights The Big Buddha, on Lantau Island, Hong Kong Famous man Bruce Lee was a Hong Kong American martial artist, Hong Kong action film actor, martial arts instructor, filmmaker, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do A statue of Bruce Lee on the Avenue of Stars, a tribute to the city's martial arts Culture Sports in Hong Kong are a significant part of its culture. Football, basketball, swimming, badminton, table tennis, cycling and running have the most participants and spectators In 2009, Hong Kong successfully organised the V East

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Eesti kirjandus maailmas

Eesti kirjandus maailmas Tähtsaimad tegelased Marie Under Henrik Visnapuu Juhan Sütiste Betti Alver Heiti Talvik Anton Hansen Tammsaare August Gailit Peet Vallak Gustav Suits "Keisri hull" "Keisri hull" on Jaan Krossi kirjutatud romaan, mis ilmus 1978. aastal. Peategelaseks on Liivimaa Võisiku mõisa aadlik Timotheus Eberhard von Bock, kes erineb tavalisest mõisnikutüübist. Tema päritolu, haridus, erandlik intellekt ning lahinguvaprus on temast teinud keiser Aleksander I sõbra "Keisri hull" on üks maailmas tuntuimaid eesti kirjandusteoseid - seda on tõlgitud vähemalt 16 keelde "Rehepapp" "Rehepapp" on Andrus Kivirähki romaan, mis ilmus 2000. aastal Teos räägib eesti rahva raskest elust mõisahärrade rõhumise all Raamat on tõlgitud soome, norra, ungari, läti ja vene keelde ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
4 allalaadimist

Abstraktne ekspressionism pärast II maailmasõda

saadud väga palju kannatada ja neil oli ka oma tuumapomm). Sõja ajal põgenesid paljud kuulsad kunstnikud USA-sse (näiteks A.Massom ja Tanquy). Esialgu levis see USA-sse sürrealismi kujul, kuid see heideti vasakpoolsuse pärast kõrvale. Jackson Pollock loobub pintsli kasutamisest (hakkab värvi pritsima ja kallama lõuendile). ,,Seitse", ,,Ümar kontuur". Tema tehnika kujuneb välja umbes 1947 ja ise nimetab ta oma tehnikat action painting (tegevusmaal). Tema maalimine meenutab pigem etendust (kasutab tihti ka muusikat ja tantsib samal ajal. Tema maalimist jälgivad tihti ajakirjanikud ja teised kunstnikud. Tänu sellele saavutas ka avalikkuse huvi) On värvide segamisel kasutanud ka uriini ja vihmavett (oli loomu poolest skandaalne). Tahtis loobuda igasugusest kontrollist inimloomuse üle. Sureb narkootikumide ja alkoholi tõttu. Ameerikas luuakse välisluure osakond. Luure keskagentuur. USA ajab isolatsioonipoliitikat

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
56 allalaadimist


Gísli Örn Gararsson : Hassansin Leader Claudio Pacifico : Hassansin Porcupine Thomas DuPont : Hassansin Whip Man Dave Pope : Hassansin Giant Scimitar Domonkos Pardanyi : Hassansin Double-Bladed Halberd Massimilano Ubaldi : Hassansin Long Razor Music : Harry Gregson-Williams Effects: Visual effects supervisor is Tom Wood Type: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Dastan is a street kid who impressed the King of Persia one day through his really good parkour skills for a ten year old. The King adopts Dastan and fifteen years later he is a prince of Persia. Even that Dastan doesn't have royal blood but it doesn't matter because he has got perfect parkour skills. He can take over an entire city while his older brothers are trying a direct assault. During the battle, Dastan acquires a sacred dagger that Princess Tamina has sworn to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

that any areas of competence not specifically listed in the treaties default to the member states. (It mirrors the 10th amendment to the US constitution, which declares that powers not delegated to the federal government by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the stutes or to the people,) .. Subsidiarity. By this principle, the EU can only act in areas that do not fall under its exclusive competence if the action needed cannot be better taken by the member states. In other words, the EU should only do what it does best, ProportlonalIty. This principle establishes that the EU should not go beyond taking the action needed to achieve the objectives of the treaties. But just where that line is drawn, of course, is a matter for debate. • Council of Europe (1949) – Inter-governmental regional organization to achieve a ‘greater unity between its Members by discussion …

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist


Explore Enterprise course at Prince's Trust, 2011 Certificate in Retail Works, 2009 Certificate in Interview skills, 2009 Certificate in Business Works, 2009 Cobra Group sales training, 2005 Estonian Army leadership training, 2004 Youth club management training, 2003 Enterprise seminar "Successful at first time" Motivational Training, 2003 Circuit Training Instructor Certificate, Estonia, 2003 Details of future training courses you want to complete: Market Trading course through Action Acton, aim is to support local businesses and promote the local economy, by organising seminars, networking events and opportunities to learn from and trade with each other. Action Acton run Acton Market which is located in the heart of Acton Town Centre. It is a vibrant, ethnically diverse community. The market attracts visitors to a thriving and unique Town Centre. By bringing people to Acton's Town Centre, the market also raises the profile of local business.

Majandus → Äriplaan
11 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

lowest court within the judicial system 11. Respondent (kostja/vastaja/respondent) vs appellant - a person who answers a request for information 12. Matrimonial matters – relating to the state of being married 13. Guardianship - the state or duty of being a person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care of someone who cannot take care of himself or herself 14. Adoption – your legal duty to take care of the children a. the action or fact of adopting or being adopted (adoptive parents - lapsendajad) 15. Affiliation (liitumine/ kuuluvus) - the process officially attaching or connecting sb to an organization; connection to political party, religional group or something else; the man is legally related to the child a. Paternity cases – isaduse tõestamine 16. Illegitimate child (vallaslaps) - a child who is born to parents who are not married to each other a. Bastard, love child 17

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

Frisian, Afrikaans and Flemish. 2. How to classify words into different word classes? 1) One of the most common classification ways goes by the definition of words. Most of the linguists believe though, that this is not an absolute classification. Examples of definitions:  Noun is the name of a person, place or a thing. (I love this place).  A verb expresses an action, process or a state. (I love this place).  An adjective describes a noun. (This place is lovely). 2) Distribution test → Takes the context in which the word occurs in, into consideration. Also the whereabouts of the word in a sentence For example:  Kim is an engine driver. → Engine could mean either happy or a mechanical object.  Kim seems engine

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Global warming

I've thought about what should be done and I honestly don't know what to do to make the message clear to everybody, to people who actually have the power to make a difference. It comes to my mind that a difference can be made all together. People so far have acted careless and not thinking ahead too far in the future. There have been few who have tried to stand out and make others understand what they should, tried to show what has happened so far and what will happen if no action is taken under consideration. Global warming and our part in it is a serious problem that we have to face. We have to think about the mess we leave behind for next generations to clean up. They will have to deal the consequences of our actions. In my opinion people have finally started to admit the problem, of global warming and our part in helping to fasten the process. There are projects that are conducted to help a little and to

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Tango - Referaat

Referaat Tango Anett Kislov 8b klass 05.03.2009 Tango. Tango on 19. sajandi lõpus sündinud Argentina päritolu tants. Selle nimi tähendab aafrikalaste keeles "kohtumise koht" või "omapärane koht". Teine variant - pärineb ladina sõnast "tango", mis tähendab "puutun". Tänapäeval on tango peale mõningast mõõnaseisu jällegi üks maailma populaarseimaid tantse. Buenos Aires, Berliin ja London on tangoklubidest tulvil ning üle kogu maailma kohtuvad tangofännid milongadel - spetsiaalselt tango tantsimiseks mõeldud tantsuõhtutel. Samuti on edasi arenenud muusika: traditsioonilisema Argentiina tango kõrvale on tekkinud ka...

Muusika → Muusika
50 allalaadimist

The Witches by Roald Dahl (powerpoint)

She told her grandson how to spot them from a crowd and told him what ugly and bad creatures they are. One day the boy met a witch, and got out alive luckily. The boy and hes granmother went to live to England. One day they went to a hotel just to relax and have some fun. The boy happend on a RSPCC meeting- The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children. Turned out that it was a witch gathering. The boy got caught and was turned into a mouse with `Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse- Maker`. At the end of the book, the boy and hes granmother used the advantage that the boy was so small and could go to small places and turned all the witches of England into mice, wich were killed. The main caracters · The boy · The grandmother · Bruno · The Grand High witch My opinion I did not like this book, because it was too unrealistic and i dont like to read a book wich is written for first class students. This book was not hard to read

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

ESSEE Getting the most out of myself

school environment, especially when the workload is burdening and deadlines are nearing day by day. Thirdly, getting the most out of myself is easy, when I have a goal, vision or an objective. I find it helpful to break a big goal into smaller parts that are easier to achieve. In other words, making an impossible task possible. It might seem like a mental strain to write a book, but if you start by creating one character, then carry on by putting that character into action and building an environment to suite the activity, the task does not seem that daunting anymore. I always follow that technique and I have not yet found any assignment or challenge impossible. Therefore it is not the level of difficulty of the task that determines the result, but rather the way of thinking. When equipped with a positive attitude, motivation and study skills, one will always find it easier to find the right way in the difficult maze of career and education.

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

What I Think of Homereading

I think that homereading is important and a good way to educate. Finding a good book to read is not only interesting entertainment but a good way to learn. I think that homereading is necessary for those who want to learn English. Everyone should read books if they have free time. Reading is one of the best things to do in your free time. It is very exciting to read a good book. There are many categories of books: fantasy, romantic, fiction, nonfiction, action, adventure, historical, children's ­and teen's books, biography, educating books, cooking books. The genre of the book depends what the reader likes to read about. I think that everyone can find something interesting for themselves, they just need to search. These days it is easy to find books, the library is full of books and there are many webpages where reader can read e-books online. Reading is not only fun and entertaining but it also improves your writing skill. From books

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Word 2010


Informaatika → Majandusinformaatika
38 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Estonia

Although, in recent years peoples knowledge about recycling and using eco-friendly products have improved, there are more landfills in Estonia than ever before. The government should take some actions and instead of talking about recession, they should improve recycling programs or take into use some new ways. Environment problem in Estonia is also water pollution. Big factories let their waste run into the rivers without cleaning it and farmers use man-made fertilizers. Their action is spoiling groundwater. Garbage wrong recycling also affects groundwater quality, because when it rains then bacteria from landfills will be washed to the groundwater. Before Tallinn citizens can drink their water, it has to pervade 15- hour cleaning process. Environmental problems don't affect our lives yet, but we have to think about it. People think that they can't make a difference, but it is wrong. Every person has to save our environment, because those little things can make a difference

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Eestikeelne ilukirjandus 18. sajand

Eestikeelne ilukirjandus 18. saj Joanna Juuse 10. klass Eestikeelse ilukirjanduse algus  Raamatukeele traditsiooni jätkasid paljud 18. sajandi jutukirjanikud, kelle teostest sai alguse eesti ilukirjanduse keel  Eesti poolilmalik jutukirjandus tekkis 1730.-1740. aastatel. Tollased raamatud kandsid pietistlikku meeleparandusvaimu ning olid vagatseva ja noomiva hoiakuga  Pastor Albert Anton Vierorthi „Wiis head jutto…“ (1740)  Esimene eestlase loodud luuletus on Puhja köstri ja kooliõpetaja Käsu Hansu 1708. aastast pärinev kaebelaul „Oh! ma waene Tardo Liin”. See räägib Tartule Põhjasõjas Vene vägede läbi osakssaanud kannatustest, mida autor tõlgendab kui Jumala karistust linnakodanike patuelu eest. Wiis head jutto Ühhe Öppetaja ja usklikko Tallopoia wahhel : Nende Juhhatamisseks üllespandud, Kes süddamest püüdwad uskudes ja Jummalat J...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Cuban missile crisis

Why was the USSR interested in helping Cuba? A Communist state A good launch base for the USSR Nikita Khrushchev wanted to test the strenght of John F. Kennedy and force him to bargain over the US missile in Europe What happened? Photos of missile sites on Cuba were taken by spy planes, October 14, 1962 Photos revealed to the Us the day after President Kennedy formed the EXCOMM (Executive Committee of the National Security Council) Possible courses of action 1)Do nothing 2)Diplomacy 3)Warning 4)Blockade 5)Air strike 6)Invasion The responses were considered and ExComm started making the choice between an air strike and a naval blockade. Blockade On October 19 ExComm chose the blockade option. The choice provoked the USSR President Kennedy blockaded Cuba on October 21 Speech to the nation President Kennedy gave a nation-wide speech on October 22 announcing the discovery of the missiles and describing the plan.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


EDWARDS'I SÜNDROOM Referaat Pärnu 2008 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS..........................................................................................................3 1. EDWARDSI SÜNDROOM.....................................................................................4 2. SÜMPTOMID..........................................................................................................5 LISAD..........................................................................................................................6 KOKKUVÕTE.............................................................................................................7 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS......................................................................................8 SISSEJUHATUS Valisin geneetilise haiguse referaadi teemaks Edwardsi sündroomi, sest see tundu...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
37 allalaadimist

Margus Konnula (Contra)

Kui võimu saamas on sügis Ja oktoober on täiega jõus Septembri ta minema trügis Me oleme kõigega nõus Sest kätte on jõudnud oktoober Ja saladus peitub veenõus Okeisid täis on ju toober Näe emajõel on üksik aerutaja Näe Emajõel on üksik aerutaja Viis minutit ta edestab peagruppi Kuid peagi kostab kaldalt naerukaja Sest liider keerab paadi prauhti uppi Küll mees kes praegu vetevalda läks on Olümpialgi me suurim kullalootus Kuid mis meil sellest tegelikult action On siingi võistluses me põhiootus Erki Nool Kui ma oleks Erki Nool Võidaks kõiki igal pool Aga ma ei ole Erki Lati kohale ei kerki Igal katsel lähen alt Aga ma ei ole Erki Odakaar ei jäta märki Neljasadat jooksen sörki Pooltteist kilti katta ma Suudan vaid jalgrattaga Kui ma ainult oleks Erki Seda kümnevõistlusvärki Lausa kinnisilmi teeks Kuid ma pehme nagu keeks Tunnustused 2001. aastal Bernard Kangro kirjanduspreemia kogutud luuletuste "Suusamütsi tutt" eest. 2007

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Huvitavat Eesti 21. sajandi popmuusikas

Huvitavat Eesti 21. sajandi popmuusikas Hakates rääkima popmuusikast, tsiteeriksin esmalt maestro Rein Rannapit : ,, Popmuusika on tänapäeval väga killustunud ja nisistunud. " Nii see on. Suurest popmuusika mõistest on saanud mitmetahuline pillimees, kes seob tavalise popiga palju teisi stiile. Alustuseks tooksin näiteks anasambli HU ? . Võimalik, et HU? esimene hitt ,, Absoluutselt " ütleb bändi kohta rohkem kui tegelik nimi. Tegemist on väga huvitava koosseisuga, millesse kuuluvad laulja Hannaliisa Uusma, DJ Critical ja Leslie Da Bass. Ansambli laulud on tekitanud üpris palju vastuakaja kuulajate poolt. Mõnedele meeldib see tänu teatud minimalismile, mõned jälle tunnevad ennast solvatuna tänu laulusõnadele. Lugedes ja vaadeldes laulusõnu leiame sealt ainult tõde. Kindlasti on olemas meeleheitel tüdruk, kellele ei helistata ja kelle poole ei vaadata isegi siis, kui ta nädalaid ilusalongis veeda...

Muusika → Muusika
147 allalaadimist

Osoon ja osoonikiht

Osoon ja osoonikiht Sissejuhatus Osoon ja osoonikiht on ühiskonnakaup, mille tarbimises on näha ratsionaalse majandusinimese tegutsemise tagajärgi. Algselt kasutusele võetud osooni tekitavad ja osoonikihti lagundavad ained näisid ohutud, nende valmistamine soodne ja kasutamine mugav. Kuid pärast pikaaegset kasutusolekut on teadlased jõudnud järeldusele, et kemikaalid kahjustavad looduslikke protsesse ning tekitavad inimorganismile kahju. Osoon Osoon koosneb kolmest hapniku aatomist. Päikese ultraviolettkiirgus lagundab osoonimolekulid aatomiteks, mis seejärel ühinevad teiste hapnikumolekulidega jälle osooniks. Atmosfääris toimuvate protsesside käigus laguneb ja tekib osoon kergesti. Osoon on ebastabiilne gaas ja teda kahjustavad ja lagundavad eelkõige lämmastikku, vesinikku ja kloori sisaldavad keemilised ühendid. Osoonikiht Osoon moodustab Maa ümber efektiivse kaitsekilbi, mis on õrn ja kergesti purustatav. See paikneb 20 kuni 50 ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
4 allalaadimist

Referaat: Muusikateraapia

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Rakvere Kolledz Õpetajakoolituse osakond AP2 Liis Lillepea MUUSIKATERAAPIA Referaat Juhendaja: Kristi Kiilu Rakvere 2011 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus......................................................................................................................................3 2. Mõisted.............................................................................................................................................4 3. Muusika erinevate elementide mõju inimese psüühikale ja füüsisele..............................................5 4. Muusikateraapia vormid...................................................................................................................6 5. Muusikateraaapia lähtekohad töös leinava lapsega..........................................................................7 6. Teraapia põhieesmärgid..................

Pedagoogika → Alushariduse pedagoog
83 allalaadimist

Drugs and addiction

maintenance. Treatment programs can be successful in treating the addiction. Without treatment, active drug addicts often end up dead, incarcerated, or in institutions. Behavioral addiction Behavioral addiction is a form of addiction which does not rely on drugs or alcohol. Increasingly referred to as process addiction or non-substance-related addiction behavioral addiction includes a compulsion to repeatedly engage in an action until said action causes serious negative consequences to the person's physical, mental, social, and/or financial well- being. One sign that a behavior has become addictive is if it persists despite these consequences. 2. Drug addictions The most problematic drug addictions among teenagers nowadays are smoking, drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Smoking Smoking is the practice where tobacco is burned and the resulting smoke (consisting of particle and gaseous phases) is inhaled

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Ctrl-S Save Salvestamine Ctrl-T Increase Hanging Indent Lõigu teiste ridade taande laiendamine Ctrl-U Underline Alljoon sisse/välja Ctrl-V Paste Kleepimine lõikelauast kursori kohale Ctrl-W Close Dokumendi sulgemine Ctrl-X Cut Valitu lõikamine lõikelauda Ctrl-Y Repeat action Toimingu kordamine Ctrl-Z Undo action Toimingu tagasivõtmine Ctrl-Esc Start menu Start menüü avamine Ctrl-+ Superscript Ülaindeksiks / tagasi Ctrl-= Subscript Alaindeks / tagasi Ctrl- - Optional hyphen Pehme poolitus Ctrl-> Shrink font Fondi suuruse vähendamine

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
1 allalaadimist

Arvuti mängud

et kokku on segatud iseloomulikke elemente ühest või enamast populaarsest liigist, näiteks märuli-rollimängud nagu Diablo, Vagrant Story ja Baldur`s Gate: Dark Alliance. Järgnevalt räägin mänguliikide üldlevinud lühendid ja kasutatavad ingliskeelsed sõnad ning toon tuntumaid näiteid iga stiili kohta. 3 1. Peamised mängukategooriad 1.1. Action ehk märulimängud Märulimäng on ehk kõige algsem mängustiilidest ja kindlasti on ta ka mängude valikult kõige laiem. Märulimänge iseloomutab mängimine, millel on suur rõhk tegevusel, mida mängija peab teostama reaalajas. Märulimängud on enamasti üsna jõhkra sisuga ning lastele neid mängida ei soovitata. Minu arvates võiks iga täiskasvanud inimene või teismeline seda stiili proovida, sest selle kategooria mängud pole pead pööritavalt rasked ning mis

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
39 allalaadimist

Sagedamini esinevad terviseprobleemid reisimisel

Sagedamini esinevad terviseprobleemid reisimisel Andra Pant, NT12 Video: ,,Travel Tips 101" Reisikohvrit pakkides peaks kindlasti arvesse võtma mitmeid asjaolusid. Nii on enne reisi vaja mõelda ka tervise peale ning aegsasti välja selgitada reisil esineda võivad terviseriskid. Kui reisilemineja on täiesti terve, piisab reisiks valmistumiseks kuust-paarist ka eksootilisse paika reisides. Kui reisija põeb mingit kroonilist tõbe, mida peab pidevalt ravimitega ohjama (näiteks diabeet või hüpertooniatõbi), peaks...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
7 allalaadimist


Kahepaiksed Referaat SISUKORD sisukord.......................................................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................3 KAHEPAIKSED.........................................................................................................................4 Kahepaiksed Eestimaal............................................................................................................4 Ohustatus Eestis......................................................................................................................5 Kahepaiksete kaitse.................................................................................................................6 Kahepaiksete esinemine Balti regioonis.................................................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
23 allalaadimist


million a year to the research budget. 3M on 25 kõige enam patente omava ettevõtte seas maailmas ­ 11 neist 25-st on Jaapani, 10 ameerika ja ainult 4 Euroopast. Ettevõte kulutab oma 6,5% kogumüügist uurimisele ja arendusele, peaaegu topelt ameerika keskmisest. Ja see on tõusnud 4,5%-lt 1980-ndate aastate algusest. Kasv ­ osa vastusest vähemsäravale tulemusele 80-nendate keskel ­ lisas mitte-ebaolulise 200$ miljonit aastas uuringute eelarvesse. European action Tegevus euroopas 3M sees its future as lying increasingly outside the United States. Europe accounts for some 30% of the company's worldwide sales and one-quarter of its employees. That puts 3M among the 300 largest companies in Europe. 3M näeb oma tulevikku kasvavalt laiumas väljaspool Ameerika Ühendriike. Euroopa vastab oma 30% ettevõtte ülemaailmsest müügist ja ühele neljandikule töötajaskonnast. See viib 3M- i 300 suurima ettevõtte hulka Euroopas.

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
19 allalaadimist

Rassism - essee

I think it never will be solver or taken for notice enough .It will improve a lot,but it has been taking place over the world,especially in USA for so many years that it seems almost impossible to just forget about it.Or are many people disturbed by the facts and the history what happened to black people.It's possible. So what can we do to stop it nowadays? Nothing.Racism cannot bechanged by just one person.The whole world should change their way of looking at things and take action on the problems,and its not about just about racism its about other global issues too.

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on 30 November 1874 at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. His father was the prominent Tory politician, Lord Randolph Churchill. Churchill attended the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, before embarking on an army career. He saw action on the North West Frontier of India and in the Sudan. While working as a journalist during the Boer War he was captured and made a prisoner-of-war before escaping. In 1900, Churchill became Conservative member of parliament for Oldham. But he became disaffected with his party and in 1904 joined the Liberal Party. When the Liberals won the 1905 election, Churchill was appointed undersecretary at the Colonial Office. In 1908 he entered the Cabinet as president of the Board of

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Vahearvestuse kordamisküsimused

Keskkonnafilosoofia- ja eetika. Kordamisküsimused vahearvestuse jaoks. Arvestus 27.10.08 1. Mis on filosoofia? Eetika? Metafüüsika? Epistemoloogia? (Milliste küsimustega tegelevad) Millega tegeleb keskkonnafilosoofia? Mille poolest erineb keskkonnafilosoofia muudest keskkonnaga tegelevatest teadustest? Millal sai keskkonnafilosoofia alguse, mispärast ja kus? Milliseid olulisi teoseid ja autoreid keskkonnafilosoofiast oskad nimetada? Kes on keskkonnaeetika distsipliini eelkäijad, Euroopas, Ameerikas? Kuidas mõista Schweitzeri printsiipi ,,aukartus elu ees"? vt ka Vaher, A.; Keskpaik, R; Keerus, K. 2008. Saatesõna kogumikule Keskkonnaeetika võtmetekste. Vaher, A.; Keskpaik, R.; Keerus, K. (Toim.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus, lk.7-16. Pdf: metekste.pdf 2. Brown, Lester; Flavin, Christopher; French, Hilary jt. 1999. Maailm aastal 1999, Tallinn: St...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
153 allalaadimist

Kodused puhastusvahendid

dussikabiini ja WC poti. Eemaldab hästi ära ka katlakivi ja seebijäljed. Ja oleme ostnud mõlemat sellepärast ,et vahest müüakse neid kaks ühe hinnaga. Veel on meil puhastusvahend Belizna mis koosneb põhiliselt kloorist. Sobib WC poti ja dussialuse puhastamiseks kuna ta on tugev ja puhastab hästi. Kuigi lõhnab väga vängelt. Põranda puhastusvahendid Põranda puhastamiseks kasutame me Vanish OXI Action Stain Removerit, millega saab puhastada vaipasi ja pehmet mööblit. Kuna meil on naturaalne puidust põrand siis on põranda peal vaip ja siis on sellega hea puhastada kuna ta võtab väga hästi plekid ära. Ostma oleme hakandu seda sellepärast ,et kunagi kukkus toit mööbli peale ja seda sai proovitud ja võttis kenasti toiduplekid ära. Nõudepesu vahend Nõude pesemiseks oleme me aastaid kasutanud Fairyt. Fairy teeb oma töö nii ära nagu

Keemia → Keemia
14 allalaadimist

Annely Peebo

Annely Peebo Isiklikku · Neiuna Anne Sarv · Sündis 16.novembril 1971, Võhma linnas · Eesti ooperilaulja (metsosopran) · Poegi Leon (6) ja Lauri (3) Annely Peebo elust · Lõpetanud Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli koorijuhtimise erialal (1990) Elo Kaarepere juhendamisel · 1994. aastal alustas ta kammer- ja ooperilaulu õpinguid Gerhard Kahry juhendamisel Viini Muusika- ja Draamakunsti Ülikoolis · Samas õppis ka lied'i ja vokaalsümfooniliste suurvormide esitust Kurt Equiluzi juures ning töötas ooperiklassis Kurt Malmi ja Uwe Theimeri juhendamisel · Aastatel 1990­1994 laulis Peebo Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkooris (sh ka solistina) dirigent Tõnu Kaljuste juhatusel ning osales kooriga kontserdireisidel Ameerikas, Austraalias, Jaapanis, Norras, Itaalias, Austrias, Saksamaal, Soomes, Rootsis, Hollandis, Belgias ja mujal · 1997. aastal sai Annely Peebost Viini Rahvusooperi solist · Samal aastal debüteeris ta Viini Riigiooperis...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

The A-team

The A-team Story The A-Team is an American action adventure television series about a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel who work as soldiers of fortune, while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn`t commit". A-Team was created by writers and producers Frank Lupo and Stephen J. Cannell (who also collaborated on Wiseguy, Riptide, and Hunter) at the behest of Brandon Tartikoff, NBC's Entertainment president. Despite being thought of as mercenaries by the other

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems

Environmental Problems and Sustainability The environment is our physical surroundings. This includes both human (man- made), social and physical (natural) features. Natural features include soil, the atmosphere, vegetation and wildlife. Human features include things such as culture, language and political systems. Geographers are concerned about human action in the environment. Human interference with the environment causes problems such as soil erosion, global warming and acid. You may ask how we as individuals can have an impact on the environment. Our actions can help to increase the problems highlighted above. For example turning off lights that are not being used helps to reduce global warming. Until recently, concern about the environment revolved almost exclusively around local and national problems

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun